TTTE OREflb.X STATESMAN THIRHDAY, APRIL 11, 10f as if ec3 ED i r c t fy The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are-Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them all Kinds I .ai,k CFrUriLI I is na 4 years of ace JtVV' both conductors an ril f7LAl CLE9, TOOLS, ETC CAPITAL EXCHAIuis 117 Court ft. v wonwicn tjxion rfltE IXHrilAXCE society fUeldent Agent 885 Uie St- Money to Loan TH0S.K.FORD EN BETWEEN to qualiry for 1 i mfitrtrmaM Be,,: Pr hour, f trt year; 40 cent second year, and 4 3 cents thereafter. Eight hour day, tlm and half for all work over eight houit and thirty minute In any It.hnur PT,'?4- .APPly 1Um 310 ElectliCI roruiM, Oregon, Portland Hallway. Light Power company. PHYSICIANS bilU G.' ALTM AS. lfCM EOPATH IT? Physician. Office and residence 24 Norta Liberty. Sult-m, phone 147. LODGE DIRECTORY IIHOTIIKHMOOU OK lOKMAJI Ove Ladd Jk Besb Bask, galeae. Or. 35- "" CtAStirXEP ADTBllTISmMSTt Rata Pee Word vTZJv ! insertions) ... So wr- ' a. . mnntn .... .....a. . V iT months contract Pr mo. lo iisestbs contract, par nso... 7c )i0 "uDtopeDed for leaa than 6o .tt eard given fro with an a4-rtsnent to tho extent oftffo E.ouacln "For Sale," Tor just," "Rooms" or "Uoard." MEN ONLY WANTED West Linn Mills opposite Oregon f tty. 1 years and over If able bodied. The strike won't bother you any more than it Is bothering u. Bring railroad receipt from Salem, and we will pay hack If you work one week. liowest wage $3.31 I hours shift wurk. t hours dav work alone. Come anyway and trv It once seeing how foolish the strikers were TO Min-:i',i.xp.oi?ar MALE AND FEMAE Hnf.P WANTED wo have an opening In your town for a newenaoer salesman. You eould make a pood salary with our proposition. Adareas "II 47" States Iriitn office. 1 MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN- tng In Masonic Temple, fifth rioor. at I o'clock. All visiting member wel come. Horace tykes. Kc reman. W. li. Trunk, Correspondent. MODERN W'OOUMEI. MODERN WOODMEN OK AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 6Z4, meeU every Thursday evening at S o'clock . in Derby building, corner Court and High streets, it. F. Day, V, C; J. A. Wright, elrelc BUSINESS CARDS At TO delivery ? AGO AGE AND PARCELS DELI VER ed any place, elty or country, Phone FOR SALEl i.ivi-:tock FRESH COW FOR BALE CALL ili North 23d. : BTBW TOD AT Iscb new classified advertlse meat will be run under "New Today" for first Insertion, unless JthsrwUe ordered by tho edver- VuWiuent Insertion of the ad will appear under Its proper elaee- ilcaUoa. Me sdverttement will bo run Ddr "New Today" for nor than m Issue under any circumstances FOR BALE 1 POLAND CHINA BOA IX, registered, icuiirson mile Norm County Farm. Phone 4 Ft. rwtlwoy, . 'mimcki.i.a . Kt V FfllNITUHU FOIl MALE NEAULY new. Inquire 1600 Cherneketar M TODAY AS PA RAO All PLANTS FOR' SALE, fbone I2F12. mve liLTKETE INCUBATOIUI. 600 crc site for sale. Used one season; 7 f.ft- will sell for 150 V Will Install Mammoth Incubator and X tuiit make room. XL A. C. Poultry brunch, Ut. Denedict. uregon. . FOU SALE ORAKS SEED WHEAT. Hiryro McKlnney, Turner, Oregon. FOR SALE OOOD ONE HORSE CAN ton wagon, complete. Q. Mitchell, Turner. IF YOU WANT TO OET THE RES. .farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial 1 subscription. Mention this ad. ' Cllinok'MACTl Dll'O. L. 8COTT. D. C, GRADUATE Or P. 8. C Cbiropravties rountaia neao. DiirenDurL Iowa. ChlroDracllC cor rects the cause of disease. Office 40S-7-I, V. H. N. Iiank Building. Phone 37. Ttealdenee IH-R WHEY For Feeding Hogs Can bo had at the Marion Creamery Call or Telephone) 24 tt I SALEM MARKETS ei TnOTkcairFii if sTci'Ait. DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 15 S. Hlrli St. Phone t3. iiunxo wticK Kkkh and ToulUj. Kgg, 30c. Old roostera, 13 to 14c. Stags, 16 to 18c. Pork, Mutton and lieef. Pork on foot, 15 to 16c. Ewes. & to 9c. .Veal, dressed. 