FIRST SECTION 8 Pages TWO SECTIONS 12 PAGES frl.VTV-KlGH TIIVKAIl Xo. 4 SAI.II.M, ORKGO.V, SUNDAY MOHMNG, 3IARCII 31, 1018 1'IUCK FIVE CEA'TS STRIKES TO STOP DURING WAR PERIOD Plans for Settling Industrial Disputes by Mediation Em bodied in National War La bor Program CAPITAL AND LABOR COME TO AGREEMENT Right of Workers to Organize Recognized Coercion " Is Ruled Out WASHINGTON', March. 30. rAn agreement tbat there t-hall be no strikes or lockouts during, the, war and a recommendation that all In dustrial disputes be settled by a gov ernment mediation body are th-i principal provisions of a national war labor program projected by rep resentative of capital and labor and made pablic tonight by Secretary of Labor Wl'son. The program Was drawn up by six representatives of capital .six rep resentatives of labor and two men representing the public after confer ences lasting for wore than a month. Thepublie. representatives were Former President Taft and Frank P. Walsh. : . - The mediation body would be known as the , national war labor board to be made up as was the eoard that prepared the-program. In addition there" would be local boards in the industrial center. to deal Im mediately with any controversies that might arise. ' . Strike, Lockout Abolibel. Principles and policies to govern - tbe relations ofworkers and their employers !n war. Industries were agreed to "as follows: t .There should be no strikes or lockouts daring the war. "The rlrht of workerito organize In trade tmions and to bargain col lectirely, through chosen representa tive v. Ja recognized and affirmed. "The right of employers to organ ize in associations or groups and to bargain collectively, through chosen representatives, Is recognized an I affirmed. "Employers should not discharge workers for membership In trade un- f Continued on Paee 2.V SPRING TlME SILKS Foulards, Pussy, Willows, Crepe de Chene and Georgette Crepes also Elegant Showing of Women s Neckwear. 1 ' ... ? . Today -Easter is Springs formal opening. You'll surely want some of these for this season. Observe that silk is the cheapest material you can buy today, comparatively speaking. Also note the completeness of these lilies ;not one or two shades, but a full range. PUSSYWILLOW I FOULARDS: Tin is a very unusual showing of this type of Silk. The colors are navy, copt n Mm-, green, tan, rose, reseda, gray, brown, khaki, ivory, gold and white. Beautiful designs on, light, medium and dark grounds, :I6 to 40 inches wide, per yard. . . to $'iAV CREPES: K Here is an assortment of (leorgette Crepes and Crepe De Cliin'c seldom equaled. Nearly every r shade you might wish in these truly wonderful ' fabrics: Crepe De Chine in five qualities priced at yard ..... .$1.65, $1.85, $2.00, 2.23, $2.65 (ieorgette Crepes in two weights and 70 of the most 'important .Spring shades 40 inehes wide; . yard - j .$1.85 and $1,195 WOMEN'S 1 f ' NECKWEAR: rt Just in by express a splendid and large assort ment of new spring novelties in white atid colors. Made up of lace, pique, poplin, satin, georgette Crepe, Organdie and other washable materials. Make your se lection while the, line is complete. NOTE: Hereafter this store will j close at 5:45 p. m. ' except Saturday. .- . - i . ...... LIBERTY BONDS STOLEN: CLERK ADMITS GUILT $12,000 Theft From. Reserve Bank Frankly Confessed J by Charles Cole ) ! WAGER ON WILSON WON Inquiry Concerning Invest- ' j ment Leads to Place as Clerk SAN FRANCISCO. Mawh 30. Theft of $12,000 worth rf lihUPt 1 onds from the Twelfth federal re. s-erve Dank was confessed here iat? today by Charles Cole. 3-3 years old. who had been employed as an assis tant transfer clerk in the riscal de partment of the bank since last De cember, according to federal author ities. Cole was held on S10.oo0.000 bonds by the United States: rorum Li stener on tbe charge of. appropriat ing sproperty of the government. He Lad been taken into custody earlier fn the day by Harry Afoffitt. chief of the United States st-cret service here, as he was withdrawing from a sav ings bank money which the "federal officials charged, was the proceeds of the sale of some of the purloined bonds. I Wife Figures In Confession. Coles" wife was implicated in her husband's confession, the federal au thorities said, but she