THE OREOOX STATESMAN T.DXF.SDAT, APRIL' IT, 1018 How ia Make Oatmeal Bread Healthful to Eat Saves the Wheat 1 cmp flour , l?g cups corn meal f teaspoon Mtt . 5 teaapoea Royal ISeJuag Powdar 2 tablespoons sugar , 1 cup eaoked oatmeal or rolled - eats .. f ' 2 tablespoon shortening IV cup milk , no eggs Sift tofvthvr Hoar, com mMl wit, balrifiepowdtr and mirar. Add oatrseal, mUd shortening and milk. Baka in greased shallow pan in modarata 6van 49 to 43 minutes. , This wholesome bread, is easily and quickly made with the aid of ROYAL BAKING POWDER If used three times a week in place of white bread by the 22 million families in the United States, it would save more than 900,000 barrels of flour a month. Our new Red, White and Blue booklet. uBest War Time Recipes", tontalning many other recipe $ for making dellclout and wholesome wheat saving foods, mailed free-address I ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, Dcpt H, 13S William St, New Yotk FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR EDITORIALS : OF THE PEOPLE ' (Th Statesman- pleated to print eonuiiunicatlone upon topic of general faurevl at any time. There la ecarctty any limit to in tuplca of "itfneral In teest." Jt in akd only that corre ipomlttnta ' PtfraiM from praonalitltS and u4csre that Clothing be wrlituti. of a tibvlouH nature, letter muit have writer a nam and auuresa, though not aecaaaoxiiy fur publication -Kd. &Htort Statesman: ; ' ( ' , tnlled. States Of The World. Anooc tbo'many Interesting artlc lee appearing in the Statesman In the recent cant dealing' -with world con aitibns It; seem to me that none la wore Important thau the one writ tea by Mr. J. K. Chapman and pub lished In your Issue of February 28, Ttut the-editor regarded the subject o& greatest consequence was S t"! the prominence that was giten It. for the publishers simply niaile It the main editorial of the day. Tijy mlnthls production from Mr. Chapman's-pen indicates breadth of vision and loftiness of conception to It most .- remarkable degree. I remember- Mr, 41oohvU predicted some months after the war began in Kurope that thrones would totter an that there would be formed in their place - "A United States! of v.arana 'i Since our own and a number of other countries have been drawn into the fray I dare say the would endorse the larger idea of tbe formation of a- world wide reaeration with -a view of placing the nations en a permanent peace basis. I waited hoping that some dls cnMloa would lollow after, this ub it was brought up. but the only one who I have noticed who has of frr'd any criticism friendly or other wi' was an individual who replied through the peoples' Editorial vfol nmn a few days afterwards. This t ludlvldual's method Tf disposing of tha matter wun so unsatisfactory to me that I have bad It in mind to at tempt to reply to both articles out jl have delayed jberause of lack of ! time. s ' ''"" To me it seems the most reason able thing imaginable that such a plan might and will be adopted. I mean tbe main features advocated will be found feasible and workable. It Is said tbat when tho German emperor, delivered his parting;. speech t the 'soldier", who -were going, to l!-Ip quell tbe Iioxer uprising be said In tubstanee? "Take bo- prisoners ml mak it so Urrlbbv-thatlno tme will dare to raise ' a hand against j the German for a thousand years.." It. is said that the conduct of those troops on that. expedition was of the same nature as that manifested since the present conflict has come on. It waa reported to the American com mander that the kaiser's men were looting in Pekln. An investigation proved that they were removng some astronomical instruments or some thing of a similar nature from some of the; temples or public buildings. Count von Waldersee, the German commandant, and chief of the allied expedition, was greatly incensed and angered when General Chaffee sent an office to blm protesting against such vandalism, lie sent a dis courteous reply to the American of ficer and also sent a report or toe alleged impudence :of our general to his emperor, who It is said made strenuous efforts to i oust him. Hod- ever. General Chaffee's report reach ed Washington ahead of the German complaint, so our president knew Just how to deal with the case. When our country gave back to China fifty million dollar .indemnity and said. "Now you celestial people take tbat continually, and implore Ood's guid ance in the fearful struggle which is, by no means won yet. ; ,3 - Home say to me there must be an other war after this one.t Well l don't profess to know it all, but I do feel tbat If we can have a thous and yeats of peace-7 ww will during tbat