The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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V ' ' -
Wednesday fair: modernte
noiil Ii ffntrrly winds.
mixtv-kightii vi;ai no. in
daily Eb'rnoii
Dillon Moves Omission of
Clause Discusses Results
of Forcing: Measure Upon
Country Lloyd George
Urges Settlement -
Carried With Vote of 301 to
103 Government Will
. Introduce Home Rule
JJOSmS, April 16. The third
. read'ng of. the government's man
power bill was carried tonight by b
vele f 301 to 103.
J "In the report stage of the m.ui
r power bill, .John Dillon, chairman of
the 'Irlnh , ?fatfnallf!t, juoved the
omission of the ilrlsh clause and
pressed the government to give It
rest plana, lie recommended that
the government go to the counties rf
Antrim and lown -and try to hold
conscription 1 mcctlnga. That, he
said, would open the government's
. eyes. " -
Doubtless the giving of hoijrte rule
would produce a great effect, but
at the present time the-government
, sppearcd neither able to carry on
f the war successfully nor accept
pence; neither able to govern Ireland
of allow Ireland to govern herself.
. Mr. Dillon said he had been forty
years inpublle life, during sonnv of
fne stormiest periods of Irish his
tory, but he solemnly warned the
government that he never had known
anything tn approach the feeling In
Ireland today. - I -
'If conscription was applied, tho
rhaoa and confiihion ensuing would
be appalling, and, he declared, Ire
land would bo tamed Into' another
Belgium. . s"
, Premier Lloyd George said In re
gard to Ireland! i
e la dfxlrahle In the Interest of
the war that we should settle the
Irish n Mention and produce some
thing like contentment In Ireland
and good will In America."
' Referring to the situation at the
Young Unmarried Men Will
Be Drafted AH 19 Year
Old Youths Must Go
OTTAWA, Ont.. April 16. The
Canadiaji government. In an offocial
statement Issued tonight, announced
inai ii naa decided upon measures
necessary to obtain Immediate sub
stantial reinforcements for the Can
adian expeditionary force, need for
which. It waa usserted, has become
Imperative because of the altuatlon
on the western front.
The government has decided that
unmarried men and wfdowors be
tween the agea of 20 and 29 are not
Indispensable to agriculture and
other essential Industries. They will
be called out first and all exemptions
In their case abolished.
' An order In council has been form
ulated which provides that not only
are youths of 19 subject to the pro
visions of the military service act.
but also all other youths when they
fToaeh that age. ';
" The government is authorized un
der the military service act to raise
100.000 men. Developments at the
front; it was said, would alone de
cide, whether parliament would he
asked to increase that number.
fContlntie'd on Tre 2)
disagreement between the two gov
ernment agencies over the quentlon
of relieving the shortage ok coal ear
at the mines. i
The ehef source of controversy
Ir the policy of the railroad admin
Isffatloii In permitting the railroad
to continue their pre-war custom of
glvlne favored treatment In the mat
tcr of far supply to mines frojn
which they buy coal at low rales.
Mr. Garfield also will confer to
morrow with Frank J. Hayes an
other officials of the Cnlted Ml no
Workers, who .arrived today to em
til.! their' nroteat asalnst th
situation at the mines, where tho'i
b&nds of men are out of work or
working only a few days a week.
W. H. Childs and Ex-Gover
nor Sulzer of New York In
x Conspiracy Charges
Life of Frenchman Who Re
ceived Money From Ger
man Banks for Use in
Spreading Peace Propagan
da Ended at Vincennes
NKW-YOUK, April 16. William
Hamlin Childs, executive chairman
of the Fusion committee which back
id the candidacy of John Pi Mltchel
In the mayoralty election lastfall
ami William Sulser, former governor
of New Yorkvsald tonight they had
been informed or titeir indictment to
day b a grand jury which has been
investigating the expenditures of ap
proximately 12,000,000 by the Fus
ion committee. '
LAUOL Uf AKKLol Indlctmenta Allege that they con
spired to conceal In the report of tho
election expends filed t Albany the
fact that I.' 000 fcald to Mr. Sulzer
Sensational Disclosures Made ?nd.6? l?, M,!?. p.p,r.,,1"
ni'BU UI lilt' 1 1 II 1M II M i mil 1UII, wuv
campaigned for Mr. Mltchel.
