The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 21, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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If Money Can Secure It
We Have It Here
; Oar Itock on hand in diamonds. watches. Jewelry arid f.n
good. comprises everything desirable that anyone could wlrt for
Look over our stock and note the many beautiful designs We Te
iflretohave what you want. . v , "e ,e
Stat and Liberty Streets.
I'lMPI,' N I
mmmmmmi. I
v ., ; by the : .
High School Chorus, under the direction of Minnetta Macera
, 1 Reserved Seats 50c
Tickets to be reserved Monday, April 29, 8:30 a. m.
,' -Leave subscriptions at Will's Music Store
' i " r i n B II B I II 1 1 j I T"f P
' gl1
OREGON State street near
0. E. depot Home of Artcraft
and Paramount pictures.
The Tiger Man," featuring
William S. Hart.
LIBERTY L I b o r t y near
State. "Mis-Judged," with Big
Bill Hart. ,
B LI G 1 1 State between Lib
ertyand High. Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special films.
Hippodrome vaudeville.
Uaa Wantel
At the Spa, Apply after 3 o'clock.
Soldier Is Home '.;.:
Ira Mercer Is panning a short fur
lough from American Lake with his
rirents. Dr. and Mrs. W, U Mercer
of North Summer street. Ho will re-
torn tonight, i ; : 1
"." C Piece fl' .
Oae far all ettgaacwiea t. Hear
taeaa mt Anwary everr Sa(aMar
!. phmn KM. -
Salem Velio Co., Phone 41
Cregpi Taxifi Baggage Co.
Phone 77
Try our Checking System on
Baggage. Claim Checks for every
parcel bandied. , :
Buy One
Welch Electric Co.
220 N. Com.
Phone 9 61.
. We -pmy th very hlcbeat priM
far hall bm44 tlu of
ry klatt.
People's Second Hand Store
nt V. Caatairrrlal St I'aaaa 7Xi
A sped
f 4 munlcatic
i Lodge Ne
A. M.. ,
A special Joint mm.
inication of Salem
No. 4. A. F. &
and Pacific
Lodge No. 50, A. F & A. M.,
will be held on Monday even
ing. April 22, 1918, at 8 p. m...
which will be of great import
ance to . you. MASTER MA
SONS ONLY. Brother Robert
D. Graham, of Denver, Color
ado, will deliver a lecture en
titled, "The Hidden Mysteries'
of Free Masonry."
Important Deals Maul
The Fleming Realty company re
ports the sale of two properties with
in the last few days, both cash buys
and no trade In them and both city
residences, which they consider very
encouraging. One was the house at
1720 Chemeketa street sold to Mr.
larham of Polk county from C. O.
Ilarnian, of Montana, and the other
the fine little bungalow of Mrs.
George D. Beaty in Richmond addi
tion, to a Mr. Rozell of Washington,
whose family will come here and oc
cupy It for food. The company has
two other good prospects working
nicei yat present.
Young Man Wanted
To learn printing trade. Good
wages while learning. Apply States
man Composing Room, upstairs.
Plenty Of Fund In Loan
A. C. Bohrnstcdt, agent for the
feMetal loan fund In this city, states
that there seems to be more or less
misapprehension among farmers as
to the condition of the fund. The im
pression seems to have gone abroad
that the fund is exhausted, but Mr.
Bobrnstedt says there will be- no
trouble In negotiating loans if the
applications are made th season.
There Is always considerable delay
in getting the applications through.
Hear Mr. Katherin Glen Kerry
In concert at the First M. E.
church Monday night. April 22. No
admission charged. Silver offering
taken for Willamette chapter Rel
Cross. Assisted by Frank Wllbar
Chaee, organist.
llooftier Cabinets
Are the peer of kitchen cabinets.
They save steps for the housewife.
One dollar puts one In your home.
See Hamilton, the furniture man.
At the Court House
Complaint filed in the case of Em
ma C. Land against A. T. McAtee.
suit for title to real property. Notlcu
of appeal In case or R. H. Capler
aaginst J. D. Allen, suit for money.
Complaint In the case of W. L. Van
Horn against J. O. Hays, suit to col
lect on liens. Inventory and ap
praisement in estate of Ever Hansen,
deceased. Order admitting will of
James Colvln to probate and appoint
ing H, C; Porter, H. C. Von Behren
and Charles Ransom as appraisers.
