WLWTHEIl " i ... . Fair, cooler cst portion; mod erate westerly winilK. DAILY EDITION mxtv-fightii vi:.it o. 2.1 NAI.KM, UUUiON. Tl llV 3IOII.MM;, APItIL H'lH PIUCK FIVE CE3TW REGIMENT OF HUNS IS HELD' BY PERSHING Host . Serious Engagement Taken Part in by American Troopt-Gcrmans Bombard With Gat Shells COUNTER-ATTACK IS...-. SUCCESSFULLY MADE Encounter Occur in Renner- ed Wood Advance Care- fulljr Planned by Enemy OFFICIAL SUMMARY. When an entire Gorman regiment, reinforced by srbrm troop attacked th secto? held- by American troops near Sslcvheprey, General Pershing's men fought the most serious engage ment they have n yet experienced. The attack was made by a consid- erable force . and indications show t. f ... . .. in 1. imporuDi preparations were naae jor It. I nusual precaution were Immediately taken along thj wnoie sectlor of the front as soon as tae German Intention was known. - An extremely heavy hostile bom bardment jUh poison gas shells op- eaed during the course of the night and Usted until 5 o'clock , la ahu doming, ai mat hour tne enemy Infantry dashed forward. preceded l y storm troops which had been brought to the scene especially for the attack, strtr preliminary training on ground similar to the sector held by the American troops. ' Events along the battle line In France and Befziiim tetn to be shaping themselves for a resumption ef the great Certman offensive. Since the savage attack . on the American forces at Selcheprey on Saturday there has been no fighting of aa evjraordloary, nature along the front, but there have been Indica tions that the Teutons are almost ready to Tesume the sledgehammer blows they have been aiming at the tilled crmles.. . Unless recent operations have been leinis. it is probable, that the com ing week will witness two great taming movement hyT.he .Germans. One probably will, pivot on the vil lage of Robecq. northwest of Betb une. on the southern side of the sal ient driven Into the allied lines back ei Armentieres. s The other Is ex- .pected to develop at or near MesnJl. sorth of Albert, on the north side of W Somme salient. The purpose of these movements illrbo to rut deep into the allied Iln'r. on each side of the promon lory that' projects, out into German held territory and terminates on the eld Arraa-Ienn front. The Germans have attempted two great frontal at tacks on the defenses 'of Lens; and Arras but they have been repulsed lth terrible looses to the attackers. These losses were Inflicted upon the enemy befor.e br reached the. strong er allied position In that set-tor and since the sern. defeat at Kestubert and Givenchythe Germans have not esred to take no the tank of driving the Canadians ffom their position along Vlrnv ridge and on each end of that great natural bulwark before Arras. IJne Am Fiitertil. The assault was over a line 2000 Hrds In length and at several places' the enemy succeeded In entering the! merlean linen. They even entered; sird occupied Selrherrey, where the Americans holding, that position of fered the moat stubborn defense. Without a moment's delay, after their retirement at Kekheprey, the AmertfTos oreanixed. with the ettrh. a counter-attack which was rried out , brllllantlv. driving the crmans out of the village and tk Ir' a' 'number of prisoners. .The 'shtlng did not cease until late In Ihe afternoon. The severest encounter occurred the Renm-res mood, where the 'Wmans had taken a firm hold at wn notwithstanding the most trennoun defense by small bodies f Americans stationed there. The JrmtM nrt American troops joined 1 the counter-attack on this section cf the line, eventually succeeding In siting the enemy. The amalgamat ed tronns worked In closest co-oper- stiog and by the end of the day were to secure a complete victory and 'w their line as they were be- r the en rnint in this vlcln l'y many prisoners fell Into the hands the allies while the barbed wire B1 she.ptted ground was covered German corpses. , HWt in Hdlt V'mf M. The attack on the Americans at PPars tcf hav tern carefully plan-r-r In have ben a erefully plan Jf4 operaticn which had ts Its o '"'t the pkrclng of the American '"s, or perhjipa the splitting of th Amcrl:a and French forces. whl:h r holding adjacent positions there. Andrew I ton up f.uar i a nrfrl lor of j! UritUh exchequer, has Introduced ! Psrllament the budget bill for the f ""in year. Great Hrltain's expend-J -two ior the period covered by tne aiure are estimated at about $H.