. . .. , - -v-",v r - .:.-r-..;, -.1 . i: !,.... ..... i...v,; . .i; ; - , - . , ; .. : -.'-M .i- .-. ' '.. " '' . " ! Mm-! "' ITH ,1l.tUXO, 3 !' WAhUM. OKKKOSj TUttWAY MOKXIXO, At'lUIi 2, 1918 . , . T1UCK FIVE CEXTt j'' . 1 FRENCH HOLD STRONGLYON OISE RIVER Battalion of 'Germans Wiped Oat in Daring Attempt to Cross River; 906 Slain, 100 Taken Prisoner ; FIGHTING JflOST FIERCE OF ANY DURING WAR v ' . . Oa Eleventh Day of Battle, Hans Meet Solid aH of c Allied Troops 1 i WITH TUB KUKN'CII ARM Y IN FRANCE, March 31. A daririe at tempt ty tbe Cemians to cross the Oi today and form a' .bridgehead ' i' rmittfnK- a? future advances was r 11 frustrated by the French. One dt the famous etorm battalions suc r.cded fn getting over near Chauny, tut never returned. 4 It was almost ntirely annlhtfated. There remained only about J00 unwonnded hienT whom the French took prisoner..; . ; Nearly Vail - the bridges woaslnp ; tie Olse Itave - been; destroyed and the French hold.ntroSig positions on toe southern bank, while all fords are covered by artillery ; 'Many' Attack Frutraftel. -. More to the north, -In the-region of Moreuil, the Germans for the mo ment, at least, appf-ar to Jiave re- Bounced their general attacks and re torted to local actions. Two of these were extremely ;'olent between Mar- ' celcava and the Somme. They came ifainst the sternest resistance from tba French who repulsed them after I very Severe fighting. Other attacks occurred on the rigAt bank of the Somme about the same period of the , day and these alsa met with failure. Sanguinary engagements In which r the combatants again came to close fighting and individual combats took place abdut the Lassignay : sector. ' Here the French ' field artillery eanghtthe advancing German col- I tnins under a -tempest of shells! which drove them back, but: only after the ground was strewn with fcrindreds of bodies. At Plemont, two German divisions which had received strict orders to execute an Advance whatever the cost and ra(nure a height, found themselves confi'onted by a French division which would not .give way ' before the f wry of the German at tack. For a moment the Frencn ere forced back,' but took breath f and came at the enemy agaln.with V ' such a rush' that the Germans were driven from the height, leaving 700 prisoners, including twenty officers, lathe hands of the French. If un Meet- KH1 WaH. : At no period of the war has the flfhting been so fierce. TheJ Ger mans intended at any cost toreaeh . . and destroy the railroad communica tion at Amiens connecting the north , tad south. Today, the eleventh day of the battle, they find before them a solid wall of allied troops, which daily Is becoming firmer, as artillery ( Is advancing from all directions to opport the Infantry whlcli has stood the entire shock up to the present. A word must be said for the allied ; ariators. who from the "beginning of the battle have worked Incecsantly; taking the plate of cavalry for recon naissance and often descending to an S al tit ode of a hundred feet or less to attack with' machine guns the ad vancing Infantry. Their daring eemed to have, an almost paralyz- 'n effect, on the German foot: sol diers., but often when the airmen - returned to the airdromes to obtain more ammunition, their ralrplanoa were found to lie riddled with bnl , lets.; It appears that certain of the 'v, German forces possess, many tanks. C M so far they ave been utilized erjr little A capture order shows that five of them were placed at the disposalof one division, while prisoners declare that a large nnm- ' er Of tanks have, been' constructed lnce last' fall. These vehicles com prise small tanks, ten tons- in' weight : and : eight meters long, four wide and lour high, with a speed of from eTen to fifteen kilometers. They ar arrtied with cannon and machine '"ns, as well " as" flame, projectors. Thejr'are- provided -with i ..doors and pertures which can be hermetically ciosed.'ao as to allow them to pass through; gas clouds. . , A rraoretl Cm rn Vsel. -It is. believed that the Germans intend to' use Jhese tanks to follow tJir,t waves of Infantry and deal with the. resistance on the center.