The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 27, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Long Period of Rest to Follow
Thirty Liberty Issues,
Says McAdoo
New Loan to Have Denomina
tions of $50, $100, $500
fend $1000 '
WASHINGTON, March 26. The
government's general financial plans
for the next eighaonths, disclosed
tonight by Secretary McAdoo, pro
vide for a long period of rest from
bond Issues after the third loan of
. 1 300.000,000 next month, and for
floating of the fourth liberty loan
next October or November.
The amount of the fourth loan
probably will be greater than any
of those that have gone before, and
to prepare for it the treasury next
. cummer probably will start the is
suance of certificates of indebted
ness In considerable amounts. To
clear Uie way for those certificates.
the house ways and means commit
tee today tentatively approved rais
ing the authorized limit of. the Nout
standing certificates from $4,000,
000,000 as at present to $8,000,000,
000. ..
i Allied Istanft Start July 1.
Loans to allies will be continued
during the next 'fiscal year which
starts July 1, and although more
than $2,000,000,000 authorization
Starts Thursday
. A picture the whole family can
with Pleasure
I , s
Admission 10c
for this purpose Kill remains, con
gress ait the secretary's request is
expect 1 to approve extension of
further credits to the sum of $1.
500,000,000. Mr. McAdoo estimates
that this will be sufficient to fill
allied needs until October, and an
other authorization will be asked of
congress before the amount is used
up. Actual credits and payments
re at the secretary's discre
tion, subject only to the limitations
'imposed by the act of eongress.
In the same way the amount of
certificates of indebtedness actually
to be issued depends on Secretary
McAdoo's decision, and it is regard
ed as entirely likely that be would
not have outstanding at one time the
entire- $8,000,000,000, which may be
authorized by congress.
Four Denominations Provided.
Sreretary McAdoo tonight explain
ed that he plans to issue the third
liberty bonds in denominations of
$50. $100. $500 and $100 as in the
first and second loans and that terms
of payment In installments will belto weak, nervous women and over-
substantially the same as in the past.
The function of the war savings
campaign throughout the country
was closely Refined by Mr. McAdoo
tonipot In a( statement addressed to
liberty loan? and war savings work
ers. - While both are to cooperate,
the war sayings campaign Is not to
b slackened, but sale of liberty
bonds is tcv be the main object.
LilMrty Bond Ai First.
"In the comine liberty loan
drive," said the secretary, "the war
avlnr- campairns should continue
the'rVf forts In the formation of war
savings societies, educational work
in the schools and general thrift
propaganda. Their actual selling or
ganizations should, however, be
combined and co-Tdinated with that
of the liberty loan organization to
the end that during this period sales
of government securities, both liber
ty "bonds and war salines stamps,
should be made in the largest
amounts possmie to earn mumuimi
bnver, bnt the Of liberty
loan bonds, rather than war savings
stamns, should during this period.
.hft the main object. To this end.
during this period, all donated- ad
vertising space should be donated to
liberty loan, offerings.
Instruction I Given.
the first effort of both the lib
erty loan anil war' savings organiz
ations during the coming drive
should be to sell liberty loan bonds
and no nebr of the war savings
organizations should endeavor to di
vert a purchaser of liberty loan
bonds to the r-irchase of war sav
ings Etamps. On Ihe other hand:
there arr persons who are unable to
buy liberty loan bonds and all these
persons should he urged to buywar
savings stamps.
"With regard to partial payment
subscriptions to liberty jjoan bonds,
these should be encouraged, but
where employers of. labor or others
have 1 formed efficient war savings
societies which are actually obtain
ing syfematic and adequate sub
scriptions to .war, savings stamps,
this work should not be -Interfered
wtrff br'mry' endeavor to sn-percede
the war savings societies by the in
troduction of - the partial payment
nlanifor subscriptions to liberty loan
"Such war savings societies should
mak,e every possible endeavor to pro
mo r the sale of war savings stamps
as Wfll as liberty loan bonds during
the Lcomlng drive."
' "I'do not feel that I have really
seen ' "Hamlet played, mused Mr.
Stormington Barnes.
"Bnt you have played the part
"My dear fellow I could not watch
myself act, could ?", Washington
Star. ! ;
see with profit and remember
Armory i
Concert Starts 8 o'clock Sharp. Doors Open 7 p. m.'
by Woodry's 10 Piece Orchestra
., 4 "in-
And Invigorates Old People
Any doctor will tell you that the
ingredients or Vinol as printed below
contain the elements needed to Im
prove the health of delicate children
and restore strength to old people.
