The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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oiiufiiiuii m -
Tcutdni Fear Propagandists
in Prison Camp's Will Fo
r ment Revolution
Red Guards Hold ViborgNo
Alarm as to Activities in
LONDON, April 20. A telegram
to Iteuters from . I'etroicrad, dated
Tuesday, says that railway commu
nication from Petrograd into Finland
ha ceased .beyond Vlbof. 'Accord
ing to all accounts Vlborg Js the
only town of importance still in the
FOR SALE New modern residence.
located at 1370 State. Attraci
, ire terms. Phone 1S18J.
FOR SALE One of the beat homes
in Silem. All modern, close in,
$6000. Address Jerry, care States
man.' , : - '
lmprored acreage fjne Job print
ing plant, well located in a splen
did town. Address 270 care States-
.man,- i'--.:- .
CANDIDATES See as for prlntlnr.
- Cards, , envelopes, letter heads,
Imlfmttnn 'tvnwrlttn letters "
lllga class work, reasonable price. 1
enaver rress, y. m. c. a. Duuainj,
' Salem. .
Maxwell car, run only 2900 miles.
Call 301 N. Commercial street dtir-
' tag bnslnesi hours.
bands of the red guards. These fotc
as have arreHtfd and brought to VI
borg their farmer roinmander in
chief, charging.him with Incompetent
leadership and the responsibility for
heavy louses. The Germans a r re
potted loo versts from Uiiannlc In
the province of Orel, noutbwent of
Moscow. ' The city is being evacuated
The Auntro-Oerman legation has
called on the Prussian government
to take measures to end propaganda
In war prison camps and prevent
them from arming and fomenting a
revolution in Austro-Hungary.
Two days fighting occunvd be
tween, the anarchists and 4he soviet
troops at Voronezh. There also was
an outbreak at Blrablrsk. . y
' Thrt' Bolsheviki news agency Snw
nounres thataa active counter-revolutionary
movement has been organ
ized by German colonists In the
Saratof-Smara government.
WASHINGTON, April 20. While
recognizing that an attempt to ex
ecute, the orders of the liolshevik
government to ship the military sup
plies at Vladivostock - to European
Russia might precipitate a conflict
between the Japanese forces in that
Siberian port and the local soviet
troops, officials here toeay express
ed little concern over th:s latest de
velopment In the situation at Vladi
vostock. . .
The Siberian railroad is in very
poor condition and because of this
fact, it was believed that the un
skilled Russian railway employes
would be unable to move any portion
of the, vast, store of supplies over the
several thousand miles of railroad
that lie between the Pacific port and
European Russia. "..
An immediate connection was seen
by , the officials between the an
nouncement from Harbin of the order
to move the war material and press
dispatches from Tientsin .that 1 the
Japanese and British marines at
Vladivostock are to be reinforce be
cause of Increased anti-Japanese dera
onstrations. - '
A large part of the war material
at Vladivostock has been supplied
from Japan and It Is doubted that
the Japanese government would per
mit any of these to Vt jYinoved, par.
M.Milarly in view of the fact that the
Rolshevlk government has repudiat
ed the Russian bond and other paper
obligations tendered In payment of
these and other supplies.
' So far as we know the roosters
have done nothing to assist In win
ing the war, but that does not pre
vent them from crowing. They aro
a lot like human beings. Exchange.
Schools of Marion County To
Study Farm Life and Its
and al-;w6f the work and discus
sion oT Rural Life week, which be
glna,&lunday, the teachers of Marlon
county J nieT 'in conference with Su
perintendent Smith at the high
school building yesterday. Tlans
and Methods of carrying out the pro
gram of the week were thoroughly
discussed. ' '
Miss Potter, who is working in the
Interests of the food administration
In this - district was present and
spoke especially along the line of
making dairy products tske the place
of meats. Supervisor Hoppes of the
Marion county schools spoke briefly
on the general plan of the week, and
M1ss Cornelia Marvin, state librar
ian, spoke on the subject of suitable
books for rural schools.
