The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair west, probably snow east
ern portion; " moderate, north
erly win i s.
hlXTY-KMillTlI YKAIt NO. 6
Message From German For-
eign Office to Count von
Bernstorf f Read as Inquiry
Reopens at New York
BritlsH Intercept Note to Com
pan? Suspected of Evad
ing Embargo
NEW YORK, April 2
-A cable
message from the German foreign
office at Berlin addressed to Count
von Bernstorf U former ambassador
to the nUed States. frcferring to
the Fonstniann-IIuffmann; company,
. Pasealc, A". J.. woolen manufactur
erl, as a "pure German firm," was
read into the record when State Alt
tornejr General Lewis' Inquiry into
a alleged. German wool hoarding
' conspiracy was reopened j today.
Introduction,; of the cable mes-
1 tsage. which was Intercepted by
British authorities and never reached
Count von Bernstorf f, ctosely fol
lowed protestations of I thorough'
. Americanism by Julius ForBtmann.
J president, of the Passaic company.
which has been taken over by the
alien property custodian; j
; "The reopening of the Inquiry was
V requested by attorneys ! for the
. Forstmann-Huf fmann company, who
raid they-desired an opportunity of
-. answering. and explaining disclosures
made during the first part of the
Investigation several weeks ago. The
company was one of several Ameri
can importing concerns which the
attorney general said it j was ' su;
Ipected were concerned in a scheme
- 'to evade American and British em
bargoes on wool and other textiles
during the early days of the war
1 by having shipments of this contra
band sent to "dummy" consignees
1 although they knetf the goods were
intended ultimately for German con-
sumption. . I ..
1 " 'The Intercepted cable I message.
, furbished by the .British .embassy at
Washington, was Introduced. '
, .-; ... '. . . ".. ( - -.; ;
Foulards, Pussy Willows, Crepe de Chene and
Georgette Crepes also Elegant Showing of Women's
. Today -Easter is. Springs1 formal opening.
; You'll surely 'want some of these for this season;
Observe that silk is the cheapest material you can
buy today, comparatively speaking. Also note
the completeness of these lines not one or two
I shades, but a full range.
! Thij is a very umumihI ljowinr of thin type of
5 Silki The color are navy, -opeir lIn, (rreeii,
- ' ton, ntsc, reseda, gray, brown, khaki, ivory, roUI
- urir white. Heautiful iloaigiw on. light, hicdium
and dark ground's; '.id to 40 inche wide, per
: yard ..... ...$1.!K) to $3.00
Here is an assortment of (leorjjette Crep.s and
(Vepe le Chine ! seldom equaled. Nearly every
shade you might wish in thesij truly wonderful
fabric. Crepe He Chine in five qualities priced
X Htard.... ...... $1.G5, $2,(M $2.25, $2.65
Ceorgette Crepes in two weight and 70 of the
ino,t important Spring Rhades, 40 inehcR wjde;
' yard :$1.85 and $1.95
Just in bv express a
ment of new spring noycHicslin white and colors.
Made up of lace, pique, poplin, satin, georgette
CreH Organdie and other washable materials.
Make your selection while the line is complete.;
Hereafter thin store - will close at 5:15 p. m.
- - . : except Saturday. . ,
- ; - .. .
Assurances Are in Generous
Excess of Vhat Is Asked
by Committee
Automobiles Are to Be Dec
orated Gaily for Elaborate
Response to the plans for opening
the third liberty loan drive. Saturday
in Salem is general and enthusiastic.
Bequests by committeemen for spe
cial acts of co-operation by citizens
are met with prompt and hearty as
surances usually in generous excess
of what is asked. f
Governor Wlthycombe will make
public request , that all business be
suspended during the hour ..from 1
to 2 o'clock and that all citizens join
heartily in the patriotic demonstrur
Banks Getting Bendy.
The banks -of the city are plan
nlng a practical participation in the
way of special preparation to handle
the sale of bond to the many who
will want their names at the top of
the list of liberty bond buyers on
Saturday. Each bank will be de;
orated and will bear -large-lettered
invitations! fp "buy your bonds and
do it now." , .
It is urged as one of the most
practical ideas that bond purchases
be made, at the earliest moment and
without waiting for solicitation.
