The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 30, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair and pleasant weather;
light westerly winda.
"m xt v-1 : i t. i n 1 1 f i ;, it 67a"
m T
.. t . . :. -
.? -
British Lines on Somme Hold
Stubbornly and Hurl Back
Germans at Many Points;
Mass Attacks in Front of
Arrai Fail Utterly
German Advance i Converges
on Amiens in Hope of Cut
ting Off Main Communica
tions of British Army
- IONDON, March 29. Apart froni
local fighting at different points, the
enemy has not pressed.. his attacks
today north of the Somme, according
to the official statement issued by
tbe war office tonight. s
',Ve sained ground at certain
'places," the statement continues.
"South of the Som me heavy hostile
attacks developed during the morn
iBf la the neighborhood of Mezleres
and.Demunr Fighting is still going
.on in this sector
"It is known" from captured pris
oners that the German attack yes
terday astride i the Scarpe has for its
object the capture of the ridge and
Arras. This attack was carried out
by at lea six divisions in the front
line, with four assault divisions in
support.-' ' .--4u
Enemy Meet lefat.
"neanifi tb force, of the attack
fh lmnrMlnn nad urxm our bat
tle, position was inconsiderable and
the fighting resulted In a severe ae
feat for the enemy.5
"In haaw firhtin? further south
.between Holry and the Serre which
hsd no greater Kccens. no fewer
than eleven hostile divisions were
identified." T ; . '
"i PAnra fnh 29 Alone the bat
tis front of the Oise there has been
. ..4.S1. rflmln ittlnn in flehtin? dllT-
ifig the day. according to the war
office statement issued tonight. Dur
ing the course of the day the offen
sive activity of the Germans ' was
manifested only by local attacks
gainst a few points Along the front,
the statement continues.
The official report reads:
Fight ln Klow IVrnn.
"Along the battle front of the Oise
there has. been notable diminution
of the 'ightlng during the course of
the day. The offensive activity of
the Germans was manifested only
byVlocal attacks on a few points
long our front, which are being
strengthened every day by the con
stant arrival of reinforcements. All
these attacks were repulsed by our
troops with losses for the assailant.
"Raids against our positions In
the region of Badonviller forest.
Parroy and south of Seppois were
completely broken down."
:' (By " The Aaiociatcd . Preaa)
After eight days, dillng which It
has sweot forward over the rolling
kills .of Picardy, at tlmo like a tidal
wave, . the German sffensive has
flowed down. Instead of a sweeping
advance, its progress has been check
ed at all but the sector of the front,
nd there it has been merely creep
ing for-the last two days this fact
even Is admitted by the German war
office which usually concedes
tJerman Thrown Hack.
From Arleux, north of Arras, to
Albert, on the Somme the British
lines have been holding stubbornly'!
and have thrust back the Germans;
at a number of points. From (AlbertM
south to Montdidier. there has been1
slow movement to the west, but
the hills west of Montdidler are sill
being held by the French. No
ground has been made against the
Y rench along the southern side of
the salient driven into the allied
lines, while it is asserted that the
ech counter-attack from Lasslg
y to Kovon is still going on. . The
' extreme dejfh of the German wedge
Sow is about thirty-seven miles.
Meanwhile, the allied world is
waiting for the entente forces to
strike back M the Germans.
Blow Must ' Come Soon.
f when -'this blow. 'If it comes, will
or where, is a yet sealed In the
minds of the men directing the prosr
ra of jnilitary affairs for the al
"cs. but seemljirlv' if must come
if it Is to -be effectivp. The
t'crtnan advance now Is converging
... n Amiens, the railroad center of
northern France which is known to
e the ganglion from which run the
ain communications of the British
"my in northern France. The rail
roa(l from Pari 10 Amiens was cut
(Continued on pago 2)
Governor Makes Appointment
for New Mobile Military
Suggestions of Council of De
fense Followed Closely
As Possible
Governor Wlthyconibe yesterday
announced the appointment of Major
iwcnara or Portland as com
manding officer of the new military
body which Is to be known as the
Oregon military police. The order
has been conveyed to Major Diech
through Adjutant General Williams,
and the commander is to take im
mediate charge and proceed to work
out the orsanizaflon.
