Malm WKATIIKi; Sunday, rain; moderate south easterly gales along the coast- mm glXTV-SKVK.XTII VKAit NO. 311 SALKM, OKKGOX, SI'S DAY M()U.M(i, MAIU'H 21, 191 A. fiuce five cexth DAILY EDITION V PARIS RAIDED AND BOMBED ON SAME DAY City Bombarded by Cannon Firing From Distance of 74 Miles Beyond French Front, Late Report Claims SHELL PIECES CAUSE OF DEEPEST MYSTERY 9 Long Range Shelling Dumb founds Army Men Hid den Gun Suspected PARISi Ifarcn" 23. Paris received a third warning of an attack within twenty-four hours with unshaken serves tonight 'when an alarm was given at 9 o'clock. The "all clear" signal was given at 10:20 before the population could learn whether the warning was against an airplane 'raid or whether the long distance German cannon had t resumed ope rations. L .The people were crowding to mu sic halls and theaters, fully confi dent nothing further would happen "tonight, only to be advised to seek the nearest shelter as quickly as possible. , After the .aerial battle most of , those who had taken refuge in cel f lars, hearing no sound after half an .hour's stay,- came out and remained in the streets about their doors, won dering at the prolongation of the raid which generally do not exceed three hours. School children were marched to shelters which had pre . Tiously been allotted them. fMany ' restaurants were closed, but large stores which had just. finished ar ranging their windows lowered their shatters and sent their employes In to the cellars. Parjs wore an aspect recalling the early days of the war in J914. Telephone girls remained at their post8Lvery few taking ad vantage of the administration's per mission to .seek refuge If they wished. Tramways and auto buses stopped on the streets and the "con doctors and ticket collectors sought tie nearest shelter. . The subway trains ceased running and the tubes were used by pedestrian to reach limine on foot. The police were placed at each station to' prevent a repetition of the recent panic and prevented people from assembling around the entrances. ftine hours thus passed and-then Pajrls learned Haat it was not being raided, but . bombarded. PARIS. March 23. Paris has been bombarded at quarter hour intervals, ; beginning this nWning, with shells of about ' nine-inch caliber. The source of the bombardment has not been revealed. The nearest point on the front is sixty-two miles distant, more than twice as far as artillery fire has ever reached previously. One theory . suggested is that the Germans "have developed , aa aerial torpedo which can be fired from a long distance. PARIS, March ; 23. According to the latest reports the long distance cannon which bombarded Paris this afternoon' was firing from a distance of 120 kilometers (approximately seventy-four and one-half miles) and was located about twelve kilo meters behind the French front. Flrt Daylight IUiUl Made. PARIS, March 23. The first day Hcht air raid on Paris came today, nlrh was one of perfect sunshine. The people of Paris refused to 1m tnore themselves in cellars and other subterranean shelters, and although the subway stations were crowded, the streets always had a great num- - ber of people in them watching for n aerial battle or some other stir Ting incident. i As the day passed and the "all dear" signal was not given, the feel tog grew that som Ithing new in the ay of a raid was expected, ind this M not explained until an iofficlal Uteraent waa ifaued saying that tbe delay was du? to the bombard ment by lonj? distance "cannon. 1 The "all clear" was then, sounded ind the normal .life as resumed, tie ea-ble off ice. reopened to take up . accumulated piles of dispatches. Khell Pk-cex Mystery. Pieces of the shells, on examina tion, were found to bear rifling marks which proved that they had Jot been dropped, but had been : ri from a gun. This apparently eft a greater -mystery than ever, as jo where the gnn In question was lo oted, the nature of it and by what iethod it was being operated. . Another thing which turned the thoughts of1 the officials at the mu nicipal laboratory to the possibility j"&t a cannon wan being used was : " regularity with which the bombs : fell, one every twenty minutes. WASHINGTON, March 2 3. The rong range bombardment of Paris by German gun presumably sixty-two ttiles away, announced as a fact to ay in the French capital, dumb Founded American ordnance officers. (Continued on rage 2.) 