. wiiTi!i:u Rain: moderate w nth westerly winds. MXTV-M-JV K.TH Vl-Llll 0. I :s rULKJI, OKKGOV, WKPNKSIUY MOHMXi, MARCH 27, IH PRICE FIVE CEATt DAILY EDITIQII i. AMERICA IS IN STRUGGLE WITH U-BOAT Government Yards When in Full Operation to Produce More Ships in Year Than All Yards of England LOST ART" QUICKLY REVIVED DURING YEAR Shipbuilding Work of Eight Months Recounted by Chairman Hurley r NEW YORK. March 2j5. Ameri ca's effort to meet Herman submar ine warfare whose full menace has just been revealed in 'British admir alty figures on sinkh-rgs of ships was outlined here tonight by Chairman 'Hurley of the shipping board in a frank statement before the National Marine League. ' Mr. Hurtey disclosed that despits delays, the country soon will have 730 steel and wooden ways firming out, ships and Uiat .the'; govern nient'j mammoth steel ship building pro gram of eight million tons on March 1 wu 2S per rent on its way to com pletion. This does not mean that 28 .per, cent was In the water, bi't tbat construction as a whole hail ad vanced that far. Eight per cent of the vessels actually have been yi Jnto sen ice, Mr. Hurley Raid. English Record to 4.'o. , The three government fabricating (Continued on page C.V 8 (Continued on page 2) The Brown Shoe Go's V BRQWN'S L- MARK A MARK MEANS QUALITY has been the recogiiked standard for quality for the past thirty years or more, in HIGH GRAbE SHOES i ' ' 'IV; - ; ' .... ; , ." j- r .j . ' '. ' V ' The Brown Shoe Co. is a wonderful organization of many spec ialty .shoe factories owned ad operated by one management, tut each factory equipped to produce one particular class of MEN'S, WOMEN'S OB CHILDREN'S SHOES. The machin ery i3 adapted for a certain class of -work and the workmen are trained for that particular 'class of work. .That's whyevery shoe bearing their trademark is the best of its kind. Buster Brown Shoes for Boys are built of selected leather suitable for boys wear, and every pair has best grade oak tanned leather soles, which means hon est service. We carry them in a "variety of shapes in lace or button to suit individual tastes. The boy who goes out of his way to kick tin cans and brick-bats needs a pair of our sole leather tip shoes. We have a shoe cut through the tip to show how they're made. You should ask to see it. Buster Brown Shoes for Girlsf have proven so satisfactory that mothers who wore ! them when they were young now insist upon having them for their, daugh ters7 Of coursf the styles and lasts have changedth ge seasons, but the same high gradeleathers and worlcmanship till make them the most popular shoes on the market for girls from infant's sizes up to the young ladies' who prefer tb e com fcrtable foot shaping lasts with moderate height heels, rather than the regular ladies lines. The vamp f made from VICT KID, GUNMETAL CALF, AND PATENT LEATHERS with best oak tanned leather soles; You will find that it is true economy to buy the best ttandard footwear in these days of leather scarcity and lnienor. ' lubstitutes so freely used by many factories. Our plan of business insures lowest possible prices. HUNS SPENDING THEIR ENERGY, FRENCH THINK Paris Firm in Belief That Ex periences of Marne Will Be Repeated CLOSE FORMATION USED Enemy Will Be Stopped Is Declaration; Situation Held Satisfactory WASH lTTGTOT. March 26. France's confidence that the great German offensive is .wasting Its strength against the allied lines, is voiced in an official dispatch, re ceived here today from Paris. The message quotes at length from to day's Petit Journal to show that the Germans, though- suffering tremen dous losses in massed advances, have failed to attain their objectives and that the present situation Is sat isfactory to the allies. The disuatch says: "The French nress continugs to view with calm confidence the de velopments of the gigantic battle which has been going on for fivo days. This confidence is based upon all the experiences of this war. Each time that the Germans have attempt ed a movement against the troops In the west the effort after a certain amount of success always of a tem porary character, has ended in being broken .against the barrier of the al lied armies. ) I la t tie of Mam Is Example. ''The great example before all HUNS CLAIM CAPTURE OF 3 POSITIONS Lihons, Roye and Noyon Tak en, Asserts Berlin; Old Somme Battle Line Declar ed Crossed in Places BATTLE IS RAGING ON SOUTH SOMME FRONT Allies in Best Position to Check Drive Since Of fensive Began BERLIN, via LONDON, Marcb 26. The night report from general heaa qnarters announces the capture of Lilians, Koye and Noyon. and de clares that the-German forces have crossed the old Somme battle line at many points. The text of the state ment reads: ; "In continuation of the great bat tle in France, our troops yesterday achieved fresh