Inventory and appraisement of tho
estate of M. E. Breyman, showing
real and personal property to the
amount of S251.935.84.
Land Wanted For War Gardens
Secretary Ivan .Martin of the Sa
lem Floral society says there is some
Inquiry for vacant lots for war gard
ens and 4he society wishes to get In
to touch with all citizens who have
vacant lots or acreage that they are
willing to donate for this purpose.
A number of lots are now listed and
one person on the west side of the
river has ten acres that may bo used
for this purpose only. In this con
nection it is stated that the floral
society la nlanning to hold anotner
exchange of seeds and plants Thurs
day. Anrll 25., A considerable quan-
w w i . . a a .A
tltv of earflen seeds 13 on nana io
be exchanged.
Man Wanted
At the Spa. Apply after 3 o'clock.
Will Take Examination ' , " .' .
In, a' letter Just received by Navy
Recruiting Officer John E. Adams.
Adair Lockwood, who has been at
.the Mare Island electrical school the
past thirty-two weeks says -he Is now
ready to take his examinations for
rating on April 19. He had expected
to take it on the 15th, but because
few In the classes were slow, the
tests were delayed.
Harness Repairing
We manufacture and repair all
kinds of harness. 8Jhafers Harness
Store. 170 South Commercial street
New harness, $40 to $100.
Home Away from Horn."
Strictly Modarn 11.00 Par Day
100 Raa af Sail Caaafart
Only Hotel In Bualness District
Vobb & Clods
Complete Equipment ,
Moderate Prioea
Uied Furniture Wanted
H'caeat caab arlrra paid far
Phone 041 or 503
Doctor White
Duuiet of Women and
Nervous Diseases '
HI trailed States National Bank
Building, Salem, Oregon i!
Day phone Night phono
Efficiency r!txl
W win park, wove or store
J3cUon0di nd 6uarantte Mt
Jtca on FaBtcrn Shlpmcnti
our specialty. Moving and Out of Town
t . Trips. . .. .
' 437 BUtt Street. ;
Corner Court and High Sts.
PHONE 120 Kight or Day
I pay the highest cash price.
Bforo you sell, get my
prices I also buy all kinds
of second hand furniture and
The Capital
Junk Co.
! Tho Square Deal House, .
271 ChemekcU St. Phone 398
Player Piano
1 have a 1750 Ringer piayer pian
which I will sacrifice for $502. it's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a high
grade Instrument at a low price, r..
4. Stiff & Son. 448 court St.
Klir.nnon Ylftlt Kalerrf
I. J. Simpson or uoos nay. one oi
th Ttftmblican candidates roi mt
gubernatorial nomination, was In 8a
lem for a brief time yesterday, tie
left for Tortland in the arternoon.
From-TorUand he will take another
in tint Into eastern Oregon and the
return to the Willamette vaney.
Oo an Anex rcieciric t ieanrr
To do your sweeping drudgery.
They get all the dirt. Sold by C. S,
n&ncor Funeral Tomorrow
The funeral of the later Mrs. Grace
Tiancor. wife of C. W. Dancer of
Snring Valley, will be held tomorrow
afternoon at the Zena church at
o'clock. Biirlal will b 1n the Zena
cemetery. The body will remain at
the . Rlgdon chapel until about
o'clock tomorrow.
Vou Can 1-r That llano
Or organ now at practically your
own price. K. L. Stiff L Son.
Regularly This Spring Hooi't 8srsa
parilla Baforo Meals Pcptiren After.
Thla combination hiving wonder
ful micrcMN everywhere.
It in relievinir i he:nvatiym. exjietllnr
humor, reatotinff nM a profile, sr'vlnf
the ptow of healtlxtn the eh-t ka. ir.iU
ine fares bright aniJromiilpsintm-ar
and literally plvirj vf?n-ont. Ii;v'n
faitKPd peP'e new ar.ilIUo:i and th
strenRth of Iron.
For It comMnea that net nwful r
all metali Iron In n to -r e of n.cii;
cine that la tcci:!L'i,!y
HcHxl'a Sar:-i:iril'a l--: 'c fruir .1
unsurpa"""' frmu!a of l-'ool-nurlfy
Inir anl-tomach-tonlnK rrmerMea, ant
'I'eptlron from nepln. Irn:i, hux ani
other blood and Mtomach tonics that
phyalclana preacrlbe. i
In cae where a cathartic la neeiled.
