us. the orecox STATESJIAX; fridav. MARCH 22, JOl.H ClassiTKBdl Direct yThe Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them Rnv Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS MEN'S CLOTHING, SHOES, BICY CLES, TOOLS, ETC. CAPITAL EXCHANGE Phona 433 ? Court Bt. nokwicii UNION " ITOE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burghardt. Jr., Evident Agent 8S3 tte St. Money to Loan ai nrmorED iAtm ajtd cttt PROPERTY AT LOWEST RATES ; THOS. K. FORD ,1; MONEY TO LOAN I HAVE MADS arrangements for loaning eastern . money; will make yery low rate of interest, on diruij (uiyrvv io m. . Homer H. Smith. Room 6. McCormack BJH paiem. wr. uwwr ww. CLASSIFIED ADTEBTISEKKXT1 Rate Per Wer first Insertion .............. lo Subsequent Insertions Ho One week (six insertions) . . . 3c One month 9c Six months contract per mo. So 11 menths' contract, per mo... 7c No account opened for less than J 6c m mmA mmrwiwi Cvaa w( ,K mw advertisement to the extent of 60c nnminrlnir "For Sale." "For Bent,"; "Rooms" or "Board." I , 1CKW TOD AT Each new classified advertise-' ment will be run under "New Today for first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad will uppear under its proper class ification. No advertlement will be run nder "New Today" for more tban Lb issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY 4GIRL FOR GENERAL, HOUSEWORK. Small family, good horn? for right party. V bouth Liberty, telephone 145. - ., WANTED GASOLINE -DRAG HAW. , wmi o rem wnn upuua v uuy. Must be In good serviceable condi tion. Phone SO or write 830 South lh street. TOR BENT A MODERN SIX ROOM bungalow. Inquire 66 North Cot ': ' tage. WANTED TO CONTRACT ACREAGE for string beans for canning pur poses. Excellent prices. Phone 226. Oregon Packing company, FUNITURE FOR SALE CHEAP AL mom new Majestic Steel range; sev eral pieces of new oak including dining room table, leather upholster .Morris chair and a large rocker and complete bed room set also new 9x12 Axmlnster rug. J'hone 78S-J. FOH SALE GOOD COW $15. PHONE 1M6-M or inquire at 845 South 12th street WANTED FIVE OR SIX ROOM FUH nUhed house. Young couple. Address "L 24." care Statesman. FOR SALE A FRESH JERSEY COW. also a six room house, (close In for rent. 771 North Commercial. FOR SALE FRESH JERSEY COW. Call at 1215 South 12th street. OTICE THE ADVERTISEMENT OF Jouse to be sold to the highest Didder n the Real Estate column, or see Wm. Fleming. 341 State street for in formation etc. MUST BE SOLD 35 ACRES 6tt MILES from Salem, 10 acres 8 year old prunes, 10 acres 1 year old prunes. 12 acres cultivated, land, 3 acres brush and timber. This is a snap. Price $4350. ",$1358 cash balance terms. H. A. Johnson Sc. Co., Phone 147. . ... SAVE MONEY NOW- 18 THE TIME to save. The Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinnville can save "you money on fire Insurance. By its system of careful Inspection and se lection of risks, coupled with its plan of insuring at actual cost, the O. F. R. A. can insure your home : or other preferred risk property at a very reasonable figure. It will cost you nothing; to In vestigate. H. A. Johnson & Co, , Attnt, Push Bank Bldg, Salem, phone $47. . EMPLOYMENT FEMALE WANTED LADY TO DO GENERAL housework. Phone 1227. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL . housework. Apply la, N. 17th street, or phone 1150. X WANTED AN KXPERIENCED WO . man cook at Willamette Sanitarium. ;- Steady position. Apply 754 Ferry St. woman wanted full time, sal- arv $24. selling guaranteed hosiery to Jearer $0c an hour spare time. Big Eter business. Experience unnec essary. Guaranteed Mills. NorrU ' "wn. Pa. Wasted ten good men at once or factory work. Steady work, got wages. Railroad faro paid to the factory. i, h. Weyant or J. J . -ills, 228 State street. "WAKTED FIRST CLASS MACHIN ' lt for government work, good psy "a good working conditions.' Apply i? r"'n or by letter. Astoria Ma . "" Iron Works. Astorla.Oregon. ANTBD bright TOUNO MAN I"?", 17 to 18 years old to learn printing tra" day work. Apply autesrean Job Dept.: upstairs. Wanted at o.nck-mex bf;tweev i d 45pears of ar;e to qualify tor - " conductors and motormen. w&"es: 38 cents pr liuur, first year; J' cents s'con-l v-fr, and 4 5 cents kllfter- Kih-t hour day. time and .VJ or H work over eight houis I1T.. ihl"t minutes in any 24-hour ST.iiSr- APl'y 310 Electric ""'"ling, Pornari't, Oregon. Portland "'wy. L'gM power companr FOR SALE LIVESTOCK U 4JOo EWES A N'J) "l,AM I'.HFOH RF14 lurtiicr information call y-TlT T E V- FRESH COWS. ' - Ferry stre- t. I'hone 1806-W. re?.1'13!"1 ,,0,'ANB CHINA BOAR. Counl1' RH'on 'A mile Nortn v-ounty Farm. Phone 4F4. LIVESTOCK I'Hl FOH HALE A. (J. DALRVmPLK Maclcsy station. FOR S A L E T E A if , 8 AND !) YEARS oki; mare and K'.