This will save valuable time and
effort for ; the busy solicitors and
much annoyanc()r the purchaser.
Parade Route Outlined.
The big parade will form on Mari
on street headed to start, westward
'on Marion at High. The line ol
march will be west from High to
Commercial." south, to Trade, east to
Liberty, north to Cbemeketa. east to
High, south to State, east o
Twelfth, north to Court, west to
Commercial and 'disband.
Every automobile, in the city is
commandeered for the parade. Each
should be decorated Jn advance with
an-official liberty loan sticker.
''Procure the stickers at the com
mercial club and have your autos
decorated in amnio time." is the
commission's advice. .
.Every edifice with a bell and every
power plant with a whistle are also
commandeered for the hour between
1 and 2 o'clock p. m. As far as pos-
.(Continued on pace' 2)
speudjd and large assort
IN 1918, VIEW
President's Steps Show Power
of American Manhood Will
Be Felt on Battlefields
Without Delay
- ;
. . i ,, .' :l
Americans by Hundreds of
- Thousands to Fight in
Following Battles j
' i ". :
WASHINGTON' ApriJ 2. While
the battle In Picardy halteti today In
a lull that may only foreshadow the
breaklDR ot a new and more terrible
storm, American troops were hasten
ing to join in the fray with their
French and British cpmrades.
Formal announcement from Lon
don that these units would be
merged with the allied war machines
indicated to officials that losses of
the allies would be made Immediate
ly ood with vigorous, young Ameri
cans, keen for battle, and the plau
set' witnout delay, not only Tor a
counter-offensive, but for aggressive
warfare without pause until the Ger
man nvader shall not only bo check
ed, but hurled back to ultimate mili
tary aereau . 1 ;
iHvfsive'Step Declared Taken.
President Wilson has j predicted
that this will Imp the decisive year of
the war. In the opinion of the mili
tary officers here, he has now; taken
the decisive step toward making his
words good. ,
The power of American manhood
is to be brought to bear without de
lay, not only in. the American expe
ditionary army itself, but also in the
fightlrig ranks of the allied armies
By this means, the effect of Ameri
can intervention In the war, it was
said, will be doubled or even trebled
and in the coming days of the battle
of battles, which may lasf for
months, Americans by hundreds of
thousands will piay their part.
All Ih In Pershing's Hands.
No explanation of the announce
ment from London was made today
at the war department. Probably
npt more than a very few of the
highest officials know precisely
what rl thod is to b adopted !o
rush additional forces ip prance. In
stead of ah explanation. Major Gen
eral March, acting .chief: of staff,
made ptldic an order froni Secretary
Baker,' now in Europe,; directing
that hereafter i all information re
garding the activities of American
troops , overseas be centralized In
General Pershing's hands. The war
department will not give out any
statements relating to those forces.
Presumably, under the new plan ff
merging American units in the allied
armies and also because of the crea-
tlno of a supreme commander in the
person of General Foch. it 9ia been
found advisable to provide Jor a uni
form system of . reporting military
operations. i ;
Reviewing the meager information
that has been available as to the
great things that have been accom
plished slnre the German drive be
gan, many officials were convinced
tonight that Mr. Baker had been sent
to Kurop by President Wflnon for
the' purpose of bringing about Jt
the amalgamation of forces that has.
been effected. In surging single com
mand for 'the whole battle front In
the weft, it was regarded as certain
that the American war Secretary
would not have wone empty-handed
to the-conferences.
American Reserve Power fUg.
The strength of the American army
actually in France was not sufficient
to warrant more than a plea for new
measures! to meet the German on
rush. With the whole man power
of the United States made Immedi
ately valla ble to play Its part In the
ranks of the allied armies as well as
In the purely. American forces, how
ever, it was argued that Mr Baker
could speak with compelling force.
There are many who believe he cross
ed the ocean authorized to make this
great sacrifice of pride In national
achievement upon the altar of world
Whatever may have ben the orig
inal purpose of the secretary's mis
sion, .the complete unification or
Germany's three most powerful ene
mies has bwn accomplished. The er-
fect. officers believe, will be neen
shortly at the battle front.
