The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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(Th Sta -Ftnan la pleaded to print
communications upon topic of freneral
nteret at any time. There is scarcely
any limit to the topics of gneral In
terest.' Il I nkeU only that corre
spondents refrain, from personalities
and ums cure that nothing: tt written
of a libelous nature. letters rnuat hav
writer's fame and address, though not
cecesiarfly for publication. JSd.j
' - 'f -'
- Kindly VnWerat ion Asked.
Editor Statesman: . . ;
- In Tuesday'" Issue of The States
man an individual KiKnln as "A with
0 - I ' fj
' fen i ifcir twmrf
, - . , sWaxas a cJUs RadCrmmlJ VJL-
-: -
W i . N I
DritvVTi. , ' t,00er" deals in
pretty - plain language with -Red
cross Boosters -who wrote an article
urjlifc "kindftess to German lied
HlSS?. 1?Per ,toth ' these
articles are Interesting to me and 1
have read each . them a mimber
of times with a view of getting at
the spirit .of the two authors.
Careful-; Comparison of the ' two
articles which lie before me at the
present, moment reveals the factJ to
the writer at least, that there are
two different ways of dealing with
this very delicate situation. So now
I ask you to caef ulljr consider which
th tester' way to proceed In or
der to secnre the greatest amount of
assistance from the German people
who fare anion us In carrying-on
the work Incident to waging a suc-
CeI5&t. war -8ha" we et them
cordially -and Indicate to them hv
W.?Id.n.d eed that w.e sympathize
tnem in tnetr trying position?
Or shall. wo when they give evidence
or a desire to assist in the work
make it so unpleasant for them , by
jibes and slurs that they will with
draw? Now which lla the better. -to
love or to hate? Which will do the
more for the cause those whom we
love or those we scorn rnd hate? 1
submit these things for careful con
t Borne of h a?ino I. firm Q n nork.
- - - ...... . . . u v A
pie have sons In tho aimy serving
along beside oar sons. They were
piaymates at school and now they
are men fighting together to protect
me nag that floats over them and
which yqu will also find displayed
by their parents at home by the
side of the food car l, the tied Cross
symbol and the service flag. In
lew of these and other things to
their credit. I do not think the writer
of Sunday's article abused the term
very much by sayirg "friend"" when
speaking of nuch.f i
A careful inspection of the article
He Gels Days ol Comfort
out ol a pouch of
Real GRAVELY Cite wing Plug
Real GraveW Pluflr
4A(jut enough Wetening to 7mw), that
V ll VIu of Real Gravely lasts much longer
) n an orainanrpiuar, and gives tLo com.
. fort and satisfaction of good tobacco.
Give any man a chew ol Real Gravely Plo.7. and be
' Will tell you that' the kind to send. Send the beat!
Ordinary pln falae economy. It coats leaa per
week to chew Real Gravely, because a arnoll chew
. . of it laata a long while. i !
If yow smoke a pipe, aBee Gravely with ycur knife
i and add a little to year smoking tobacco. It -will
Eve flavor improve your smoke. ,
SEND your ntrnvD IN the it. s. service
u a rouca or cravely
Dealers all aroma Were carry It is 10c pooeW. A 3c
WwUl put it into bia naadaia aw Traiaiaa Cams or Sea-
Port af tba U. S. A. Erta"nrtWt"i3c.iUapwiUbke
it to aim. Your dealer Will snpoir eardopa mad gir yoa offi
cial direction bow to address it.
71 Patent Pomck Ueps it Freak aaef dtmrn mmJ CooJ
' It it aef JSaof Crewfy witiiomt this Pnttttum Seal
." Katn Wished 1S3 i
first published does not so far as I
can see reveal any good reason why
its author's patriotism snonld be
questioned. - - , :
Now it happens that 1 know the
man who wrote that article and also
his wife. This-lady has, been very
successful ; working in what mriiy
regard as a barfj field. Since the
Red Cross drive in December she
has brought In twenty new members.