16 to 19c. Spring lamb, 19c. Only a small part of this advantage was retained at the) end. 1 Delaware & Hudson's extreme re versal of two and a half points was attended by receslsons of one to two and -a half points In coalers, SL Paul's also becoming heavy, while Canadian Pacific yielded its gain of a point. United States Steel moved within the narrowest area most of the time, the slight decrease- In March ton nage evidently having no effect, but finished at a slight loss. Sales ag gregated 193.000 shares. Firmnesa marked the day's bond market. Anglo-French C's adding a trifle to yesterday's gain. I.IIberty Issues were moderatlvely active, but mainly lower. Total sales, par value, amounted to $3,275,000. United States bonds, old Issues, were unchanged on call. REAL ESTATE IHJTTOM LAND WANTED FOR 'CASH rent. Nlemeyer. $44 Slate . street. FOR RENT OR SALE A TEN ROOM house and 3 acres. 1133 Center street, phone 1091. WlIJi EXCHANGE WELL-IMPROVED 10 acre tract for IliOO coast acreage. Nlemeyer, Hi Slate. CHOICE 1-ORTLAND IJTS AND some cash to exchange for good Sa lem home. Nlemeyer. 344 Slate. roll MALE 13 ACRES OF LAND, auarter mile from Clastar: 31Z& an acre. Will sell half. If desired. John Wesley. Salem, route 3. Phone S7F4. urday to the bedside of his father-in-law, Mr. Emerson, who Is very low. caused by the shock received when, his 16-year-od son. Haker, was thrown from a train which severed one leg and caused bla death. Advertised Letters I Corn Market Strengthened by Favorable Prospects CHICAGO. April 10. Prospects that first trades In the July dejlvery. which are scheduled to take plara Ileef steers. 7 to 9c; cows, 4 to 8c. I tomorrow, would perhaps be at as SEVERAL FINE HOME-TRACTS FOR sale on easy terms, also a number of fully-equipped farms. Nlemeyer, 4 4 State street. FOR SALE OR RENT ( ROOM HOUSE partially modern, two lots, fruit. ( heap. Phone 1403-J or call 1301 North Fourth. AdtrriUrd April P, I9n, nalley, Mist Esther Derry, Mrs. John Dumgardner, J. A. llurke, Mrs. Katherlne Cook. II. l.eon ..I Dawning, D. L. , - Donald. Clarence 8. Kleener, J. A.,vare of Korvst Gibson. Grant. Margaret ,; llalford, Mrs. Bill i Knlese, Edgar V Martin. R. L. K Olson, Anton Parker, J. G i? . . . Bervel, Maud. .v iTilAWTntfDTSi PHKia CAPITAlTciTY" TRANSFER COM PAN f I'hone 033, Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Uet our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses In connection! with business. Furniture moving, I packing, shipping and storing our specialty. . Office 161. South Commer cial street. CAPTIVITT OF THE O ATM AN OIRlJ This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revlseo, making s handsome little hook. Ill tells In graphic terms of the mia- acre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation ana uuve was purchase TTiCsiiPirKHSi NO PARLORS F. H. Wstanahe. Proo.. 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladles' and . gentlemen s suits clesned and pressed. 1.2I end 31.78. Work called for and delivered fre. Telephone Main 662. -JlTSiT jWKaWED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk or every gino. u ve make you a price on your household ii.' The "Kauare Deal" House I Capital Junk Co 171 Cbemeketa street, rnone WAXTED YOUNQ MAN TO LEARN rioting ' trade. Apply Statesman (onpoalng room, upstairs. A ITER THE OUTINO COME IN AND njoy our real refreshing tonsorlal 6rlor, with a shave and shampoo. Wey's Rarber Shop, 111 State street.' iixt TMTftMK IN STATE HOUSE round s weeks ago containing moaey, keyea and nose ' , ease. Return to Den'a office. V 111 melte university. Reward. - from the Indians five rears later. 