TIIE OREGOX STATESMAN WEUXESDAY. APRIL 24. 1918 Oregon Ihsued Daily Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PITBL18HIXG C03LPANY 2 IS 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. MEMBER OP THE - The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it ana also the local news published herein. R J. Hendricks.: Stephen A. Stone. Ralph Clover. j. VT. C Sqnler ...t Frank Jaskoskl DAILY STATESMAN, set red by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 16 cents a week, 60 cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, br mail, $ a yer: $3ffor sir months; 60 cents a month. For three months or more, SUNDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year; ' three months. WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In Fridays, f 1 a year; 60 cents for TELEPHONES: Business Office, 22. Circulation Department, 682. Job Department, 683. Entered" at the Postoffice in Salem, J As the war proceeds, England is becoming more and more an example of state socialism. The government is now opening na tional kitchens, in order that the people may have good and well tpokJbd food fit low cost- There were, up to a month ago, 250 of these national kitchens in operation, and it was expected that 2000 would be doing business within three months. At the open ing of one of these national kitchens, the queen sent a message, expressing her interest, because she. thought they would be of great service to the country during the food difficulty. One of the speakers at the opening of this particular kitchen expressed the hope that when people got accustomed to them, and found that they could get food cheaper and better cooked, and with less trouble in home life, the "habit would be permanently establish ed. " The war is changing many things. Will one of its results ' be the bringing in of the time when all food will be bought and prepared under government direction t - ' The age of heroes has not passed. They are more numerous by far in proportion to the whole population than ever before. "When volunteers were called for in the British navy to go into the jaws of death and attempt to block the entrance tq. Zeebrugge, the German submarine base, many more offered themselves than could be taken. - ; ; ; a A vote for Governor "Withycombe on the 17th of next month will be a vote to keep Oregon in the lead in all patriotic endeavor. No one doubts the patriotism of Oregon's chief executive. lie is a-splendid war dovernor.- ' , , ,v ; Hindenburg hesitates. He cannot see his way through. . In factr there is no way through, or over or under. It is a stone wall, growing- daily in strength. OREGON'S PATRIOTIC RECORD , VOLUNTEER ENLISTMENTS Oregon First of All States Highest troportion of TAluntary enlistments to draft quota of any state, 90.11 per centleavlng only 717 to be chosen under first selective draft, the smallest number as well as the smallest proportion of any state. , ., Quotas of 22 of 28 counties entirely filled br voluntary enlistments; enly 10 8. other counties in. entire United States entitled to same distinc tion; in no state were as many county quotas filled by voluntary enlist ments as in Oregon. - . "' . - FIRST LIBERT.Y LOAN Oversubscribed 21 per cent Quota 29 -COO.000; 16.716 subscriptions. $11,802,900. SECOND LIBERTY LOAN Minimum Quota Oversubscribed 40 per eent Minimum quota. $18,000,000; maximum quota. $30,000,000; 67, 314 subscripUons, $25,248,400; 24 of 38 counties exceeded minimum Quotas; three counties, Benton, Union and Wallowa, exceeded maximum --quotas. . ... 9 THIRD LIBERTY LOAN Oregon First State In Union to go over the top In making its quota. Every banking city in Oregon made its quota.- . : . . - FIRST Y. M. C. A. WAR FUND Oversubscribed 22 per cent Quota. $30,000; subscribed. $28,748.33. Z FOOD CONSERVATION 92 per cent of families signed pledge cards. 136,784 of 148.251 families. ' FOOD PRODUCTION 46 per cent Increase of Winter wheat acreage. SECOND Y. M. C. A. WAR FUND Oversubscribed 33 per cent Quota. $300,000; subscribed. $393,993.84. . ' .. FIRST RED CROSS WAR FUND Oversubscribed 7$ per cent t QuoU, 8600.000; subscribed, 81.038.653.36. . RED CROSS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Minimum Quota Oversubscribed 140 per cent Quota, minimum. 100,000 members; maximum. 240,000 members; obtained, 240,633; highest proportion to population of any state. - . , KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WAR FUND Oversubscribed 29 per cent .Quota, 375.000; subscribed. 