The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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N. C Potter Writes Clever De
scription to D. H.
A clever description of a voyage
from the United States navy yard at
Bremerton to New Yor: is given in
a; letter written to D. II. Talmadge
"of the Halsey Enterprise by N. C.
Potter, a sailor in the navy, who is
known in Salem. The letter has been
submitted to The Statesman by Mr.
Talmadge and follows in part:
"I told you when I was down there
Thanksgiving that I would write a
line or so if I ever cot time, and
think that there's a chance now to
make a start, even though I can't
perhaps finish at this sifting or
rather lying, as I'm in a bunk writ
ing on my Mlttie box.
"This will let you know that I've
been transferred from the Paget
sound station - Expect it will sur
prise you, too, quite a bit. Did me,
though -we have all been expecting
It for months. Left there on January
17 aboard the U. S. S. Great North
ern. Had been aboard for about ten
days waiting to put out to sea. Left
there at 12:40, though the exact
minute or hour wouldn't make a
great deaL of difference Just hap
pened to remember It, that's all.
Took a forty-eight-honr trial trip
around the sound. It was some trial
trip round, and round in-circles and
up and down the arms of the bay.
It seemed as if the steering gear
had gone on the bum the way we
were going, but' finally we straight
ened out and put into Port Angeles
to land a few navy yard workmen
that we had aboard finishing a few
little details. Then out we went.
You know the Straits of Juan de
Fuca are always rough, and some of
the 1oys felt rather bad about it,
but only for, a little while. : Besides.
To Stop " Indigestion in Five
Minutes v
Some Common-Sense Advice. ;
Pain In the stomach after -ealintr.
indigestion, dyspepsia, flatulence, gras.
etc.. are alnuit invariably ; due to
acl.iity and food fermentation.1 To at
tempt to cure the trouble by using di
gestive powders and pills or deadening
drug Is like trying- to relieve wound
from a splinter of bv applying
ointment without first reniovintr th
fflara. In each case the cause remains
and the trouble srets worse. . Tbe com
mon eene thing to do when yo.ur stom
ach hurts is to remove the acid and
top the fermentation by means of a
simple . antacid or neutrate - such as
Hi nmia, which can be obtained of any
druggist In either powder or tablet
form. A teaapoonful of Pi-nesla Powd
er or two or three of the tablets taken
In half a aria of hot., water after
eating, instantly neutralizes the artd.1
stnn food fermentation, and thus en
ables th most confirmed dyspeptic to
enjoy tbe heartiest .meals without the
slightest pain or inconvenient. Try
this simple plan at once and forget
that you ever had a stomach.
o J
Of White Enamel, Oak,
Bird's Eye Maple and Ma
hogany from $17.50 to
Now. $13.75 to $19.75
$8.00 Hugro Vacuum Com
bination Sweeper, sale
...r....... $5.95
Solid Oak, Walnut and ,
Mahogany Library Tables
from $10.00 to $30.00, pric
ed during this sale from ;
. v-..v...$7.S5 to $23.73
we were going out after night, and
when they once got to sleep they
managed all right. It was fine
though, the "next morning, and we
had good weather to 'Frisco. Don't
know if that's the usual thing for
the Pacific at this time of year or
not, but it was. Only took us till
Monday" morning. January 21. to
make that auiet little town. We
got our liberty about 1 o'clock and
most of went ashore to get some
thing to eat hadn't been feeding as
good as we were used to. so we were
a hit hungry.
"Didn't get as much time there as
we had thought. We were thinking
the shiD wuld put over to Mare
island yards and mount our guns
but they stayed in 'Frisco only three
days. Such is iife- in this outfit
Seems as if the one aim is to keep
one dissatisfied. I did get to see my
brother there for a few hours. Can t
figure out how It was done. We
cast off about 5 o'clock in the even
ing and went out through that ever
changing Golden Gate at sunset.
Think if it weren't for sunrises and
sunsets this would get on my
Alien Enemies Aboard.
f'l have started writing this about
a dozen times and expect it will be
many more than that before It's fin
ished as it is one thing after another
here. ,- ' ?