"I am perfectly Innocent of any
wrong-doing." said Mr. Childs. "If
hcre waa any violation of law It waa
purely technical ana mere was no
desire an my part to conceal any
"It's Just another Tammanjt frame
up," said Mr. 8ulatcr.
by Government Following In
vestigation of His Work
t -Hi in i in
Garfield and Williams to Con
fer in Hopes of Relieving
Coal Mines
... . -i '
WAKIII.OTON, April 16. Fuel
Administrator Carfield and John
Skelton William; purchasing direct
or of the railroad ai ministration
will hold another conference tomor
row In an effort to straighten out thel Just before the world war brok
out in 1814, nolo enierea into a new
rAItlS. April 17. Holo Pasha
has been executed at Vincegnes.
Paul llolo. whose career has been
cloned by tho French government.
wns born In Marseilles. He studied
for the law, but foraook that hon
orable profession for occupatloni
which were varied and hazardous
He was Identified in several enler-
prlses which failed and then drifted
to rarls. where, In 19 4. he was
convhled of alue of confidence and
swindling, lie later went to, Valen
cla. paln, wh-re h conducted a
safe which, waa frequented iy
.German Tells Court I.
W. W. Literature Does
Not Go With Him -
CHICAGO. April 1. While
being examined for Jury serv
ice in the I. W. W. trial In
Judge Landis court today,
Charles Schonauer, a locomo
tive fireman, declared that al
though he waa a member of a
labor organization and believed
in the right to strlle. his pre
judice against thej; W. W. waa
ao strong that he could not give
the 113 defendants a fair trial.
"Did you -ever read any of
the. I. W W.' literature" In
quired Assistant United State
Attorney tleneral Frank K.
. "Yes, and it made me tired,"
replied the venireman.
KcJionauer is of German par
entage and said re -waa In ac-
Baillcul, Wulverghem and Wytchaete Fall Before Rush of
Huns No Attempt Made to Advance Wedge Further In
to Lines Commanding Position for Attack on Railroad
Object of Present Activities Around Points Which Are
reys to Ypre$ Sector " -
Three Aviators Killed
in Airplane Accident
HOt'HTO.V. Texas. April 1.
Three aviators, I,leutenat Roland J.
Wlnterton of 8ulh Hoston, Mass.;
Meutenant Ia'O John Nugent, Wash
burn. Iowa, and Cadet Forest In
Jones. Worcester. Mass.. were killed
tin I and Cadft Maurice seriously Injured
Frenrh colony. In 1903 he marrl"I In two airplane accident at Klllng-
a wmiow wuo an annual income ion ru-ui. tne .American iiymg camp
of 70.000 franca and it once en- hre. today.' A third accident oc.-
larged his flHd of activities, becom
Ing an agent foi champagne and
Other, wines.
I cur red late this afternoon, but there
were co fatailMfs.
H Germans Advancing in Finland Encountering Little Resist-
't T.-.i rr l c i- . nii i. A Ti c
ancc i en leuion irawicrs duuk. ai aiicgai nu uux-
vivors of Crews Rescued Merville Still Standing Finn
on West Front Allies Hold High Ground From Which
Stern Defense Can Be Conducted
cord with the governluent'a po
sition In the war.
lie waa temporarily passed
by counsel lor the government
ed i-jjici town of
Bt- I hands, and, n
part of tlie M
phase of work, which took him to
rtgypt, where he met Abbas llllml.
tJien,4he khpdlve,- for whom be be
came a trusted agent In the exploita
tion of land owned by
and for the protection
Professor of Sociology
Dismissed From Faculty
CltlCAno. Anrll ,11. William
Isaac Thomas, profelsor of sociology
at the University of Chicago, who was
arrested at a hotel last week ' with
Mrs. H. A. Granger, the young wife
of an army officer now serving in
France, waa dismissed from the
University faculty today.
i. it.
We can fill your Silk wants. There are
stores that carry more yardage but it is doubt-
i ful that a bettei balanced stock of Silks can
be found in Oregon at this time.
Gotham Crepe
This wonderful ilk liaa f7il tremei.ilous jM.p
ularity and justly ho. It i very r'wU in quality arid
the moHt w rviceahlft crepe on the market. It ik uit
ahle for TaUorcil WaistH, Suit, DresMC, rollmr in
eomllination with other Silk or AVorKtedf. It k the
fh.j thinff in the Iarf?c Vitieg and we ate fortiinae in
having a good cleetion of new xprinf? hlindea for
your chooHinfr, 40 inehes wide, yard. ?2.65
Crepe de Chines
Kvery wanted uliaila in mx weij,'lit aud.ualitie
from which to choose. All 40 JnrlieVwidft at yanJ
. . . . ..... . .;. . .;i.65, $1.85, $1.05, $2.00, $2J25, $2.G5
Georgette Crepe ' - ;
There i a pieee to mateli almost any. shade
wanted and in two weights, 4(1 inches wide at yard
1 on v o?
