TITO, OREGON STATESMAN: WEDNESDAY. ATRIL 24. 101S r r r Vhere Efficiency Is Highest There you will find glsses being worn, to correct the slightest er 'ror. 8l8sM relieve eye strain and conserve nervous enrgy. We guarsnU to fit your eyes correctly. ' , HARTMAN BROS. CO. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS State and Liberty Streets. QUA MTV - SKRVK: , PRICE - BORN RAUCH To Lieutenant and Mrs. Cloyd Rauch at the Tacoma Gen eral hospital, Tuesday, April 23. at 5:28 o'clock, a son, weight eight pounds, to he called Cloyd Dixon Rauch Jr. Doth mother 'and habr are dotnz nicely. Mrs. Rauch, who was Mis Kexina Lone before her marriage, a local high school teacher, joined Lieutenant Rauch near Camp Lewis last fall. The Rauchs have a home on Fir street, Fairtnount bill, in Salem. CITY NEWS SAUNDERS To Mr. and Mrs. Den nis Saunders, 1240 North 21st . street, , Salem, Oregon. April 23, 1318, a' son. Mr. Saunders is an employee of the State hospital. , GRAND Cherrlan Minstrels. OREGON State street near O. E. depot. 'Home 'of Artcraft and Paratnoont pictures. Love Me," featuring Dorothy Dalton. LIBERTY L ! State. Frankly n '"The Rough Lover. BLIGH SUte ertv and High. Bluebird, films. Special film. "The-Eyes of the World,, by Harold Bell Wright.- gram to be given by tha Junior Red jross at Middle Grove. Thursday night at 8 o'clock. I. O. O. P. Attention ' Ninety-ninth anniversary program. Aauret?3 iy j. k. weainerrorn or Al bany, and presentation of Veteran Jewels by Dr. W. T. Williamson of Portland. Sneelat ihiikIp All Odd Fellows, Rebeccas and their friends invited. Wednesday, April Z. DIED DRUNDIDGE In Salem, at the Will amette sanatarium, Monday night. April 22. 1918, Mrs. Emma Drun didge, 46 years old. Mia. Brundidge died on her birth dav. She is survived by her hus band and nine children. The hus band is Nathaniel Drundidge of Urooks. The children are Mrs. A: Chrisotto. Mrs. Maud Tirom and Ivan Ibcrty near! Farnam. In between Lib- 4 , , Mutual and I SPRING JLMEHTS Relieved by a Good Medicines-Forty Years of Success. ' People still take Hood's Sarsapa rllla' because it is an fid family friend, ha proved lt merit. to three (fenera tion in purifyln and enrichtnjr the Mood, exjeillniT humor, restoring ap petite. rllevln rhum.atlm. and ban lhlnir that tired feellm? eo common at thi time of year. Hood's HarwaparlU 1 the standard Fprlnir medicine, bUod rurlflcr and general tonlr. It originated in a well known IVifton phynician' micreiful prescription, and combines medicinal, root!". Imrk. herb" and lerrles uch a are often prescribed for ailments of the blood, utomach. liver and kidneys. F.uy it in thame style package as .. .. ... . . . i w a. mat in wnicn your mumrr uuukhi . same Rood formula, same line ap pearance, same pleasant taste, same certainty of (rood results. . Your drucKlst knows how much sat isfaction this pood medicine has given. mouth where he Is spending his fur lough. Mr. Burkhead was formerly a teacher In one of the Salem schools. Henry Grabe, of Crawfordsville, Or., was among the . arrivals rn. Sa lem yesterday. W. L. Gasklll and II. Asqlnwall were two citizens of Brooks who vis ited in Salem yesterday. Ford C. Potter, formerly of this city but now located at Sherwood, was registered at the Bligh hotel yesterday. H. C. Seymour, wno is connected with Oregon Agricultural and C W Unr-haueh ira in Pal em working on the post office records. Navy Recruiting orricer J. t. Adams la In Klamath Falls inspect ing posters and other government work along similar lines. Roy Henry Frightfully turned at Silverton Man and Child Seriously Hurt in Automobile Mishap, SILVERTON. Or., April 22. (Special to The Statesman.) Ray Nightengale and a little