The state council oC defense has
made suggestions relative to the
complement of officers 'and the
number of men, to comprise the force,
aad Jhese suggestions will serve as
a guide in formulating the body,
and, it is probable, will be followed
closely. Major Diech, however, is to
be i in surreme command according
to the governor, and will have power
to fix the qucVa of officers, though
he; will not be allowed to exceed the
number recommended by the council
of efense. The $250,000. provided
at I the recent meeting of the stable
emergency board is for the purpose
off maintaining for the next nine
months four companies of fifty men
each, including a motorcycle detach
ment. . The entire organization will
be worked out as far as the military,
laws will allow In accordance. With
the recommendations of the council
of defense. 1
! Xo Politic Allowed'
"Several injunctions are placed up
on Major DIech," said the governor.
"One ,1s that he must observe the
greatest economy, while at the same
time he must acquire a thorough ef
ficiency for the organization. The
deficiency appropriation allowed by
the emergency board must not be
wasted and the entire military ponce
must be of such efficiency that It
can meet successfully the purpose
for which it is formed.
f'Another thing that I wish to em
phasize is. that the state police must
be kept entirely away from politics.
Throughout my administration . I
have kept politics out of the national
guard and other military, forces of
the staff and I shall have the same
policy relative to the military police,
lias Confidence in IMc-cli.
I "In appointing Major Diech I be
lieve the command will b In the
hands of a man who will meet these
requirements. I have appointed him
after considering a number of men
who were recommended for the posi
tion, any one of whom, doubtless,
would have measured up In a satis
factory way. Hut the endorsements
were overwhelmingly in favor of
Major Diech. I believe he can work
oat an organization, that will attract
nation-wide attention. , He will be
empowered to .hire and discharge
his subordinates as far as this is
within military law. and will have
the widest Jatitnde in perfecting the
military force In his charge."
J What military rank Majors Diech
will have in commanding the police
la not yet decided. ,
Espionage Law to Apply
to Enemy Alien Women
1 WASHINGTON, March 29. A
house bill amending the espionage
law to make It applicable , to enemy
alien t women, as well as men, waa
passed today "by the senata without
debate or a roll call. !-
i Official's of the department pf jus
tice urged the leg'slation, declaring
many women agents of Germany are
at work here. j
-k' -. : ' !-.
Earnings of Properties to Go
j for Liberty Bonds; Di-
I rectors Named j
i ;
i WASHINGTON, March 29. Six
great German-owned New Jersey
woolen fhills, wflh a total valuation
of more than $70,000,000 have fcee
taken over by the enemy alien pro-.i
f rty custodian, who has named gov
erning boards of directors to assume
control of them. The earnings of
the properties during the war wll
go into tl federal treasury tor the
purchase of liberty bonds,
i The mills taken over were an
nounced tonight by A. Mitchell
alien property
custodian, as follows: The Passaic
Worsted Spinning muis. ine iowm
Worsted Mills, the New Jersey Wors
ted Spinning company, the Forstman
Mid Hoffman company and the Gcv.
Mills all of Passaic, N. J.. and I th
Garfield Worsted mills of Garfield,
Women and Children ia
Church, Praying That Peace
. Will Come to Sorrowing
World, Victims of Enemy.
Capital Is Stirred by Feeling
of Horror; Statement
Is Issued
PARIS, March 29. Seventy-
five persons were killed and nine
ty wounded, most of them women
and children when a shell fired
by a German long-range gun fell
on a church in thfe region of Paris
while Good Friday services were
being held according to an official
communication issued tnis even
ing. President Poincare visited the
church, where he met Premier
Clemenceau, Cardinal Amette and
the rector, who had already- arriv
ed. .The president afterwards vis
ited the wounded in hospitals.
The killing' of the women and
children who were praying in the
church this afternoon has caused
a feeling of horror and intense in
dignation in Paris. The German
explosive missile fell amid an as
semblage of peace-loving people,
who were beseeching heaven to
send an enduring peace on the day
they were - commemorating the
greatest sacrifice ever offered that
peace should reign on earth.
. Feeling runs high in Paris to
night. It is no peace crowd that
walks the streets or congregates
in the cafes, theaters and churches.