- The allies, -during their retreat, "ale frequent if e of armoj-ed motor rs fitted with machine guns to , r,T taeir pursuers. One' of? these. hlch came in close contact with enemy throughout a whole day. s ditched. The occupants left the ,?f nd endeavored to pull the Tna rfn..0ut of tne-mud under a severe : "e rire- A machine was lifted out na used arainst the enemy Until It jammed. Then the gunner seized a I; f'red while his comrades continued to work nutll' they righted xa car. whuii . v ' j , rtlng when, the Germans were (ConUaued on Page 2-) LENIENCY SHOWN IS SUFFICIENT COUNCIL HOLDS City Treasurer Rice Has De linquency Certificates !-.;. Ready to Issue RECONSIDERATION TRIED v . ....... . i , Opportunity to Bond Remains Until Certificates Are Made Out i An attempt, which failed, was In itiated at the meeting of the city council last night for reconsidera tion of the resolution adopted-.at thu last previous session to begin fore closure proceedings against property owners who have been delinquent In theirstreet assessments for not less than five years and who'have not pe titioned the council to bond. In mav Ing to reconsider. Alderman McClel land made the argument that many of the. propertv owners have been j laced in straightened clrenmstanceu 1S war conditions and that their failure to pay is not by reason of unwillingness but because of circum stance's. The alderman succeeded In enlfst- tng some support, but not enough to carry his motion, which was voted down five to four. Five members "Acre absent. , j. 1 Antagonism T Shown. Those who opposed the motion showed that leniency has already been shown, and that while every opportunity has been given the prop erty owners to bond, they have paid no attention to the opportunity. In dicating that their attitude Is an an tagonistic on.. Mavor Keyes anii Alderman Unruh declared that more then 7.1. per cent of those who arj affected by the resolution are . well able,; to pay, and much blame Was hc-aped upon certain wealthy men whose refusal to pay Is holding ba'ik numerous other property holders. Forms of the certificates of de'in iniency are now In the hands of City Treasurer Rice and he Is ready to Issue them. Up to the time they are Issued the property holders affected fctill hTrre-Hie opportunity- Hot when they are Issued It will ba too late to bond.' Mavor Keyes urg ed all publicity'possible so that none of the affected persons would be ig norant of the action that Is beln? taken. , .f ,:: "My reason for moving to reconsld i r,' 'said Alderman McCleelland. U that at this particular- time the ac tion will- work a hardship &a many people. In the lasat two weeks I have talked with manv who , are apxlous to pay, but who by force of., cfrctfm ptanc.es cannot pay. I would, have this action of foreclosure put .off a ear or two. or until the war Is over. I make this motion as a war meas ure. I have In mind some widows who have sons in -France. They ari delinquent, and the foreclosure will hit them. The city, would lose noth-J IBs by rescinding its action because it hasliens upon their property which cannot be sold In that condi tion." ' j Roberts was ready on his feet In opposition to McClelland. ." tlty la Ijjnoreil. "I- think Alderman McClelland's heart is In the right place, bfit he Is on the wrong track," said Roberts. "The . Instructions to the city attor ney are to start foreclosure proceed ings against,, those who have not bended. A lot of them have had ev ery opportunity to bond and have paid no attention to the opportunity. Much' leniency-has. been shown Onl?, those, who are delinquent for fiva years or more ire bit, and we must get at them." r - Alderman Dard supported McClel land, but was In ffavor of getting -action against some o the wealthy toen who have been fighting the city. (Continued on Page 2. ) INDEPENDENCE TO HAVE PLANT Hop Growers to Raise Vege tables for New Evaporat ing Concern . INKPKSDENCE. Or.. April 1. fKpe-'ii.l lo The Statesman)-! A largo plant. ti b erected; b7 llorst Ilron. fcr.the '.rat.ora'tion of vegetables and fruit, is practlcally assured for In dependerte.. Solicitors, working uh icr he direction of busf ness men, hae nisned up sufficient acreage to rrake it almost certain that llorst !iros. will be guaranteed the amount aslced foi. : The hop kilns on the HorBtfs ranch, the largest hop ranch In the world, ill be dismantled and the build iEgs converted Into fruit and vege table -c-vapbrators. ' - Since tbe decline