s THE PRECOX STATESMAN TUESDAY, APRIL, Si, 101 " , i I V fhM: SiK reasons S good friend: CHERRIAN SHOW TONIGHT'S BILL Comic Parade Scheduled for Noon Hour Tickets Sell ; Rapidly : 1 Steadies nerves 2 Allays thirst 3 Aids appetite 4 Helps digestion 5 Keeps teeth clean 6 It's economical FULL MINSTREL CAST Director. John W. Todd. Interlocnter, Dr. H. E. Epley. Sollsts: John W. Todd, John Traeger, Albert Gllle, O. A. Macy. Endmen: Rure White, Billy Lercben, Chas. Knowland, Lew Springer. Chorus: John W. Todd. Wil liam McGIlchrliit, Sr.. J. Frank Hughes. J. V. Humphreys, Frank De Wltte, C. 8. Piper, A. R. Miller, Wan Martin, Elmer Daue, II. W. Bross, Dr. II. C. Epley, John Traeger, Frank V. Durbln. C. E. Albln, O. A. Maey, Albirt II. Gillie, Dan LanpenbergArV. Ouffroy, A. L. Wallace and- S. Barton. Keep the soldiers I Three Flavors sailors suwUed I WSWtD $3? V Chew it after every meal M Flavor Lasts! REGIMENT OF HUNS - " HELD BY PERSHING "(Continued from page 1) SCO.985.000, of which approximately H,210,2o0.000 will be raised by tax ation, .. leaving a .ba'ance cf nearly 110. 630. 733. 000 to be borrowed. Win. S. IN PERSON AT THE S. P. DEPOT 5:42 THIS AFTERNOON and will give a short talk "from tHe Platform - i M i-f. r i h If .b . .Ug&R JIO BILL WILL ALSO BE SEEN IN HIS LATEST PHOTOPLAY THE TIGER MAN AST TIMS TONIQHT STARTING - : TOMORROW Dorothy Dalton : " la ' ' "LOVE ME" The OREGON At the end of the present year the national debt of Great Britain will be about $39,900,000,000, of which $8,160,000,000 will be due to her tim ih nltrl show ' which from her allies. Up to the present m a irfnritnn there will 4 Today Is the day. Do not miss the Cberrian mlnetre! comic parade at noon. Tonight and tomorrow nights at the nights for the big Cherrlan mln strcl performances. Get your tick eta early and avoid the rush. The sale of tlekets at the Opera House drugstore yesterday gare evi dence of big audiences for both Ter romances, so, if yon intend getting good seats,-you had better not de lay In securing your tickets. Fits boxes for the first performance have already been sold to Governor Wftay- eombe. V: J. Fry, K. C Bishop, F. W. Steusloff and T. B. Kay. At both the full orchestra rehearsal at the Elks hall, Sunday afternoon and the dress rehearsal last night wonderful improvement was marked in both olo and'ehorus singing, and the endmen certainly have some joke stunts that will bring down the house. "Doc" Epley, the Interloc utor, Is also "there with bells'' and he is loaded to the guards for any thing that the four funny endmen try to Dull off. Director John W. Todd Is highly elated over the Improvement of all of the Toices. especially in the chor us work and he predicts that the show will be the biggest success of its Vlnd ever put on In the Cherry Citr. The patriotic songs, of which there is a generous portion oft both comedy and sentimental compositions of the latest to.be had, will more than fulfill every expectation on the part of the audiences and the funny work of the endnvenwm elicit no end of side splitting laughter from start to finish. l the tnited tsates, according to a statement by Mr. Bonar Law, has advanced about $4,775,000,000 to the entente nations. , Subjects To Be Dtsemsed be several special features, including the" surprises which "Billy" Lerchen picked up on his travels over the state and signed especfawy for the occasion and the mysterious black face tnonologirt, who will keep the iirifonre in a continual roar of i OdaV in Kornl aChOOll r a "Confidential Chat." His I . . . ,! Vim Stunt 18 SinCUy ongini wuu "" and it will be well worth the price f admission to. the whole show. Last, but by no means the least, will be E. Cooke Patton in his en tirely new and amazing conjuring mrt which he has spent weens m working up and rehearsing and which Following Is the suggested pro gram as arranged for today in the schedule of agricultural and Rural Life week: - 9:00-9:15 Opening e x e r c 1 ses. Songs. A.wF A . J A 1)J mm A mm A A A I k tm Study and'm open the eye. . of the public to i... -i i I hinr hitherto undreamed of in me j a " I lino of mvatic art and legerdemain. wurui lor luuiurruw. - . . . . 