The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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from mrtrnw Brothel Je!wefry .towiniM SiSS t .t.
fot. but will multiply It. appreciation. Ne goods f?? Ea8?er and
State and Liberty street.
OREGON State street near
r V dmnt Home n f Artcuff t
; and PramouBt pictures,
. Douglas Fairbanks In Vileadin'
LIBERTY liiDcrtj .near
; State.' High class photoplays.
... BLIGH State between Lib- t
erty and High. Mutual and !
Bluebird films. Special films, f
Famous Spot 1 lance
( Every, dance, will be a prize spot
dance donated "by , Salem merchants
at armory -Wednesday night. , ;
(.- ,.-
GJee Club Returns
.The mens glees club of Willam
ette university returned Monday
morning from a three days tour. Oa
Thursday a concert was given at
Canty, Friday at St. Helens and on
EaUrdar t; Astoria.
U ' -
Iet; Me at the Club Alleys 4
fill N. Commercial. Upstairs.
Holsam Hot Cross Buns
. Taste right because they are made
, . . v-
Committee Is Appointed
The war chest committee appoint
ed by President Steusloff of the Sa
lem Commercial club to investigate
the feasibility' of providing a com
munity fund for all patriotic, eam-
f.!2SS228 2nd Medical Gymnastic
: Graduate of Sweden
. 4 v Trained Nurae
jiFhona 1317-455 N. Summer St.
Hours by appointment at
',, your borne
Salem Velie Co.. intone 44
Buy One
Welch Electric Co.
220 N. Com.
Phone 953.
We mmy the very klcheat prlea
far haaaeh! mm ti
every lUaeU
People f Second Hand Store
Z71 IT. pMMcrelaI St, Fhaaa 7V
Used Furnitare Wanted
Highest eaah price a!4 far
f tare.
Phone 941 or 508
Highest price paid for all kinds
, of Junk
271 Cheraeketa St. Phon 30.H
VantetfSacks and Iron
Highest prices p&d. Also buy
all kinds of jpnk-
Phone TOO V'.
Cor. Center and Commercial 8u
Day phono
Night phone
Efficiency Speed
. Responsibility
We will pack, move or store
your goods and guarantee sat
isfaction. Rates on Eastern Shipments
Our peclalty. '
Piano Movmg and Out of Towu
" Trips.
457 State Street.
paigns with the exception of the lib
erty loan, consists of the following
persons: F. W. Steusloff, food ad
ministration; Henry W. Meyers, Red
Cross; D. J. Fry. council of nation
al defense; William McGilchrist Jr.
commercial club; R. C. -Bishop, y!
M. C. A. and Y. V. C.' A.; Frank
Davey, Knights of Columbus; Wal
ter A. Denton, R. A. Harris. F. (7.
Deckebach, R. S. Gill. W. M. Hamil
ton, Joseph H. Albert. Thomas B.
Kay and Father J. R. Ruck.
Show Your Patriotism
Company M concert and dance at
armory Wednesday night. Biggest
event of the year.
late Is Postponed
The Chautauqua Reading Circle
entertainment .which was to be given
Tuesday evening at the Christian
church, has been indefinitely post
poned. . : , t x:
Nominating : Petitions
Printed, to comply with all de
mands for state and county offices,
at Statesman Publishing company
G'oncl WetEnd Approach f
ThelPolk county court has decid
ed to put In an approach having, a
concrete wall on the wett end of the
new injer-county bridge. The plans
called for a complete wood approach,
but the county has decided to build
a more substantial approach on that
end of the crossing.
Player Plan
I have a TZ0 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for $562. It's
an nn usual bargain a -rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting e high
grade instrument! at a low price. E.
L. Stiff & Son. 446 Court St.
Car Shortage 673
. The Southern Pacific company yes
terday reported to the public service
commission a total car shortage in
Oregon of 208 closed and 4 64 open
cars, a total of 67Z.
t . :-- , - 1 1
Concert ami Dance
Company M benefit, armory, Wed-
nesdav nieht. Music by woodry's
ten-niece orchestra. Concert starts
k nVlnrt sham. Doors open at 7
o'clock. Be on time.