of the hop Indus try several experiments have been tried with varied Success. Last sea son much of the former hop acreage was planted, to beans, and many acres vrere put 1A sugar beet,s. 1 The foil on the Independence and fluena Vlsta bottoms is excellent for growing 'fruits and vegetables and the growers, are confident the new project vrilj succeed. AMERICANS IN WAR BY ALLIES' SIDE Official Announcement of American Participation . Made in Paris Newspapers Greeted With Cheers NATION IS WAITING FOR FIRST REPORTS London Hears Large Ameri can Force Has Been Made Available (By Th Aavciatfd Pre) WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE. Aprkl 1., Definite official announcement! that American Troops actually V.'Il f ght side bv sid with the French and British in Northern France reached the American troop.-v tonight In Paris newspapers, It was greeted with cheering. The -men who win tri arc envied by the rest of the American forces. 1 A they passed bv on the roada they were speeded on their .way with cries as " eat 'em up" and "Gee, yon fellows are" In luck!'. 1 i - Trooi Onlereil to I'icardy. Orders to proceed toward the plains of pjcardy were received from the French high command three days ago, but until it was officially an nounced no mention could be made of it. (III! The Airnlated Prr) ) WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, April 1. The -niuddv roads were again today jam,nied wlih Americans on the move.; In some, cases they wereinarcblng)ln double lines, tokfng tip the road from jslde to side. For obvious rasons lit is inad vlsahl to disclose where the troops are going, , where-they are comlns from or v-n thedirections In which the movements are being, made. It may be. many days, however, before the United. States will know. It Js ihmt tb.ifirst.awwB corr.e with th report of the.: Ameri can forces In ''action, but when tBat may be fs another spbject which cin not be Clscnssed. All Anxious to Ffeht. Whenever it is, it Is certain that the troops will give a good account of 'themselves, for they, are husky, hardy, trained and completely equip pd apd on their toes for a clash with the enemy.' 'If this clash should be in the open the troops will like It all tlie better for they say; "That's our earne." - All are determined tKa;et In the fight if irffsible. The cbrfeftandent saw men In march, limping along but lefuslng to. dropout for fear that they might be left behind. If there was a single straggler in the long marching lines today he had hidden! himself. . WASHINGTON. April 1. In the absence of reports from Oeneral Per shin? showing the disposition made of American troons by General Foch supreme commander, of the allied and American armies, officials here were -watching the French and urn tsh rtatements closely tonight for the first word that will show the Amerl cans to be at the battle front In Pic- ardyl It Is probable that nof only the first fiws of the activities of lershing's men In their new status will come In this way, but that for come time French communiques wt'.l give the American people their on,y ipformatlon-on the subfect. , llejiortu Are IelayeI. Report- from both Generals Per shing and Bliss on the progress of the great battle ar much delayed. Messag3 tonight told of th situation on Saturday and Sunday. At that time Oi-nenjl Pershing saw consid erable Inorrtrement in rondUlons for the allied prmies and the battle line In the vital sector from Montdidier irtA'nvnn.'M he outlined ft, .has. not been substantially alterd f bV swbse onent engagements. nothBtds were digging in he said. Tfortljt-of Mont didier the situation wasless clear. TVrth KWe Entrenching.' Official were oarticularlv InJer e?ted In French official reports last tight that the Germans were, die rirg In along a par of this hard fousht lin at the apex of their offen Blve wedge. Tha would indicate an admission that they do not antici pate being able to burst thj-ongh be tween tfce French and British ar mies ps thev set out, to do. No fur ther discuEPion of this report had come at a ate hour., except Genral Prshini's report Jhat both sides were entrenchinj. .. . . " General Pershing's dispatch to nlcht indicated thaV thebattlellneut to the evening of March 31. south of the Komrae, was as follows: 1 llame I, Marcelcave, An hereon