H Cod Liver and ; Beer Pep
tones, Iron and Manganese Pep
tohates. Iron and Ammonium
Citrate. Lime and Soda Glycer
ophosphates, Cascarin.
Those who have puny, ailing or
run-down children or aged parents
may prove this at our expense.
Besides the good It does cnuciren
and the as;ed there is nothing
Vinol to restore strength and vitality
worked, run-down men.
Try it. if you are not entirely sat
isfied, we will return your money
without question; that proves our
fairness and your protection. Mil
lions of people have been convinced
this way.
Kmil A. Schaefer, Druggist. Salem,
and at the best drug store in every
town and city in the country.
Over Matched and Overrun
Troops Emerge With Skill
J c f and Regain Line
OTTAWA. March 26. Telegraph
ing from British headquarters in
France tonight Reuter's correspond
ent says:
"Never has the traditional quality
of British steadfastness ben more
wonderfully illustrated than now.
Time and. time again troops have
been overmatched and over-run by
swarming legions and as often they
have managed to emereo and regain
their line. What would be regaided
as consummate feats of skill in field
maneuvers are ; being constantly
performed in the grimmest struggle.
"One of the most dramatic inci
dents was when our most weary
troops fighting hopeless odds and
striving to prevent the Germans
from securing a certain crossing of
the Soranp., the French reinforc
ments arrived and. without hesita
tion, poured in amongst the British,
infusing fresh vigor and saving the
"Prisoners attribute the Geiman
success to the wonderful concentra
tion of artillery, the full advantage
of which they are losing. In various
places the, enemy is mast reluctmt
to occui- evacuated positions.
Whether they are afraid of trap3 or
of being shelled to rags is only con
TwentyPer Cent Bigger Sal
ary for Postal Employes
Is Favored
WASHINGTON. March 26. rThe
house tonight passed a bill granting
permanent increases of from ten to
twenty per cent in the sMaries of
virtually all postal empoyes, provid
ing for "postal saving stamps," ap
propriating IfAO.OOO for experiments
in motor true!:; service, principally to
transport food, to the larger cities,
and setting 2 4 Cents an ounce as the
maximum price to be charged for de
livery of mail by airplane.
The following ralary increases are
Rural letter carries receiving
11200 or less, 20 per.cen with $24
a year for ejery mile -more than 20
traveled by the carrier on his regu
lar route. 'j
Clerks in first and second class
postorfices divided into six grades
with increased salaries ranging from
11000 to $1500.
' Railroad postal clerks are dJvidcd
into ten grades at increased salaries
ranging from $1100 no $2000. In
fir t and second class offices ail em
ployes not .otherwine provided for,
front a.sslntant postmasters to char
women are given a 15 per cent in
crease if receiving $12o0 or less and
ten per cent if receiving from $1200
to $1800. The bill as presented to
the house provided for increases on
onlv during Ihe war. but was ameiid-
A Jitney a Jazz
ed to make them permanent only af
ter long debate.
The "postal saving stamp," plan
authorized in a separate bill which
already has passed the senate, pro
vides that postal savings stamps
,m,ay be purchased for ten cents each
and when ten are obtained the dol
lar's worth "may be deposited as
postal savings or they may be im
mediately redeemed for cash.
' The motor truck plan also has re
ceived senate approval in the form
of a separate bill.
Building of Ship Claimed
to Have Set World Record
The fabricated hull of the West
Grove, an 8800-ton steel sh'p built
for the United States government,
will be launched here tomorrow, just
sixty-two days after the laving oi
. V 1. 1 11 1
th. i. - .
This is claimed as a worlds record
for this type of shipbuilding, s'xtv-
freven days having been the previous
It is estimated by the builders, a
local" corporation, that the West
Grove will be' completely fnlshei
and ready to go to sea within 11v
days from the time the keel was laid
cutting the present record of 113
days. Several other big steel ship?
now are under construction in the
f-ame yards and none of these, it Is
claimed, has been neglected fo speed
up work on the one to be launched
Eight Alleged I. W. W.
IJ-iJ rj
Are indttCtea intO Army
ST. MARIES, Idaho. March 26.
Eight mef arrested here in th?
roundup of alleged Industrial Work
ers of the World were taken to Camp
Lewis tonight by state guardsmen.
They are declared to have failed to
comply with the registration law and
ore to be inducted into the army.
Three others - who are -charged
with failing to comply with the draft
law and who are decfared to have
I refused to enter the army have been
baund over to the federal court and
will be taken to Couer d'Alen to
await trial in May. They are John
Pahlberg. John It. Hanson and Carl
Poetess Louise Cann: I still know
mvlf as devil and God.
