The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 29, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    1 ;'
Fair; moderate southeasterly
. wind.
fti.TV-i:i;iiTii VK.u ao. a
Nation Looks to Counter-Blow
With Quickened Patriotism
in Hope of Turning Tide to
Allied Armies
w- '-.
German Move Toward Arras
More Feared Than Re-
verse' on Somme
LONDON. March 2X. The Ger
mans signalized the opening of the
second week of their offensive with
an attack tr Arras, which is just
what they had been expected to do.
This ia one o fthe strongest defen-
ave po-nis on me uiniiu ironi ana
the peoile of England are hopeful or
the result. -They are, in. fact, more
interested In the prepar;Arons for a
counter-offensive and are anxiously
awaiting the announcement that Anglo-French
reserves have ber-n
thrown into the battle
atriofisin I Quickened.
It is hoped, in view o' the fact
that the British now are' holding the
Germans along the battle front, that
tbese reserves, when, their presence
is felt, will be able totturn the tide
in favor of the alliesS Meanwhile,
j the last week's retirement Is .quick-
enlng the patriotism 'of the peopl3
at' home. Instead of the anticipated
holidays, the workshops will le in
operation and hViday trains will be
" (Continued on naee
The Br own
P000 M A R K
has been tha recognized standard for quality for the past thirty
years or mere, in
The Brown Shoe Co. i3 a wonderful organization of many spec
ialty shoe factories owned and operated by one management,
but eachfactory equipped to produce one particular class of
ery is adapted for a certain class: of work and the workmen
are trained for that particular class-of work. .That's why every
shg bearing their trademark is the best of its kind.
: ' ' i "
Buster Brown Shoes for
are built of selected leather suitable for boy3 wear, and every
pair has best grade oak tanned leather soles, which means hon
est service. We carry them in a variety of shapes in lace or
button to suit individual tastes. The boy who goes out of his
way to kick tin cans and brick-bats needs a pair of our sole
leather tip shoes. We have a shoe cut through the tip to show
how they!re made. You should ask to see it.
" - . f
Buster Brown Shoes for
hare proven so satisfactory that mothers wlio wore them when
they were young now insist upon having them for their daugh--ters.
Of course the styles and lasts have changed with the
easons, but the same high grade4 leathers and workmanship
ttillmake them the most popular shoes on the market for girls
from infant's sizes up to the young ladies; who prefer the com
fortable foot shaping lasts with moderate height heels, ratner
than the regular ladies' lines. The vamps are me from
with best oak tanned leather soles; '
You will find that it is true economy to buy the best
standard footwear in these days of leather scarcity and inferior
robstitutes so freely used by many factories.
Our plan of business insures lowest possible prices.
1 OF 5,000,000
Colonel Declares Peace Will
Come Alter Germany Is
Beaten to knees
Grave Faults Charged Against
Government; Republi
cans Held Loyal .
PORTLAND. Maine, March 28.
There is but one way to pet a right
eous, and lasting peace and that is
to beat Germany to her knee.,
Colonel Roosevelt declared here to
1ay in a "keynote address" which
he delivered before th Maine Re
publican state ' convention. Colonel
Roosevelt lauded as "wholehearted"
support which he declared the Re
publican members of eon;reB had
Klven to the administration in Wash
ington. He decried ''m Jsnianas
inenf at "Washington" and timed a
policy of "permanent preparedness
after the war.
','War is won by brains and stee.
not bv kid gloves and fine phrases."
said the former president in his ar
raignment of "some of the most im
iortant divisions of the government"
which herald were "almost chemic
ally pure of efficient organization."
In discussing post helium '"read
justments which he declared already
have been shown essential to the
well bein of the nation, he said:
Old Spirit Xeresary.
"We cannot afforl to tolerate
fJint-Wk methods of warfare in time
of war or flint-lock methods of trov
ernment for meeting the problems
of industry in time of "peace. We
(Continued on pare 8)
Shoe Go's
Troops Penetrate to Depth of
Two Kilometers Near Noyr
n; Teutons in jWest Vil
lages Are Repulsed
French Move May Develop In
to Great Allied Counter
Off ensive
PARIS. March 2S. On the front
from Lassigny to -Noypn our troops
have advanced over a line about ten
kilometers lfcnjr to a depth of two
kilometers, says the war office state
ment issued tonight. The repulse
of the Germans in. villages further
west also) Is announced. The state
ment reads:
"Continuing to attack with strong
forces in the region of Montdidier,
during the whole morning the enemy
attempted to enlarge his gains west
and south of this town, hut with
magnificent elan our troops c-ounterr
attacked with the bayonet and drove
the Germans out of the villages of
Courtemanche, Mesnil,St. Georges
and Assainvillers. On the Somme
sector we are holding our line
French Make Advance.