rt, Hansard. Demuin, Moreuil. Ma-lly": RalnevaU cauvillersj Grlyeshes, Can Henv. Fontaine, Mesnuil, ; La Mon chel, Koelot, Orvlllers. Blernaut anl along the Oise to aBrisis. Tire Forres TPrtlcloHte. LONDON. Anril An official an nenncement issued here tonihgt "As which a result of 7 commnnicaupn'! have passed between the (Continued on page ff.) HUNS IN LATE JOVE PRESSING TOWARD ATM Great Masses of Troops Are u Concentrating for Gigan- V tic Struggle LULL COMES IN fcATTLE British Use Opportunity to , Strengthen Weak Spots in Defense OTTAWA, April 1. --Renter's cor respondent at itritish headquarters In Trance, telegraphing this evening Bays: - - . " - . . "The enemy, movements and fight ing of the last twenty-four hours in dicate the development of an attempt to work towards Amiens, down to Ancre valley, and also from the southwest. Great masses of troops continue to concentrate in the region of Albert, and fighting is progressing toward Villers. H ret ton and Reux. Th enemy is finding- serious diffi culties in transport work, owing to the ceaseless 'destructive activity of our airmen, and also owing to short age of animals, and Is. bringing ip his artillery comparatively slow. Meanwhile he Is largely employing trench mortars i ' "Trench nidrtars, however, have a very" limited range and req-nlre enor mous quantities of ammunition, which Is very bulky.; v r I North Somme Is Center. "Australian troops now are ap pearing in the thick of the fighting and doing magnificently. Despite tbe southwardly trend of the battle, the greatest weight f enemy dlvl sons remains nortfc of the Somme. "Alcaptured document now. reveals that the enemy expected to reach the Somme the first day of the of fensive. .. , "Up to 3 ok:IoCTj this afternoon no fresh Infantry aV kks tof Impprtance bad been repojei against the Brit ish, although- thie Inemy artillery was very active. .' A . "The delayed, resumption oflrand operatlopsMs of ''oreme importance to na. pluiMnljiammities continual ly to strengthen the weakest spots and improve the- defense works." Machine Guns Effective. In recounting the. fighting Sunday, the correspondent says: -"Our armored cars did magnifi cent work during the recent .fight ing frequently dispersing bodies of the-enemy by machine gun fire and adding heavily to his. enormous cas ualty list, which has yet to be-pre sented to the German, people. $The more one hears of the Ger man failure at Arras; the mom magj nificent the resistance Is revealed, as having been. Storms, of divisions came oyer, every man carrying r.ix days' rations and an extra pair of twots. They, evidently meant to stay, and a very heavy proportion of them will, for all time. i ;;: "The repulse of , the OermaWyas sault Sunday between Lassigny and Montdidier was the severest blow the enemy has suffered since the begin ning of th offensive. Dense aggre gations of men marched .up to as sault by battalions nad literally melted away under the fire of'tlie French 75s. Moreuil was recaptured by French and Canadian soldiers charging togethej. "Our artillery Is opposing an ef fectual barrier to the German mass iittacks. Hitherto, as the battle shifted northward, we,- like the Ger mans, had-been obliged to fight with the support of our field K'ins only. ; ;ow thelx-lnch and heavier pieces are arriving and. working terrible havoc among the enemy's attacking columns,) which have no ' means of Pfotffctioin against shells of these calibers, i ' "Describing Friday's, battle in this sector, eye witnesses say the British infantry fire worked terrible d-?-truction among the Germans who advanced to the attack; division aft.er division In dense waves, during twenty-four hours The ftiry pr the fighting was indescribable. Aviators who hovered overhead say it looked like a stormy sea in -iich wave aft er wave of infuriated men crept-up and rolled back In disorder. -Vil lages were conquered and reconquer ed again and again,. . "Batteries of 75s were brought inr to action a few minutes after de training at stations on the battle field. Sometimes- enemy column advancing to the assault stopped and broke under ottr "rifle fire and ma chine gun fire. The commands, of officers trying to rllr their ,met could be heard from' our lines." "The fighting for Moreuil lasted a whole day. The Canadians inter mingle'd with their French, comrades and fought like lions to keep the place. It was twice captured by the Franco-Canadians, and twice lost. In the end the khaki and horizon blue had the better of It, and the village, which was the' nearest point to Amiens, the enemy hadvreached, and a point particularly .coveted by the. German staff, remained fn our hands. At Plemont a single division in a furious charge broke he resistance of two German divisions,, recapturing-the whoje of the Important posi tion and taking prisoner. 