W. J. Bryan: For money some
men have been willing to steal.
Stephen Ieacoek: If at first you
won't succeed, quit, at once.
The Pope: We recently invited
the people of the earth to. return to
Ex-Ambassador Gerard: No
healthy German can remain long
separated from food.
Ryutei Rljg: .There is nothing
more ugly on earth than to see
drunken woman asleep.
Col. E. M. House: . In England
and France the "influence of the
United States "ffaramount.
wimam h. Tart: Tne only way
we can win Is by hitting the German
people on the head with a club.
Theodore Roosevelt; I would give
anything if "Bily" Loeb were at
this moment president of the United
(Continued from page 1)
try fighting is reported there. North
of the Somme battlefield there have
teen no engagements of significance.
Oaln Made In Palestine.
T?ie British troops in Pelestlne
have capturedthe village of es-Sa?t
in the hills lo the east of the Jordan
and far in advance of the rest of th-
line running west to the Mediter
The Russian Bolshevik! are re
ported to have recaptured the city of
tvnerson jrom ttie Germans.
"ashi.nutox, March 26. An
air of expectancy was apparent to
nignt among American and other
military officials here who are fol
lowing most closely the develop
ments or tne Dattle in France. Thev
appeared to feel that a turning poinT
in the terrific struggle was cIo.e a'
hand. Press reiorts f-rom the Bn-
ih front hinted at the same feeling
there. j
For the people of the United S ate-
the announcement by the British au
thoritles that American troons ar
fighting side by side with French
and British defenders brings the bat
tie closer borne. War depa'rtmen
officials had no word from General
Pershing on the subject, but were ex
. net-ting at any moment reports show
Injr the extent of American i art el
Attention Turn In Frn b.
Attention enters here now on th
French front rather than on the pr.
rress made bv the Germans again
the British l'ncs As tb batt'e pro
ceeds. officers here are becomlti"
more certain tht the defenders a
carrvlng out definite plan of whh'H
the British withdrawal a part, bn'
which will prove soon to be conpl-1
with a iiOwerff counter-thrust. Th
most probable place for the launch
Ins nf such a movement, iff was
thought, was from the flanking posi
ton the Krenrh held tena-iousl v t
nl;ht along the left bank of the
Until General I'orshing reports ar
to the. American forces en ga red no
me here will hazard n guers con
rerning the part they are playing.
American heavy artillery has been
training In Kncland and the men arc
ertulppd with British great gun
They may be reaching the front wi'b
Tefi guns sent to replace those lont
during the retirement.
t. S. Tank Attaelmu-tit lUisy.
American tank detaclmients also
have been at the British training
tamps for months. American engi
neers are officially r ported as Ij.
the battle zone.
It was regarded as "entirely possi
ble, however, that American infants
divisions already seasoned by front
line experience In their own sector,
had come tip with French reinforce
ments. They would be! certain to
operate wiUi...lhA!KniU as ; their
equipment is largely French and
they must be supplied with ammuni
tion and replacements from tna
French communication lines.
Should this prove to be the ease,
it is possible, officers here believe,
that American troops will be with
French units in an effort to score
heavily against the Germans when
the moment for attack arrives.
British Front Stiffens.
Today's official British reports',
while admitting further German ad
vances in the jcapture of Roye, in
dicated a slowing up of the direct
progress against the British font.
The official statements Indicated
that the Germans saw danger in th
exposure of their left ,lank to the
threat of the French line-on the Riv
er Oise. Evacuation of Noyon gavo
the French a river line to hold
sgalnst the Germans on a front that
paralleled the flow of ammunition
and supply trains to the more ad
vanced positions -in the region of
Uoye. Bitter assaults against thn
.. Ja v
the day without avail. Meanwhile,
the evacuation of Roye by the Ur't-
ish served to extend still further th
k German, supply lines against wh'ch
a French asan.t might be launched.
The steadiness of the French line,
it was pointed out. was an indica
tion in itself that the allies were
voluntarily abandoning anme of the
territory occupied by the Germans.
Bix Counter-Blow Expected.
If anything, American officers
were more confident tonight than at
any previous time of the outcome of
the drive. , They have never doubted
that It would be stopped. Now, how
ever, they are thinking of the prob-
able extPot or the counter-mow tney
fecl certain is to fall sooner or later.
There is no lack of possibilities
in the northern sector of the battle
area. The British lines there havo
been much less shaken than those
Mo the south.
