.1. .1 . "Ei .v I Wf. OROTO STATESMAN: TUESDAY, APRIL 2. 1918 ,7' i Glas si tied Directory Hfg The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted j oper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them I j rt Sell and Exchange alii Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS i mts oxmnxti, shoes.! iiicT- ' CLES, TOOLS, ETC- i CAPITAL EXCHANGE 4)1 V""" rw Konwicn trxioif i V ISSCRASCB SOCIETY . V. IL Burghardt, Jr.J -ardent Afft j S St. Money to Loan n IwrHOVKD WHM AMD cm rloPKBTT AT LOWEST RATES THOSXFOITO0 SoVET TO LOAN I HAVE MACE L. . . loanlne- , eastern Mwf; will make very low-rate of interest on hlsblr Improved (arms. how a .Smith. Room . McCormack ciassdted ADTKBTisEianrra Rate Per Word l:j . first Insertion l Subsequent Insertions Oa week (six insertions) ... to Oh month .................. to i months' contract per m lo 11 Heaths' contract, per mo... 7c lis accoaat opened for less than 25c A seat card given free with aa advertisement to the extent of $9c aaaousclng -For Sale. "For Beat," " Rooms' or "Board." .- , . wjfpy TODAY . ; '''' Teach new- classified advertise-' meat will be run under Hew Today" for first -insertion, unless etssrwlse ordered by the adver- ' User. - Subsequent Insertion of the ad will appear under Its proper class ification. ; No advertlsment will bo ran ader "New Today" for more than se, less under any circumstances NEW TODAY UWT OK 8TOL.EN SUNDAY AFTEU- Booa. purse containing money. ladies sold watch and chain, other articles. , . kewaxd. Address "II 55" care- States- Ban office. FOR SALE I H AVE A FEW I GOOD farm mortgages for - sale. H. M. 1 Hawkins, 314 Masonic building. , - WASTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE work for family of three: Must be seat, refined and a good cook. Lib eral pay to competent woman. I If In terested address box'"H 54" States man office, giving your address or pbone number. P1XCKNEY BROTHERS DAIRY CAL- for sale: also some stock; hogs. Pbone 1487. t . ANTED MAN BETWEEN THE AGE . ti and 35 will pay salary and com mission, expert training and perman ent position, in city business well mows ' a.na nuDinnca. auj-iu-n Masonic Temple from 8:00 a. m. to 3:09 P. m.- rOH 8ALE SOW AND PIGS OF about weaning age. phone 93F4. WHITE ROCK EGGS . Phone 93F5 or 57F8. 1 FOR 15. FOR SALE-ONE 50RRELL HORSE welchina- -i 1 1 50-. 5 . rears old. ; good worker, price 8135. One black horse -weighing 1290, price 3125. One Rjey horse and mare weighing 2100, price $85. One 5 year old sorrell mare and . by horse age years, weighing 2250, ' price 3150. Also some other large . farm horses at. 195 South Liberty street know as the Club Stables. , TOR p SALE $160 EDISON PHONO- rraph and 19s double records, at .a bargain. . Phono 63F21, . FOR SALE TEAM MULES SIX AND eight years old. Carl 'Asplnwali. Weeonda, Or on , Oregon Electric - - railway. , M ACRE FARM. 225 ACRES FINE bottom land,; 137 acres pasture and timber, good buildings, $85 an acre. Iji af're stock ranch. 100 acres . cleared, creek and springs. ' house, v two barns, . rock road, one mile to town. $32 an acre. 70 acre farm. op all In, good buildings, stock ls. $11,000. 170 acre Howell Pra irie farm. $110 an acre. 10 acres. ' loud buildings., drilled well, good d. $2800. Modern bungalow, pav ed street, $2850. 6 room modern : ". 100, easy term. W. H. Cribenhorst & Co., 25 Stato street. D?wR TEACHER EXPERIENCE ' toty say Is a thorough but very ex- : PentlV ,rh.l mmmtm t).. kt.tnrv , Pointed out very 'definitely thati w a. wise tning, and snows gooo . "wness julgment. to keep your some and other property," insured overy minute. Wo do not recommend ; SMsmodic insurance either, but claim the only business like protection Is insurance now. .tomorrow and for- V. with no pauses no lapses or ex- . r-.u..m. we wouia De pieuea to i me plan or insurance ofTer- W ?. Dr""e Oregon Fire Relief Assoc! Mt or McMinnville. -H.-A. John, ah ?4 Agent. '.Bush Bank BldgH r r.. V ai.e cozy s-rsnmt nt-vnA. w'r with large sleeping porch, same w;.? ooms. built in bookcase,- nice k.. put ru- dutch kitchen. nn,I Plumbing fixtures, ce- Buenwii wood nn. screend in . eCk Bnrpk aW. i j .l . . ' " ' " 'i rvrrrnn, window . i,ir?",.,doubu floors; beautiful elec- t lure" house same as new. I. ful lots, and large floored work shop, chicken house, on Mthl Cninni.r..l .