The main object of Rural Life
week Is to teach an increased effl-
clency in farm operations: to create
a 'greater interest Sn the various
branches of farm activity: to make
rural life easier and 'more attract
ive.. It Is planned-to deal in some
degree, and In a practical way, with
all the problems connected wlth'the
home life and the business and sci
entific phases of farming. The pro
gram for tomorrow is as follows: -,
-f:15 Opening exercises
:15-9:40yr-Primary reading. The
Republic's Emblem. . ,' .
9:40-10:03 intermediate -Reading.
The Country Roy's .Creed.
10:05-10:30 Advanced "reading.
Girls, "How to Select Foods.".. Farm
er's Bulletin 808, 817; Boys. "The
Life and Work of Luther BurbfjJk or
Washington as a Farmer."!
Recess. i '
t 10:45-11:15 Primary numbers.
U:05-1J:25 Intermediate- arith
metic. Food Problems, -1 '
11:25-11:15, Advanced arith
metic. .
11:45-12 . renmanshlp. Farm
Noon. v
, 1-1:20 Spelling. Have children
prepare lists of words relstlng to
farm crops, rrlmarjr phonics, ,
l:20-lil 3 Primary story telling.
PaUnt Pumps will be good this spring. We have them in varied styles "and in prices ranging
from $8.00 down to . . . .
l : . $3.50
' I . . And along with Pnmps are the ' i '-
Beautiful Fabrics, Oak soles, white welts and Ivory French Heels just in by express," pair
Other nice whites in Nubuck and Canvas at $6.00 down to ;
Alo white canvasi children's stioes all sizes..-
What You Want
- in Shoes
Style to look well comfort while yon do wear them and
satisfactory ervlce for th amount of money Invested
are the requisite of shoes. That Is VfXitre We 8hine.
Htyle right up, English or Jlound toe, comfort In eae of
5tule Comfort
fit, quality of stock the bt. and we add in thin COURT.
IX)t'K, CAPARLK 8KRVICE. Then to round it out make
I'lllCKS MOUK i:tXOM10AL. What inure could you
Xew prinjc'EnUsb;Cun MNal. jCeoIln aoiei aTswip
New Broun KnglUh With Xeolin Hole vre put in at
Kids In Uledlum and Broad IWund Toes, look well and
feel fine
" S'lZ&ZI'Jiyi., RlghtGoods, Eight Trices, Eight Service.
I 'T P rati. " ' '"' -
M i ;
1 : 4 &-2; 1 r, JnierineJIale
vanced languuge. i '
1': 15-2; 3o ,Mue.
, Itert'HH.
2:45-3:3-rrrlmary nature study.
Have riuiary pupils ll-rt during
tho Wfk all the dlftertnt flowers
thry van find. ' '
3:0&-3:.lo Intermediate (Jeogru
phy. rivles. How the Farmer
Fights the KttUer.
3:30-4:00 Advanced. Stgrtsolls
experiment. lluyM preparo dlarnni
if farm on whhh they live; (SirU
prepare diagram of farm honie as
hey would like It. 1
1 1
Wedding U Hurpcixo
aiihs Alice liei-kloy and Rnsei;
Fields swrprlsed friends lust InUht
when tVy were married at thJ
bride's home Ly Dr. U. M. Avlson,;
PKStor of the First Methodist church.
The couple will not go on a wjddln&
trip as Mr. Fields is in the ordnance
department ,of the army and must
return to his post within a fewj days.'
MIhb Amelia Gaser. who istnttend-
ntf normal school at Monmouth, is
spending Sunday with relative in
town. . I i !
Paul Traglio and family are1 spend-
ng Sunday with relatives In Eugene.
driving down by auto.
Harry Q. Mills, who has been
spending several months in Chicar.o,
arrived in the city last night and will
visit over a week or more with hla
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills,
previous to entering the ordnance
class Kt the University of Oregon.
Joseph Fliegel left last night fo"
Denver. Col. ,whre he will make an
xtended visit with relatives.'
Mrs. Georgia Cook left yesterday
for Charlotte. X. C, having beon
called to Camp Greene by the seri
ous Ulners of her husband.