- BOMBING RAIDS ARE INCESSANT Styrniy Weather EndsBrit ish Air Men Drop Explo sives on Railroad Depot LONDON, April 22, The official statement deallngwltb the aerial op erations, lued by the war office to night, reads: "After a long . spell of stormy weather which greatly hampered aerial work, the sky cleared on Sun day and our airplanes were abla to remain In the air from 'dawn until dark. Bombing raid were carried a incesantly along the whole frnt. uver 23 tons of bombs were dropped Oft the Thou roil t railway atatlnn. Menln, Armentieres and various oth er targets. "Thousand of rounds of machine gun ammunition were fired by our low-flying machines. Enemv ma chines were seen In large numbers but were not aggressive. Kleven Ger- man machines were downed In air fighting and six driven down out of control, A hostile observation ha! loon also was destroyed. - Anti-air craft fire accounted for two other hostile airplanes. Five of our ma chines are missing. The pilot of one of the hostile machines brought down wan th well known German airman and fighter. Baron von Itlchthofen. who claimed to have destroyed 80 allied machines. Ills body was burled today with full military honors. , " ,, "On. Sunday night, our night fly ing machines again bombed Armen tieres. rtapaume, the Chaulnes rail way station and Peronne, dropping a total of nine and a half tons of bombs. All the machinea returned safely." , FEDERAL PRICES MY ESTABLISH RATES ON BEEF Maximums for May Purchases of Government Announced by All Branches CONSOLIDATE BUYING Allies and United States to Do Business From One Bur- eau in Chicago WASHINGTON. April 22. Maxi mum prlres to be allowed In May on purchases of beef for America's fight ing forces and the allies, were an nounced tonight by the army, navy ofcd marine corps;. While the gov ernment controls beef prices only to tho extent of saying what It will pay, the purchases under government di rection are so enormous that the maximum figures now fixed ar ex pected to go far toward stabilizing prices to the domestic consumer. The plan, is to continue allotting sovernment and allied contracts among the poekers at prices baaed upon prevailing livestock mtrkett. ,-hovlded they are not ! bUhtr than the stated maximum. OnJth,,olh bant. If there should be a drop in tn market apd no rtrwrowi has been reached in the antlme. the federal trade commission will railed pV.to ascertain eou up vhlch to bane now maximum govern- man nrlres. Consolidation of all meat PrJ; for thft government and the all j ,n a single bureau.at ChraKO also was annomcvu . i' t. Itov of the tulmlr.lstratlon. commissioned .A'Sg of th e,ter corps to take charge or ui- termaster corps be assisted by Gor- ..... if. win oince. i" i ennnec- don Hately or tion wltn u--- j ment of vol low In- if the the lef prices: m.rlne Th. .fmv navy and the marine upon the i c,,,;. V fcr (unln' lotted , nmong tut' price. 600 pounn. ;:rw;froxensndwr.r pVd, Voumrlcitt trim tfor expo" $24,05. eftn n TOO oounds. I24.RO. Same noses. Will nav, v r .-, nd noses. III l "r "'"J "a Won. they win trices are noi Srr. - - , prices re - - lh ' 0vernton'. He thin ..a MitAiTi to ln 7r W the domestic WILSON NIPS CHAMBERLAIN BILL IN BUD Measure Proposed Turning Disloyalty and Espionage Cases Over to Military Courtmartial LETTER WRITTEN BY v PRESIDENT IS READ Proposed Legislation Branded as Unnecessary and Un constitutional . WASHINGTON, Apr'l , 22. What promiaed to be a sensational fight In congrens over the proposal to turn disloyalty and espionage cases over to military courts mart Ul, was nipped in the bud today by President lison Champions of the plan abandoned It for the present, at least, when Sen ator Overman of North. Carolina, chairman of the judiciary committee, niado public a letter from the presi dent declaring unaltoxab;e opposition to the Chamberlain couitmarltal bill as both unnecessary And unconsti tutional. Senator Chamberlain of. Oregon. author of the measure, announced later that in view of the president's attitude he would not prcms the bill and that further bearings on It by the military . committee would be postponed indefinitely. lit fore the letter reached Senator Overman, Senator Diandegee of Con necticut. Republican, had brought the subject before the senate with resolution Instructing the judiciary committee to give a formal opinion upon the legality of the bill which he denounced as. conconstltutional and containing "heinous" proposals. The Connecticut senator declared his in tention of calling the resolution up for a vote tomorrow and If he does there probably will be a ;:vell di cuffMon in spite of the fact that eon- greaaional leaders generally consider the Chamberlain