was released, after being detained several hours, on the ground that a husband and wife cannot both be held on a con spiracy charge of the sort brought against Cole. ... Several aliases wfftp used by Cole, According to the federal officials. When first, arrested, his name was given as Carl Conrad, the name un der which he obtained emplovment at tbe bank. Later, federal officials said, he admitted Cole was his real name, and that he had assumed the name of Conrad because of family troubles. Other aliases were used when depositing money in banks h?re, it was stated. i Wager on Wilson Won. According to the purported con fession. Cole ltyed In Washington. D. C, for several years, and acted In ia confidential capacity for sever al congressmen, notably A. Mitchell Palmer, now custodian of enemy pro perty. Iater he moved to Cosrnopo lis Wash., a suburb of Aberdeen, and was employed by the Grays Har bor Lumber company. He won a $400 wager that Woodrow Wilson ( Continued on page 21 6 VILLAGES ARE TAKEN BY GERMANS Teutons Press Assaults in Vi cinity of Rlondidier; Battle Breaks Out Anew North of Somme River WEATHER BREAKS AND HEAVY RAIN IS FALLING German Army Re-establishes Communications as War 3 Wheels Slow Down LONDON'. March 3). The Ger mans have th? vHlages of Aubvillers. five and a half ntilt northwest of Montdidier: Orievnes. Cantigny. Mesnil St. Georges. Le Monc-bel and Ayencourt. the war of fice announced this 'evoning. (All the villages named are in the Mont-H didier region. ) The summary of the situation is sued by the war offic e reads: rth. of the Somme. on the JJritLfh front, there Is no change In the situation. South of ' the Somme we maintained our positions. Six Village Fail. "Further south, during the course of the day, heavy attacks on the French front have enabled Ihe Ger mans to gain ground wesf of the Avre and south and southeast of Montdidier. Tbe Germans have cap tured the villages of Aubvillers, Grievnes, Cantigny. Mesnll St. Georges. Le Monrhel and Ayen court. Sast of this latter place, heavy igbting Is going on and the exact situation is not known. "The weather has broken and a heav rain is falling." IXXDON March 30. The Ger mans forced their way into the vil lage of Demuin this morning, but were held up at the western out skirts of the j village, according to the statement issued by the war of fice : tonight, '' which also reports strong enemy attackjg oif the line a short, distance south of Arras. The statement reads: Ilattle Ilreaks Out Anew. "North of ' the Somme. after a short lull yesterday, the battle broke out afresh this morning. . "The enemy repeated his costly and unsuccessful , assaults both in the region of Roirey and Hoyelles and K immediately north of the Somme. All these assaults deliver ed in considerable strength and with fresh troops, were thrown back with heavy, losses to the enemy and our positions remained Intact. "Vye took a number of prisoners. Teutons. Enter Ientuin. A heavy bombardment of our de fenses east of Arras accompanied the delivery of the attack. South of the Somme and between that river and the Avre figllting .has continued in cessantly, attacks and counter-attacks taking place at frequent In tervals. The enemy forced his way this morning into the village of De muin, in the Luce valley, but is held un at the western outskirts of the village." ;. ': WITH TIIrJ'liBITISII ARMY IN FRANCE, March.- 30. The wheels bt the war mill continued to turn slowly on the Iljitish battle front toj day, although there are many indi cations that intense speeding up may come at any moment. , Just south of the Soarpe, near Ar ray, the enemy late this forenoon began a bombardment which might easily presage another assault . on that' city. It is written in the books that such an attack will come, but up to thIatest rtports there has been no inrantry action. Farther south, on the Hritish right, there was hard local fighting about Me zferes and Demuin. which was a con tinuance of yesterday's struggle, but the most Important action seemed to he takiftsf place on the French left, where it was reported ftie Ger mans were pursuing their fnriou attacks. Germans Want 1 imc. , Along the rest of 'the battle' front comparative inactvity continued si far as infantry fighting was con