successes. English divisions brought up from Flanders and Italy, and French divisions threw themselves against our troops in desperate atacks. They were de feated. "The armies of Qeneral Von He low and General V$h Dor Maritz have finally maintained themselves in Errillers after a hot and fluctuat ing : battle and in their advance against Acbiet-le-Gratid raptured the villages of Bihueourt, Biefvillers and Grevillers. They also have captured Ireles . and Miraument and have crossed the Ancre river. MaJmwieite Height Stormed. "Knglish troops, freshly brought forward, "attacked violently on- a wide front from the direction of Al beit. The enemy was driven back after a bitter struggle. "We have crossed thex Bapaume Albert road near Courcelette and Lp.? leresrrthejpjuh. nt .mnnnft., rCeneral Vonlloficker has forced a passage across the Somme and has taken by storm the height of Mais onnette, which was so hotly contest ed In the Somme battle of 1916, as well as the villages of Biaches and Barleux. Strong enemy counter-attacks wore themselves out before our lines. ; "The army of General Von Ilutter after hard fighting drove the enemy back near Marchelpot and Hatten court across the Peronne-Koye rail way. The tenaciously Etalon was wrested from the French and Eng lish." LONDON. March 26. The battle continues on the whole front south of the Some river. Field Marshal Haig reports from the war zone In France tonight. The Germans haire also launched new attacks around Chaulness. The rtatement says: "North of the Somme local fight ing has taken place at different points. Much movement of hostile troops and transports has been Ob served In the battle area and these have been engaged by our artillery and airplanes. Germans in Fresh Attack. "South of Ihe Somme the hostile attacks reported this morning have been pressed vigorously with fresh German divisions against Noyon and Roye. "This afternoon new hostile at tacks commenced In the neighbor hood '-of Chaulness and between Chaulness and the Somme, to the north of it. The battle is continu ing on the whole front south of the Somme." , "In the last six days of constant fightlner our troops on all parts of the battle front have shown the ut most ronraee. In addition to those British division "which have already been mentioned, exceptional gal lantry was shown also by the follow ing: The Eighth. Eighteenth. Thlr-tv-first. Forty-first. Sixtv-first. Sixty third and Sixty-sixth divisions." Teutons Claim OC:t Guns. BERLIN. VIA LONDON. March 2C. The number of guns captured by the Germans In the battle now in progress has increased to 963. army headquarters announced today. More than 100 tanks were lying In capture ed positions, it is added. Biaches, Barleux and Etalon have ben captured by the German forces. Mrltish troops just brought for ward attacked the German lines vio lently 'from the direction of Albert They were driyen back, the report states, ..after a bitter struggle. French Holding Hun. PAniS. March 26. The French co-operating with the British sooth of St. Quentln have taken up strong positions on the left bank of the Oise. above JCoyon. where they are holding the Germans? according to the war office announcement tonight. The text of the statement reeds: "Our troops are holding solidly to their positions on the left bank of the Oise above Noyon. The fighting con tinue with undiminished -violence along the front comprising Braye-sur-Somme, Chaulnes, Roye and Noyon. ' - , (Continued on page 6.) SLOW AMERICAN PREPARATION IS GALLED OUTRAGE Shortage of Ships, Airplanes and Artillery Seriously Deplored AVIATION IS FAR BEHIND "Situation Is Scandal to En tire World' Says Sen ator Poindexter WASHINGTON, March 26. An other storm of criticism of Amejycfa's war efforts broke in the senate to day. Democrats and Republicans, concerned over the German drive against France, and spurred by statements of. Major General Jonard Wood, before the military commit tee .yesterday, on Inefficiencies of American preparation, joined in de ploring the shortage of ships, air planes and artillery. Senator Thomas of Colorado. Democrat, opened the debate with an attack -on the fuel administration, which he asserted was curtailing production. Senator Lodge of Mas sachusetts, Republican, referred to what he called a wasted year and declared that the truth should be told .the American people about the war situation. After spending $840, 000.000 on the aviation program, he declared "we have not a fighting plane in France; General Pershing's men are without American artillery and only two American ships hare been turned out by the shipping board." "Pitlls Publicity" Advised. Senator New of Indiana, Republic an, said although the original avia tion program called for delivery of 12.000 airplanes July 1, only 37 will be delivered tinder present esti