The American Red Cross once
more distinguished itself in res
cuing injured persons from the
M. Grosseau, in the chamber of
deputies late tonight, referring to
the disaster, said:
"TheTJarbarian enemy resumed
his bombardment on Good Friday
and his victims 'are numerous. It
is with extreme sorrow and in
tenseindignation that I note that
most of them were assembled in
church. We must not forget that
justice and right shall have the
last word before God and before
Jean Bon, Socialist leader, said:
"A the moment when women,
children and the aged were im
ploring heaven to end horrible
butchery the roof of the church,
shattered by steel, responded with
blood to their prayers.
"We add our4ndignant protest
to those of the faithful against
the crimes of false believers who
mixed blood with prayers. ' In
France, . England and America
there will be another conception
of justice.'
London Hecrs Nothing Is
Serious on West Front
LONDON, MARCH 2 3. The Kvp
ning News Bays it learns on high au
thority that nothing has occurred on
the western front within the last
twelve hours to 'necessitate revision
ot the confident views held officially.
"The Hun mass attacks on the
north of our line are being stubborn
ly met," it adds, "and the enemy ia
not gaining anything worth a tithe
fif the enormous losses inflicted on
him. The .French in the south al.'
are doing 'extremely well; The pos
sibility of further retirements is not
Ignored, but taking the whole battle
field into, review. -'it is considered
that the Fitnalion Is well in hand.'
France to Call Oat "
Class of 1919 Soon
PARIS. March 29. The soldiers
ft the class or 1919 are to be called
to the colors at an early date, which
i to be fixed by the ministry of war.
This was decided on by a vote of the
V number of deputies this afternoon.
U Is known that the ministry of war
has dcciH-ed that the recruits shail
teitort April 15. The chamber voted
'SO against seven on a law demand
ing that the date of the calling ef
the class be advanced.
M. Raffin-Dugens. Socialist. In op
posing the bill. J violently attacked
the war policy of the government. ...
President Makes Plea to Gov
ernor Stephens for Con
demned Man
Effort to Reverse Judgment
Fails and Execution Calm-
ly Awaited
8ACRAMKNTO, Cal.. March 29
President Wilson has telegraphed
Governor William D. Stephens pf
California asking executive clemency
for Thomas J. Mooney, now under
death sentence. It became known
cere . today. Mooney was convicted
of murder In connection with a bono
explosion in San Francisco in a pre
paredness parade July 22, 191C,
which caused the death of ten per
sons and "injured forty others.
Executive, clemency was Mooney's
only hope, according to the state su
preme court which Is confined to
nuestions of law In reviewing mnr-i
der cases having recently rejected
his appeal for a new trial.
President Wilson received a pe
dal report on the Mooney case from
the labor mediation commission
which investigated It while on. the
Pacific coast and reported among
other things that while the official
record of the trial might be flawless
ap the state supreme conrt afterwad
found the testimony of witnesses for
the state had been changed from
trial to trial as the various defend
ants in the case were arraigned and
for this reason doubt ' was cast on
the validity of their evidence. Oni
man admittedly the prasecution's
Mar witness later was prosecuted
for subornation of perjury but was
'H President Wilson wishes to
turn loose a murderer like Mooney,
the responsibility is his" was the
comment of District Attorney Chas.
M. Flckert of San Francisco county,
when the report of the president'
commission was made public.
Other factors Jnthe case were an
r ppeal outside the records to the
state supreme Court, backed by the
trial judge and the attorney general
of the state, the latter declaring tint
a "miscarriage of justice has occur
red." The court had no jur
isdiction in the appeal.
Fame of the case reached4o Petro
grad, in the first days of the revolu
tion, and a demonstration against
Mooneys execution was made in the
SAN -DIEGO,. Cal., March 2d.
Governor William IJ. Stephens, when
seen at Oceanside this morning, re
fused to make any comment on th?
message sent him by President Wil
son asking executive , clemency for
Thomas J. 'Mooney, for the rwnjpn,
he stated, that he had not yet re
ceived the .resident's telegram.