1 ,lfT . vaittib. piio tor 0BCONC The Price Is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad- .f, 1. . t! . w 5."-.. dress Orea-on Teachera Monthly. Sa. a9 ?vaml Vi? LmwiJZ lem. Oregon. -p&vTZrniT kldaa. The People's junK ana veconanana oiorev sis m Comrrereia I'hone 7l. WHITE HOCK CHICKS. 3F or 67F0. "MA I iTUENO riCD LEAN WHrfE" HAS PROVEN 6UC-I t innllMl h.r. or sola for BLACK MINORCA EOOS FIFTEEN borne use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, for 1. ., ." per nunarea. h. vi HnhMM Kllr Porter, Aumsvlile, Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO OET THE DEM'l "CACAUHIES poultry paper published, ,end 10 SALEM STEAM- LAUNDRV-LICK eents to the Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon, for a trial etihscrintion. Mntun this na. FOR RENT delivery and careful work. Dry wasn so per pouoq. m ovum adv ert? street. I'hone li. - 1IOCSRS fOIt SALE AT A RAROAIN. MY 10 seres 34 miles northeast of Malem. 4 acres hearing prunes, I of lKsn- fcrrles. an.l XTVCui. narty FOR RENT C ROOM HOUSE, OARD Ints, or would rent to right party, vn nn4 frtllt, Jioo Chraekel. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- uiae ws.hlnr done at a rate every body can afford. For only 30 cents win collect, wash and deliver your washing i within twenty-four boors, rhntl. t71. ' . , v.; 1 i fARMERS , DESIRINO FEDERAL farm loans for use In the late, sum mer or fall, should file their appuca. FOR RENT 312.80 SIX IUK)M MOD- -r "Ti:orATii" J? :.VhiJ Z T it.te of Interest RENT 7 ItOOM IIOUS 'J"V it Te 14 tl veers A trt' tr lon iPtPVUZEZt TftT w-so'nle TeinDle' ning. lots of fruit, also Kan S'iw Masonic Temple. month, see F. A. liaker, Salent. Oregon. ACHE FARM, 0 -ACRES IN FOR 'SSSEISiHtXl cultivation good buildings, 330 perl ere. Rock county, iscd., lor acre age near Salem. -' . 1 nil., f.nni RulKm DA . tnvatv rnaii ell In cultivation. 41 f room house price $125 per acre, part! it trle. liberal terms on naiance. 30 acrea, ( miles from Salem well imnrnv.d want lar irT farm. lS acrea near Philomath, Or., for rent from now till Nov. 1. 11, for 31S0 cash. See I'errin iar ters, 402 Hubbard Bldg., phone 907. "V" .. I i7nl niL W. L. MERCER. OllADUATB ri, nw vtm k---v T - -. , - . K Kirks. IT. VnVtlm. Veelc . V..K -;-tr. arut.nd chronic HOUSE ON I tlonal Rank Dldg. Phone tlf. r card-1 . oence i norm oummcr. j huu w,. rage H'l,. miminv oaTn-n . I i. i u.. i-m mwA i .iirr.nnl orsduatea of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialised In nervous 4 81-J. Dulls, 4 to 6c. Hay Cheat, per ton. $24. Clover, per ton, $22. Vetch, per ton, $24. (Jrain. Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oats. .11. Deans, 10c. ' - Mill Feeds, lieu II. nran. ter ton. $36. 'Shorts, per ton, $38. WIIOLKMAL.K TO IlKALKIlS. Country butter, 45c. Creamery butter, 45c. " llutterfat, f. o. b. Salcra, 43c. FUh. Steelheads, 25c. Smelt, 5c per pound. Salmon, Chinook. 20c. Vegetable. Lettuce, crate, $2 to $2.75. Celery, 90c. Nebraska rice corn. 11c. Tomatoes, California, $2.75. Broccoli. $1.25. Onions. $1.75. Cabbage, 3 He. String garlic, 8c. Potatoes, $1. XuU. , Almonds, 23c. Walnuts, No. 1, 24c. Peanuts, raw, 17c. Cocoanuts, doxen. $1.50. A ' Fruits. Honey. Idaho, $6. Oranges, $6 to $8. t Grapefruit. $5.25. k Dananas, 6 He. Apples. l. z to 11.10. Lemons, $6.60, to 67.50. Dromedary dates. $5.25. lOtall lrlce. Creamery butter, 65c. Eggs, 35c. Flour, bard wheat. $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley; $2.50 to $2.60. Kugar, cane and beet. 