-lding. weight l'7o'J. Sound, gentle and true to pull single and double. Thin team will ho .M on trtatr Price $310. with set of neavy breeching harness. AUo one pair of brown horses, weight 2450. souyid. pontic and itrue. price $fu Also one team, weight 2300; wound and true to pull simile and double, with aet of breeching' liarne. pi'" jimo one uay driving mare, weignt iu:o, age 10 years, witn buggy and harness, price $50. Call )IIICF.LLANCOl'!t FOR SAI,E HEAVY DOUBLE WOKK harness. Phone 63F13. SOME LOGANBERRY: PLANTS FOR saie. very reasonable. Box 60S Dallas, Oregon. J FOR SALE FURNISHINGS FROM A rive room house complete. Good as new. Corner 15th and Court. Mrs. Preston Miller. FVR ; SALE A WAGON AND GOOD horse and harness. J. A. Swanson, 1591 Broadway. DE LAVAL SEPARATOR NO. 15. USED out i months, ror sale. Phone 1565-J C. C. Ashby, 1911 North Church. FOR SALE GOOD DERIVING HORSE, cheap.. Also lightdelivery wagon. Phone 16S8-W or call 1651 Market street. FOR SALE MAXWELL TRUCK 191 i equipped with cab, windshield and body. A bargain. Phone Mr. Hams 121. J FOR SALE SECOND HAND STONE corn mill and small rock crusher. Both eqiupped for power. See J. Baumgartner, Salem Hardware Co. IF YOU WANT TO GET T1U2 RES farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. FOR SALE SECOND HAND COUNT er i scales. Platform scales. Hand trucks. 5-in. and ft-in. belting can vas, rubber and leather. Salem Hard ware Co. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN UIRlJt This true story of western immi gration has been carefully revised, making a hivndsome little book. It tells In graphic terms of the ma sacre of the Oatman family, of tne escape of Lorenxo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Ha. lem, Oregon. POCX.TRT IF YOU WANT. TO (JET THE BES't poultry paper published, send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this d. FOR RENT HOC1ES FOR RENT $12.E0-SIX ROOM MOD ern house on paired street at 1920 South High street. E. A. Rhoten, 114 1-J. any time week days. FOR RENT $15. NINE ROOM HOUSE sf 8!0 Broadway, Good repair throughout, electric lights and bath. Enquire 88 Broadway or 112 North Commercial, phone 975. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: 16 partly modern five-room cot tage 1052 Saginaw. In good order. Foremerly rented for $10 a month. Call at 1042 Saginaw or Statesman business office. Phone 23. , . $13 Neat modern bungalow ( rooms at 960 North 20th sC Call at Statesman business office or pnone 23. $20 Modern 10 room house on Cottage street, i close i n. CaT4 at Statesman business office, or phone 23. ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. 330 South 14th street. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath, in modern home. Address A. B. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern conveniences, also In side rooms. Close to State House. 1030 Chemeketa. i Phone 12S0. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHIPBUILDING COMPANY NOW OR ganising. Wants few more parties with money. Abundant lumber avail able not in conflict with present source of supply to yards, hence pref erence in securing contracts. Partic ulars, 702 Spaulding Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. MONET TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECUR" Ity. CI. E. Unruh. phone 815. WANTED HISCELLAKEOIJI WANTED PASTURE FOR 250 HEAD of sheep. F. B. Decker, Silverton, Oregon. HIGHEST CASH" PRICE PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom States man. WANTED RAYO' INCUBATOR HAY chlng charts, phone 2502W3. White Wyandotta tockrels for sale. WANTED TO RENT. MODERN, well furnished, 5 or 6 room houtc. Phone S7-W. WANTED TO RENT PASTURE FOK cattlo from 10 to 100 acres. Phone 80F2. WANTED TEAM OF MARES 12 each, eight years old. also tfood 3 H narrow track wagon to trade Tor wtdf Track. Itoute 3. box 28, Sn-n. AUTOMOBILE' DIRECTORY " AtTToTSnviciB MUPP-sTAlJtO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. - j-none uu, nlrht. 858. "TIB KtC B KP Al RED VtXCAXf ZIXO GATES HAI-F-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station 177. South Commercial St.. pbone 428. QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanizing. 219 North Commercial street. Phone 68. HILEMAN MACHINERY AND TIRE Co. Silverton Cord and Savage Tires. Vulcanizing and auto supplies. 291 North Commercial. Phone 787. HRACKETT GRAY TUBES VUL canlsed, 25c Retreading; our special ty. Free service car. Phone 1409 27t North CoramerciaL ' WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND aections tubes 25c up. Service car. i'hone 883. 