9:40-10:05 Intermediate reading. Cooke Is a past master in the art of Selections from JWey. Burroughs, conjuring the spooks t,n8 "J: Muir etc ' tainment under the title of a "Mgbt 10:05-io;30-Advanced reading, in Spookvllie" 1. surely a wondei -and OlrU. "Care" of Food In te IIome;"Mm set m p-u Boys, Agricultural Bulletin, Club Bui letin. Farm Papers, etc, 10:45-ll:05-PrImary numbers. 11:6511:25 Intermediate arith metic Food problems 6 to 10. 11:2511:45 Advanced arithme tic girls, problems aboVe; boys, prob- 1 1 : 4 5 1 2 : 0 0 renronnsh I p, mottoes. , ' ' 1 hoAV in the world it can be done. His catintt, DUHI especially ivr mi -foiSniance, with its paraphernalia and .iinni-nt. includine beautiful and an4rnrlnr lertrlcal effects, have bn tirovlded at great expense but Cooke doeVr not care for the expense when he starts In to do something and the public may be suie that it farm will be done right. m , , , Th costuming or me pnitiHi characters has ben imported eapeo I r .v, .. . 1:0-1:20 Bpelllng. Wordf T- ialiy ror id rpenwnu. w latlnk to iarm animals. 1 : 20-1 r4 6 Primary language. Dramatisation ef story told yestcr- day. ' . . . 1:45-2:15 Intermediate ana aa- p.iinn. Dr. Eoley and Charles Know- land, of the committee, ana me ad orations, furnished and arranged un Hr th direction of C. B. Clancy are very elaborate and beautiful tanred language. Preparation of notn d m . n. . - work outlined yesterday, parane. ai noon 2-15.2 -20 Ringing : " ''. " owlles of fun for the spectators and . . A. L. Wallace. Elmer Daut and Paul 2:45-3:10 Primary nature study. Stege of the parade committee have 3:10-3:25 Intermediate. Oregon pard no pains nor expense to make or Marlon county geography. Have It a big success. l.mI" twn children make booklets In form, of Ai the entire Proceed of tha two map of Oregon or XIarlon county iMfrformances. toalgbt and tomorrow .howlnr on different Dates physical night go to WlUameU Chapter of the WW - - - - - I M . features. DroducfS, etc. 2:X-4:00 Advanced.1 Experi ments dealing with needs and seed testing. See Bulletin, 948. Bed Cross, nobody should fall to at tend at least one or these periorra a nee. Let everybody go. ASK GOVERNORS TO MAKE FRIDAY STATE HOLIDAY - Object Is to Aid Liberty Loan Celebrations Throughout Country HALF OF MONEY RAISED McAdoo Makes Special Re quest That Appropriate Ceremonies Be Held WASHINGTON, April 22. (Lead day loan) All governors were asked today by Secretary IlcAdoo to declare next Friday a -state legal holiday, as President Wilson has proclaimed It a national holiday, to aid tne liberty day celebrations by whU b It Is booed to boost sales of liberty bonds well along toward he $ J,Ouo,00,000 minimum. Just as the nation's offerings of liberty dollars passed $l,500,voo,ooo today, the St. Loul and Minneapolis iruvrat reserve aisinct managers sent word that they Lad exceeded their subscriptions of $130,000,000 and $105,000,000, respectively. . The Minneapolis district record Is considered particularly remarkable. considering that It started its can vass Just a week ago today. By of ficial reports tonight the St. Louis district had subscribed only 93 pr cent of its quota and Minneapolis. 59 per cent. "If April 28 cannot be made a legal holiday," Mr. McAdoo ak4 the governors, "will you not urge that stores and all public places be closed on the afternoon of that day, and that the people in the cities, towns and country districts Join In appro priate ceremonies." , "I . have requested the organiza tions cooperating In the liberty loan campaign to do everything In their power to encourage patriotic demon strations on that day and to promote the success of the liberty loan. May I not also suggest that In your rec lamation you request the mayors and other local-governing authorities to make it a special point to cooperate in their eeveral localities to cele brate liberty day?" To promote, liberty day Secretary Daniels today abandoned plans for making Wednesday a special navy lib erty loan day. He sent a radio mes sage to all ships, shore stations and naval camps all over the world, sug gesting rallies and the. gathering of subscriptions Friday.