cerned. This. then. ffi33.the Ftatus of af fairs on the teTth jlay 'r the battle, and whilo no inc bn foresee what trend uch vasiiope rat ions will take. there are many, things to support the following i interpretation of tne situation: ; For two days past there has been a cessation along the major portion of the northern front of the bitter warfare waeed at the outset. Un doubtedly this Is In accordance wilh the German plan, for It was Impos sible for tlie enemy to proceed far ther without pausing to bring for wid his supporting artilleryjreor gsSitw his fighting forces and establish communications. Th.s things now are being accomplished. The main factor affecting the, ope rations is the question of time. Odor of Death Fill Air. T.nvnONM March 30. The Morn ing Post's correspondent in France draws a gruesome picture oi oaine field conditions. (Continued on Fage 2.) PRESENT BATTLE MAY GROW INTO LONG STRUGGLE Conflict Similar to That at Verdun Expected by French Troops . . . BIG7 RUSH SEEMS LIKELY Teutons, In Order to Smooth Out Salient, Must Pay Heavy Price (Bw The AsaiK-ititi d presn) WITH THE". FllKNCH ARMY" IN FRANCE, March 30. The Impres sion tonight among the troops fight ing aloog the front is that the battle will develop into a long struggle similar to that at Verdun and the first battle of the Somme. The Ger mans are making strenous efforts to bniig their heavy artillery forward to support their infantry, whioh has borne the brunt of the whole engage ment thus far Ic L considered proable that they will make another formidable rush with all their avail able reserves, but the allied com manders view the future with confi dence. They regard the situation as a geneial rule satisfactory and be lieve that the only change will be toward improvement. II unn Occupy Jo-kef.' The eiiians now occupy a sort of pocket in the Fjanco-British lines, which leaves them open to flank at tacks. For this reason they extend ed thir attacking line to the east ward of Arras for the purpose of smoothing out a sharp salient, but In order to be successful they will be compelled to pay a heavy price. Whether they will be able to af:'ord this after the extremely heavy loses they have sustained. Is for them to Judge. They used up a larger num bers of divisions of their reserves than they foresaw would be neces sary to make the progress they had already achieved, for the resistance of the British was unexpected, con sidering their Immense disparity of numbers m compared to the attack ers. Front Extend 53 Mile. The front now extends approxi mately fifty-five miles and the French occupy the line to within a few kilometers' south of the Somme river. Everjwhere the French and British are working In complete harmony, holding their newly occu pied positions with wonderful tenac ity. On Thursday, when the Ger mans occupied a hill called Mount Reoadd, the intention of retaking It was expressed by a French general, but a British general, commanding a cavalry division, requested- the honor of attacking: It, which was given. The dismounted cavalrymen advanced to the assault, watched by their French comrades, and, meeting the obstinate German defense, suc ceeded In capturing the hill and , in holding It Uunly ever since. The Germafis who were advancing in two directions, namely, toward Amiens and beyond Montdidier. ap peared to have slowed down their efforts ia the direction of Amiens and to have thrown the greater part of their force around Montdidier, where, however, theyV encountered determined resistance; from the French who even regained some grouird by counter-attacks. Madame S torch, Held as Spy, DiesSaddenly NEW YORK. March 20 Madame L'espina Davidovitch Storrh, thj young Turkish woman who was charged with being the leader of a band of German spHs taken into custody in this city a fortnight ago. died suddenly today In her quarters on Ellis Island, it was learned to nlKht. The, death of Madame Storch is believed to have len due to pneu monia, although secrecy was main tained as to the details. She had been taken to Ellis Island pending action by the government, which pro bably would have resulted in her ba ing deported to Fri.nce. where she might have met the traditional fate of a spy. Madame Storch was lorn in Con stantinople only 23 years