The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 20, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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If Money Can Secure It-- ;
We Have It Here
Our stock on hand In diamonds, watehes, jewelry and fancy
goods comprises everything desirable Unl'.anyone could wish for.
LKk orer our stock and note the many beautiful designs: We aie
sore to have what you want. r -
8tat and Liberty Street.
HARRIS To Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Harris at their home at Heppner,
Thursday, April 18. 1918. a daugu-
tery weight eight pounds.
L DANCER-f At the family home in
ii Spring Valley fire miles north of
Salem, Friday. April 19. 1918, at
1 : 30 o clock, Mrs. Grace Dancer.
She was 47 years old and the wife
of C. W. Dancer. She also leaves a
son, Leslie Dancer, 28 years old. The
body was brought to the Rigdon un
dertaking establishment last evening.
The funeral arrangements will ba
announced later... .
Food Administration Urges
Catting of One-Half in
The United States food adminis
tration has issued the following
statement relative to the wheat
shortage: "
A reduction of one-half our or
dinary consumption of wheat from
(B-w ,
' OREGON State street near
O. E. depot. Home of Artcraf t
and P a r a m ou n t pictures.
'The Whispering Chorus," 7
reels. , , .
LIBERTY L. 1 b e r t y near
State street. Mabel Norman in
"Dodging a Million."
BLIGH State' between Lib
erty and High. Mutual and
Bluebird films.. Special films.
Hippodrome vaudeville.
Fishing Issued
Following is a partial list of tho
fishing licenses issued recently; O.
H. Worden, George Riches, Herbert
Ifaid. C. . O'Neill. Roy South, John
Pezzee, G. E. Buskin. N. I. Smith, J.
L. Cherrinston, Dan -Bright, George
Stringka, C. M. Eppley, Harold Lin
Funeral at Rigdon V
,ine riraerai or me late Mrs. Mary now to next harvest must be made
tSS Z"L nf1? - necesslty-to furnish
Rigdon chapel. Rer. F. T. Porter he ?11Ies wUh Uour " hf,lr war
will be in charge. The City View Dreaa redeeming our obligation.
cemetery will be the place of inter
ment. ' '.
'When the army's requirements
have been. met. and wheat, has been
set aside for seed and other special
purposes, there remains an allow
ance of approximately one and a, half
, pounds weekly -for each person. . All
Dram Suit in Justice Court
One of the minor cases that occa
sionally invade the sanctum of Jnriee
Webster is that of P. A. Schilling ine wne ai is usea ror Dreaa. ror
ncnlnst the standard rieanem and 1 macaroni, for cake and pastry and
ook. C. M. Bolenbaugh, Byrdie John- Dyers, in 7hich the complaint alleg- crackers flour and wheat products
sen, Edward Gittins. 8. P. McCrack-Lt that a rertain dremi.' rnnKimed tn in every form must come out of
en. C. Wolford, all of Salem; Martin the establishment for cleaning and that pound and a half a week.
Doerfler. Sam Brown, Silverton; L. nressinsr. was so much Inlured from "Not every one can get alrng on
M. Conner. St. Paul; O. E. Lewis. I .hrlnklne. etc.. that damarea to the that basis. The soldiers and many
County Clerks Assign
Numbers to Candidates
Some misunderstanding apparently
exists among candidates as to what
officials prepare the election ballots,
and in reply to one of them Secre
tary of State Olcott gives the infor
mation that ballots are prepared by
the county clerks of the respective
counties and not by the office of the
secretary of state. The letter fur
ther says that the ballot numbers
are supplied by the county clerks at
the time of preparation of the bal
lots for the counties.
"This information will, very likely
be obtainable 'from the county clerk
before the latter part of nftt.week."
says Secretary droit's. letter; "as
this office, under the 4, certifies
the names of the candidate for state
and district offices to -the -county
clerks about April 20. 1918. ; The
county clerks, under the law, pre
pare the ballots for their respective
counties between April 25 and 27. at
that time assigning the ballot num
bers to the respective candidates."
Impressive Funeral Services
Are Held for Benjamin.
Player Piano
I .'have a $750 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for $562. It's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a hleh
J grade instrument at a low price. E.