(..-. ..-1-.. jneatspald. no mortgage. To see this V Vny ,fJr'at at only $1450. ; hul V ' h""e and one lot for t w Kven. Would- takiB Jr!i?"?.b'nd" at full vslue. Call or r, utrt-'-t. Cltv- (ownerl EMPLOYMENT FEMALE k." ' "nil. run f hnn.r" -I, '"'L. r UU i h n i, K A L fnr.no -,yj wTAa-d r fr el1pwanted ; for B "penins your town .,tin.wPer salesman. Tou Tou i roao.I?.'k aatary w"itk i?ff't Addrew "II 47" St. our States- i. WANTED "AT ONCE- FOR Pr rrk.- ""I'ly Job and ool Pr . . ""y- vr and cood JfJ.A, Mills. 320 State street MAN fcnTl. " 18 years old t learn sut,. iv -r- appu upstairs. i AXTI-n ,'. i v ioyTVMAJ COLECT ton counties o Co, 337 --i ;- male-" Hil.K hA'V.6ViN w iU GARDEN work. Phone g8. ;i WASTED AT ONCE-MEN BETWEEN 18 and 45 years face to qualify f.r both conductors and motormen. .Y,"1 88 nta per hour, first yrar; 40 cents second 'year, and 45 cents thereafter. Eight hour day. time and half for atl work over eight houia and thirty minutest in any 24-hour PrJ- Apply Room 310 Electnc building, Portland, Oregon. Portland Hallway. Light & Power company. MEN NLY WANTED YNest Linn Mill opposite Oregon titvr 18. -years and over If able bodied. The strike won't bother you any more i than It Is bothering us. Bring railroad receipt from Salem, and we win pay back If you work one week. Jwet wage $3.36 8 hours shift work. 9 hours day work alone. Come anyway and try It once seeing how foolish the strikers were o 1mv. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1 "POLAND CHINA BOAR, rrgmerra. Iiumson ItlllO Worth fnimtr Vwrtn Fbone 4F4.' MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE GRASS SEED WHEAT. Mayro Mc Kinney, Turner. Oregon. FIRST CLASS CANNED FRUIT FOR snie. fan 915 Highland avenue, phone 1465. FOR SALE 1915 INDIAN TWIN MOT orcycle in gd condition. Call or phone H. O. Tanker. 823 S. 12th. SMALL BURBANK POTATOES 80 per sack at warehouse, suitable for feed or seed also have choice pride : of Multnomah seed potatoes for. sale. Uangia Bros. Phone 717. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BES .' farm paper, send 10c to the' Paclff Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. IF YOU ARE REALLY INTERESTED In buying a car 1 hav a first class one which I will sell1 at i bargain, -i. Address "II SO" care Statesman of fices . CAPTIVITY- OF THE OATMAN Q1RI This true mtory or western immi gration hs been carefully revisco. making handsome little hook. It tells In graphic terms of' the m r sacre of the Oatman family, of tne escape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary: and Olive. Mary died of - starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price is 20 cents, pontpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly, fta, lem. Oregon. v " : POftTBT DL.ACK MINORCA EGGS- FIFTEEN for $1.25, $6.50 per. hundred. H. Ci Porter. Aumsvllle, Oregon. WHITE LEGHORN EGGS FOR HAT t chlng. 75e for 15. $1. 100. F. E. Howe, route 9, Salem, Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BES1 poultry paper published. send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a . trial subscription. Mention this ad. "T" FOR RENT HOUSES FIVE ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE and 3H lots for rent, 35 month. See i J. A. Mills. 320 State street. FOR RENT $12.50 SIX ROOM MC1 ; ern house on paved street at 1920 i South High street. E. A. fthoten. 1141-J, anytime week days. A 8 ROOM MODERN NEW HOUSE with 2 garden lots on car line, one blcck .from Capitol street, paving, good garage Rent $15. See Wrn. Fleming. 311 State street. A 9 ROOM. MODERN HOUSE WITH barn, garage, bedroom on first floor. 1658 Court street. Rent $16. Can re- rent garage for $1.50. See Wm. Flem ing. 341 Stato street,. A FIVE ROOM 5IODERN UP TO DATE cement "basement, aleepiag porch. large closets, good yard and some fruit. 1538 Saginaw street. Rent $15. In A-l condition. See Wm.-Fleming. 