Plover Piano
I have a $750 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for $56?. It's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a: high
grade Instrument at low price. E.
L. Stiff & Son, 446 Ceurt St.
Cafeteria Rupoer :
At the Unitarian church. Friday,
March 29.; beginning at 5:30 p: m.
War dishes a specialty. AH friends
invited. . I '
Make Speeches In Portland
Attorney General . Brown and
Warden Murphy of the state peni
tentiary went to Portland last night
to give addresses before a meeting
of the Prisoner's Aid society. Ad
dresses wer made by men from Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho.
).;,. . ; .
PasjIonWeek Service
Leslie Methodist church. Ser
mons: Tuesday, Dr. Avison: Wed
nesday. Professor J. T. Matthews:
Thursday, Dr. Sherwood; Friday.
Professor John O. Hall.
I .
Gubernatorial Candidate Here
Dr. J. E. Anderson of The Dalles,
one of the Republican candidates for
governor, was in Salem yesterday
and called at the office of several of
the state , officials. Mr. Anderson
says he' f.'nds war, and not politics,
the absorbing topic of conversation
wherever he goes.
Xovninnting Petitions
Printed to comply with all de
man4s for ftate and county offices.
t i Statesman Publishing Company
i , .
IH on 3feetin . - ,i,
ti,. ..ninn moolincr for tonight will
e at tb" Ignited Evangelical church.
North rttao and Center streets.
Rov. F.)T. Porter of the First Chris
tian church will be the speaker.
Vnted mt t lie Oregon State '
Hospital, nurses, attendants and
teamster. Apply at office. Tele
phone 63.
j . t "
I'.MrJotlc lr?lc Meetn
The regular meetine of the Salem
I'atriotic league will be held this aft
ernoon at 3 o'clock at the commer
iir'e,lirb. The nuestion of the deferred-payment
of the bill of exoenne
frrn rthc "ditty" bags will be
taken up.v
Ow 'nir tn tbelTnanl
tot-foRs Huns, don t
fall' to give vour rder lo yonr ?ro-
rer, before Thursday Ton win
Injure prompt deliver.
- '
Order confirming al wade by
the sheriff of certain property in n?
suit of : LoiHae, Heidnker against
i f whttiMv and wife was
yyli I lr : ...... ...
. ' io .vnipred in the circuit
. t aa ontpred confirmin
conn. " , , ,
the sale of pronertv previously made
In the suit oi r-mina n.
,.,oriv Km ma J. Banerlin. agains.
.. ' j i.i t.... nrt wife on a
SUN At the home of his father. 266
South High street. Monday, March
25, 1918, Lai Yee Sun, who was
29 years old.
He was the son of George San. He
also leaves a widow and three
children. .
; The funeral will be hold tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the resi
dence. Rev. George F. Holt will be
In charge of the services, and inter
ment will take place in Odd Fellows
SHERRICK At .'.Marion. Or.. Sun
day night. MaTfh 24, 1918. at
10:30 o'clock, George Sherrlck.
who was about 50 years old.
The services will take place this
morning at 10 o'clock at Marion,
and burial ; will follow in Friends
cemetery. t
Insurance an Stamps Combined!
E. G. Gait j of San FranciBco.i sup
erintendent 6T agencies of the Xlietro-
polita&.Life Insurance company, was
In Salem-yesterday visiting the local
offices.; He is on a tour of the north
west In connection with his cam
Iany's activities in the thrift stamp
campaign. "
There Wero More HoUn
Hot-Cross Buns sold in Salem last
year than sll others combined. This
year they are made according to the
wheat saving plan and are better
than over.
Marriage Licenses-
County Clerk Boyer yesterday
issued marriage licenses to John D.
Fietrok. 32. of Staytonpand Eliza
beth ZulinskI, 21, of Salem, and to
Denman K. Gemunder, 28, and Kath
erine McClelland, 27, of balem.
A Few O-Foot Window Shades at 40c
7-foot shades. 43e. 50c and 65c.