Meatless Days Ordered
Suspended lor 30 Days
WASHINGTON. March 29. Sus
pension of the meatless day regular
tion for thirty days beginning to
morrow, was ordered today by the
food administration instructions tel
egraphed to all state food adminis
trators. T. B. WILCOX IS
Slight Hope for Recovery
Held for Northwest Mill
ing Commissioner
PORTLAND. March 29. Theodore
B. Wilcox, federal milling commis
sioner for the" Pacific northwest- and
president; of the Poitland Flouring
mills company, was critically ill at
his residence here tonight, with but
slight hope for recovery, it was an
nounced. ,
Mr. Wilcox was taken ill during a
recent visit to New York where he
went on federal business, aad was
immediately attended by bis physi
cian. Dr. II. C Jefferds. upon his
return two weeks ago. His case was
diagnosed as acute intestinal trou
ble, v
For some time after hia icturn Mr
Wilcox kept at h,iR desk, but several
days ago was forced to give up his
work. , .
"Mr. Wilcox is conscious," said Dr.
Jefrerds tonight, 'but his condition
is. exceedingly grave. lie Is grow
ing steadily weakef. x While hope
has not been given up, it must be
said that his chances for recovery are
slight and he may pass away at any
time." -
Mr. Wilcox is 61 years of age
and has been a resident of Portland
since 1877.
Measure to Register Youths
Attaining Age of 21 Since
Registration Day Last June
Is Passed
REJECTED, 35 to 26
Attempt to Provide Training
for Youths 19 to 21 Years
Old Fails
WASHINGTON. March 29. The'
resolution extending the selective
draft to men reaching the age of 21
years since June 5, 1917 the first
registration day was passed tonight
by the senate without a record vote
after a futile attempt had been
made to add to it a provision for
training youths from 19 to 21
years old. '
It Is estimated that about 700,000
men will be added to the registration
thts year by the resolution, which is
one of the pieces of legislation on
which the war department Is waiting
before ' announcing complete plans
for the next draft. It now goes to
the house Tor consideration there
with the bill to base draft quotas on
the number of registrants in class
one Instead of on population, anoth
er of the administration measures
alreadv passed by the senate.
Amendment Is Rejected. '
The proposal to require training
of boys over 19 and under registra
tion age was in the form, of an
amendment by Senator New of In
diana, which the senate rejected. ii
to 26, after a debate of several days.
A number of senators who favor uni-
Iversal military training as a peace
time! policy voted against th amend
ment. , ?
As adopted the resolution pro
vides ! that all male citizens of the
United States residing in this conn
try; attaining their majority since
June 5, last, shall be subject to reg
istration under regulations prescrib
ed bythe president; shall present
themselves for registration on a day
.proclaimed by the president, and
thereafter shall be liable to military
service. There was no opposition to
the resolution itself, the only con
troversy being over the New amend
ment. Opponents of the plan argued
that training youths would hamper
urgent army enterprises and take the
labor from farm and factories,
without providing soldiers for im
mediate needs: at the ront. Strong
sentiment for universal, compulsory
military training waa apparent, how
ever, and today's vote was not re
garded as foreshadowing future ac
tion on -Senator Chamberlain's uni
versal training bill.
Chamberlain Agilnt Amendment.
Principal opposition to Senator
New's proposal came from the Dem
ocratic 'de of the senate, although
four Democratic members. Chamber
lain of Oregon; King of Utah; Gerry
or Rhode Island, and Myers of Mon
tana voted for its adoption. Five
Republican. Borah of Idaho: Gronna
of North Dakota: Jones of Washing
ton; Norris of Nebraska, and Town
send of Michigan, joined with the
Democrats in rejecting the amend
ment. The vote on Senator New's amend
ment follows:
For the amendment: Democrats
Chamberlain. King. Gerry and
Mvers. Total Democrats. 4.
Republicans Calder, Cummins,
Curtis. Dillingham. JFall. France.
Krelinghuysen. Galilnaer. Johnson of
California. Kellogg. Kenyon, Nelson.
New, Page, Poihdexter. Sherman.
Smoot, Sterling. Sutherland." Wads
worth. Warren and Watson. Total
Republicans. 22- Total for. 26.
A rain st the amendment: Demo
crat Hankhead. Reekham. Fletch
er. Gore. Henderson. IJltcheock,
James. Johnson of South Dakota.
Jones of New Mexico. Klrby. McKel
lar, Nugent, Overman. Reed. Robin
son. Saulsbury, Sharroth. Sneppara.
Smith of Arizona. Smith of Georgia,
Smith of Maryland. Stone, Swanson
Thomas. Thompson. Tillman. Tram
mell. Underwood. Vardaman, Walsh
and Wolcott. Total Democrats, SI.
