8 THE OllEGOJr BTATmiAX. WF.nSKKPAV. APRIL 17. 1 A lint irrni n m uauunlLK bAVn ' V1N0L Now She is Strong and Better Every Way " Pitman, N. J.4-"! suffered from a weak, run-down condition So.I could not get atound to do tuy uswil light 'duties, for I ant 73 year of age and pant hard work. My daughter asked me to try it. and after taking two bottles I have a good apetite, rest well at night an.d am stronger and better in every way."- Mr. F. Anderson. Pitman. N. J. W wish every feeble, aged man and woman in this vicinity would just try this constitutional cod liver anfe htm tonic on our guarantee to return their money if it fails to ben efit. Formula is on every bottle. Kmil A. Schafer. druggist, Salem, and at the bent drug store In every town and city in I the country. Newsy Notes of State Industrial Growth I NEWFOKT, April 15. nock I for Jetty work will come from old Pion eers quarry -which contains some of the finest rock in state. .'Buy Oregon products and help re duce the car shortage is a good slog an. " - - Marshfield Small amounts of rived spruce are now being shipped from Coos county, i BrownsvilleprSeven sawmills op erating near here. I ; North Bend to build $6,532.27 worth of concrete' sidwalks, ..The Dalles Wasco county farm era' to build 20,000 bushel elevator ' here. : ... . - Extension road work Is now under way in Oregon which will greatly benefit the whole state. Eugene Work to start , soon ; on Lane county's f 35.000 court house addition, i .. ' Toledo Cbfettey Lumber Co., lets contract to log 40 .acres on 'Mill . creek. . . ; ; ' - Coos, Bay it-ads other . coast ports 1? !l!'J,A?' J!"r t0 San Fraa',MI. Cornelia Marvin, state librarian. clsco' market In March. Portland St. Johns may get a big ship plant, , Portland To give,, rngresa ;and egress to new, grain elevators! and docks., 1 'V. ''."-' :.BirblIc Service Commission issued order providing overhead crossing over the; O. W. It. A N. '.- Ropeburg Angora goat raising in Dourlats county hat proven a prof itable Industry. ' v Reed sport Deep sea fishing In dustry to be Mart ed here; boat pur chased. ' w n is id) ) VOS1 Paint An opportunity to do your in all Prices PAS $2.2 Per gal. Up Your houso will deteriorate if not painted. You cannot afford to neglect it, with paint at theso prices. Come in and let ua show you our. assortment of colors and kinds; SALEM HARDWARE CO. 333 BUte Street. Yaquina to have storage and ice plant. Union Sunnybrook Farm. . 860 acres, near here sold for $20.000.. Port Oxford Fyfe-Wilson Lumber company, of Band on, making pre liminary plans to build mill on river six miles from here. Oregon farm wages are shown to be higher than normal, many dis tricts agreeing on a scale of $60 a month, with beard. Harvest wages wilt be slightly higher, depending on' nature of employment. Portland Fourth steel carrier launched at Alblna Engine A Ma chine works 3800 tons. Northwest far ahead. Shipyards here distance Atlantic coast plants. William S. Brown, of Marine En gineers' association, impressed by progress in shipbuilding. Astoria Marine Iron Works con tracts" for four new buildings. Toledo Soldiers go to Hi lets. Los ing road into big spruce tract to be rushed. Rails going down to Klamath Falls to Dairy railroad. Gold Hill sawmill and box factory resume. Paflclc Iron Works. Portland and Astoria Iron works get contract for outfitting ten ships. Med ford. Grants Pass and Rose- burg to have higher gas rates. Six more contracts let Saturday bring Oregon ship orders up to 93. Yaq ulna Toner and. Burke build ing cold storage and ice plant 50 by 100. Tacoma voted about 11 to 3 against municipal car lines. Coquille to have a concrete fire proof theater. Ontario lets part of contract for new $100,000 water system. Newport Two surveys completed for. railroad from Alsea to Yaquina Bay and prospects for the road look very bright. , Andrew Carnegie was once asked which he considered to be the most important factor In industry labor, capital or brains. The canny Scot replied with a merry twinkle in his eye, "Which is the most Important leg of a three-legged stool?" Chris tian Register. Miss Cornelia Marvin . Defends Portland Woman - Mary Frances Isom, Portland II brat-Ian. baa an ardent defender in who declared last night that the rec- ord made by Miss Isom in patriotic war work is sufficient to refute any charges of disloyalty that may be brought against her. Miss