Just before Secretary Baker left
for Europe he had under eonsidera
Ftion new plans for establishing
American training centers with the
British forces as well as with the
French. The plan contemplated only
training In order to hasten the ar
rival In France of American forces In
I ... . . m a I . 1
FUiririoni numoers 10 muutme ure
w-ar decisively. The men were to be
nut tnrouRn ue unusn iraiouiK yn
... . ' 111 ft? M f f
tern, from receiving camps to. front
line trenches.. thea to be turned over
to General Pershing for incorpora
tion Jn his army.
Traininiz Cut Short
The actual plan adopted apparent
It is an i outgrowth of this proposal
but it is far more significant, tor u
contemplates not only training, but
Secretary on Way Stops at
Headquarters of Third
Italian Army
Sturdy American Troops Im
press General Diaz Who
Speaks to Party
HOME, April 2.-rNewton D. Park
er, the American secretary of war,
arrived here this afternoon.
The secretary, accompanied by
Thomas Nelson Page, the American
ambassador; was received by Gen
eral Zupelli, minister of war; Fran
cesco Nettl, minister of the treasury;
Colonel Vachelli. head of the divi
sion of the general staff; ttobert P.
Perkins, American Red Cross com
missioner to Italy, and the person
nel of the American embassy and
consulate. ,
Mr. Baker arrived In uome too
late to keep bis engagement to wit
ness the marriage of Miss Augusta
G rover of Princeton, to Hart Ander
son, secretary of the American em-
.bassy. The marriage was celebrated
ih the embassy this morning.
(Ity The Anodated Prn)
VENICE. April 1. The desolate
condition of Venice,-left so by the
evacuation of two thirds of its popu-
lation and the destruction of many
or its cnurcnes ana buildings by aer-
fal bombardment, was Witnessed to
day by Newton D.' Baker, the Amsr
lean secretary of war. :
Mr. Baker, and Thomas - Nelson
Page, the American, ambassador, had
stopped at the headquarters of the
third Italian army on their way to
Venice to call on the Duke of Aosta.
cousin of King 'Victor. Emmanuel.
and commander of the Italian forces
on the Plave line. The meeting be
tween the duke and Mr. Baker was
most eordial, the duke personally ex
triainlnz to the 'American secretary
the present military situation and the
outlook. ,
.Staff Conveys IT. S. rarty
Admiral Marzolo. naval command-
ant of Venice, sent hi chief of staff
and the admiral's barge to convey
the American party to the city.
The trip was made through the
Venetian lagoons, which afforded, a
view of the region, flooded by the
Italian military - engineers In order
to hold back the enemy's advance.
Arriving in 'Venice. Mr. Baker and
Ambassador Page were escorted to
the admiral's headquarters. The par-
ty then passed through the grand
canal to the Place San Marco and to
the city council chamber, where the
mayor- of Venice, Count Grimanl,
with tbe prefect and members of the
municipality, extended the welcome
of the city. Count Grimanl s ad
dress was a warm tribute to the
United States and acknowledgements
of America's part in assisting Venice
durlne the recent critical period
Later Mr. Baker and party visited
the Doge's palace, the Campanile and
the Basilica of San! Marco.
Ktrfppeil I'aiace in tieweo.
The secretary noted the defensive
MrrtA . ar anihaM a.' I f rt u-nitn ill
m . m
ereI. He also went through the In-
tertor of ine lioges paiace, now sinp-
ped of. most of its precious paintings
and presenting the appearance of a
After viewing the churches and
olher objectives or me aenai mm-
bardment. Secretary Baker and Am
bassador Page left for Rome. Tie
gardlng his Impressions of Italy, Sec
retary Baker authorized the fonow
Insr statement:
"I have been deeply interest! In
the military activity of the Italian
arrov and regret that fog prevented
mv seeing the marvelous engineering
works constructed by them n tne
rareed mountain country throua
which their line runs. Nothing could
exceed the hospitality with which my
visit has been received and It has
been made podt!e for me to see a
great deal In a short time.
Cordial Itelatlon Reen.
"The relations between the Italian
army and people and Americans here
Is most sympathetic and cordial ana
It gave me pleasure to express the
snnreclatlon of America for ' the
snlendid loyalty of Italy to the com
raon cause and to .reciprocate the
warm sentiments 'expressed, every
where, for America and ;Amerlcans.