397,000. - ARMENIAN AND SYRIAN RELIEF FUND Subscribed 100 per cent "-QuoU, $160,000; subscribed, $150,000; drive not completed in all coun ties. , v ...S!R CAMP COMMUNITY FUND Subscribed 100 per cent QuoU, $25,000; subscribed. $24,920. ; . - ' T. W. C. A. WAR FUND Portland Oversubscribed per cent Quota, $50,000; subscribed, $43,384.55; reports from several counties lacking; Portland oversubscribed $25,000 quota 6 percent WAR LIBRARY FUND Oversubscribed 150 per cent QuoU. $8 000 subscribed. $19,965.1$; highest proportion of any state. BOY 8C0UTS Subscribed 100 per, cent QuoU, $25,000 a year for three years; subscribed In full, to exact amount. ' ,8AVAT1ClN ARMY WAR FUND Oversubscribed 28 per cent QuoU. Portland only $25,000; subscribed. $32,000; state drive not undertaken .' yt. . Hope the brave British tars suc ceeded in tbfeir attempt to Hobsontze the submarine base at Zeebrugge. Guatemala Is now In the . war. How many now? Most people have lost the count. ; If Germany pushes Holland In, it will be bad for Holland, but fatal tu Germany's hopes of winning, the wsr. , ,:: No more chaplains needed. War department announces It has all it can use." Headline. In one respect, 100 per cent efficiency is scored for our war machine. ; Col. House's Impression that "the great handicap of many statesmen Is their ( love of talking for effect coincides -with that of many otbfcr observers. 8 In , LADD & BUSH, Bankers ' The Third Liberty Bond Sale Will Begin April 6th. One of our Teller will be stationed in our Lobby to -explain to those wish itg information and to receire Liberty Bond Subscriptions. Statesman ASSOCIATED PRESS or not otherwise credited in this paper '.. Manager .Managing Editor .Cashier Advertising Manager Manager jod uept. paid In advance, at rate or s a year. 60 cents for six months; 26 cents for two six-page sections, Tuesdays and six months; z 5 cents tor tnree montns, Oregon, as second class matter. The farmers are using all thtir Hooverlzed daylight, and then some. To the American dead in the land of the lilies, all honor and unfading memory. They have fought the good fight; they have kept the faith. The present movement of troop abroad Is the heaviest in the history of the great war. The curtain of censorship is over it all, but the hearts of Americans wilt be cheered by the glorious news. It is proposed to amend the . tax laws so that legacies and bequests for public purposes and for the uso f.f religious, charitable and educa tional Institutions shall be relieved of taxation under the revenue acts of 1916 and 1917. These exemptions were allowed in all previous War- sevenue measures by the govern ment; and they are in line with the policy adopted by all the sUtes of the Union which has InheriUnce tax laws excepting nine, and they are in accord with sound reason and good public policy. THE CURE. What Germany really needs is to be placed In the hospital of nations. Von Tirpitz is a salt-water boll, a pustulent tumor on the nose of the empire; an old-fashioned brtad-and milk poultice would draw him o a head and compel blm to burst. Lu dendorff is a bad case of the meas les. He should be dosed with epsom salts and locked up. Kaiser Bill Is the ver mlform appendix of Germany. Cut him out and throw him away. Los Angeles Times. GERMANY KNOWS. Business interests in Germany are not dazzled by the paper victories cf the Junkers. They know that there Is a day of reckoning, and some of them are already "casting an anchor to windward." Dispatches from Switzerland reveal that German agents have been in the neutral countries gathering up all available paper currency of tbe United States. In some of the neutral .countries American paper was selling as low as 80 cenU on tbe dollar. While the German press has been boasting that American bonds would be worthless and American paper currency with cut value after the war, the flnan ciers have been quietly . hoarding all the American paper they can secure. A dispatch from Geneva to tbe New York Times relates that American paper has advanced from 80 to 33 within the last three weeks by rea son of the German demand. An oc casional flash of lightning illumin ate the gloom that hangs about Germany, revealing the real Germany wmcn tne junaers sees, to aecp from tne allied nations. YES; IT IS HIGH TIME. Exposures of the attempts of Ger man secret agents to foment trouble between this country and Japan, have Lad beneficent results. For the first time 'Xmeircan people are beginning to get 'a dar. view of the Japanese governmnt and 1U foreign policy. One of the results of the closer friendship between the two nations Is the turning over to the United States by Japan of fifty merchant ships. Fifteen have been purchased outright, and charters for thirty-five others have