mates. When he repeated General Wood's statement that GermaT avi ators fly at times over the American trenches -In France, Senator Johnson of California Interrupted to say: -i!Thex4ainjtfcmin way to correct this outrage on American youth and that Is tHrough 'pitiless publicity.' " Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, a Democrat, of the military committee, said the aviation program Is at least ninetv days behind, under new cur tailed estimates. The number of airplanes estimated for delivery July t. "ridiculously small." he said. Is about one-tenth of that originally planned. "Scandal," Says Senator. This situation was characterized by Senator Poindexter of Washing ton. Republican, as "a scandal to the entire world." He also criticised the administration's attitude toward Japan and military action In Russia, but ws told by' Senator King of Utah, Democrat, wljo recently con ferred with President Wilson, that when military exigency demands. Japan will go into Siberia with ap proval of the allies and this govern ment, i The entire discussion was deplor ed hv Spnafnr Overman nf Vorth W?arolina. Democrat, who in a sharp tilt. with Senator Poindexter. said the debate ws calculated to discourage and dishearten the American people and asked if partisan politics was In volved. Roosevelt to Deliver Address at Portland, Me. OYSTER BAY, N. Y March 26. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt will leave tomorrow for Portland. Me., where he will deliver an address Thursday night before the Republic an organization of the state. The physicians refused at first to give their consent to his making the ad dress, but finally ha decided to go even against their advice. Kansas Union Labor Calls General Strike KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March 27. The second call, for a general strike of all union labor In Kansas City, effective at 8 a. m.. was issued early this morning by the executive com mittee of the central labor council. The strike originally was et for Monday, but was postponed forty eight hours to permit further nego? tiations to settle a strike of laundry workers, to aid which the general sympathetic strike was called. 41 Members of 1. W. W. Still Confined in Jaill P.UTTE. Mont., Mar? h 27. The forty-one men carrying I. W, W. membership cards arrested In a raid, on FInlander hatl by the police of ficials Monday night are still eon fined In the city jail waiting develop ments In the Investigation which has been started. - It Is declared by th authorities that the meeting was called for the purpose of considering a strike among the metal trade work ers In the mines. Five suitcases of literature taken from the halt Is being examined and will be turned over to the federal official. YANKS SHELL TOWNS HELD BY.GERMANS Americans Return Two Doses of Gas for Every One Re ceived; Germans Abandon Town of Richecourt U. S. ARTILLERY KEEPS UP STEADY SHELLING Aerial Activity Revives With Better Weather -"Boche" Snipers Active WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE.. March 26. (By The Associated. Press). The American artillery continues to heavily shell towns held by the Germans and Ger man batteries opposite the Toul sector with gas. The' Germans themselves have reciprocated in kind, but the doses of gas sent against them by the Americans have been" twice as large as they have received. The town of Richecourt, north of Xlvray, one of, the targets of the Americans has been abandoned, so far as Americans patrols which re connoitered near the town were able to determine. The American artil lery also Is keeping up a stream of other shells on enemy' positions in this regions. St. Baussant, north east of Richecourt, has been heavily shelled with high explosives project iles, while German first line trenches repeatedly have been hit and levelled any enemy dougout arfd snipers posts completely silenced-rv "Billy Boche' Pendstent Sniper. Fritz" or "Billy Boche" as the American doughboys are beginning to call the Germans, is a persistent sniper on this sector. As fast as the Americans silence one nest, another starts the annoyance and then the job has to be done all over again. This forenoon a group of Amerl can snipers discovered an enemy nest close by and promptly opened fre on it. The Germans replied with their guns and then fired about three dozen or so grenade. Apparently, the Germans had come to stay and did not intend to be chased out One of- the American 37-mllllmeter guns then got into action against the nest and owing to accurate fire no more Germans were seen at this par ticular point and there was no fur ther, annoyance. A number of these same little guns obtained direct hits in enemy j communication trenches while men; possibly officers, were passing through them and also fired effectively, as did