700 Ger mans. 1 -. ' ?' ; ' "Along this line our troops feel. as they fiil along the ,Oise line, that they have tbe situation In hand and that the enemy must try elsewhere." . ... . . - - - . n . .. . - : j BIG PARADE IS PLANNED Business to Be at Standstill for Hour Next Saturday and Governor May Proclaim Holiday ! ' , CAMPAIGN FOR THIRD LIBERTY LOAN OPENS Boy Scouts and Cadets to Dis tribute "Liberty Bells" Around Town -! The third liberty loan drive will begin on Saturday next,; April 6. On tbat day Salem will vibrate from center to circumference with the grand announcement. . ' l-.very whistle: in the city, will ueJ a liberty whistle and every bell a liberty bell. All will uound the news of Oregon patriotism In a peal that will be heard and felt by the Im perial throne of Germany. The governor; will proclaim the even and authorize its thorough ob servance Dy toe patriotic populace. tireat J'araue I'lanned. The greatest parade ever staged In the city will take-place from 1 to 2 o'clock in which the military schools, lodges and all civic -bodies and citl zens will participate. All this and more' much niote. Is rapidly being planned by enthusi astic committees and the lack of a single detail will not be from want of determination of those authorized to handle the worn The object Isi to awaken the. city to tbe great sighilicance of thethlrd liberty loan In a burst of the same enthusiastic fervor which has per-' petuated the Fourth of July In the hearts' of Americans. Jiuslne4 Will Stop. All business will be suspended for the honr making' the parade 1 to 2 p. m. except by those who deem their private business; of greater .Import ance than their; personal participa tion In the work of arousing the peo ple to the significance of winning the war. The plans under way include every body In the city and while noef fort will be spared incompleting arrange'- ments.i personal initiative will prove th spirit that will awaken Salem and that will eventually win the war.. Patton Arranging Feature. E. Cooke Patton is head of the "special features" department of the committee and will be delighted to receive notice of plans which any persons, groups or organizations will propose and arrange to 'lend order to tbe day's demonstrations. He has many workers busy, each his own special affaiis and hence all suggestions should be accompanied by hands and hearts to carry them out in the big parade. The people wfll'f ind awaiting them at their front doors on .Saturday morning a reminder that the day Is at hand for opening tbe third liber ty loan drive. Insuring this feature are the Salem cadets and boy scouts who will assemble in the small hours Of Saturday morning to place the on the doorknobs before the aver age citizen is awake. If any should hear the nocturnal tread of scout or cadet let him rest serene that his home Is not being entered by prowl ers but Is under the evident protec tion of Young American soldiers who are lending their efforts to arose him to similar acts of duty toward the sale of liberty bonds. Proniftt Iteitponse Vrgetl. The foregoing are in general, the plans of the publicity committee, which met yesterday. Details will be given from day to day. Individuals (Continued on page 6) ROLL OF HONOR WASHINGTON, April l.r-Twenty-f I ve. casualties among, the American expeditionary forces' were reported today as follows: . Killed in action Private William Rapp. Died of 'wounds Private Edward Fisher. i- Died of disease Privates Pearson Round, George Fitzsimmons, Jesse E. Stinchcomb, Frances Wells. 'Slightly wounded First Lieuten ant George E: Boyd, Sergeanto Joseph Petrush, Corporal Milton WJJlard, Wagoner Frank Lucey, Private Hq mer (Ayler, Harold F. Buchbtnder, Howard IL Crum, Moses Fischef, Frauds J. Calvin, Zed ,S. Honak'er, Samuel W. Kopp, Clifford L?dford, Lonjiie R., Rouse, 'Harlee G. Sraithi Troy A. Tarwater, John K. TJrban, Fred Warnasch.