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.25. PORTLAND MARKETS high a price aa $1.60 tended today I to strengthen the corn market. The I outcome was a steady close at l-8c net advance, with May $1.27 2-8. Oata gained 5-g to lc and provisions 15 to 17, to 35c. Buyers' of corn appeared to have their attention fixed on the change IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR s. small tract of good rich soli, rees ' onably priced and located close to Salem, call IZ7-J. I WANT TO RUT A GOOD, MODERN home on the Installment plan. Write full particulars In first letter If you want to be considered. 1 will furn ish the best of references, liox is Statesman office. WILL EXCHANGE MT M ACRE FARM complete with all stock and machin ery for good and Improved ranch In Southern Alberta. Ulve location and all details of Improvements, write box statesmen office. tomorrowmaklng the commercial A FINE room MODERN HO grade, take rank a. contract grade. K fS SSVK? ana removing toe maximum curb entirely from new style, trans actions. Estimates of the opening price for the July option ranged all the wat from $1.40 to $1.50. Oats bulged sharply after a period of weakness that was ascribed to fa vorable crop conditions. The ensuing strength resulted from opinions that If Corn commanded $1.50 for new July contracts the value of oats, too. shoudl ascend. Provisions rose with hogs and be cause of decreased packing in the I west. ROOM MODERN HOUSE ana you in clear property of any kind for equity In this. A good trade can be bad on this. Bee wm. Fleming, ill State street. A GOOD BUY 28x80 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street, Salem, together with perpetual right of war over the lliiOL feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Scott Dosorth. 701-3 Spsuldlng utag foruena, uregon. NAMING APPLES IS LOTS OF FUN Mrs. H. B. Carpenter Champ ion Over All Others in Community- FOR SALE REASONABE MODER five-room bungalow, gas and wood range Included, built In buffet, fire place, large bathroom, living room, bed rooms, etc., extra large porch, yard. Easy Walking Distance. Terms. Phone 1271 or 193. Smith, A. llth. Mrs. II. L. Snodder. Mrs. Flostle August Huckesteln. P. M. DISLOYALTY! TO BE SUPPRESSED it Federal Cooperation to Help Pot Down Disorder in Illinois FOR SALE A SAWMILL AND TWO million feet of saw umoer, lor sieve. part cash will take some trade. Also piling timber for saie. Also cry cord wood. A number of nice farms and city property for sale cheap. Have 18 acres of choice land, well located .to. exchenge for home In Sa lem. Value 82SOO. Joba IL Scott. 404 Hubbard building. 'NITHKKHIE. w.?7.EIir:7" ? "XZZ iWEloiEli and s inole y. r;T.' r.7,m months'. room, nicely furnished, at (33 Ferry No children, will give references, au- ress -H0" care Mtatesman. 1 ti,-vt rri rniiT Til.K ROOM A, vs " "r - , with use of bath, in moaern noroe. Address A. U. care statesman. is nartiv modern five-room cot tage 1U&3 Saginaw. In good order, t'oremerly rented for 810 a month. Call at 1042 Saginaw or Statesman business office. Phone 23. six Neat modern bungalow I rooms at North 20th su Call at Statesman business office or poone 320 Modern 10 room house on I FHlr,TIiAND NURSERY- SALES YARD Cottage street, cloao in. ; Call at I 1 "V-ua lv... rHll and see stock Statesman bualnes. of fee. or phone " IHa and t"y!nihlX . : ! .I.,,ul.i.ra Craft-rl walnuts closing out at reduced price, also logan berries. - ' LIVESLEY. Or.. April The O T. club met at the- home of Mrs. Frances ; nressler Thursday after noon. Mrs. C. O. Thomas assisted Mrs. Dressier in entertainment. The price offered by Mrs. Dresslerin a contest of naming apples, was won by Mrs. 11. D. Carpenter. Mrs. Town- send received the prize given by Mrs. section of sy Thomas. .Those present were: Mrs 4C. D. Query, Mrs. 8. C. Davenport. Mrs. George Hlgglns, Mrs. W. v. Johnson, Mrs. Townsend. . Mrs. J. Fidler. Mr.. D. D. Fldler, Mm. N