Hood's Farnsiparllla and I'eptlron arf
very effectively supplemented by
Hood' Pill, relieving blliousps
rnnritlpatlon. and all liver Ilia.
Soldiers Hot urn To Camp
James McClelland, Jr., who is a
member of the aviation school at
Berkeley, will leave for California to
night. He has been in Salem to at
tend tbe funeral of his brother, priv
ate Uenjamin McClelland, which was
held Friday afternoon. Charles
Smith, a soldier who was honored
ith the escort of the body of Pri
vate McClelland from the cantonment
will return to Douglas, Ariz., tonight.
Private Smith is a member of the
medical corps and was a close friend
of the young soldier who4ied. They
had been "bunk mates" for some
months. Private Smith was urged
to stay for an extended furlough with
Mr. and Mrs. James McClelland Sr.
205 North Twenty-first street.
A Private Home-
In all of Its apopintments Is what
we offer for the use of our patrons.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Terwilllger.
Funeral Directors, 770 Chemeketa
St. Phono 724.
Sim. Kerry's Concert
Assisted by Dr. Frank Wilbur
Chace, dean of music at Willamette
university. Mrs. Katherine Oten
Kerry of Seattle, Wnh, a contralto
singer of note and composer of
songs, will give a concert at the First
Methodist church, corner State and
Church streets. Monday evening,
April 22, to which the music loving
public Is cordially Invited. There
will be no charge, but those having
the pleasure of hearing Mrs. Kerry
sing will no doubt be glad to make
n liberal free will offering to the
cause of the Red Cross. All the pro
ceeds from the concert go to Willam
ette chapter Salem Red Cross.
A Little Apex Electric Cgnner r
'-' Has more pull than other cleaners.
Sold by C. S. Hamilton. , .. ..
I. O. O. F. A (lent km
Ninety-ninth anniversary program.
Address by J. K. Wealherford of Al
bany, and presentation of Veteran
Jewels by Dr. W. T. Williamson of
Portland. Special music. Ail Odd
Fellows, Rebeccas and their friends
invited. Wednesday. April 2 4.
C. L. George Knllwtn
Chalmer U George, son of W. P.
George of this city, was here a short
time visiting before he went to Port
land to enlist in the navy. He left
yesterday morning; to enter the hos
pital corps and will later seek a com
mission as dentist when a vacancy oc
curs. Mr. George was a practicing
dentist In New York City.
I'ncd Piano and Organ
At almost give away prices.
Stiff & Son.
K. L.
Doctor Mt Wednesday
The rolk-Yamhlll-Marlon Medical
society will hold a meeting April 24,
at 7:20 p. ;n. at the Oregon State
hospital. The proper charge for life
Insurance examinations will be tak
en up as a special order or business.
Dr. George F. Koehler of Portland
will read a paper on gastro-lntestlnal
surgery from the point of view of a
physician. In this paper be will
take up the study of cases of gastro
ptosls and will present lantern slides.
Dr. Harold C. Bean who has recent
ly returned from Fiance will speak
on the medical work there.
The Salem Automobile Ounpany
Reports the sale of forty-six Chev
rolet cars since they commenced
business this spring. They made
their first sale on February 23.
Out Of Door Funeral Today
The funeral of David E. Johnson
will be held today at Murphy ceme
tery, six miles from, Salem on the
Silverlon , road. -The funeral party
will leave Webb Jfc dough's chapel
at 10:30 o'clock thIsTnornTng. A
combined funeral service will be held
out of doors. ' '
Corm to Jitney Dance
At -Moose hall Thnrsdny evening,
April 25. given by Royal Neighbors
and Modern Woodmen for benefit of
Red Cross. Admission, 10 cents.
Dr.'MendelNohn (
Is back at his off If o after being
confined to his home with sickness
for the last few days. The doctor
Is now able to care for bis patients.
Tut In Bed In Bloom-
Motorists and other visitors will
be afforded a treat today in viewing
the large tulip beds which are in full
bloom In the two round flower spaces
In front of the state hospital. Some
of the tulips are of a rlch'deep red
hue and are from rare bulbs. The
display is among the largest in the
Have Several l'el Pianos
And organs going to sell at almost
nothing. E. L. Stiff L Son.
fool Swine In Demand
Doerfler Bros; Duroe Jersey swine
breeders of Sllverton report receiving
many orders from Oregon, Washing
ton and California. Never before. It
Is reported, has there been such a
big demand for good registered livestock.