girl named Sear were seriously- injured and Jes se Taylor con.Mderably bruised last nietat when a Ford car driven by ITaylor Jumped to one Hide of the Last Lecture Today The' last discussion of the' course under the civilian relief department of. Willamette chapter. Red Cross, mill take nlace at 10 o'clock this mernlng at the commercial club. The manual in use oy me department win be? the subject of discussion. It's Worth While v Basket social and attractive pro- llabv lies . With his father in the navy, the passing oi tne s-yca-r-oid son or Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Metcalf of near Brooks Is douhlv sad. The body was taken to Portland yesterday for burial. . The "baby, who died Sunday, was named Harold Hawley Metcalf. Tlrnnriidee of Brooks: Mrs. Osle Rol lins o Oakland. Iowa: Kva. Tneima and Dora Urundidge wno uvea ai borne and Dewey and Eddie Brun didge of Oakland, Iowa. The sons will come from Iowa for the funeral. Mrs. Brundidge- was born in Iowa. The body is at the chape, of Webb & Cloush and funer al announcements will be made later. At Th Court House A comDlaint was filed in the case of Elizabeth Evans against Charles E. Evans, suit for divorce. The couple were married in 1904 and yesterday, nave mree runuiru. i niuuu au-s-es cruel and inhuman treatment. Notice of aDnraisement was filed in "the estate of John Werner, deceased and the hearins date set May 4. Marriage licenses were issued to the following: Charles I. Adams, of Sa lem, and Ella Louise Hillman, of Gervals. and to A. M. Groshong, of Wilhout, and Mary Gaffey, of Mt Angel. was In the city on business jester day. Miss Abbie Walker was over iron Dallas yesterday on a business errand. Mrs. Ruth Andrews, of Jefferson, was among the out-or-town people Jn Salem yesterday. ' ; Mrs. K. A, urauiey caiue in irum Falls City for a brief visit yester day. f. My Savre was down from Sil verton yesterday to spend the day In the city. Mrs. William Uidgeway. of Amity. was among the visitors in tne city SILVERTON. Or., April 22. road near the Hicks corner on the (Specitl to The Statesman.) Roy Silver Creek Fair! road and turned nnrcieu Henry, nreman on aet Miver t aits i Douom siae y. college. Timber company's logging road, was also in the car but escaped without ... A ,. . a i i i . if. TsvIap a4 fHw'nr lis terribly burned Saturday afternoon injury. Mr. Taylor was driving, be L ri , ... . . - I f iL.I wniie rnciKra in puiiing tun in iuc fire box. The explosion of gas in the furnace caused the flames to shoot out. striking him in the left side of the face. He will recover, but it Is likely that he will carry scares the rest of his life. ura at the rate or anoui iweoTy- mlles an hour when somchting went" wrong with the stearlng apparatus. The machine shot out of' the Yoad before the driver could apply Jhe brake or check the speed. It was completelT:wrecked. - -- ' CHERRIAN MINSTRELS THE GREATEST HOME TALENT PRODUCTION SEEN IN i SALEM FOR YEARS WOODRY'S ORCHESTRA i 6 Piece 6 Osea far all eaaaKeaaeata. Hear theat at Anmrr every SilirtaX trhf. yWwy Kit. - - With Our ComDleta IxnilDment Refined services and latest meth ods of embalming, 'twill be a 'Tuner. al beautiful." Webb A Clough Co. Attention Members 'nf Sedrwifk nost.1 You are hereby ordered to meet. at the court bouse Friday, morning, April 26, at 8:30 o'clock to act aa escort to a Doay oi " M aeieet recruits wno win leave lor their training camn at 9:20. All Oth er military organizations are also re quested to be present and assist in ew ortine the boys to the Southern Pacific station. A. B. Hudelson, commander; D.;Webster, adjutant. WlUUf IM SALEM. OOEfa'Oil a ' BLIGT1 HOTEL A Ron Away" from Home. Strictly Modern fUOe Per Day 1M Raeaaa af SalM Caaifart Only MoUl In Business District Vr 1' f. ALTOMOIULE8 Salera Velie Co- Phone 41 CARD At the home of her daughter at 35 Bellevue street. Tuesday night. April 23. 