200 AMERICANS PRISONERS IN GERMAN CAMPS One I Shot While Trying to Escape; Only One Officer Is in List MEN CAPTURED IN RAIDS Report Transmitted by Ger man Government Through Spanish Embassy WASHINGTON'. March 'Z?,. An official list of 200 Americans now prisoners in German camps, made public tonight by the state depart ment, records the death of Charles Hemphill, shot while attempting to eseape in September, 1ft 17, and the death of Andrew Campbell Murtroy, an aviator, brought down near Par gny, September 30, 1917. The only American officer in the list is Lieutenant Harold Willis of Newton, Mass., an aviator capthrod at Verdun on August 18, 1917'. He is interned at Camp Gutersloh. Evi dently Willis was an officer in Vi French escadrille. The list reported by the "Royal Prussian war ministry, and trans mitted by the German government to the state department through tho Spanish embassy in Berlin and the Spanish legation in Berne, contains the names of American troops cap tured in French raids, crews of cap tured ships and survivors' of cap tured ships and survivors of captur ed ships. , i Engineers Cambria Captive. The list also contains the names of American engineers caught in the German turning movement at Cambria. 0 The names of prisoners are as follows: At Camp Brandenburg - from the fteamer Souchan captured in tho North sea, October 8. 191G. Herbert Henry, Brooblyn; Cecil Savely, South Philadelphia: Arth'ir Crfssie, New York: Mike Perribi. Los Angeles; Theophlle Jones, Brooklyn. From the steamer Esmeralda, cap tured in the Atlantic, March 10. 1917: Elmer Sorrencen, Philadelphia; Daniel Ge rrltty, Shamokln, Pa ; Walter Perkins, Whiteley, Ky.; Ei ward McDonald, address not given: William Thompson, Jamestown, N. Y.; Frederick Stone, Washington; William Parker, Spencer, N. Y.: Ed ward Martin. Baltimore; . John Saw yer, Dubuque. Iowa.; Thomas Dur fee, Boston; Paul Nagel, Belleville, N. J.; Sam Youdin. New York. From, the steamer Campania, cap tured in (Bay of Biscay, August H 1917: Alfred Oliver, New York; Jams Delaney Brooklyn. N. Y.; Ray Poop, Hoyne City, Mich.; Charles Cline. Reading, Pa.; Fred Jacobs, Pitts burr. Pa.: Albert William Miller, South Chicago. From the steamer Bergen, captur ed in the Atlantic. February 1, 117: John Lepo, Baltimore. . , From the steamer Bulgarian, cap tured in the Atlantic, January 21, 1917; James Samuels, Kingston, Ja maica. From the steamer" Mount Temple, place and date of capture not given: itaoul Boulols, address unknown. From tho destroyer Jacob Jones, captured 1h the English, channel. Je rember 6, 1017: Albert De Mello. New Bedford. Mass.; yiobn F. Mur phy, R. I. 1 At Cam? Dulmfn: ! Steamer Give Over Many. From the staniT Esmeraldas. captured in the Atlantic, March 10, 1917: Charles Market Anderson, Baltimore; Thomas V. Ballon, Bal- (Continued on Page 3.) GOVERNOR'S WIFE WINNER OF PRIZE Mrs. Withycombe Sew ing Machine Mrs. 01 cott Wins Doll Mrs. James Withycombe. wife of Gevemor Withycombe, and Mrs. Be.i W. Olcot, wife of the Kerretary of state, were winners of prizes in the lottery contests at the County Fair. Mrs. Withycombe drew the lucky itsmber for the nevrin? machine an! Mrs. Olcot gets a pretty doll. Ciifnoaaf nl mimhfri drawn for the . . I i i rc . ' - - - - - - several prizes offered were announc ed late test night. In all cases where more than one number is Riven, the first is the winnlg num ber if the holder reports. If not, preference goes to the next number in order. The numbers are.: Oraphonola, 1071. 1803; chair, US, 610, 21; lamp, 621; rug, 39S, 340; sewing machine, 683, S34; first number drawn by Mrs. Gover nor Withycombe; automobile tire. 487, drawn by Mrs. F. M. Chitten den, 54 2 North Water street; doll. 120. won by Mrs. Ben W. Olcot; sil ver coffee urn, 77, 21, 48 WHEAT USE . IS REDUCED SO PER CENT Food Administration Calls on America to Hold Down Con- ' sumption to ' 21,000,000 Bushels Monthly FLOUR SALES CUT TO EIGHTH OF A BARREL Allied Supplies at Minimum and Need for Bigger Exports Shown WASHINGTON. March 23. Fur ther reduction in the consumption of wheat was asked of the public to night by the food administration that the scant supplies available be fore the next harvest many be strech ed to meet theneeds of the army, do mestic consumers and the allies. Every American is requested to cut his average ration of wheat by fifty per cent which would leduce the total monthly normal consump tion to 21.000,000 bushels. That gives a ration of not more than 1 pounds of wheat products weekly for each person. Flour sales will be cut to one eighth of a barrel for a town customer and to one quarter of barrel for any country customer, that retailers stocks may be (dis tributed m to as great a number as possible. " Wheat Content Reduced. The wheat content of bakers bread will be reduced to 75 per cent on April 14, which