'I TTTE PRECOX STATESMAXi 'TTJESPAT. MAKCII gfi. 1P1 DECISION STILL4 IN ABEYANCE ON WESTERN FRONT Great Struggle Continues With Unabated Fury ; Haig Hold Firmly BRITISH REAP HARVEST Battle Fought Near Longueval One of Mosi Spectacular Of All i (Continued from page 1) a few belonging in a Lag on their backs. Offensive launched In Mist. It is possible today to give details -of that most Important phase of the : battle fought in the sectors between Gouzeacourt and St, Quenton. The weather was shrouded in mist Thurs day morning and the Germans ad vanced without being seen. Strong forces of , infantry flung themselves against the British front line and after a fifcrce struggle broke through , at several places. They then contin . tied driving hard for Templeux, near Har.gicourt. , Just In front of the former village were, quarries where the British had taken up positions, and here a battle of great ferocity ws waged. - The German repeated ly jtrled to-takf the quarries by storm, bu so gallant was the defense of the J Comparatively small forces that the attacking troops were unable to push their way through. While this struggle was in, pro gress, the enemy flung five divisions against the line la front of Hargi- i court and compelled the British to fall back from that place. This auto matically ended the struggle In the Templeux quarries and the defends fell back a little. , Enemy xmm Heavily. ) On rid ay a fierce engagement was waged about Le Verguier where the Germans captured prisoners but not f i r ontll the British infantry holding the Tiff ft T ft f flAnn place bad fought to toe. last man l A I ill E 1 1 It 1 1 and inflicted extremely heavy losses (11111 llljl JLmJ on the! enemy. The British again fell back, this time to a line through Hervilly, just east of Kolsel and Ver-ma-nd. The Germans captured Hervilly, but the British came back with the help of the tanks In a dashing counter-attack, which forced the enemy to withdraw. The Germans, how ever, in an attack farther down the line, had forced the British line to swing back, and the whole front of this sector was compelled to give way, falling back to the line on the Somme. Every Inch of ground was con tested, as the British withdrew, and some 'of the most magnificent work of the war was done by the hardy troops who fought the rear-guard action and allowed the main force to retire in an orderly and moderate manner. Hun Deluged AVith Shell. The fighting southwest of Rolsel was especially sever. On Saturday the Germans were tired and. there was no very heavy fighting In this section. The enemy forces pushed forward to occupy the evacuated ter ritory and. as they came, they were deluged with shells by the Urltisn artillery, No finer tragets could have been offered to the defending artillery men, who shot all day with open sizhts and covered the ground In front of them with dead and dying. On Sunday the German advanced against the Somme defenses, and having pierced some of these, are seemingly pushing their advantages to the full in the hope of overcoming all opposition to the objectives which they have planned. , WRITES HOME Enlightening Description Is Given of People and Cus toms of France nr n THE HOPPER Adapted from Meredith Nich olson's story of Saturday Evening-Post r r COMEDY- WEEKLY t WEDNESDAY ,:.v, T" ' JANE COWL - "SPREADING DAWN" V y THEATRE CATARRH VANISHES II err la On Trt(mrnt Thai All g-afferera ( 111 y lp If you want to drive catarrh and all its dUgustingr symptoms from your y stem in the shortest possible time, go to your drugg-ist and ask for a Momel outfit today. Breathe Hyomei and it 'will rid you of catarrh; it gives' such quick relief that all who use it for the first time are astonished. Hyomei 1 a pure pleasant antiseptic, which Is breathed into the lungs over the Inflamed membrane; it kills the catarrh germs, soothes the sore spots, and beals all inflamation. Don't suffer another day with ca tarrh; the diseass Is dangerous and nttm ends in consumption. Start the ment today. No stomacn sprays or douches; lust ASK uaniei J. x ry. Censored by himself In official ca pacity, a letter comes from Lieuten ant Max I. Alford," written from France under date of January 3, 1918. to relatives in Salem. His ad dress is Company I, 162nd Infantry,. A. E. F . via New4 York city. The letter follows: "Perhaps you will find the head ing a bit Indefinite b.ut you'll have to charge it to Bilk He makes us do It. One thing Is definite for t:s though, and that ra France. A per son could tell It If you never saw It . before. , "I suppose the weather would In- very much power, fourteen