Cabbagw Contracts Wanted
By tho Oldeon Stole Co., for sa'ier
krant purposes. Experienced gtowsrs
preferred. Prices on application.
Linn Neamlth Arrive
Salem friends have -been Inform
ed by postcards from overseas Ih
Linn W. Nesmith has arrived on for
Ign soil. Nesmith has numerous
friendti in Salem.
Sllverton. Or.. April 1, 1918.
Editor Statesman:
In response to the question asked
me by the members of Hal Hlbbard
Camp No. 5. United Spanish War
Veterans of Salem. Or., "Will I. if
elected county Judge, see that the
emblem of our liberty (the flag)
flies from the courthouse .flag pole?"
As a true, patriotic, loyal citizen,
I would deem It the highest privilege
and my most sacred duty to see that
the Stars and Stripes or this splendid
nation, which means so much not
only to the people of this nation, b-it
to all the people of all the world,
floated proudly from the courthouse
flag staff, every day In the year.
Very truly yours,
L. J. Adams.
(Pd. Adv.)
Children Give Money
One of, the latest donations to tbe
Red Cross was mffde this week by
the Kid Komedy Klub, an organiza
tion of youngsters all about 12 years
of age. who reecntly gave en enter
talnmetn under the direction of Mrs.
Anna Rogers Fish from which $7
was raised and turne dover to the
chapter. This Is the second donation
the eight boys in the club have made
In the past two months.
Dm. White) Jk Walton. Owteopatha
SOS U. 8. Bank Bldr. Phone SSI.
Continue Stamp Sal
Despite Interest in Liberty loan
bonds .war savings stamps sales con
tinue, though In smaller amounts.
The past week a little over 50 per
cent of the average amount or $f.-
270.95 was disposed of In Marlon
county exclusive of Salem. ArounJ
the latter part of the month, when
purchases are heaviest, abont $90"O
has been Invested In the thrift stick
ers. .
Met Me at the Club Alleys
122 N. Commercial. Upstairs.
Bid Called For
Bids will be received at tho post
office up to May 1 for hauling mall
between, the Southorn Pacific depot
and the postofflce. the contract going
to the party submitting the lowest
figure. :
Picnic on May 1 1
Mehama Red Cross auxllliry Is
busy making plans for a picnic to b
given In the Mehama grove on May
1 1 for the benefit of their branch of
the Salem chapter.
Save Money and Tire Trouble
Iy Using; Miller tires: 39 Mllleri
per hundred .exceed the standard
guarantee. I save your rlm-eut an-t
side blowout tires by stitching. Clark-
319 N. Commercial.
Xot Frank Smith. Cattle Buyer
Tho Fran ftmlth' Who trot mixed
up In a fight with a Chinese was
not Frank Smith, the cattle buyer.
as every one of his friends ought to
the Cent an Hour-
Is the cost of running; an electric
cleaner. Sold by Hamilton.
J.!.. PntlcrMm
25 N. Commercial street. Screen
doors. $1.50 to $2.25. Screen wire.
3 and 3c per re foot. Shovels,
snades. hoes, rakes and cultivators
priced according to quality.
Hi-yer llano
,1 have a $70 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for $562. It'i
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a high
grade Instrument at a low price, E.
Showing of
Cool and Attractive
Hats for Summer
The watin weather demands
the donning of Hummer Head
Drew. We are prepared for
this occasion with a. remark
ably exquisite assortment of
bright; cheerful, snappy hats or
cool and refreshing tono -hats
instantly - recognizable as
abreast of the moment In stylo.
.More are arriving by express
each week to supplement "what.
wc have on hand.
You'll always find tho latent
the prettiest, the best at the
French Shop and priced mod
erately. The French
115 X, High. Masonic Temple.
Very Harmful
Don't let your bad cold or
La Grippe hang on until it
underminett your general
Break up the cold in 24
hours. Schaefer's Cold Tab
lets will do the trick. Mildly
25c Bottle
13S N. Commercial St.
Why Sell fbr 50c When
We Offer $1.00?
When buying don't you look for the house that. will give
you the most merchandise for the least money, then why not
when selling your Junk look for the house that will give you
the most money for the least merchandise. Think this over.