WASHINGTON. April t. Federal cooperation In suppressing disloyalty and disorder In Illinois was promised today by Attorney General Gregory In response to a request from Gov- , ernor Lowden. Special agent, of the department of Justice will be assign ed to advise with sUte officials and aid In Investigations. In announcing the attorney gen eral', decision, department official, let It be known that he wa. prepar ed to lend ilmllar assistance to other state, desiring IL Without new leg islation officials say that they are almost powerless to -deal with dls- . loyal utterances, the suppression of which they think 1. essential to the prevention of disorder, but the fed eral agents are expected to accomp lish something in cooperation with state authorities. Lieutenant Governor John C. Og lesby of Illinois, today told Mr. Greg ory and John Lord O'Drlan. special assistant to the attorney general for war work, that federal aid was Im perative to check Increasing Instance, of mob violence against disloyalists. 240 ACRES. 200 CULTIVATED. 40 timber pasture, running water, fair Improvements, 3 miles from Pratum, h- U m.A & 1 1 1 anil -,. it! linA .so acres. 88 cultivated. 18 pasture. I particularly In the mining district. z umoer. an gooo. son; spring waier, 0f goutbern Illinois. goo4 improvements, no prune trees, i i0 English walnut treea. gooa team of horses, wagon, harness, 3 Jersey cows, 100 pure bred hensj 1 mile from Aumsvlile, a snap, price 38800. Terms. Socolofsky, 341 SUte St.. phone 370. Merely Point of View. nntyr t i vrt II 1 A TltiH r ! I . . . . . . , i.- Ane-elea College. 1 . " ivugie. irs. n. i. usrpcnirr, ra. s w ' " A a MM M T.Mtm a 11 rOSX Bis 1 mm mm m, m ma m a mm Treat acute and chronic Olseases. i itiuis. extras, n v - i itarry Tracy. Mrs. I. Iiouy. n. Offices 505-6-7-3. u. a. National tras, 39c; prime firsts, c. IlanK Iiiag. i-none si. n.iui"--', 120 Court street. I'hone 2218. Dr. White, residence phone George Dressier. Mrs. F. Holly will ROOM rW TtKNT THE HTOREROflM AT . IU North Commercial street, now oe- ti. E. MAST. EXPERT TUHJHU, cleaning, repairing ana regulating. All work guaranteed. IMS Hail street or care of enerman vimy at Co.. Vurt street, phone 3162-J. "i,VBi.iO"aTKSi6iH A PIIERS eupled by Compton's lc and 25el j.qjj heNT WELIj FURNISHED TWO p'ore. win n rorvreni .May mi i"-i .nit thru room suites oi rooms sun- fir particulars Inquire at room z.i ab for housekeeping, inquire ' 1 XY PEWRITIN'S NEATLY DONIJ ANU orerman hick. - I norm trrorn. I rnmniiM i-none mi roil SALE PEDIOREED FRENCH GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER 'i. female. Alight months oia, ap Sly O. O. M. Hotel Marlon. "slioosiD HASb HOODS 8ArETr FIRST THE MONEY" I5ROK- r always Insists on fire Insurence on all buildings taken as security for l"a. He absolutely refuses to rec ognise uninsured buildings as any trt of his security. He knows by experience that these buildings mar be swept away by fire t any time, hence , If uninsured It wouM be iinn.r. to count on them of any value. Can you afford to Carry vou' nwn rlakT insure in. the Oregon Fire uenei room.:" Close "cuUIli.i. WttK?ttttXSJ!H? 1080 ChomeKeta. mn izt. I goous m .r'" - -.--7. i ness. gvii'j ". - -7. ' I ill. ntr-et. TffiriWFoufiD' ,1 1 U.I CUII.I wmm. , Fred Schindler, 266 Center llutterfat: Portland delivery Jso. entertain at the next meeting. 1 sour cream, 4 4c. A Junior Red Cross was organ Potatoes. Ituvlng nrlce: Local., nominal selling price. 75c to $1; new Call Everybody may have a different opinion of the aame thing In thl. NNT ALBERTA 81 .... j, ... t.1. nv . w . i a . . . 