The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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Probably ralnf moderate
southwesterly winds.
Berlin Declares Stubborn Re
sistance of Enemy Is Brok
en in, Violent Battle; Teu
tons Mount Heights West of
Somme River
Hon Forces Drive to Old Po
sitions Held by Armies Be
fore Beginning of Battle of
Somme in 1916
. LONDON', March 25.- Confirma
tion ofthe" German report that the
fritisa have been forced out of Ba
paunie Is contained In a supplement;
f 1 official statement issued by the
war office late tonight.
BERLIN, via LONDON', March 25.
(British Admiralty, per Wireless
Press. )--"Crown Prince' Rupprecht
- has, with the armies of General von
Below and General Von Der , Mar
witz again defeated .the. enemy In a
tremendous struggle near Bapaume,
while the corps of General Von Der
Bertie, General Lindequist ; ,and
General Kuebhe. broke through
strong positions of .the enemy to the
northeast of Bapaume," says the text
of the official statement.
"in. bitter fighting the trooos of
General Cruenert and. General Stabs,
coming from theeast and southeast
drove the enemy back via Ypres and
Eailly. - - .; r
- iteMonce I Broken.
"The' etubmbrn enemy resistance,
which had been reinforced with
' fresh troops, was broken In a violent
battle. Freshly brought up divi
sions and numerous tanks threw
themselves) against our advancing
forces along the roads leading from
Bapswtme and Perofine. They could
not br'tig about a decision In favor
of the enemy. In the evening they
? streamed back again In' a westerly
direction. '
I "During the course of the night
battle Dapaume fell Into the-hands
, of the "Germans. Hot fighting de
veloped for the possesion of Corn
Men and the heights situated to the
east. The enemy was defeated, at
tacks by English cavalry breaking
. down. We-now are standing to the
north of thffSomme and in the mld-
die of the former Somme: battlefield.
' 8omm- Heiffit Mounted.
."The Gerr"n crown prince with
. the army of General Von Hutler has
. forced a passage across the Somme
1 Ifclow Hni. H victorious trooos
have in bitter . fighting mounted the
'heights to the west of the Somme.
Violent counter-attacks by the Brit
l?h Infantry and cavalry broke down
with sanguinary losses. The town
of Nesle was taken by storm In the
evening. ,
'"Between the Somme and the
Oise the troops which penetrated
across the Crozat canal late In the
evening of March 23 have taken by,
storm strongly fortified and fctub-;
bornly defended nosltlons.
"Oa the wept bank of the canal
n hot fighting British, French and
" American troops were thrown back
through the pathless wooded cotin
; try La Neuvllle and Villequler-Au-""t.
The attack continued Satur
day and French infantry and, cavalry
divisions which were brought for
ward ,fnr a counter thrust were
, thrown back with sanguinary losses.
Tte- relentless pursuit by General
Von Conta and General Von Gayle
pressed after the retreating'enemy.
CuUcard and Chauny were captured.
' -' Old Position Taken. :
f BERLIN, via LONDON. March 25.
Between the Somme and the Oise,"
- "ays -the official reoort from head
pnarters this evening, "our troops
"re fighting their wav fifrward.
There was hard fighting, the state
ment continues. "botweon napaume
nd Peronne. We drove the enemy
ack here to his old positions which
wfre held between the Anere and the
hoirnn before the beglnniag of tbo
Somme battle in 1916." 1
LONDON. f March 23. "Fighting
f the most severe description has
reen takinir place all .day on wide
fonts south of Peronne and south
d north ,bf napaume," says' Field
-'arshI Ilaig s reoort from British
headquarter in, France tonight.
. Fttk Force Brought Fp.
In both sector the- enemy has
attacked our positions--In great
strength with ftesh forces, and, in
'PUe of the gallant resistance of our
troops, has forced us to gjve ground.
(Continued on Page 2.)
War Department Sees No
Cause for Alarm by Peo
ple of United States
' lb ' ;
Apex Cannot Be Retained in
Face of Three-Sided At
1 tack, View
WASHINGTON. March 95 Tho
German drive at the British lines.
appeared to be slowing under the
policy of elastic defense pursued by
Field- Marshal Ilaig. according to
the opinion 'of allied and American
army officers here, based on the offi
cial statements from London, Paris
and!Beiin. : The greatest brittle of
the,war,. thus far. they believe, is
entering its second stag's with the
German forces facing an Increasingly
stubborn resistance. Th'jjoutcome of
this stage may not be discernible for
several days.
