The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 20, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    - . ' ' " ..
tlon wn leaned today: i ,!: .
"Brtwwn, the. Adle and the
Piave (Italian theater) the fighting
activity continue' lively. " On "the
plains of the Sell Oommunl several
Italian thrusts have .been repulsed"
PARIS. April 19. There was no
infantry . fighting: during, the Course
of the dar. but there were lively ar
tillery engagement ia .several sec
tors, according to tie official state-
mant iinu . th. was i-r 4 I
I i. 1- I , ...... VIIIVV IV"
nOSTON. iApril is. lioston took NEW YORK. April 19. The New CORVALLIS. Or.; April 19; With night. The statement reads:
"mere were no' infantry actions
, , t - . , ; . ' I ' .
i!ss!i Pitches First Game and Another Game Is Taken From Eugene Makes Sensational
Does Well New York
Field Leaky
rt i t
uroojuyn . try acore ct j:
7 to 5 : . i
Score in Eight Inning in
3-2 Victory
Those Woundejat Toul Plac-
cd Evacuation Hospital
Boys Praise Officers
(By Th Axntt Prrmt)
the divisional boxing championships
In the various weight will be eon
tested was announced today by
Willie Ritchie, former lightweight
champion, and divisional boxing In
structor. The tournament, will be
held. In the open air on the nights
of May 20. 21.-SS and 24. -There
will be two classes. A elaaa for pro
fessionals and. B class for amateurs.
The championship will be In the
following weights. .11S pounds, 1ZS.
135, 145, 155. ICS. 175 and heavy
weights. Entry blanks were sent to
soldiers taking boxing Instruction to-
WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY r. ; Arrangement are w m maae
IS' FRANCE. April H. All "the j for an-attendance of 10.000. nnnit.i in' k'i! One-Round- llogan. former coast
v.h morning and afternoon holiday York Giants made It three traleht I the Arrles leadtns- In th eighth, two
came today from, ."sew xoriciJusb from' Brooklyn here today, winning to nxrthlng, with two men out, Wilson "rlng the course of the day. The
..t.asf his first gam for Boston tha laxt mamm nt tt. urii t n r. ion third (Trch. nn unnH it I ODDoalnr artlllerr were, artlv. In h.
nis morning, holding New Ypik to The Giant '-piled" up a four-run raatned for Lind, Oregon'' lanky region of Castel, Orlvesnea and the fighting northwest of Tool have been Kbampion. who fought Younx. Cor
four hlU and won, 2 to 1, y lead oa Grime in the first innlnr on flrstsacker. to plant a straight drive right bank of the Mense river. 1 taken to comfortable quarter In. a bf" one time for 'the, lightweight
Errort flared in all these runs, four hits and three base on balls, j P right field for a home run. scoring j Allied Aviator Bombard,
-ctmnk sUrred in center. - j Six ran behind. Brooklyn waged an three tallies and winning, the first "Eastern Theater. April - 18
; .... - . . . I ...L til t ' t . - - .
Rath wa hit nara m tne second i-poH,iigni m tne eigntn inning ana
m but poor support given the New drove., Deuiaree into, retirement.
vnTk Ditcher, Herbert" Thormablen.j BehaundfaU-around play featured.
.nabled Boston to win, 9 to 5. A I "s Bcorettr; ' - R. II. E.
feature wa.the one-hand catch by Brook lyri .V .W. 5 11 2
rsjait the right filed bleacher, af-h (Htoe, Grlner and Krueger; D- Lfl"
ier which Scott scorea au the way maree ana, Mccarty. t
froti secobd base. Pratt made three - j ' , , .
errors la the fifth inning, when rblUMlehihia 4, Ilooton 3.
Soston made five runs, but he- had PHILADELPHIA, April 19,
a big afternoon at the bat, getting Meunel, a Philadelphia recruit, hit
tvdt doubles ana two singles. iiugnes' nrst pitched ball to him
O. A. C.
of eight gamerin the Oregon-Aggies There were reciprocal artillery en
series today, 3 to 2. gagements in the Dolran sector and
Score: R. 1L E. along the Monastir front Bombard-1
U. of O. . ...3 4 21 nient were carried out by the allied
large evacuation hospital. - They 9U.bVapi.nfb,p a.nd Eddr. Stanley of
being provided with 1b est "treat
ment possible and every effort is .fee-'
lagldiade to relieve their Pain -and
to nrovide comfortable recreation for
them. All the boys are In good
...2 7 ll aviators on enemy establishments 1 spirits and anxious to get back to the
Wilson and Denton; Coleman and northwest of Seres and north of
Lake Presba," .