Marvin made a statement last night for pub- licatton after reading of criticism dl- opposlt the moorings of four of these rected against Mlsa Isom because of boats, and I saw the United States her support of Miss M. Louise Hunt, marines arriva to take charge and "Miss Isom's activity in patriotic 1 s&w them replace the Red. White work has been one of personal sac- and Blue Dutch flag with the Red. rlfice to the utmost," declared Miss White and Blue flag of the U. S.A. Marvin. -In the 11,000,000 drive since the acquisition -of these boats for a soldier's library fund, and in the trobps have beon handled much the subsequent drive for books Ore- more rapidly, and for the most part gon led all other states and it was upon arrival at eastern ports do not almost entirely due to Miss Isom'a break camp but go at once on board enhtusiasm. She visited several can- the transports. I passed many troop tonments and gave generously of her trains, and I can easily believe that own means while she was about this the American troops are being trans work. Her record la known by 11- ported very rapidly at this time. I brarians all over the United States have found many of the army camps and not one of them would question today with only a few thousand men. her loyalty, knowing the splendid re- where sixty day ago they wet carr ults she has achieved. In the book fng for their full quota of at least drive Portland was the center for jo times their present enrollment, the work In the northwest, and Miss "From Pittsburgh to the Atlantic Isom was the leading spirit. The coast the transportation congestion criticism of her has flashed out of a tense situation, ana anyone wno 1 wm note ner remarKaDie recora or accomplishment In the cause of pat rlotism will realize that a mistake has been made." painting economically. colors Phono 172 til ' I 4 V f FERRIS TELLS ABOUT JOURNEY THROUGH EAST Finds Atlantic Coast More Appreciative of War Than Western States WASHINGTON THRONGED Fellow Travelers Cheer When Oregon Goes Over and Ferris Treats O. L. Ferris, general sales manager of the Pheasant Northwest Products company, returned Monday night from an extended business trip throughout the United States. Com menting yesterday on bis trip, he said: "The east is feverishly busy In be half of the war. The whole complex ion of the eastern section of the country has changed in the past twelve months. Industrial plants of all kinds have completely turned front . manufacturing for peace and for profit to producing war lequlre raenta at direction of the government with little or no tthougbt of capital or profit. Railroad and - hotel con gestion is a problem everywhere. met a man who had spent three and one half hours and visited seventeen holtels in New York before he could secure accommodations. Homo Are Disappointed. I had to use a strong. puil in order to get a room in Washington, which today bras a 100.000 more population than In normal times. Cost of living is very high there. Many young women stenographers who have gone to Washington to fill positions have' ben forced to leave and return home, due to cost of liv ing and the lack of accommoda-j tions. 'The chief concern of those who know Is not the assembling of troops and supplies but the securing of the shipping facilities in order to trans port them to the other side. I waa I. Va.... Va-I tv whan rnv.rn. i ment took possession of the ' forty! nr thVbeer.rirlary uflier an fnsur- by the French government The lat Dutch boats in" that harbor. My j ance certificate In the Artisans. ter was the proud possession or room window waa located on Rlver- tldJ drlve along the Hudson river s gecute, and it is little wonder to me that such products as ours are n0ng delayed In reaching destination uil ids Aiiauiic rwnniui - - i of the trains of military trucks. thltty Packards, one after the other, each machine loaded with another of its kind, driven and manned by troops escorting them from Detroit overland to place of embarkation on the Atlantic coast. The Ford plant at. Detroit is today shrouded with all the mystery and military precaution of a munition factory or a navy yard. There, Ford tractora intended to help win the war, as a speeding up factor for cultivation of much neeaea crops. i and Eagles, the Ford submarine chasers, are both ielag turned out with all the characteilstlc and syste matic rapidity that has made the name