The attitude of American military
authorities was officially stated by
Major General March, acting chief
of staff. He said:,
? No 'a for Alarm Hen.
.'; "The -war department sees no
cause for alarm on the, part of the
United? States. Sir Douglas Haig has
announced that the British with
drawal was in accordance with a def
inite plan. iTh announcement is to
be accented."
Similar confidence of the ultimate
d,efeat of the German effort was ex
pressed by; Major General Leonard
Wood before the senate military
committee, and Major Heneral Mac
Lachlin, British military attach-?,
voiced the feeing of British officers
here as to the work of their com
rades in France In a statement not
ing that nothing resembling a break
in the British lines has yet been
achieved by the German rush.
tT4 S. Particf nation tnconfirni1.
I Repeated , reports' of the, partlcipa
tonjof American troops in the bat
tle, presumably with - the French on
the British rightflank, eansed Gen
eral, March to say that neither Gen
eral Pershing nor General Bliss Jiad
reported on this point.
; There was much speculation here
today as to the purpose of the Ger
man leaders in pressing the main at
tack in the direction of Amiens The
capture , of Neslc, admitted in
London,' Indicates this to be the apex
of the reat wedge that Is being
forced intp the British lines near the
point where the British and French
forces connect.
Objective Not Indicated. ,
The question raised was whether
thef "trman - plan contemplated a
swing to their right toward the coast
designed to hem up all British forces
In a restricted field of operations
with the channel behind him; or .a
sweep toward Paris to . their Jeft
front. As yet the -development re
ported do not indicate the ultimate
objective of tha assault. ,
One 'ew expressed was that .a
blow elsewhere might follow the
checking of thrf present drive or
eren accompany It. Advice from
Italy have Indicated enemy concen
trations oft that front for some time
past. Attacks along the French
lino do not appear to be more than
feints at present, calculated to keep
the French from weakening thelr
(Continued on Page 6)
Reinforcements Prepared to
1 y Enter. Battle,t Says
I " Lloyd George
LONDON', March 25. In a nief
page to Field MarshaV Halg. David
Lloyd George, the British premier,
.says 'that the men necessary to re
place those lost a rof either now la
France or already on their way. All
funs will be replaced and still fur
ther reinforcements of men and guns
an ready to enter the battle.
The premier's message follows:'
"The British cabinet wishes to ex
press to the army the nations thank
ror its spienaia aeiense, in whuih
empire is filled wlth pride as it
watches the heroic resistsrhee offer
ed by its brave troops to overwhelm
ing odds.
j "Knowing their steadfastness and
courage whenevery the honor of
their country depends upon their
valor, the empire awaits with confi
dence the result-of -t hi struggle to
defeat the enemy's-lat desperate ef
fort to trample down the free, na
tions of the world.
"At home; we are prepared to do
all! In our power to help in a trn
Fplrit of comradeship. The men nec
essary to replace all casualties and
cannon and machine? guns requlr.)i
to tnako good all thewe lost are eith
er i now in France or alreadr n
their way and still further reinforce
ments of men and' guns are ready
to be thrown into the battle."
New Issue Bearing Interest at
Rate of 4 1-4 Per Cent Is
Announced by McAdoo to
Commence April 6 i
Nation's Soul Fired by Events
in France; Rapid Buy
ing Is Urged
WASHINGTON, Maich 23. The
third liberty loan, to open April 6,
will be for $3, 000,000, 000 and all
over subscriptions at 4 per cent in
terest. Bonds of the first loan, bearing
31a per cent interest, and of the
second loan at 4 per cent, may be
converted into the new bonds, but
those of Jhe third loan will not be
convertible Into any future issue.
This announcement was made to
night by Secretary McAdoo with the
coramenj that "the great events now
happening" in France must fire the
soul of every American with a new
determination to furnish all the dol
lars and al the material resources
of America that are needed to put
an end to the excrable atrocities
of Geinan militarism."
1 Bonds To I? Kept At Par.
In connection with the loan, .the
secretary plaas to establish a sink
ing fund with which to purchase
back any L bands of the third loan
thrown upon the market. In order to
aid in keeping the price up to pat.