time get the forces-of right eousness' so well united thai we will respond ' with greater' atarhy and speed than w h&re.thf time, aad no doubt be able to successfully com bat attr oppoHlUen that way be brought by ' the devil or ( bis' Imps against ns. ' ' V Homm one says, :what 1 difference doe it tnaked. W Imvf we look at tbe matter here? That won't eat any figure in world affairs; questions of! such dimension ar to be settled in Ijpndoa, or Pa ris,JJerlln.. Vienna or Home, .in fact. weare so Insignifi cant here In thU kirality as to be negligible. I wish to rail yotir at tention to the fact that Nazareth and Jlethlehem werwsocons1dered some centuries ago; but now it Is a recog nized fact. the wide world over that the forces that were given birth and nurtured In those humble -and de spised places are tbe forces that are the most potent in combating tbe powers of darkness represented by autocracy. Several points were involved in a case which was up berore a court for adjudication, and tbe court stat ed that the relief granted would not be broader than the pleadings I un derstood It to mean that the plaintiff wonld get redress only on the points for which ha asked consideration. Or in other words he would not get any more than he asked for. "Shall not the Judge of all tbe earth do right!" t vnv. lift I uw wuai la vui vc t tuci c r:u". r..t: ".::, at least t points that we should Bwuiu asaiuai . , l uHm. h k- 1 , 99 I BUltriT lilVAUUV w ax lllivn .mmw wey learn war auy muie. - . loh . '.lnap follour ritlTPYIB let ll .w - walk in the light of this prophecy. KU'8U "I?"; Some say to" me that Is idealistic TZir ....".. but entirely unattainable. To such w wni ... let ie say: When Venlzelos. G reels ' ,lirh, .T ' .i .i, .-I Some one sayt, what right or au l"'" UU pieu., w.. nVnn In .nir thine to which side his country snouia ' ' j r.,lJ. .Z. .Zl -m v t ...i.u t. n .niu,i s,.,-x.i. of the kind or even suggest , such land." "But." said h a InterroeStor. ' ' ' STRANGE GAME IS INTRODUCED AT CAMP LEWIS Quick Footwork Object of Contest Soldiers Must . Take Part In VARIATIONS SHOWN Big Amusement Center Being Put in Readiness Some Concessions Open . money "and send your young men over to free democratic America to h cfturated in our aolendld schools; she did a thing which made every star4 In her glorioue banner shine with luster. More than that, she is -suppose France and Kngland fail?" to carry on war jojj.'ndlcate" .that -Impoartble. for France and England r JatinJ Win o u- !.. ..m Ko titled to consideration, will you lO 1U1I. HIU Ul I . . .V. other. "SunDose they do fall?" - "Im- wora anu yra, o v .- - - . - i s mm ahaiir tnw 9 w i m einnniia nnnAT possible," ald he. "But. Venlzelos. mrryLlZ VJlXviT. i remember Germany Is powerful and Wirrard. Franklin Proctor. thoroughly prepared. Suppose you cast vour lot in with them and they Kditor Statesman: . are beaten?" Quickly and firmly he A letter irom my son in rence made answer. "Better to be x with caused my memory to go back to my France and England In defeat than childhood day on my father's farm to stand with a triumphant Ger- about four miles north of Salem, many." bordering on the Willamette river. "So X declare it better to stand and I seemed to hear the echp of the with thoaa wha advocate this maenifi- old. dead, hollow Cottonwood . trees int r.ian nr nrrweHiur than to stand on the-. opposite side of the 'river with any others. which used to repeat tbe things that Now as to "More LJght," Who happened on cur slda of the river wrot criticising Mr. Chauman's oro- An old lady bad a farm across ductlon, I have this to say: We are tbe river from our farm and her told that secret diplomacy has been sons ran tbe farm and did the work the undoing of Europe, and yet in at home while the mother worked nr th i Imiimh u-nroni rover t- in Salem. Her son Sammy would im tart hra la an Individual who row bis mother to our shore, then mutt tn (tiaruia a nolttical matter of I she would walk to r'aletn . to her thua enabllnr those poor people to at- urh atunendous nroDorttons over at work and return to tbe landing In tain some of the qualifications re-, fictlous signature. What tbe world! the evening where sne would mount quired to the enjoyment of a celest-j (anj especially the New World) Is to the top of an old log, and placing tat ennntrv. . Cod surely will bless , itamandina- i nnoneaa and frankness I her hands to her moutk sbe would in national and international aiiairs. 