-' -'. J'. '- ' V. Petitions Boost Rigdon y for Mayoralty Nomination -Indications yesterday were, ac cording to reports reaching the city hall, that Frank S. Ward jcandldate for mayor, would Jiave' opposition by the entrance-of W. f, Rigdon Into the race for the nomination. It was skid, that Petitlos'vwere -being cir culate in Mr. Rigdon's behalf yester day. Mr. Rigdon was fori several years. & member of, the city council, and he is the father of, L. T. Itlgdon, one of the present. aldermen. , . OPENINGDAY FOUR ARE KILLED IN J ! . - Anti-ConscriptionistsV pistol Fire Is Answered by Machine Guns FIGHT IS IN THICK FOG Mob Hurls Bricks From House Many Soldiers Fall in Attack - QUEBEC, April 1, Notwithstand ing warnings from the military that the rioting in "Quebec would be put down with a stern hand, and urgent appeals, to the people not to repeat the .disorder of the last three days, crowds assembled. In several parts of the down town section of Quebec to ri i ght and bad to be broken up by Toronto infantiy and dragoons. A number of sdldiers were .Injured In the fighting and .many rioters. - were arrested Early tonight fldiers were order ed from barracks and stationed in different paits'of the city. The up per section of the .town was cut off from St. Rochs, where the" disorderly element reside, by a le or troops. Armand Lavergne, the Nationalist leader, was expected to address a meeting In Jacques Cartler square, but respected the military edict ban ning such, assemblies. A large crowd was on hand, however, and the riot ing began soon after the soldiers were posted. Bricks were "thrown from house tops and revolver shots were fired from alleyways. The cavalry repeatedly charged the mob with drawn swords, but the moment the troopers' back were turned, tbe crowd returned. Seven rioters were arretted. About 100 yards away, near the Canadian Pacific j station, ' the sold iers were greeted byv a mob with a, fusillade of "revolver shots, bricks and ice. Several soldiers fell In this attack, slightly injured, and the troops received orders to fire a num ber of shots over the heads of the mob. As the evening advanced, a dense fog settled down and the rioters, as sembled in doorways and fired at random down the streets. The sold iers answered. the shots, ..whenever they could locate the source,, but this method of dealing with ' the snipers failed to stop the shooting, so machine guns iwere fired in the direction of the revolver shots. Four , civilians were killed and four civilians and la number of sold iers were wounded: in fighting which occurred. - I One, hundred men charged with rioting, were arrested. The, fighting between tbe .military RIOT AT QUEBEC and antl-conscrlpttonlsts lasted fromJ.but there seems to be no decided ad- 8:30 o'clock this morning until mid night, the rioters.! firing revolvers haphazard from doorways and be hind snowbanks and the military an swering as best they could through the thick fog with machine guns. ; . Two German Reservists $, Are Held at Engehe EUGENE. Or., April 1. Max Joan Andreas Lang of Kan Francisco and Edward Hing of Sacramento. Cal.. alien enemies, arej In the county ja'l here awaiting the arrival of federal officers: "The men were both regis tered in Sacramento and secured per mits1 March 25 to leave there to visit neighboring' California, count!??.. hey were arrested near Irving, north of , Eugene.! and told- Sheriff Elkins.' when, taken into custody, that they weie .on! their Way to C003 Bay to' work lh the timber. A federal officer who arrived here this afternoon stated that the pris oners were German reservists anl .voul l be interned at once.. FOUR KILLED IN PARIS BY HUGE GUN OF GERMANS PARIS, April 1-Four persons were lUlletl and nine wounded to day ty hells fired bj- the long-range German cannon. Mary Pick ford Subscribes $100,000 for Liberty Loan . -' SAN FRANCISCO. April 1. In a telegram received today ny Jams K. Lynch, governor of the Twelfth Federal . Reserve bank, . Mary Pick ford., motion, picture actress, an nouxfed that che had subscribed JltO.OOft for the-third liberty loan. Mr..Lyncl, in a' reply thanking her, sa'd it was the first subscription re- potd to -him on the new loan. J British Steamer Tithonas Is Torpedoed by Submarine LONDON. April L The British armed boarding steamer Tithonas was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine March 2 8. 