The maturity of the bonds Is yet
to 'be determined, but it' was offici
ally stated that they: would be long
term, probably between 20 and 30
iOther features will be settled
a, soon as congress passes the
nfceessary legislation authorizing the
length of .the (campaign and the
terms of payments on the bonds.
Interest I late 4U Per Cent.
Most financal observers were sur
prised at the comparatively small
size of the loan and at the Interest
rate, both off which they had ex
pected to be higher." Redaction of
Government expenditures and allied
loap below the former estimate is
responsible for the loan's size. Sec
retary - McAdoo explained. He said
the bonds were made non-convertible
to put an end to expectations of
higher interest rate In the future, in
dicating his purpose to maintain the
4 "rata for future loans. Legisla
tion will be drafted tomorrow by
Chairman Kitchin of the house ways
jmd means committee to provide for
an additional bond authorization of
$ 4,5(00.000.000 more, than the $3,
666,000,000 sum already authorized
but unissued, for the increased In
terest rate for continuance of loans
to the allies this summer and for is
suance of more than the four billion
certificates of indebtedness now au
thorized. An effort will be made to
rush-? this legislation through both
houses this week so that final plans
may I be made! for the third liberty
loan land the engraving of the bond,
faces by the first of next week. No
opposition to the legislation Is looked
for In either house.
In announcing the loan. Secretary
McAdoo made the following state
ment: '
Amount Below Ktlmate..
"The secretary of the treasury in
a conference with Mr. Kitchin, chair
man of the way and means commit
tee, today outlined bis plan for the
third liberty loan. Actual expendi
tures of United States government
and of the ailed governments having
been much less than had been indi
cated by the estimates, the amount of
the next loan will be only $3,000.
000.000, the right being reserved to
allot over-subscriptions.
"The secretary will ask authority
from congress to issue bonds bear
ing Interest at the rate of 44. per
cent per annum acceptable at par
and accrued interest In payment or
United State inheritance taxes and
having the, benefit of a sinking fund
of five per cent annum during the
period of the war and- for one year
thereafter. I ' 1 T
IntetfAt Held Sufficient.
"It is tho belief of the secretary!
that the rate now pitjposed Is suf
ficient and that, by restricting on
neeeesary capital Issues, and by In
ducing the people who subscribe for
liberty bond to rave and keep them
for Investment, and by purchases
with the sinking-fund from those
who find themselves compelled to
sell future Increases In the Interest
rate may bo avoided. In order to
put an end -to the expectation of
higher rates. It Is proposed the con
version privilege shall be eliminat
ed from the new bonds, but" the
holders of liberty bonds of air exist
ing Issues will be given an oppor
tunity to convert their bonds Into
the 'new 414 per cont bonds.
IBg K-iie To He Asked.
"In addition to the foregoing
principal items of the proposed pro
gram, congress will be asked for au
thority to issue bonds to the amount
(Continued on rase 2.)
Two Regiments Aid British
Where Germans Are Di
recting Offensive
Message Disposes of Rumors
American Reserves Are
in Battle
WASHINGTON. March 23. Gen
eral Pershing cabled the war depart
ment tonight that two regiments of
American railroad engineers are at
tached to the British forces on the
fiont attacked by the Germans.
Three companies of the engineers,
he said? were working in the areas
in which the German official state
ment mentioned the presence of Am
erican troops and no( report has
been received concerning them.
Engineers In liattle.
The dispatch follows: ,
"Summary of activities from noon
March 24 to noon March 25: Noth
ing to report, bul usual patrol and
trench activities, with some gas shel
ling by the enemy north of Toul. In
reference; fo German communiques
of Mareh 2 4 and 2." regarding Amer
ican troops, two regiments,,. of rail
way engineers are with th Hritlsh
armies involved In this battle. Three,
companies of engineers were work
ing In the areas -mentioned In the
communique in the vicinity of the
Crozat canal. No report other than
the German communiques yet receiv
ed concerning these troops."
This message, announced tonight
by Major General March, acting chief
of stoff, definitely disposed of re
Ports that American reserves , had
been sent -In the battle. General
Pershing said there was nothing tin
usual to report from the American
sectors. ... . .:
Americans Aid BrltUhi.