The AMorintrd PrrB$)
TERS, April 1. The American sec
retary of war, Newton D. Baker, ac
comoanied by the members of the
staff, arrived at the Italian headquar
ters this morning. He was 'Joined
here by Ambassador Thomas N. Pare,
who came from Rome, and Maior
General Kben Swift, the-head of the
American military mission to Italy.
The -party proceeded to the su
preme command where a haadsonie
villa was placed at the disposal of
the American secretary of war. Mr.
Baker and, Mr. Paae called on Gen
eral Diaz, the secretary remaining for
an extended talk with the Italian
commander in chief.
wiMMCD im
Republican Congressman
Elected to Senate by Plur
ality of 12,000 to 15,000;
Wilson's Choice Beaten
Davies' Strength Surprises
Lenroot Managers Who
Cut Down Claims
MILWAUKEE. WIs April 3. On
the face of returns at 2 a. m. Len.
root Is expected to carry the fctate
by twelve to fifteen thousand, part
ial returns from 50 out of 71 coun
ties cave Lenroot 92.677: Davies.
82,775, and Berger 55,000.
MILWAUKEE. Wis.. April 2.-On
the f ae of newopaper returns to
night. Congressman Irvine L. Len
root, Republican, .was today elected
to the United States senate by a plu
rality of from 8000 to 12,000 over
Joseph E. Davies, Democrat, and
choice of President Wilson for the
On the basis of Republican and
Democratic assertion that the dis
loyal vote would go to Victor L.
Berger, the Socialist candidate now
under Indictment for alleged sedi
tious utterances, Wisconsin has vot
ed herself loyal bV three or four to
The midnight returns were from
43 counties oHt or 71. They . cave
lenroot, 69.372; Davies, 64,810, and
merger, 44,514.
Mliwdng Counties Republican.
ThA tti 1 tt1n r rnnnHDi o nil
normally Republican, except Wash
The strength of Davies in the
northern and western part of the
state came as a surprise to the Len
root managers, who rapidly scaled
down their claim as the returns drib-
Wed lo. Early predictions of a land-
suae lor ienroot were based on nigh
strength in Democratic communities.
which were, as usual, the first to
report. In the northwest the plea
Wilson, watfls -Davies" cut into the
normal Lenroot strength.
Berger Lead in Milwaukee.
Berger led the field in Milwaukee
county and Mayor Daniel W. Hoan,
socialist canaiaaie ior mayor, was
re-elected. '
The Increase In the Socialist vote
which totalled but 38,564 at . the
primary election, was said to have
been recr.uited f rem the German ele-
met in the La Follette faction which
opposed Lenroot at -the primaries.
Soldier' Choice Xot Learned.
MICH.. April 2. Of the more than
2100 Wisconsin soldiers here eligible
to ote, only 937 took advantage of
the opportunity to cast their, ballots
in the Wisconsin senatorial election.
aiiuiuiuf, tu Kuuyuocemeni lonignl.
There was no way of learning how
the soldiers voted, as the ballots are
to be tabulated at Madison tomorrow.
The special election board of four
r V,"nB'
iiiti m iiiiiii: iii inr w hi f n n
" " -w- "
tX-D 00 kkeepet interned
J.n V AV
At UdngeTOtU Lnemy Alien
I SEATTLE. Anril 2. W. P. Wol-
I i.r an onm v aiirn rnrtn..
bookkeeper for George F. Schloetel-
borg. Seattle exporter, who, with
Alvo von Alvenslehen, Hans Cron.
Ernest A. Leybold and other alleged
dangerous, enemy aliens, is now in
terned near Salt Lake City, was ar
rested late today by federal author
ities on a presidential warrant. Of
ficials declined" to discuss the arrest,
buft stated that VVolber probably
would, be Interned.
Socialist Candidates s-
Defeated at Chicago
CHICAGO. April 2.--Every Social
ist candidate in today's council-
manic election here was defeated.
according to virtually complete re
turns tonight.
There were thlrty-th3o Socialists
running in- the thirty.-flve wards of
the city. In addition, every Candi
da tt? indorsed by Mayor William Hale
Thompson, whose .'war attitude has
been criticised, went down to de
feat. . The new council will be Dem
ocratic and will contain two Socialist
holdover aldermen.