"We were, really loaded when we
left the city. We had about 700
sailors aboard out of Bremerton (out
tide the crew 200) but out of Frisco
we had more than twice that many
tailors and about 500 signal corps
mens going to the east coast, and
about as many alien enemies taken
from the ships In the P. S.' a mad
house for fair then. One couldn't
go onywhere. though our men had
right of way with tools in their hand
f of passes. It took all our nights,
or; rather evenings, on the boat deck
away from us though. Up in 'Frisco
used to stay -on 'top side' till
time to tusn in after evening 'chow,'
watching the water and moon. The
moon is beatiful.on the ocean. Sea
was 'calm just gliding along with a
nice breeze blowing and a full moon
shining down. Made one wish this
old tub was back in passenger ser
vice again and that he had his dearly
beloved beside him in a deck chair
just sitting there thinking and Pr
haps once in a while a word or tw
you understand it j doesn't taka
many word-to say lots some eve
nings. , Well; I won't rave any more
for a while at least.
;"Besldes the 'live cargo we had
all she would carry in freight. Guess
we were drawing more water than
ever before since she was built. Took
seven days to Balboa. Panama
great daynl After the first day. we
took to laying off as far as work
was concerned, -Just sat and watch
ed the flying fish, lots of them a
couple of days south never knew bo
fore that they really flew, but they I
do move their wings. And porpoise! !
Great bunches (or schools it's all 1
the same) jumping in and out of th
sea peculiar things with a snout
like a hog. Wonder why they keep
going in and out of the water that
way seems foolish to me, though
I guess there mast be a reason. ,
"Fourth day we passed lots ; of
tu Ales guess thev were they look-
The Opportunities Offered 1
tarlmg Sale
PUBLIC- -" V . - .' y . : - i
At Wholesale Cost
60c Cottage Art. . . 1 . . . . 47c
75c Union Ingrain; . tt. . . .59c
$1.50 Brussels Carpet . . . . 98c
$225 Axminster Carpet . . $1.75
From. : .$5.93 to $55.00
$10.00 Wool Fibre Rugs. . $7.95
$20.00 Seamless Brussels $13.50
.$25.00 Brussels 9x12. . . . .$18.00
$35.00 Axminster 9x12. .$24.75
Oyer fifty styles of Go Carts
and' Buggies from.
J. , . . $225 to $45.00
$5.00 Go Carts. i $3.03
$7Q Go Carts... . $5.95
$15.00 Baby Buggies; . . .$11.75
$30.00 Reed Buggies. ; . .$19,75
95c 8-4 Linoleums 78c
$1.25 16-4 Linoleums: . . , . . .95c
$125 Inlaid Linoleums. . .$1.03
$1.75 Inlaid Linoleums . . . $1.43
$2.25 Inlaid Linoleums. . . .$1.88
Rob pain, soreness and stiff
ness right out with old
"St Jacobs Liniment"
Kidneys caus backache? No!
They have no nerves, therefore can
not cause 'pain. Listen! Your back
ache sis caused by lumbago, sciatica
or a strain, and the quickest relief
Is soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs
Liniment." Rub it right cn tn-j ache
or tender spot, and instantly the
pain,- soreness, stiffness and lame
ness; disappears. Don't stay crippled!
Get a small trial bottle of "St. Ja
cobs Liniment" from your drurgist
and limber up. A moment after it is
applied you'll wonder what became
of the backache, sciatica or lumbago
pajnX St. J a robs I.lnlment stops
anyipain at once. It is Harmless ana
doesn't burn or discolor the skin.
It's the only application to rub on
a weak, lame.-or painful back, or for
lumbsvTO, sciatica, neuralgia, rheum
atism, sprains or a strain.
ed like it anyway bis fellows, per
haps two feet or more across the
back- )
Weather Grows Warmer.
"Began to get . hot, too too hot
to sleep below decks, s we would
take blankets and go up on top
nice and coot where the breeze
I think we were all wrong -is
to how the city at the entrance of
the canal should; look. It was en
tirely different from what I had ex
pected. so modern.: everything: pe
culiar shaped and colored islands in
the bay (Panama bay) and. pelicans
In flocks, a few albatross way tin la
the air seems ; like tbl3 Is their
home country.
" I can't explan the entrance to
Balboa. I know ; we came in by a
bunch of little round knobs of Is
lands all connected by a stone dike
for a railroad track. I suppose the
hills we,re all fortified, though one
couldn't see any sing of the guns.