. . .
Black Silks V
Wo Kpeeiaiize in the most wanted uud uwful
ki iU There arc ro fewer than fen prades of Black
'Chiffon Taffetas and Suiting TaKeta to make your
Hchction from. Also an erjuaUy Koi variety of
Dress Satins, 1'eau dc Soic and other black Silks.
Portland Officer Will
Accompany MacQaarrie
When ' Lieutenant Hector Mac-
Quarrle of jthe Hrltlsh army appeara
In Salem tonlabt to iwturo In te
half of the liberty loan he will be
accompanied by Lieutenant Thomas
II. nody of- Tortland. who also Is a
lecturer of considerable reputation.
Lieutenant Iloyd Is stationed at
Camp !:w I.
The lectures tonljht are telnc
widely heralded and doubtlena the
auditorium at the armory will be
packed. MacQuarrle is a Cambridge
university man. and his experiences
at the front were among; the thickest
of the big battles during his time of
service. !
the khedlve
of the kh -
dive's interent in thn Hues canal ant
In Keypt In the event that Kngland
should repudiate Abbas llilml. From
the khedlve Holo received the title
of Pasha.
During the mimmer of 1 ft 1 ft Holo
bought the Pari 'Journal from 8ep-
ator Humbert, paying r..jOO.ooi
franca for tho property.) After the
Initiation of proceedings against Holo
th money he paid Hnator Humbert
was refunded. v
In Fi briisry, 1!l, Holo came to
America. The Detuwhe Hank ff
Herlln la said to have turned ovr to
HoUv a sum of 10.000,000 francs
which was deposited In this country.
at leant nine banks figuring In tho
records of the cane. Disclosures
made by the Fnlted States govern
ment relative to his activities In this
country are said to have brought
Niniiil inn iiK'ni. 1 -
Holo. was arrested September 29
1917. for receiving: money from Oer
many for use In peace propaganda.
After his arrest there came sensa
tional disclosures of his activities.
He was placed on trial for hlg
treason February 4, 191. was eon
death, nolo appealed to the court rorky flynn Defeated
oi revirion diu int enmm wan oi,-v
nilsaed by the tribunal March 12 and
this action was affalrmed by tho
court of casxatlon. April 2. Tho
.committee of revision of the dejjart
men of Justice rejected Holo'a plea
for a new trial April S. and April H.
President Polncare refused to grant
clemency to the condemned man. It
waa announced on the same day.
howover, that the military Judicial
authorities had rranted a reprieve
for th moment" to Holo. because
of revelations which he had. prom
ised to make.
The activities of Holo and other
alleged Instruments of German py
paganda In France were given the
general term of "Hololsm' and tho
general trend of comment In legal
Journalistic and political circles after
Holo's conviction were:
"With Polo's death Hololsm will
Prominent Frenchment connected
with the Holo affair Included former
Premier Joseph Caillaux, Senator
CharJc Humbert and Fernand Mo-
nler. presiding Jndgo of the highest
Parisian court. Calllatix and Hum
brrt are In prison awaiting trial. '
Holo's brother Is a Catholic prleit
and Is one of the most eloquent pul
pit orators in the church In France.
Personal Knowledge of Con
ditions in France Will
Aid Him in Work
"(Official Summary)
' ,(Jermany' mighty effort on the battlefield of Flanderg hAii won
new HiieceHMea. Aeeordincr to the latest report, the important atrat-
ejjie townn of Ilailleul, AVulverjrhcm and'Wytachaete are in Ocrmtn
more important atill, the Teutons have carried a large
eaainea rnltre by itorm.
The Herman have not attempted to advance their wedjre farther
into the'.linc. for no new attack on Merville and farther wcat bare
been reported. They have devoted their aole" attention to the work
of. widening out the salient and striking at Messine ridge and the
railroad' running about aix'milea north of Ilailleul. Meaaines ridge
i the key to the Ypre sector and- it possession will give the Her
man a commanding position in starting a new drive. If the Ger
man auecesae are continued,' there must be a Ilritish retirement
from Ypre and poaaibly for aome distance farther north, while the
cutting of the railroad passing through llazebropck would be still
more aeriou for the llrittsh.
So important are the point won by the German that the
British must be expected to counter-attack at once in an effort to
sweep the invaders back into the lowland onee more.