of the Ford famous. The Eagles are assembled much as Is the Ford car, and one Is turned out every few hours. They leave the over- bead track as the last operation. dropping Into the lake and moving off under their own power, each one maned by Its permanent crew, . FAt Realize Burden. , 'The keen appreciation of the bur den on us as a nation, seems to be more pronounced in the east than it does In the west. One meets people who have real anxiety as to the out come of the war, and each bit of war news Is read with feverish haste. "The war chest plan of many east ern cities Interested me very much and should prove avaluable worklna plan for any community. A local organltatlon la perfected, trustees are elected, offices established and executive force secured. Then a can vas of the city Is made. One canvas Ton all the, war requirements, that Is. all 'donations, not Investment. such as liberty bonds, so that as each particular campaign for fundscomes 'alonr. such as Red ross. Y. M. C. A. 'etc'.itniUy's quota Is met promptly witnout a special auve wun an ita grief. Inconvenience, burden, and Inequalities, each employee ,sub- I scribes half an hour's salary a week ana run eropiojer pudmtidpii an equal sum. The funds are collected regularly and deposited in the bank subject to withdrawal by direction of trustees. The subscriptions are made for the duration of he war. "It was my pleasure and pride to be the only Oregontan on our ob servation car the other evening when the news .arrived that Oregon had gone over the top and wa the honor state of the Union, as the first to nver-subscribe its quota of the third llbrty loan. Every one on the car Joined in three cheers for Oregon, and I reciprocated by treating my fellow travelers with Fhez which broght forth,. another three cheers, this time for Oregon loganberry Juice.- . GOOD THIS SPRING , Combination That is Bensfitlna Thousands at This Time. A superlative blood-purifyln medi cine like Hood's Barsapariua. laaen before meal, combined wun a super lative iron tonic like I'eptlron. taken after meala makes the ideal course of Spring medicine. No other medicines accompllan so much at this season as theae two ureal restorative work In a together. They reach the Impure. Impover ished, poisoned, devitalized blood, and the worn, run-down, over-worked, ex haunted system. They relieve rheu matlnm. scrofula and other humors. They awaken the appetite, aid diges tion, aive renewed strength and pro duce oound. natural sleep. If your liver Is torpid or sluggish, your tongue In coated, you have stom ach and howel trouble, you should Uke Hood's 1'iM. which are centl. and work in harmony with Hood's Karsaparilla and I'eptlron. Estimate Is Made Covering ' Team Work in Liberty Loan Of the more than $00.000 worth of liberty bonds that have been sold In 3alem and on radiatln; rural routes. $372,000 was; turned in by the several teams that are at work under the direction of Dr. R. K. L. Steiner. This is according to the latest official estimate. Anril 8 the teams reported $47,300; April 9.'$76.400; April 1. $67,100: April 77. $96,550; April 12. $51,350; and since that time $33,900. The amount sold by the banks has not yet been estimated. WIDOW FINALLY WINS IN SUIT. T I a a mm -mm a" a I Mrs, blizabetb I. tronise ImS . m I Artisan Insarance. oavs - I COQrt Judge Galloway of tho lowr court for Linn cnnnly, was reversed by the supreme court yesferdar In an opln- inn rrlit- t-v .ltts!c ttean. In Ihc ration nf tho fnlfrd Artisans as In- . I'-vfon sralnst FIUaeth F. Cro rise, dcfon'lpnt nd a"rf'lsnt. and llarrv K- Cr'r,'' rd Mabol Cm- IT i.e-nhrv . rfrndAiits m.i ro- r .,!--. TS r"n VII to uetcr- I Harry If. Cronise, dec-ased. whose Insurance in the Artisana Is Involved, iu the case, had made several trans fers of the benefit certificate between Ma wife and hla two children. Re- fore hla last request for a transfer of the certificate to his wife reached the Artisans. Tronise died, and the Artiaans. noti hearing of his death for aome time. Issued the transfer. The amount of the Insurance was StOOO, and te son and daughter, Harry Cronise and Maocl Cronlso later Mabel Cronise. Langhlln. were first designated as beneficiaries. Then Cronise married and had the through you, are giving the govern benefit certificate changed to his ment. The great active moral In wlfo Elizabeth F. Cronise. Some fluence of the churches of America years later it wan again transferred . . k .. touchier TTrontxe I died M.v 2. Vt I oT and the ne,t day "After .11 It la to the young peo ihe Artiau received through the pie. whose vision reaches far Into the .n .u ,Urifit thai had future and whose aggressiveness or been Issued payable to the son and daughter with the request that It be cancelled and a aew one issued par- "Vr ' il.; p rrnniVe The . .. . Artisana. not knowing of the aeatn. . 