341 Stato street. . FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: $6 -partly modern rtve-room cot tage 1052 Saginaw. In good order Forcmerlr rented for 110 a month. Call at 1048 Saginaw ; or Statesman business office. Phono 23. 113 Keat modern 'bungalow 6 rooms at 968 North 20th st Call at Statesman business office or pnone 23. ' . $20 Modern 10 room , house on Cnttasre - street, close . i n. Call at Statesman ; business office, or pbone 23. - - " ROOMS FOR -RENT LARGE BED ROOM with sleeping porcn. i-rivato iamuy. Phone 220S-J. HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE rvtiii nicely furnishea at 633 retry street. Come and see them. FOR RENT-rCOM PORTABLE ROOM, - with use of bath, in modern home, i Address A. B. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern conrentences, aiao in side rooms. Close to State House 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1280. LOST and FOUND LOST LOST S MALL OBLONG GOLD BROCH wltn tiny aiamona-in cemrr, a c.ner Ished keepsake. Kindly leave at Statesman. Reward - "MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHIPBUILDING COMPANY NOW OK ganizing. Wants few more parties with money. Abundant lumber avall able not in conflict with present : uium of suDoly to yards, hence pref erence in securing contracts. Partic ulars. 703 Spaulding Bldg., Portland. Oregon. - MONET TO LOAN. MNEY TO LOAN ON GOOD 6ECUR IfV. Cl v.. Knrih. phono S15 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT 7 OR 8 ROOM .modern house. Address "II 48" care Statesman office. . WANTED FIVE OR SIX ROOM MOD rrn bungalow unfurnished. Call - 23S4-W. WANTED A 22 TO 25 HORSE POW er steam engine, J. M.-Crahan. City or phone 180. WANTED $2,400 ON CLOSE IN GOOD "farm security. Address "H 51" care Statesman office. WANTED STRICTLY FRESH EGGS, best, cash price at Cherry City Bak tng Co. . MISCELLANEOUS Ot'lll FOUNDRY IS RUNNING. YOUR. Work solicited. AndiTdon Furnace Com(any. YOUXO LDV WANTS ROOM AND - board with private" family, close In. Address. "II 52" statesman. YOUNG .-LADY DESIRES ROOM AND bo&rd-fn' private family, Vlose In. Ad drvss)l 53" care Statesman office. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOP. good clean rags. Pressroom. States- man. - ' AUTOMOBILE DIRECTOR? auto, service SHIPP'S AUTO SERWCE CITY AND country trips. Phone Day, 1(3; nisrh srht 3Sf. HKI HE lRESHErfAiRED-- VULCANIZING" GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE. Station 177. South -Commercial St-, phone 428. QUACK.ENBU3H AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanizing. 219 North Commercial street. Phone 86. . ERACKETT ORAT TUBES VUL canized, 25c Retreading our special ty. I Free service car. Phone 1400. 279 North Commercial. WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND . sections tubes 25c up. Service car. Phone 3(1. 128 8outb Commercial - street. ' PROFESSIONAL OESTISTS DR. F. U UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 808. .MIMIC TEACHERS R HAKIt. TEACHER Phone 13S3. ' F PIANO. I'llVBlflAXS' DR. L. ii. ALTMANi HOIIEO P ATI 1 1 - Physician. Office and residence 2!8 North Liberty. Salfm. phhe 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BKOTHEHH OOP OKYOEMAN MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN ing in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at 1 o clock. All -visiting mmiDer.t wel come. Horace Sy kes, Fc reman, W. IL Prunk. Correspondent. MODEn. WOO DM KM. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA' Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 5248. meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C.; J. A. Wriirht. elrek. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER- ,ed any place, city or country. Phone 64 or 20SI-R. W. W. Fisher. BARBER SHOPS BEFORE THE DANCE GET YOUR self in fine shape at Ingrey's Barber Shop, 311 fitate street. CHIBOFKACTfO DR. O. L. SCOTT, D. C GRADUATEOT P. a. C. Cbtropractics fountain neaa. '-Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8. D. S. N. Bank Building. Phone 87. Residence 828-R CHINESE PMiitlCIAK. DR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St. Phone 283. OKAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL. CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on - eastern shipments." Also for storage as we have three warehouses in connection with business. Furniture -moving. -packing, . shipping and storing our specialty, oiiice 161 south commer cial street. . DRY CLEANING AXD PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe." Prop.. 434 N. Commer clal St. Ladies' and gentlemen's isuits clesned and pressed. $1.25 and $1.75. Work called for and delivered fre!. Telephone Main 552. JUNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST ; price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you. a price on-your household gooda The "Square Deal" . House . Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa Street. Phone 398. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECONDJ nana gooaa. mgnesi maraet prices for Junk end aides. The People's Junk and Secondhand Store, 871 No. , Commercial. Phone 734. HAIR REMOVED "CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN SUC- cessfuL Applied here or eold for home use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. - tJ. H.i hoard Rldr LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LATJNDR1 QUICK dctiverv and careful work Iry wash 5c per pound. 136 South Lib erty St. Phelbe 35. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG ular washing dorie at a, rate evefy- body rwi afford. For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within ' twenty-four hour. T'hont slii. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE Anterlcan School Osteopathy. Kirks vllle. Mo.;-treats acute and chronic disease. orrtce 4t-tU5 u., a. na tional Bank Bldg. Phone 519. Resl- dence 419. North Summer. Phone 614, A.CUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES, ;raduat Ami-Tifin School" Osteoma thy, Klrksville, Mo. Sixteen years experience. Residence office 84 South Commercial street. Post Grad uam work. I-?s-Angeles College. Drs. H. D.. Bowers V Alice C. Bowers. DBS. WHITE & WALTON. OSTEO- nathic Dhv.icans. and surgeons Graduates of fFe American Schools of Osti-opathy. Klrksville, Mo. Post praduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Is Angeles coiieg Tr-at acute and chronic diseases. Offices 505-6-7-8. U. S. National Bank Bid jr. Phone 859. Residence, 1620 Court fctreet. Phone 2215. Dr. White. T"S"dvnc phone l'UIJIJC STKNfHntAPIlEIMi ypkwriti.nj unit rMniwrcl, COIIKEITLY Vhnn "11. DONE "NURSERIES. FRU1TLAND NURSERY SALES TARD at High and Feiry, Call and see stock and get prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Everbearing straw ' horrv plants and. oganbrriHi. PIANO TUNING G. E. MAST. EXPERT TUNING. H.milnF. renalrinir and resrulating, All work guaranteed. ' 1645 Hail street or care of Sherman Clay it Co.. Court street, phono 3153-J. SECOND IUNO UOODI WE BUY AND SELL. SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar neas, ! collars,- collai pads, tools, chains. - Fred Schlndler. . 358 Center Street. ' TiTKiiEirf A KkitiT WEBB A. CLOUOiT:. B. WEBB, A. M.1 dough, funeral directors. La test modern methods known to tbo pro feion. 7 f;ort street. TRANSFER HAULING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of hauling. Household moving lobs dona prompt ly. Try mo once. Tlmme, 475 SUte 8L Phono f 88. Residence phone 1122-J. "Wall pXVk b. rAisrt" CALL UP S. L MUSSELMAN FOR DaDer hana-lng. Dalnting and tinting Choice wall paper and cut-out bord ers. Phone ZSDiwi. GLENN Lt ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- hanging, etc. Work done by contract or dsy; good workman. ixKcauoo 1020 Center St. Phono 188-W. TEN" CENTS A UOUBLB ROLL AND upward for cboico Walll Paper at Buren'a Furniture store, i 171 com tnerclal St. i SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paner and Picture Framing. Good wnrkm,n 4RR Omirt Pf I Ptmnt 488. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE.- 801 8. Commercial street- For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at tbo office: No deductions in bills will be allowed for absence or for any csuses whatever unless water Is cut off from premises- Hereafter water fo Irrigation will only be - furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or Plastering, will please read "for buildl&g purposes" under schedule of ratea. Apply at office for copy. "WOVEN-wiRErEWcnro" Depot HatloMl Jt Aaserleaa Fence, aU sines, 243 fa. to M la. high, Palais. Oils mmd Varnish. Stove Reaallt aael Revalrod . loaTaalerry aa41 Hos Hootisw ; ' Salens Peace Jt Steve Works. 290 Coart St. Pboao 128 R. B. rEMIsO. WOOD SAWS FOR ZANDESS WOOD SAW. 10!0-R. PHONE WHEY For Feeding Hogs Can be had at the Marion Creamery Call or Telephone- 2483, SALEM MARKETS - BUYING PRICE . -Esss and Poultry, Eggs, 31c. Old roosters. .13 to 14 c. Stags, 16 to 18c. pork. Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot. 15 to 16c. Ewes. 5 to 9c. i . Veal, dressed. 16 to 19c, '. Spring lamb, 14c. ' Beef steers, 7 to 9c; cows, 4 to 8c Bulls, 4 to 6c. ' Hay r Cheat, per ton, $22, Clover, per ton, $20. ' ; Vetch, per ton. $22 Grain. ; Wheat. j$l. 85 to. $1.87. oats, 96C . (i l Beans, 12 l-2c. '.1 - .Mill Feeds, Retail Bran, per ton. $36. M Shorts, per ton, $38. - VI IOLF.SA IjV. TO DEAIJRS. Country butter. 45c. Creamery butter. 53c. Butt erf at, f. o. b. Salem. 54c. Fish. - Steelheads, 25c. 'Smelt, 5c per pound. -Salmon, Chinbok. 30c. VeKetables. Lettuce, crate,. $2 to $2.75. Celery, 90c, Nebraska rice corn, lie. Tomatoes,' California, $2.75. Broccoli, $1.50. , THINGS THAT iV rfttfO i rAVF outside: the. ntle-man's door eECAUSF IF I CAKDV IT INS heXl surely 6ivv ne nm y Cf-rSTS AMD I TH AT wni ll Pi 1 II II I I w m6ARdAS5 ME. Copyngbt v . .1 "Trw - LL - Are Onions, 12. - abbage, 3 Vi c. lit ring garlic,' 8c. Potatoes, $1.2. r,. Xnu. ", Almonds, 23c, 1 Walnuts, No: 1) 24c. . Teanuts, raw,.. 17c. Cocoa nuts, dozen. $1.S0. ' Frt(ts. Honey, Idaho, -16. Oranges, $5 to $8. Grapefruit, $3.25. Bananas. Sc. Apples, $V. 2 5 to $1-73. Lemons. $6.50 to $7.50. Dromedary dates,$5.25. Iletail Prices. Creamery butter, 55c. ' Vxgs. 35c. Flour, bard wheat. $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley, $2.50 to $2.60, . Sugar, cane and beet-. 11 lb. $1. 'Potatoes, sack lots, $1.50. PORTLAND MARKETS PORTLAND. April 1. Grain: Thirty-day options Bids Oats, No. 2, white, feed, $69; barley, standard feed, $75; -A .brewing, $81. Eastern oats and corn in bulk: BldfS-Oats. No. 3, white, $63.50: 38-pound clipped, $63.50; No. 3 yel low. $66; No. 3 mixed, $5.50; 30 days Oats, No. 2, $70; barley, feed, $74; brewing. $81.' Dairy Product. . Butter: Prints, extras, 48 to 49c; cubes, extras, 43c; prime firsts, 42c; dairy. 30c. Potatoes. Bqying price, locals, 75c; selling price, -90c to $1. Big Arrivals Have Bearish Affect on Corn Market CiIC.X), April 1. Burdensome arrivals of lowgrade corn had a bear ish rffcrl toe' ay on the corn market. Pi-ra 'I'j!ed ansettled 5-8c net low-e-. Tlth JTay $1.25 1-4. : Oats fln HLr? 1 ::-bc to 1 5-8c off.-- The out come' in provisions ranged from 20c decl're to rise of five cents, ' ' Dopre?a:on in the corn market de veloped 1. the main after cash deal ings :d owa that poor to rotten naniple had fal'en in vslue 20 to 25 rents a Ifdhel. , Corn that was oat pf conditioa prpyed hard to sell even at the hitton figures reached which wert h.. lowest so far on the 1917 crop. ' - , Oats underwent a decided setback on. account' of lowering of bids from the sab.':i!'. Provi.dciis . averaged" lower .as a rosult mro or less of a falling off in shipments. Supplies of hogs in March exceeded ril previous records fo that mnth. STOCKS EXHIBIT QUIET STRENGTH NEW YORK, April l.