'First Impression of the country
was how beautiful! though so pecu
liar to one used to long high moun
tains. All, their hills were so small
and like little warts, just rouna
knobs coveted with vegetation, nere
and there a palm. All the rest of
the trees we couldn't tell what they
were. And some of the little Is
lands reminded one of Japan rather
the prints of Japan one sees in the
states cute tittle things with trees
and low: buildings on them. The
docks at great; ; all steel and ever
so laree-enough machinery to coal
a dozen ships at once, or give them
oil. Oife is impressed with the size
of the things at the very beginning.
Forelsn Town Attracts.
"Well, we docked the afternoon
of the 31st, I think. Must have been
that day, and. got liberty in the even
ing. That was almost disastrous. as
it's only five minutes' ride from U. S.
Balbost to the city of Panama, snd
we don't control that town. We?
By This
Iron, Steel Enamel, Brass and
Wood Beds from $3.95 to $75.00
$6.50 Iron Enamel ....... $4.75
$12.50 Steel Enamel $9.75
$20.00 Solid Oak Beds. . .$13.85
Genuine Tennessee Red Cedar,
Dust and Moth Proof 6 to 48
in. long, from. .$10.75 to $35.00
House Cleaning Time Now. Are
you going to re-paper? Largest
stock of wall paper in the city,
all reduced. ; Large double rolls
. ..' ..,;.12Vc to $1.00
didn't stop In Balboa, but on to the
other city. Very few of us got much
father than just over the U: S. line.
There lies 'Cocoa Grove,' peculiar
name r-and a peculiar place, as It's
tbe line between two civilizations
you can imagine what I don't tell
you. It's really the outskirts of Pan
ama City lies between the Chinese
cemetery and the city. '
"In any foreign country I think
wer are not barred from the saloons
at least so it waa there. This place
had two main streets, one at right
angles to the other. (Might call
them alleys, only they are as wide as
any other street In the city). Every
place on the two streets, about six
blocks in all. is a saloon. Believe
me, in about two hours every one
was on the road to a sailors para
dise. Beer was 10 cents gold that
was U. S. money, though the boys
I was with ran into a soldier from
their home town and it dropped to
a nickle. They had been here forJ
mi j cat d. i
IHm't Eat United .tate
'The white city of Balboa is mod
ern, the str??ta wide with lawns and
fine houses all government prop
erty of course with screen poarches
across the front. Has a fine Y. M.
C. A., though one. couldn't tell It was
a Y. M. C. A. as It is full of both
men and women. Great pool to swim
in. We took a dip for an hour in
salt water on . our way to the city.
My impressions of the Pannona are
rather vague as I saw all in the
dark. The streets are all narrow
with the exception of Central avenue.
If is almost as wide as a Portland
street. The biuldings, I mean the
main ones, are glorious extremely.
The architecture is Spanish to be
sure, and a relief to northern eyes.
Beautiful cathedral and other build
ings, several little plaxas filled with
little plants and trees. My only dis
appointment was eating. They don't
eat United States. Seem to be
afraid one will overeat, and the
prices are high but that's no object
to a sailor. Fruit is much more ex
pensive than I had expected. It cost
an American dollar Tor a bunch of
their wild bananas, and cocoannts
were a dime. There was no advant
age in our money being worth twice
theirs. ...
"Sorry we didn't get. to see Old
Town, the one Morgan destroyed
years ago. It is ten miles out from
the present one. "
Start Through Canal Mak.
Saturday morning we started into
the canal. The big ditch was dif
ferent from anything I had ever seen.
Can't remember much about It. Seems
fvbe one stretch of littlo round hills
all the way, with; the exception of
the big cut. and we were njt quarters
when w went thrrush there. JiiFt
rot . !Imp?o cf the Fears where
fhr slides had been and wonder what
Kecp3 It from doing the same thin tc
over again. If I were in charge I
would move the hill back over on the
other side of another one. Took us
all day to get through, or nearly that
long.; The lake Is a peculiar place.
Must be quite a bit of backwater In
It as the islands along the course
look as If they were made that wav
by the water, rising. Quite a little
town at each set of locks and sever
al houses. Takes quite a number of
workmen to pet a ship through, andi
the little electric enalne" funny lit
tle things don't -look like engines
at all. Big cog wheel In the center
does the pulling.