Wide shades frorrv7$1.25 to $2.00.
Chinaware at closing out prices. Gar
den tools a specialty. J. A. Patter
son. 285 JCorth Commercial street.
Default Order Entered r
Order was yesterday entered for
default In the suit of M. C. Findley
against Sarah J. Si rams, an action
to quiet title to certain property in
dispute. :
Yew Man Enters Xavy
v Recruiting Officer John E. Adams
yesterday enlisted William Johnson,
of Salem for service -n the navy,
through the local office, whih naw
has Instructions to enlist speedily
carpenters for naval aviation branch.
Xomlnatlne Petitions
. Printed to comply with all de
mands for state and county offices,
at Statesman Publishing company
Sales Made Itapldly
H. S. Gile, president of the Pheas
ant Northwest Products company,
has received a number of letters re
cently from Sales Manager O. L. Fer
ris, the last one being from Wash
ington. D. C, and in all of them he
says that the company is receiving a
large number of orders for logan
berry Juice. The company has only
enough lulee . to last about thirty
days, and at ? the present rato of
299 N. Commercial St
163 S. Commercial St
I PHOXES 19"and 1841 )
War Saving Stamps On Sale at
All Our Stores.
Herfrhey Cocoa, ? Ib. tin.. 15c
Royal Club Coffee, lb. ..31c
Royal Clob Coffee, 31bs. ..85c
Sun Maid Raisins, pk. ...11c
Monomle Raisins, 15 ox.
pkgs.. 3 for .30c
Fancy Dry Peaches, lb. .12c
lU-t Creamery Butter, lb..50c
No. lO Vegetables ..... . 2.GO
So. 5 'egetables ..... .$1-30
No. lO Compound ...... f&50
No. 5 Compound $1.23
No. 5 inire Laid ... 81.50
No. lO Ittre Lard . . ... .82.00
Iure Salad and Cooking Oil.
gallon .... 8I.0O
Ijarge Wewon Oil fl.40
Small Wesson OH- . .
3W lb. pkg. Liberty Oat
" flakes ...... . .. . .
(1 Ibx. Bulk Rolled Oats.. e
5 IJai-H Clean Eay Sap...:uc
5 linn Crystal White Siip 25c
4 Riirs Fein N!tlia Sw. -.28e'
Fancy lry Onlonn, 13 lbs. 2.5c
IVtatmt. er 1 lbs. . . . 5c
Ghlrardelli's Ground t1uc
olate. ponml . ...25c
Peanut Butter, 2 I Ik. ". . -35c
t'ream Oil Sw, 3 !ars . .'.2Jc
Waohingtoit CHp om
. I 'lakes, pkg. . . .
Ijirce kK. Quaker-Oaf s
2c Coffee, 2 days only, lb. 2c
22c O.ffee, 2 day only, lb. J 8c
Fancy Jap Rrice, lb. . .
Vmnrv Ilewl Itice. H. .
Don't Forget We Sell W. S. S.
v IWt lVrgft Ue Sell
War Saving Stamps
1 orders coming in. the supply of Juice'
for the coming year will have to fce
more than double the amount put up
test season. "It all depends now on
the growers, whether we will be able
to meet the demands made on us
for this year's output." said Mr. Glle.
-floopital Apprentices Wanted
JThe local navy recruiting station
received instructions yesterday to en
list all men pssible in the rate of
hospital apprentice. The qualifica
tions for this branch of the navy are
a high scbol education or its equlj a
Unt and the ages of Acceptance ars
between IK and 3Q.,r This branch of
the navy is regarded as very desira
ble. Men enlisted In this branch aro
given six months' schooling In phar
macy, materia medlca and toxicol
ogy, hygiene and saftltatlon. Regis
tered men may enlist-3n this branch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawrord have
teturned. from an extended visit ia
the eastj While on the trip they vis
ited their daughter who is ill in
Louis Stewart, a student in Wil
lamette university, underwent a
slight operation Friday. Mr. Stew
art returned Monday to resume bU
studies at the university.