L, Stiff tc Son. 446 Court St.
amount of 125 are demanded. The workers must depend on bakery
defendant aver. that the damage. Ifr pro- jthat Jf th do no' turn ont and
Farmers Are Urged to
Help Work on Roads
Attention Is called to the need in
some parts of Marion county for
more help on the part of the farmers
in working the roads. It is declared
any. is in no way due to the process I portion, of wheaC than the quick
- - si. . . ....... i
of, cleaning. The Judge takes tha oreaasinat can ne baea in me
case under advisement. homes. Those who can. must give I
up wheat almost entirely.
help the supervisors the road work
scheduled for this year will not be
finished, especially where taxes have
been voted. Some of - the - districts
Iean Judges Debate
Dean George H. Alden. acting pres
ident of Willamette university, went
to Eugene yesterday afternoon where
he judged a debate last night be
tween the teams of Willamette unl
, versity and the University of Oregon.
Young Man Wanted -
To learn printing trade. Good
wages while learning. Apply States
man Composing Room, upstairs.
Kaiser Funeral Today
The funeral of Miss Angle Kaiser
will be held this morning . at 10
o'clock , from St, Joseph's Catholic
church.' The casket wil not be open
ed at the church. Burial will be In
the Catholic cemetery.
A Good Time
Dance. Moose hall tonight.'
Dr. Mendelsohn
Is beck at his office after being
confined to his home with sickness
for the last few days. ' The ' doctor
is how able to care for his patients.
substitute. Once used al
ways ued. If your grocer doesn't
handle It Call for It at
S:.W Tonight . ,
Dance. Moose hall. Come early.
Save Money and Tire Trouble-
By Using Miller tires; 99 Miller
per hundred exceed , the standard
guarantee. I save your rim-cut and
side blowout tires by stitching. Clark.
319 N. Commercial.
Trip to nirdUnd , I ow that spring has nine there Ulled to work ont the,r Uxes ,Mt
See the educated cockatoos at me picmy oi potatoes ana corn ua ....
ungn xoaay. . i uai mo yue i wuci, uu
nieniy or mux to ro witn them.
Each Is Fined $10 yleTer housewives who varr the diet Animal ReOOrt It Mad
Vm. Ow.UL TamASi Prlnns I fV fftlAir Tl Will TT C ST A fha ISmhlAtTl L
each paid a $10 fine in police court J easier for people ?n crowded citie!i
on charges of disorderly condnct pre-1 with no proper cooking equipment.
ferred as a resuu or a row wun aun sincuy umi ea. iro The knnual report of the Astoria
wan, cninese proprietor oi a res- wu uariey ana; rye leu in me gtreet rgjiy which is operated by
laurant In the basement of the Hub- country. Cornmeal. oatmeal, po- the Pacifja power tc Light company,
bard building. Roth had agreed to tatoes, rice and In a less degree other .how that the ratio of operating
apepar at 9 o'clock yesterday morn- food, must take the place of wheat, expenses to operating revenues for
by Astoria Street Road
Inr. Smith appeared but Cripps ran
ed to show up ntil an officer was
rOilOW UirecnonM. AUVIMHl. th...F .nlnr IWmW 11 1 oi 7
The United States food admlnis- ts. .,.
tration asks the Ameriean people to tne following figures: Operating
Observe the following TUles: income. 11 i 670.25. an Inrreaae of
aavv - - - v - - -
-nousenoius not to exceei one anai tKua s7 nv h t,.iAna
one-nan poudoi oi iiour a wees; ioriffl,i .uri,i., eji ita nt
-I . ... I . . . . . i n . U I L m I " """" " ' ' '
House" ana "Tne rig ana me sneep -on tne xnai or i,ann,rron riu perron nour in victory Dreaa, increase of $9037.31: grand total
Who Set Up Housekeeping." There SUndpoint of a Lawyer." at the First macaroni, pastry, cakes and other operating expense. ,$27,958.23. An
la nl. th. nnm itnrv linnr 1 trtat nnthFMI rTltirrh f IrK I WJieat DrOOUCtS all rODIDinM. Ii . m'
a V V W V J ftMV " W w. J m V .ruLv. . ' .vh m r
Sunday evening. April 21. - a: "Public eating pi
Story Hoar Today-
Story hour will be held at the pub-1 gent for him
lie library at- :30- o'clock this
morning. The stories will be "The Come Early to Get a Seat-
Husband Who Was. to Mind the To hear Judge George O. Bingham
laces and clubs to
increase of $2717.93.
Mrs. Kevno Here Today
"Over the Ton at the Table" Is the Hear Mrs. Katherin Glen Kerry
subiect of the address which Mrs. I In concert at the First M. E.