1 1 i woriu i nai ii ucuiwiHi, . ivi j and some cash difference. Good example, the kiss, and you will find terms on balance. The section Is tD following definition, of the dear close to town with several elevators .,.. - and Is fully equipped with new and lnl"- , , . , " , commodious buiidin.s. including 3J The biologists: The easiest and head or cattle, head norses ana anirgost pleasant way to spread disease, .To rCe.,nmr.ry flS'Sw . The minister.: The foundaUon of Only a little more than $20 an acre;! all .in. Nlemeyer. the canaaa urn, n Btatei The cboru. girl.: A substitute tor street. - !,-. rhiond hand shake. BM VB w -w-v The bakers: A .weet cake having affeetlon. The height of fool- fornla'a. 10c. Grain. Thirty-day options: Rids Oats. No. 2, $69.50. Eastern oats and corn In bulk: Bids Oata, No. 2. white, $64; 3K-pound clipped, white. $64.50; corn. No. 3 yellow, $66.50: No. 3. mixed. $66; oats. No. 3. $64: clipped. $64.50; corn.yellow, $66.50: A junior ne -r"s w" "'"J 8NAP8. SNAPS. 8CHNAPPY ABSO- The bakers: A SW Ilted In the -school last week.' with imeiy It is a shame to have to of- nothing to do with the principal. H. N. Goode. as chair- fer as nice a house forthe price, and b-cneiori. rh . u.-.. ii.nnlne-aen assistant say I am selling it. The most com- - "ine oacneiors. iu man. Ernest Hennlngsen. assistant f finished and complete Ishness. mixed, $66. KOIM) "X'SfDEltTAkF.n. FOUNliOLbWAtCH ON idVEIll WKIiUac CLOUOlW.lTwEBB. A. If. roadToVner can have same by Clougb. funeral dlrectora. '.Latest moaern metnoas nown u f.a.lnn. 4S7 Coirt street. ' Identifying. Inquire Theodore Stoelk, route S. ntw, naim. MISCELLANEOUS "THAKrKll-MAIIUN MONEY TO LOAN. Aiclati ff Vlnnvlll the com-I that has stood the test of time. I monEV"TO UiKS ON GOOD SECUR- r jonnson ft t:o Agent., ion ttv. . n. inrnn. ynonw "UK Bldg Salem, phone 347. HT StfT RUT 10 ACRES. 6 MILI at, gnini ( room house and other out wildings, tVt acres in loganberries WANTED tflTO "TRUCkTsERVICE. ANT KIND or naming. iimini ta.l US moving Joba done prompt 1 i. Trv me once. Timme. 78 State St. .Phone 383. Residence 1 Bhn IHI.J' wall" fafcr. raiNT, Stocks Show No Definite Trend Until Lost Hour NEW YORK. April 10. Apart from the comparative strength of shlmiinsr and coppers, today's stock market developed no definite trend until the final hour when moderate offerings of rails, at decline, of one to two and one-half points, provoaea a heavy close. Tho movement In shippings, which was mainly predicted on rumors of another dividend on Marine pre ferred in the near future, sent that stock higher by 1 3-4 points. Atlantic ulf meanwhile gaining two point. and Pacific Mall two and a quarter MISCELLANEOUS ers. wir-d up', 8 acres of creek bottom j wTNTMiX'LiailT WICKER BABY with running water, price 12400.1 cab. Must bo reasonable and In good n) down. - I condition, i-none . .."r. TJlrL. n ASH PRICE PAID FOR ire 3oo. I good clean rags. ITessroom states- A fslrlv' .i v ... t m rA srood I rnsn. ' house, barn, cow barn, alio, ""k Ihhiu, aiatm olectrlC. liht system. .20 head milk cows. 4 1 gHlPPiSAUT6 BERVICE-CITT AND Zf tntm. equipment. 2 country trips. Phone Day. 161: irom railroad, price ia Pi wirht. 3S A folly modern 6 room bungalow I 'TlKKCREPAlRED Vtf CCANIMNo" "arse Shane trees in front. IirejoATES IIAI JT-BJ. '' I - H US.SELM AN FOR - 1 ,1.11.. PHper hanaing, painiinie Choice wall paper and cut out bord- Phone imjwi. JLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- ,.aiir.a na:niina. iiniiiiB. e - - bang nil efc. Work done by contract 5e- a-ood workman. Location 1020 Center BU Pbone 338-W. iEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice m Wall hptfil r. . - L-nFntf,ir. Sitore. 