"Oar troops have made an advance
over a front of afcut ten kilometers
long and two kilometers deep on the
front Lassigny to Soya. On the
left hank of the Oise savage attacks
by the enemy has given him no ad
vantage, our troops holding positions
(By Thn Asiciatril Prrsx)
Slowly assuming the shape of a
giant ploughshare, the German drive
in Picardy has come almost to a halt
except at the very tip of th salient
driven Into the lines of th entente
allies. As the area covered by the
Teutonic offensive jiow stands, it ex
tends on the south in an almost
Etraight tine from Landriconrt. on
he old "Hindenburg line" to Mont
didier, we'l behind the allied posi
tions as they stood in J 91 6. ,
Savage fighting has taken place
on the French part of the line. The
German attemnts to advance on the
extreme tip eff-the sal i en driven intol
me rencn positions nave neen fruit
less and they have' bef n, driven hack
at the point of the oayonet. The
British on the front north of the
Searpe also have repused the enemy,
but south of: the river they have
been forced tg retire.
From Montdidier. the line to the
northeast runs with a sharp angle
to Warvillers and there it turns
northward and passes along the
Somme river to aSove Albrt, where
it agn turns" to th northeast until
it joins the old lines held by the con
tending armies oiw the morning of
MaTh 21. .
Out of the confusion of the battle.
and the contrary claims of the two
contesting armies,' two new features
stand out.
French- Drive On. .
The first is that the French over
a front of six miles have driven into
the German lines along the southern
side of the salient established by the
Teutonic drive. The other Is that
the Germans have begun a new ope
ration to the east of Aras, which
may; he the inception of a widening
of rheu afa-a of battle to the north
ward. '.
At thepresent moment the allied
world is looking anxiously for news
of the success of the French thrnst
into the flank of the German forces.
The fact that the drive progressed
rapidly and cut a deeo notch into the
German-held ground in the region of
Novon m-T indicate that this move
ment is the counter-offensive which
has been expected for the last three
days. Progress by the r reneh ror a
considerable distance into the .Ger
man forces would cut off the Teutons
fighting at the very tip of the plough
share and compel them to retreat,
at least to pause until the menace to
their communications can Iks re
moved. ; .
A further adtance by the French
might, easily overturn the whole plan
of tb Germans and bring about a
new nhase of the battle In which
the alliewould strike hard all along
the front and comm the Germans
to relinquish their dearly bought
Arra May Xevr Irire.
Tb German activity n-ar Arras
may ha for Its norpose either a new
drive at the allies lines or a defen
sive Deration Intended to stop an
FnrlUh hlor from tbe north coinci
dent with that ; began by the
French. ;
The- British held firm north of
the Searpe but to the south of th;
rivr ha been driven back. Their
line bow Is near that occupied In
JuIt. 1916. and runs straight from
Arlenx, north of Arras, to Hoisleux.
on the line held by the British on
the north side of the" dent driven into
their lines by the Germans' thrust.
Major General Assures Amer
ican People There Is No
Cause for Alarm
Teutons Now Face Prospect
of Seeing Third Great
Effort Crushed
WASHINGTON, March 28. In a
statement - tonight Major General
March, acting chief of staff, assured
the American people that there is no
cause for alarm in the advance made
by the Germans in the great battle
now ragine in Picardy. and ex
pressed confidence in triumph of the
allied arms. General March said:
"Whatever may he the present
ground held by the Germans; what
ever sacrifice of men the situation
must entail, the allies will see it
through and will win."
late tonight the general still was
without any word from General Per
shing concerning the American
troops participating in the battle.
General Pershing's reports today and
tonight deal entirely with the posi
tion of the opposing forces yester
day, as described in the British and
French official statements.
Announcement by Field Marshal
Haig tonight that the German war
machine along the whole British
front badJeen beaten off today with
heavy losses gave new zest to the
speculation here as to the allied
counter-assault officers feel certain
will not long be delayed.