rnm, April . The, long
Billiard Title Held .
by Angle Ktechhefer ran' bombardment of Paris waa
resumed this. evening.
gcore, first game: R. H. E. for a drive Into left field bleachers hefer of Chicago tonight retained hi INFANTRY HAS HEAVY
yetr yora ........ ...... x in me icnin inning, today ana beat!UUeof world champion three-cush- t nccrc t?nie !-
p.nirton ' ...... .a w
Russell and Ruel; Bush and Ag
Be. : :
Score, second, game:
Jew York
UOSloa . . .
R. H. E.
..5 13 6
..9. 8 0
Boston 4 to3. . Ordinarily the drive
wduld have counted for a home run,
but Whitted. scored the winning run
from . first base, which he had
gained on Ra willies' fumble. In the.
seventh f' Pitcher -Hurhes drove .a
Caldwell. Thormablen. Monroe and homer Into the bleachers, but In the
Hannah; Roth and Agnew. same Inning Captain Lnderus for the
' T.. . . . locals linedjthe ball over the right
WaJilnKton 1, rbilUidepIiU 0. field fence, scoring two rnnners
. WASHINGTON, April 19. Wash- ahead of him and tying the score. -inrton
defeated Pbiladenaia, 1 to 0. Score: . R. H. E:
in s Ditching duel .between Ayers and I Boston , . i 3 7 1
Gregg. .Gregg. ly bae on ball, Philadelphia i u . . . i ... 4 7
Sbotton single and an error by Hughe and Henry; Prendergast
Shannon fined tne pases in tne ninm and Burns.!
and Shanks' hit aeciaeu the game.
ion, billiard player by winning, the
third block of 50 points from Pierre
Maupone Clevelatd. In 70 innings.
Maapome's score wa 48 for 69 la
Fight May Be Staged
at Camp in Illinois
ROCKFORD. 111.. April 19. With
the consent and endorsement of Gen
front line to Join their comrades.
1 "We are out of Irck for a little
while." said a Western" Massachus
etts private today, "bat we'll 4 all
right soon and mighty glad to get
another crack at the Boche for the
lajnres he did us."
j The boys In one company are load
in praise, of one of their sergeant
who held out aralnst a sunerlor force
LOSSES FROM BATTLE eL"V"!mrvh,Vi!,:Jfore b
. i - j . Jiiuiicii mmn iuui iu mo um..
Fifty NorvReilstcn Balk at
Order to Leave Civilian
Clothing at Home " '
Bakerafleld. CaL. are to stage the
principal bout tomorrow nish t in a
smoker for the soldiers la Y. M. C
A, hut No. &. Both are soldiers.'
The coming of Mtscha VI man. fa
mous' violinist; to Camp Lewis tq en
tertain the soldiers at the Liberty
theater, wa announced at the the
ater today by Colonel E. A. Braden.
Elman will appear here on the night
of April 18. J
Lengthy Debate Ended
.1 in Adoption ot Report
WASHINGTON, April. l The
conference report wa adopted after
,1 '
Camp Lewis .Officers SayMen
Must Stay in Bed Unless .
' They Wear Khaki
hleh vatpr mark for lnfn.ltv ?m
erans of manr battles drl.rai thaw 1 the
n.. ..Vwt 7f.I7hrn hwe MntD3r debate, daring which Sena
The spirit of comradeship betweea I ,-,,' f .i i-r.
soldiers has manifested Itself
tor Shermsn of Illinois and McCu tu
ber of North Dakota asserted that
had never seen snvthln Ilk. if .i. scores pi limes, many of the DOys . . ....i.. k-
ihnnrh mini r.Mri t,l k I braving the dangers of shell fire ani ! . . . . . . .v..
" " J MM.V WVH Ullf I . . . , , .
ken since the offensive be'ipan March
21. .. . !, .
AVoukl ; Wipe Out Town.
