The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 23, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    . - )
Rain: moderate southwesterly
j . T
Teuton Armies Move on Capi
tal From Three Directions ;
Hospitals 100 Miles Away
Ordered Evacuated
Bolshevik! Makes Effort to
Open Formal Negotia
tions With Ukraine
MOSCOW. aMrch, 22. Notwith
standing that peace with Germany
- has been ratified by congress of work
mens and soldiers' delegates, the
German, advane in Russia still con
tinues, the evacuation of Petrograd
having served only to change the
German objective to Moscow.
According to reports printed in th
newspapers this morning the Ger
mans are moving toward Moscow
from three directions, southwest,
west and northwest. From the south
west they recently have advanced 25
miles from Konotop, province of
Tchernigov, in the general direction
of Bryansk, which is 235 miles from
Moscow by rail.
" Further Advance Imminent.
From the west the Germans are
approaching Smolensk, which is
about 250 miles from Moscow. In
the northwest they , have captured
the station of Rosenov&Jcaya. In the
. government of Vitebsk. " f
The order eo evacuate the hospit
als and other Institutions of GThatsk,
100 miles from Moscow, indicates
that a further German advance is
considered imminent by the govern-
ment. "
The governments of Poltava, Khar
kov and Tchernigov have all been
declared in a state of siege by the
Ukraine government in an effort to
save Kharkov and prevent a further
advance by the Austrian supporting
. the" Ukraine bourgeoisie, rada.
Peace with Ukraine Bought.
it. : Tchitcherin, of the Bolshevjk
foreign offiee, in a statement Issued
today says that the soviet govern
ment is negotiating InformaHy with
Ukraine for peace and that he hopes
formal negotiations will open short
MOSCOW, March 22. The soviet
government is rapidly disarming and
disbanding the old army and elimi
nating its influence from public af
fairs. The Moscow soviet has remov
ed from Its executive committee all
soldier representatives tand similar
ction is taking place! throughout
Russia. I
,The new voluntary army will se
lect representatives In the various
Soviets. The old soldiers are unwill
ing at many places to surrender their
arms and return to work'At Petro
grad three regiments declined to ht
demobilized. The Petrograd soviet
lias issued a statement saying that
these regiments were under influen
ces contrary to the revolutionary
Evacuation Is KlaJneI.
In explanation of the government's
evacuation of Petrograd, the soviet
has issued a statement saying the
commissioners went to Moscow for
the purpose of saving Petrograd
from destruction as they believed the
governments' removal will, demon
strate the strength of the Russian
people's government and show the
Germans that the capture of the cap
ital would be useless as the govern
ment Is prepared to fall back con
stantly upon the German advance,
restating and slowing down rtoe ene
my onslaught.
All available rolling stock Is being
used for the evacuation of Petro
grad along the trans-Siberian rai!
Toad toward the Ural mountains.
The Putiloff munition works and tha
Khlusselhurg powder factorv near
Petrograd. employing from 30,000 to
40,000 workmen, are being move!
to Omsk and Tobolsk.
Siberian Railroad Congested.
The entire western end of the
trans-Siberian railroad is congested
with trains of machinery, guns, am
munition and automobiles. All sorts
of war materials and factory equip
ment were stacked on flat cars and
tovernment employes, factory work
rs and thousands of German and
Austrian prisoners are being sent to
Omsk and other Siberian cities for
industrial work In : re-establishing
Many prisoners when Interviewed
y The Associated Press correspond
ent showed little Interest in the war,
specially the Anstrlans, who appar
ently have no desire to return home.
Some of them sought medicines from
! American Red Cross unit for
Jck comrades and did not know that
the United States had entered the
, Vologda Growing Fast.
Vologda, where the American er.i
Jjaasy is now located, has suddenly
Developed from a provincial city with
Population of RO.000 to a congest
ed transfer point with a large float
ing population. Military mission
of ; many nations leaving Romania
(Continued on Page 2.)
First List Prohibited Entrance
Made Public by War
Trade Board
1,500,000 TONS ADDED
Least Essential Articles Af
fectedWar Business Is
Given Sway
WASHINGTON', March 22.-The
first list of imports to he prohibited
entrance into this country in an ef
fort to conserve tonnaee for prose
cuting the war was made public to
night by the war trade board under
authority of President Wilson's pro
clamation of February 14 which put
all Imports under license.