When the time arrives
It Is possible that a thrust will come
from that direction also. The pros
pect to some officers .Is for a great
pincer movement aimed at cuttim
off advanced German divisions be
fore the can be withdrawn to safety
t Continued from page 1) t
ies of Germans who were dressed
In light gray and blue uniforms, the
first time these uniforms were seen
on this front.
Aeria-l Activity Kevlves.
One of the American sharpshooters
reported that he had spoiled a num
ber of these new "spring suits by
knocking the wearers Into the mud
with bullets from his Springfield
Normal aerial activity continued
today, the weather being favorable
until late in the afternoon - when
clouds and light snow flurries passed
over the line. The American anti
aircraft gunners had a number of
chances duilng the day to show
their skill and this they did.
They drove off enemy airmen who
made attempts singly or in groups
to prowl over the line. There were
several aerial combat between planes
carrying American observers with
gunes, but these were without re
sults, probably because the airmen
were unable to get close enough to
the Germans.
(Continued from page 1)
minds is that of the Marne where
Germany had every advantage on
her side, thanks to her preparation,
to the superiority of her man power
ind her heavy artillery and her hid
den attack across violated Belgium,
but she was defeated. Today she is
fightlngagainst the powerful Fran-
co-British, accustomed to w?.r and
well supplied; her effo-. will again
be stopped. Such Is the firm and
"aim conviction of French opinion,
the expression of which is seen this
morning in the press.
West St. Quentln Is Center.
"The Petit Journal says: 'It ap-
1 tears now that while attacking from
he beginning on the whole f the
ront the German) have brought
their principal efforts to the west of
St. Quentin. So thus acting they
wished to upset the Kngllsh. reach
the Somme and to secure for them
selves in this direction a route to
Amiens which they want at all costs
to possess In order to separate the
Get the Habit Qf
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
Say we cant look or feel right
with th system full
of poison.
Millions of foil's bathf Internally
now instead of loading their system
ith drugs. '"What's an inside
you say. Well, it is guaran-
'red to perform miracles if you could
elieve these, hot water enthusiasts.
There are vast numbers at mn
ind women who. Immediately upon
arising In the, morning, drink a glass
f real hot water with a teaspoonftii
-it limestone phosphate in it. This
is a very excellent health measftre.
It Is intended to flush the stomach.
liver, kidneys and the thirty feet of
intestines of ihe previous day's
waste, sour bile and indigestible ma
terial left over In the body which if
not eliminated every day, become
food for the millions of bacteria
wh'uh infest the bowels, the quirk
result Is poisons and toxins which
are then attnrtH'd into the blood
causing headache, bilious attacks.
foul breath, bad taste, colds, stom
ach trouble, kidney misery, sleep
lessness, impure blood and all sorts
of ailments.
People who feel good onejday and
badly the next, but who simply can
not Ret feeling right are urged , to
obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at the drug store. This
ill cost very little but is sufficient
to make anyone a real crank on the
subject. of internal sanitation. .
No greater evidence of the solid character and good faith of
the PainlcE3 Parker dental organization can be found than
in the strength of the guarantee given every one of its
patients. The hop-skip-and-a-jump tooth-tinkering carpet
bagger couldn't offer any such assurance to his custom
ers, and be justified in making that kind of sweeping
promise. , f
There are twelve Painless Parker dental offices in the United
States, two in Oregon, one in Washington, eight in Cali
fornia, and one in Brooklyn, N. Y. Any individual who has
had dental work done in any one of these offices is entitled
to follow-up work on the operation, free of charge, in any
4 of the twelve offices he may care to visit. In other words,
if any hidden fault in our dentistry comes to light, every
one cf our offices are eager to remedy the defect without
cost to the patient. On top of that, we urge our patients
, to call ai least once every six months and have' the dental
work given a thorough examination so that the job may be
always kept up in first class shape.
Think what this means to you I Your tooth work furnished
you at the lowest possible figure, estimated on the basis of
A-No. 1 dentistry. Your work done by specialists, all of
whom are, of course, regularly licensed. And, after, that,
your teeth watched regularly, examination and consulta
. tion free, and no charge made for putting old work in good
What value is there in the guarantee of an individual dentist, '
who promises you, say, a blanket ten-year pledge that his
t,6oth-carpentry will be protected? He may move away, or
quit his trade, or die. And then where are you? They
make, a big hulabaloo about my conducting" a dental or
ganization of nation-wide scope, with scores of dentists
aiding me in the different cities where Thave offices. But
it helps a lot when you move from your town to another
to discover the Painless Parker office in the new place
. right ready to see that your chewers are all in good work
ing condition. Think it over
"'"' " j
English from the French armies. It
is ror mis ooject mat tne uerman
center has made for three days such
gigantic efforts. Hindered by the
force of the heroic resistance of the
English , Prince Rupprecht of Ba
varia, always Vlth the idea of reach
ing Amiens, determined to realize
his program by passing around theJ
obstruction by the north. It is thus
that he ordered his right wing ope
rating north of Peronne to engage
Itself completely. Under the furious
blows of the assailants tie'Kngllsh
have been obliged to withdraw but
the obstinacy with which , they have
fought has prevented thent to lake
the necessary measure to oppose the
plans of the enemy. j i
Aralww March Favored.