1 can loaaiy; j, omu-rprrr. "a I Ann' think tha nuhlle In reneral over th boat." ABd'tB "old 'rotton- takes kindly to any thing that Is wooo trees on tne opposite siue vi ncrativ. nf darkneaa in thea im-1 the river would say: "Or Sam-ee-eee, nnra l.anaa Tdoi, a rain It uemilhHne Over the DOt." SOOn after the to me that he would have treated echo would die away'and "ftammy Mr. Chapman with proper courtesy would bring the hoat over ana .taae by singing his true name, Of course his mother safely home where she I am dealing with tbe matter on the wonia rest in peace. . Every mother wno na CAMP LB WIS, TACOMA, Wash April 17. qultn footwork with a sbarp lash from a trotiser belt as a penalty for hesitating. Is tbd object cf a new game tbe soldiers at Camp Iwlse are playing now and the sol dler who ean come out of the contest without a blow across .the leg must rhow lightning-like speed on his feet The men. line tip In two opposite rows, leaving Just room .enough be tween them for a man to pass. They remove their trouser belts and uso them as whips and every one In the line tries to land a blow on the legs of the man selected to run tbe gaant tet. It la tbe old game of medieval times, but It has Its usefulness, with out any physical suffering, in pre paring men to be swift of foot and agile of movement as a part of their military training. Racing Part of Training. 1 -t ' ( To vary this, one row of men runs a given distance with the men of tbo opposite row In pursuit, an officer giving the command to start and to halt. . The object Is. for the men be hind to land a blow on the person abead-and. at the signal to halt, the precedure Is reversed. Tbe pdrsued become pursuers and return to tbe original starting point . Racing a given distance, turning nd returning to tbe starting point after passing, around a tree Is anfttn- or aalUty xame that' Is practiced' on the drill grounds near division head quarters.. It gives the soldier ,.wnd and is healthful and benfriai exer else of the srrr ' will stand the lest it ln--etion for the required Silk Bresses Extraordinary Values $12.48 $16.48 $19.75 Every well dressed woman in Salem tnd vicinity should Txavt at least om of thtie dresses. The styles are the latest, the finish and fabrics are all that could be desired. The , . - . t values are wonderful. COME IN EARLY WHILE THE SELECTION 13 BEST 'I 1 fj 'A 'A Try Itl A medicine which has gives satisfaction to its users for over 40 years, as Cardui has, must be a good medicine.- W yod suffer from' female troubles, and need a reli able, strengthening tonic, cf real medicinal value, as proven by the experi ence of thousands of ' women users, r' TAKE ;: Tt3 Ycman's Tonic 'Mrs. C S. Budd, of Covina, Calif., in writing of her experience with Cardui, says: "1 took a bottle at? 13 years old, and it cured my headaches. I have taken it since mar riage, and received much help from it Cardui is the best medicine I ever took ... It was the only medicine . . . that helped . my back ..." Try CarduL All Druggists EB1S Christian statesmen who do such deeds as that, and the country's In terests are safe against all the as saults of hell when such men are la control. : Now in view of what I have Just told yoa, do yon want the world for tbe next thousand years to be dom inated by military autocracy or ao von want Klnz Jesus. Prince of Peace, to rule through the spirit of Democracy? Some one sars. what ' difference tna ix make what I want or what I do, what Is to be will be anyway fatalism which is most depiorawe when aueb 'sentiments are expressed by an nnbellever, and It seems to me Inexcusable when uttered by one who nrttad Ja tn.WOrshlB JehOVab. a raw months after the Children of Isrget. left Egypt they were at the Knrrfara at th tromlsed land, and thav ware directed to select twelve spies to go and view the land. After forty days they returned and report a ThPT aii aareea ni w anodtv Und. but Un of the number said the dangers Incident to occupa tlnn wera an rreat as to make is necessary u s matter of policy that thv decline to accept ine mi God had promised to Abraham cen tarles before, caieo ana aosnua aatd. "it is true there are giants and walled cities over there, but come on over; we are abundantly able to possess tbe land." Grand men those we. hut they were In the hopeless minority Just then. - Well, Cod said , ihu. nns-rateful people. "Yon Koii ha v vour own way, go back ho irt and wander till your carcass fall lifeless by the way, and your little ones for whom yoa pro fess to be so jrreatly concerned, lest the enemy over there shall harm them, shall come In after forty years and possess this land flowing with milk and honey." And Jehovah ful filled Ills word. . . M It made some difference that time bow much people thought and acted, didn't it? Well, remember the same unchangable God-is on me jo and lie has tho same foe to