Albert Khoba. of the Watt Shlpp
store. Is spending Sunday with his
wife at Eugene.
. Kchoes wafted back to Salem from
the concert tour of the Willamette
Glee club Indicate It is being very
well received. Some of the quartet
numbers made a very good Impres
sion upon the fits! audience in Port
Kdward L. Clatk. who has been
rtatloned with theXjiiedical crops at
Mare, IMsnd during the past year,
telegraphed his relatives here last
night that, he had been ordered Im
mediately to some canonment In the
east and would leave at once.
A party of fishermen composed of
Mag Gchlbar, W. F. Brletske. Fre1
llse and Jack Itlchards leave early
thls mornlng by auto for Oregon City.
.Kdgar F. Averlll, predatory aninui
nspector for me unuea Biaiea uio-
loglcal survey was hero rrom aen
dleton ywterday on business. Mr.
Averlll Is an old time resiacnt of a-
cm. having left here In 1909.
Charles Rtttne and C. It. Oursby,
nt rim iwls. were among, tho
ruoiii at thi Zlllgh .DOtei yeaieraar.
- .. ... 1 . . A t- V
Mrs. Iinin Anaeraon uu wit.
R. Ubhr. otl Jllverton, .were In the
oitv r.n business errands yesteraay.
Mra. Alva Jvlmer ana niece, t,cin
ijino. were ever from Dallas on a
hriof vtlt yesterday.
rharlna McLean ana nev. u. u.
LeMar were Iebanon citriens in 8a
lorn veaterdar.
Mr. and Mrs. II. w. turrora. oi
Dallas,, vltlted briefly In Salem yes
terday. . . '
EVAXS To Dr. and Mrs. John
Evans at the Salem hospital, sat
unlay, April 20, 191$, a daughter,
welrht 9 U pounds.
Dr. Evans Is a physician at the
state hospital.
Food ReautTementt for
One Year Are Compiled
PtTO.MAX. Wash.. April 16. Th
Importance of greatpr production or
food in war times Is suggested In
vivid terms by an estimate, of the
food requirements for one year tor
one man at fairly hard work recently
compiled by Miss Edna Walker of
the home economics extension sian
of the State college of Washington.
For one year the list Includes &u
pounds of fruits and green or root
vezetables 375 pounds of meat.
Doultnr. fish. eggs, cheese, dried
legunes. milk and nuts; 40 pounds f
sugar (slightly more of nony or
syrup); 40 pounds of fat, sucn as
butter, lard, oil dripping or similar
product: "385 pounds of cereals, sncb
as wheat, corn, rye, oats ana rice.
Miss Walker states:
"Multiplying the estimated re
qulremcpts of one man for on year
by the nooultalon of wasningion
which Is over one and one-half mil
lions, gives a rsther staggerinz sug
eestion as to the food production re
qnlrement confronting the eta'j In
the probability that In tho near ru
ture Its population wfll not only hav
to nrftduce what It consumes, dui
also send food to the Amiicen aa-1
allied armies overseas.
"It Is not prscticablo to produce
all the fats and cereals needed on
the small plot of ground: but the
amounts needed may be reduced by
Increasing the amounts of fruits ami
vegetable and home grown meats or
meat substitutes." . . -
National Anthem Begins
Day's Work for Clerks
As an Inspiration before sitting
down to their day of. war work gov
ernment clerks in some of the de
partments in Washington. D. C,
unite In singing the national anthem.
-In the open court of the p?nlou
bnlldlng the court where inaugural
balls have been held in the past
1500 workers. Including 200 clerks
of the bureau of education. 250 if
the Internal revenueand 1000 em
ployes of the pension bureau, sing
the Star Spangled Banner each
morning. The request to do' so came
from the employes themselves, and
they have voluntarily contributed to
the. purchase of musical Instruments
for accompanying the sinking.
The singing begins before 9 o'clock
so that no time Is lost from the
mornings work.
MKWS NOTF.fl . ... .. ... .'.