And when physically able she is al
ways on the job to assist at the aux
iliary. She and her husband have
taken out memberships in the or
ganization for every member of the
family, and this Includes three who
are away from home. They have In
vested in a treasury certificate. Lib
erty bonds, thrift and war savings
stamps, and have contributed at the
time of the Red Cross.' Y. M. C. A.
and Y. V. C. A. drive and have
bought "smileage books.' Recently
when the matter of putting an aux
Uitrry on a self-supporting basis was
up the man pledged 50 cents per
month, and since Mr.- Meyers has
made such an earnest appeal for
funds- he ihas decided to raise his
subscription to $2 per month. These
people bWe helped everywhere they
have fotjid an opportunity to do so.
I will also add that this man works
by the month to support ifa family.
Not long aro the man remarked that
he had failed once to help the Sal
vation army to get money to pur
chase their war ambulance, but the
woman reminded hint of the fact
that she had given 25 cents to that
call. :
In view -of these things. I hardly
think a disloyalty charge against
these people would stand unless the
Jury were hiased beyond all con
ception, t
I approached the task of writing
this fully conscious of the fact tliat
the successful treatment of such a
delicate matter requires tact and
skill in the use of language to a
very great degree, and for that rea
son I would have been glad if sonV
one fully qualified In that respect
had volnnteered to treat the subject
which I regard as of such Impor
tance that t should not be over
looked or neglected. I most sincerely
hope I have not bungled my English
to such' an extent as to prevent your
reading plainly between the lines if
By readily taking advantage ef the price reductions named on every article in this im
mense stock. We can quote here only a few of the hundreds of matchless prices on
FURNITURE and HOUSE FURNISHINGS- Prices that defy all competition.
'Eiiblic'fs loyal, W Set tEe
: .- ;-.;;:-:"-. . . Vj:. . i
- j - v ; , i - -a 1
: f ?e r
Dressers of White EnameL .Oak,
Bird's Eytf MapllWaliitit'and
Mahogany' from $15.00 to $75.00
Eeffular $15.00 Princess Dresser
Regular $18.75 Oak Dresser
. i ::::: . . :.: . v..: . ; $13.50
Regular $20.00 Dresser, Large ,
Mirror .$15.75
Regular $25.00 Solid Oak, safe
: -i; ... :x :.: . . $19.75
Regular $35.00 Dressers, Plate
Mirror 27-75
Baby, Buggies
Carriages and
Go Carts
y . .' " v
1 from ...... $3.75; to $45.00'
Regular $7.50 Cart J . $5.95
Reg. $10.00 Cart for $7.95
Reg. $20 Buggies. .$15.75
Reg. $30.00 Reed Carriage
Special Reductions on Cre
tonnes, Madras, Scrims and
,h , . Upholstering Materials
35c Marquisettes. ; . . . I . .19c
50c Cretonnes. ......... .39c
sc" AllJLace Curtains less 25
'i-per cent
We carry the 'Everwear'
fully guaranteed. Get our
I sale prices
Regular $1.50 4 quart Stew
Pans sale ; . .... . . $1.00
Regular $2.50 Aluminum Per
colator sale. , . ; ...... . .$1.95
Our line of blankets; quilts,
pillows; etc., are reduced for
this occasion, why pay more?