snipers on part- (Continued on Page 2.) STGLLZ NOT TO BE CANDIDATE Declines to Run for Mayor, But Appreciates Effort of His Friends Gideon Stolz will not be a: candi date for mayor. To the seventy seven Salem citizens who addressed a petition to him urging him to be come a candidate for nomination at the primary election in May, Mr, Stolz has issued a statement of ap- preciation. but names several rea onswhy he" does not care to accept. One of them Is that he reels the city government should be headed by a younger man. Mr. Stolz's statement follows: "To A. N. Moores and Seventy-six Others: "I must admit that I greatly ap preciate the kind and loyal endorse ment you have given me In urging my candidacy for motor. I have been approached by many friends not rep resented on your petition, yet had hoped that the matter had been dropped on my constant refusal to consent. "There are many reasons why I should not accept this btfice, mainly that I have already given my full share, of service. Then it is written In the Good Rook. In the late re vised edition, II Samuel. 25:3, He that has overcome and has lived with one wife for fifty years shall thereafter be exempt from servine In any public -office whatsoever." This should settle It. "Then I take Issue with the Idea that the city government should be headed by an older head. America's business moves today under the guid ing band of the young men and wom en of our great nation. Young men handle our great railroad systems. The same is trne in all lines, and why not our municipal governments? They have the greater endurance If we should meet greater crises than we now see ahead of us. "What we need lsa more loyal support of the men elected. No mn can do his best nnlers he- Is appre ciated and helped, so in declining to allow my name to be used for Sa lem's next mayor I wish to ac knowledge with thanks my friends kindly endorsement." FIRE DESTROYS BIG STRUCTURE IN JERSEY CITY Cause of Explosions Which Alarm Downtown Manhat tan Is Mystery DAMAGE IS $1,500,000 Frightened Women Fill City's Streets No Loss of Life Reported NEW YORK, March 26. Fire following a series of unexplained ex plosions destroyed the 6-story build ing of the Jarvis warehouse"; com pany near the Erie railway terminal in Jersey City late today and badly damaged the Erie lepair shops. No loss of life had been reported .to night. The damage was estimated by Jersey City police and fire offic ials at close to $1,500,000. The cause of the explositions has not yet been determined, although a rigid investigation was begun at once by federal, slate and city au thorities. " . German Doraliartlment Feared. The first of the terrific detona tions which occurred shortly after 3 o'clock shook windows in down town, Manhattan and caused consid erable ilarm. Visions of another Black Tom disaster , or a bombard ment by the Germans were in many minds.. Burning cinders were carried by the wind, across the North river and fell along the water front. While the excitment waa at Its height the Erie ferry house, a three story structure on the New York side of the river, was discovered to be on , fire. A lighter , close . by, loaded with several hundred bales of cotton, also was blazing fiercely and still further south the Hoboken fer ry slip -of the Laca wanna railroad was on fire. These 4!res were easily extingulsh- de by the New York firemen, many of whom were ordered to Jersey City to fight the bigger fire. Employed In the Jar? Is storehouse were between 40 and 50 men, but tne prompt sounding of the alarm li believed to have enable all to es cape. Hundreds of store andVtenaments windows, some of them a mile away, were blown, out by the force of the blasts. Several small fragile build ings near the warehouse were wreck ed. Frightened women and children filled the streets in the congested sections of Jersey City and Hoboken near the scene of the explosion. Fire apparatus was sent from Hoboken, New York and other points. By des perate efforts the firemen confined the flames to an area covering about two acres. , German Editors Freed for Lack of Evidence PHILADELPHIA, March 26. Upon, the ground that no evidence had been presented to make out a case. Judge Oliver Ti. Dickinson. In the United States district court tor day directed the Jury to render a verdict of not guilty in the trial of Louis Werner and Martin Darkow, editors of the Philadelphia Tage blatt. who were charged with treason in the publication of certain artiles. headlines and alleged news dis patches in the German newspaper. The court in directing the defend ants to be acquitted of the treason charge said that not only intent must be shown in adhering to the enemy but that an overt act must be proved in giving aid and comfort to the enemy. GERMANS USING MANY RESERVES Nearly Two-Thirds of Whole Army Has