bill dead. ftregory Aim Write. Another feature of the day's de velopment, was the-publication of letter from Attorney General Greg' orr to Representative Gordon of Ohio, it-pudiating the action of form er Attorney General Charles Warren of Roston, who drafted the Chamber lin bill and urged Its passage. Mr Gregory said Mr. Waxren acted with out his knowledge and that if he had known anything about the bill he would not have permitted to to go to congress from his department. Mr. WaiTen resigned last week soon after the) attorney general heard about his activities in connection with the pro posed legislation. , Witnesses before the senate mili tary committee Including representa tive of various branche of tne gov eminent have urged transfer of trials of gpies and disloyalists from the civ il to the military courts as the only effective means of dealing with the menace and preventing a wave of mob violence. President Wilson's letter was writ ten In response to one from Senator Overman asking his opinion on the Chamberlain bill. WAR MATERIALS ACTIVE STOCKS Investment Issues Make Little ProgressBusiness Mod erately Large XKW YORK. April 22. Koj'ip- nients and specialties wnicn wrn their momentum 1n large part from th war demands were the active and strong fAtures of today's stock market, investlment issues making little or no" progress, Half a score of stocks Including Ilaldwln Ioeomtlve, Crucible fitrU Uethlehem Steel and Great Northern n.. fnntribnted overwhelmingly to V '. - the moderately large business. foiled States Steel again over topped the list In point of activity but was under Intermittent pres reactlne a full point In the last hour. Italia were sluggish and mostly 6wer. the only Exception blng Heading. Sales amounted to D50,00 shares. Time money was In stualler supply at reent fjuotatlons but rail loans hardened presumably In consequence of last'week's rontrac:tlon of reserves In the bank statement. ftnatines in i bonds were mainly limited to the Liberty Issues which were variable. Virginia deferred i s lost 10 i-4 point on the supremo court decision.. Total sales of bond. par value, aggregated $5,3. a.ooo United State bonds, old Issues, un Movie Desperado to Do Hold-up Act for . Liberty Loan Drive "Illg mil" liart, famous bad man of the movies, may be seen in action today In the real flesh and-blood at the Southern Pa cific at 5:42 this evening, when he will glre a short speech from the rear platform of the Shasta Limited. He Is making a tour or the west in the inter est of the liberty loan and spent yesterday In Portland, where he made addresses t the Commercial club, hlgi schools and auditorium. ; As Mr. Hart is familiar to! thousands of movie fans here, a big crowd Is exported out greet the desperado of the screen. It was not learned un til late last night that he would be able to atop in.Saletu. BRITISH BUDGET IS LARGEST IN WORLD'S HISTORY Bonar Law. tx plains now m . i r Country Can Be Self-Supporting Despite Loans WILL LESSEN BURDEN Defects in Present System of Securing Money From U. S. Pointed Out LONDON", April 22. Andrew Hon ar Law, chancellor of the exchequer In introducing the budget, in the bouse or commons today said it was tho largest In the history of the world. . , , Ills expectations as to the assist ance alien to the entente allle by the 1'nlted SUtes had Wen fulfilled Notwithstanding this assistance, the British' loans to the allle in the last year were .0".f00.000. The United States had advanced to all the. allies 950.000.000. "It is only necessary for us: said the chancellor, "to lean on the Unit erf states to the amount the other allies ilean on us. In other words we are self-sepportlng." He had been In communication with Secretary McAdoo on the sub-i Ject of these eomplleated loan trans actions, and with Mr. Crosby, head of the financial mission to Kurope, who on the point of returning to WashTngton to consult l govern--ment. . . "I have made certain suggestions regarding advancea to. the allies," continued the chancellor, "which. If adopted, will lessen our burden con siderably' wlJhout In any way In creasing the total obligation to the I ntted States. Giving the figures of the revenue for the last fiscal year, which amount to 7o7.234.r... a large Increase ove- the preceding year, he said that this was very gratifying but that re.