been granted by the Ja panese governmnt A number v of these vessels are. already on their way to San Francisco and others will go direct to the Atlantic coast via the Panama cabal.1 Japan's evidence rf good will should not be lost upon the American people; It Is time for us to discard our yellow spectacles when looking In the direction of Ja pan. Los Angeles Times. Yes; high . time. The people of Japan, ouUide of the yellow news papers of that country, have all along been most friendly to the United SUtes. This friendship dates back to the very beginning of tbe opening of that country to the commerce of the outside world, and it has con tinued unbrokehty to the present - In tbe early time, when an Indem nity was assessed by the foreign nations against Jspan, for firing up on their vessels, the United SUtes gave back 1U part of tbe indemnity, and the Japanese built with the mon ey a breakwaster . In one of their chief harbors, to, commemorate the great showing of kindness and this memorial sUnds there for all time. When the peace meeting was to be held at the close of tne war with Russian, Japan was glad to have the meeting In the United States. There are a thousand ties that bind tbe two countries In friendship, the enumeration of which would take volumes. . ' Japan has remained true, to her friendship, though the United SUtes hss not at all times given her In re turn the credit for good Intentions and honesty that she has by her faithfulness and honesty of purpose deserved. As Americans become more con versant with actual conditions in En i ope and reach a better understand ing of the war alms of the allied democracies the number of consci entious objectors is visibly decreas ing. : , 4 The act providing for enforced con scription exempts from actual mili tary duty persons who were members of the Society of Friends and other icclflsi church organizations. At tha tcecnt annual meeting of the Society of Friends, however, it develop! that a large part of tbe membership was opposed to the military cxemp- - mrvJRW DATfE" April 35 ttr 27 Western Oregon Sun day school convention In Salem. May S. Thursday. Dedication of ChstMso -memorial building. 'May 177 Friday.- Primary nominal las? sIsctioB. June . snd 7 Stats Grsese con vention in Kslem. " Jun SS. Thurftdar Reunion of Ors gon ptonssr association. rorUsnd. " ! THEY GAVE HER VINOL FOR BRONCHITIS And it Cared Her Read Mr. Thayer's Letter West Soraervllle. Mass. I suf ferod from a severe attack of bron chitis, with a terrible cough, no ap petite, no energy, no strength and loss of sleep. The -usual remedies railed to help me, but they gave me Vino! and it restored my appetite. stoppea tne cough and built up my strength so I am able to do my housework again." Mrs. P. B Thayer. We guarantee Vlnol for chronie coughs, colds, bronchitis, because it Is a constitutional cod liver and iron remedy. Formula on every bottle. Em II A. Schafer. Druggist, Salem, and at the best drug store In every town and city in the country. tlon provided In the 'national con scription act. Many leading mem fcers of the organization asserted that tbe Quakers are always ready to do their part In a war waged In defenre of civilization and of one's country. A memorial signed by Ciore than one hundred delegates lecitcs that: "We do not agree with those who would utter sentimental platitudes while a mad dog Is running. amuck, biting .women and children. We believe that wrong Is relative and has de grees; that there are greater things than human life and worse things than war. There is a difference between peace as an end and peace as means to an end. We do not want pcs.ee with ' dishonor or a temporary; peaea with evil. We will not equivo cate with honor or compromise with wickedness. We must rot only so jk to save ourselves from war. but posterity as well, and we must not misUke pictures or the 'names of things for the things themselves. It Ukes two to make peace, but only one to make war." Plainly tbe breed of mlliUnt Quakers, of which General Greene of revolutionary fame was a shining ex cm pie. Is not .yet extinct Even the Fociety of Friends is abandoning tbo doctrine of peace at any price. The minority delegates asked that no ex f inptlon should be made for members of the Society of Friends. They hold that such an exemption Is a reflec tion on the loyalty of their church. When an oppression becomes so Intolerant that a Quaker will fight It has pUlnly parsed humifa limit. This display of patriotism on the pa"t of so many delegates of the national convention of the Society of Friends choold not be disregarded at Wash' ington. To exempt any one from