Edgar Averil of the class of 1905
of Willamette university was In Sa
lem Monday and attended chapel ex
ercises. Mr. Averil Is now living In
Mrs. M. D. Ellis and Mrs. E. W.
Tribble of Dallas spent Monday shop
ping In Salem.
41. Hersbberger of Independence
made a business trip to Salem Mon
day. Mrs. H. P. Shriver of Dallas was
In Salem the last of the week visiting
with relatives.
Mrs. George HIbbert le this
morning for Fossil. Oregon, to join
her husband. She has been visiting
with her mother. Mrs. M. E. Dewley.
Mrs. Asahel Hush left Sunday eve
ning for Los Angeles, Cal.. where she
will spend a few weeks visiting with
friends. .
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson ana
daughter, Evelyn "were Dallas
Saturday visiting with friends.
Henry Muscott spent Sunday vis
iting with Mrs. Muscott.
A. E. Thorp of Philadelphia Is at
the Marlon. "
J. L. Ockrig. J- R- Drayton,
ChSrles Jewett, U. S. Sheldon. E.
Shelley Morgan, W. M. Pteerson, C.
P. Ross, Thomas T. McGuire, V. A.
Woodward. O. M. Piummer. iu r.
Reed. G. E. Coman of Portland are
registered at the Marlon.
E T Taylor. R. L. Finlayson. J.
H Shaw. William Klinger. Ralph V.
Rknkln of San Francisco are at the
Marion - ,
W C Kulisch Is here from Eu
gene.' stopping at the Marlon
Oeoree A. Webber of Loulsianna
is a guest of the Marion.
C. 45. Steele of New York
is at
the Marlon. .
c v.. Reese of Dallas
Is at the
. . - -
IIUFj n. Decker, Earl Woodland A.
E. Stewart of Sllverton are regli
tered at the Bllghl
il. L. Opdyk of lyrtle Creek ts
ftSh pBJenbson orTClarnath Falls 1,
a guest of the BllRh. :
n r. Stanley' of Black
Rock Is
quartered at the HHgh.
C. RLi Parktis here from Stayton
a. EUeSL l viic
n v. Wills of Independence
registered at the Bligh. '
J. A. Laurie of Oregon City is stop
Ding at the BHgh. " ' ,
P E E. Bangs and A. W.'Kephart of
Marion were Salem visitors yester
day, 'p. , :'
Simple Way To ,
End Dandruff
There Is one sure way that has
never failed to remove dandruff at
once, and that Is to dissolve it, then
you destroy it entirely. To do this.
Just get about four ounces of plain,
common liquid arvon from any drug
store (.this is all you will need),
apply It at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if , npt all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and three
or tour more applications will com
pletely dessolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of it,
no matter how much dandruff you
may have. '
You will find all itching and dig
ging of the scalp will stop instantly,
and your hair will be fluffy, lust
rous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and j feel a hundred times bet
ter. ! -. - - .
Edsar F. Averill Tells of His
Work as Predatory Ani
mal Inspector
About $4000 a month Is beinu paid
bv the states of Oregon and Wash
ington to hunters and trappers o
the destruction of predatory animals,
according to Edgar F. Averill. of
Pendleton, predatory animal inspect
or for the two states, who was in
Salem Saturday. The number or hunt
ers is expected to be Increased to 60
or 70 for the two slates soon. Witb
the exception of $15,000 appropriated
by the state of Waahinston. all mon
ey .used to pay the hunters comes
from the government. Washington
turns over $15,000 to Mr. Averill tc
use in the work. .
"The method of hiring Winters i
more effective than the bounty law."
said Mr. Averill. "for the reason that
he bounty law Is not a strong in
dncment to hunters and trappers to
work at any other time than winter,
when the fur is valuable. The most
effective periods of the year for de
stroying predatory animals Ik In the
spring, summer and early fall."
Mr. Averill consider that effort
Last day
IN : ' '
being made by the government to ex
terminate predatory animals is anj
important measure for the conserva
tion of food. - .