increases by five per cent the amount of substi tutes that must be used. Sacrifice in the what ration will entrail no hardship in the opinion of food administration of ficials. because the supply of potatojes; corn, oats and milk is ample. The full seriousness of the wheat' situation and some of the difficulties with which the food administration has had to contend in wattling off famine from the allies became known with the announcement of the new plans. Food Supply At Minimum. With food i rations in France and England cut to the utmost, there has been constant danger that the Unit ed States could not meet even mini mum demands because of transpor tation handicaps. The breakdown n the railroads upset the corn exporta tion schedule. On March 1 there had been sent, abroad only 14.000,000 bushels, against the 64,000,000 bush els of last year and the 100,000,000 bushels which it was hoped to send. Accordingly the foreign populations have been dependent on wheat. Their need of wheat is growing, for after April 1 the shipment of corn is at tended with great risk of loss owing to the possibility of germination. Mtore .than 10.000,000 busjiels of contract corn have been gathered for shipment abroad In the fast few days through the co-operation, of grain exchanges with the 6d admin istration. Elevator Supplies Iw Indie. : . i ' ' Asj-the demand for wheat has grown, the supplies in elevators have dwindled. Too, the usual flow of grain to market has decreased in the last month from . 000, 000 bushels weekly to 3,000,000, due, it is de clared, to the desire of farmers to hold out their grain for the higher price proposed in legislation before congress. Corn growers have added, to the confusion by threatening that If the corn price is not raised and fixed, as the price of wheat has been fixed they would, plant wheat instead of corn, which officials declared would work untold loss in the meat supply. , " The price of flour will be increas ed to $15 a barrel if the $2.50 a bushel for wheat becomes law. ac cording to food administration of ficials. Hoarding to IV Stopped. Food Administration officials said tonight their work had been ham pered by the refusal of many per-, son to coroperate in food conserva tion. One German-American in New Mexico was discovered to have raised 8000 bushels of wheat, to have pur chased an additional 100.000 bush els, all of which he stored and re fused to sell, The grain was requi sitioned. Several similar cases In Minnesota are under Investigation and the full power of the law will be invoked to punish hoarding that at tempts to hamper the prosecution of the war. Regulations for the enforepment of wheat conservation are being worked out by the foorif administra tion and will take the form of fur ther limitation of distribution.. As the new reflations probably will be necessary until the harvest, a mat tor of three months, the administra tion has abandoned the idea of ra tion cards and will impose restric tions on mills, wholesalers and re tailers which can be established in expensively and odne away with quickly. , . ; .i U. S. ARTILLERY FIRES HUNDREDS OF GAS SHELLS Observation Balloon Downed in No Man's Land and Is Destroyed- DISTANT TOWN SHELLED Gunners Retaliate Against Hons Who Dropped Mus tard Gas Shells WrITH THE AAIKRICAN ARMY IN FRANCK, Match 23. Hundreds of gas shells werelfired by the Amer ican artillery on the Toul sector In to the village of St. Haussant. The .American observers reported that the work of the artillery was ef fective. At the sam time high explosive shells were fired into the town, against batteries in the rear of the cemetery (and into Sonnard wood, where there were other enemv guns. An enemy observation balloon near Montsec broke from Its moor ings this morning and floated to ward the American lines. The artil lery brought it down in No Man's Land and completely destroyed it. ' WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY FN FRANCE. March 23. The Amer ican suns retaliated heavily against the Germans, who aeain last night drooped more than 600 mustard gas rhells In a certain town within the American lines. There was no wind, and the gas remained for hours. The American artillery work was very accurate. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE. March 23. A patrol of four Americans earlv this 'morn ing crawled nearly a mile, approach ed a German listening post from the rear and Jumped' on the German there, throttling him before he had a chance to make an outcry. They re turned to their line as quietly s they "went, bringing their prisoner" with them. He was put through an examination by the intelligence officers. . STOLZ URGED TO TRY FOR MAYOR Petition Signed by Seventy Seven Presented Former Councilman A petition signed by se.venty-seven citizens of Salem has been presented to Gideon Stolz. urging him to be come a candidate for tho nomination for mayor at the primary election in May." Mr. Stolz is reluctant to enter the race and has not yet consented to do so. but it is believed the weight of sentiment brought upon him by the signers of the petition will cause hira to allow his name to go upon the ballot. He Is a former member of the city council. The petition that has been signed reads as follows: "Recognizing your special fitness and qualifications for the office of mayor or the city of Salem, the underMied "citizens re spectfully rqnest that you allow your name to be placed In nomina tion for mayor at the forthcoming primaries to be held on Friday. May 17. 1918": The signers are: A. N. Moores, C. V. Rlshoo, Lot I,. Pearce. E. T. Harnes. Isadore Greenbaum, Edward Rostein. Max O. Ruren. Lee W. Ach eson. Edward N. Weller. W. T. Jenks, Joseph II. Albert. 1T. G. Rover. I). A. White, R. White. Clifford W. Rrown. Ralph Glover, A. L. Urown. F. E. Shafer. John W. Rol and. William S. Walton. L. P. Aid rich. A. N. Rush, O. E. Price. O. R. Gingrich.: J. W. Harbison. Hoy Bur ton. W. P. Georee, C. R. Cross. A. R. Gardner. Russell Catlin. Georpe C. Will. Ixiwell Will. F. W. Spencer, Edward Schunke, L. G. Altman, S. M. Endicttt. A. M. Clough. C. B. Webb. W. VI Moore. Rar L. Farmer. Ed. 15. Kene, W. A. f'usif k. C. S. Hamilton. R. 11. Campbell, H. W. Meyers. M. L. Meyers. E. L. Raker, W. A. Denton. Paul II. Siege. W. 11. Dancy. Theo. Roth. R. W. Hartman. O. D. Hartman. John Hayip, William Fleroine. F. I Vtter. C. H. Elliott. F. Von Eschn. Otto Hansen. S. T. Richardson, Erail A. Schaefer. J. A. Mil's. E. R. Millard, C.- W. Laflar, Rollin K. Pace. E. Crolsan, S. E. Howard. 7.. 3. Rlsrps. F. R. Soiifh wick, G. W. Evre, J. P. Rogers? J. Ranmrartner. John Maurer. Y. W. Hazanrl. H. A. Johnson. Jr., J. S. Austin. S. R. Elliott. Marine Corps Aviator Falls and Is Killed MIAMI. Fla.. March 23. Second Lieutenant Lester C. Bauman of Salt Lake City, an aviator In the marine corps, was instantly killed this af ternoon as the .result of a fall in . a hydroaeroplane., .. i ENGLAND IS NOT ALARMED OVER DRIVE Guns of World's Greatest Bat tle Plainly Heard in Lon don; Fact That Drive' Has Come Brings Relief HINDENBURG SHOWS NO NEW STRATEGY What British People Look to . Army For Is That It Shall Not Break LONDON, March 23. While clouds of uncertainty obscure the de tails of the world's greatest battle, the guns of which are heard in Lon don, tonight, thee is a measure of relief felt that Germany has finally shown her hand. The purpose and method of her long talked-of blow are now plain. Hindehberg' ob jective is undoubtedly the channel potts, but he purposes to take the first step toward them by breaking thrauch the allies' line near the junction of the French and British armies. No New Strategy Shown. The attack has shown no new strategy, but appears to be simply a colossal blow with masses of guns and men men hitherto never used. There ,is no surprise that the British line has been forced back. Lines of defense have bent before all great offensives In this war. What the British people lciok to the army for is that it shall not break. With usual caution the German of ficial reports of the first days' fight ing did not reveal to their own peo ple the extent or Importance of their effort. Onlv when n imhIiI hm has been recorded waaf Emperor Wil liam designated as commander-in-chief and the crown prince mention- ed. LONDON. March ?rre.ntf- . . V . advances: mad a bv tho r.rmni n ipsa of confidence on the allied side jii me ultimate outcome is apparent. serious, but not alarminr " U th view London takes of the sit nation Attention is largely centered now on in ji. yuenun inrust ana tne next bijk developments are looked-for to come from that sector. Battl? U niKKet New. ' "Phe great battle in the west has caused all other news to become of minor importance by comparison, but considerable interest attache to the announcement of a further British success in Palestine, where General Allenby's troops have forced a cross ing of the River Jordan and are fiKhtincr their wav eastward rt r successfully bridging the stream. LONDON. March 23 "Nothing we have heard nn to fb nrMr would lead me to think that anything has happened which could not have been expected. There Is no reason to come to the conclusion that things are lookine bad." General Sir Hnrar Lor k wood Smlth-Dorrlen nays