By denying permits for the Im
portation of certain metals, food
stuffs and luxuries, which be
obtained here or can be sacrificed
to the greater need of putting ships
into war business, the board expects
to add 1,500,000 dead weight tons
to the fleet carrying men and muni
tions to Europe.
Tonight's list of articles consti
tutes only those least essential, con
cerning which there was little argu
ment. Lists ft) follow will touch
various Interests more closely and
will not be issued until after con
sultation with the trades affected.
Prohibition on the importation of
the articles listed ' is not absolute,
even for sea borne traffic, owing to
certain conditions of commerce
which will permit importation at
times without hindrance to the war
program. Return cargoes from Eu
rope may bring prohibited articles,
provided they can be loaded expedi
tiously and there is cargo space. Pro
hibited articles also can be imported
by rail from Canada or Mexico, when
originating in these countries or In
others where such goods are being
licensed for export.
The restrictions are not effective
on good. & shipped prior to April 15.
United .States consuls have been in
structed not to issue consular in
voices on and after Anril 15 for the
articles mentioned in the list, with
out first being furnished with the
number . of the import license or be
ing other evidence of the Issuance of
such licenses. The obligation of fur
nlshing proof is placed on the, im
Army to Have-Heavier
and Warmer Clothing
Warmer and more durable army
clothing and blankets aTe recom
mended by a iboard of inquiry of
the quartermaster's department-announced
tonight by Acting Quarter
master General Goethals,
The weight of the overcoat cloth
is recommended to be 32 ounces 'In
stead of 30, now used and the weight
of blankets Is Increased from three
to four pounds. The Inquiry board
reported that shoddy could be advan
tageously used in overcoats and
It is recommended that goods for
shirts shall be of 9 ounces and
that as much as 4 0 per cent of cot
ton may be rtBed. The regulation
shirting now weighs 8'i ounces.
Montana Senate Votes
Impeachment on Cram
HELENA. Mont.. March 22. Ry
unanimous vote, the Montana senate
this afternoon passed sentence of
Impeachment .on Charles L. Crum.
9 1tavav) until rA-
Vently Jndere of the fifteenth Judicial
district: Judee Crura was not pres
ent at the trial nor represented by
counsel and his whereabouts are un
known. The verdict removes him
from his office and disqualifies him
fnrovpr from hold In e offices of hon
or, trust or profit In this state.
The final vote came after the pre
siding officer of the senate court.
Lieutenant Governor McDowell, had
submitted to a vote each of the six
articles of Impeachment, charging
disloyalty and sedition. Three of
the articles were approved unanl
mouslv and the three others by an
overwhelming vote. The "sentence
was passed at 3 o'clock and five
minutes later the senate had ad
journed sine die. An officer of the
federal court attended the trial.
Whether an effort will e made to
ascertain the whereabouts of Crum
conld not be stated, it was declared.
Edward Otis Acquitted
y of Espionage Charges
I BALTIMORE. March 22. Edward
Otis, claiming to be a native of Riga.
Russia, formerly quartermaster on a
United States transnort, was acquit
ted In the United States court here
today, where he was on trial for the
second time on the charge of violat
ing the espionage act. At the first
trial last week the jury failed to
agree. Otis was charged with tam
pering with the navigating instru
ments of the transport. . ,
Vessel Captured 15 Miles Off
Mexican Coast Planned to
Create Havoc Among Pa
cific Coast Shipping
Attempt to Recruit Pro-Germans
Frustrated by Se
cret Service Men
Germany's first attempt to outfit a
taider at a west coast Mexican port
with which to create havoc among
Pacific coast shipping, has been frus
trated. The auxiliary schooner Alexander
Agassiz, 32 tons net. formerly own
ed and operated by the University of
California in research work at sea,
was captured fifteen miles off Ma
zatlan Mexico, at 11 o'clock last
Tuesday morning by an American
gunboat, according to advices he
celved here today.
Crew Surrenders Peacefully.
The Agassiz, flying the flag of
the imperial German navy, heavily
armed and carrying a crew of five,
did' not attempt to engage the gun
boat when overhauled. The crew
surrendered. The Agassiz, manned
by a crew of American bluejackets.