confront trim' too" This foe has been trying to usurp the, throhc pf God for cen- turloa Can you picture oni vnai me cuu- ditlons In the wona win -uAraA vnr if at the close of thia .r,.,ri there halt be n. federation. e atirin'whieh shall Insure perman w k r v nMfiuxia aft a. resuiii 111 in,t Vnn tkt in that direction quite often, and that Is what gives me hope and courage to face the ' demands-maae to op v" VAT ' ii w atteeeed in establishing peace basis, as I believe we will, and the agreement Is made that the weak nation snau ov I""1"-1'" -n ,a tha one that Is strong. is not the reign of our Master estab lished In national not all nations bowed before Him? mMitA w he. free to work our wonderful destiny each nnder his own vine and fig tree where none a .t molest or make afraid. Everything that man haa thus far Invented that is for the good of the race to be utillxed to tne tuuesi ant tn add to human happiness. And lie shall shall Judge between the -nations, and shall reprove many ..(t ah all beat their swords m to plow shares, and their spears Into honr'a overclse daily. . t shrnliberr rvxurnd .the parking in front of division headquarters. The ground was level, seeded ana. rertu Ixed a counle of months aao and n lorder of cobblestones laid around tbe plot and on both sides of the horseshote drive which . connects be ad ouarter i with Lewis drive. The nddltlon of the shrubbery will give to the headqaarters building the ap pearance of an attractive country club with a wooded setting of fir trees. " Itellaioaa Work Outlined, " Plans for extensive religious went through tbe eight Y. M.?C. A. huts here were outlined tdday at a con ference of workers here attended by John It. Vorls of Fan Francisco, re ligion director of the association for the Pacific;, eoast.,- Mr. Vorls was formerly general secretary At cam? Suits at $24.75 . r Realizing the demand for good quality suits at around $2&00 we have placed on sale a -special lot of suits which were purchased to sell at a higher figure. e v See then today. THESE VALUES WILL HOT BE POSSIBLE LATES Quality Merchandise Popular Prices U. G. Shipley Co. aaa.iSmntlnn that "Mora Llrht" la not - Every mother Who DOS g SOU his real 'name, but should I learn France Baa a uean ana that I am mistaken I may treat It France today, -and Is, caning: t. frnni inntW ,n,l ' I 8in.M. brlniT OVCV the DOStS.. Let ns remember what our gover- Will the echo reach our oammy Kearney. Cal.. and this was nis ur nor said a short time ago, "that we and will be have the boats reaoy to i ,,it to Camp Lewis. must denend on a lilrher Power tolbrlnr our folkrback from tance to . The new plans for ssociiioti give us success In winning this war. I rest in peaceT , rQi OT miiBi nor ey power dui nj i . .. spirit, saith tbe Lord of hosts." ! Let us also remember it is writ ten, "Vengeance is Mine, I will Pre pay, saith the Lord of Hosts." Let ns fight like tbe enemy, using shot and shell and poison gas If we must to win, and whea we have won let ns deal Justly and kindly though firmly with the vanquished. No boycotts or trade wars after 'the struggle is over to those who'' want permanent peace. In closing, let me exhort all good citizens to hold our president np to the throne of Grace a two weeks' campaign in the north ern eantonments and two we-ks In tbe southern camps. Mr: Vorls was pleased with the work of the associ ation along religious lines here. H left tonight for Seattle. ' Greene Park- Is rapidly assuming the appearance of a big amusement center and work on th eoaeessloma not yet opened. ia being pushed U gtt the- place In readiness for the opening, which is expected to be held In the near future. . - ; . . ' Arfdge, I Completed. ''' Tbe bridge for pedestrians over the railroad tracks, connecting the cantonment proper 'with the paxk, has been completed. It Is a woodta structure with a concrete and gravel base and 'eliminates considerable of the danger from .railroad accidents. Work on the new hotel Is being push ed In line with plans for opening la about two months. A large umber or concessions already are open anl enjoying a considerable trade from the soldiers afternoon and evening. There are a movie show, Xoo hall. soft drink parlors, restaaraat, pop rarn stands aad sboe-shlnlng parlors and a skating link Is nnder construc tion. V I The officers of the 22d field s'g nal corps arc to be among the b?st fed officers at Canio Lewis. Joseph Oliver Parker." formerly head chef In the fry department ef tbe HL Francl hotel at 8n Francisco, arrlv- d today at canih. lie enlisted at Han Francisco and was assigned to the headanarters company of the battalion as ehef In the officers quar af'Camp