It was the German Intention to
wipe Glvencby off. the man. and In
order, to accomplish this, tbey In-
machlnernn bullet. In order to VrfdUtoJu..:
rt- " nn.V.i i . Senator Holll of New Hampshire
themselves. One corporal, alone in a I A,A ,fc ,.v.
sifii1?:-- Vndc we0dnn5y:: sras H-VtVsmlc;
klllins: two and wounding one. He n ..,BCOMldtr4bl. He denied
was men nil dj piece oi ,h,. .. ivnlhl. fr ih
3 eral Charles IU Martin, coxiraiander creased, three-fold their already great In 1 ''. ,O.Bvtf.v.e.0J?JJ! Uy tn airplane program.
lt at Camp Grant, plana were laid to- concentration of artillery. .Qune of ta.!v l. ,. Llf. !r!...:... 1 Senator McCurober said that i
. . . . . -i orutivf jicbuiuuTr hiu mat ntur try to stage thefflght be- all calibers, up to 11-Inch monsters. n ,T?ro".1 lD o V"l,l7wU there been as many strikes la
4 Boore:' , . K. It. K.
Philadelphia ...... i . . 0 8 " 3
.Waohlngton ............. 1 31
Crerg and JIcAvoyi Ayer and
CHICAGO', April 19. Cblcago-St.
Louis nostponpdT1 rain.
CLEVELAND, Detroit-Cleveland
postponed; cold.
Lasts Two-Thirds of Inning
St.'Loul Chieago-St. Louis post
poned; rain.' i
Cincinnati Pittsburg-Cinclnnatl
postponed; cold.
University of Idaho
Loses Baseball Came
MOSCOW. Idaho, April 19 Wash
ington State college defeated the Uni
versity of Idaho in a baseball gamt
here this afternoon, 2 to 1. Wad
and Frye were the Idaho battery and
Lewi and Wylle were the battery
for Washington state.
tween Willard and Fulton 4t! the can- took part in the preliminary bom
tonment on July. 4, in case the pro- bardment and continued throughout
posal'to hold the bout at St. Paul! the day to hurl 'thousands of shells
and Minneapolis failed.
When the proposal was put to Gen
eral Martin be said: "The, national
army, has fostered boxing, . and we
cannot put too much emphasis on the
need to foster fighting spirit In this
training: camp." -
Those behind the plan propose to
erect an, open air arena to seat 30,
000 spectators with standing room
for, all the soldiers In tbe camp.
Into tbe back areas. . Undoubtedly
this bombardment did much damage,
but' this mprnfng all, the , Germans
saying. "Leave me alon and go back
and drive those Germans back to
their trenehe." ' '
The companion left the eorporal.
but when he returned a few minutes
later be found tbe wounded roan
April 19. Wear a uniform or stay
In bed is the ultimatum handed ibs
firty conscientious objectors attached
to the base hospital of tbe WId West
division today. And every one of the
fifty non-reslstcrs chose to . clothe
himself In the ollte drab garments,
Orders were Issued to tbe object
ors today requiring that every one
appear la full uniform before 4
o'clock this arteraoon and the few
who thus far bad objected to donning
tbe regulation clothing harried to (
tain the necessary- garments j and
make tbe transfer from their civilian
clothing to which they had cluni
tince coming to camp. None of the ,
men refused to exchange their cloth
ing woen ine oraer was taken 'ts.
nad to show r te?r "
ammunition and subsequently Their
sacrifice- of life .was one bit of a for
ward trench at Glvencby and one lit-
lie ouiposi at Kestuoert, where a
small company of, British, fought -te
the last man before1 tbe enemy was
anie to get in.
Tbe Germany Infantry kept- surg
ing forward In waves ail day about
Glvencby. and nothwestward to Fes-
the history cf the country as there
have been since the United States I them off IciallrA
, I .V. ... . I
cute-leu uw war. . , . - , --. .... . . .
Funeral Services lor 8oni of th a 'B hld
s swicfus ' t olive drab several daya ago f tar for-
Ambassador on Monday jm method had bee tued by en-
. urn w uu rr.tLUlVU VOQ presence
WASHINGTON. April 19 Sut
funeral services will be condoctel
next Monday morning at St. Mat
thew' Catholic cbnrrh for the late
Ing hand grenade into the enemy
trenches ' - ' ' '
" The -American troops located
northwest of Tonl again took posses
sion of .No, Man's Land near Apre
mont forest last nlrht. after a week
In which the shell-torn land between ISenor Don Santiago Aldnnate, Chlle-
the trencher, was virtually deserted.