horse.' I hated to lough In his face, hut foul.l hard I v lilt It. When I told him th power of a ilndsdti Super, be called me a liar, "Street cars are dlnkys' and use a 220 volt current. One almost got going the other day' and they ar rested the man who was running it for belnTfr too enthusiastic Auto ti neks are a redeeming feature. Hoi- 1'nll Cant. "On the railroads they use th four-wheeled luggage ran. Their largest freight wagons hold eight to ten tons: and they use the old hoolc and chain coupling. A man has to get between the cars to couple them. The newest locos are pretty fair, but built lean and lanky; but the o!d ones would have made Heniamln Franklin laugh. If a good old O.-W. Mike' should hook onto 200 of their freight cars.! It-would pull every bolt in the train. Instead of switch en gines they rise horses In the yards "Their tnwns are old, dirty and crooked.- The streets very narrow. Everything fcr done on such a small scale. Shops. Stores, factories aim terest you Tery little, but to get yont uv K v Hyomei treatr dosing.! no sp: breaths it thats all. THIlb" LOAN TO BE ! FOR THREE BILLION i - - - t Continued from page 1) acquainted with-th country. FI1 have to tell you of jU. When we firsr landed we found it quite co'd apd snowy. Hut It soonl?Ka!! t get warmer, and now for two weeks w-? have been seeing "Sunny France. It is very much like Oregon spring at present. Much Can't lie KaiH. ' "If during the course of this little letter you think I have forgotten to mention something, jdease do not charge it' against me, for.lt is prob- ahlr because I cannot speak of it. This is aften as much a handican for us, as It Is distressing for the folks at home. 'Our voyage across was verv p'eas- ant, no scares, and very comfortable. We were lucky enough to draw first class passage on a steam liner, so we fared very well. The last part. however, scross the channel, wa- quite rough, and most of us, were sick. I had very unpleasant sensa tions, but paid no wasted board bill. I cant' say we fared so well on our rail travels. We were very short on heat on the cars, and n freezing weather, we suffered some. "I guess at that we were lucky enough .to get away from Long Island when we did, "Of course we find things differ--nfhre. But no one ever was able to tell one Just how. different. For the love of the whole tribe, don't ever get the France bug In your head, or English, either. Believe hrour nnk Willie, when I eet back to the u. S. you won t be able to d's lodge me with a T. N. T. d"pth bomb. If you don't know, what that is, ask a powder man. "I have never seen- a private house with accommodations for bath of 14,500,000.000 in addition to those now authorized, in order to provide for future Issues; for au thority to issue additional treasury certificate of Indebtedness; for au thority to make additional loans to the allied governments during the summer and for authority to deposit Income and-exces4 coll ta tazea with 'national banks, state banks and trust companies throughout the Unit ed States in the same manner as the proceeds of the liberty, loans. ' WI am sure - that the people will respond to the third liberty loan with the same loyalty and enthusiasm that characterized their support ' of the first two loans. ; The great events now happening in France must fire the soul of every American with a new determination to furnish all the dollars and all of the material re- nut n enrf tha orMhu otrfw.1 him how powerful, and ne saia Ities of German militarism. Defeat the forces of the kaiser. Let . us hasten it by showing America's might with Increased rigor in concert with our gallant comrades." i their minds "I bare seen very little of the out Mile country as yetr but It is some what prettier than the towns. Even then, one finds theisame smallne". "But the fellow who said you can live cheaply In Europe has a second guess, or else the people saw us coming. A nine 'room house costa only $83 per month, furnished. American Well Situated "A little about ourselves. We are well situated, have good quarters and accommodations, and our work is pleasant. There are six of ua. of ficers occuplng a house, very nicely furnished, with a small garden in which the flowers are now blooming, and we have a piano. Further, I dare not go. "But people better re glad thfty live in America nd Oregon. Tho farther I travel, the more convince 1 T am that there is not place like home. "I received .your very welcome Christmas remembrance yesterday. It certainlv was welcome. Every thing was In excellent shape, which was a bit unusual for paper boxes, and I