171 COCO- mercial St. . SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL o-mm ana ii riur. iruun, -y - . . . Phone 418 " WATKlT ? everything complete, would "t l?tflft t t.nll4 k, twkoaM nrlce ZJl;9'- "-e J. A. Mills, 320 State Station 171. South Commercial t-sALKM WATER CO.-orni.b, phone 421. I Commercial street. For water EMPLOYMENT rKHAi.r, VTEr otrt. ron oeneral 15 North llth. or phone A-JJKD-WOM AN TO DO HOUSK 'r family or three. Must be ." refined and a rood cook. 7.1b I... ?T tor '""mpent woman. If In ,!r,t4.,'lreaa box "II 5" Ktates. "A ff'r' Blvlng your address or ,T-vt."criiTiit atrro SJUPPLT ANl vulcanising. i'lul street. Phone : - BRACKETT 4V OR AY TUBES VUL jTlVi.. vie Ttetreadlng our special- tv. Free service car. Pbone 273 North CommerclaU ; WATT SHIPP Ctr RETREADS AND sections tubes 28e up. Service car Phone 863. 128 South Commercial ' etrt ' . 301 B service only at office. Make all complaints at the OH ice, ru wtouv ... ----- will be allowed for absence or for " J ....... whatsver unless water Is cut olf frcm premises. Hereafter water fo- Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers ujslng water for oomestic purpose-, v-wm-....-.-. .... .M.iikL brick work .i..i.,iii will nlease read for hull ling purposes" under schedule of r. ST nil ' ... ' "I,. WOVF.WJRK FKCIN PI tfJTtVTTTlM W ASH EH" P1NCK Ilros. Dairy, 'hone 1437. 'V!X5P r''KtK EXPERIENCED APPlJJ Tsterson Cigar Co.. Btate and Commercial. PROFESSIONAL DR. F. L. UTTER. DENTIST. BOOMS j 412.414 nanK or uomnnrss .. Phone 800. i - - Depet Natle-Mil Jt America Feee, ill elsee. 2 la. 4e SH lav. high. Palate, lls and Varalis. i .leaea ItebailK Repaired, iakrr-r mmm lie lleehe.! it. n. rr. nm, sse) m;ic ti:acsikrs von saw " rrrr?r: r.rr r.::.: 77Z-.ZT.n I vu -a rn-M wood SAW. PUONB R HARM. TKACllblt "t j I ia.w. . v . ..-- Phone 13S3. . : ww . . chairman; the primary teacher. Mis. Walker, as treasurer. The pupils show great Interest and are prepar ing to do active work In the neor future. z A business meeting of the Livesley Red Cross auxiliary was held Wed nesday afternoon at the home or Mrs. W. V. Johnson, who Is chalr rrjan. Plans were msde to hold a baxaar one day during the month of May. The Red Cross members are busy preparing articles to sell, and are very enthusiastic over the plans that are beThg formulated for its success. Announcement will be made In detail at a later date. Mrs. Alice Coolldge is setting out several more acres of strawberries. .a a . e a S a. A. Iietnincouri is planting a prune orchard and filling In between the row. with strawberries. II. n. Carpenter Is having a roof put on his bouse. Aubrey Johnson spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Johnson. Yon Should Worry Let the CUnificd Adi Work for You thing In the wsy of a . room bung I fh auh-dehs: The e'ement which now iavv inu irrm. at inav, nn.i ,t ... Y! RCMni. are you doing with your talents, bid-1 make one vamplsn. ltecoro. ing tnera in a naqain or an oiai stocking or other safe place. IdleTl Oo to and see William Fleming lf you ever want a fine borne for next I to stealing It under protection. Call at 341 Btate street, room 7. TIME TABLES lomirnv r acme co. Ne-tfcbeead FOR SALE. ROOM MODERN COT- No. 18 Oregon Express - tage. located three blocks from Hush No. 64 Oregonlan .... i.i Rank corner, price 32S80. Improved No. 28 Willamette Limited.. f:J,-w" a acre tract, all cultivated, house. No. 18 Portland PaaseageC. 1.36 p.m. THINGS THAT NEVSR HAPPEN . '. 1 1 am Vx nOMT LOOK AT f l 'X -r "ib tSLUSrt - P J a 1 fHO- OOfT) jj Ja V . M icner--aa Cepyrlfht. m t at sa. a and barn, good well, price lisoe. no. j VJ0 V. V'V .... 10 acre farm. 40 acree cultivated. No. 18 Shasta Limited 2:Ta5"m" balance timber, pasture, running No. 14 Portland PJf.