The German communique yester
day said that tha.Britleh third and
fourth armies and "parts of French
American reserves that had keen
brought up had been repulsed with
heavy losses on the line from Ba
paume to Bouchevesnes. behind the
somme and at Chauny." y
War department officials had as
sumed that if any American troop
actually were Involved they were en
gineers attached to the British for
ce, as there had ben no advices to
Indicate that any American contin
gents were to be employed as re
serves. If the engineers were caught In
the German advance there is no
doubt here that 'they made them
selves felt In the fighting. When
American engineers with the Brit
ish near Cambrai last November
found themselves In the midst f a
German turning. movement, they val
iantly Joined" In the battle and won
high praise from the English com
mander. Detail Are Aw sited. -WITH
FRANCE. March 25. The fact that
the enemy has officially mentioned
the presence .of Americans In the baU
tlefield of the Somme and has re
peatedly reported that some were
captured indicates the good accouni
American engineers gave of them
selves when the Germans attacked.
They probably threw down their
picks and shovels, look up guns and
fought as they did at Cambrai last
Official details announcing tha
rart American engineers have takm
in the great battle are eagerly await
ed here.
Only certain units of the Ameri
can railway engineers are with the
Hritlsh army In France and only a
few com pan lea. are known to be in
the area near the present fighting, ft
Is believed therefore, that whatever
Americans were captured there, ac
cording to th German official state
ment, are American engineers, who,
however, may have fought like n
fantrv as they alwjav carried rifles
and bayonets ss well as tools since
the Cambrai battle In November.
1917, when they helped repulse Ger
man attacks,
"May God Be With Us,"
sWire German Kaiser
AMSTERDAM, March 25.--The
fall of nanaume w announced to
night in a telegram from 'the German
emperor to the -wnpress, it in an
nounced officially. The emperor's
telegram reads:
"Bapaume fell last night, after a
hard struggle. My victorious troops
afe pressing forward from Bapaume
and .further south ar advancing on
Albert. . The Somme has i been
crossed at many points above Pe
ronne., The spirits of the troops are(
as fresh as on the first day of the
battle. v
"Over 45.000 prisoners, more than
600, guns, thousands of machine
guns and enormous quantities of am
munition and provisions have cen
taken- Just, as after the Isonzo battle
in Italy.
"May God be with us."
(Signed ) - ; "Wilhelm."
. 5,000,000
Germans on West Front Held
Numerically Superior on
Ground and in Air; Fight
ing in Open Is Forecast
ar urgently needed
While Initial. Success Sur-
prises, Failure of Offen
sive Is Seen
WASHINGTON, March 23. Back
from a visit to the western battle
frontMajor General Leonard Wood,
in a confidential; statement today be
fore, the senate military committee,
declared that allied military opin
ion Is unanimous that the German
offensive will fail and urged a great
increase to 4,000.000 or 5, 000,000
men in America's army.
It waa General ' Wood's .opinion,
according to. his auditors, that the
Germans on the western front are
now numerically superior, both on
the ground and in the air, but that
the allies are Jn a better position.
While confident, that the German of
fensive will be halted before the ene
my has gained any material dbJec-H
uvea,. General Waod suggested that
the offensive may change the war
fare into a more open contest.' For
that reason he recommended the
training of American forces for open
warfare, as well as for trench fight
ing. v ..
V. S. Army of 4,000,000 T'rged.
The general was before the com
mittee, for three hours and . frankly
discussed the situation In Europe
and at home. Stating that the French
are disappointed In the -size of the
American army thus far sent to Eu
iope, according to cammittee mem
bers, j he recommended Immediate
steps 'to Increase both he Aerlcan
expidieionary forces and the army iu
training in this country. Chairman
Chamberlain said General Wood rec
ommended that an army of 2.500,
000 men be maintained In' France at
the earliest possible moment and
2500.000 more in training at. borne.
Another committee member placed
General Wood's recommendations at
4,000.000. one half in j France as
soon as they can be sent there. ' In
this connection. General Wood also
recommended compulsory universal
military training. . . . ? ,
Aviator Without Plane.
In urging that, the American war
program of men, ships and muni
tions be speeded up and increased.
General Wood said no American ar
tillery, or airplanes are yet available
to General Pershing's men and that,
although one thousand American av
iators are ready, they are without
planes. Use of Liberty motors In
bombing instead of fighting ma
chines also 'was recommended.