ago. Her father was a German and her mober a Turk. Government agents believe that she had ben for years In the secret service of Germany, although she denied this until the last. Liberty Loan Bond BUI Passes House WASHINGTON. March 30. Tfce liberty loan bond WJ1 was passed unanimously by the house today ir virtually the same form as reported from the ways and means committee, which framed It in accord with rec ommendations of" Secretary McAdoo. It now goes to the senate, which is expected to pass It, Monday. The bill aS passed gives Secretary McAdoo authority to issue $S.00C 000.000 in certificates, of indebted ness, to Issue $1,500,000,000 more of liberty bondsIn accordance w5th the $3,666,000,000 now authorized, but unissued, fixes the Interest ralf on the third bond issue at 4U per rent and authorizes the loan of an additional $ 1,500. 000, 000 to tt? allies. OREGON TO PUT DP 150 NEW SHIPS Chairman Hurley Grants Re quest to Place Contracts With Private Yards for Motor-Driven Vessels V - SCHEME FINANCED BY CAPITALISTS IN EAST Proposal of Atlantic-Pacific Company Presented by Senator McNary WASHINGTON. March-30. A new shipbuilding program for private In terests was approved today by the shipping board, as a further offset to the-drive acrainst allied tonnage which is being made by German sub marines. ,tj Chairman Hurley announced that the request of the Atlantic and Pa cific company for permission to place contracts with shipyards . in Oregon for 15u motor driven wooden ships of 30uO tons each, has been granted under certain restrictions. Since the new contracts will not Interfere with the government program either ia timbers or machinery, officials of the board were frankly enthusiastic over the idea. "We want to encourage American shipowners to put their money into building more ships." Mr. Hurley said. "If all owners would follow the idea, the American flag would rsoon get back on Ithe seas." - March $urjiaKMM Goal.' The government building program for March surpassed the goal set ia launchings by 12,000, tons, the ship ping board .announced today, but fell short In deliveries, because of shortage of steel plates. Thirty ves sels of 323,786 tons were pHt into the water and twenty vessels of 162.200 tons were completed. Growth of the submarine tolls has spurred officials to greatlf efforts to hasten the building of shjps. Tbe four official announcements issued in London this month contained the records of eighty-one BrUish ships sunk of which fifty-four were f more than 1600 tons each. In Feb ruary the loss of sixty-seven British ships, of which forty-nine were more than 1600 tons each, was recorded. The total increase was fourteen ships, or 20 per cent. Mr Nary Present Proposal. The proposal of the Atlantic and Pacific company to build the fleet of motor ships was presented to the shipping board .by Senator McNary of Oregon. Eastern capitalists were aid in be financing the scheme. Their Identity could not be confirm ed officially but the Du Ponts were said to be ampng those Interested. Each ship probably would cost be tween $3.r,p.OOO and $400,000. Senator McNary asked that this ruling be granted by the shipping board: "That wooden ship yards not em ployed In the construction of wooden ships for this government shall be free to contract iwth private inter ests for construction of wooden ships: such ships ISO be built by American organizations and ' sailed under the American flag; steamers to be approximately 3000 "tons dead weight capacity. Kuling Granted by Hurley. . 'That any wooden ships that such conctrns shall contract to v build within the limitations of this ruling and under any contract dated prior to further orders by thlsjgovern ment. changing such lim&jMions. they, t h" said concerns. shall5fe free to build, complete and 4 deijver to the parties entitled to game" under the contract.