Approves of Foch's Appoint
ment Trip Covered Wide
Territory ',
Messenger Sent by Party to
Fort Yukon With News
of Famous Man v
Mock Gas Attack Staged
at Camp Near San Diego
Cat.. Anrll 16. iThe first gas attack
on a complete battalion front In this
coiintrvr-so far as known, was en
acted here tonlsht, under conditions
virtually those of war. Clouds of
tioiMinonn gas. shells of lacrymatory
and poisonous gas and smoke bombs
rrp iiRcd in orofueion. The attack
was in two rtaces. a preliminary
lighter attack and a severclr socon!
attack.. An '-electric inethor of ex
nlcxline caa containers which had
been burled about the trench area
whr th attack was carried out
tave the effect of an artillery bom
h.iriiii.t with ras .shells, without
rfanrpr of anv of the men participt
Ine being . struck by . Ilylns h?I
in Boston Boxing Boat
liOSTOM. April 16. "Kid" Nor-
folk, of Tanama. decisively defeated
Dan CTorky") Flynn of thla city In
a twelve-tound Losing bout hero to
WAKIIINOTON', April 1Kteecd
to the work ahead of Jilm by person
al knowledge of conditions at the
battle fronts In Hurope, Secretary
Haker returned to his desk at the
war department today from his trip
Thero'lif no doubt thM he bellevMi
adequate measuren to checkmate the
German effort will come out of the
fooling of all allied and American
resources under command of General
Foch. the ImpreAlve French com-tnander-ln-ihlcf.
On hU arrival todar at an Atlantic
port th autnonsea tnia aiaiemeni:
FAIIIHANK8, Alaska. April !.
A messenger arrived at Fort Yukon,
Alaska, yesterday from the Arctic
ocean with word that VllhJalmur
Btefantaon, the explorer, who fs win
tering at llerschel Island, la aufftr
Ing from typhoid and Is very -low. ur.
Hurke, a Fort Yukon tnlselon phy
sician, left immediately over the 300
mile Inow trail to the explorer's
base. '
The messenger who was sent by
the explorer's party made the 300
miles In four days. Hy taking fir
"1 return with a sene of pride and m" Bi."i5f Jf, nd ah?
nfldence It the achievement of ,b. ,..T.b ' "
the United Htates and allied troops
nhroad that would Justify many trip
across the water."
Whatever direct Information the
war secretary may nave as 10 m.
the doctor hopes to reach llerschel
Island In ten days.
From Fort Yukon Us (rail north
runs up the froxen Porcupine river
and across the continental divide
Jans Of (leai Foch will ho for ChrmirP0:rbrALVSiV
ear of President Wilson alone. M an. a former member of ' 8tef-
(Continued on page .)
Local Organizations to-
i n ronunn cnipirr i iu rn
ety for the Car of the French
n . f n .l -I - t n r... l Wcwinded has aenf to Mtsa Cornelia
mSOnerS ireaiea lClCmi9 9iy oy v' Marlvn. state librarian, a large aim
tVAife Guards Fight Rages at Helstnfors Three Ways
ansson'a party, left with the doctor.
VASA, Finland, April 16. Abo
has been occupied by tho White
Guards according to an official state
ment Issued by the government bead
quarters. Kusslan soldiers In the
town were captured. .
The Red Guards are abandoning
the coast between llango anl. yu-
stad and are retiring hastily towarrt
the Interior.
FATi: OF MTV I'M'KltT.tlV.
STOCKHOLM. April lC. A 5.r
man communication on the opera
tloas In Helslngfora does not Indl
rate whether the whole city Is In the
hands of the Germans and the White
Guards as yet, bnt'the cleaning up
of the city can le a matter of only a
dav or two art the most. . t ' .
According to private advlc
reaching Stockholm, the Hed Guards
. a as. SWI ft 1. t
nave evacuateo Ann. idp oriuo
of the Finnish revolution seems Jo
be broken and while the Ifrl Guards
mav continue to hold on To Vlborg
and the Karalen front for some
weeks, their Eventual' defeat Is con
sldered certain.
The White Guards continue to
proceed relentlessly against prison
ers. All Kusttian are Immediately
shot, a are wlso tho Red Guard
leAders. The Svcnska Dagbladet pub
llihea a letter from a Swede combat
ant, who writes:
"Women participated in ihe battle
on the 6ide of the reds, many ot them
wearing men's clothing. All of thoe
raptured were Immediately stood
against the wall and snoi.
FOt GMT TllltF.F. !AYH.
IX)NIK)N'. April 1 f. A Hettfer
dispatch from L'leaborx saya that
threat days fighting preceded the cap
ture ir llelslncfors. Tho Germans
now are advancing along the
Klkhlmyaka-l.akhtl-Kotka railroad,
which rnna to Vlborg. - , .