Is en route here under guard of the
gunboat.' The German prisoners of
war will be landed here. The Agas
sis is expected in port wIthlntwo of
three days. It will be turned over
tc the United States deputy marshal.
The Agassiz was not large enough
to be used extensively as a raider.
Federal officials say, however, that
it was the intention of the German
crew to capture a Pacific mail boat
running to Panama, outfit it with
heavier guns than could be mounted
on the Agassiz, recruit a full crew
from pro-Germans now living at west
coast Mexican towns and then start
cut on a reign of terror.
Raider Flies (irrnuui Flag.
The Aggastz while lying at a berth
near the Mexican customs wharf at
Mazatlan, was suddenly changed
from American to Mexican registry.
The customs officials at Mazatlan.
it Is believed, must have known of
The Agassiz was fitted up as a
German raider and allowed to sail
from Mazatlan flying the German
At Salina Cruz a number of pro
Germans have hidden war muni
tions. Among these munitions wero
several rapid fire guns, evidently in
tended to be taken aboard one of
the ships captured by the Alexander
Draft Krader I Lender.
The ringleader s reported to -have
been a draft evader from California.
This man is reported to have pur
chased the Agassiz from 4he Pacific
Coast Trading and Shipping com
pany of Los Angeles. Members of
this company, as filed in the bill of
sale at the time the craft was sold
by the regents of the University of
California at San Diego. January
24, 1917. included Francis C. Wheel
er, Maud M. Lochrane and William
Taylor. None of these persons Is
said to be implicated in the outfit
ting of the Agassiz.
The Agassiz. following her trans
fer to the Pacific Coast Trading and
Shipping company, sailed from a Pa
cific port January 27, 1917, for Aca
pulco. For a timo'the vessel ca
ritd oysters from Tobari bav in the
Gulf or California to a floating can
nary at Magdalena bay. Latea th"
Agassiz was placed in service be
tween Mazatlan and Manzanillo.
Plot Carefully Olwwrved.
Shortly after the new year, the
Agassiz was tied up at a wharf at
Mazatlan. remaining there until she
sailed out under the German flag
last Tuesday morning. t
Federal secret service men have
been watchlne the movements of the
conspirators for many months. Thov
secured knowledge of the plot, per
mitted It to proceed until they
thought it was about time for an
American warship to take a hand.
The warshln was at the right spot
at the right time.
Rural Letter Carriers
to Be Given Pay Increase
WASHINGTON, March 22. Rural
letter carriers receiving $1200 a
year or less are granted an Increase
of 20 per cent toy an amendment
tentatively added to the postal in
crease blll todav by the house. Ru
ral carriers whose routes are more
than twenty miles in length would
also receive additional compensa
tion of $24 a year for each mile
more than twenty they travel each
day. The house still has the bill un
der discussion. , -1
' " """ '"" i i i .i . i... - - i . T " 11 I
Keeping up of Population
Presents Big Problem Dur
ing War Period
Substantial Decrease Not Reg
istered ; Sociologists Are
PAWS, 'March 22. While the
figures recording the births
and deaths in Paris 'during
1917 again show that the deathrate
exceeded the birthrate by a rather
large percentage, statisticians find
Eolace in the fact that the birthrate
was slightly superior to that of 1915
and on a par with the rate for 1913.
That after three years of the most
devastating war France has ever
known a substantial decrease has
not been r listered has caused the
learned men -interested in the prob
lem of repopulatlon to hope for
brighter results when life has re
sumed Its nomal trend after the war.
The statistics show that 44.200
died in Paris during the past year.
The births totaled up to 32.830. In
1915 they had barely reached 30,
000 and in 1913 about 33,000. Thj
excess of the death rate to the birth
rate may seem large to our Ameri
can cities but it creates no alarm
in France as the difference has been
larger before, and owing to condi
tions obtaining at present, sociolo
gists express comparative satisfac
tion. Infantile mortality was kept at a
very low rate, numerous institutions
for the care of infants having been
founded since the beginning of the
war and the babies of the poor are
being cared for much better ttaa
Conspicuous among the organiza
tions that have taken an interest in
the welfare of Jhe chllren is the Am
erican Red Cross and its activities
in that line of endeaCVor has found
great favor with the French popu
lation. Tuberculosis of the lungs sent more
people to their graves in Paris dur
ing the past year than any other two
diseases combined; 8,424 being vic
tims of the "white plague" or about
295 per 100,000 inhabitants.