except duringVAe.long series of at
tacks because of the violence of the
GREAT CONFLICT tnbert. and !he fighting" -rtHIery fljj
Motorcycle Policeman ,
at - -
and Allows Vernon jto
- Make Four Rons
PORTLAND. April 19. O. L. LiU-
enberg .an officer of the police mo
torcycle sci nad. was killed instantly
LOS. ANGELES. April 19 Indian late today when his machine collided
SnHVtt, pitching for Saa Francisco, with an. automobile driven by EL. i.niT
lastwl two-thirds of an Inning against enberger, a contractor' agent. Ehl
Vernen today and-In that time be- enberger was arrested.
came responsible for four runs, while - . ' 1
an error by Pick let In two more. CASUAL'
Thon Johnson tnok th mound and
wh'ie he allowed elaht hits the only OTTAWA. Ont. . April 19; The
additional run scored by the Tigers following American name appears in
was also made on errors. I tbe Canadian casualty list tonignt.
Score : R. H. E. I . Died C. H. Soltau, Tacoma,
San Francisco ...... . . ...19 21 Wash.
Vernon 7 11 0
Smith, Johnson and McKee; Chech!
and pevormer. , . ; 4
Ci Sacramento 0, Oakland 2. i
SAN"' FRANCISCO. April 19.
Eacretnento took the fourth game of lemy heavy gntfs has hitherto been in
tbe series rrom, oaaiana, lire mis action.
off Kramer in tbe first Inning net- "In the course of the fighting Ap-
ting four runs. Caldera. relieving rtl' It- on the Romarln-Rossignel
' Krmer was also hit freely, nine hits front four companies of a regiment
' btisg obtained off his delivery. Mil- of the German 214th division lost an
l-r got three hits in four trips to the average of S5 per cent. In the first
. plate. Including a two-bagger. . attack at Meteren three battalions
Score: . R. II. E. Gf the 21st German reserve division
Sacramento ......... . ... 14 l
(Continued from- page 1)
the very apex - of - Che German lines
mmmmm ff l'U rllru7t la rUUl Ul AIII1C111, V
JVIUea, Oy HUlOmOUlie parently, has not be followed up. It
is oimruii 10 omieve inai me auiea
counter -orrenslve, when, It comes,
will be launched in this sector. Ad
vices from France would. seem to la.
dlcate that tbe blow will be struck
at another part of the battle line.
The southern end, of the battle
frpnt in France has shared In the
quiet that has enveloped other sect
ors of the line. Only raiding opera-
(Continued from page 1)
f Hade the line' near Mont Kemmel.
South of, Steenwerck few of the en-
Oakland .......... .... .2 i 4
Erenton and Fisher; Kremer, Cal
dera and Mltxe, Murray, .
r AngcU 3, , Salt Lake , 0. f
Curley Brown's southpaw slants were
rrrUve against Salt, Lake through
out the ntife- nine Innings and as a
n-ralt the. Bees vere beaten for- the
first tdne this? week In a shutout.
Evans also pitched a good game but
tbe Angela bunched bits for i two
tions and artillery duels are report-
A4 th... .
- Force Probably Small.
t .An Interesting dispatch tells of the
moving of Italian troops to France,
This would, point, to one of two de
velopment. Either the Italian front
is in no particular danger, at the pres
ent moment or else General Foch Is
calling every available man to swell
the army that he will hurl at the
foe when the moment for battle ar
rives. It 1 probable, however, that
the force of Italians en route to the
French front, ia comparatively small.
- Tbe German torpedoboat . flotilla
has been, active along, tbe coast sec
tor of the battle line and. have shell
ed Belgian positions there. This
may foreshadow a German attempt
to drive westward through Meuport.
Heavy Gun A gala Out.
- The long range bombardment, of
Paris ceased for two daya and it was
hoped that the French bad found tbe
desperate. At Glvencby the oppos
ing troops battled at close quarters
much of . the day. At one time tbe
enemy succeeded In working :aronad
and almost into the south side 61. the
tdwn, .but a vigorous counter-attack
br the British forced them out. again.
This sort of fighting, continued . until
after 6:30 last night when tbe enemy
finally desisted. . ;..'
After having gained a footing in a
bit of a forward trench at. one time
a body of Germans pushed through
until they got to battallon'headquar
teas and there the servants, orderlies
and clerks armed; themselves and,
tougni siae-oy siae wun ine juaniry
T Patrol. Look for nans.