"O. yes! I got transferred to the
canal zone, but got out of it. Could
fce myself after a few months there.
Woyld be absolutely worthless. The
white penrde -don't run with the sail
ors. I think. Didn't see any of them
there at Ieat. The "execk told me I
was too delicate for the outfit when
I ask -off the transfer. I told him
I didn't think I colild stand the ell
mate. . . ,
Weather Itoanh at Hen.
"Weather got rough as soon as we
hU the sea again. Was that way
all Saturdav night and Sunday. Got
my 'antlfebla for a little while.
Heaved a bit and then felt fine. The
shop is right In- the peak of the
ship, so the ship jumping so makes
t rather rough riding there. Calm
again Monday and rouh on Tuesday,
but we had gotten used to It by the'n.
"Got Into Charleston. S. G. Wed
nesday; but didn't get any liberty.
Unloaded all our alien enemies there
with the baggage. Would like to
have looked the town over, but what
we could see from the shin didn't
look any too good. This trip .will
take In about 10.000 miles of ocean.
Some trip, Isn't it. That Includes
side trips and the different circles
we've turned. The first two days,
you know, were nothing else.
"Think we make New York City
n the morrow. Wonder what will
happen then. None of us knows
where we are bound for or anything
of the sort, thognh we expect n
ship Of some sort, probably a trans
port as soon as we land. May get
a chance to write a bit about rov im
pressions of the big village. If not,
I'll see von again some dav.
' fiotham TiOoks Small.
"Febyiarv 10.- We are alongside
a dock in lloboken. N. J. Came in
to the harbor yesterday a. m., but
didn't get but of the rtream til'
thisJnornlng. Raw the ladv wlt.h the
candle In one hand, and Lord oply
knowswhats In the other.; Though!
It was larger than It Is. Can't seem
to" see 'the largeness, of New York.
Saw. all the big buildings as we came
In. but they seem smal'. Going ashor
sometime, maybe, today.
"Leave here for Philadelphia some
time tomorrow. Don't know how lone
for there, but hope. It's long enough
to get a payday and see the country.
Ford Cor Owners Engaged
in Business of Insurance
In an opinion written for State
Insurance Commissioner Wells.-At-
1 Ford Car Owners' Protective asso-
rlation if- engaged in the business of
insurance and that It Is under th?
insurance commissioner. The opin
ion holds that the association comes
within the provisions of Chapter 20-1.
Laws of 1917, and that the Insur
ance commissioner is not exceeding
his authority in attempting to re
ouire the association tt be conducted
In the manner provided by law for
tbe couduct of an Insurance business.
" V.T-i " -
The Best, Biggest and Smartest Line of Ladies' Coats Suits and Dresses.
The Best' and Smartest Assortment of Ladies' Coats and Suits are
now here. New express shipments direct from the fashion centers
of New York and Philadelphia are arriving. We do not depend on
any one or two houses in this line but are today buying Coats from
twenty dif ferent New York firms which give us the best assortment
Our buying direct saves you all the middlemen's profit.
Coats, $6.90 to $27.50
Suits, $9.90 to ;$25.00
Ladies' Hats, $1.49 to $5.50
Children's Hats, 39c to $2.95
Our Prices Are AIwaystTie Lowest
Commercial and Court
Dehydration System Is Inven
. tion of Salem Man and
Proves Successful
Very few Salemltes are aware of
the fact that an (nvuntnr llva In
c . . . . . . , . ' it ier-heated stream of v air goes up
6alem whf.has had a Wdratlns Varda,ts natural COurse-and pas,
plant in operation part of the seaon I es beneath the waiting trays of veg
for almast three years, but It has J el ables or fruits. Kach mne of thea
been used In the past, commercially j tubes, or revolving pipes.s eighteen
speaking, for drying hops. ' Inches shorter than the other, so
Down at his residence, 967 Les- that as Hhey, revolve rapidly every
lie street, F E. Xeedham has a small inch of space is covered.
aenyoraiion plant., ana tnere be Hat
experlmented In the dehydration of I
various Kinds or vecetanies and
fruits, with but one verdict from the
experts who have tested his method,
government men, as well as Profess-,
or Darss of Oregon Agricultural col
lege, who now has in his possession
at the college in Corvallis complete
blue prints In anticipation of the
time when congress shall make an
appropriation of $250,000, which
will be available for use by all land
grant colleges In the union for the
establishment xt dehydration plants
in thelrexpertmental department.