-y-The quiet strength of. today's stock market be spoke further confidence in a suc cessful outcome of the titanic strug gle still raging in France. Traiding was again in very small volume, but' investment shares held their ground in the main. The government's recent ruling on stock loans' probably accounted for sporadic short covering among cer tain leaders, especially United States Steel which failed, however, to hold more than half of its one-point gain. Coppers were relatively more active. than at any time in the last month, gains of one to one'and a half points resulted from the small visible sup- Ply. , i , -Mctn Tobaccos, oils, Sinclair excepted. utilities and some minor specialties scored gross gains of ' one . to four points, but the motor group, espec ially Studebaker, was at all. times under pressure. Inquiry for rails were exceedingly light, but firmness prevailed in that division. Total sales amounted to 188,000 shares. Bonds, including th liberty issues. were irregularj on light offerings; sales, par value. $4,625,000. United States bonds, old. issues. were unchanged on call. NEVER HAPPEN INK I OOR ) THIS "TPUNkV REAL ESTATE OUR 105 ACRE FARM ON GARDEN Road for sale. Geo. Swegle. WANTED FULLY MODERN-BUNG-alow. Close in for cash. Write all particulars to Box 33, Statesman--office. SMALL TRACT WANTED FOR CASH must have first-class buildings and be a real home, place. Box 13 Statesman office. WANT 300 OR 480 ACRE GOOD WAL do Hill or Howell prarie ranch. I have the client, he has- the money, have you the ranch T Socolofsky, 341 mate street. 200 . ACRE SOUTHERN OREGON, weir improved good land will ex change for land or property around Salem or sell part cash easy terms. Phone owner 84F4. 25 ACRE RANCH CLOSE TO SALEM well Improved, equipped, crop in. Some clear property, cash and terms, will take It at right price, Pbone owner 84F4. , EIGHT ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON paved street, close in, large lot. lots of fruit, will sell at a great sacri- : flee, and take stock or good auto ' part pay. balance easy terms. Pbone owner 84 F4. , EASTERN OREGON 160 ACRE IM proved ranch all good land close to railroad town, will sell at right nrice. take vacant lots, automobile. stock or what have - you? phone owner 84F4. . i WILL TRADE MT 7 ROOM MODERN home, full basement. 28X40 feet, two large lota on coiner, for farm, will pay - some difference. Owner 795 North 17th street. Salem. WILL TRADE 25 ACRES, AU IN cultivation, with modern house, all stock, machinery and Implements, pear town, and fully modern 7 -room Rouse close to car line, for larger improved acreage to value of about $3000. Box 100, Statesman office. FOR GENERAL REAL ESTATE. Sales or exchanges, farms. tracts, furnished or - unfurnished houses, business nremises. loans. Insurance. brokerage, investments, Canada lands and hlwh-voltage live wire methods, see Niemeyer, 544 State. A GOOD BUY 25x80 FEET ON EAST aide Commercial . street, one door north of State street. Salem, together with perpetual right of war over the 14x50 M feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Scott Bozorth, 701-2 Spaulding Bldg, Portland. Oregon. HAVE A 68 ACRE FARM AND stock ranch, in Polk county near rail road town where the owner will take a 6 room bouse and about an acre and a half or more Salem suburban, in value about half the farm, and will Include stock Implements and - funiture, everything goes. See Wm. Fleming. 341 State street soon. This Is priced not extravagantly. TOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A 551 acre farm well located, fully equip-1 pea. wiin . new ..; " reed. Also, 29 acres near saiem. wuii - take one-half in Portland property. I I can get you any kind of loan, or In- sure your property in a company that will pay in case of a fire. Wood for sale. John H. Scott. 404 Hubbard Bldg. . A NICE MODERN C ROOM HOUSE to exchange for a nice well improveo 5 acre tract near Salem and will pay cash difference if suited. A fine modern home In Roseburg to exchange for acreage near Salem. 5 room modern house In Salem to exchange for a larger place and pay cash difference must be well located and modern. Perrlne Marsters, 402 Hubbard Bid, phone fl07. j FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. . ONE- half acre three and one-hair diocks from State street car line,- two and one-half blocks from Richmond schooL Twr houses on place, fruit, applea. pears, cherriea, walnuts and berries. Terms to suit. Address. John Riessbeck. 405 South 23rd street. Sa lam. Oregon. . FOR S ALE RE ASONABE MODERN five-room bungalow, gas and wood range included, built In buffet, fire place, large bathroom, living room. bed rooms, etc, extra large porch. yard. Easy Walking Distance Terms. Pbone 127 or $93. 