Two "American patrofs went out
last night seeking a machine, gun
nent. which was rcnorted In froat of
the .German trenches, but found It
an ambassador, who died' here' Wed
nesday. - There will be a high re
quiem mass, after which, the body
will be placed In a vault until a war
ship lp ready to convey It to Chile. '
' President Wilson and his cabinet,
the ' diplomatic corps, the supreme
court, members of the senate com
mittee on foreign relations and toe
" On.1 7f".rwa. h" M
rorrounded in a melee beld out tQi
Inflicted heavy casualties, on-the en
emy until assistance arrived and they
were. able to flgbi, theV iway.ut
again. '.. . ,.;.'' : r A
The British wounded, from. Given-
empty. Tbe patrols went up to tbe house committee on foreign arrairs,
barbed wire In front of the enemy will attend the services. v.
flfst line, but encountered no Ger-
Jbt JLJtX lYABahdesrath Votes to
itcu u aa iviti sw s ease -
attempt to penetrate to. the American
third line after the crushing defeat
he snrained In several attempts
with specially trained shock troops j
last week.
The rainy weather la the last three
days Ea caused , poor visibility '.and
Interfered with the artlllerr activity
among tnem of men unwilling to
fight. Two of the men were ducked
In American lake before they con
sented to wear tbe uniform and some
of the others bad discarded their,
civilian clothing by force. But thjs
morning some of them again appear
ed for fatigue duty la civilian clot Iks
and the order to change to army garb
came oracially this time, -
. There will be no chance for tbe C.
O.'a to go back to civilian clothing
again until tbey'nre discharged 7rom
the army. . Orders were issued that
all civilian clothing wss to be remov. u
ed from the hospital and the. non-nv.'
sLstera will have to perform an mlft- "
tary duties to Which -they are asiljrn-'-cd
with the exception or bearing
arms. . ' . : '. ; . - j
. Pa Vis Now In Com arand. .... &
Llentenant Colonel W. R. Davis of 1
San Frinclscp. whose appolnlu'ent to
command of a base hospital unit at
!.miti I .aw La w.. tDionnrMt ann '
me jixiusn wounoeairom. oiTi-t. ,
chy were In the highest. spirit te- J" .
day. notwithstandlnsrthelr hurts, be
cause of tbe casualties that had been
inflicted on the Germans.
Northward of the canal-and south
west of Robecq the- fighting began
about daylight. ; ,
Retirement Forced. ' . '
A little after 4 o'clocnlarg bodies
of German rushed out of the Pacaut
wood with machine gun and made
for the canal. The Brttish rapid-fire
guns were turned on them and
smashed them badly, and they were
forced to-retlre. " '
A few minutes later, .however, the
enemy again, advanced on the run
with sections of a pontoon bridge
Private Nick Petrovlcb.
were reduced to less than a company
strength apiece.
. XT. .v. wA A mm ri.T,rlnv Af
-1- u.n.n tum. AinA exact location of, a heavy
j..,,., I run and out. It, out Of . action.
r". '. . .t I ' This hone, however, failed when
?trii'sSh suffered cons re- with section of a Vontooa ariog. team tQ pMnt ft, 9Ut dlTl,ion.
JPn !?2it tmlJir Uumed Friday .. . .. rWiVJl. .nMef Ueral well known professional
. tt "-'"..""'j The Turk are continuing their, ai 1 p "
a a.. 1 e s evare inr isren w wHrBusaaii1 - . ' .
Battery D. 347th field artillery, will
spend the, next five yesrs 1 the
United 1 States prison at Alcatrat.
Cal.. because he refused to obey the
command of a auperlor. offIcerr-Pet-
rovlch was Vied by court martial,
found guilty and sentenced to dis
honorable discharge from the army
forfeiture of all par and allowances
and Imprisonment His sentence
was announced todar.
Ten pitcher were among the
twenty-flte baseball player'; at
Camp Lewis who had their first prac
tice on the diamond near tbe Knights
of Columbus building No. 1 this aft
ernoon, nrenaratorr to selecting a
Abolish Drastic Law
AMSTERDAM. April 19. A dis
patch received from Berlin says the
Bundesrath has aJopitd a bill at-ol-ishinc
. the drastic anti-labor - law
which, provided fo the Infliction of I time ago In Washington dispatches.
Imprisonment for incltment or in
ducement by thieats or by boycotting
to secure better economic conditions
for workmen. .
Tbe dispatch adds as tbe relcbsta
repeatedly ani by u large Majority
had expressed Itself. In fave: of ab
olition cf anti-labor law ft iuw is
certain that It will ratify the JecUlcn
of: the bundesrath. "
NEW YORK, April 19. German
newspapers. received here report that
various German organizations pro
tested aralnst the Introduction this
year of the daylight, saving plan, or back of home plate and accommoda-
as it Is called la Germany, bamrrwrr 1 tlonsr 15,000 or more spectators.