-- "Let us all pull together and by our subscriptions on that day Indi cate to the world that we are solidly behind our commander in chief and that in neither life nor fortune does the navy place any limit upon its support of the nation's cause." Official reports tonight -' to the treasury, covering business up to this morning, gave the total of loan sub scription as 11.40.555.500, but of ficials said it was certain that reports to be filed later tonight, reporting to day's work, would send the amount far beyond $1,500,000,000. . POPULAR POET : OF COAST DIES LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Slake This Beauty Lotion Clienply tor Vonr Face. Xeck, Arms ( and, Hands. At the cost of a amalf jar of ordi nary cold cream one can prepare VANCOUVER, Wash., .April 22. mil quarter pint of the most wonder- James Barton Adams, newspaper ful lemon akin softener and corn- man and "prose" poet died at bis nlexlon beautlfier. by squeexlng the home here today aged It, of pneu-j. juice of two fresh lemen Into a bot- monla. tie containing three ounce or or- NotwItbstandJng hi weight of I chard white. Care should be taken year, Mr. Adam last year Tolun- to rtrain the Juice through a fine teered his service tp the government cloth so no lemon pulp gets in. then as . army post telegrapher "here and this lotion will keep fresh for for several 'months past has worked months. Every woman knows that daily in that capacity. His news- lemon Juice is used to bleach and paper work was mostly done in form- remove such blemishes as freckles. er day at Denver where he acquired! sallowne and tan and is the ideal a nation-wide reputation as a versl- skin softener, whltener and beau fier. He came to teh Pacific coast tifler. ' two years ago for the benefit of hi Just try it- Get three ounces of health. Notwithstanding his heavy orchard whit at any drug store and duties as army post telegrapher, he two lemoas from the' grocer and kept -up his verse writing until make up a quarter pint of this sweet- trtcken,afew,d5yf ngtrand hi last jly fragrant lemon , lotion and maa- prove-verse" one on, A patriotic sage it dally Into the face, neck, arm theme appeared In n Portland new and hands. It I marvelous to paper this morning. lmootbea rough, red hapds. RATE HEARINGS MAY BE PUT OFF Approval" of the director general of railroads for ti postponement of rate hearings affecting tne transpor tation of grain and .grain products from eastern Oregon points to Port land In ask 'd by the public service- eouiinlitaion in a letter to John Bar-: ton Payne g.enernl counsel for the di rector geneml. The rate cases are among the most important business now pending before tbe commission. The coiumlRKlon holds that it is expedient to defer the bearings until conditions have become more nearly normal. In the commission ' letter to Mr. Payne it Is slated that tbe revenue of tbe canfl-rs might x be seriously affected by any orders Is sued at this time. The conrplalnt In the cast set forth the allega tlon that the ate are excessively high. -. The request Is made In a letter enclosing a list of case now pnd- ng, and 1 in response to a call of the director general' office for in formation concerning cases now in the communion's hands, particurlarly relative to those affecting the rev- enues of railroad. Concerning the commission' poll cy on railroad Improvement work the letter say. "Numerous request for exten slon of lines, construction of depots and other betterment and improve ment have been made to the com mission but we have uniformly re- questioned complainants todefer such matters until after the expiration of the war. During the entire year Just passed we have discouraged Insofar as consistent with our public duty, the filing of complaint against car rier that might injuriously affect their revenues or cause considerable expenditure of funds. Realizing tbe seriousness of the situation, tbe peo ple of Oregon have almost without exception acceded to our, request and consented to await the final determ ination of the war before demanding such improvements and betterments. Oregon is extremely pattiotlc V this, as well as many other matter, and we have confidence to believe that 'our citixen will forgo many things which under ordinary conditions they would feel justily entitled to and wfll pa tiently await the time when the car riers can more conveniently aecede to their requests. "During tbe period of'the war we will continue tbe policy heretofore pursued and will endeavor, to limit expenditure to the actual needs of transportation.' SENATORS-HEAR ARGUTilENTS- ON OVERMAN BILL 1 i Wilson Thanks Sponsor for ,Refusing to Compromise on Measure Tmm'g Ui e law ml tktm f DISCUSSION HEATED Sherman