"Kastern theater, April 15 Hi
the course of an e,yended raid,
which was carried oufwlth complete
success on the left bank of the
StTiiiSa. letwVen OrTiianll and Lake
Tahinos, the allied forces drove the
Hulgarlan outposts front about ten
villages The Hellenic troop tooK
a brilliant part in this operation on
the side of the Hritlsh. The enemy
suffered considerable losses. We
took prisoners. There was reciprocal
artillery" activity stong the-Cerna.
Allied aviators bombarded enemy es
tablishments in the Vardsr valley
and In the nelchborhood of Berea."
Troops landed at Ivlza. east of
llelnlngfors. after, overcoming diffi
cult Ice conditions, pushed forward
by way of Lappitreek toward tho
north. They repeatedly broke thi
enemy'f tvsUtance and reached the
railway line to thn east of La.khtl
running from Tammerefors to I
borg. .
not to Individuals.
13 Persons Killed and 45
Wounded inStreets of Paris
When Missiles Fall
ber of aarments . for dlstribution-
among organizations tJbat are will
ing to take them up for the use of
French refugees. Tho garments srw
rut and only the sewing remains to
he dene. Miss Marvin aays she will
distribute them to organlxatlons'butfrldge, according to a dispatch from
PARI. April 17. Thirteen per
sona were killed and forty-five were
wounded In yesterday's long range
bombardment of Paris.
One shell damaged an electricity
conduit in a street while another de
molished a garbage cart. One of the
mlft'il fell on a wood chopping
works but found no victims.
The houw? which waa struck by
an aerial torpedo .dropped from "a
Gotha airi!an daring a. raid on
Paris last Friday now has been ex
plored. The lody of an elderly widow
was found and tho portions of limbs
of a man, woman and a child were
dl&covered In the wreckage.
There Is higher ground Just to the
north of Dallleal and Neuve Egllse,
rrom which tha British caa still con
duet a stern defense. Merville is
standing firm, la spits ot terrific at
tacks against It. while along the
southern aide of the salient tbers
have been no snagagementa report
ed. The same condition holds true
la lbs sector before Amiens.
In spits of the reports from the
American front that German attacks
there have bea otter failures, a re
port from Derlla, via Amsterdam,
says that the American . positions
near SU'Mlhlel were taken by storm
by the Germans,, who held them
against determined coonter-attaeka.
Jt la probable that the German re
port deals with the battle la which
the Americana administered a sound
beating to special shock troops
brought op hy the Germans to take
the American positions.
The Germans In Finland are ad
vaaclng east of Helslngfors snd are
encountering little. If any. resistance.
Too. German trawlers havs been
sunk la lbs Cat l gat, - tha narrow
strait between Jutland and Norway,
by a British fleet. The survivors of
the trawlers' crewg wers rtscned
The British cabinet has decided to
Introduce aa Irish horns nils bill in
parliament and If It la defeated In
the house ot lords, a ministerial
crisis will fellow. The home role
bill Is considered ss being supple
mentary to tho conscription bill, tho
provisions of which spply to Ireland.
' nmin.utn moxtdidikr.
rAUIS. April 1 Jhs war office
announcement tonight says:
"Violent bombardments on both
sides took place la the realon ot
Mootdldler; there was ao Infantry
action. .
"About the Ttols le Pete several at
tempts made by the enemy waa re
pulsed after quite lively engage- .
menta. Our partols took prisoners
near Negrevllle and liadonvlllera.
OTTAWA. Ont, April 16. Ger
man troops havs carried Wytachaete
and the greater -part of Meastnes
the Renter correspondent at British
headquarters la France, received
here tonight.
The enemy also has established
himself In Fpanbroekmolea. The
British are still clinging to tb
Hopes of Meselnes ridge, battling des
perately to repel tho attacks made
upon them by overwhelming German
LONDON. April IS. Field Msr
shal JIalg. la'bia official report to
night, announces the occupation' by
the Germans of both wytachaete and
The report rays:
''Severe fighting has been taking
place today on, the front f rem Met
teren to Wytachaete. At dawn the
enemy renewed hi attacks In
strength in the neighborhood of
Wytachaete and Spanbroekmolen.
"Supported by a heavy bombard
ment, his troops approached our po
sitions under cover of the mist, and
after a prolonged straggle gained po
sessioa of both localities.
. fAt Meteren the enemy also suc
ceeded during the morning la obtain
ing a footing In the village, where
the lighting is coalraningv -
(Continued on Pago ()