Is in command of the base hospital ,
No. 46. tbe Portland. Oregon, unit
recently mobilized at Portland and J
which came to Camp Lewi a few "
week ago. No. 4C Is not a part of
the Camp Lewis base hospital but 1-.,
occupying some of the new bujldings
recently aded to Increase' the "eapa0
city of the camp hospital.
Workmen were bnsy today tearing
down the bleacher surrounding the
divisions! athletle field preparatory
to enlarging the field for bascbalL
The bleachers are being moved baek,
the ground will be graded and the
new diamond will be one of the bet
In tbe northwest, with press stand
to keep mem nnoai. -..ow n.iau- oUyfi ,- mai0r
casualties fW re "'Vw. raiice in.CaucasU and are, approach- Ing the terrible pnnisBmeni u wnicn 1 Uij among the candidates
?f,L?.D,U partlClpUnC iB- 1 lag Kars. the leading city. of, one ot they were "hjected. JAt0 hl taam. Practice will be held
and ' minor
LOND!)N, April 19. During, the
including one near Mont Kemmel,
says 'Reuters, corrsponarnv . flghliDg rePorted. nor
BrltUh headquartera In. France. The X(n.,fiva SKW, MAY GER.MAXH. the
the dlstrKt given to Turkey, under succeeded In getting the secUons-of . ,j front B0W 0B
. . k . a a sva- a i,wi mm. aeavA wsa swavaw nni iv sr s sn sr r
the uresi-wiovsa treaty, nyty ,re. 1 Work is to be started tomorrow
Time." The ezecnllve body ot tee
Bavarian Christian Farmers' associa
tions in a protest ddrfssed to ths
Bavarian government,, asserted that
the Introduction or lummer time
would -seriously dlHurb agricultural
work, endanger 'the distribution of
tnnA in h km dtieS. result ltt. SH
unnecessary .waste, of. lighting, tod
react most
of the youth
the night and go to bed at sunseL
Silver Trophy Presented.
The 243d Infsntry regiment march-
ed la a body tonight to the K alibis .
of Colnmbn bnlldlng No-. 1 wber
the Knights of Col am be' sliver tro
phy ignlfylnr the chsmplotrstl In
soccer of th Wild West dlviskoa vuj
i;Tr7.T; nn he health Ideated to the Uam of. lns.SV
i?Ww,n.t At nn in defeated the 22d In thflnal ,
'iyZVL'llf'P' of th. .eaaon'. rJe. after. X-1L'
t im i" '11 . - a b.'vjajsaa.aiau uwj aaa.A a a a svv ws w - s
already In control -of Battunv where found-that -the bridKr T?e?mJi morning cm the new baseball field. rmnTmnL attmtti r
01 WAom inree-iourtn. or tne w, ro The old athletle field, dlvi-1 "- y
one over the fense In the eighth.
Score: R. H. E.
Los Angeles ........ ... .2 1
Halt Uk X. . . . 0 4, 1
Krown and Boles; Evans and Kon-
Tlo Humbugl i !
Lift Off Corns
Ooesnlt hurt a bit to lift a. corn,
ee callus off with fingers
correspondent adds that all attacks
were repulsed and that on the whole
the day was auleU "
t mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Heirlooms Are Bequeathed
in H. B. Thielsen Will
The will of the late Henry B.
Thielsen has been admitted to pro-
, bate and an estimated valuation m
J47.BOO. prior to appraisement. i
placed upon the estate. All. real es
tate and all. personal property with
the exception of cetrain nemoonia
are willed to the widow. An an-
For a few cents you tlque elocav Drougnt irom u
can get a small bottle of home In Flensburg. ana
;the magic drug freezon been In the family 190. yeara. Is be-
. recently discovered by a queathed to jlans William Tbieiseu
V Cincinnati man. i of Rickreali: To Frederick D. Tblei-
Just ask at any.drug sed is .bequeathed, a, mhofanT
, store for a small bottle board 140 4 years ' Old that was
of freezone.- Apply.a few brought from Ensland. EdaraMr;
drop upon a tender, ach- Thielsen of San Francis50 is wilier
. -f Ina rs-n ein1
.? yes. immediately, all the brought ' front nensburg. that Q"
'soreness disappears and been In tbe family more
shortly yon will find tbe I years, and a brass door knocker law
corn or callua so loose years old.jls given to tne aauguw.