Jennie Kemp will give at the public church Monday night. April 22. No
library auditorium today at 2:20. 1 admission charged. Silver offering
Mrs. Kemp Is a field a cent for the taken for Willamette chapter Rel
United States food administration. I Cross.
Her address will doubtless be of in-
terets to all, hut she will make her
strongest appeal to the, women.
fffLW,,t!j!n. tb t0lioV CAX CURE THAT BACKACHE
to serve not more than two ounces
I'aln along- the back. dlts:nes. head
ache and ceneral lanrnor. (it a pack-
aa-e of Mother Uray'a AROMATIC.
LEAF, the pleasant Medicinal Tea. Use
It at riret mgn or a cold. When yow
feel all run down, tlreo. weak ana
without enerry use this remarkable
ft ..-a v-. rvnv Wilhnr inatnm n4 av.kIma rM.nn,i. kombloitioii of nature s berba ana
Lniif, wrjai. ""un tuoiumcr, ai noy one unvi cqutl. Mother Grtr I ArMlle-Lat Ii
every purchase Of Wheat flour to beld by-Drua-rlats or aent y mall for
apnmnanled with at lait an fonnal I 50 cents. Ham pie aent FKEE. Ad
. - . , wA
of wheat flour or other wheat prod
ucts to a guest at any one meal.
'Retail pnrchasei to be limited to
24 pounds at a tlmo to a town
Cfebbage Contract Wanted
Harness Repairing
We manufacture and repair all
kinds of harness. Shafer's Harness
dreaa. Mother Gray Co.. Xr Roy. N. Y.
By the Gideon Stolx Co.. for sauer- store. 170 South Commercial street
New harness, $40 to $100.
Trln tn Itlrdland
See the ducated cockatoos at the I V will'.
Bligh today.
Salem Velio Co., Phone 44
Rurial In 5Iurjby Cemetery
The burial of the late David E.
Johnson who died Thursday In Sa
lem will take place today In the Mur-
Oregon Taxi & Baggage Co.
Phone 77 (
Try our Checking System on
Baggage. Claim Checka for every
parcel handled. , ,
kraut purposes. Experienced growers
preferred.., Prices on application.
Player Piano .
I have a $750 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for $562. It's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a high
grade instrument at a low price. E.
L. Stiff & Son. 446 Court St.
On Sneaking Tour
Frank T. Wrightman will leave
Sunday far Coos county, where he is
scheduled t make a number of pa
triotic addresses. These will be de
livered under the auspices of the
Knights of Pythias and will be raad3
at Marshf ield. North Bend, Myrtle
Point, Coqullle. and Bandon.
Educated Cockatoo
A splendid trip to birdland at thelLachmund administrator.
weight of other ceral.
Bakers and gro.vrs to hold down
their purchase of flour l o 70 "per
cent of their former average; three-
quarter pound loaves to go as far as
a pound- loaf formerly did in the
No wheat to b used in manufa6-
ture for anvthlnr-but food
"There Is nothing in this program
that need Interfere with wholesome p.L -a t,f. D.. J
diet. Those who are In a position I
Flags and flowers were mingled as
tributes at the funeral of the 22-year-old
soldier, Benjamin McClel
land, which was held yesterday after
noon at the First Methodist church.
Private McClelland died last ' week
at a cantonment at Don alas. 'Ariz.
The members of the city council.
of which the soldier's father, James
McClelland, Is a member, the. mem
bers of the . Woman's Relief - corps,
bearing patriotic Insignia.' and ythe
Soldiers' and Sailors' Parents club
marched to the church In a body.
The casket was opened for friends
to view the remains at the parlors of
the Rigdon company, where It lay In
state In the morning and at the
church before the services. Rev.
Richard N. Avison preached an im
pressive sermon. Many people at-
tended the services.
" A large American flag covered the ;
easket and there was a profusion of
flowers .in red. white and blue -shades.
The pall bearers were fellow sol
diers or Benjamin McClelland when
he served at the Mexican border.
They were Max Gehlhar, John ll.
Carson, Grove ' Hemsley. L. K. M.
Pierce, A. T. Woolpert and A. A.
Hall. BurUl was In Odd Fellows .
Five Fatal Accidents
Are Reported for Week t.