"Predatory animals," he said, "kill
$20,000,000 worth of livestock every
year, and most of this destruction Is
In the western states. This Is to say
nothing of loss by rabies, which . is
scattered by wild animals. And in
addition to this loss, is a destruction
of game birds and animals that is
too large to be estimated."
Mr. Averill says that rabies is more
prevalent now In Eastern Washing
ton than in Oregon. In Oregon there
is more of it in Klamath and Mal
heur counties than in other sections.
James Beckley, a Klamath , county
farmer has lost about $2000 worth of
livestock from the disease. "The loss
in Washington in the last year has
amounted to over $100,000. j
Money Is Coined When
Made ay People Dance
A supecessful stepping party was
given at Macleay and the net profits
amounted to $74. Several neighbor
ing towns contributed to the attend
ance and Lhn hall was filled. A
cafeteria luncheon was served, con
sisting of chicken patties on lettuce.
sandwiches, pickles, cookies and cor
fee. - The women's aid of Macleay
donated a quilt which was sold for
SI 3. the money being contributed
to the Red Cross. The lucky nam
I her was drawn by Miss Gladys Per
kins. The chance booth was man
seed by M.s. Elton Mackenzie, and
he card tables were In charee of
Mrs. F. K. Itobinfon.' Miss Joy
Turner of Salem directed the music.
A ' "hard time" dance will be given
at Macleay by the Red Cross April 6.
, If you saw a child on a railrond
rack you would endeavor to remove
he little one from danger. .When a
hild is "snuffling" or coughing.
sn't- it your duty to get him- otit of
danger of severe consequences?
Foley's Honey and Tar gives relicl
from roughs, cold, croup and whovp-.
!ng cough.
C. perry.
Contains no opiates. J
William Adams of Portland
Files for State Treasurer
William 'Adams of Portland yes
terday filed his candidacy for state
treasurer. His platform follows:
"I will conduct a common sene
economical administration of the
state's bnsiness, give my personal at
tention to ail the duties of statw
treasurer and will no draw the sal
ary and lt some one else do what
I am paid to do. I favor state aid
for agricultural developing and
strict economy."
John It. BH1 of Eugene filed his
declaration of candidacy for state
snator from the fourth senatorial
district. His slogan is "Business ef
ficiency, war legislation first."
( ...''.':'''''-. 'Nik- -. l
i f ' .... f Jr
New York Committee Ac
knowledges Armeman Re
. lief Contribution
Chairman . Joseph Albert of the
Armenian Relief association, yester
day received a letter from New York,
acknowledging, the receipt of 'funds
from Salem. Mr. Albert said that
the association has sent forward to
New York $5,000, at different times,
and there Is more to be forwarded in
a few days.
The letter, which is signed by II.
C. Jacquith, follows:
"Some days ago we received from
Ben Selling a check for 13.500 cov
ering the generous contributions from
"We are In receipt of a cablegram
this morning which we would like
to pass on to the committee and at
the same time add a word of warm
appreciation for the Oregon way in
which Salem put Armenian and Sy
rian relief over the top. r !
"We v will endeavor to ! keep you
informed from time to time as to the
general plan of campaign throughout
the country, the items of Information
from them which would be of inter
est to those who had contributed In
order that through your committee
the community may be Informed as
to the method and the places where
the collection is to be distributed.
"May we add a word of personal
appreciation to the members of the
committee who participated so en
thusiastically in this drive."
Congressman Is in Favor of
Complete Annihilation of
) Prussianisrn
A war policy of nothing less than
annihilation of Prussianisrn is pre
sented in the platformrof . Congress
man C. N. Mc Arthur who filed his
declaration of candidacy fpr re-election
from the third congressional dla
trletof Oregon. His slogan Is "Con
tinued support to America's great
tasks winning the war.'! Ills plat
form, follows :
"I will continue' to render loyal
support to the. government's war
rrogram, to the ehd that, all foreign
nations be required to respect , our
flag; that international treaties bs
effective and binding; that rrusslan
ismlbe eradicated and that the hard
won rights and liberties, bequeathed
by onr fathers, be guaranteed to our
posterity. I favor universal military
training, a powerful navy on both
the Atlantic and the Pacific, and full
development of our national resour
ces, preparedness and efficiency be
ing the surest guarantees of lasting
peace, progress and .happiness."