War department officials appeared
to be satisfied that " substantial
American forces would enter the bat
tle lines with the French when the
signal for the counter-blow is given.
(Major General March, acting chief of
, staff, stated flatly, aowever, that he
was not advised as, to thejjumbers
or disposition of American units
which may be employed with the
French army of attack.
The new outbreaks of the German
thrust i at Arras, reported early In
the day, caused some apprehension
here, lest the allies might find it
necessary to further delay their ef
fort to catch the German forces on
the rebound and seek victory after
bitter daysof steady yielding of
ground. Definite word from General
Haig that this .new drive . also had
been checked, added to the growing
conviction that (the strategy of the
allies will triumph.
If their reasoning is correct, the
Germans face th prospect of seeing
their third great effort on the west
ern front since the beginning of the
war meet the fate of others.
Kaiser Asserts : "We've Shak
en England's Army, By
God's Help
AMSTERDAM. March 27. "The
deeds performed by the army in the
last few days are. worthy to rank
with the most bj-iliiant feats of the
war." says a mesfajire sent by Emper
or William to tjfe vice president of
the reichstag. i'We have grievously
shaken Knglarift sj armj by God's
help. We are iadvancing daily not
withstanding tenacious resistance.
The nnmber of prisoners is great,
the booty in ar material Immeas
nrable. "May the German people and es
pecially their chosen representatives
derive confidence anew from th3
greatness o ftbese achievements that
the German sword will win us neace.
May it be recognized that what ia
now needed is that the people at
home too shall manifest, by thesr
fortitude, their will to victory.
"The coming world peace will then
through the German sword, he more
assured than hitherto, so help ns
One of Walker Triplets
Was Unable to Survive
The younees little dot of the
triplets, bom to Mr. and Mrs. W. K.
Walker Tuesday 'night at th? family
home. 2030 Trade street, died early
last nirht. The little fallow weighed
four and one-half wounds. He had
not vet beTi named.
The mother and the two older
babies are fine and well. The young
est tritdet was sposrently lrt good
health bu did not take notrrHhment.
Neither of the children haa rwelved
name. The father is a teamster.
He alreadv has In his family a
daughter. Florence, who is 42 rears
old and two sons. Daryl and Burton
m.t' . :
American Boys Drop High Ex
plosives on Enemy Batter
ies Opposite Toul; St. Bau
sant Again Is Shelled
Whole American Front Takes
on New Activity; Planes
Driven Off
(By Th Aguciated Pre)
IN FRANCE. March 2S. The Amer
ican artillery this morning, after
smothering the enemy .batteries op
posite the Toul sector with gas,
dropped high explosives which
caused a heavy exnlosion. followed
by a dense smoke cloud. They again
shelled St. Bjusan. thej projectiles
finding the targets for which they
had be?n searching, bitting hidden
dumps and causing numerous ex
plosions. '
One of the American patrol en
tered the enemy trenches at 8 o'clock
this morning and remained there un
til noon. The men searched for 600
yards laterally, obtarning much de
sired information, but finding not a
single German, although the partol
party was fired on from another
point. '
IN FRANCE. March 28. Increased
activity continues along the enemy
jines. Enemy wiring parties have
been at work and much traffic has
been observed . in the rear of St.
Bansant. where quantities of Iron
material have been 'unloaded.
The road between St. Bausant and
enjemy areas has been so heavily
traveled in the last few nights that
deep road ruts now are Tisiblefrpm
the American lines. '
American 37's fired twenty-five
rapid shots Into a large enemy work
party and scattered the enemy, who
left a number of dead on the ground
and carried away some wounded.
American anti-aircraft guns have
driven off numerous airplanes. En
emy batteries have again been sub
jected to gas shells.
Germany Calling Out
Seventeen-Year-Old Boys
PARIS, March 28. The German
consul general at Zurich has Inserted
advertisements in tha newspapers,
inviting all German subjects of the
fge of 17 years to communicate with
the consulate iwth a1 view to their
being called to the .colors, accord
ing to the Zurich correspondent of
the Petit Jo-rnal.
Drafting of the class of 1821 be
gan in several parts of Germany Jn
the first days of March, according
to information from trustworthy
sources, and a large number of
youths have been sent directly Into
the war zone in civilian clothing
without having received preliminary
military training.