1918. Mrs. Aman da Card, who was 82 years and 6 months old. f Besides her daughter. Mrs. Cath arine Brown, she leaves a son. Levi rrd. who lives in Oakland. Calif. la in survived hv nine arana- thildren and six great grandchildren. Tho funeral will be Held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence of her daughter. Webb & Clough are in charge of tne case. Dr. MendcbwHi! l hark at his office after being confined to his home with sickness for the last few dkys. The doctor is now able to care for his patients. Mm. IV. Addition The National Superintendent of Labor for the W. C. T. U. will be In Salem todav Anril 24" and will speak at the W. C. T. U. hall at 2:30 Oregoi Taxi & Baggage Co. PI: One 77 I Try our Checking System on Baggage. - Claim Check for every parcel handled . " J ; . 5 LAUNDRY QUEEN V7 ASHING LIACHUfE I Buy One 1 At ': Welch Electric Co. - 220 N. Com. 1 Phone 953. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Wt pmr Waheat 9 Hea far hMaa halt a4a a a taaU al very kJa4. People'! Second Hand Store Til N. Cassaaerelal It, rfca T54 5 Uicd Fcrniture Wanted HlSfceat eaan Hf far nae . . faaltare ' E. L. STIFF & SON, Phone 941 or 508 Here Uobb & Cloud's FUNERAL PARLORS Complete Equipment - nodertte Prioei WMSi - Corner Court and High Sta, PIIONE 120 Night or Day Day. phone N'lght phone 930 . . 1898 ;( LARMER TRANSFER EfflcJcncy---Sjecl - - lteKiHmbilllr We will pack, move or $toro your 'goods and guarantee sat isfaction. Rates on Eastern Shipments our specialty. . Piano Moving and Out of Town y'V ; Trips ' WOOD AND COAL V . A 1 57 State Street. 7 Come in and look over the hundreds of all-wool suit pat terns we have in stock. We'll make yon a suit at a surprisingly low price. Order Early SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS. STORE 426 STATE STREET HOITIN At the residence of Her son, W. L. Holstin, near .Moary station in Polk county, Tuesday, April 23, 1918. Mrs. Mary E. HoJ stln.,who had reached the age of 75 years. The family came here a year ago from Washington. Only the one son his mnther. Mrs.- ttoisim was a member of the Woman's Relief rmi .... . . ' ....... A ,tv. (nnnni vi ini nein wmurrun X uc I i j v. - - - ortornoon at 2 o'clock rrom tne cna- i . v ninlnn pnmnjnT. Rev. r Jk iC . . . T. Porter will be in cuarge or inc servlres. The interment will be In Odd Fellows cemetery. RASMURSEN At her late residence. 318 Miller street, in aaiem. day, April 22. 1918. at 12 p. m.. Mts. Margaret Rasmussen. who was 96 years and 5 months old. Mrs. Rasmussen bad lived in Falem I forty-six years, coming here rroni Denmark wnen sne was u jw She never learned to speak the Eng- lif-h language. Her.nusoana o. ... .v ia .nimtrv lfore she came. She had been ill for only ten days .nrn that time had never been sick in her life. During the greater part of her residence in Salem she . - , a ve- hnme with k son. reis p Ttasmussen. Besides her son,, sne leaves a sister. Mra. Ellen Hansen or liellevue street, lour granut"-- and a great grandchild. V..nor9i will be held this at ttrnoon from the Tarwilliger home ' .wv tiv. W. C. Kantnef will conduct' the services and burial will be in City View cemetery. Rev. John Ovall leu yesieruaj Seattle. Wash., where he will attend . . . onnfcrmPA of the Metn- ii. . r-niwnnil rhurch. Pacific Mis- widw --- - n ,,.11 sion conference. ir. j. y. Willamette university. Will wtuiij v- in the Scandinavian . . . ,, church, in Salem, next Sunaay, April 28 at 3 o'clock. ' Mri mm.