'according to an official statement Issued by the ad miralty One 'mercantile officer and three with naval rating were lost. &ERMA d Teutons Fail to Renew Grand -Offensive Against British Front; Fighting Centers on Extreme Western Edge of 1 Battle Zone HEIGHT NEAR MOREUIL TAKEN, SAYS BERLIN ' . ji; ;- . .. Huns Concentrating Troops in Region of Albert; Rains Promise to Be of Aid to AI lied Cause f t i Wmi THE BRITISH ARMY IX i FRANCK- Aprfl lHear ekies and Meal fighting weather had up till ' noon failed to draw the Oernians oat for further ftghtln tn their offensive. ' aalnt the . British front. .Little fighting of imHrtanre bad been re-. Krtel nort h of the Komirie while be low that river In the vital section of Moreuil the ftltaatloa apperet much the same last night. .Tlte probabilities are that the enemy wm. not ready for anther biff attacks, north of the Komnie, although th fact that lie still has the majority Of hN available division there pre sages farther activity and it may come at any time. ! ; J - V There are at present sometbinff c like forty divisions In the battle zone north of the river, and about 37 en- ! gaged In the straggle farther south, v Ten of these hare been used against V the British and the rest axainst tbe French armies. - h The ... German jran are not all brought forward as yet and the ene- v my gunfire has been comparatively , light along the zone of advance. (By The Ataoeiated Pre) 1 , While the advance of the German armies in PIcardy has come almost to a halt, there has been savage fight ing on the extreme western edge, of the battle eone. Encounters, In which large forcesxhave been engag- "4 eo,' nave occurred north of Atoreull, vantage gained by the Teutonics In vaders. ' They- claim to have taken heights and to; have carried a wood ii advance of their! line near More uil, but the British say they have driven back 1 the enemy from posi tions; they bate occupied elsewhere In this sector. ; ' The French line further south have stood firm against savage as saults, especially in . the region or Montdidier and eastward, of tha place "along a part of the line w hich was subjected to a terrific strain for two days late last week. In a num ber o sectors the French hive surged forward and ; taken hard-earned ground from the Germans and have established their line solidly .along the Oise river. ' H . The expected allied counter-offensive has not yet come, but the Ger mans who are reported to be en trenchlngalong the French front, ev idently expect It there! Rain Delays j Advance, Rain is delaying tike German ad vance along the British and' French line. .- Wet weather, jj if continued, would Be of Infinite Value to tbe al lies, who are moving their forces and supplies over solid eai-th Instead of ground which' has. been churned Into a condition where evek-y step is be- set by difficulties. The chief German efforts apparent ly have been in the region of Moreuil and Albert. Around! these places. there has . been, stern the Germans hurling fighting wlt their fighting rtieh at the allied lines In serried ranks, which have been mowed down by artillery, machine and rifle fire. Tfieffort tn the Mdjreufl region Is considered as being ain attempt to reach ! the Paria-Amiens railroad, which is four or five miles distant. The. beginning of April, a month whose dates are wrlttefl) large on the , pages of American history,. finds, the soldiers of the United IBtateg hasten ing to take their places In .the tone of fiercest fighting. There have been American tHQpsj Involved In the struggle In Phkrcty since the morning of March 23 but General Pershing now Is leading more than ' 100,000 of his men. but how many is as yet not known to a point as signed to them by General Foch, the leader of the allied forces In France. These men may even now be In the battle line, and Amerlc awaits hews f rQm them with confidence that they will compare well with! the veterans, of France and Great Britain. German Staff Discontented. A report; from General "Persh'lng tothe war department states that the situatfon along the battle line Is 1m- . ' proved. He did not !j give any In- (Continued on Page 2.) Vi! 1