that you lift it ont;rroot Hss Ellfa Thielsen. Xv
and all, with the fingers. ;
Just thlnhl NoUone . AllVAfi WISE-
bit of pain before apply- When the conversation prned to
ing, freezone or after- the subject ot- romantic marriage
wards. It doesn't even tnig mtle anecdote wa volunteered
irritate the surrounding Cy H. M. Asker, a North DakoU poi
skin. '- .-. i . itidan: "
Hard corns,! soft corns. "So you were, married"
or eorna between the toes aso. Took place in, the churcn,-
w also hardened calluses on auppose, with bridesmaids, nowerj,
V " U bottom of feet. Just seem cake and the b ass band! .
. mmm- iu PIJUVC1 UU UUU. kail Ull I . r - . .
without hurting a particle. It Is al- ; "An elopement, eh Did tne ,gir
LiOEt mairlo-l I fnllnw TflU??' . -t .
Ladio. vi .mi- I v.i .nt he. has been wn U3
Cesser and never let a corn or callus ever since." Pittsburg Chionicie-
: ' a .-!-- 1 . .
1 Teiegrapju.
ther cantured. 2100 men
600 were officers. . .. , . canal, virtually every-oarman en: . on w-afla-rt ... 1. - b enlarged
in Hair. Macedonia. Palestine and I cared In this venture was snot aewn. 1 . ....k.h Th.
Mesoptoaroia there has been no re-land, as already stated .a little farther bleihrg are to be mlved back and!
nertnwara, many 01 iob 7 h wrr.nA rrAd Into one of the
canal and surrenaerea. nAm ia the aorth-
BERLIN. via - LONDON. April' 19. - " Another Attack Falls.
There 1 nothing new to report The German "attack against Kem-
from tbe battle front," says the of fU nvel yesterdsy was a complete fall-
clal communication. Issued' by the t,re and thelr lesses here also were
war, office this evening, very heavy. The enemy Is still bar-
"After their failure yesterday the in trouble with hi transport. Pris-
French .have" not. renewed thelr,at- cners say that as fast as the German
took, nnrihwpit of Morenil. I have' been able to construct new
Moss Dressings Heeded
SEATTLE. -Waah.. April 17. Seventy-five
thousand sphagnum moss
dressings will soon be needed dally
1 itn.H.n forfM in France.
can be played without the usual sun -ieoraj, to Harry J. Smith of the
Bureau of Development ot tne Ameri-
Cross.. who waa Here re-
west. When It I completed a game
field and. tbe sun wilt not shine di
rectly In tbe eyes of any player in his
proper position, it is said. It Is ex
pected the field will be ready. within
three days. .
01 tn
"On the Flemish erater. field sec- toads over tbe. wet lowlands of this rln ...O0II WM staged yesterday
tor jninor engagements jDetween, our region tne uritisn aruuery ana ibetweegl th officers' training camp
reconnolterlug detachments and bombing have blown them to P- aBd the mustering office. The score
Belgian and Englisn posts nave ae- All tne prisoners p ' WM 9 to 3, was a close con-
rn Red
cently. The bulk of the supply, must
come from tbe forest ana oogs i
Pacific northwest, where it grows
ptefuaely. Mr. Smith slid. . .
Sphagnum moss baa proven an ex
cellent, aubstltute for cotton aa: an
hanrbent. medical authorities say.
AJr.&dv northwestern, war workers
The presentation of the trophy wa
made by A. O. IUgeUy. Pacifle.eoaat-.
represenUtlve of the war rctlvlUes
commission of the.KnUhi of Colum
bus, who is at camp a a tour of the
western cantonments. Colonel Harry
LaT. Cavanaugh. commander of the.
regiment, accepted the trophy la be
half of his team. The trophy Is a
silver soccer ball.
Following the presentation cere
monies there was dancing and elder
and doughnut were served.
.Mr. Bageley arrived In camp this
afternoon and will stay over tomor
row to-make a tour. of the camp and
inspect the activities of the Knight
of Columbu through the three hut
here. He ha two sons la the army
anri la dnlnr his" bit tbrOUSh tbe
veped" Teverartlmes. . Strong at- bf .Ty losses'' sustained by the Ger- during'bVeari. l;.ngV;t the rathered" 7 prepW Ihou:i Knlghu of Columbn. camp acUvltle.
