The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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Kain west, fair east portion:
heavy frost east portion n the
Senator Smoot, of Utah, Re
publican, Deplores Alleged
Strictures by j W i 1 s o n
Against Opponents
- 'I'-, -
Democrats Say Politics Play
ed Backing Representa
1 tive Lenroot
WASHINGTON-, ' March 27. The
llggest partisan breach between
Democrats and Republicans of tho
senate since the war began developed
today In a bitter debate which fol
lowed av speech by Senator Jone3.
Republican jof .'Washington, attack
ing the shaping: board and critlcls-
, lng President Wilson's attitude to
ward congress. '
Senator Williams of Miss!ss!ppi.
Democrat, accused the Republicans
cf playing politics in behalf of Rep
resentative Lenroot, candidate for
the senate in Wisconsin. This arous
ed the Republicans and leaders on
roth sides of the chamber Joined in
tie fray, Senator Smoot, Republican
of Utah, delivering an address he
tad prepared for . tomorrow, charg
ing the pesideivt himself with using
his Jiigh "off ice to further partisan
.Shipping Statement Is Attacked.
Adjournment brougnt the clash
to a close. It may be renewed to-morrow,
and Is regarded as certain,
to commence again -when considera
tion of the Overman bill to enlarge
tue president's powers to reorganlzi
government departments Is nnder
takes. ;
la his speech Senator Jones declar
. ed statements of Chairman Hurlev of
the shipping board were misleading
nd that barman submarines ai'e
sinking ships twice as fast as they
can be built. '
After Senator Shafroth of Colo
rado. Democrat, had deplored what
he termed 'unfair" criticism of war
cperatlons and said all government
officials were doing their best, Sen
ator Williams took the floor. He
referred to the demand of Senator
Johnson of California, Republican,
mterdav for "nitiless publicity" re
garding lack of American airplanes
nd to the assertion of Senator
-5 Lodge of Massachusetts, Republican,
that the people should be told the
troth about war conditions, remark
ing that these speeches were mada
in most critical days of the German
"Gas Attack," Kays Senator.
"While in -Wisconsin election im
pends between loyalists and disloy
alists, this poisonous gas attack in
the senate was made." said the Mi-
, fcissippl senator, "not only on the
fcepobllcan side, but followed up on
-the Democratic side. and Just about
iBttlme we are going to determine
whether a man of lukewarm support
of America and the allies or a man
always patriotic Is to be elected to
the senate."
Senator McCumber. North Dako
ta, asked If Senator Williams was
not unfair regarding his reference
o Representative Lenroot as being
'lukewarm? stating he understood
both Mr. Lenroot1 and Mr. Da vies,
the Democratic candidate, stand up
on lovatty platforms of Americanls n
nd that hnth aro natriotiC.
Senator Williams replied that -if
he was correctly Informed Repre
sentative Lenroot supported the em
, bargo proposal, the Mclemore reso-
lation and voted against var with
Germany. Senator Smoot said that
m a matter of fact Mr. Lenroot vot
ed for the war resolution and on
served that several Democrats also
oted for the Mclmore proposal.
Republican IleM l'atrktlc. f
Senator Williams deplored parti
sanship In the war and said "the Re
publican part v as a whole has been
Patriotic and true to the country.
Republican Leader Gallinger in
terrupted .. to, -suggest that, as Mr.
Daries was not a member of con
gress, his attitude could not be re
corded on the Mclemore resolution.
"I assume the vice president is on
th stump in Wisconsin." said Mn
Callinger. -because Mr. Davies is a
Deploring petty criticism of io
aiea cases in war conditions.
tor Winiim. ih thre Is "loo
ttnch pessimism" in the countryand
that even Jf Paris were captured and
tie British srmv driven back to En?
knd, the two English speaking rac-
would finally, win.
Lenroot I Defended. M
Senator Curtis, Republican "whip
defended Representative Lenroot. He
glared that' the bureau of public
formation his circulated the Wis
consin representative's speeches as
cofnments, of patriotism and loyalty
fin!. that the congressional records
show war measures have been sup
ported Vy 76 per cent of the total
epublican mmhorchln and that "73
publican membership and that
p cent minus' of the Democrat
(Continued on page 2.)