"A Kotore Army I an Army Hlf
Defeated." - Men in TraJnin Campa,
in Cantonment, in the Army and
Navy nuffer from blisters and aore
spots on their feet. Every "Comfort
Kit" should contain one or more box
es of Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic
powder to shake Into the shoes. it
freshens the tired, ach In sr. smarting
fet and heals blisters and sora spots.
The J'lattuburg Camp Manual advises
men In training- to make dally use of
Foot-Ease. Sold everywhere. 25c .
Did they count the cost when her bow
-they crossed.
Then ruthlessly ripped her side?
Over their borders to ride? .
Their quick barb stuns; when that bolt
Did they court the storm when millions
swarm -
was sprung; . .
And the sea through., her crushed
plates roared: "
Thev rowelled our flank - when the
transport sank '
And out blood through her scuppers
poured. v
With stunning: flash the-' lightning
Hath leaned across the foam. w
And a nation stirred hath heard the
word - .
That her sons shall ne'er coma home.
With wrathful roar grim legions pour
From meadow land, fors:e and mart,
Taeir teeth hard set for hot blood-debt.
Waan't this they planned to start?
Claudius Tayer in Hichmond (Cat.)
Terminal. .
Declaration Is Filed
by Looney of Jefferson
. '
D. II.. Looney of Jefferson yester
day filed his declaration of candi
dacy for the Republican nomination
for representatives for Marionlrouii
ty In ythe -legislature. . He has re
quested thai the words "Patriotism,
Efficiency, Economy." be placed af
ter his name on the ballot, and in his
plattorm Mr. Eooney declares that
he will serve his county, state and
country to the best of Lis ability.!
Wallowa C&unty Makes
Showing in Stamp Sales
A report to State Superintendent
Chuichill from J. C. Conley. county
school superintendent for Wallowa
county shows that, up to February
22 0e schools in that V-ounty had
sold a otal of $656655 worth of war
savings stamps. The schools of the
":":y: WE SELL ';:v;-t'.;..
k . i - . . "',-'..-"-.'
Goody earGoodricli and
United States Tires
- j ' ,
Also do all kinds of repair work and do it well.
The Salem Vulcanizing Works
' High School
To Be Presented ly
. ' i. ,
. Willamette Chapter
Reserved Seats 33c .' 8:15 p.m.
General Admission 23c
connty had reported as follows: En
terprise, $3491; Liberty," $15.64;
Promise,. $20;Smith mountain, $6.
4 5;; Three Lakes, $6; Dry Gulch,
$1; . Leap, $29.43; Paradise.$39.66;
Lostine, $717.48; Joseph, $2212.25;
Reaves. $2; Mina, $2.50; Imnaha,
$6.39; Waverly, $11.75. v
Or c. . C, Ht;TTI-n
Take no dubnitute. once qsed 1
waiya If your srrocer doesn't
'handle it. oaJ! for It at
capital citv fo-h'kuativk
chi:mkiiv '
For i
T.ltl CO.
:V7 t. ritate St.
Bungalow, gas and wood range In
cluded, built In buffet, fire place,
large bathroom, living room, bed
rooms, etc., .Extra large porch. Yard.
Easy Walking Distance. Terms.
Phone 1278. ,
Diseases of Women , and
Nervous Diseases ,,
606 United States National- Bank
' Building, Salem, Oregon.
I i w
Timepieces r .;
Adjusted or Repaired
Repairing,' regulating, or
adjusting of high, grade Amer
ican and Swiss watches, chron
ographs, etc., requires the skill
of an expert. I make a spe
cialty of this kind of work.
: ';; ; '- '" . ..-.- .,
r Herman W. Barr
New Location
125 X. IJIerty Ht 'Upstairs.
Save the Meat for the Boys
. at the Front.
Fitt's Market
444 Court Street
March 2CI
' ' . v - 1 . e s
liowaru " " "
judgment for $1250.