Finally the left winr.' operating
south of St. Quentln appears to have
had for Its mission the ob'ject of ef
fecting a diversion in order to favor
the march toward Amieftigp Prince
Ttupprecht expected unlfoubtedlr
that his trops, marching j the di-i
rection ef PHs would absorb the
attention cz the adversary, i.llut the
Intervention of the French troons
has disturbed this calculation. Our
poHns. although much less numer
al's, .have replaced the English in
this sector so that our allies can dis-
nose of all their reserves to con
tinue the fight on the other sector.
As for our rolltis, from the moment
of tbefr entrv Into the line in spite
of . their rumerlcal inferiority, they
have set the enemy at bay, Inflicting
unon hltn terrible .losses - a nnlv
Heldine rround Inch bv inrh hv or-
ler of the command.
This struggTe Is continuing in the
-eeion north of Noyon. while waiting
for the right Jiioment f Klve a
counter hr-.:t. t
t"o Format ion.r!.
"The German bave not-donn any
thing further than apidy the for
mula f-om which they cannot donart
ut whir)) they flan on a colon.;!
cale. Charges are In clojie forma
tions, more comoact t.han Injl914.
Kverywher the Germans have attar k-
'"1 In such oloie wavea that the Indi
viduals could hardlv be diotlnsruisho,!
rrom each other. The result of this
nrnctico is that thev havi suffered
horrible losses. All the Prisoner re-
ate, for thc-rr are a rood manv Ger
man prisoner, that th-y are. advanc.
ng over heaps of dad.. This fact Is
also co'J'lrmed by the reports of our
aviators. ' A terrified Germart said
hat more than half of bis reciment
had been killed and he could not
understand how be had escaped."
Residents of Shaw Do
Well Selling War Stamps
SHAW. Or.. March !. Mr nnl
Mrs. H. Kwmv Mrs. John ltatlinv
and Mrs. O. E. Iwiu gave their ser-
Ices In the drive for war and thrift
stamps for the -iferhool district and
did a good work. ! Over $40 worth
M-ere cold beside colIeting cast-off
clothing for Belgians. Mrs. f.arsen.
the postmistrlss. and Ed Amort, mail
carrier, have not been .idle 'but have
not their figures of what they have
. Frank Feibcr and several of hia
Hours 8 to 6. Closed Sundays
Nineteen offices located as follows:
San Francisco, (2), Oakland, Stock
ton, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Los An
geles, Fresno, Bakersfield, Sacramen
to and San Jose, Calif.; Portland,
Salem and Eugene, Ore. ; Tacoma
and Bellingham, Wash.; Brooklyn,
(2), New York City, N. Y.
J children are suffering with thj
f. Henry Chapln of eastern Orecon
KM visiting His brother, W. Chapin.
air. and Mrs. II. Keene took in
the Country Fair in Salem aSturday.
Mrs. Luella Well was a Salem vis
itor Saturday, also Miss Lena Her,
Jjoe Perry and Fred Gilbert.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Spencer of Sa
lem are Ihi guestsmt the Ed JVmort
home. r .
J T.he two little daughters of Earn
est reterson who have been very ill
are reported better.
- Hyron Wellswas home over Sun
day.. .
, Miss Amy Hooper is home on a
Mrs. aCrl Fryeir of Junction City,
who has been with her mother, Mrs.
J. Gi H. Fryer during her illness,
has returned to her home.
O. E. Iwis has been appointed
road overseer in the place of the late
John Darby. h- .
It has been suggested that a few
of our naval vessels be named after
women. Since the sex, has- taken
such a prominent place in the af
fairs of the world, the plan Is not
bad one. Uut we should nor'- like
the Job of making the selectfwn.
Exchange. '
, ?!
The Romance of A Generation
POST Stonr by Basil Kingf t
, j,"c-1oc-I."mt
Hugh th i:tui;
Tlmr-Mlay and Frid.iy
f: A
$ :
'p "
m ,
- - - ' i ii i