Fighting Qualities of British
and French Stay Impul
sive. Advance
Cavalrymen Declare Onrush-
ing German Forces Fell
i i in Swaths
r ,l l'M C'. Marc h 2C. ( ny The A:
Koclated Press.) The German effort
ny a terrific rush to get between th.
FrenaJr and British forces, with th
object of defeating each separately,
has failed up to the present and is
likely to continue to fall. The fight
ing qualities of the allied soldiers
have served to stav th imni.i,o
advance, and today the Anglo-French
line Is on strong positions.
The next few days may change the
situation entirely as the allies have
bad time to get their "maneuvering
reserve" to take the Initiative. Nov
cn was evacuated late last night in
good, order and the French took up
a position near by.
Troo Are Confident.
The correspondent passed todav
among the troops who have Lorn-;
a great share in the fighting of the
test five' days. Everywhere "cheer
fulness was to be found and perfe;
confidence in the future. Nowhere
has the correspondent seen such
splendid morale among troops after
long, hard fighting, more espec'a'ly
when those troops had to fall baefc.
Roth officers and mm, whether
French or British, tell narraties of
wonderful heroism on the part of
individuals and units.
The gunners of a battery of French
75'a in the neighborhood of Chaunv
were silrroonded for three davs with
out! food, but fought until the last
round was Tired, then, taking advan
tage of some confusion among the
Germans in the course of the third
night, they-somehow made their way
through their enclVcling foes and
escaped carrying their wounded
comrades with them This Is merely
one' Instance among many 'similar
daring deeds. -
1 GrrmanH Fall in Swslhs-.
Men belonging to a demounted
French cavalry corps, acting as in-
fmtry. founght a rear-guard a'-t'on
day after day against Immense odd.
The; troops declare that the enemy
came forward In such deep waves
that it was only necessary to fire
mint blank, to hit with certainty.
These cavalrymen fired into the ene
my bo rapidly that the Germans fell
in swaths: yet, still others came on.
until the French defenders were com
pelled to cease fire, because both
rifles and machine guns were red
The advance of the Germans was
similar in character everywhere,
wave succeeding wave Jn close suc
cession onlv 'to be shot down, it
was something like a relay race,
when the first German division was
exhausted, another Immediately took
Its place. In some cases a single di
vision of the allies, while retiring,
was attacked successively by six Ger
hian divisions. j
( i Allien Withdraw FlatUlnff.
The allies stood the test most
(Continue on page 2)
j . -, -Charles
E. Steele Is Dismissed
From Position by School
' Board 1
It! became known yesterday that
z a closd meeting of the Salem
school board held Monday night, by
unanimous vpte of all the members
of the board present at the meeting,
crder for immediate dismissal from
the service of the school board was
given to Charles E. Steele, who had
served as janitorfor the high school
for some years.
When the news first came that
the Germans had taken upwards .if
I6.OO0 prisoners in one battle, Steele
wa heard tb remark that he wished
they' "would get the whole bunch."
When -the teacher took him to task
for juich unpatriotic sentiments.he
tried to argue that he was ngnu
When reports came that the pris
oners numbered over 23.000 Steele
went throueh the halls of theigh
school building clapping his hand
for joy. This time he.-as reported
to the board, and eveniSunday Steele
was louder yet in bis seditious lan
guage, and when haled, before the
board of education Monday night.a'J
nitted his utterances and attempted
to pass them off as jokes ,
The board decided that the joie
was ion Steele, and he got bi dis
charge order on the spot.
Sneaking of the occurrence yes
terday afternoon, one of the : city
officials said: "The board ought to
tave kicked him out of town, in
stead of simply firing him." ,
Gathering of Army of Re
serves Is Indicated for Work
of Hurling Back Germans
in Counter Thrusts
Shock of Drive Absorbed by
Orderly Withdrawal of
General Haig
WASHINGTON. March 27. The
French and British official state
ments were scanned eagerly tonight
by officials and military men here
for first signs of the counter blow
Vhich they think will be delivered
sojdn'by the allied armies in France,
where the nunch of the German
drive apparently has been definitely
While no official report haz
reached the war department show
ing, the participation of American
forceH beyond, a few engineer stunts,
there Is reason to bellev that some
part of GeriMal Pershing's army
might take part in the attempt to
hurl the Germans back.