in an interview with the Weekly Dispatch. LONDON. March 23. The guns in France are distinctly heard In Lon don tonight, particularly In high places there is a continuous throb bin ?. Many persons have gone to the house tops to listen. j LONDON, March 24. Comment ing n the great battle in France, the Sunday Times says: - . -."In all previous great assault the chief success has been gained at the first thrust, but in this battle, where as the Germans were unable to issue a flowery report at the close of the first day. it has to be admitted that their second and third communiques will be more satisfactory from this point of view. They have already flung nearly one third of the entiie western resource against the sector measuring one tenth of the western front and must continue to flingl fresh divisions Into the blood bath. "With time on our side and fwer troops exposed to the death blast, we "nujyr reasonably count on holding in band reserves powerful enough to deal a crushing counter-stroke when Von Hindenberg has shattered his last legions against the impregnable British wall. Heart Is With Huns, German Rancher Jailed MISSOULA, jfont.. March 23. Ijuis Ef finger, a wealthy Rattle Snake creek rancher of German blood, narrowly escaped punishment at the hands of a crowd this after noon when he said he "hoped the Dutch would pet every one of the al lied forces- on the western front." Only th fact that a patrolman rnhed Effinger to Jail saved him. Effinsrer was later taken before County Attorney Fred R. Angevlne. who Issued a complaint charging him with sedition. He was placed under $1000 bonds and will have a preliminary hearing Tuesdays HUNS STAKING THOUSANDS MEN ON QUICK BLOW As News Comes in American Officers Hold View of Confidence GERMAN GAINS COSTLY Every Foot of Ground Given Up by British Is Bought With Blood WASHINGTON. March 23. The war department cabled General Per ching tonight to forward immediate ly definite Information of the exact situation, on the battle front where the British troops are under the German onslaught, j ,v The only official word at hand was contained in the official state ment issuel from London and Berlin. ' I a The American army officers would hazard no opinion lacking definite and comprehensive advances. . Pri vately, however, their confidence in the eventual repulse of the German thrust remained unshaken in the face of aljl reports received. , View of Confidence HeM. Both American officers and those attached to the1 British, and French military missions looked with con fidence on the story unfolded from hour to hour as the German effort progressed. A reveiew of the day's events as told in American Press dispatches, they said, gave no ground for assuming that allied ra sisting power would prove unequal to its task. All reports were taken to prove that the Germans had Ftaked lives by the hundred thous and upon a quick blow, designed 'to be overpowering both because of men used and also because of the absolute disregard of losses which marked its delivery. There was evidence that seemed to bear out predictions that Ger many was prepared to sacrifice 300.- ooomen In the effort. It wag with 1 m&n power in great masses and not gun power thfct the first lines of the British defenses were penetrated, llritihh Meet Shock Well. The greatest shock ever hurled at an army appears to observers here to have been met by the British with great skill. It appeared that the British had stopped the rush where they could withdraw slowly before it where they could not. Their ori derly retirement, American officers telieve means defeat for the" Ger mans in the end. There has been, no loss of British organization. It was pointed out, and every foot of ground surrendered has been bought with blood. Military experts say such an ef fort as the Germans are making can not be continued long. Every foot gained means added dificulties of transportation and the conseqeunt slowing tip of the forward move ment. A day or two more of bitter jesistance. even involving ul-ther British retirement, it was thought would see the Impetus of the Ger man thrust lost, and Us power di minished'. Then would come oppor tunities for counter blows on a ma jor scale. . . Drive on French Suspected. ; j . In seeking the strategic purpose of the German drive officials here noted that the British press had al ready suggested a possible solution. A rupture of the British lines in the vicinity of St. Quentin, it has been said, might leave the French left In the Aisne front unsupported. Re tirement (there would bring the bat tle lines 'closer to Paris. German reports that 23,000 pris