-.. t have a linger piajer yw- ..ht.k t -ni aanHfieA for S5KZ. lis nuitn m ..... ' -.n.n.i trniii i rare onnor n ii unuaus. - -. , unit for an rone wanting a bik" t at a low nrice.. E. a,iau ai. L. Stiff & Son. 44S court si; Vimiiff Main Wantenl To learn nrintlnr trade. Good wages while learning. Apply States man Composing Room, upstairs. Mill To ia On Trin - , Waldo O. Mills, son of J. A. Mills. has written his father from the gov ernment arsenal at Benicia, Calif., L -where he has been stationed since tiletine the ordnance course at Eugene that he has received orders to en on a lone trip. He nad neen MTiwllne orders to ao to Camp Lew is. but the orders Received that he will go In another direction, lie naa expected to visit his wife and par ents in Salem. The Spaulding Logging company Is engaged in opening a , new logging ramn on the uDoer i.uoamute river. Itanid Droeress Is reported on tne stretch of highway running oui irom the fairgrounds toward Pudding riv er, a number of teams being engaged In hauling crushed rocK lor me sur facing . Rnirineer R. D. Cooper, who has teen visiting with relatives here dur ing the vast week, left yesterday tor Burns where ne win dc engagea ior some times on an irrigation project. S. A. Hughes has been Swarded the contract for the brick work on Ho wnnH ii-ntt of the coliseum at the fairgrounds, his bid being for $8870. j He will also have the ce ment contract which Is to be done LKJl ? o w. . r a : Waller, an old time resident of Marion county, who has spent the past eight years in Douglas rouniy. is here visiting his son Bert Waller. He arrived here nuay. Postal Inspectors fc.. t-. tiemeni To Plant Garden ' Qaisni nrinters have adonted con- aerintlon. A committee has been ap pointed to draft the services of mem bers or the local union to wore in tVia nrlntera' war earden at Center and Statesman streets. The ground haa hpn nrenared and the seed will be planted and the weeds warded, orf hv the fortv-five members of the onion In Salem. ' , Cabbacw Contracts Wanted n h r.iHeon stolz Co.. for sauer kraut purposes. Experienced growers preferred. Prices on application. Doctor White Diseases of Women and Nervous Diseases SOfi United SUtes National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon v m. TlMnhiMt rat ini The Original "U?z " mre pain Aluminum cooking utensils, Salem Hardware Co. Tomorrow. Friday and Saturday. Go To It. Raya Tnraeiw. a ' Soma man In ForUna wrote to . A Turner of Salem. . He said: "I un derstand that you have two vacant lots in Irvlngton. What's the chance ror me to use them for war garaeo He did not offer to w for -their n At the bottom of the letter Mr. Turner wrote in reply. "Anything to lick the kaiser, uo to n.- Auto Robes ., A good assortment, a to fi..... iiintMi Store. IT" pom rnmmercial street, south of Ladd & Bush bank. Protracted Colds Very Harmful Don't let your bad cold or La Grippe hang on until it undermines, your general health. Break np the cold in 24 hours. Schaefer'i Cold Tab let will do the trick. ' Mildly laxative. 25c Bottle SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE 135 N. Commercial St. ; . - -J ... ? 1 r : HILLY LEKCUEN Comedian E. COOKE PATTOX "Man of ilystery" Grand Opera House TONIGHT Chorus of 30 Male Voices Under personal direction of John W. Todd, in the very latest Patriotic and Comic Song Hits Patton'i Great Mystic Novelty "NIGHT IN SPOOKVILLE". PRICES 25c to $1X0 . v i Seats on Sale Opera House Pharmacy ENTIRE NET RECEIPTS "TOR WILLAMETTE CHAPTER FOR OUR I WANT SACKS AMD RAGS I pay the highest cash price. Before rou sell get my prices I also buy all kinds of second hand furniture and junk. . V The Capital Junk Co. The Square Deal House. 