mil iUry service-by reason of his rellg iout scruples savors very much of a onion of church and sUte; It Is re pugnant to the democratic idea that every citizen Is the equsl of every other before the law. That the Quax. ers themselves are divided on the question of militaiy service is proof that one would not be forswearing tis religion in drlng his part to do- fend his country. The fight of de mocracy against despotism Is per sonal to evry citizen of the United States; congress would make no mlv ake In repealing In toto the section of the federsl conscription act which piovides for religious exemptions. I BITS FOR BREAKFAST I Even the tree buds aro shooting. : v v . Waiting is always mother's part s , Amonc the flowers In the war ear. dens are the bleeding hearts. " Show no Quarter to the enemv Invest 'em In Thrift Stamps. m The Dou arias Fairbanks fldrets la a new disease among the women. In SDlte of the rn-ns of th wnrri there is no "fist" in the pacifist m V Jess Willard and Fred Kultnn will fight in' Cuba, it Is sUted. What Is the matter with France? Miss Anne Martin, who Is a candi date for the United States -senate from Nevsda. Is bold enough to ad mit that she is 4 2 years old. S One one naze we hsv the lnwhill scores, an onother the casually' list, on the western front Ileleho. mv masters, this Is a merry world. V It is re nor ted that I ho' Dlvmi.lr games are to be revived after the war. The Russians would make great entranU, for the sprinting races. m It the Germans Insist upon sink Ins;' hospiUl ships, tbe situation might be mended by putting about twenty German officers on each ves sel, with the understanding that It a submarine attacks the vessel, they shall be the last to leave. Exchange S Now that tbe equestrian statute of Frederick the Great has been boxed up and placed in a cellar In Washing ton, it should bo a long time In see ing again the light or day. lis orig inal presenution In 1004 by the kaiser, who was weak on American psychology, was an embarssfng in cident, even for those days. People who wish to see the statute may go to TTerlln, where the original stands In Unter den Linden. COS' WHITE TURKISH I DrSs COVERS I BRASSIERS BATH TOWELS 15 TRIMMED WITH OP ' EinjiSoiDRRY GOOD MATERIAL 25c Pair 25c '49c each 19c each . i ii ii ii """" WOMEN'S BLACK COTTON PETTICOATS II $3.50 values .... $2.89 $3.00 y tines $2.39 $2.75 values. .. .$214 $1.75 values $1.49 $1-50 values $129 $L25 values.... .98c Others at ...94c 't THE ENTIRE , DRY GOODS MEN'S CLOTmNQ and SHOE STOCKS ARE ON SALE AT CLOSING OUT PRICES LJ I A SOCIAL WAvr i By Slersi EllsaWtk IldMte Felicitations are reach ins; Lieuten ant and Mrs. Cloyd Rauch udob the arrival of a son to them yesterday afternoon at 6:28 o'clock at the Ta coma General hospital. The baby weighed eight pounds and according to his officer father has already "re- punrc ior auty." Lieutenant and Mrs. Ranch also have a small daugh ter. The mother was Miss Reglna Rauch. formerly a teacher In the Sa lem high school, before her mar riage.. The babr has been nmMl Hloyd Dixon Ranch. t Miss Gladys Hansel, a aturion nt Willamette university, was Invited to sing at the Y. M. C. A. building In Vancouver. Wash., recently. She has been passing a week-end stay In t oniana. Mrs. K. L. Purvlne and itnrhtr Miss Lora Purvine. wen r-n Itoro In Portland. Mrs. M. K. Mover and little risnrh. ter are passing the week In Portland with friends. Picnicking has strJlriv hornm IK. diversion of many gay little groups. popniar oevy or girls who knit much for the Red Cross took their knitting recently at an evenlnr nle- nic and were entertained at th country place on the Pacific highway oi a relative or one of their mem- neri. In tbe nartr werA th M(um Louise TIenson, Florence Cleveland. u Miner, tieien ana Dorothy Pearce. Lyda and Laura Bell. Miss inez uoitra. Edith Scott. Generis Avison and Laura Miles. Games and music filled th hnnn at a merry party given in honor of Mis Msrle Cook. 185 South Winter street, recently Jn honor pf her six teenth birthday annlvefsarr. a dainty repast wss served with Miss aims uook, a sister of the hostess. ssslstlng.' .Those bidden were the Misses Marrerv Drown. Ier f srd. La vlna Bowman. M-ixine Ruren, Klsle Gilbert. Delia Rawson. Ardlth Kerr. Cella Wilson. Thelma Cook, Marie Cook; Messrs. Wyndham Bu- ren. Herbert Darby. Miller Cooper. Hugh Walker. Wolrott rtnren jrri Smith. Kenneth Powers. Jack f.nrk. or. Philip Elliott and Harold Cook. Memhers and friends are Invited tva get-together meetinr tnnlrht at X o'clock at the United Evangelical church. Cottage and Center street. There will be a social time. Freckles atuf