Commenting on the German of
fensive, GeneraL Wood, according to
members of the committee, said that,
aitlfough the initial success of the
Germans probably had been greater
than expected eithe by- the allies
or the enemy, judged by the number
of British guns reported captured he
and allied officers believed the drive
will be short-lived. There is no pos
sibility, he said, of the Germans at
taining their apparent objective, tha
channel ports or threatening Parl.J
Men, rttitp. Aitinery -aeciea.
Explaining the viewpoint of allied
officers wttti-whom he recently talk
ed and who were expecting the pres
ent attack, he said thi Germans soon
will reach more difficult ground to
traverse, while the British and the
French retire to superior prepared
positions, at whffh the German of
fensive will be stopped.
Iiombardment of Paris by long
range German artillery. General
Wood ls reported to have told the
senators, Is not a serious military
factor and will have no effect upon
the mqale of the French people.
Men, ships and artillery, in thf
order named, the general is said to
have stated are tie principal mili
tary. needs of "the allies from Ameri
ca, and wll equipped, i He deplored
the fact they are without American
artillery or airplanes. Training of
the American forces, the general said
haft been rapidly accomplished and
supplies are plentiful.
Shipping Plan Criticise!.
In urging the necessity for more
ships. General Wootf criticised pres
ent shipping arrangements and said
he had suggested to the war depart
ment that fast and slow ships be
begregated in , the convoys, so that
fast ships will not be held back by
the slower vessels.
. . The i break down of Russia, has
greatly Improved the morale of the
dermn army and the German .peo
ple. General Wood said. He addei
that America should pay more at
tention to the Italian situation and
suggested that Americans of, Italian
origin be entto Italy tocombat th
German propaganda .which has been
active In that country.
American Front Unprotected, j
Associated Press dispatches from
the American front telling of thj
(Continued on page .)
Frightful Toll of Lives Exact
ed for Every Foot of Ground
Drive No Longer Is Straight
at Line But Is Diverted
Toward Oise
(Utt The i Aociated Ptcm) .
Battling for every point of van
tage, giving ground only when over
whelmed by number and exacting a
frightful toll of lives for every foot
of ground abandoned, the British
line in Picardy is still Intact. While
the German onslaught gained ground
at a number of points -on Monday,
there waa no sign of disintegration
In the British forces, which at many
points, especially on the northern
end of the long line of battle, are
standing fitun. . , .
The German official report tells of
the defeat of the British and their
retreat via Ypres and Sailly.
This would seem to Indicate heavy
fighting far to the north of the
Somme battlefield, of which no Hrit
lsh report has spoken. . There - Is,
however, a town called Sailly south
of Bapaume and eastward of this
place is a town known as Ytres. It
is probable that these were the
points referred to - In the statement
from Berlin. -
The largest gains made by the
Germans have' been west of St.
Quentin, where they have captured
Nestle. t . ' ..v ,Vj .'.
"Plncer System , Used
These points, which ase at the tip
of the -Teutonic attack, are' more
than ten .miles from the front as it
stood March 21. , . . .
, Military observers discern In the
scheme of the German attack a repe
tition of the German "pincer" y
tern of attack, which . was used by
Von Mackensen in Russia, Rumania
and Serbia, This attack consists. of
two attacks some distance apart,
which, after progressing to some
depth, turn toward each 'other, com
pelling the forces caught between
them to fall back or be In danger of
The British have faced this dan
ger and have met It by first checking
then forcing the northern jaw of the
pincer southward,, while they i bave
dropped back on the center and, have
not fallen into the German trap. The
pressure of the defenders - of the
Somme front. eems to be bending
the whole perman attack Jo the
south where It Is hoped its force
will be. dissipated.
French Join In Fighting.
The French positions joined the
British to the south of St. Quentin,
but there have been no reports
showing that the French have fallen
back from their advanced positions.
On the other hand, reports would In
dicate that the original French lines
now virtually outflank the advancing
Germans along the Oise river.
, Jn the meantime the British strat
egy seems to be devoted to the task
of meeting the attack so thiY H is
directed no longer straight at the
line, but Is diverted toward the Oise,
where the German advance has been
most rapid.
' .French troops have taken over
sectors of the front and have releas
ed British traits for work farther
north. Berlin states that Americans
have also joined in the fight, but
(Continued on page .)
Fires Started in Stations; 45
Enemy Machines Shot
Down in Fight
LONDON, March 2. British avi
ators have bombed the railway
station at Cologne, as well as var
ious other Important cities in Ger
many, the of flclar statement on
aerial operations announces tonight.