The only, report reaching the de
partment today was a bri?f sum
mary sent in by General Ptrshiag
showing the Rritish battle Hue'?, as
they.Ftood early yesterday morning
Local i'ounter-AttackK . IAd.
The Ccrman claim that 963 guns
had been taken also was onot.'d.
Tonight's reports from London
showed the Rritls.H defense to "lave
stiffened sharply in the last few
hours. Counfer-attacks mentioned,
it was' indicated, were of a T local
character and not to be confused
with the great efforts to be expected
to deveko now at any moment. Of
ficers said te shock of the German
drive a-eared to have been absorb
ed by the withdrawal strategy of
General Halg. Like the recoil mech
anism of a great gun, the blow has
been prevented from striking -with.
Its full force by the withdrawal
condacted with masterly skill in the
far cf the enemy assault.
All depends, it Is said, upon the
force; the all'e have e?n able to
muster to de'!ver the' counter
stroke.. There has been every indi
cation that both Rritish and Fit-ncI
have b-en using reinforcements
sparingly, conserving their reserve
power for the day that Is jnt ahead.
The strategic reserve plans of the
supreme war connfl at VersaiUi-rs
are now to be tested, it Is Indicated,
for dispatches from all quarter
mention the gathering of the army
of maneuver Tor the .work fn hand.
Again tonight the map ot'the bat
tle line seemed to show that the as
sault of the allies mlsht come first,
at least, from some oolnt on the
French sector. There the French
troops have stood like a wall against
German assaults, for many hours,
and they are looking out over the
nerve centers o? the cne.nv -jdvaDce,
his communication lines which paral
lel their front. Success there might
mean 'th capture of men by the
thousands and guns by tho hundreds.
Whether bv their own desire or
because of the elusive tactics em
ployed by General Haig. the Ger
mans apparently stand committed to
their present effort beyond with
drawal. For six davs they have bat
tered at the lines, their reckless loss
of life involved bent, apparently up
on only one purpose to strike with
such terrif ice force that the Rritish
army should be crushed and useless.
Now. it Is pointed out. the first force
of their rush ha? been dissipated
and they have not" teen allowed to
cori? to grips with the foe in a final
struggle. Always HaiK's men have
slipoed awav to fight again and
again, withdraw time after time.
Now. for the first time, they are
striking back at certain points and
retaking the ground they had surrendered-
Liberty Bonds Are Accepted
As Surety Deposits
United States liberty bonds an
being accepted from surety compan
ies for deposits with the state treas
urer under a new statute that re
quires foreign surety companies op
erating in the 'stare to deposit not
less than $2". 000. This Torm of de
yosit hife been approved by State In
surance Commissioner Wells.
Eight companies already have de
posited $131,000 in liberty bond.?,
nd threk more companies will mak ?
deposits bv the end of the week,
n.aking a total of at least $206,000
in the war bond. Seven companies
have failed to make the required de
posits and.will not be allowed to jli
a surety business in the state. Their
names are withheld. Deposits aro
made as a protection to persons hav
ing claims aealnst the companies
and the deposit of any company re
main with the state treasurer for a
year, after the company goes out of
business. ,
"We Are at Crisis of War,
Attacked by Superior
Numbers,' Premier
Onrush Temporarily Checked
But Momentous Battle Is
Just Beginning
NEW YORK. March 27. A mes
sage from David Uoyd George,
prime minister of Great Itritain, call
ing uopn the United States to send
"American reinforcements across the
Atlantic in the shortest possible
space of time" was read tonight by
Ijrd Reading. Rritish high com
missloner to the United States, at a
dinner given here in his honor.
we are at t be. crisis of the war.
attacked by an, immense superiority
of German troops." said the pre
miejr in his message. "Our army ha
been forced to retire. The retire
ment has been carried out method
ically before the pressure of a steady
succession or rresJi German re
serves, which are Buffering enor
mous losses.
"The situation Is being faced with
pplendid courage and resolution. The
dogged pluck of our troops has for
the moment checked the ceaseless
onrush of the enemy, and the French
have now joined In the struggle. But
this battle, the greatest and most
momentous in the history of the
world, is only just beginning.
Throughout it the French and Brit
ish are buoyed with the knowledge
that the great republic of the west
will neglect no effort which can has
ten its troops abd its ships to
Europe. ,
"fn war. time Is vital. It Is Im
possible to exaggerate the Impor
tance of getting American reinforce
ments across the Atlantic In the
shortest possible space of time."