-il test of the position would come when Hrltaln ceased to rely upon borrowing. The chancellor expressed tne gov ernment's sjpreclation of the hearty co-operation on the part of the Ca nadian government in assisting to fi ns n re the war. He considered It pos sible Unit the alteration of tne ar rangement with the United States In he method of making advances would reiilt In loans, to me allies olng reduced to 300,010.000 and l the dominions :.." ."'to. ii pointed out ho- small the advances to the dominions nao: reen a i in tho war. showing how great was trie desire ' ot only In Canada, but m the other dominions to carry on the war mil of their own expenditures The additional taxation propoen, said the chancellor, would in ine full year be equivalent to nr, per cent f tt.e" ante-bellum revenue rrom ias atlon. The financial lest or me country after three years of war was greater than any one eouia imagine Bnt aa ama na testimony to mc financial stsbillty of the nation. ( Pennsylvania Tonne I mm ' m m ft I o nave Lommon usage WASHINGTON. April 22. Tn line with its i,nlirv of common use of ter minal facilities, the tallroad adminis tration ordered today that beginning next Sunday Haltimore unio trains run into the Pennsylvania stsiion ai New York through the Pennsylvania tunnel. Tennessee fllooJflngs Megro lor Shooting LEXINGTON, Tenn.. April 22. fWrry Noyea. th nesro who shot and killed Sheriff W. H McUride near if. la at Saturday was banged in the court house yard today by a mob The sheriff sought to rrcst Noyes for violating the stato prohibition STRIKE WILL BE'VIOLAliON OF UNION LAW OmperS "OppOSeS Resolution for Protest Against Alleged Persecutioi of Principal in San Francisco Bombing ARIZONA FEDERATION ACTS INDEPENDENTLY Seattle Labor Council Not in Sympathy Speaking Tour Called Off WASHINGTON, April , 2 2. An nouncement in the senate today by Senator Polndexter, of Wash., that Seattle labor leader were proposing a general strike in protest against the alleged persecution of Thomas J. Mooney and other convicted of bomb plotting at San Franc'sco. re sulted tonight In a statement by Sam uel Gompers. president of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, declaring any attempt to Incite such a strike would be in violation of union laws and repugnant to the rights and In terests of worketa themselves, and would react against .Mooney. Men IJellcve In Justice. 8KATTLK, April 22. Comment Ing on the assertion of'Hamuel Com pers, president of teh American Fed eratlon of Labor, that any attempt by Seattle labor leaders to Incite a general strike as a protest against the alleged persecution of Thomas J. Mooney would be a violation of union laws and repugnant to the rights and Interests of workers. Jame A. Don- can, seretary of the Seattle -central labor council, tonight made the fol lowing statement to The Associated Tress: "There will be no violation - of union lawa. There never ha been nor will there by any attemp by so- called labor leader to Incite a slrlke All action thus far taken has beeV by overwhelming popular sentiment on the part of the rank and file. What were yeaterday known aa leader are today practically . the brakes of the workers aa a mass, and Tn consequence the attitude of the so-called leaders alwaya will be along as conservative lines Is Is consistent in establishing justice where Injustice foundd." Mr. Duncan said that none of the officials of the central labor council openly supported the resolution eal- llnir for a strike. He saaa mai wnco the resolution resolution waa adopt ed a month ago. It was understood that the measure called for a general! trlke on May 1. lUlS.'to conUnuei until Mooney waa freed, but that the working of the resolution was ambig uous, and that since then tne senti ment of the workers had cnangea until the maiorltr seemed now to avor a strike lasting but one day. Mrs. Rena Mooney, wire or Tnomas, J. Mooney, will not speak here nexi MimHav as had been Dlanneo. a com mittee from the labor council which wa maklna- arrangements Tor her mnooiied meeting, being advlseq tnai she bad cancelled ner speaamg rn- gageruents In the northwest. - AIK)T ItKSOLtTIOX. TMIOKNIJC. Arlx.. April 22. The .