Our sale prices are less than
the material can be bought
for. ';- -: !;; 'Hi "''T-T' j
Iron Beds, Enamel, Brass,
Oak, Walnut and Mahogany,
every one priced special for
this sale. r
$12.50 Enamel Beds. . . .$9 S3
$20.00 Solid Oak Bed $13.85
Rockers and Morris Chairs
Rockers from $3.50 to $35 1
Regular $6.00 Oak Rock
ers . $4.35
regular $10.00 Leather : - . K.-f-ji
Seat Rockers ........ $7.95 - )
Regular $22.50 Overstuff
ed Rockers . .... '. . . $17.95
Reerular S35.00 Morris
Chaivt $57.75
- m -f v- ilnV L
Regular.' $22.50 Morris . i--r. ;
. Chairs $15.85
Ranges j
Coo!. Stoves
High Grade Ranges From
I..... $40.00 to $95.00
Wood or Coal Burners, also
Combination Coal and Gas
Ranges.' "
Reg. $65.00 Range sale $48.00
Eepilar $40.00 Gas Eange,
tliffbtly Med at.;'. ... .$12.00
. As every one ibiows , tte
prices on carpets have ad-
- vanced, ' while sale prices
..fchow great reductions. r
60c Cotfage Art, sale. Vt :47c
75c Union Ingrain . ..".... 59c
$1X0 Brussels Carpet. . . .98c
; $2.25 Body Brussels . ; . $1.75
nn Tiricea on ruzs are less
than factory prices at this
time... ' 'ri:-,. ':''-'c ... '" '
f $10.00 Wool Fibre Btigs $7.95
x $20 Seamless Brussels $1350
!"? $25.00 Brussels Rugs $18.00
$35 ; Atminster Rugs $24.75
They would cost you more
' - at wholesale today.
95c 8'lainoliumlVeV'L78c
$13 16-4 Linoleum 95c
$1.25 Inlaid Linoleum $109
$1.50 Inlaid Linoleum $1-23
$1.75 Inlaid Linoleum $1.45
Select your" wall Japer from 1
the largest stock- outside of
Portland. ) Special prices on
all paper, doubleroUs.. .....
12 l-2c to $1.00
r 3
not otnerwise the fact that these
sentiments emanate from, one whose
heart Is full of love for Ms fellow
roan regardless of race, color or na
tionality, and whose soul is fired
witn the spirit of patriotism to such
a degree that be cannot conseient
louIy hold his peace at such a time
as this. So he has spoken In defense
of "Red Cross Rooster." who would.
I think, be entitled to write an arti
cle in bis own defense and sign his
name "True Blue JTied . Cross
Rooster. This, however, he refuses
to do, for such an act might be tak
en to Imply that others among his
reuow workers were sham instead
of true.
v. p, p.
Salem, March 21, 1918.
AdrWa AKalnt Oata.
Editor Statesman: , v ; "
Permit me as the time approaches
in which the farmers are fisurinr on
what kind of material they wiil plant
or sow for their next winter's hay
for horses, to say. do rot sow oats
for hay. Quite a number of horses
have been lost this winter from feed
Ins oat hay. They had quite an pi
demic from feeding- oat hay In Ot
tawa, in. Professor Rotanv lu II.
Panmiel of Ames. Iowa, took the
matter up and found that some of
the symptoms displayed In forage
poisoning can scarcely be differen
tiated from artificial intoxication in
duced In horses as the result of
bacillus .botulinns , Intoxication, as
originally pointed out by Buckley
tnd Shipper! of the bureau of ani
mal ipTustry. The report can be
foundJin the journal of tf.e Ameri
can Association, December 27, 1913.
given by A. J. Stiles in order, as I
understand it, that we mirht know
how the horse felt under Its Influ
ence, for ne (the horse) cannot tell
us. Sq we will let Mr, Stiles tell us
in his own words found in the Amer
ican Journal of Veterinary Medicine,
March, 1918. This is what he says:
"Vertigo and nystagmus developed
a few hours after eating. In a star
tling degree. , The car (In which I
was beins taken to my house)
seemed to be ascending an endless
spiral, the stairs made circles in the
sky. and th houses by the wayside
reeled. ( The lighted doorway of my
house seemed to approach and sur
round me as I was carried in. My
bed for the moment presented itself
as a vertical surface which I couid
not conceive to bn a resting place.
Whenever I opened my eyes on this
day or the next the impression of
gyration (or revolving in a circle!
of the room was appalling. To turn
my head even very slowly from one
side to the other broneht an acces
sion of the overpowering giddiness.