Offensive on Italian
Front Declared Next
WASHINGTON, March 28. Forty
new Austrian divisions have "been
distributed along the Italian front,
the Italian embassy was advised to
day by cable, from Rome, and this
activity has convinced Italian mili
tary men that the battle in France
will not prevent an offensive against
Italy. This view is also shared by
the allied leaders, the cable said,
and consequently not a single man
of tl& Franco-British forces in Italy
has been withdrawn to reinforce the
armies, notwithstanding fthe Great
German attack. V
Among the new divisions identi
fied on the German front, the war
department Is advised, -four
which have been brought hack from
Russia. r ,
. H. Bingham, Lane Senator
Is Dead at Washington
PORTLAND. March 28. Word
received by telegraph tonight from
Washington, D, C, announced the
death there today of I. 11, Bingham,
state senator from Lane county in
the Oregon legislature. His home
was at Eugene, but for more than
a year he has been at Washington
on private business.. , Pneumonia
caused his death. I
J )
British in Palestine
Move Across River Jordan
LONDON, March 28. A farther
advance by the British forces which
have crossed the River Jordan, in
Palestine, Is announced by the war
office, which jiays; t.y
"Sucre'ssfnl raids wer carried oat
between the Jernsalem-Nabulns road
Senator Overman Says De
fective Material Is Put
Into Planes
Total Number Available in
France to Be 37 Instead
of $12,000
vestigation Into delay In the air
plane program was begun by the sen
ate military committee today- pehind
closed doors after days of discussion
In the senate which culminated In
the assertion by Senator Overman
of North Carolina that part of the
trouble was due toGerman spies in
the Curtiss plant which has exten
sive government Contracts.
Members of the committee werei
pledged to secrecy and Chairman
Chamberlain announced that no
statement would be issued until tho
Inquiry had been completed. '
Major General George O. 'Squier,
chief signal officer, and Colonel
Deeds of the aviation branch, were
the first witnesses called. . They, re
mained with the committee nearly
four hours. The committee plans
to hear tomorrow Major General J.
Franklin Bell, who baa just returned
from a visit to the American front
in France; Colonel Waldon of the
American signal corps; and Howard
Coffin, chairman of the aircraft
board will be called.
U Planes to Total 37. '
Senator Overman furnished Chair
man Chamberlain with the names of
jfs Informants so that they can be
called. .His speech followed several
days of heated debate during which
It was charged that instead of having
by July 1, 12,000 airplanes In France
or ready for shipment as provided
in the original program, that num
ber would total only thirty-seven and
that the-Anierlcan airplane program
was ninety days behind schedule.
Senator Overman said although he
would make no charge against any
one employe of the Curtiss concern
there were spies there and were h
secretary of war. he would comman
der the plan and put In new eni-.
ployes. A metallic brace used-in tne
construction of airplanes from which
a- piece of metal had been moved
and lead Inserted so as to weaken -it,
was exhibited by the senator as a
sample of spies' work.
Tampering Causo of FalL
The- first Imachine, tested at the
plant fell, be said, and an investi
gation showed that this tamperins
had been the cause. A delay of two
months followed while the govern
ment inspectors went over every air
plane part in Harder to replace pans
which spies had weakened.
The decision to conduct the In
quiry behind closed doors was reach
ed by the military committee after
a number of members had urged this
plan in order to permit the commit
tee to inquire fully into the situa
tion without! the necessity of guard
ing against disclosure of llitary se
crets. Chairman Chamberlain and
some others were Inclined to favor
open sessions ,to clear np misander
standings and conflicting statements.
Soldier Shot Near Baker
Caught Stealing Clothes
BAKER.' Or.. March 28.Earl
Franklin, aged 28. a soldier, was
shot at Lime, a railroad station near
here late yesterday by A I. Weisner.
a section foreman, who afterwards
told the officers he found Franklin
and another soldier stealing clothing
from "a bunk house.- At a hospital
here where he was taken today
Franklin Is said by officers to have
confessed that" he was a deserter!
from Camp Lewis, and that he hal
a wife and child at Stockton. It was
said he might recover.
Paroled Man's Journey
to Salem, After Draft,
Brings Him Full Pardon
When a paroled prisoner
from the Oregon penitentiary
was drafted for war service, he
eame all the way from a dis
tant point on the lower Colum
bia river to say good-bye to
Governor Witbycombe and
State Parole Officer Joe Keller.