Diseases of the heart hold second
place tn the list of man-killing dis
eases with 3,881.
Dreaded cancer was also very ac
tive causine 3,396 deaths in Paris
in 1917. This has caused medical
men to study what measures can be
taken to treat this affection in It3
preventive stage.
Suicides were few. only 2 90 per
sons took their lives in Yaris in
1917. a percentage of ten per 100.
000. The Frenchman who gives his life
with a smile that his country may
live does not part from it voluntarily
In a maudlin burst of self-pity and
Halifax Casualties Are
Officially Put at 1800
HALIFAX. N. S.. March 22. The
number of persons who lost their
lives in the disaster of December 6,
due to the explosion of a munitions
ship, was today officially placed at
1800. The chairman of the mortuary
committer announced that the offic
ial list contained 15C0 names and
that the number of pennons known
to he missing brought tha" total dead
to 1800.
Prefect of Nancy Decorates
Graves Near Scene of '
Battle in France
FRANCE. March 22. The prefect
of Nancy has placed over the graves
of more than a score of American
soldiers buried a short distance hai
of the lines in the Tonl sector great
bauquets of natnral and, artificial
roses. On the ribbons with which th
toses were tied is this inscription:
To our American brothers who have
died on the field of honor."
The graves lie In tow double lines,
some of them being freshly made.
Each has over it a little rude wood
en cross upon which is one of the
two identification disc soldiers wear
around their necks. The other disc
is buried with the soldiers' body.
The graves are located within range
of the enemy's guns affd amid field.
of barbed wire entanglements ex
tending as far as the eye can see.
East of Lnneville today school
children visited the graves of the
Americans killed in that sector anl
placed on them. French and Ameri
can flags and large bunches of blow
ers, j
Loyalty Legion Adopts Plat
form Calling Upon State for
Wholehearted Unity
Beating Germany
Men Seeking Office Warned
Not to Adopt Trotzky
Peace Slogans
MILWAUKEE, Wis.. March 22.
The people, of Wisconsin were called
, l'pon in a jdatform adopted today
by the Wisconsin lyal Legion to
give their wholehearted support to
the administration in conducting the
war to a victorious end. to get
souarely behind future Red Cross
and liberty loan drives and to aid
the government in seeking ont and
punishing all persons guilty of sedi
tion. The meeting was attended by
1000 persons and every mention by
the speakers of upholding the gov
ernment in the war crisis was met
with a great outburst of approval.
Americanism Is Demanded.
The expected plank bearing on the
United States senatorial situation,
suggesting that either the Republi
can or Democratic nominee agree to
withdraw inhe interest of a unite!
loyalty, was prepared and discussed
by the committee, but failed of. In
corporation. The only reference to
a United States senator contained in
the platform urges citizens of this
state "to lay aside all partisan feel
ings on election day. April 2. and
to see that every loyal vote Is poll
ed, to the end that only men of Cour
ageous and outstanding American
Ism shall be elected," to public of
fice. President J. S. Rosebush of the
organization, who delivered the first
address, declared that those who
reek public office In Wisconsin to
day on a platform of immediate
peace are as simple-minded as Trot
zky and invited to America the dis
aster that has befallen Russia.
Uerger Held Seditions.
Wheeler P. Rloodgood. In his ad
dress, declared that the law punish
ing seaition should b invoksl
against Mayor Daniel W. fHoan and
Victor L. Berger. candidates of the
Socialist party, because cjf the p'at-
lorm on which they ar standing.
The platform of that party, he charg
ed, was a part of the third line of
the German defense in that it was
mere propaganda to assist Germany
in winning- the war. ,
The conference adopted a resolu
tion requesting the chairman of tha
meeting to appoint a committee of
five to take steps looking to the con
centration of the Republican and 'the
Democratic vote on one of the so
called 4,Ioyalty candidates In the
special election April 2 to fill thj
vacancy caused by the death of Sen
ator Paul O, Husting.