thank you very much. . "The box which-Sara sent me h not come a yet, but I'm on its trail, so expect it any day. I have a'si had some difficulty with my letters.' GERMAN STUDY TAKEN OUT OF SALEM SCHOOLS Board of ; Education Orders Language Discontinued Immediately CLOCKS TO GO FORWARD New Time Schedule in Effect April 1; C R. Lantz Given Post At the regular meeting of the school board held last night, bv unanimous vote of the members, in structions were issued to the city superintendent of schools that from the date of the meeting the German language will no longer be taught in the schools of the city. On the resignation of W. A. Hail- man from the manual training de partment of the Washington high school. C. R. Lantz of the Wood burn schools was elected to fill the po sition. A pamphlet entitled "Questions and Answers Concerning the Present War. Its Causes, the main feature of tls Progress, and the part of Our Country In It. Our Dntv Toward it" was ordered for use in the high Bchools. - Glass for picture frames was or-l dered on recommendation of the city superintendent. City Superintendent Todd was In structed to attend a meeting to be held In. Spokane April 2 of educators of the northwest. The domestic science and art de partment in Grant school will con duct community sewing classes in that school. Orders were issued by the board that all school clocks te advanced T Cr fnri;rtinn in Fiveone hour on March 31, in accord- io atop indigestion tiyc. ncc wlth tne new mea8Ure passed t Minutes Home Common-Sense Advice. "filn n the stomach after eatlnsr. Indigestion, dyspepsia. ""'nc- m- etc. are airai iinn'; ; It, n . . ay,. m And ..i 1 1 1 mA tnrui fermentation they are careless about the streets j tempt to cure the trouble by ualng dl and buildings. ; , drJLA"d."r,.dtat;?. ".h "Then they're slow. As slow a I from a spllntar of ala-a by applying " - ... V a m a t a r ...i cava. the slowest tning youvunow 01 Biau-t- Insr still. It takes a family history. Bible and all, for a fellow to buy a cigar. . "And I suppose their slowness ac counts for their being so far behind the times. J can't begin to te'l all about this but a few things which are very cohimon will help. "Very few four-wheeled wagons are used. And very few two-horse teams. A large lumbering . two wheeled cart, with one horse, and they'll put On a ton. Delivering for retail trade is done with dog carts The woman guides the cart and hold back, while the dog pulls himself to death. '; ( "A fellow came to my of ice a few davs go and said he had ash!gn nnwer automobile for hire. I asVed , ., ,r- New Show Today THOMAS OLIVE K in Limousine Life z A? Picture That's Good for All Fnn-Lovingr Huauns COMEDY AND CURRENT EVENTS i LIBERTY Be Careful in Using Soap on Your Hair Most soaps and nrena'-ed shampoos contain too much alkali, which is verv injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The hst thing to uso is just plain mulsifled cocoa nut plU for it is pure I ana entirely Kreaseiess. it i very I cheap, and beats the most expensive oaps or anything else all to pieces. Tou can get this at any drug, store, md a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with wa ter and fab !t in about a teaspoon ful is all that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, reamy lather, cleanses thoronrhlv. and rlnui ah) f easily; The Iialr dries qnlckly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, I bright, fluffy, wavy and-vasy to hanJl die.- - Besides, it foosens and takes 1 out every particle of dust, dirt and j dandruff. ; i without nrat removina- int rlaaa. In each caae the cu remain and the trouble areta worae. The com mon sen thlnK1 to do whfn your atom ach hurts la to remove the acid and mtnn the fermentation br means of a .imiti. ntpid or neutrate auch aa m-nfula, which can be ohtaintd of any druKaist in either 4 powder . or tablet mv or two tit hr?tl the taMeta taken In half a ala of hot "tir arte at Ing-. Inatantly neutrallsea the acid. mttm tnnA fermentttlon. and thU en able the most confirmed dyaneptlc to enjoy the heartiest meats wunoui Tne xllahteat pain or Inconvenience. Try thla aimple plan at once and forget ttaat you ever had a stomach. . BAPAUME FALLS TO TEUTONIC FORCES (Continued from page 1) -'"German troops are fn Xeale and Bapaume. (Heavy fighting con tinues." The text of the evening official statement reads: , During the morning of March 25 ur troops on the front from the Somme as faras Wancourt had beten off continuous and heavy at tacks with complete success. Heavy Ioaes have been inflicted on the enemy bv our artillerv and machine