Blotches Are Easily Peeled OH If you are bothered with any cuts neous blemish. a a poor plan t v Plnt. powder or anything; t-lwi to cover 1L VPU ,T ofle" tn, OBlr emphasise, the defect. lMe It's . marh easier to remove the disfigurement with ordl tiarv mercose! wax. Applied niehlly. the wax will sradoallr remove freckles. Pimples, .moth pair hen. liver apot. allow nea,.. red hltchcs or .air rtirfare eruption. The affected cuticle la srtu TuV b,K,rbd- a little eacn day. until t? V',r Mft. J"thful and beautiful Kin beneath is brought wholly to view Ask the druggist for one ounce of mercollzed wax. and ue this like you use cold cream. Kemove In the morn ins; with aoap and water. Uiny wKq have tried this pimple, harmlaa frcat mnt report astonishing results. ' BIO DRIVE ON EMBROIDERIES AND LACES X $6.0aEmb......$2;00 $5.00 Emb VH $3.50 Emb. $1.00 $1.00 Emb,....,S0c 85c Emb......... 39c 18 In- wide Emb. 15c BIO REDUCTIONS ON LACES ' UNDERWEAR AT REDUCED PRICES BEAUTIFUL GOWNS CHEMISE COMBINATION SUITS PETTICOATS All of Splendid Ma terial, Neatly Made . FOR LESS Flag Raising U Planned for Decoration Day SILVERTON'. Or., April 22. (8pe dal to The Statesman) A movement is on foot to have a big Hag raising celebration In this city about decor ation day. At a meeting held In the Methodist church committees were appointed to make the necessary ar rangements for tbe even, A liberty pole 100 feet long has been procured, a flag has been ordered and as -soon as the committee can complete the arrangements for the celebration the date will be announced. r " er f i , '.Mayor L. J.' Adams 'was In Turner and Jefferson Monday In the Inter est of -his candidacy for county JuLje. . Dr. J. W. Welch has been In Wood bu,rn several days eating for bis mother, Mrs. William Welch, who li critically I1L Several young people of Sllverton motored to Salem Saturday evening and attended a dance given there. - Arthur Williams and family mo tored to Portland Saturday and spent Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Harry Van Epps visited her parents in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. White Wilson of Ore gon City visited at the home of P. W. Potter Sunday. FOUXTA1X OP YOUTH j- It Is not a myth, but a reality and women may find It In perfect func tional health.. Women who want to grow old gracefully should guard against all organic weakness and de rangements, and at the first symp tom - of such conditions resort to Lyfia E. Prnkham's Vegetable Com pound, nature's-own root and herb remedy, to restore health. For three generations women of America have depended upon this successful rem edy and have found no other medi- .1 A t t. ' (ins mjuai 11. . ECLIPSK UNDER ORDERS. On the evening before, a solaV eclipse the colonel of a German regi ment of infantry sent for all the ser geants and said to them: "There will be an eclipse of the sun tomorrow.- The regiment will meet on the parade ground in un dress. I will come and explain the eclipse before drill. If tbe sky Is cloudy the men will meet In the drill sbed. as usual." Whereupon the ranking sergeant drew up the following order of the day: "Tomorrow morning, by order of KNITTING YARN Make It easy for every woman in the community to do her bit of knitting for our noble soldier, boys. i Also we can .furnish you with needles of every description, long, short, thick, or thin to -knit for the boys, will help us win. all colors. mrcIUlli .-wr. Skeins Hanks 7.V ami 9f.oo .15c. 4l6 STATC 5T DRESS GOODS $4.00 Value.... $3.49 $3.75 Values... $300 $3.50 Values... $2.78 $3l00 Values 1.42.87 $225 Values... $1X0 $1.95 Values'; . $1.43 $1.65 Values..! $1.37 $1.50 Values... $124 $1.35 Values... $1.00 $1.00 Values..... 79c 90c Values 60c 60c Values.. 49c CORNER COURT AND . COM'L STREET, SALEM the colcnel, there will be an eclipse of the sun.. .The regiment will as semble on the parade ground, where the colonel will come and superin tend the eclipse in person. If the sky Is cloudy the eclipse will take place In the drill shedl Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Dandruff Germs' " " are very small, but' HERPICIDE g2.will find them all J Toilet Articles (Made in Portland) Awarded prizes for purity at all pure food exhibitions. VELVET ?ALM for the face or hands men use it af ter shaving. Vanishing Cream Face Cream Liquid Dres&ing Dry Pow-der Kouge Hair Restorer : Scalp Tonic, Shampoo, etc. i give the famous Xeoplas-, tiaue treatment for instant removal of wrinkles. Also sell Neoplastic supplies, with full instructions. s Phoebe E. Thompson Hairdressins and Beauty Parlors, 223 Hubbard Bid. Salem, Dr. Phone 1021 SAltUVUKtlrur GJil