Critical-Says Prop er Exercise of Present Powers Is Needed ' .' v. - - A I,, , .. ' Ai' ir . i WASHINGTON. Acrf! 22 ITnrt day) The senate settled down to day to a rinlsb fight on the bill pro posing blanket authority for the president to reorganise government agencies m roeullng the war. " ' No compromise,! was the word sent by President Wilson In a letter to Henator Overman-of Norrh Caro lina, sponsor of th measure. De bate was resumed by supporters of the administration, while opponent demanding specific exemption of tbe interstate commerce commission and certain other permanent bureaus from changes prepared for further errorts to foree amendments. in hhi letter to Senator Overman the .president said: "I thank you with all my heart for standing by tbe bill which beam your name wlthmit nv rnm nrnmlu rf any kind." Senator Overman afterward declared he would oppose any amendment of tbe pending measure and felt confi dent of its passage with , votes to spare. He conceded, however, that tbe vote on exempting tbe Interstate commerce commission and possibly others bureaus from Its scope would be very close, a canvass of the sen ate is in progress. Io today's debate Senators Fletch er of Florida, chairman of the com merce committee, and Shields of Ten nessee, a member of the judiciary committee, which reported the bill. urged passage of the 'measure as a means of centralising authority and speeding up war operations. . They declared that the president is re sponsible for the conduct'gf tbe. war and should, be given necessary au thority he asks. . Senator Sherman of Illinois. Re publican, criticising the bill, insisted that what is needed' more than ad ditional power is "the proper exer cise of power already in existence" and selection' of competent men to exercise such authority. Senator Fletcher admitted - that there had been mistakes and delay in war preparations but asserted that they were comparatively negligible and the whole record praiseworthy. Both he and Senator Shields dismiss ed as unworthy of discussion the con tention that the president might abuse the broad powers given him under the bill. ' Because President Llnooln Is said to have exceeded his authority to meet an emergency. Senator Shields said, was no reason why ample au thority should not be given the exec utive now. DETROIT VICTOR OVER CHICAGO CHICAGO, April 22. (American) Detroit bunched Its hits behind Chicago's erratic fielding and easily . ! He Needs Sorpcbody to Send ninx 4 another poach of Real GRAVELY Chcwlnrj PIoj UncU Sam's Boy don't aak for much in the way. of comfort fcaf good tobacco they xnuit hare. A few cent spent for Real GraTeljr will buy more tobacco attt faction than many times th money in ordinary plug. . Ciee may men a. chew of Real Omvely PlacaaJ fee wSI t3 yea that', the kind to Mad. Send tbe bet! Ordinary pine U Mm eceaeeay. It ceets lm pmr week te ckew Reel CeveJy, hsraess m amil ekew ef it IseU leaf while. W Tom saaeke a pipe. Ce Gravely wUa year katfe sei mid m little le yewr smehiwg tobacco. It will gbre fUeer-kepeeve yeer smoke. SCO YQC1 FUEO 7Q C. L SOTXZ A tWXM tt CSAtTLY Dealers' all rewod here carry it la 10c powefc. A 3c stassp will furt It late kls kande ie eey Training Caats er See port ef the U. 3. A. Evea "over there" a 3. staeap wiU Uke te kina. low desler will sepply eavclepe and give yew official directleS) hew te address k. P. D. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., DsavDe Vs. Tee Patmrt Pomck ktmpm It Frnk mi CTe eW Cml Uimt fUml Crmmmfy tpitkmt ikis PrrtKtiom Umt ..retabllshed l3t 'A is. t- 6 GIANTS STILL UNBEATEN TEAM Bostomans Lose In 4-2 Game Barns Breaks Tie Score in Eighth Inning NEW YORK April 22. The New York Giants remained. the only un defeated team in the major leagues whea they. won from Boston here to day, 4 to 2. Burns broke the tie score in the eighth whea he hit a home run Into the right field stand with Kauff on base. Score: r. it e. T?03ton z 9 1 Xew York 4 8 0 Nehf and Henry: Barnes. Tereau and McCarty. PitUhirg 5, at, LoaU f. '8T, POUIS. April 22. Hamilton outpitched Packard and Pittsburg won the opening game of the series Here today, 5 to 1. Hamilton also got two hits, his first single driving in McKechnle. who had tripled, with Pittsburg's first run. The visitors made three 1n the seventh when, af ter two were out. Smith lost Carev's drive In the sun and the ball sailed over hi head for a home run. Ham. ilton and Schmidt scoring ahead of Carey. , A triple by Balrd followed bv Cruise's single in the ninth, save! the ideal from a shutout. Score:. R. H. E. Pittsburg ; S II. 0 St. Louis , l Hamilton, Sherdell. Horstraan anl Schmidt;. Packard and Gonzales. . . ro , Cincinnati 3. . ri.VCINXATI. April 22.r,inIn rstl evened matters up with Cblcarp here tMr by winning the seconl Kim nf the ftorle. 