The dinner, given by the Lotus
club in honor of Lord Reading, was
the most largely attended of any' In
the history of that organization.
Barrage Sweeps Across No
Man's Land; American
Infantry Advances
Activity Is Unusual Behind
Enemy Linesj Bateries
Are Moved
IN FRANCE, March 27 -(By The
Asociated Press)- What promised
to be a German attack on the Ameri
can lines northwest of Toul this
morning was broken up by Ameri
can artillery fire.
The enemy had heavily bombarded
certain positions of the American
lines and then had sent a sweep
ing barrage across No Man's Land.
Enemy trench mortars, firing from
the west of Richecourt, staited a box
barrage and from enemy machine
guns came a rain of bullets. The
American infantry emerged from
their underground covers at the
pieper moment and . advanced to
meet the expected, assault. Mean
whiel. the American artillery had
started a counter-bar raxe against
the German side of No Man's Land
and apparently this was effective for.
although the Americans wainted. no
Germans appeared. What happened
: the other side of the line is not
Knemy Ilatterie Drenched.
Enemy artillery fire has ben
heavy and some shots were well
placed. The American gunners gave
the enemy batteries a severe drench
ing with gas shells.
There has been extraaordtnary ac
tivity behind the enemy line and in
his front trenches. The Germans
also have moved their batteries sud
dendly and changed the direction of
fiie and the artillery firing has In
creased. The American guns in the past
two nights have given most of
their attention to the German po
sitions where there is reason to be
lieve the troops were being relieved
Probably much damage was done
and the enemy artillery fire has been
of a retaliatory nature,
American patrols entered the Ger
man lines last night at two points
near Richecourt and near vBemiers.
One patrol picked up an officer who
(Continued on page 5)
Grain Center Falls to Soviet
and Ukrainian Troops Af
ter Bloody Battle; Naval
Forces Take Part
Germany and Ukraine Report
ed to Be in Dispute Over
Wheat Demand
LONDON. March 27. Odessa has
been-recaptured by the Soviet and
Ukrainian troops after a bloodv bat-
tie in wbtcb naval forces took part.
according 10 a Moscow dispatch from
tne semi-official Russian news agen
cy. '
MOSCOW, Sunday March 24.
Bolshevik! troops, an official an
nouncement says, have been success
ful in fighting the Austrians Id the
Southern Ukraalne. 'The cities of
Nikolayev, Kherson and Zruananka
have been recaptured by the Rus
The .Bolshevik i Ukrainian Rada
which, fled from Kiev to, Kharkov
before the Germans, is now at Ekater
inoslav, where it has adopted a res
olution refusing to indorse the peace
treaty between Germany and the
central powers withdraw all troops
from the Ukraine. The Rada decid
ed to oppose the central powers by
meaans of armed forces, strikes and
A dispatch -received in London
from Petrograd Tuesday said it
was reported the BolshevikI had re
captured Kherson and Nickolayev.
Kherson and Nickolayev are north
east of Odessa and are important
commerce cities. . Nickolayev Is 40
miles northwest of Kherson and 'has
a naval yard and large storehouses.
LONDON. March 27. A, serious
dispute has' arisen between the Ukra-
ne and Germany over Germany's
demand that she be given 85 per
cent of the Ukrainian wheat, accord
ing to a telegram received in Petro
grad from Kiev and forwarded to
Reuter's Limited. Germany also de
manded that she be given a large
percentage of other foodstuffs not
needed by the population of the
The telegram adds that there are
dissensions in the Ukrainian cabinet,
which is divided for and against the
German demands. 1
Employes Compare Watches
With Dispatches When
Change Is Effective
Orders relating to the adjustment
of time pieces of all railway 'sta
tions and employes, under the new
Federal order for daylight saving, ef
fective on Sunday morning, were is
sued yesterday, from the executive
office of railroads operating from
Portland. .