His journey to Salem brought
an unexpected reward.
"Did tb draft catch you?"
asked Governor Witbycombe,
when the paroled man was
thown Into hi private office.
"Yes, it did. governor, and
I have to report at once
"Well, we'll have no paroled
men from Oregon In the army.
All Oregon soldiers will be full
fledged American cltlaens.' said
the governor as he pressed a
button. ' ;
The necessary forms were
brought and thejgovernor wrote
out a pardon, f
The name of the pardoned pris
oner Is withheld.
British Forces Inflict HeaVy
Casualties on Kaiser's Hosts
Near Somme; Fighting
Front Widened by Attack
on Scarpe and Ancre
Swirling Mas $es of Teutons
Battle Desperately to Ob
tain Better Positions; Ar
ras Is Center
LONDON. March 28 After an all
day battle north and south of tho
Somme, with Arras as the chief cen
ter, the British forces have beaten
eff the Germans, with heavy loss
to the enemy, according- to the re
port from Field Marshal Hale to
night. ; The text of the statement says:
' ''Heavy fighting occurred durin?
the day ajong the wltole British lino,
from southeast of. the Somme to
northeast of Arras, a, battle front of
some fifty-five miles.
"This morning after an Intense
enemy bombardmopt and coveredVy
a cloud of smoke, the enemy opened
a fresh attack in great strength on
a wide front south and north of tho
Scarpe. At the same time a series
of partial attacks was delivered bv
him along: bur line southward to tee
Somme. ' " " ,
Teuton Assault BepuLeT. :
"In the new sector of battle, east
of Arras. nemv mtippaaAaA (
Lorcing his! way through our. outpost
i une ana nara zignung Has been pro-
ceeaingr ail day in our battle post-.
Hons. Here all-the enemy's assaults
htve been repulsed with heavy loss
to him t
"Fierce fighting Is still taking
place south of the Scarpe.
"At Boyelles, Moyenneville, Ab
lafnville. Bucquoy and Pulsieux. our
troops also have been repeatedly -attacked
and have beaten off a number
of determined assaults. At Derenan
court the enemy succeeded in Tforc
ing his! way for the second time In
the village, but was driven out ono
more by pur countet-attack, with the
loss of many killed or taken prison
er. '
Haljr Maintains Position.
"South of the Somme, our troops
have been fiercely engaged all day
In the neighborhood of Arvillers,
Vrely and Hamel. Different local
ities have changed hands frequently
in bitter fighting but our positions
bave been maintained. Heavy fight
ing continues in this sector also."
LONDON, aMrch ,28. TjTe latest
official reports tend to restore con
fidence here, although, according to
Field aMrshal Hair's report the Ger
mans have been able to renew heavy
attacks along a front of fifty-five
miles and fighting of.; the fiercest
character 13 continuing with fluctu
ating fortunes. Otfrthe whole, the
British are malnaining their posi
tions and the line is nowhere greatly
changed. ' .
; French reports fully confirm th
favorable Indications given by tho
British war office statement. aErly
in the evening the French forces
were firmly holding the enemy east
and northeast of Montdidier-. while
heavy fighting on the front Lasslgn7
to Noyon had given the enemy no ad
vantage, t ! !
IN FRANCE, March 28. (By the
Associated Press.) Another sector
of the front was added to the north
end of the new battle line today,
when the Germans attacked heavily
on both sides of the Scrape towards
Arras. Bitter fighting took place
from Cavrelle. on the north, to
Boyelles. below the river, and In
some sections the Germans succeeded
in pushing forward somewhat in the
face of desperate resistance.
Whether the enemy -was really
making a serious threat against the
battlescarred city of Arra. cannot
yet be said; but It Is patent that as
a diversion, which might prevent the
British' from moving troops and
guns southward to the main battle
front. It would be of advantage to
the Germans who bave not yet ot
their artillery forward.
- Xevr Conflict Imminent.
Further south astride the Somme,
there are Indications that another In
tense conflict Is Imminent. The
Germans this morning were advanc
ing from the neighborhood of Kry.
while south of here the British were
conducting operations in the direc-
(Continued on page 6.)
9 and 5 ears old respectively.
and the Jordan valley.'
( Continued oa pas )