Mins. while out low flyin- airplanes repeatedly attacked the enemy's ad vancinr columns further to the rear. Tel and GnlHrartl Kali. ""A heavy attack delivered by fresh enemy troops in the afternoon enabled them to make progress west and southwest of Bapaume in the di rection of Courcelette. South of Peronne our. troops have been pressed back in several places slight ly west of the Somme. while further south the enemy has succeeded in making- some progress and has cap tured Nesle and Guiscard. "French .reinforcements are .arriv ing in this neighborhood." PARIS, March 25. The French forces which ar flgrbtir? to the by congress. The schools of the city will operate under the new tlms card, beginning Monday morning. April 1. south of St. Quentln, around Noyon. though retiring slowly? are carrying it atrong counter-attacks and in flicting heavy losses on the Germans, says the war orfice statement to night. . ' French Withdraw Slowly. . The text reads: - f "In the region of Noyon the battle continues with stuhbornnf s, the Germans bringing in without cessa Ion new forces.. Our troops In con formity with ' orders are- giving ground ."foot'-by foot, but.'" carry ing out vigorous attacks and inflict ing heavy losses on the enemy. "Des4Vrate , fighting has taken nlace around Nesle. which haa been 'ot and regained several times. There is artillery fighting at various points along' the front. "Shells to the number of 137& Ik It Cost the Average Family v' - t ' Less Than 10c Pet Week for Packers ProfitTin 1917. The Meat Bill is one of the large items inthe family j budget - k -" . . .. ; , but less than 10 cents per week of Jt goes to the packer in profits. In converting: live stock into meat and getting it into the hands of the retail dealer, the packer performs a complex and essential service with the maximum of efficiency. The above statement is based on . Swift & Company's 1917 figures and Federal Census data: Swift & Company's- total output - . (Meat and by-products) - 5,570,000,000 Pounds Swift & Company's total Profit , -i - - - $34,650,000.00 - r w ' $.0062 . "; r SSL MM mr.h te-i Profit per pound U. S. Meat Consumption - - - 170 pounds per person per year 170 pounds at $.0062 $1.05 per person per year The average family 4 Vi persors .'r - . - $4.72 per family per year , 1918 year book of interesting and instructive tacts sent on request. ,' Address Swift fie Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois P Swift & Company, U. S. A. It it- i 1" I ' 'I AGENTS POWER MUCH LIMITED emeus to m nuuiucr ui . . were fired into Rheims last night Attorney General ' Brown Passes on Status of Bow erman's Position . t and daring the day. "Eastern theater, March 24 The activity of both artilleries was light on the west bank of the Vardar, ereater on the Serbian front and at the Cerna bend. Notwithstanding the unfavorable atmospheric condi tions, allied aviators carired out nu merous bombardments along 1 the whole front. An enemy machine was brought down In the region Struma." ALMOST A YOUNG MAN AGAIN E. R. Whiteburst. R. F. D. 1. Nor folk, Va.. writes: "I had been suf fering for more than a year, but since taking Foley Kidney Pills 1 feel almost a young man again." They strengthen and heal weakened or disordered kidneys, stop sleep disturbing bladder ailments, banish backache, rheumatic pains, stiffness, soreness. J. C. Perrr. "It haa been hornbook law In Ore gon that the law officers of the state are It. only lawful law officers," ayi Attorney General BrowT and he underscores the last two words, "law officers," In an opinion written for the state hlrhwav relative to the legality of its employ ing a right-of-way agent. The term "hornbook" means elementary. The opinion holds that the com mission may employ a right-of-way agent. He may or may not be a law yer, the opinion allows, hut-he does not have the.legal Ught to serve as counsel or law officer. ' Oriental Entertainment Attorney General Brown waa re quested by O. Ed Ross, secretary of the highway commission, to pass on the question since criticism haa been directed at the commission because Wff r zr l ' ,oiure oi services rendered Will Be UWen at tidier the commission by Jay Bowerman. wno is employed under the designa tion of a right-of-way agent, but whose name was attached to a com plaint In condemnation proceedings in Clackamas county and who made an argument before the court. Th opinion hews squarely to the lay, and MUSIC DONATED BY WOODRY'S 10-PIECE ORCHESTRA J PRIZES FOR SPOT DANCES DONATED BY SALEM MER CHANTS f I' 1 D0NT MISS IT 3 Ikp 1P Goaee ' tee m ARMORY -WED -MIGHT ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR "COMPANY M" MESS FUND Miow Your Patriotism by Helping Home Boys Away From Home ADMISSION 10c A JITNEY A JAZZ F.N. W00DRY, Manager V CONCERT DONATED BY SALEM'S BEST TALENT r 1 TIME 8 O'CLOCK SHARP. DOORS OPEN AT 7 P. M. BE ON TIME C 3 D0NT MISS IT n Kelzer community boasts of a very flourishing Red Cross auxiliary, but as the need has arisen for making the society self-supporting, plans are being perfected for a very elaborate Oriental entertainment to be given March 29. Mrs. Alice II. Dodd of Salem will appear in costume and give her very Interesting talk on "The Orient, Its Manners and Cus toms." Young women ip costume will serve. There will be other Ori ental attractions.' says: "Your jetter does not attempt to define the extent of the authority that the commission wishes its-right-of-way ,agenf to exercise. Therefore my answer will be based upon the as sumption that you are using the term ngnt-or-way agent' as the mm lr generally understood, and within the limitations of chanter 237, genera' laws of Oregon. 1917. creaMnr the state highway ommtslon and defin ing the authority thereof. Including the duties of the highway engineer.' The opinion then shows that under section 3 of chapter 237. a. right-of-way agent may be employed under the provision that "the commission shall employ snch clerks, officers and assistants to said engineer, at such salaries and for such terms as ap er oesnary." but the! opinion holds that no assistant shall . have greater authority than the engineer. Right (of the commission to ac quire right-of-way. including thiej tight of condemnation, la shown in the opinion, but the attorney general hows that the acquiring of a right-of-way shall be completed before con- Some rich women value thHr rrXL-"n?n;"f Iel' toulle foHohws9band8 SH n'lV M4 fr0m the Of "Alimoov -- written w vourtletter that It Is not the inten- court reoorier S ,d t,on W the highwav comml-sion to divorce ntLo. f P ner?lc,oua employ legal counsel under the style ZtSf .U very human and name of 'right-of-way agent " " I'r3r..t.nril,,n wreen play. The attorney . general then onnte. employment of a lawyer In lieu, ti the state's law officers: MIt may be said that. If that officer was not well enough .versed in tt law governing his position to per form its requirements, he cannot er pect the state to Incur the expense f educating him thereto further th; . may be Implied from the function j of Its regular law officer If he de sires Independent legal action, be may at his own cost, secure it. He cannot supersede the regular law of ficers of the state." , Another quotation from the supreme court in the case of Baskin againgt Marlon county Is quoted as follows: "It has never been denied that ia proper cases aid may be furnished for public officers. Qn the other hand, it has never been decided that they could be Ignored or supersede in the interest of special counsel.' Machines Are Missing; Aviators Thought Killd PENSACOLA. Fla., March 25 Two hydro-airplanes, each operated by an ensign, are missing tonight from the aviation flying station here. The aviators are reported V have been killed when their ma chines fell into the bay. but naval authorities declined to give out any Information about the aviators. A search la being made for the missing men. FORT WORTH. Texas, March 25. Cadet William S. McNamara of New York city was killed instantly and Second Lieutenant A. N. Dunstan of. Toronto. Ont.. was injured slightly near Dallas this afternct n when the airplane in which they were riding fell in a sninnlng nose dive. 0 . . - ' i x uj Biiuruej Kcnrrai men auotes iiiMl.r ' vaw i uiuavu siubi tmy, in woicn naiuruay. I Jnatlrii nnraott maiA ,.1,tl.. - - v-Auva v 3 w su sj RUB ON SPRAINS, PAINS, SWELLIKG Don't suffer ! Relief comes tfcs moment you rub with "St Jacobs Liniment" Don't stay crippled Rub this soothing ,penetrating--lftrinient right into th sprain, ache or strain, and out comes pain, soreness, stiffnes and swelling. ' - Nothing else penetrates; heals nd strengthens the Injured muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments so promptly. It doesn't burp or dis color the skin and can not cause in Jury. Don't suffer! (Get a small trial bottle from any drug store now limber up! , Rub L the misery Hght out. A moment! after "St Jacobs Liniment" is applied you cao not feel the slightest pain or sore ness, and you 'can go about your regular duties. i . -r "St. Jacobs Liniment" conqaen pain. It has been used effectlvelf for sprains, strains, soreness and stiffness for 0 years six gold med al awards.