German Church Prays
for Success of Allies
YAKIMA, Wash.. April 2. Trus
tetr of the Nob Hill Evangelical
church today issued an official state
ment declaring, that tho church en
dorses the prayers of tha pastor. Rev.
John .D. Moede, for the success o!
the allies and denying that Mr
Mriede was assaulted for his patri
otic expressions, as stated in publish
ei' newspaper articles. The mem.
bfr of the church are German and
the services are held, in tho German
Passing of President of Unit
ed States National Shocks
Death Comes on Eve of First
Wedding Anniersary of
- Daughter
On the eve of the first weddlng-K
flnnivAfft.irv rtr n!a nano'h t k Ink I
' J aasa fliu . 9
was to have been celebrated todar.
J. P. Rogers, president of the Unite!
states National bank.. was found dead
yesterday at his apartments on Nortii
Commercial street. He was thought
to have been in San Francisco but
apparently had been. dead In his
tome since Friday. Mr. Rogers waa
4 years old.
"Jack" Rogers, as he was happily
Known, was last seen Friday after
noon. He looked the Picture of
health. Jovially he had Invited Col
V.. Hofer to view his apartment suite
In one of his bulldingr on North
Commercial street. . He had fitted up
the place elegantly as bachelor Quar
ters since the marriage of his daugh
ter, Eleanor Rogers, to Frederick S.
Lamport just a year ago.;
Flowers Left by Friend.
Friday afternoon Mr. Rogers com
plained of rheumatic pains. Colon?!
Holer left his apartments at 5:30
o'clock In the afternoon and return
ed about 7:30 o'clock with a basket
of flowers to decorate the handsome
suite of the banker. But no one an
swered the door and so the donor
left the flowers. The next mornlnz.
Mr. Hofer called again- and found the
flowers still outside. He took them
ever to the bank as it was thought
that Mr. Rogers had left 'suddenly
for Sarf Francisco
It was the custom of Mr. Rogers
t) take trips frequently without much
fanning as he could easily leave his
business. Yesterday his son-in-law.
Frederick Lamport and . David W
Eyre, vice president of the bank, no
ticed that the curtains at his room
were unarawn. They entered the
apartments through, a rear door and
found the body, j
About two years ago Mr. Roger
was partially asphyxiated by fc&s
from his automobile and since that
time had 'not enjoyed his former
good health. His heart waa believed
to have been affected by tho accl
It is thought that death came from
heart failure. The body waa clothed
in an old suit; The body was found
In the bathroom, where it had fallen
face- downward and was" stretchea
full length on the right side with an
arm under the head.
Th friends of the nrominent bank
ing man say that little was tbougat
when he did not appear at his deax
for days at the time. But it Is now
evident that he had planned to re
main In town for his daughter's wed
ding anniversary. Death apaprently
claimed him before his visitor return
ed with the flowers.
Fortune AmafteI In Salem.
John P. Rogers was born at Mt
Pleasant. Iowa. November 17,
He came penenuess to saiem over a
quarter of a century ago. He worke
for a few meals in the old Amos
Siren restaurant at his comin?.
Later he was employed on the bridge
4 which was built across the MIlam
ite river and which Is now, being
replaced by a new one. He carried
mortar at the building onne siae
reform sc.hool and lived In a snack
near his work, acting as his own
cook. He worked as a dellveryman
for the Oberhelm grocery and finally
succeeded to the business. He bo-
came a stockholder in the Salem
State banlc in 1904. Later he took
over its stock and organised it as a
national bank, remaining as its pres
ident until his death. ' r .
t He was married to Mary Oberhelm
In Salem. August 6, 1893. Mrs.