And when the bill does go through.
Professor Harss thinks so much of
the Needham plant that he will have
erected such a plant with the college
share of the government money.
You will et a better understand
ing of the distinctive featnre of the
Needham system ir vou will step out
onto your lawn and atch your, re
volving lawn sprinkler, see thos'i
small arms, tiny affairs, which keen
levolving round and round, w-hlo
the water spurts through the 'lute,
tubes, throwing a fine spray all ovor;
your lawn witmn a certain ramus.
Sow Mr. Needham s larec plant!
Is situated a short distance from tho j
cltv where he has been URlne It In
Over There and Over Here
Over there on the fighting front, and behind the lines, the telephone is as in
dispensable as it is here at home.
Over there troops are moved an&battles fought, the movements of the enemy "
A reported and supplies and munitions brought up by means of telephone communi
cation. ' . l
Over here more than 12,000 long-line operators have been specially trained
for Government service, and the Government at Washington keeps in close touch
with every, phase of war preparation an directs the work of a vast number of in
dustries upon which the success of our armies will depend.
Over there and over here the great war captains and the captains of industry
depend upon' telephone communication to carry out their plans successfully.
The Bell System is devoting all its great resources to the end that the work of
preparing our armies for battle and of sustaining them in the field, shall go on
systematically and efficiently so that over here and over there, there may be coor
dinated and sustained effort which alone will bring the final victory.
Phone 1072
the past for drying hops in
in which he has an Interest.
Beneath the main building is an
excavation in which is situated the
large centrifugal - fan which shoot
air drawn from a furnace situated at
a distance from the main building,
heated to 140 to 160 degrees
through a system of tubes emanating
from a central r-'pe affixed to it on
exactly the same principle as your
f-amll lawn sprinkler. The ends of
these arms or tubes ar at an angle
of forty five degrees, forcing tho
heated air to every corner of the
building, being thrown back ; from
the walls to the center "and this su-
I Simple, Isn't It?
This system has a wonderful ad
vantage over the old natural draft
system in common use all over thi
world in the drying of fruits ant
vegetables or hops. First, that it
entirely eliminates all danger of
fires; second, insurance is reduced
40 per cent; third. It cuts the time
required for drying to. one-third,
thereby saving two-thirds the
amount of fuel, and cost of opera
tion; fourth the buildings are much
lower, making a saving in material
for construction, and eliminating
any elevation of products to be dried
fifth. a direct fore upwards, the
natural course for heated air, and
even distribution over every square
Inch of surface at the same velocity.
Mr. Needham savs that with a few
10.OOO TnllmiUla Frni Mother
Of rhildren who have successfully
used pother Cray's Sweet Powders for
OhildK-n. They move and regulate the
bnw-l. relieve Keverishneas. Teething
disorder, coimtipatliai. headarh;ft. des
troy wormn and frequently break up
er.ldn. Cbildri'W like them. For 30
year Mother fSrav's Sweet Powders
for- Children have been the safe and
reliable remedr in time of need.
Mn(hr MhotiM never be without a
box in the house for immediate uae.
At dtuByista everywhere 25c. ,
. i -
Formerly Chicago Store
necessary changes In his plan, whi
is now located a short distance sou:
of the city at n hop yard, and at vet;
little expense, in the matter of fir
ting in new trays for the use i
treating vegetables and fruit, he
be in shape the coming season f
handling custom work for grove
or buyers and might try for son
government contracts
We offer the most complete
stock of Garden Seeds In tbs
valley, all good fresh seedi
and tested forj Tgernuntiaa.
No old junk seeds that hare
been on Hand for severd
years to work off at half
price;: , - ' . ; ; ' '
A complete stock of eel
Grainf Clover Seed, Timothj
Seed, Grasses of all kuids,
etc., on hand. Cleaned in
first class shape and ready
to sow.
A complete stock of all'
siies on hand, ready for use.
Phone) 1C3
251 State St.
Salem, Oregon