1 80 ACRES IRRIGATED IDAHO FARM 50 in alfalfa for ranch north or east of Salem. 220 acres. 50 cultivated, some im nrovements. will take Salem resi- 157 acres, 15 timber, well fenced, 157 acres. 15 timber, wel fenced, will take acreaze as nart nay. 2 acres all rultivated will take irrnn or city Drooerty as part pay. 19 acres near White Salmon. Wn 10 acres In fruit, will trade for acre ar near Salem. 640 acres all tillable wheat near Flatwillow, Montana, trade for val ley ranch. - . 20 acres to apply as part pay on good residence in or near Salem. Socolofsky. 341 State street. FOR SALE LARGE HOUSE CORNER - lot paved street close in. utile casn or some trade or will rent. A good atork ranch 244 acres low price. terms, or take small place in trade or will rent. 60 acres bottom land half clear, $10 per acre. 62 acres all ' clear for sale rent or trade. 5 acres fine garden land one mile out for rent. Fine new six room oungaiow strictly modern, a bargain at $17a0. Five 'room bungalow paved street two lots for sale or rent. Three room house one lot $250. Want a loan $500 and $4000. Have $1100 to loan. 96 acre farm all crear rtve miles out' gooo Improvements only $9000. crop In. 68 acres Improved $4700. take house or acreage. 5 acres near Salem take house part pay. 220 acres good land mostly timber $2500. Ford Car for sale. .F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. OWNER OF BEST FARM ON SOUTH' side Yaquln Bay. near Newport, has married and desires to sell. Over $6,000 In . buildings and other per ' manent improvements on the place. Includes good paying oyster beds. A desirable sheep and goat farm and a home In congenial and beautiful sur roundings. Less than one hour to Newport or Toledo by motor - boat. Will be sold for less than two- thirds of -h Investment. Unimproved 140 on North side Tanulna Rav. Sufficient piling, saw timber and cordwood stumpage to more than nay for -fclearlng. Some tldeland. Railroad goes thru the place Land is slightly rolling and all ex cellent sol for farming pnroose" Could be divided Into seven 20 acre farms giving each farm water front are and aecesa to railroad. Over $400,000 is- now being spent In Improvements tothe harbor and -annel o Yaquina Bay. -Several aaw mills have stsrted within 60 days and new. ones are being built. The Government Sprue Camp Is near.' New railroad building has been snnounced. Pick up one or botpi of these pr oner ties before the increased prices which always come to .prop erties, adlacent to, good harbor and shipping facilities.' A. C. Bohrnstedt. 491 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregon. NOTICE OF. ASSESSMENT FOR THE COST OF IMPROVING '6th STREET IN THE CITY OF SA LEM. FROM THE SOUTH LINE, OF D STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF HIGHLAND AVENUE. To C. F. Barnes, John R. Fduch. Caroline Hohf, Mary-A. Hunter. Frances E. Murray, . J. rerry. crm al and Oscar Shoemaker, George B. Simpson. -J. S. I Smith, Robert and Irene Townzen. You. and each of you. are nereoy notified that the City of Salem has. by Ordinance No. 1523, leTled- an assessment upon your respectiTe properties hereinafter described, and in the amount hereinafter set forth. for such property's : proportionate share of Hhe cost of improving 5th Street from the south line of D Street to the south line of Highland Avenue in the City of Salem. . A description of each lor or "part thereof or parcel of land, the owner thereof, and the amount assessed and levied upon it is as follows, to-wit: . , ; Lot 3 in Block 7 of North Sa- lem Addition, C. F. Barnes, , ; cost ....... $178.30 Lot 4 In Block 7 of North Sa- lem Addition, C. F. Barnes. . cost . $221.25 Lot 11 in Block 7 of Highland . Addition, ; John R. Fouch. cost .... ... $109.18 Lot 2 in Block 7 of North Sa- lem Addition, Caroline Hohf. cost ......... . ...... v $172.7$ Lot 3 In Block 5 of Boise's 2d Addition, Mary A. Hunter, cost ...... .....$13143 East Vt of Lot 8 in Block 4 of North Salem Addition,, Fran ces E. Murray, cost . .