271 Chemeketa St. Phone 308 SOLDIER BOYS Fitall AdjusUble Toilet Kits 75c to $2.50 Auto Strop Safety Razor Kits. Contains Razor, Strop, 12 blades and trench mirror Price $5.00 . Trench Picture Frames .- 65c ' . Trench Mirrors, each .... 50c Combination Trench Mirror, Nail File and Comb. . . . .90c "Collarjsible Drinkinff Cups with Leather Case, 65c, 75c BREWER DRUG COMPANY Court St. at Liberty Phone 184 Iee Canfleld. prestaeni oi uc a f Karher examiners, and piai w . vn. Amhera of the board were at The Dalles Monday where tbejr clos ed one of the stoops ai inn pi.ee cause of Its unsanlUry condition. Tne r th. hnn will be allowed to re-open a shop if he obtains an--,v': iV.,.in Mr. Canfleld spent "l"ri.;rr ; Kher dan. WHlamma. vrniciu; fc - , .,n nu nther nlares in tne flley on business connected with .tne board's work. Imimrlint To WOTTlel " - . ....(!. mm Spain Aluminum Ware. Salem Hrd: waic vv - Saturday. , V 1 . Chnt III TiF i u.,. r Ttennett. son oi Air. v .. ..-- Mrs. I. D. Bennett, wno live on rouir 9 north of Salem, was snoi in w lee by accident at Ixng Island April tc .a ii in a aaval bosDital there. areordlne to information in a iciier to the parents from inc menirBl ri -1 1. tkWA fT inn nURLMlAI a s I Ii rr in vnv. - - - . ka fAmnvpd to a Tioftpitai in Ilrooklyn for an X-ray examination, although the wound was not consid ered dangerous. Murer Piano i t. tTT.n Slncer nlarer piano ,v i .,111 aapHfire for 1562. It's an unusual barfyiln a rare oppor tunity for anyone wanting a hian trade Inrtrument at a low pnre. v. I Stiff St Son, 4 46 Court bl. CanYouBeatlt? $1.50 per cwt. for Cast Iron 85c per cwt for Stove uasi $1.00 per cwt. Ior iron, sieet Have , you anything in hat Une7 No 1 Sacks, 15c each Dispose of it now Bring it to us It's a matter of dollars in your interest to do so. WESTERN JUNK CO. ' i Salem's Leading Junk Dealers Corner of Center and Court Phone 706 Watch for announcement on Sunday. Riverby Eugene Asparagus NO TOUGH ENDS, NO WASTE. YOU EAT. XT ALL 20c pound. 2 for 35c CaUfornia'Aspara 10c bunch Eating Apples - "25c, 35c and 40c dozen " ; " T'- Yellow Newtown Apples, per box .$2.50 ROME BEAUTIES ........... i $2.75 GRAPE FRUIT, CALIFORNIA, 3 for. L . . . . . . ..... 125c GRAPE FRUIT. FLORIDA, each '..'."... .17. . 10c ROTH GROCERY CO; The Telegraph System of The Human Body Kvery artlon of every orpan of the body Is dictated by a'hicae from the' brain a mware which passes from the brain OTerthe nerve fiires through the spinal column. If the Fiiinarord Is'Im pl?ned by the vertebra of the bac kbone tbe riK-ssag. s are. shut off. ChIropractor3 remove these Jmpisnnients thus restoring the uv ami. Dr. O. L. SCOTT, tlllKOritACrH'-snNOfctJGlST Itooms (KV-T-, V. S. National IVink RaildinS. J. Office Flume 7. IteIdence; Mione 828R. liT-ter IVnnine llotno rtt-r Kfiendinc several months in an eastern cantonment. Lester Tear- .nin t hark In Salem on a ruriougn is vlkitina at tne notne or nm nnitior. Airs. V. U. I'earmine wno lives on route 8, north ofbaleai Vminr Pearminc has recently re- rovered from an attack of pneumon la. -- . ' t'anl of Thanks We desire to tnanic an wno w.i .n lrinri and neiDim id u ai death of our, wife and iutber. the time when we are bo mucti in neeu oi sympathy. And to those wno sans and for the many beaulliul flowers and the kindness of many friends. . c. W. Iianrer, nusnana. Ieslie V. Dancer, wife, son and daughter. I PERSONALS I CI. A. Ituikhead. who Is holdrnc . . . . , At . . i m trmnn m insirnnor in imp man- falanrf naval school, wis In the city t T T T t t wiiMJ? aire? mm 4 JK Buy 3rd Liberty Loan Bonds ThU Space ratHti-ally Contribute! b Kails Uiiy-Salem i.umitrr co. V V t -Y V Y Y Y Y Y v t yesterday, running over from Mon- "8 . '-A : -r " -