"To save daylight and provide
vida standard time for the United
States," the orders read, ''which be
comes effective at 2 a. m. Sunday,
March 31, 1918, the following in
structions based on such report are
hereby issued:
First At 2 a. m. Sunday. Match
31. all clockfi and watches in train
dispatchers' offices and in ail other
offices open at that time must be
advanced one hour to indicate 3 a.xm
employes in every office must, as
soon as his change has been made,
compare time with the train dis
patcher. Clocks in offices at the
first opening at or after the time the
change becomes effective must be ad
vanced to conform to the new stand
ard time, and employes before as
suming duties in such offices must,
after the change has been made,
compare time with the train dis
patcher. Second Each railroad will issue
necessary instructions and arrange
for uch supervision and check of
the watches of its employes as to
insure that they have been proper
ly changed to conform to the new
standard time.
Third Owing to the varying con
ditions which will prevail on the
railroads or the United States, it is
not advisable to issue a uniform rule
or order to cover the details involv
ed in the movement of trains at the
period the change in standard time
becomes effective; therefore., each
railroad must adopt such measures
aa may be necessary to properly safe
guard the movement of its trains on
the road at the time of the change
j made.
Moment Near When War Wil
Take on New Phase, Says
French Premier
German Prisoners Pour Into
British Camps Sullen and
Tired of War
PARIS, March 27. Premier Cle-
menceauto!d the army committee of
the chamber of deputies today that
the moment was near when the re
serves of the allies would enter inio
action. -The great battle now being
waged fn France will then take on a
new phase, and. he added, there was
every, reason to hope that the enemy
would not retain th benefit of the
gains made atsuch a bioody price.
.Premier In Confident.
There 'was a settling .R-wn altng
the British and French fronts, where
the Germans were 'trying to break
through r.nd eveir within th last
few tours there had been noted a
slackening In the enemy's effort, he
said. .- '. ,iv
The premier waa before the com
inlttee for more than an hour and a
half and spokewitb full confidence
in the future.
(By The Aaiociatcd Pre.a)
FRANCE. March 27. The 'faith of
the men in their ability to cope with
the hard-hitting Germans has never
flagged from the start and those
troops which are coming back, from
the fiery battles of the past few
days, !n which they fought as they
probably never had been called upon
to fight before, are filled with con
fidence. :
, Prisoners Skk of War.
One reassuring sign Is .that the
enemy is beginning to use his old
troops in continuing the assault
Oerman prisoners declare that never
before ha they seen such fighting
as they experienced since last
Thursday. Thev battled like demons
and like flies they are coming into
the prison camps, hungry and sullen
and declaring that they are sick of
the: whole business. The British
army continues to exact a great toll
of life from the enemy. Last night
the entire area of the Sornm battle
field, over which the German em
peror's troops have - spread them
selves, was subjected to a most ter
rible bombardment, which lasted un
til daylight. The gunning along the
front for the past week has beei
appalling, and the zone is shrouded
with a towering grayish haze from
burning explosives. v;
ltritUh Line tnehanarL
There has been practically no
change !n the Rritish line since yes
terday. The most sensational ru
mors are continually coming back
from the direction of Albert, most
of them to the effect that the Ger
mans were well on the wav to Am
iens. Bnt the Germans were still
sitting under the gunfire of th
British artillery men and machine
gunners th's morning.
During f hef night the enemy tried
to advance "on Collncamps, north
west of Albert, but was thrown
back. Similar attempts against the
neighboring village of Auchonvlllers
met a like fate and the British cap
tured prisoners.
The Germans were In force In this
sector, Bavarians being counted
among the troons.
Renewed OffenNlve Kxneded.
Another attack was delivered at
AblafnTsevIlle, but was flung ;.back.
These mark the principal events
along the British front. A renewal
of the offensive Is expected as soon
as the Germans have had time to
prepare themselves.
Touching scenes are witnessed
among the civilian population In the
areas affected by the German offen
sive. For days these civilians have
been coming back from their homes,
following one another dumbly like
sheep toward havens of safety.
Date Is. Yet Unknown for
Opening 0'C Grant Lands
ROSEBURG.JOr.. March 27.
(Special' to Th
The Statesman.) The
Roseburg land office has as yet re
ceived no official information as to
the date of the Opening of O. & C.
grant lands in Josephine and Jack
son counties, aa". recently reported
by Washington -correspondents of
Portland paporwiiThese reports are
doubtless correct, but the' land of
fice is not in position to give out
any Information regarding this open
ing as no copy of the regulations' gov
erning the opening has as yet been
received. A booklet giving full in
formation Is being prepared and will
be ready for mailing about -April 5
or 7. Until this booklet is -ready
for distribution ail inquiries and re
quests' for Information, maps etc.,
received by the land office must be
laid aside, to be answered as soon
after April 5 as possible. Requests
for Immediate information must
thus lie unanswered until after
April 5 as the Roseburg land office
has not the Information desired.