Eleanor Rogers Lamport was the
only child of the union. The family
(Continued on page 2)
Meyers First and Duncan Sec
ond Lieutenant, tor New
Military Body
A. A! Hall was last nlisht elected
captain o Salem's new military com
pany which-is composed mainly or
business and oHlce men of the city,
M. L. Meyers was elected first lieu
tenant and Robert Duncan second
lieutenant. The company will meet
again. Friday night to perfect organ
isation and take the new oath, and
it will probably be known as Com
pany F. -
Tho call for the new company was
signed", bq 126 men. .About sixty
were present last night and about
sevnty-f Ive are e-xpected to take the
oath Friday night. The minimum
number for a company Is sixty-five
and the maximum ia 150. A com
plete battalion for Salem aeems now
assured and if a battalion is organ
ised the election of a major will be
Added Weight of General
Pershing's Troops to Figure
Hoavi'lw Wlir Sfnrm RraaVc
Out Anew; Allied Reserves
Are Still Intact V f
French Front Reports Enemy
Attacks on Oise Repulsed
and German Line Threaten
ed Near Noyon
PARIS, April i 2. The war office
announcement tonight says: . '
Tne-day was marked br ouite
spirited artillery fighting, particular. '
ly between lontdidier and LatMlgny. '
Our batteries caught under their fire
enemy concentration east of Cantl- t
gny: A strong German reconnais- .
nance, attacked by our troops on the
left bank of the Oise, southwest of j
Hervals, waa .repulsed. j
In the oevre and upper Alsace
enemy attacks were, without reeult. .
LONDON, April 2. The war of-
flee in it announcement this even
tng says: ' -
; "The day passed quietly on the
British front. There was no serious
righting." '
(tiit Th Afoeiated Fret)
With the passing of the thirteenth
day of the new battle of the Somme, ;
there came increasing evidence that .
the great German machine with
which it was Intended to crush the
allied line has almost utterly spent
Where previously the Germans had
thrown men into the fray, not count
ing the prodigious wastage In killed,
or wounded, Tuesday saw them de
cline any where to give battle. On
the Contrary, In what little fighting
occurred the British and 'French
troops took the initiative.
Big Turn At Hand.
Thus it seems apparent, with the
reserve forces of the entente virtu
ally intact, and with the added
weight General Pershing's troops
will give them, the turn in the tide '
of the battle is at hand. .
While admittedly both the French'
and British armies have suffered
Lrather severe casualties as they stood ,
valiantly to their task of impeding
the Germans, and making them pay '
an unheard price or every foot of 1
ground gained, their reserves have
been conserved with the utmost care !
behind the line for the fateful time '
when the withering fire of the allied
guns and machine guns should have :
brought more equality la strength to
the fighting forces. And. all along.
the British and French commanders
havo not left outside their calcula
Hons that staunch band of Amerl-.
cans, exceeding 100.000 men, folly
trained and equipped and anxious to
lend their aid In defeating the Ger-
Lmans. .
German Divisions Suffer.
. Daily the German losses in men
killed or wounded. continue to aur
jnent as details are obtained from
the Germans made prisoners. Some ,
divisions lost as high as 70 per cent ,
ot their effectives as they charged
in mass formation against the Brttfsh
and French machine guns and rifle- ;
men. Companies withdrew from the '
fighting with their combative strngth
reduced to 40 men. v,
Montdldler Fighting Heavy.
The latest accounts show no Im
portant new change in the battle'
front. Only minor operations took ;
place on that' portion of the line
south of "Arras held, by the British ,
and a little aside from the artillery
duels occurred between the French :
and the Germans further south. The
fighting between the big guns was
partlculary heavy between Montdl-,
dier and Noyon where the battle line
bends eastward and which Is a dang
er spot f great Impottance to the
Germans; the . breaking through of
which by the ;French would neces
sitate a rapid withdrawal of the Ger
mans easwart. from, the Amies see
tor. .
Although the Germans have been
bombarding British positions in Bel
gium, particularly at Passchendaele
and along the Gqeberg ridge, north
east of Ypres there is no indication
as yet that an infantry attack is con
templated. In addition to a contin
uation of their bombardment of Paris
with a longrange gun, the Germans
have again 'endeavored to drop
airplanes. Two squadrons of air
craft early Tuesday morning attempt
ed to reach Paris, but the French
barrage held thpm. off.
Pedjas Railway Cut Oft,
Bad weather Is again' hindering
operations in the Italian theater. .
In Palestine the British forces
which penetrated' Turkish territory
ICanilnued on Tage 2.).
(Coutintftd on Tage Z,
Ucguage, . , -
necessary. .
Continued cs rss? 2)