Eight days fr he 'beginning of
he attack the nvstagmus became
limited to momentary onsets, but In
its Mace I became aware of a pe
culiar diplopia for double vision.)
The Image of one retina was not
merely displaced from the position
of its fellow, but. was tilted about
15 degrees from parallel. The fan
tastic diplopia gradually gave place
to the familiar variety and this oc
curred less and less often as my
convalescence proceeded. From this
aate my, recovery pursued a course
which was dishearteningly slow but
free from any setbacks. Among the
nerslstent symptoms were the visual
difficulties mentioned. The left pupil
was usually smaller . than the right
md I thouKht I detected a slight
failure to relax accommodation with
the left eya."
I am sure after reading the above
no one would want to snbject his
horses to undergo such, feelings when
It can be avoided. If any one should
persist in feeding oat hay or straw
f might say the department has pre
pared a serum for this condition of
the horse, and it can be had I think
from Univeristy of Illinois. A. J.
btlles, as y understand, drank the
tea or juice made from the oat hay.
V D. D. Keeler, V. S.
Sunday Schools to Meet
at Keizer Next Sunday
Thfe Ilayseville district Srd-v
school convention will meet at Ke'z
cr Sunday. March 31, beginning a
10 a. m., sharp.
The speakers for the forenoon are
Rev. S. W. Hall. Brooks; M'ss Lur-t
Heist,-1 Salem; Rev. W. E. S mpson,
At' noon a basket d'nner wi'I be
given -in the basement of the build
ing. . ;
At 'l o'clock three meetings will
Cive It to me.
please Grand
Why Bobby If
you wait a bit for
it vou'Ir tiave it
to enjoy lonserr'
-Poo-pcol That's
no ar!um2i2t with
cause thS 1LVISZ
lasts.' aoywa!"-
ftfter every meal
: .. ' - ' -; . '
wecs : .j
be cconducted as fonows-Girls meet
ing, Drv J. H. Falrchlld: Girls' meet
ing; Laura Heist, Saiem; Workers'
County at Work." S
The choir of the Keizer Sunday
school the Willamette glee club and
Sunday school will furnish the mu
sic "- -- : ' f ,i - - ?
Conference, Harry White. Havesville Lmembers of the Pratum Methodist
-i ier me ousmess session. Kev. a
F. Lacy of Salem wHl speak on "The
Supreme Work i of the k Sunday
School." "The Teacher and s th-2
Hour" will be the subject of Dr. O.
H. AW en of Salem. A speaker will
be supplied for , the topic, '.'Marlon
t The Boston Transcript says "this
ia Just the honeymoon period of the
war,"'mplylng that the rearfightliu'
has not yet begun.'
? t
r i
0. 75B)i
f Aw J rxsyy-
Dr. O. L. Scott at waeel of'his new Elgin Six; purchajed this week of Lee L. Gilbert, distributor for'
Marion, Polk, Yamhill. Washington and Tillamook counties. Lee L. Gilbert, who has been local distributor,
in Multnomah county for the Elgin Six and Harroun automobiles, has been appointed wholesale distributor
for the same cars tn Marion. Polk, Washington, YamhUl and Tillamook counties, with headquarters at 1&
South Commercial street, Salem, Or. Mr. Gilbert reports several carloads on the way. and will supply his
dealers from here, A large stock of parts will be on hand at all times and best of service given to Elgin
owners. Mr. Gilbert is a live wire, and s-Vs he will have one of tbs flnst show rooms In the state, and ex
tends a cordial invitation to all. '
Mr. Gilbert has many friends tere. For a number of years he traveled through Salem as a hardware
salesman. He was the second traveling man In Oregon to use an automobile on his selling trips.
, i. s. Hanson, formerly with the Pacific Motor Corporation, is now associated vita Mr. Gilbert at retail
sales manager. . '
1i H-TfS. -Sj. .Jt.m-Sfe