It Is not believed, however, that
the resolution will have any effect
on the senatorial situation or that
eilher Joseph E. Davies.. the , Demo
ctatic candidate, or Irvine L, Len
toot, will withdraw from the con
test. Senator James Hamilton Lewis of
Illinois, addressed the meeting on
German agression and intrigue l.-i
the. United States.
. W. W. Start Campaign to
Combat Liberty Loan Drive
CHICAGO. March 22. A bond Is
sue and a campaign for the sale of
"general defense stamps" have been
started by the I. Ws W to combat
the liberty loan and war savings
stamps campaign, according to liter
ature seized by federal officials in
recent raids on I. W. W. headquar
ters and made public tonight. Thou
sands of dollars already have beeh
realized from the sale of the bonds
and stamps, according to the litera
ture. The money is to be used In
defense of members now In jail and
in the furtherance of sabotage, ac
cordine to one pamphlet.''
Another circular declares that al
though the work of the I. W. W.
has been areatly handicapped by the
activities of government officials, it
is now "gradually getting back to
Another document declares that
"many money contributions have
been received, from Canada."
The I. W, W. bonds are called
"freedom certificates."
Another American Given '
v- War Cross for Bravery
IN FRANCE. March 22. Colonel
John W. Darker, whose home is in
New York state, has been awarded
French war cross for gallantrjt in
action on the sector east of Lnneville.
War Department to Get Back
r ground for Measuring
Enemy's Strength
- , C . -
Officials Wait on Further In
formation Before Giying
Late Opinion '
WASHINGTON. March 22. Lark
ing reports of an official character
beyond the communiques issued by
firitlsh rovornmpnL Aniprlran armv
officers tonight still were unable to
formulate conclusive opinions as to
the scope and purpose of the German
thrust asainst the British front In
the Cam bra I sector. """" N
f General Pershing Is expected to
nsmit soon information handed
? to him from the Hritlsh head
quarters. It Is anticipated that a
very complete summary of what
transpired yesterday and of subse
ciuent events alonir the Hritlsh front
will reach the war department In
this way and form a background of
information upon which officials can
measure the strength of the German
movement for themselves.
As additional details came In the
purpose of the German high com
mand anoeared to center imon the
recapture of the most advanced por
tion or tne uritish trench lines in
the Cambral reeion. Thr was
nothing to indicate, however. It was
said whether the German purpose
was to use the territory it was hop-
ed to gain as a vantage point from
which to strike further blows, or
was designed to nrotect from nnnai-
ble allied efforts the communication
centers in the vicinity of- Cambral.
No officer would hazard an opin
ion today as to the underlvine mo
tive of the German array comman-
aers. All saw the Information thus
far received was of too scattered a
character to show concMisivelv
whether operations at other points
on me &o-miie front Involved arc
mere coverine entersrlses or ar ta-
ments in a scheme of grand attack.
On the face of renorts thn fur
seen, officers were well satis fiod
with the display of resisting power
made by the Itritish troops. They
are more than ever confident of the
ability of General Haig's men not
only to check the German onslaught
within reasonable limits, but to hnrl
it back when Its initial force has
been expended. The promptness
with which successful counter-attacks
were driven home by the Brit
ish was noted as the unbroken spin,
of the men after the terrific ordeal
through they had passed.
Garcia, Thought Spy,
Is Spanish millionaire
PAIIIS. March 22. When the
police arrested the owner of a wire
less outfit at La Battle, near St.
Nazal re early this week, they did
not catch a spy, according to the
newspapers, but an eccentric Spanish
millionaire, - Gregorio de Anguloy
Garcia, whose passion In life Is to
have the correct time. In his large
villa on the right bank of the River
Loire there was found a collection
of times pieces, ancient and modern,
and in pursuance of?' his harmless
crze he had installed a wireless out
fit! to catctt the time signals flashed
from Eiffel tower.
This received was disguised when
private wireless plants were- prohib
ited at the beginning of the war,
and it was for this offense that he
was arrested.