- V te In his reply Mr. ilnrley gave his decision on that point: "Ruling is hereby granted, but subject to the f urtheijjronditlons that the regulation of shifting rates shall be made under thefhlpptng board, that said hoard shall, be Informed from time to time, upon its request, of the number, capacity and equip ment of the" ships in .process of con struction by the shipbuilding con cern that shall engage in business under the ruling above set forth, and further that all such concerns will comply with all Instructions as to wages or conditions of employment of labor, or prwess of materials In mriting by the shipping board or oth er agency of the government having jurisdiction or control of the subject matter. , "fa llow AtKrr YOt lt WATCH Remember that time advanc ed an hour all over the I'nited States at 2 o'clock this roorn iag. If you have turned your watch an hour ahead.', it will guide yon correctly to church or to the depot to catch a train. If you haven't set your time piece ahead, then youll have to go to church at 10 o'clock instead of 11 if you go by your watch. Daylight is to be saved in the United States from now until October and the sav ing begins today. BIG GUN SHELLS PARIS; 8 KILLED, 37 ARE WOUNDED Women andr Children Again Victims o Long-Ran ge Bombardment U. S. WORKER IS KILLED American Woman in Y. M. C A. Service Dies in France Like Soldier , PARIS, March 3. Paris w Again bombarded by th long dit-taix-e German cannon this morning. Eight dead, among whom are four women, and U7 wounded, including lino women and even children, were the casualties resulting from the bombardment today. PARIS. March 30. Miss Marion G. Crandell of Alameda, Calif., was killed Wednesday night during a German bombardment of St. Mene hould. She had just returned to her room from the soldier's canteen across the street, wher she was em ployed as a worker, when a shell crashed through her window. Sev eral pieces of the proJnrUle struck her in the head and face. , She was taken to a nearby hos pital, where she died in a few min utes. The funeral services were conduct ed the next morning, a French army chaplain presiding. Her coffin was draped withj the French tri-colors and stood next to the coffin of a French soldier killed in the same bombardment.: She was given a mil itary funeral and interment was made in the military cemetery, where her's is the only woman s grave among thosexf 6000 French soldiers. "She -came to. work for soldiers; she died. like a sojdier," declared the army chaplain. Miss Crandell was' the first Ameri can woman to be killed in Y. M. C. A. work at the front. Memorial services will be held in the American church in Paris tomorrow afternoon with the local Y. M. C. A. person nel attending In tt body. ; . , Clock Hands Move; U. S. Has First 23-Hour Day NEW YORK. March 31. The "night owls" of this cUy had a pa triotic excuse for lingering In Madi son Square until o'clock this morning, for at that hour Marcus M. Marks, president of the, National Daylight Saving association, official ly advanced the hands of tbe clock on the Metropolitan tower one hoar, thereby ushering in hce the first 23-hour day the country has ever known. The elty was determined to- make the inauguration of the daylight saving plan as a "within the war measure" a gala event. Madison Square was strung with lights and a patriotic rally was hJld from 11 o'clock until "3 -o'clock" this morn ing, a period of three actual and ouo theoretical hour.. . Deckebach and Workers Have Plans Perfected r Chairman F. O. Deckebaeh and many of his committeemen yester day perfected plans for a prompt start on the morning of April 6. a week hence, when blue colored lib erty bells will be hung on every door knob in the land and will peal out "Ring me again." signalling the ad vent of the ' bond drive in which S3.000.000.000 is to be raised before June 30th. Attention was called to -the fact that the farmers, by using the prlvl eleges extended to them in the fed eral farm loan system can get the ready money to buy machinery, seeds or make any Improvements, bo that money saved up can be used to loan to the government. Congressman Lenroot Forecasts His Election ANT1GO. Wis., March 2 0.