Republicans Tlorah. Gronna.
Jones of .Washington. Norj-ts and
Townsend. Total Republicans, 5.
Total afainst. 36.
Army of ForeeaAt.
During the debate Chairman
Chamberlain of the military commit
tee declared that 5,000 000 would
be training for the army if he "had
his way." while Senator Klrby of Ar
kansas, another military committee
member, predicted thit 5,000. v0
men would be in the arnjy and 10.
000.000 in camp jbefore the "war
ended. -
Opposing the New amendment.
Senator Rorah said he did not be
lieve it met the sjtnation in the right
way and that it would' place the
powers to Inaugurate the system in
to the hands of one who has publicly
opposed the plan of universal mill
tary service. Secretary Raker. Ajt
riciiltural districts are already ex
perieneing a labor shortage, lie said,
imd he opposed any action that
would make that change more acute.
iContinued. on Page 2.)
Finds Skull of Roman Soldier
Who Fought in France
Centuries Ago
Relatives and Friends 'at Hbme
Urged to Write Frequent
One of the souvenirs James Kivtn
will bring, home from France la a
piece of sknll, presumably that of a
uoman soldier who jought in France
fifty years 11., C A regiment of en
gineers recently discovered an old
cemetery near Parti, and among oth
er things found a stone coffin -containing
a well-precrred skeleton.
The sailors are using the coffin for
a wash-tub and a portion of the skull
tor an ash tray.
A letter f rom -Mr. Elvln gives an
Interesting account of a day's work
as it is doms at Hut No, 2. District
France, where he is in charge. He
"It is 6 o'clock In the morning
end the reveille .sounds clearly and
distinctly in the morning air. In
stinctively I sing as I lumn out of
my bed of hay: 'Yon can't get Vm
up. yon can t get 'em np, you can't
get 'em tip in the morning
Rath Great Ijuxnry. .
"My room is a small attic Voom on
the fourth floor of what used to be
a French wine honse. 1 get my dressy
ing done as soon as possible, pants,
shoes, puttees all laced, then Iput
cn my sleeveless sweater and thank
Cod for the wise person who invent
ed that ' useful article. Mother.
friends of boys in the service, you
cannot begin too early to knit sleeve
less sweaters. I haven't worn my
knitted' socks once; I have worn my
sweater every day. Three, four or
half a dozen for everybody would not
re too many.
I hurry down stairs, nassinz the
offices on the" third fjoor and th
ia mi, c are sv iudu vi oains. ine
tub is the only one in this section of
the country. There are two showers
with hot and cold water and douche.
Water Is heated by a gas heating ap
paratus. A good, deep well is in the
cellar and a big tank under the root.
An old man pumps the tank full
every day, so there 1s always plenty
of water. Since coal is $75 a ton
and wood is almost unknown, the
French people do not concern them
selves with much hot water. Satur
day nights the men are so thick in
that bath that sometimes we have
to go in and untangle them. Up to
date sanitary privileges are found on
every floor and the wash rooms are
kent scrupulously clean.
"The writing rooms are on the sec
ond floor. Here we also have a pl-
eno and all the latest songs, a bll
Ifard table and an ample supply of
paper and envelopes. Good people
at home, for the land's sake writa
and write and 'write to these boys.
They are hungry for news from home
and they will talk 'about it for a
week. It takes a letter a little more
than a month to reach our boys.
Keen the mail-box hot.
"On the first floor is a well equip
ped restaurant where we have a rep
utation for serving excellent meals,
a la Amerlcain. Here we also have
a well stocked canteen whore we sell
tobacco, cigarettes, candy, cakes.
soap, raisins -dates, shaving soap.
tooth paste, cigars, shewing gum,
chocolate bars and pass out informa
tion In chunks.
' Kxeellent Meal Served.
"The morninr la cold, so I light
my fire and the boys enjoy Jts
warmth before they fo out to their
task at 7:30. They have breakfast
for a meal wflh us ts a welcome
ehanee. For my breakfast J have
two boiled eggs, bread made by the
local baker out of army white flour,
good American coffee, butter that
was never Introduced to milk or
cream, but that greases the skids to
help the bread aloneblackberry jam
from fruit raised, nicked and canned
at Pnyallup, Wash. looks, like an
old friend.