Accidents - reported to the state - . ,
accident commission for the week .
ending April 18 totaled 495 and f iva
of them were-fatal. -The workers,
fatally lnjdred were: James Greire
Roseburg. light and power worker;
Andrew Jensen. Portland,-construe- t
tlon worker: Ed.- Berg. -Portland. ; "
shipbuilder; D. II- Wheeler, Marsh
field, shipbuilder; E. R. Kelly. St. '
Helens, shipbuilder.' Of the total
number of accidents reported til "
were subject to compensation act.
- ssMfcL"-.;-.; ', '
Bligh today.
Buy One
Welch Electric Co.
220 N. Com.
Phone 9 S3.
We pay the very klabeet price
fee keld g4m aa4 tee la (
every hJ4. - -,
People 'f Second ' Hand Store
711 If. CeaiMerrlal St, - Pkeae T34
Used Fcrnitnre Wanted
Ulgkeat eaah rieee ald fee aaee
. feeltare
' Phone 941 or 608
Doctor White
Diseases of Women arid
Nervous Diseases ' :
SOI United SUtes National Bank
Building, Salem, Oregon
to do It, can, get along perfectly well
with neat , ta no wheat at all aOd I
pny cemetery. The body has been they ought -to give a margin for
sent there by Webb & Clough. those who cannot adapt ' their cir
cumstances to o larru a. urotMirtion
x uie looix iionae nf adbatltutes.
Petition filed by Caroline Daberco. "Until harvest J thes restrictions
asking for the appointment of D. O. I are necessary. They will be suppott-
Johnson as administrator of the es-led by strict regulation of distribution
tate of F. O. Johnson, deceased, and I as far as the law gives authority. In
order Issued for such appointment. I order that the supply may be adjust-
Final account filed in the estate of led to needs as equitably as possible.
Joseph Harris, deceased, by Louis After harvest It should be possiblo
Notice of to relax the restrictions; nntll then
appeal in case of R. H. Capler against your government asks for the pa-
J. D. Allen, a suit on contract Com- tience. sacrifice and co-operation of
plaint filed by Elisabeth Hlgglnboth- the distributing -trades and of all
im against Russell O. IUgginbotham, citizens.
suit for divorce on the ground of de
sertion. . Couple were married at I
Wood burn in 1912.
1 v
Drager Reports Southern
Oregon Prunes Damaged
IV. F.. Draeger of the Draeger official, hold that the plan would
. .u- A." o.-.J I Fruit romoanv Aaa retturned from a I proviae more xraiuru rata ini om-
cmtfiucB ui me wiguu oi. "V": ; In a ahorter nerlod of time for
License to Wed
A marriage license was issued from
(he clerk's office yesterday ' to Her
! man Koch ring and Meta Raschc, both
Twelve-lJIonth Session
Dnnng War
As 'an educational conservation
measure, members of President Wil
son's cabinet and other federal offi
cials are 'urging that public schools
of the United 8tates continue In ope
ration during the entire twelve
months of the year, with the twelve
months divided Into four quarters of
twelve weeks each.
A copy of the recommendation has
been received' by State School Super
Intendent Churchill and it Is signed
by Secretary of War Baker, Secre
tary of the Navy Daniels. Secretary
of Agriculture Houston. Secretary of
Labor Wilson, Civil Service Commis
sioner John A. Mcllhenny and Com
missioner of Education P. P. Claxton.
District school boards have auth
ority' to adopt the policy. Federal
Rig Rehearsal Sunday"
A complete rehearsal of the Cher-
trln nt IntnaHInn' thrnntti nrna
district Of. Douglas county. Where I government eric. io man wi
the company -has shipping offices. raduat on necessarl y would be re-
He states, that considerable damage
has been done In the orchards of
adjusted and It Is said arrangements
would be made whereby teachers
rlntl mlnatrela. With full Orchestra. I . . . I nnM nn'Vaa tn Airti in unllm
i j.ftlh.viw. lMl aecuon Dy recent rrosis. tne
Am wWiZ .V a Ainrk Thl. will bIoom beiBK much farhr advanced
day afternoon at 3 o clock, tms win I ,v 4v. i v mmu. -.n
be the last rehearsal before the dress J "
twelve months
unless they so
Duy phone
Night phone.
We will pack," move or store
yotir goods and guarantee sat
isfaction. Rates on Eastern Shipments
our specialty. -
Piano Movrng and Out of Town
: :V':, Trips.