-' MSMU: water, price 30 per acre. Good 1m- No. 218 Local Way V ,VVi a proved 100 acre farm, good buildings. No. 223 Portland '1J"rr,ht mm nearly all In crop, beat of soil, price itaasene ' 8138 per acre. 140 acres of first class No. 63 Oregonian .!:;;rj? farm land, good road price 388 per No. 83 Coos Ray -";"!!: acre. If you want to buy. trade or No. 16 Calerala Cajpreaa . sell, see us. W. H. Orabenhorst A No. ! Boaebur. Passjiger. ;IfJ -Tr 911 ataatan Si ff I ..v.e e s w aw - m- a -. - No! 87 Willamette Limited II 4:10 p.m. Francisco !-,.. sn. Fast rru;.w:as, EXCHANGE OOOD HOUSE CLfJSB INN Zl pavea street siove. xaae iota in "a-1 ;; wl- "lliSli lem or Portland balance easy terms. I -- - - ' - 20 acres good land mostly orchard I . . ,rm good buildings near Salem. 81600. MaUmT!. " :ll a.i. m. Kooa Duuuinii n-sr pii.,. "U' Tt Arrive at Halam..... 1:18 a take city property, balance . terms, jo. 73 Arrive J:ij Income property good Nebraska townN- Leo Salem. I.tsp 5..000. Clear tor email larm. ror sai. AI.KW. FALLS C1TT a WESTkR 7 room modern house new. close In. . f, . Kalem. motor .... t:0ta.aa. a bargain at 32260. 6 V, acre, close or..Y. 5:36 a-m. In. main road., modern bungalow. JiJ Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40 p m. very cheap. 6 room bungalow new. xZZ.mZ t Vt on mouth and Arlle iricur iriourrn irruisicBj sa na iwin Ml - a. m 8-am l-ke-Vl MA AS . a - . 1:41 11. Bla. sfe 31760. Choice ten acre tr.ct j; J motor.:::; 1:67 p.m. rloae In good buildings on msln Way Freight leave. Salem road fruit and berries 62SOO. I room I :;, . (-.. .. a.i.-. 1 u.m. pottage and two lots for rent F. LI u XxrKyrn at Salem ll:00a.. Wood. Bayne Bldg. I Arrives at Salem w.. 3:00 p.m. IC8 Arrives at naiem rtv a! rf if c a nrll in ai. n iuin ........ l:iltJ. LUUIY Al iniJ A IVGuftle hvt;, 'rYelgbt Ar. Salem.. 8:38 p m- 0PP0RTUN1TY ORSVOON BCL8CCT8UO tVMtkbOOMl Tvalai Tava Arrive About 400 acree of choice Polk coun-l srr.r,i.n4 Kalem. ty land about 110 acree clear; about 60I 1 3:30 am S.tlam acres in stump pasture: oaiance in t Ltd. . .8:30 am 10:11am choice oiling timber and oak grubs. I 1 uiiim iillnm Timber alone worth 818.008. Newfour-I 9 3:0tpm 4:16pm room house, new dairy barn, providing 1 Lt8...4:4t em S:40nm for zv cows ana tour norss; new pig 117 S:Spm l:ptn raiemeniy pen and new milk house. Water pipes I j 0:20 pm 11:20 pm Helen only from fine spring to all buiidin.s. Willi 21 11-48 pm 1:66am 8:60am sell the whole at a great bargain. I North Bank Station (leave Jsffer Very easy terms. 8 per cent Interest. I on Street 16 and 20 minutes later.) t. Arrive Eugeae 10:61 am 13:26 pm 6:38 pea S .iO pm Addreaa L. owner, care The Stateaman, Train No. Kugene 3 12:06 am Wert.fcoeed Leave Arrive Forty-Nine Stars in Flat Dedicated by Brooks Folk h LU'.'..T:4iam 1 14 ..'.' .'.'ll :18 am liftnnKK fir . Anrtl g. Thn neo-ll Ltd. ..1:66pm nl of Brooks and vicinity raised alii '''''tWllm unl.f ru. annta tfl.rnnnn Thai x North Bank Station t Arrive Jeffer- flag contained forty-nine stars, one "f minutes earlier). oLeav. oi goia in ine renter 10 nuaur u. Salem 4:86 am 7:11am . :46am 11:10 am 1:60 pm 4:ee pm 6:80 pm T:t pm Arrive Portland 6:60 am 0:26 am 11:38 am 1:20 pm 4:00 pm 6:46 pm 7:40 pm 10 00 pm I Clarence Mlnker. who passed away in New York. The first str was Harry Rhodes, the last Earl Ubara. The audience sang Th Star Span gled Banner while Frank Davey of Salem and Rev. J. E. Hall of Brooks unr arled the flag. Mr- Davey gave the ' dedicatory address. Harry Bobne, wife and baby, visit ed at.Tlgard Sunday.! IL C. Doyle was called home Sat 4rORYAI.I.1 COXNF.tmOSfS Ker-tkfeeeed Leave rhevallls Arrive Salem 8:1 am : am - 13:12pm 1:80am 2:41 pm 4:0pm 4:10 pm l'lipn - . 6:18 pm 1:61pm MSUMiaa Leave "tm k.22snt 10:16am 12:68 pm 4:llm 4:48 pta Arrive Orvatllo :iTm ll:llsm 8:10 pm . 6rl pm 8:00 m