Development of water power at
falls of Columbia requires two
things first, men of larger buslnena
caliber in state affairs; second, a
..,.... 1 1 1 1 ....
Langells Valley to bo irrigated
from Clear Lake.
Hosebuig geta fruit by-products
plant If farmers will grow fiult and
labor can be secuied to harvest crops
after grown. ,
Florence to get shipyard and cold
storage flub plant. ,.. .
Vale New office, building going
Cove orchardlsti to supply 300
tons cherries at, 4 cents a pound.
Klamath Indian , reservation al
lowed $00,000 to buy. live stock.
six iinuneu snips ai roruana
yardH the past week.
College experts solemnly declasfr
there is shortage of farm labor.
Salem man haj Invented new plan
for dehydrating poratoes.
Oregon shipbuilders secure more
government contracts.
Oregon supply spruce for airplanes
and fir for ships.
Dallas 25 carloads airplane spruce
to be finished here, .
Powers Chrome, copper and gold
ore 1C miles south being Investigat
ed. .
North Bend Kruse &.' Banks
yard has launched second wooden
ship this year.
Grants rata Del Norte mines
building 11 mile ore road.
Portland 205 sawmills cut GV4
billion feet lumber In 1917 In Ore-
gonand Washington 150 million
more than In 1916.
lloseburg Site secured here .for
Adventist normal school.
Oregon, and Washington will build
2,000.000 ton ships this year.
Portland County will build 18000,
road, crossing under -railroad at
Bridge ton.
waldport 2000 acres oil lands
optioned by Portland capitalists.
, Myrtle. Point sawmill putcbased
and to be operated.
Klamath Falls 60,000 bushel bulk
grain elevator to be built.
Marshfield Contract let for 12
new houses for laborers.
r imbier work started on new
grain elevator here.
Prinevllle smith Bros, awarded
large sale of forest reserve timber.
Florence Contract let for last
bridge on highway to Eugene.
Bandon White Bros, of Oakland,
Cal. to establish shipyard here.
Five miles Alarshfield Coqullle
road to have warrenlte hard surface.
Bandon shipyards have hopes of
quite a number of private contracts,
both for 'Steamers and motorshlps.
and It Is possible government con
tracts can also be secured.
The Dalles Contract let for ma
cadam highway to Tygh valley, $21,-
ooo. . .
Highway to be built. from Laurel
to Newberg. s
Grants Pas Ore from Seven
Thirty mine to be treated at Almeda
Adams to get a new school bully
ing. . ,
Eugene to have day nursery so mo
thers can work on farms.
Sumpter 10 new buildings plan
ned-here for this summer.
Bandon Parkersburg cheese fac
tory resumesopcratlon.
Grants Pass Wentern Metal
Mines Co. to resume shipments from
Copper Eagle.
Newport Eureka coal mine, long
idle, to be operated.
Marshfield Cheese factory to be
operated with Coos river creamery.
Astoria Pacific Mill St Lumber
Co to build 11 miles railroad up
Lewis and Clark river.
Banks Work starts on Gales
creek and Wilson river railroad.
Portland gets an furniture and
box and. crate factories'. . .
Wallowa county farmers adopt
wage scale for the season.
Ashland Secretary Lane approves
300.000 acres O. C. grant as agricul
tural land for entry.
DUlard Contract for construction
of Umpqa river bridge let for $18,
4 J v.
, Hoodulver I3K.914 contract for
bridge across Hood river. .
, .Oregon road bonds approved and
permanent construction to amount of
$600,090 goes.
A inJt from the Scotch Woolen MilU Store is not of "tie
ready-made variety., Jt is .a tailored suit made from fcirh
quality woolens of Tout own selection made to your exact
1 : 1
measure by tailors of proven ability. ' ' . v
Hundreds of Popular. Suitings to select from. .
Scotch Woolen Mills Store
road con-
M7rtie Point to get a
Juice plant.
1'iiU.burg St. . Helens
tract let for $15,000.w .
1 Portland may operate line of Jitney
busnea to Linnton. ,
Klamath FcJls gets a daily stare
. . . r
loganberry line to Keno.