Been Thrown Into Fray LONDON, March 2J. Telegraph ing late Tuesday, the correspondent or the Daily Mall at British head quarters in France says that nearly two-thirds of the entire strategic re serve of the German army now has been thrown into the fierce and vig orously continued attack. "This German reserve," he add3, "consisted' of eighty-five division, totalling 1.2750,000 men out of a total nnmber now reaching not far rbort of 200 divisions, or possibly 3.000,000 men which they have npn the western front. After the first day thirty-three of these divisions were put Into the battle. On th? third day another twenty-one are known to have taken part. Since then they mnst have drawn upon the reserve for a few more divisions. 'It Is therefore clear that we have been struggling with the whole avail able strength rf the German army end the marvel Is that our soldiers have held out so obstinately ani steadily against odds so heavily against them." pTirn J L Vast Counter Measure to Turn Tide of Battle Anticipated, With Use of Many Re serves ; British Front Hour ly Grows Tighter BRITISH RETREAT HELD PART OF CLEVER PLAN Attention Now Centers cn French Front Where Great Battle on Left Bank of Oise River Seems Imminent (Bii Tfce Associated Treat) After six days of terrific fighting the German offensive In France is beginning to show signs of losing Its momentum. The progress of the ene my Has been materially slackened tnd the form of the dent made In the allied line west of Cambral has begun to resemble ; the familiar wedge-like salient. Instead of the broad straight forward movement of an offensive which carries all before it. , ... - At its apex this wedge has gon beyond Albert, to the south of that place, and is to the westward of tho old line as it stood a year ago when Von Hlndenburg began his ''strateg ic retreat." From this point the lino runs off to the northeast at a gentle angle, with the line to the south run ning back until It reaches the Oiso lver. Tentorw Turn Southward. In spite of tremendous exertions and terrible losses, the German ef forts to widen the tip of this salient were defeated on Tuesday. The Brit ish lines have stood firm to the north, and have forced the Germans to tutn toward the point of least resistance. . Official statements issued at Lon don confirm the report from Berlin that American forces are engaged in the struggle. They are reported tf be fighting shoulder to shoulder" with! the French and British in the region of Roye, on tho south side ef the salient driven into the allied' front. , There has been no official Teport sent to Washington as to the identity of these troops who are taking part in this greatest battle In history. With the slackening of the Ger man pace there are Indications that the allies are, ready, to strike back somewhere along the front. Just where this blow will be launched ill not be known; until it Is struck, but It may be expected that 4t Im pact will be terrific. It is known that the allied war council at Ver sailles created a great strategic re serve of menXo be used in Just tho contingency which confronts the ar mies which have borne the brunt of the fighting since last Thursday morning. This force probably will ,be launched when and where It Is believed it will break the force of the German onslaught and send the enemy reeling back over theUesert from which theaBrttlsh have slowl -withdrawn. ttennan Lowe Frightful. Each succeeding day reveals tho plan of the Germans absolutely to ' crush the allied lines west of Cam bral, a terrain which could not be defended by Von Hindenburg a year aeo. Each official report shows that this sector Is valueless from a mili tary standpoint and that the Ger mans have paid a terrible price for their advance to the lines establish ed by the allies during the first two years of warfare. It is officially re ported that seventy German division or 8 40,000 men, have taken part In the fighting and that troops have teen moved from every part f tbe western battle front to reinforce the armies which have been forcing the r.ritlsh to fall back. Observers at the front say that the German loss es have been frightful, and tbat the enemy fias lost from tn to twenty per cent of his men. by the most conservative estimates. . ItrltUh Xearer 8upply Bane. While the German line of com munications has been growing long er, the British have constantly mov ed nearer their base of supplies. It in probable that the line where stern battles will be given Is not far away f fom the present positions of the al lied armies. There has been continued activity on the Italian front, but no attacks cf Importance have been made by cither side Jn this theater of the war. The American lines In the Lnne vllle and Toul sectors have been bombarded once more, tut no infan- (Contlnued on Page 2.) - . ?