1 made the chanac. but the new Dene- fit certificate waa never delivered. make the change and by virtue of an rifeged agreement entered Into at iiuik; v. - r- I am., .i t IV. . marrfairu insr tarn VI1B nuj-j i " would take out life insurance :n ra- r h- nihor ih annellant claim- ed the fund which the Artisans turn- V " V WW ed into court to be roniesiea xor u ' w . . a the litigants. The children claimed that Mrs. Cronise used undue Influ ence on Cronise when he was on his deathbed, that the last attempt to. transfer was not In harmony with tho by-laws of the Artisans ana tnat wi alleged contract between the hus band and wife had" na t been made. inAmm nallowav of the lower conrt for Linn county found for the chil dren and Mrs. Cronise apepaiea. VOLCANO MAY BE ACTIVE AGAIN .nmaii Prtfrltc IVlOiLithe waf. S IU1VIUU Ma. M mm m - w w . - . a .nittainlar ADDearanCC inilloUY imii IIONOLTJLIT. T. IL- Feb. 18. - Activity In the fiery pit of Halema - . . a nmau. volcano of KUauae. has drawn the attention of the peoplo of tho posalbllitles of another serious erup tion'. , Careful study of the history of tbe volcancos of Kllauea and. Mauaa Load by volcanoHKlat T. A. Jaggar, in charge of the Kllauea Observa tory, haa developed the fart that great eruptions occur In cycle . of approximately 120 ayears, which may effect several volcanoes at the same time. This 130 year period seems to he deflneitely established, but there is also a secondary period of accumu lation and discharge of lava every nine or ten years, alternating In Kll auea and Mauna Loa.. with .marked rise of the lava column In each col cano. about every three years. The present great rise of the lava In Kllauea la a little ahead of sched ule. In year 1920 would be the .1 4 a. n r a. .la.- f but a matter of two. yeara Is cpnsld ered close enough approximation by scientists. The volcano presents.a more spec tacular appearances now than for many yeara preyloulsy. SOLDIER LIVES ON HIGH PLANE SAYS POLLING Christian Endeavor Worker 'Tells of OSservations on Life in France INVESTIGATIONS BROAD Drunkenness and Vice Stories Declared Not True Brings Parents Word of Cheer BOSTON, April 16. The American In uniform is living on a higher plane than the American in civil life. This is the conclusion of Dr. Daniel A Polling, associate president and ritl senshln superintendent of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, who returned today after a stay of five weeks with the soldiers of the United States In France. "The American soldier overseas is true to the finest traditions of Amer ican arms," said Dr. Polling. "The stories of wholesale drunkenness and vlco are not true. 1 Mr own Investigations, conducted under every condition of army life and in every training camp of any site where American soldiers are gathered together In France, sub- staatlate the figures of these military authorities which prove that the American in uniform Is today living kthp mitral nlana than the i " i. mm - ' - A .rln. n rxt olvlt 1lf M mnrrf to I ha. nlliH nf f -1 Yimrm nf this mil n- mwiui m at u v. -s. - try Is one of reassurance, and eneer." In rout iin i irnrnr. nr. polling V visited first line trenches, was at one time unaer sneu fire while assisting the wounded and on another occasion was gassed. When the Germans made their first gas attack on United States troona, Dr. Poling waa caught in the deadly fumes. Dr. Polling brought home a mes- sage to the young people of the I'nll ed States from General Pershing, a letter from David Lloyd George, the British premier: ana ine nrsi war CrOSS gWSrOeO. TO an AlUfnClD FOimer Lieutenant Patterson 01 idoihi, who was in me tnicg 01 me ngnung uu. donbtful of his own fate, wished to make sure that his badge of honor found ita war to the country for which It was won. PenJhlnc fiends Letter. Writing undr date of March 4 and addressing himself "to the young people or tne cnurcnea 01 America, General persuing saia: VI am glad to