Oregon Is cutting most of 19
000 feet of spruce a month i
Pacifie Northwest .provltfee for a
planes, having largest available 1
ply of that class of timber, arac
Ing to nearly 60.000.000 feet
Take Salts .. at first . sign of
Bladder irritation or
Backache '
The American men and women
ni at guard constantly against Kid
ney trouble, because we eat too much
and all our food Is rich. Our blood
Is filled with uric acid which the
kidney strive to filter put. they
weaken from overwork, become
sluggish: the elimlnatlve tissues
clog snd the result is kldner trou
ble, bladder weak&tf.and a general
necune in health. ,I f -
Ahen your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead: your back ,! hurts, or . the
urine Is cloudr, full of sediment or
you are1 obllped to seykTelief two or
three times. during tho night: if you
suffer with sick headache or dizsy.
nervous spells, acid stomarn, or you
have rheumatism when the weather
is bad, get from your pharmacist
about four ounces of Jsd Salts; take
a tablespoonful In a glass of water
before breakfast for a few day and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous sslts is made from the acid
of grapes and lemon Juice, combined
with ;ithla. and hits been ued for
generations to flush and stimulate
clogged kidneys; to neutralise ' the
acids In the urine so It no longer Is
a source of irritation, thus ending
bladder disorders. : ' - '
Jad, Salts Is Inexpensive; - cannot
Injure, makes a delightful efferves
cent lithta-water beverage, and be
longs In every home, because nobody
can maker a mistake by having a
good kidney flushing any time.
Many New Woolens; J
I bave an excellent assortment of high grade woolen from wLUl
I will take ywir order for suit AT Till: OLD PRICE. v
John Sundin, Tailor
a 17 Bute Htrect
tUlem, Orrc t
Clean Up and
Paint Uj
Painting is Economy Through Preservation. Too many peop'.j
todaycxsldci Paint only from. decorative standpoint, whi! J
- Paint is a great decorative medium ITS FIEST PURPOST,
Unless properly painted tho wooden parts of a buildii,;
soon absorb moisture and swelL The joints open and disinteg
ration is rapid. The metal roof, gutters and railings soon rr:t
and in a remarkably short time are past repair. Painting as 1
. preservative against the elements is absolutely necessary.
1 The large iron dome of 'the United States' Capitol shon
the, need of painting every three years. If this had not beta
done the structure would have long since been past repair.' TLs
same deterioration is probably progressing to greater, or lees
extent on your property today.
The soft, sandstone exterior of the White House has been
preserved these many years with paint It was found teas-
sary, as the stone was rapidly disintegrating. Cement struc
tures absorb moisture and in damp weather present a blotched
appearance, ; the surface becoming dark. If painted, tit ce
ment becomes. moisture-proof and the structure rtWrs clc&a
and attractive.
There are many frame dwellings on the New England ect
built over .two hundred years ago now in a perfect state cf
preservation, as a result of the occasional application cf pibt.
It is Just as necessary to have your property painted rcn
larly as it is to pay for protection by firt insurance; in ft,
more so, for the .reason that money spent for fire insurer s
premiums represents an expenditure to protect against a POS
SIBLE loss, whereas failure to make toe proper expeadl.rrs
for paint protection means failure to protect against CEHXaLi
loss. 1 . . -; -"--- '
Professor H. H. King of the State Agricultural College cf
.Kansas, in a letter written April 17, 1916, makes this sUteet:
"The losses ensuing in this State through. lack of pabt art
much greater thin' the losses sustained by fire."
Paints, all Colors, $2.50 a Gallon
. We also carry a splendid supply of Brushes, Sweepers, Breeds,
Dust mops, Paint Brushes, Buckets, etc.
S33 SUte Street.
Phone 172
t ' ( ,
RigdorTs Funered Parlors
y'f' .....
. m
. t
- n . - - .
The .Home" cf Square Dealing. -
, ' i Beautifully Appointed .
rnvatc driveway. Superior service. Lowest in cost.