437 State Street.
3 pounds B. 0. Coffee. . . .75c
2 Cans Peas...... ..25c
1 package Soda. . . . . .... .6c
1 package Raisins........ 9c
6 pounds 25c Coffee. . . . .90c
5 Boxes Matches . . . . . . . .25c
5 Bars 0 W Soap. ... . . . .25 c
Kale Seed, one pound... 40c
Turnip Seed. . . . . ...... .50c
15 pounds Onions . ... ; . .25c'
2 Cans Corn . . . . . . . . , . . ,25c
Cabbage Plants. .100 for 50c
4 ft. Wood or sawed.
2 Stores ,
855 N. Commercial Street
(Damon's old Stand)
" Phone 68
746 Highland Ave. Phone 496
Geo. wVstoner Prop.
Why Not Re Good to Yourself
ff vnn iwiVan nr anil num.
freshed In the morning, or tire early CUgh today.
In the day. are billons and -"blue, '
with coated tongue and bad breath
If you are suffering from Indigestion
or constipation you will find Foley
Cathartic Tablets quick to relieve
and comfortable in action. They are
wholesome and health-giving. J. C-
Educated Cockatoo A
A splendid trip to birdland at the
tnila la SU4 aa4 44 mmmSSf
iu riuiv m a
l.!l .
"'.it J .
I paj the highest cash price.
Before you sell, get my
prices I also buy all kinds
of second hand furniture and
junk. ,
The Capital
Junk Co.
The Square Deal House.
271 ChemekeU St. Phone 398 J
Mrs. S. R. Vail leaves this morning
for a week's visit with relatives and
friends tn Portland.
Hal D. Patton and family left yes
terday by automobile for Portland
for a brief visit with relatives.
T. B. Webb of Claxtar was In the
city yeeterday.
T. T. Wrightman is scheduled to
deliver a number of patriotic address
es in Coos county next week under
the auspices of the Knights of Py
Ihlas. lie will leave for Marshf if II
Monday .
. Joe C. Davis, of Corvallls. 'was
among the visitors In Salem yester
day. . '
- Mrs. W. T. Hennett of Newport
was in the city on a business errand
Mrs. J. A. Hanor. was over from
Dallas yesterday for a brief visit in
Clifford Harld of Tangent, Oregon,
was among the guests at the nilg'i
hotel yesterday.
Grace Ilrazler and M. T. Dunlgan
were IUac Rock citizens visiting Ka-
Icm yesterday.
Lor a Hawk of Falls City was a re
cent visitor in Salem.
Jo Pardee. Lynn Sabin and Wlllctu
Murray,' all of Grants Pass, were
among the group of twenty-seven
O. A. C." students registered last night
at the Marion hotel.
Mrs. J. A. Suler leaves today for
Balnville, Montana.
$1.50 per cwt. for Cast Iron
85o per cwt for Stove Cast
75c per cwt. for Iron, Steel
Have you anything in that
line? ' '
. . ' .... i i. ,
No 1 Sacks, 15c each
Dispose of it now '.'.
Bring it to us
It's a matter of dollars in
your interest to do so.
Salem's Leading Junk
Corner of Center and Court
Phone 706
Watch for announcement on
This space contributed by
Peerless Bakery.
.- .. 170 K. Commercial Street
- '; ' Phone 247 ,
Goods are still going op and. If.
peace should be declared goods will.
In-less than week double. It
would be Impossible for us to re
place goods at what we are selling
them today.
It would be 'well for some dealer
to investigate our prices berore yon
buy from the Jobber, If yon care to
save money, s
Arm it Hammer Soda
2 cans Milk
4 bars Fairy Soap
0c Tea, per pound ........
Se White Laundry Soap ....
15c White Reans
. .. . 2ic
.... 11c
lSe Coal Oil U
15c Horse Radish fie
Half pound pure Black Pepper. . 20c
lZcCorn Flake ?e
It pays to trade at the
Oppoalto Coart Iloaae
- On High 8Uree.
Two pounds. ..;;...'...... .25c
Artichokes. ; .. . .2 for 25c
Cucumbers ,15c
Florida Tomatoes.- .15c
Head Lettuce 3 for 25c
Hot House Lettuce 5c
Rhubarb 5c
Eugene Asparagus
The famous D orris and Smith kind; 2 pounds for 35c
California Asparagus, per bunch. ; . . f 10c
Cup and Saucer Free
With pounds Gem Blend Coffee, Today Only.
A Complete Stock
- - " t
of Fisher's Flour Substitutes. The finest Com, Barley
and Oat Pod acts milled in any mill in the U. 8. .