I lis M w use- -b ' "
tacks launched by the enemy from mans. They deciarea tnat tney ni CanUln "Death Valley- Jim
the north, and northwest against bad only two days rations . gtolt. former While Sox star, and
Wytscbaete were, repulsed.. While days fighting. :"'' ; Red Oldham, former San Francisco
the enemy was assembling his men it interesting to note that many CoMt leaea Durler appeared In the
he suffered the heaviest losses unoer troops em pioyea oy me uennwu b0I for fJie embryo officers. 1
our destructive fire. the ridge section of the north are e division baseball ougd will
Few Gun raptured r picked hill troops, such as Alplnl and bJ equIpped wUh their, uniforms to-
v "Northwest oS Betbune. our Infan- Bavarians. morrow and strenuous practice1 will
try made a. thrust against nosuie . 1 be men by Captaia Charles
lines north La Bassee canal and fr BoVs Are Sick, Mullen, former White Sox InJlelder.
captiiredlsome guns. Jsear Festujn tJWWn uvj . 9 nf . , 0n hundred and flfty-elgbl.tearos
Uatne.Uiay HOI Driavcu wlll UKe part' in. the various regi
mental inter-company leagues. 11 w
announced todar" by ' Captallri t. O.
A mmm .m I AM M I VI STI
: . . . -. - I - - : mw.v " - .
- . . (I.Vlm
Lett ana uivencny iiunmims n--
11 4ak tag place.r 1 We have taken
& :
more thanitiflo prisoner. . ..h,,, Mtn. w4. .eheduled for
v "The increased .aruiiery activity r. . - tha tA.mof .the Sa,- Cook, division i athletle" director.
on tbe ATrt darrng the last few Jan Training: Che- Games m the regimental league, al-
was succeeded yesterday, by strong. "ra . Willamette university ready have been started. -, There will
deeply ranked rrencn j mwcm yesterday afternoon.U be twb later-regiment league of ten
This Repair Directory girts t!n erladpt4 pixcs wttrt
- u trtiut cu b rep&lrtd, &ad ihxmld h prtstrrei U
sjTtTY llCSlt MM ft Tt&dj gVl&M-
f a'
f K.
against Morlser and More doubtful if the, game would be teams each. .They will be called the
both banks of the ATre;JhL S "rtd. As a result of a recent trip American and National' league and
nf w!iV SPVt'StaS Eugene, where they played, against the. winner, of the pennantln each
the Wallly-Moreull road, attacking
waves In close formation several
times were thrown against our lines.
but in vain. During me um
struggle the enemy waa driven back,
suffering Sanguinary losses. Strong
.ruiirT fire continued; even during
th. iTniv.raitv of Orexon team, the uarue will play a series for th cl-
.v- . -- I v.. ii.. trk
Indian hnvi MTt Deen B1CK Wivu au vision CHimDlODSUlL). A.vvutu
ailment of the nature, of ptomaine present plans. Originally It waln-l
" I . ... . a Aa mm 4 M AMI 1 1
poisoning. - - Itenaea to nave one iowr-muu.
leasrne but the great Interest la Uoe
YKK MATTRESSES, OF rAPKR- j national-paatinie mad the other, ar-
BTOTsi nxrxxnaa
tattsfaetlem gasraa
UH. 4 year exper-
lev Weetcav
gt a ort st. .
miTfS tea ntrn t(A w ! 1 I lvlTI 71... ab arl ttio Tla
... a I' I tl 1 IlAlllJ gL. . BiaiVH W " - O I I1UKCIUVUI V
th?..Jrv. have occunled to the necessity . ot .conserving, the mere are two regiments In camp
"In Ukraine we nave occupiru i , nMnan nl-1 v..- n.ih.i- h irtv-oa earn-
diern' mattresses are henceforth to j panles completely equipped for. base
be stuffed - wltht old- newspapers, ball. These are the 36lst and 2o
School children are. bein; organized I infantries. ,
to collect -the papera for thia pur-l . boxlag toumameat, at-which
pose. ... . 1 ...
Tschaprinka and Meiltpolin Taurida
VIENNA, via BERLIN, April 19.
The following omciai commuuica-
Haw,. Filing,. Bi
cycle Repair.,
Britons. Wf.
Ira"; it." MIteleU
i. . r
261 Court.
) Tm - 1 " t
We r-
la ear
124) BoeUlt
Renalra all UaXea
7 t Sewln MachUea
sppllea. Ned3a
and Olhv
I 4Sa State ff'ieaw.