have the opportunity of aendlng you greetings and hearty approval or the concerted suppon the church forces of th- country. cannot fall to add power to tne na tlon. nlrlt gives fore e to their will, that the countrv looks for strength. Your efforts will serve to unite our people more closely In their determination A a. I A J o mm m mmm.jm A aM IU KAI1 HAIlf 10 give """"""rr; tne worm iu? am- r that we ourselves enjoy. may no aepenaea upon 10 u .uc. full i?art. the soldiers who represent . . . . . j . . V -I run. cncvurni vi j . . j . j - - nnA rpru- uiu 7 u 01 lunuK-i." im. 1.1 . I I 1 Ilt.ava.ta. prmt.y.ci ui i..i.,, LITTLE RIDELIGIITH O THE WAIl ,The war Is costing Australia over KOO.000.000 a year. -Greal. Britain now has 123,500 war widows ob her pension list. Foldlers In the Italian army are given cigara aa part of their dally rations. The Oversess Club of London has collected nearly $6,000,000 for war purposes. Dogs In Milan, Italy, are on ra tions, and their owners have to pro duce tlcketa for biscuits. Tha military surgeons have found creped paper a very satisfactory sub stitute for cotton gauze panaage. - The Germana have made almost J00 aeroplane raids over London dur I n w lh Ihrp and on-half vara of I II.. - t.ail la, a.laa.laal. I IIUUIIU HHir I trCIUJt rairii.if r, used br the Germans for belt Inn and leather and textile fibers. Babies. Tourist it. Chocolate Fold- flers, llard Thinkers, and Neutrals Iare some of the nlcknsmes borne by Jiff. a ..ll.. . m X.m aW. a. different contingents of the Austral Ian forces fighting In Europe. Germany's newest war department Is an Imperial Clogs Office. It Is to deal exclusively with the acquisition1 and distribution of wood suitable for use aa soles for boots and shoes. The war haSjftrqAted a great boom In the fishing Indtwtry f tho British Isles, Rome of the old finning skip pers are said to have paid taxes this year on Inconje amounting to 935.000 and over. Sir Douglas Halg, commander of the British forces on the Continent; Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, First Lord of the British Admiralty, and Sir Eric Geddes. directing head of the British navy, are all Scotchmen. Exploration parties to discover the wealth lost under the waves are be ing: organized lit England to begin work immediately the 'war Is endod. The route from England to India Is strewn with treasure nf loat vessels estimated to Total $100,000,000. Many chaplains with ihc allied forces In France make it a point of writing to tho parents or relations of every man killed In action In their brigade, a labor of lore which Is Former Health. Commissioner Say: Nuxated Ehould Be Used in Every Hoipital iicia.a Attribute His Own Great 60 Years of Ago Largely Tc His WHAT FOItilEIt HEALTH COM MLS SIONER KKRR SAYS - Aa lUaltk Commluknr of th City of CbU cairo, i wa importunvd many Umn to rwm- etc. NTr yt have 1 gon on record ortatr ar particular tmsy, but 1 reel ini in Nasated Iro an exception sheuld be made to the rule. I have takn Nuaat4 Iron nirf and eapertaced it helth-glln(r. atrrngftt batltlla effect, snd In the Intcreats of the publio welfare. I feel It any duty to make known the remits of Ite . I mm well paat my three-eeore veers and want to y that I believe tht any own irreat activity la due tersely today to toy personal uae of Nuaaled Iron, and If my endorsement shall Induce an aemlfl, nervoua, rundown men end women to take Nuate4 Iron, and receive the wonderful tonle benefits which I have received. 1 ehell feel greatly gratified that I made an exception to my life-long rule In recommend. n it. From my own experience with .Nuxated Iron I feel that It Is auch a valuable remedy that It ought to be used In every houpitU end preacrlbed by every phyelcian In 'this country. former Health Commie. loner. City of riehly rewarded by the consolation It brings to the afflicted. Contents of camp swill-tubs in England hare produced sufficient glycerine to provide exploalve for 18.000,000 IS-pound sheila. From the same source the tallows, fa re covered to supply ail the aoap re quired by the Government, the army and the navy. There la also a sur' plus valued at $5,000,000 so far for the use of the public. ' I NORTH HAXTIAM liKIKKS. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. McLaughlin and Mrs. Charles McAlMMer attended the Baptist convention at Salem. George Ash ford has secured a Job on a piling drive near Timber. Or. MAXf KACTUUEHS NOTE No sated Iron, which -wWtJ!..' haa been ueed by Korm-r Health Comrrtlioner teek. eere of the -2 Kerr with oeh eorprlslnr reaults la not a see ret mm arbee In tie aT.H! remedr, but one which la well known to druaxlate eat ef nebile health. V verywhere. Unlike the older Inorganic Ire. pII-V .1-1 J ducta. it la eaaily eaalmllated. doea not Injure the r!IWZe .7Ve.T teeth, make them black, nor up.et the etomeeh. waM VrirtT lea 72 The .manufacturers gearantee eureeaaful and en- ettrin IpmUm ilTTl ifW0-7 reaults to every purchaser or tle.Hk (..lHi. J iKiy7tU,w'ivU,l. T1UT L?"oney. It le dispensed In keepg blab eusT lu other druVgUta. Perrjr'--'V fctor Btf bile fceeltlw Fred Swarta and family of Ohlolrng to a statement Issued today t have moved to Oregon to make their home. Mr. Swarta Intends to pur chase a ranch In. the valley. ' Mrs. Swartx is a daughter of S.E. Kuenzll. Miss Norma Ray is employed In Stayton. Alma Alsman is home on a visit He Is employed In Oregon City. vWll. Alsman and family have moved to Oregon City. Layton Davis was In Salem re cently. . George Howard waa a business caller In Salem recently. THE K.I. WIFE. One of the most furcessful men of this country recently- wrota: "Whatever I am .and whatever suc cess I have attained. I owe It all to my wife. Fhe baa ever been la In spiration and the greatest helpmate of ray life." To be auch a success ful wife shonld be the ambjtion of every' woman, but how Impossible when dragged down by headaches, backache, dragglng-down pains ner vousness aaa me blues. ' levery woman in this condition thould statt at once to build up bar system by a tonic of specific powers, such as Ly- dla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound, which for three generations baa been restoring American women to health and conaquent happiness 7 an u n irrfT II I LIU FOR WHITE SHOES Keeps shoes lily Easy to clean with and it lasts. Leaves no yel low tinge. Retains the natural grain of leather and texture of fabric. StpaA HADE IN BLACK TAM WHITX IttO ASK ANY STORE Use this coupon and enjoy a pi BLIGHLTHEATRE s ' Thrr of thene rwuinm-i of consrrutlvo dates will bo exchanged at Tiro KTATESMAX office for a ticket which will admit one ix-r.soa 0 any matinee, excet Bat unlay and Sunday, by paying fc. This Coupon Is dAtedWKDXnsHAV. Al'ltlL IT." Iffiw.' ' - rMsaYiMpl,U-ai,iii,aMr1-fa-i -1, , r j y- , -aaBA-a s ainlwl I V 1 T ' .Pyrf'eV ;P .if.,; ay .a-- wmmrnmmi p - ?fr W r Iron and Prescribed by Every Tty. Physical Activity Today at Or 5 Personal Use of Nuxated L-:: ( ' feeLer Ifeairh Cau elener Kerr ka gftr yeere- of ae life naku-, Hv .pwklle .health .ta mm mm4 o'hee -ibm, j( wee he -he air4ar' AntUteala fee IMetherie i, IkiMiv's lleelta br-Mrv eeB. Me perift t-. Ult fee the Coe m-- eJ tWreby helped m MM tlte llree mi taeeieeSa baMee. He letreeie b. aatl-apltiie rMmmmm Chicago BETTER ADDRESS ABROAD ASKED Postal Agent With U. S. Arnj Telli Reaion Why Med Mail Is Slow .WITH THE AMERICAN ARW. IN FRANCE. April 1. More eor plcte addresses on man for sol.crt will Insure prompt delivery, aceorl- j oenau 01 John Clark, postal ax?.: who has charge of the handlist U France of mall for the American i peditlonary forces. There have U : i many complaints from ofricers :! men about the Urn it takes for Ik tera and packages from horns t l reach them. The greatest cause-ot delay Is ti '. to be improper or Insufficient si- dresses. All letters to Amerk 1 troops In France should be leg!' addressed and the addresses shot : contain the rank, full name aad in itials of the addresses aa weU as ii organization, regiment and rorapiv ; 11 aoouia oe remernurreq 11.; there are many men of the ai- name in France and there is no t surance that a letter ImproperV " insufficiently addressed will ' Yea i the man for whom It Is lftfaK 1 even If It passes through the -.-.-tary statistical division. The dcl-r Is bound to be great 'if quantities tA letters . constantly are passlr; through the statistical dlrisioa, tic, records being searched for each ecy All letters and packages alt should have cpoa them a retnra ad dress. It la explained that there U cer tain to be Mfme dtlay in mall deliv ery, because of disturbed sea ac land frame conditions, but prepr ad dressing, it la. said, will eUo.lz.tu much cause for complaint la the U ture. -" ' T7hite. ra Mint afternoon at the r f ' Lz2 .f mrrnfnTty -