oners had been taken were regarded ae not at all improbable. The cap ture of certain points on the first defensive system probably was that made thje sector of the line aban doned by, the British untenable and started the withdrawal. Presum ably thei 16,000 men said by the Germans to have fallen into their hands yesterday, are included in their new figure of 25,060 prisoners. The first captures undoubtedly were made when the front lines were breached. The ramainder probably fe composed of rear-guard units left in position to hold off the enemy until the British withdrawal under fire had been accomplished, then to surrender, V The Germans themselves lost fifty thousand or more prisoners to the French and British in the withdraw al on the Somme alone, and a great number were taken in the retire ment from the Marne during the first year of the war. Officials were hopeful that tomor row's reports would ehow clearly the German objective and steps to oft set it. They are beginning to look for counter-blows by the allies on other sectors. Now that the Ger mans are so deeply involved in theti enterprise In the St. Quentin region it is thought they could not spare large reserves to face attack else where without checkingr their own advance. Germans in Desperate Fight ing Penetrate Five Miles West of St Quentin and Reach Ham; British Strong in New Positions GROUND IS GAINED ! AT HEAVIEST COST Haig's Counter-Attacks Suc ceed ; Berlin Claims 25,0 0 0 Prisoners; Battle Rages With Great Intensity t k.wsku xim axis c;erman illume w -WKSTISIIX FJ60XT. LONDON. March 2. To- day's official announcement re- celved here states that Em peror 'William is In command on the western front. This announcement Is re garded as further evidence that the emperor has staked his all on an offensive, hoping to win and go down la history as tho Victory in this great and decis ive world conflict. Dispatches from Amsterdam picture the emperor at Spa, Belgium," which Is being kept Isolated on a radius of fifteen kilometers. The German crown prince. Field Marshal Von IHn denburg. General Von Luden dorf., and other prominent Ger mans are also reported there with him. BRITISH ARMY HEADQUAR TERS IN FRANCE. March 23. The Germans this, afternoon were press ing their fattack hard on the right flank of tie British near Ham, while on the northern end of the battle line desperate fighting has been go ing on since yesterday about Mory. which has chanred hands several times, i It Is reported that some of the enemy infantry puahed down across the Somme cnal and drove forward against prepared positions to which the British had retired. A German cavalry was seen behind the advancing German infantry and there was small doubt that the at tackingf forces Intended to make a supreme effort' to rupture the British line in this sector, which Is near the' Junction of the French and British lines. - IlritUh Defensive Magnificent, The British strategical withdrawal aldng the battle front 4 better posi tions has now been carried out de liberately and in accordance with the plan, thereby saving the lives of British troops while attacking forces have been advancing under increas ing difficulties with huge cost of life. Aboat .Mory the battle has been especially fierce an when the story of the British defense can be told it will fee a record of a magn!f Icent stand. -The fighting here be gan yesterday morning when Aha Germans attacked with a superior number of trops. The British held on during the day but last evening the enemy gained a foothold in the village after a sanguinary struggle at ; close quarters. iennans Meet fJrillinff Fire. The Germans advanced for this new attack from Crolsllles and for hoars Were held off by a company 01 imusn macnine .gnnners wno t were stationed on high ground aoi swept the enemy ranks with a grillt lag fire. j The British organised a counter attack as soon as the Germans en tered the tillage and pushed the enemy back. Bitter, fighting continued through out the night and it is not less bitter today with fluctuating fortunes. LONDON. March '25 'The bat tle Is continuing wfth the greatest intensity on the whole front south tf the Scarpe river.' Field Marshal Haig's report tonlsht announces. "South and west of St. QuentiTt our troopshave taken up their new positions and we are heavily en gaged with the enemy." Teuton's Hurled lUck. "During the night strong hostile attacks Jn the neighborhood of Jus?y (south of j3t. Quentin), was repulsed with great loss to the enemy. "On the northern portion of tho battle front the en;mys attacks have been pressed with the utmost (Continued on Page 3.)