126 South Commercial street. Get Wise-Try a Classified Ad PROFESSIONAL DKSTim DR. F. L. UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 0. M t SIC TKACI I E ItS It II AUK. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phon 13K3 PII VdlCIAVS DU. L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office and residence 2r6 North Liberty, Sal;m, ptione 117. LODGE DIRECTORY mfojTHEniroOD "OFlEMAi MEETSEVERY WEWESIHTEVEN lng In Maaonic Temple, fifth floor, at 8 o'clock. All visiting member wel come. Horace S kea, Fc reman, Wj xi. 1 run k, jorresponaeni. MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore'gon Cedar Camp. No. 6246, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V?C: J. A. Wright, clrek. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO nELITEHT BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER- i ed any place, city rr country. I'hone ""M or 20S l-R. W. W. Fisher. CHIROPKAtnii CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS RE store normal function. If you want results consult ' Dr. May. 8O0-S-V Hubbard Bldg. phone (27. DR. O. L. SCOTT., D. C. GRADUATE OF P. S. C. Cbiropractics fountain head, Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8, U. S. N. Bank Building. Phono S7. Raaidenr 82K-R. II .4 It HE It SMOI'S GET AWAY FROM THE RUSH O? business and rest yourself while get ting refreshed at lngrey's Barber Shop, 311 State street, iiest barbers in th stat. CHINESE FHYSICIAN. DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St. 1-hone 288. DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933, Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses in connection with - business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and -storing our specialty. Office 161 South Commer cial street. dry cleaning and pressing Japanese pressing parlors f. S. Watanabe, Prop., 431 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed, 31-28 and :. 81.75. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main S52. JUNK JCNK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST :. price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price -on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co, 271 Cbemeketa Street. Pbone 898. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND hand goods. Highest market prices for Junk and a Idee. The People's Junk and Secondhand Store, S71 No. Commercial, thone 714. F.I.KCTHO-llVI)ROI'ATHIC ELECTRIC-HYDROPATHIC I N S T I -tute, 827-29 Pittock block. Portland. Nurse Attendants. Electric cabinet and mineral baths. Scientific mas-sao-e. Opun to 7. Sunday 10 to 4. HAIR REMOTKO "CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied here or sold for home use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, LACXUIUED BALKM STEAM LtAUNDHi yUiCK delivery and careful work. Dry wash 5c per pound. 136 South Lib- 1 erty St. Pbone 28. HOME WET WASH lUNDRY REQ- ular washing done at a rate every- body can afford; For only sixty-five cents we will collect, wash and de liver your washing within twenty four hours. Phone 2471. OSTOPATHY ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Graduates American School Osteopa thy, Kirksville. Mo. Sixteen years experience. . Residence office 854 South Commercial street. Post Grad uate work, Los Angeles College. Dra. H. D. Bowers Alice C. Bowers. DR. W. L. MERCER, GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Kirks , ville. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. S. 'Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Resi dence 419 North Summer. Phone 614. DRS. - WHITE & WALTON. OSTEO pathic physlcans and surgeons. Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy, Kirkuville. Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Office 505-6-7-8. U. S. National Rank Bldg. Phone 8"i9. Residence, 1S20 Court street. Phone 2215. Dr. White, residence phone 4fi!. NURSERIES. FRl'ITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD at High and Ferry. Call and see stock and get prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Everbearing straw berry plants and loganberries. PIANO TCNINO G. E. MAST. EXPERT TUNING, cleaning, repairing and regulating. All work guaranteed. 1645 Hail street or care of Sherman Clay Sc fn. Cotirt street, phone 2153-J. REPAIR SHOPS THE FIX IT SHOP? 261 COURT street. We do all kinds of light filing,- grinding- and braxing. Bicycle work a specialty. Stoves and furn- t acox rplrl. Phone 1022. SECOND HAND tiOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, coilai pads, tools, chains. Fred Schlodler. 266 Center fltret TRANSFER HAVLIKO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND of hauling. Household 3 moving loba done prompt ly. Trv me once. Tlmme. 