"A soldier enters and sings out:
Elvin. here is that piece of Roman
skull , I promised you. , I accept It
gladly and the French servants look
at it In horror. The enrineers the
other day dug no an old cemetery
and found a splendidly preserved
stone cefffin cut out of one block
with a fat stone for a top. Inside
were bones and a fairly gooo. sknll.
The sailors are now using the cof
fin for a washtub while the sknll Is
doing duty in the barracks as an ash
tray. The Romans made history
here about half a century before
Christ, and all the boys believe the
skeleton in those jgod old times was
a husky Roman slimier.. I consider
my bit . valuable souvenir.
"After breakfast 1 1 sweep out the
hut. A prominent minister over
here in "V service wrote home to
his wife that he nver , knew until
he came here that Wrlgley's chewing
gum has two wrappers. I m also
aware of that fact. I finally get the
place sw'etp out. Then the barber
comes in and gets busy shaving and
putting hair. He occupies a good cor-
(Continued from page 3)
Entente and American Annies
Co-ordinated by Appoint
ment of French Chief cf
Staff to Supreme Com
mand ; Step Taken Is Lon
Services of Whole American
Army Offered by General
Pershing; New Commander
Is Hero of Marne
WASHINGTON, March 2 . Gen
eral Fpch, the French chief of itaff,
has been appointed to the suprem3
command of all the allied and Ameri
can forces in France.
This means unification of all the
armies opposing the Germans, a step
which the American and French mil
itary, men long have urged and which
apparently has been brought about -by
recognition of the imperative de
mand of concentrated effort to hurl
back the gigantic thrust of the ene
my in France.
It was learned tonight that the
president had been officially advised
of the action when he sent a cable
gram to General Foch today congrat
ulating him "on his new authority."
lterelopment Ia Confirmed.
. There was no explanation at the
white house of what the president
meant. It is understood that there
wilj be no official comment here un
til after an announcement cornea
from France.
The first hint of the historic de
velopment came in press cable dis
patches telling how -General Persh
ing had placed the American expe
ditionary forces at the disposal of
the French commander. This was
confirmed tonight in a message from
General Pershing to the war depart
ment, t
General Pershing's message, made
public byr Major General March, act
ing chief of staff, follows:
American Army Heady.
"Have made all, our resources
available and our divisions will b.
used if and when needed. French
are in fine spirit and both armies
seem confident."
There was no mention In the Per
shing dispatch of the new authority
given General Foch and war depart
ment officials ware speculating over
the reasons for the absence of anr
official announcement. Sometfstlll
were inclined to believe that the
French, general had bee placed in
command only of the "army of man
euvers,", the reserve force composed
of contingents from all the allied
armies created after the formation
of the supreme war council.
Wilson Congratulates Fwh.
In his message to General Foch,
President Wilson said: -
"May'I not convey to you my sin
cere congratulations on your new
authority Such unity of command
is a most hopeful augury of ulti
mate success. We are following with
profound Interest the bold and bril
liant .action of your forces." .
Refore General Pershing's mes
sage came tonight General March
was without advices to confirm th-
press dispatch, because of the in
evitable delays in transmission ot
official messages. j
Raker's Visit Significant.
The news of the appointment of
General Foch, one of the heroes of
the Marne, to supreme command,
gave rise instantly to suggestion-
that the presence of Secretary Raker
In Europe was connected with tho
development. Mr. Raker first visit
ed France and conferred at length
with French officials and' with Gen
eral Bliss. American chief of staff.,
attached to the supreme war council
and General Pershing. There follow
ed a brief trip to London Just as the
great German drive was starting, aft
er. which the American war secre
tary hastened back to France. '
Mahy observers now surmise that
Mr. Raker was sent to Europe par
ticularly to urge the coordination ot
all allied armies under a single com
mander. Such Is known to have been
President Wilson's desire when his
urgency caused the creation of the
supreme war council. Some meas
ure ' of coordination was secured
through that body, but any plan for
appointment of a supreme command
er with outhority. over all armle.
French, British. Italian and Ameri
can, met strong opposition iry Eng
land. The recent crisis which threat
ened the Uoyd George ministry
arose from the extent to which th
premier had gone in massing the
British forces with those of IJrit-
( Continued on Tago 2.)