The text of the statement reads: .
During the night one of the
enemy's large bombing machines
landed behind our lines. Following a
successful daylight raid on Mann
heim, other objects in Germany were
attacked during the night.
"Half a ton of bombs were drop
peir on, thV railway stations at
Cologne, where a fire was started.
Over a toribf bombs were distributed
between the Luxemburg railway
station" where a fire broke out, and
the Courcelles railway station, east
of Meta. Two tons of : bom ba were
dropped on the Metz railway sta
tion. "The fight was the most severe
so far experienced.. Our airplanes
shot down 4 5 enemy machines and
drove down 22 out of control. Two
other hostile machines were shot
down by our anti-aircraft guns. Ten
'of our machine are missing. -
'Over 17 bombs - were dropped
during the day on different targets."
Great Struggle Continues
With Unabated Fury Brit
ish Right Wing Is Holding
Firmly Germans Rush en
Despite Losses
Battle Fought on : Hist eric
Ground Nejr Longueval De
clared Most! Spectacular cf
AH Along Entire Front
FRANCE, March 25.$-Thls has been
another day of most desperate and
sanguinary, fighting along the who!
front. of the new hattl mn in tart
In the northern.' sector there has
been no cessation In the awful work
since yesterday morning. The Ger
mans have continued to hurl great
forces of infantry Into th conflict,
depending largely on weight of num
bers to overcome the Increasing op
position offered by the heroically re
sisting British.
Britten Heap IlarrMt.
On the northern wing of the of
fensive the enemy, this morning
brought np additional troops after
an all-night struggle of the fiercest
nature and renewed his efforts to
break the British front In the region
of Errillers. To the south, near the
center, of the line, an equally stroDg
attempt Is being made by the Invad
ers to extend the long narrow salient
which they had pushed In south of
Bapaume, near Longueval famous
In the annals of the-battle of tho
Somme. These places were again the
scene of shambles In which the Brit-
lsh machine gunners and riflemen ex
acted ! a terrible toll of death from
the closely pressing enemy. Still far
ther south the Germans were pound
ing the front hard in an endeavor to
push on and get a firm grip on Nesle
and swing the British right flank
back while the determined defenders
were battling doggedly to force the
enemy back and reclaim the positions
previously held by them along the
river. ,..
Decision Yet In Abeyance.
i The decision at all of these cen
ters Is yet In abeyance, so far as is
known at this time and the atrugcle
goes On with unabated fury. The re
sistance of the British right wing has
been particularly strong.
On Saturday the Germans essayed
the crossing of the Somme. on rafts
In the Nesle sector, but these expedi
tionary forces were caught in a hall
of artillery, machine gun and rifle
fire, and virtually wiped-out. Yes
terday, however, the Germans suc
ceeded In getting troops across In
this manner and followed these ad
vance guards up with strong force
which pushed on In the neighborhood
of Morehain. The British were con
testing the enemy advance fiercely
and, at latest reports were holding
the bard hitting enemy strongly.
Battle Mot Spectacular.
The battle today on the historic
ground about Longueval was per
haps the most spectacular of any
along the front. It was a Hay for
machine gunners and infantrj?. The
Germans were" pursuing theirlactlcn
of working forward in massed for
mation, and the British rapid-fire
squads and riflemen were reaping a
harrest from their positions on the
high ground. Notwithstanding their
terrible losses, the .Germans kept
coming on, filling In the places of
those who had fallen and pressing
their attacks. The Btlsli artillery
in the meantime poured iii a per
fect rain of shells on the enemy,
carrying havoc into the ranks of tho
enemy. In this section the Germans
were operating without the full sup
port of their guns because of their
rapid advance. V
British Abandon SJerey.
In the north. In the -region of
Ervillersthe British last night were -forced
once more to abandon Mory.
which had changed hands several
times In the last few days. They
fell back for a short, distance, and
the battle- this morning was staged
largely along the Bapaurae-Arras
road. The Germans employed large
number of divisions In this asnault.
which in the early hours was hM
off by the British gunners. For -the
Ust four days,-French refugees hav
heea streaming back from the evacu
a ted towns In large" numbers. Every
where along the roads leading to the
front were to be met old men. wo
men and children all trvdgfng stical
ly behind their horse-drawn carts of
household funiture, or ev-n packing
(Continued oa pago 2)