$94.67," East of Lot 7Jn Block 4 of , North Salem Addition, Fran ces E. Murray, cost . .....$78.21 Lot 5 In Block 52 of North 8a - lem Addition, S. J. Perry, cost $217.60 Lot 13 in Block 3 of Broad- f .-way- Addition, Ermal and Os- ' car Shoemaker, cost ...,.$109.19 Lot 14 in Block 3 of Broadway Addition, Ermal and Oscar Shoemaker, cost r. .$ 109.18 Lot 5 in Block 3 'of Broadway Addition. George B. Simpson, cost . ... ,.i ..$109.19 Lot 6 In Block 3 of Broadway Addition, George B. Simpson. ' eost ....... $109.18 Lot 4 In Block 5 of Boise's 2d Additoin, J. S. I. Smith, cost ...$109.18 LOT 1 2 in Block 3 of Broadway Addition. Robert and Irene Townxen, cost . . ........ .$93.77 Said assessments were entered in Volume 3, Docket of City Liens, on the 25th day of January, 1918, as ia charge and lien against said prop- TT " - A n...Ma eny, ana arc uu uuo y-j a tha City Treasurer. Th otc- gerred ODOn TOU by publication thereof for ten days In the Dally Oregon Statesman a news paper published rn the City of Sa lem, by order or the common coun cil. Date of first publication hereof. March 28, 1918. Ean Race, Recorder of the City of Salem. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY Ahont 40A acres of choice Polk coun ty land about 110 acres clear; about 60 acres in stump pasture: balance In . rhnic Dillnr timber and oak grubs. MTimber alone worth $10,000. New four- room bouse, new dairy narn. providing for 20 cows and tour norses; new pi pen and pew milk house, Water pipe from fine spring to all buildings. Will sell the whole at a great Dargain. Very easy terms. 6 per cent Interest Address L, owner, care Tae Statesman. TIME TABLES SOUTHERN PAtriFIO CO. Nerthaa4 No. 16 Oregon' Express ..... :a.n. No. 54 Oregonlan .... ..... eilsa-ra, No. 28 Willamette Limited.. 9:20a.m. No. IS Portland Passenger.. 1:86 p.m. No. 84 Coos Bay .......... :46p.m. No. '12 Shasta Urn 1 ted 7:00 p.m. No. 14 Portland Express .. 8:10 p.m. No. 228 Lcal Way Freight.. 8:00 arm. No. 223 Portland Feat Freight 11:36 pm. SmthaeaaeN ... No. 63 Oregonlan .......... .:"J a.w-- No. 23 CoosBay 10:01a.m. No. 15 California Express ..10:68 a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Passenger. 4:20 p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited ....: 8:43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited.. 6:10 p.m. No. 13 San Francisco Pass.. .10.87 p.m. No. 221 San Frsn. Fast FrC. .12:01 a.. No. 227 Local Way ' Freight. .13:01 ajn. SALEM-GEER LINE No. 73 Arrive at Salem S:lla.m. No. 74 Leave galena. .3:06p.m. 8ALKM, FALLS CTTT A WESTERN -161 Leaves, Salem, raotox .... 7 :05a.m. 163 Leaves Salem, motor.... 9:36a.m. 145 Leaves Salem, motor,... 1:40p.m. Through car to Monmouth and Arlle IC7 Leavea Salem, motor .... 3:48p.m. 169 Leavea Salem, motor..... 8:57p.m. 239 Way Freight leaves Salem 6:00 a.m. 165 irrivea at Salem 8:30 a.m. 164 Arrives at Salem 11:00 a.m. If6 Arrivea at Salem ........ 8:00p.m. 168 Arrivea at Salem ........ 6:35p.m. 170 Arrives at Salem . ....... 7:26 p.m. 240 Way Freight At Salem. . 8:30 p.m. OREGOV ELECTRIC V - Arrive Eugene 10:65 am 12:25 pm Se4kn Train Leave Arrive No. eportlana 1 6:30 an S Ltd. ..8:30 am 7 10:45am 9 ......2.05pm 13 Ltd. ..4:40 pm 17 ......6:05 pm. 19. ..... .9:20 pm Salem 8:35 am 10:11 am 1 S-SO nm 4:16 pm . 6:3$ pro. 6:40 pm ' 8:60 pm ( 8:05 pm Salem only 11:20 pm Salem only l:55-am 6:60 am 21 11:45 pm North Bank Station (leave Jeffer son Street IS and 20 minutes later.) ITorthaoaad Train No. 2 ... 6 ... Leave Arrive Arrive . Portland 6:60 am 9:25 am 11:85 am 1:20 pm 4 :00 pm 6:46 pro 7:40 pm Eugene .12:05 am Salem 4:35 am 7:16 am " 9:45 am 11:00 am 1:50 pm 4:00 pm 8:30 pm 10 Ltd... 7:4$ am 12 ..... 14 11:15 am 16 Ltd. ..1:65 pm 20 "4:10 pm 22 ......4:26pm 7:55 pm 10:0kpm xNorth Bank Station (Arrive Jeffer son 8treet It minutes earlier). 'Leave CorvaUla. CORY ALMS CONNECTIONS . Nerthboaad Leave Corvallia Arrive Salem 8:25 sm 9:45 am 12:12 pra 1:50 am 3:41 pm . 4:00 pm. 4:10 pm 8:30 pm 6:18 pm 7:58 pra Soatbbeand Leave S'em Arrive CorvalUs i.-35ara . 9:87 am 10:1$ sm . 11:33 am j 13:86 pm 8:30 pm 4:16pm '. 8:36pm' 8:46 pm - 1:66 pm - . :' . ' 1 - -