-..nf iv hoard of the Arizona State Federation of I.abor twuy utibhi- aiiiIv arfonted a resolution calling imnn-all workers to go oa. strike for 2 4 hours on iay i as a iirui" atalnst the execution of Thomas J Mooney of San Francisco, condemn ed to death in t aiiiornj ior i-in tLflnatlnn in fhe bomb outrage dur a nrenaredness Faraae mere, fter being iniormea or me mnu i. kn kv Samuel Gompers. pres! dent of the American Federation of .abor. concerning the proposea pro test-strike. Thomas J. Croaff, presi dent of the Arizona Federation of Ihor. said. I don't wish to start any argu ment between Mr. Gomp-rs and my self. I can only say that the An soni Federation of Labor has acted In teh matter of the proposed strike Msv 1. We have wired rresiqent Wilson nd Mr. Gompers. advising them of the action of the Arizona Fed eratlon of Labor. We hae received no answer. Commission Apprdves Willard-Falton Fight ST. VAvL April 22. The Minne sota boxing commission, after con ference) with Promoter J. C. Miller lodty, voted unanimously to approve the proposed Willard-r uiton, rigni at St. Paul on July 4. , The commission and f!r!HKl Millar reached an agreement f whereby Willard and Fulton will receive their share of the fight receipts In liberty bonds. Colonel Miller agreed to give 12fi per cent of the gross Te telots to the Red. Cross, or the gov ernment recreation fund, and to do nate 23 per cent of all money re reived from the fight pictures to the war recreation fund. PEAKS CHANGED AFTER QUAKES Mount San Jacinto Has New Appearance After Yester day's Tremblers 're believe that since yesterdsy'a Aree tweaks of Mount San Jacinto nss reen changed, r ortoeriy. tney declare, the central and northerly peaks were the hither, while now the southern peak Is higher. Casual observation appears to eonflrm this belief. Old residents dug la hastily rescued trunks today for photo graphs of the mountain made years ago to compare them with pictures taken today. In an effort to establish the trnth of the theory. There Is a perceptible variation In the height nf Ika annw Una nn (h thro Tutaks since the shock a. A Tew or ttie oraver residents moved their beds back Into their houses tonlrht. XIXK SHOCKS IV ALU LOS ANGKLK3. April 22. Nine earthquake shocks, severe In Inten sity, which began yesterds.y at 2:32 p. . tn. and extended over thirty hours, tonight appeared to have com pleted their work of destruction with a toll of two lives and property dam age roughly estimated at half a toll lion dollars. Thirty hours of anxi ous waiting brought no further new of damage In Southern California. whl h suffered most, or Western Ari- tona, and Utah, sllghtlv arreeied. -. Hemet and San Jacinto, twin towns of the broad valler between the San. Jacinto and Saata. -Ana ranges, were found to have been half wrecked In their business ss-etlons and to have had their 400 odd homes jolted and jarred, a score Into rwlaa. I'late glass valued at thousands here, railroad water tanks at several points, building fronts at Banning and elsewhere. Irrigation reservoirs and canals and eonntlss chimneys suffered from the shock. . SALARIES FOR COMING YEAR .. ARE ADJUSTED No Instructor to Receive More Than Ten-Dollar Monthly Advance DRESS IS; NOT COSTLY Salem School Girls Not Ex travagant in Tastes. Find ings Show I The heaviest bit of wotk com In t- before the echo! board last night was the adjustment of the salary sched ule for the coming year. It was helJ ly some members that a horizontal rise all along the line would work aa Injustice to teachera In th-lower grades, where tho advance was most needed, whle in some cases Instruct ors with the larger salaries might secure 4 double advance through pro motion to higher positions. The schedule at finally passed contained the provisco that no teacher or prin cipal should reevlve an advance of more than f 10 a month over the sal ary of the present year. The final arrangement was as follow: Teirbers in the elementary grades I to 6, first year, $80; second year, $sr; third year. t0. Junior high school grades ? to 9, first year $0; second year third year $100. Senior high school, first year $100; aero&d year $103; third year $110. Principals of elementary schools. first year $100; second year $105; third year $110 . 'Junior high schools, enrollment of more than 2 SO, first ear $1 IS; second year $120; third year $125. Enrollment of less than 2-0, first year $11": second year $115: third year $120. Supervisors of special subject In elementary grade and junior high school, first year $100; second year $lor,: third year $110. Heads of departments, senior high school, first year $11$: second year $120; third ar $123. Heads of seclal departments, man tisl training and commerce, first year $140; second year $10; third year $153. Hrros Not Ksaravagattt. The committee: placed In eharg of dealing. with the matter. of drest la the upper grades reported that a questionnaire had been Instituted in the various schools and the fart was brought to light tbatlrarre were vetg few rases of extravagant or unsuU able dressing among the girt and It waa derided that It waa not advlsa ble to undertake to deal with the cuestlon through arbitrary rule, bu rather to persuade the students to inter Into, any measure of reform voluntary and In good spirit.. Wholes Year Term Not Favored. Reoort from Principal Nelsen (Coatlnued on pas S) BILL DRAWN,; AND PASSED' AT HEETit Rapid Action Taken by Cirf louneii ior suppression 01 "Russcllite" Seditious Lit erature APPEAL OF FEDERAL COURT ORDER TAKEN Commercial Club Cones in for Mild Rebuke by Alder man Elliott When the city council convened last night no ordinance was la exist ence making It possible to svpprtss he dltUibatloa or circulation oX se ditious or disloyal literature.. Hef ore the council adjourned an. ordinance had been drafted read three time and enacted Into a eity law.