3 to 2. Walker nnd Viishn wr hit In ilm1 rah. defeiited the locals. 5 to S. JamMi. t Ion whllo Schneider was cxj in tbe aitnougn wua ai times. Kept t-nica-go's bits- well scattered, while hi, team mates gave him good sup;ort In the pinches. Kddle folllns by playing t'Mlay, tied the majot- league record for play ing In conseeutive guinea 4 72. T1i rH-nrd was made by Hani Crawford of the Detroit club. Crawford's rer- ort! . follows: 163 gamea In 1113; 157 In 114; ICC In 1HU nuil tbe but wild. Both Schneider rnd Wlngo kkked on a called strike in tbe-seventb and Umpire Harrison ordered both to the bnch. Rousb hit safely four time. Score: R. If. E. Cblt-ago 2 3 Ciadnnatl I H Walker, Vaughn and Elliott, Da ley ; Schneider, Eller and Wlngo, Al len. I mmmmnmmmmmmm - 'Ilreokly O, PtilUwlelphla 3. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 22. Cescber twirled hit first gam of tbo season today, blanking Brooklyn. 3 to t. So two of Brooklyn' blU came in the same lanlng and. despite Philadelphia's three errors, he waa never in danger except In the eighth, when be Issued two bases on balls. Thl was the only time Brooklyn had more than one man on base. -The locals bunched six of their seven nit ' cf Crime in the first and third In nings. Oescher started the scoring in the third with a single to right. Score: ., R. It.' E. Brooklyn 0 - t 1 Philadelphia ...18 3 Grime Oriner and Krueger. Ad ams and Oeacbger. ... -;. ".. INSPECTS LUMBER CAMP5 DALLAS. Or.. April 22. (Special to Tbe Statesman.) Dr. A. B. Star buck, head physician of the Willam ette Valley and the Spauldlng Lum ber & Logging company, la la Black Rock today making a semi-annual inspection of the sanitary conditions of the camps above that place. iCOLLAKS: FOR SPRING CASCO-1 Vl i.'CVtDL-7K'tl first six gamee In MIC. Collin' word started In 114. wh'n. with the Philadelphia AiiM-rlranx. h- plny ed In the last three gaiut. lie hai not iniaaed a game sini'f. Chicago (A) R II K Detroit 7 in 1 Chicago 3 6 4 Jams, Plnneran and Stanage; CI cotte. Danforth and Scbalk. l1iiblrl lU H, Waaliiiigton 1 WASIIIXaTON. April 22. (Amer- lean) Walter Johnson lost his third straight game of the season here to dsy when Philadelphia bunched hits with errors in the sixth inning and defeated Washington, S to 1. John son struck out seven men. Washington (A) 1 R H E Philadelphia .T., ..R 11-1 Washington ..1 1 1 ' Perry and Perkins; Johnson and Ainsmitb. KC Louie 1, Cleveland S. CLEVELAND. April 22. (A) Cleveland mad It two out of three from St. Louis today, winning S.to J. Coveleskle, pitching his second Ilctory of the season, held bis op onents to' five hits. Nunamaker's triple saving 8t.NLouls from a shut out. Cleveland (A) R II E St. Louis J....1 S 1 Cleveland .....S 11 0 Davenport. Llefleld and Nuna maker; Coveleskle and O'Neill. . , New York 11, 1 In ton 4. Boston. April 22. (A) Mogridge stopped Boston' winning streak af ter it had reached all. by letting down Bartow's men with eight hits. New York winning 11 to 4. Not until tbe ninth inning did a Boston Player single outside tbe Infield. uosion t A) RUE New York ,11 13 2 Boston ..4 . S 4 Mogridge and Hannah: Leonard. Jones and Agnew Helpful Hints on Banldng BALANCE YOUR ACCOUNT ' . WHEN you lmv receive 1 the Hlatement of you Arrount from the lnk it U n (food idea to compare tlii with your CIIKCKSTlIliS fn order lha't 4ny mistake you may hare made in adding deposit or KuMraf'tiiitf withdrawal can l corrected. 1 Yon will find our tuetliod of aeuntintf hero at the Tnitid .Stati. National Hank ample insurance against error. - 4 Salora Oroort re this covpon and enjoy a pleaairnt afternoon at the LIGH THEATRE Three of these coopons of coifsecntlre date win be exchanged at Tb 8TATXS5LIX cfflco for, a ftcket which will admit one person to any matinee, except Saturday and Sunday, by paying 5c TniS COLPOX IS DATED TTESDAT, APRIL, 23, 1018 " 1 .i..i