-i-"I con fidently -exect to be elected to the ,lnited States senate on Tuesday," said Congressman Irvine L. Lenroot. Republican candidate, in an address here tonight. "And if I am, I shall tevote every energy to my part of the huge task before that body. We fffust understand that after the war' the work of reconstruction in this country will be great, unequalled by that in any country ia the world. Ww shall have marshalled our re sources, perhaps "-to the last dollar, before this war is won." Former King Constantine Is Ordered Prosecuted ATI! KNSe Friday, March 29. As a result oflharrea brought by th public prosecutor, a court martial has erderedthe criminal prosecution of former King Constantine. WEATHER Sunday, fair, light frost In the early morning in cast portion; mod erate northwesterly winds. - ATTEMPT Smashing Assaults on 25 Mile Front Blocked by. Splendid Resistance; of French Troops Small Re serve Used in Battle BIG COUNTER-BLOW NEXT MOVE PLANNED 9 U. S. Transport Sections Ac tive in- Bringing Up Sup plies and American Troops Are Eager, to Enter Fight (Bit The Atsociated Prnm) WITH THE FRENCH ARMY IN FRANCE. March 30. The heavy bombardment which was in progress last night when the correspondent left the front developed today Into a general battle along the French Jlne from Moreuil to beyond Lassig ny. Here one of the crown prince's armies, under Von Hutler. made a series of smashing assaults aimed at. various points and extending twenty-five miles. The French re serves came Into action with th j greatest vigor, offering the sternest resistance. Von Ha tiers is utilizing the method of attack which was suc cessful at Riga, but . this time he finds himself confronted by troop 3 who are" prepared to meet all bis ruses. He is throwing division aft er division into the battle with what appears to be recklessness, but this principle of risking an 'entire forco in order to attain an object can be successful only when the adversaries are inferior In quality or overwhelm ed by numbers. French I folding Reserve. The French line Is displaying splendid resistance .and while the Germans are expending an enormous part of their strength, the i French troops retain their virile power for making a strong counter-stroke, in which they will be aided by their re serves, which, up to the present, have for the most part only been held in readiness to steo Into the arena when the enemy shows signs of weakening. '.- The Germans appear to have found time to bring up large numbers of guns and trench .mortars. J Nothing definite has yet beea accomplished since today's onslaught begun., Ttw French troopa'are fighting conTi dently and cheerfully. It Is possible that some fluctuations In the line will occur In' the course of the day. but only at the heaviest cost to the Germans, who have again adopted the dense wave formation during the attack, offering splendid targets to the famous French field guns and machine guns. . I'. S. Transport Section Worldw A large number of American trani Jort section are taking an aftlvo part In bringing up supplies. Behind the lines especially farther orth, French and British troops are work-, ing In perfect harmony. During the rapid retirement In the first days of Ihe battle, many British units be came separated, but never lost dis cipline. The larger uffits now are undergoing reorganization .prepar ing to take their places again In the battle line. ? .. . (By Ti AocUitf4 rrra) Balked In their efforts to make ground along the northern side of the salient they have driven In the allied line, the Germans now are try ing to break through to the south west and south. Along a front of twenty-five miles, from- Moreuil on the Avre river. totAsslgnv, a tor mendous battle wged all Saturday. The German troops are from the crown prince armv and are under the leadership of General von Hu tler. who Is sending his men for ward in massed formation,; one wave following the other without cessa tion. German Halted by French.. The French troons have stopped the, Germans and have counter-attacked with unvarying success. Cor respondents on this section of the line declare the French are using serves hol.ding the others for a pow--v. antai portion of their re erfnl blow at the opportune moment. The German aim Is spDarently to drive westward from MontdIdIer in i further attempt at cutting in on Amiet from th south. The Ger man line here, however. Is already considerably extended, tthe northern win of the 'advance having by n me us kept pace with the southern.: If the wish Is Intended to open a southward path for the Germans It seems to be exerted too far to the west Man the southerly line to wlthlt a way readily to the, Olse where that river eurves southwest from Noyn (Continued on Tage 2.) : - t I"