-. And tt. Is aa ordinance with a punch Ja tta providing . penalties.- aufflclently heavv to discourse an further dis tribution of unpatriotic literature la Salem. . . . . 1 The rapid action of the coenell came a a result of elandesUaa dis tribution or. "Kingdom Newt! a bo at the residence districts some .time Sunday night by representative of Wm InlarKllAKil Ttlht. enfaa il. soclatloa. purporting to, Inform. th public why "The Finished Mystery was suppressed- Aldtrmaa . Elliott . brought a copy of the paper to the meeting and made tho motion which 1 resulted la th ordinance., ,..t Th ordinance make it unlawful for any person to sell give away or. otherwise distribute any llteratnro "which tends to hamper r discour age enlistment, registration fontht United State army draft, or which la reasonably likely to hamper the United State government fa any of Ha war work or war enterprise. AH " nth book, pamphlets. hand - bills. P per a and literature are hereby de clared to be a public nuisance.; . Punishment Is Provided. . Punishment provided In the law I -fine of not lea thaa $ or tssere than $ 1 00. er . by impriseaaeat' la the cltr . lall not leaa thaa ten or: more, than twenty days, or by, both fine 'and Imprisonment. When any or the literature Is seised It 1 mad the duty of tho city records r to con duct a hearing, and If tho llteratr. Is found to be such aa is prohibited by the ordinance, the recorder I to order It Immediate destruction. Another Important actloa of th council last night was to nstrflct City Attorney Macy to collaborate with William P. Lord tn aa appeal or the litigation with th Salem. Wa ter. Light ft Power company front the federal -district-coart -to th . United SUtes district court of sp ratea In Salem, the publle . aerrlca commission lowered th rate far. user la Salem but elevated the hy drant rates for th .city. Th city refused to pay. The company took the , case Into the federal roart and a decree la March favored th plain tiff company. T)iaea Ordinance Introduced. First and second reading waa giv en last night to aa ordinance result- . leg from the recent action of tn. state emergency board providing; money for the transportation to- central station In Portland aad .tHx- antlne or women affected with so cial disease. Similar action I ba ng taken In other towna of tbe"tat of $500 or more population, Tsa bill was referred to tho coromltteo on ordinances. The United States proposes to force a physical coanectloa of ue tracks of the Southern ParlfWr cobs- pany and th Oregon ETectrle com-. pany at North Front and D street. and because of th policy or tn Southern Pacific to refuse all such connection the army anthoritlo have takea the Issue 'ap with Waa a- legton authorities. The conaeetien- Is wanted for greater convenience in shipping government contract gooda from the plant or the Salem King Products company. Quartermaster department offlctals last night peti tioned tho eounsU to rescind temp- , arlly a prohibition against the spot- Ing of rara 00 the street at mat. point so that the loading ovt of the aenruraiea riw cunfc ... ---.. .... U facilitated. ... - . ! - CrmwMrrlal flab Hit,, . In the course of an argument rela tive to tho city's shar la paying for' the llghttng of the new Willamette river bridge. Alderman ElHeU too a a 'punch at th Saleror Commercial club. It appear that the club Is urging the city to Aurry rraege- mceto whereby tt Is to par salt tne. eipeos. amounting to $15 a month. . VTh commercial. clubi said Mr. KlUott. Ms the greatest little passor oacf things yo evr saw. It alo can do the loudest hollering when It cornea to making np th cHy budget, Alderman Wleat aubmlUed a reso lutloa that th city attoraey aw ath orlzed to enter Into an agreeaent with tho coanty court whrhr city would py It half of th xpa of tnalatalalng tho light. Th reso- (Contiitued oa PM S law. . . . ... , (Continued oa rgo 3.) 0