Baby Falls Four Stories
Into Carriage, Uninjured
NEW YORK, March 22. For at
least half a century young men who
aspired to journalistic fame have
been given the axiom that anything
unusual constitutes news. They
have been told proverbialy, that if
a baby fell out of a fourth story
window and was kiled it wouldn't
brunusual, but that If it fell out
of a fourth story window into a baby
carriage in the street and: was not
injured itwoutd be unusual and
therefore newsIt happened In New
York tonight.
Mrs. Edna Wicker was leaning
out a window of her apartment at
895 Second avenue with her two
months old grandson in her arms
when she fell out. The baby drop
ped: into a go-cart In the street be
low. Mrs. Wicker was so seriously
injured she may dieH
McNary Candidate for
Long Term in Senate
WASHINGTON. aMrch 22. Sen
ator Charles L. McNary, Republican.
of Oregon, named tor complete tha
term of the late Senator Iane, an
nounced today "that he would be a
candidate at the coming primaries
for the Republican nomination for
the long term. The election will be
helT in November. r ,
. M,., M , .111, , i. m ,
t, ' .-i
Hindenburg Claims Capture
of 16,000 Prisoners and
200 Machine Guns; British
Inflict Heavy Casualties en
Advancing Foe
400,000 HUN HAVE
Cambrai Wedge Is Plan cf
German Staff B r i t i s h
Fighting Machine .Intact
and Troops Are Gallant
LONDON, March 22.--(Dritlsli
Admiralty. Per Wireless Press.)
Sixteen thousand prisoners and 200
guns have been captured by the Ger
mans, according to a German offi
cial communication received by wire
less tofiiKht. . ' .s :
The text of the communication
"The successes of yesterday In the
fighting between Arras and La Fere
were extended in the continuation cf
our attack.
Ileilin Claims 10,000 Irloners.
. "Sixteen thousand prisoners and
200 guns so far have been reported
captured. Before Verdun the artil
lery duel continued. From other
theaters of the war there is nothing
new to report." s
LONDON, March 22. The Ger
mao on Friday along most all of
the battle front continued their at
tacks In great strength. At several
points the enemy made gains against
the British, but at others he was re
pulsed In counter-attacks, according,
to the British official communication
issued tonlcht.
German Losses Heavy.
The statement says the British
losses inevitably have been consid
erable but not out of proportion to
the magnitude of the battle. The en
emy's losses continue very heavy, all
his advances being made at great
The greafest courage Is being
shown by the British troops.
The communication says:
"This morning the eemy renewed
his attacks in great strength along
practically the whole of the battle
front. Fierce fighting occurred In
our battle positions and Is still con
tinuing.' Knenty Make Irnrrr-.
"The enemy made some progress
attfertaln pednta. At others his
troons have been thrown back by our
"Our louses :Jnevltably have-been
considerable, bnt they have not been
out of proportion to the magnitude ,
of the battle.
"From renorts received from all
parts of the battle front the enemy's
losses continue 4o be very heavy, and
his advance everywhere has been
made at irreat sacrifice.
IlrilUh Troono Gallant.
- "Our troops are fighting with the
greatest gallantry. Exceptional eal
lantry was shown by the 24th divl-
sion In a protracted defense at Lev
erguler and by the third division,
who maintained our positions In the
neighborhood of Crolsilles and to the
north of that Tillage against repeat
ed attacks. . "
"A very gallant fight was made
by the Slst division In the neighbor-'
hood of of the Bapaume-Cambral
road against repeated attacks.
"Identification obtained in the
course of the battle shows that the
enemy's opening attack was deliver
ed by some forty divisions, support
ed by great masses of German artil
lery, reinforced by Austrian bat
teries. Many other German divisions
since have taken part In the fighting
and others are arriving in the battle
area. .
Artillery Sets Precedent.
"Further fighting of a meat se
vere nature is anticipated."
LONDONY March 31. -The new
coming from correspondents at the
front today that 40 German divi
sions were engaged In the fighting
on the front of attack and that tha
pteatest concentration of artillery In
the world's history was operating,
pave the British public an Idea of
the tremendous strnggle on the west
front. But nothing in the dispatches
either fretn Field Marshal Haig or
from the newspaper correspondent?,
had prepared them for the German
claim which reached London late to
night of the capture of 16,000 pris
oners and 200 guns as the result of
the first day's fighting in the new
German offensive, and the disposi-
(Continued on page 6.)