lewfstoday to Begin hi duties aa Y. M. C: A. camp maslcal director. .Ho will lastruct in slnglnt at J. M. C A. meetings and enter tainments In the Y. huts. Mr. Good rich formerly was head of the de partmeat of philosophy and educa tion in the Spokane high school and leader of the high school glee club. : , ; THOMAS WAS RIGHT. A chauffeur had applied -for a po altien with a new rich family which aspired to be -considered top-notch socially, and was being Interviewed by the mlstreaa of tbe house. "We call all our sertsnts hy their last names." she announced. "What Is your last name?" , , "You bad best call me Thomas, ma'am." replied the applicant. "No; We Insist that you bo willing to be railed by your last nlme. Other wise you won t do at au." "Ob. I'm willing, ma'am, but I don't think the family woald like to use. It." ' "What U rptr last name, then?" said his prospective employer,1 some what coldly. "Darling, ma'am Thomas Dar llnr." Ixndon Opinion. t. trvm hrlnrlar tn tha eoaet t't ontc of .the- best, speakers .avallab e, ura. i. ' eyangelists and welfare workers, for 1 J. C. Goodrich of Spokane .arrlvo VA Tat.t Aa t SW j r n v ttfTS'?TTZ 4 I C -If miAMm kaitia riiXa,M a V IJ niiilimall ti iil B'-'irT" scuncaxsniaToif TO ENROLL 5000 NAVAL RESERVES mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , Recruiting Officer ia Portland Ordered JoTake Lmimum Number of pnlittmenU SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE UVER Everyone should, drink hoi water with phosphate In K, before breakfast. To feel as fine as tbe proverbial fiddle, we must keep tbe liver washed -clean, almost every morn ing, to prevent Its sponge-like pores rrom clogging with inaigesuoie ma terial, sour bile and poisonous tox ins. says a noted physician. If yon ret headaches, it's your liver. If you catch cold easily, it if you wake up won AH" IMMEDIATE OPERATION THE ONLY, CURE rORTTjAND, Or April lT-Com- mander E. F. Bcbardt, rn. charge of the navy recruiting station here.. has been notified to enroll men in ui naval reserve force to the maximum. Five thousand' men can be accomo dated In this district at once, he was Informed. . The local recruiting station has been limited In Its, wot for sev eral weeks, being permitted to enlist only 25 mender week. Thla restric tion, which held down recruiting la all stations to a total of one thous and men for tbe whole country.TPr week, was necessary until congress relieved the situation by legislation. This evidently has been aecomplish- ' Oregon has furnished approximate ly fire thousand men; to the regular and reserve corps or tne navy ana fie raising of 5.000 more will give men of dTaft age a new opportunity for serving. their country. The age TV?"- ' r i s. 5 m .... a-sL: K y your liver, ir you wax up wiui a llmit for this . navy recurlting are bad taste, furred tongue, nasty from lg to 3S. i Men of draft age breath or stomaeh becomes rancid. it's your liver.- fallow skin, muddy complexion. water,y, eyes all denofe liver uncleaallness.. . Your liver is the most: important, f, also the most abused .and, neglected organ of the body. .Few . know Ita function or how to release the dammed-up body waste, bile and toxins. Every man and woman, sick or well, should drink each morning De- fore breakfast, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in It, -to wash from the liver and bowels the previous day'a Indigestible material, the poisons. aour bile and toxins: thus cleansing. sweetening and fresheninavthe entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomal-b. Limestone phosphate is lnexpen sive; any pharmacist will sell you a Quarter nound. which Is sufficient for a demonstration of howhot wa ter and limestone phosphate cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver, keeping you feeling fit day in and day out, must have oermlsslon from their local boards. . Four mess attendant are needed at once, the i ecruitlnc officers an nounce. All recruit are to be sent to the naval training camp on Pndget Sound. Forty men per menu rrom this training camp win be. sent to the navy's new officer training camp i tiwi(w. Paroled Men Are Available ' for Work on Oregon Farms Several paroled men from the state penitentiary will bo-available for em ployment by farmers in a few days. State Parole Officer. Keller said yes terday. The men are experienced farmers, t A large number of paroled men are employed in other Indus tries, and because of the present sbortaae of farm labor it will be th2 policy of the, state prison manage ment to place as many men as pos sible on farms. -t f"' V.t l- 'ft'AWv"Rv 'JsMxfcHrx YTvV mm . trj . iiae- a at sw .-r - v a a a a wt mm a ... f