We advertise our prices for your benefit. Cut this out and
keep it hand; when you bring your Junk to town or when
selling at home. .Be sure, don't let them argue you out of
selling at a lower price for. your Junk. - Our advertised
prices are guaranteed when "the goods are delivered,'' read
further: ' ' -
Copper, lb 18c to 20c
H. Brass, per lb. 16c to 20c
L. Brass, per pound. JOc
Lead and Zinc, per lb. 5c
,Hop Wire, galvanised, $50
per ton, f . o. b Salem.
Boots, Shoes, No. 1 lb. 7c
Auto Tires, lb. 4o to 4y2c
Bike Tires, per pound. .3c
Inner Tubes, per lb. 10c
Woolen Bags, per lb. 5c
Clean Cotton Bags, lb. 2c
Shoddy Bags, per
No. 1 Sacks 15c
Other sacks accordingly.
Old leather Shoes, cwt. 25c
H. Cast Iron, cwt.... $1.50
Stove Cast. cwt. $1.00
Steel and Iron, cwt.. . .75c
Beer, quarts, dozen. . ,30c
Beer, pints, doxen:...20c
Whiskey, quarts, dozen 18c
Mixed Qt. Bottles, doz. 10c
Western Junk Coi
of Center and N. Commercial Streets -Phone
706, USE IT - '
Oregim Patents ('ranted
Reported weekly by Beale St Park;
Solicitors of Patents, Washington,
D. C. Arvld B.urseJI, Aumsvlile.
surgical .Instrument; Charles E.
Davis, North Plains, elevated carrier.
A. F. and R. Haynes. Dufur, carbur
etor homogenlxer. Fred Makl, Port
land, device for use Iq splicing ropes
or cables. Mark McCrarken. Port
land, air valve. Frank MrDanlels.
Portland, tractor control. Harry V.
Tremble, Marshfleld. trap.
Itenew MembenJilps i
Memberships irt tbe Red Cro-ts
were lust renewed this week br th
thirteen members of teXierraan so
ciety present at IJs meetlag last Sun.
day. August Kehrberger preside-
of the organization, entered the mo
tion which resulted in the receipt of
$13 by the local ehspttr. lle sald
he felt sure others not present at th
last session would also send thf lr
money In. ,
With Our Complete Equipment
Refined services and latest meth
ods of embalming, 'twill be a "funer
al beautiful." Webb, it Cough Co.
Ixrture Monday Afterm-on
under the auspices of the -Home
Service department of the Red Cross
a lecture on "Community Resources"
win oe given at tke Commercial club
rooms Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
by Dr. Joseph Bhafer. The speaker
head of the history department of
the University of Oregon and has
been Identified with the extension
work of the Red Cross. He Is an In
terestlng and entertaining speaker.'
Salem I'm It Company "
Pays highest cssh price ror egg.
any quantity. 267 S Commercial EL
Naval Itewervc Wante!
Recruiting; Officer John K. Adams
Is particularly. nutting forth efforts
at present to Interest would be te
emits In the call for r.000 naval re
serves. Any one not In the current
draft may enter the reserve, the only
difference between It and the regular
navy being that it calls for four years
with tbe privilege of getting out af
ter the war while thi litter only
calls for service for the duration of,
the great conflict. Mr. Adams will
go to Roseburg today on a short bus
iness trip.
- ,
$1.60 per cwt. for Cast- Iron,,
85c per. cwt for Stove Cast
$1.00 per cwt. for Iron, Steel
Have you anything in that
line? ..
No 1 Sacks, 15c each
. Dispose of it now f ;
Bring it to us ...
It's a matter of dollars in'
your interest to do so.
Salem's Leading Junk '
Corner of Center and Court
Phone 706 ,
Watch for announcement on
The Telegraph System
of The Human Body
Kvery action of every organ of the body is dictated by a message,
from the brain a message which passes from the brain over tho
nerve fibres through the spinal column. If the spinal cord Is Im
plxned by the vertebra of the bnckbone theso messages are shut'
off. Chiropractors remove these implgnrnenta thus restoring the
health. i ,
Dr. O. L. SCOTT,
Itnoms 4 fXl-7-, U. H. National Bank Building.
Office Phone 87. Ilewldenre Phone) fCAR,
aim? f-
,i"fi k
Buy 3rd Liberty Loan Bonds
This Space Patriotically Contributed by Falls CitJ-Sib'iu Lumber Co.
a a
L, Stiff L Son. 448 Court St. '
. ri