Morlancourt and Chipilly Re
captured in Gams Between
Sinn e and Ancre;
Strength of Great Offen
sive Is Fast Diminishing
i- -
Germans Hurl .lasses For
ward and Lose - 400,000
Dead, Wounded and Cap
tured Since Big Drive Began
(Hy The Atmonlaled Vrrnt
The strenrth of tk. r.
offensive in France ntnii. ,.
fst diminishing. On th? seventh
ft,0' t.h.t,tn,c battle th-e re
strong Indications that the enemy
was feeline matortoii , . '
. - -".j me mi am ne
J"" undergone and that his power
v greatiy impaired through
u usage.
While the town of Alhert va. . -
captured from the British west of
iiuye me irench have been compel
led to rive troiind in.Oi.
f rat,y. nperior numbers, the Brit
notn north and smith nt tv,
and also driven back across the An
cre river, the Germans who forded
the StEf am Wedneariav Th. ft-un
. . - - iJAllllu
SUII Continues Saneilfnanr nn all
these sectors- hut ovArv.iA..
British and French are holding th
enemy. Especially severe has hn
the fighting west of Albert, whero
the Germans In
tonch westward were repulsed by
Field Marshal Halg's men with the
heaviest casualties,
British Recapture Totro.
The British rain Hot we. W
Somme and Ancre rerinn r
sented by the recapture f the towns
or ,iioriancpun and Chipilly South
(ft the Somme thv hax aitvamui
to Proyart, which lies to the south "
or ura ye. ; .
It is estimated that In the ma
attacks delivered in mass formation
more than 400,000 of the nearly
1,000.000 men the Merman llirnv
into the fray are dead, wounded or
in ine nanas or tneir rnoi
About twenty-five mil e rnrnt
the greatest point of penetration
made at any place by the enemy In
his advance, and on the north
and southern ends of the big salient
he has left his flanks dangerously
open to counter-attack, which. If ii.
cessful, possibly might result in a
retreat greater man the 1916 retro-
grade movementof Von lllndenburg
and nullIfyxairThtr-Ar4ye has accom
plished. It is not Improbable that
British and French reserve and nos.
sibly American trooDS.known to b
rnind the battle fi
soon will be
tnrown aerainsl the Wea
kened enemy.
AIHmI Front(Xot lented.
Notwithstanding Vlhe strength of
the German drive, nowhere has tho
British or French frnnt. ' lono- the
latter of which the Ainerkan troops
have given good account or their a:
llltv ftp fiehtem even heen rientpI
Ground has been given, it Is true,
but so skillfully and with such pre
rlilnn nf movement that from north
to south a surveyor' scarcely coull
have worked out a more even line.
Still intact in the hands of the allie
forces are proportions of the old
line rrom which iiinaenburg reii
hack in his "strategic retirement In
1916." .
Tim who 1 In rnmmnnd nf th
German forces seems to be somewhat
Jn doubt. Late dispatches report
that Field Marshal von Hindenburg
ha been at Dvinfik-ln the Rtteslan
theater, and German war correspon
dents assert that General von Luden-
dorrr not only piannea tne orrensivo
but was on the ground last Friday
personally to control the attacks..
. . . . . i ...
ttn ti. ntfisr hattltt frnnt. tho nn.
fratlnna rnnllnna n f a minor rhnr-
neter, but daily the situation In Italy
gives greater Indications that an of
fensive against the Italians is In
prospect, r '
In Titvaela I "V ra4 n I -l n a nnl tho ltnl.
fheriki bave recaptured Odessa from
tbe Teutonis allies j.rm in aaauion
Nikolayev, Kherson and Semananka
ueporis aiso n iui ihivvu,--
teen surrounded by the liolshevlkl.
. ItHtish Strike Rack.
LONIK1X. Mach 27. The Rritish
forces are not only offering strong
resistance to heavy enemy attacks
both north and south of the Kiver
Continued oa page C.)