475 State St. Phone 968. Residence phnn 1122-J - UNDERTAKER W'lBBACIXinVlt C- B. WEBB, A. M. Clough. funeral directors. Latest modern mhods known to the pro fession. 47 Court street. WALL PAPER, f AISTT ULKNN U, ADAMS roil HOUSE PEC coratlngi painting, tinting, paper, bangingfete t Work done by contract or day: good workman. Location 1020 CeiAcr St- Phone 686-W. WALL PAPER. PAIXT TEN CENTS A. DOUBLE ROLL AND upward "for choice WaU Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial St. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good ,wwkmfe 4R8 Court Bt Phone 488. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE, 801 8. Commercial street- For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions In bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water is cut off from premises. Hereafter water for irrigation will only be furnished to regular customer using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under schedule of rates. Apply at office for copy. WdVElTWIRB FENCING" Depot Xatloaal Jt Asaerteaa Feae. aU slaea. 2 la. t SS la. high. Palats, Oils a ad VaradsTa. Steves lie ball t asd Repaired Lagaaaerry Maa llaaka. Saigas Keae . Steve Warfaa. 2SO Cart St. PImm 184 R. B. FEMINQ. WOOD SAWS FOR ZANDESS WOOD SAW. 1090-R. PHONE WHEY For Feeding Hogs Can be had at the Marion Creamery Call or Telephone 2483 PORTLAND MARKETS PORTLAND, March 21 Ruttor: Prints, extras, 49 to &0c; cubes, extras,- 47 c; prime firsts, 4 7c; dairy, 33 cents. Rutterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream. Clc. Potatoes. Buying price, locals, 75c; selling price, 90c to $1.10. Grains. Grain 3 0j-day options Rids Oats. No. 2. ;70; barley, feed. $74; brewing, 181. Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Bids Oats, No. 3, white, $64.50; 38-pound clipped, white, $65; corn, No. 3. yellow, $68; No. 3, mixed. $67; No. 3. $64.50; clipped. $65.50; corn, yellow, $68.50; mixed, $67. Car IUwfcrfs. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 2; barley, 3; flours 2; eats, 10; hay, 3. Cattle. Cattle, steady; receipts, 166: rrortdium to dhoice steers, $11 to $11. SO; good to medium steers. $10 to $T1; common to good steers, $8.50 to $10; choice cows and heif er", $9 to $10; common to good cows and heifers. $3 to $9.50: ran ners, $4.25 to $6.25: bulls, $5 to $9; calves, $7.50 to $12; stockers and feeder steers, $6.50 to $9.50. Hog. Hogs, steady: receipts. 788 light. $17 to $17.20; prime. : prime heavy. $16.75 to $17; pigs, $14.75 to $15.75; bulk of sales, $16.90 to $17. Sheep. Sheep, steady: receipts. 2368: western lambs. $15 to $15.50; valley lambs. $14.50 to $15; yearlings. $13 to $13.50; wethers. $12.50 to $13; ewes, $9 to $12. Shorn sheep 2c to 3c under quotations. . , LIBERTY BOND ACTMTYIS BIG Brisk Inquiry Feature of Day V Session on Stock Exchange NKAV YORK. March 21. Another brisk inquiry for liberty bonds was the distinguishing feature of today's session of the stock exchange. Deal ings in stocks-, diminished steadily until the final hotir when moderate activity set !n under lead of Indus trails and oils. These shares were favored because of an advance in crude oil prices ?nd intimations from Washington that the new schedule for steel and iron would in: all probability elim inate existing inequalities. ..Texas company was foremost among the oil at an extreme gain nf five points and United States Steel was roused out of its previous torpor, gaining almost a point on relatively heavy action. Other substantial gains were con fined to such specialties as American Car. inactive equipments and Indus trial Alcr-lhol, Distillers Securities, and Malting preferred at advances of one to two points. Kar-lv pressure upon rails, motors snd tobaccos wa partly overcome n the general rallv of the close but ome gains, notably that of Union Pacific, proved only temporary Sas amounted to 260.000 shares. Official seizure of Holland's ships nd the Teutonic bombardment on he western front were among the deterrent developments of the fore noon. Liberty issues again constituted be sole features of the bond mar ket, second 4s gaining almost 1 per cent but reacting sharply later. Sales, pa r value, aggregated $6.- 650.000. United States bonds, old Issues, unchanged on call. "Do rou admire the classics?" "No."' answered' Uncle Lowbrow. "When it come to dancin" gimme a M-fashioned clog." W ashington Star. ) . REAL ESTATE STRICTLY MODERN ROOM BUNG alow. paved street, east front, owner leaving, must sell. Call 970. WANTED TO BUY. FOR CASH. FIV15 room modern bungalow, not over loOu. Box 215. SEVERAL GOOD TOWN RESIDENCES clear of liens for farms. See Wtn. Fleming, 341 State street. TO TRADE IN ON FARM, 8 ROOjf house, 2 lots. Will pay difference. Address "H 43" care Statesman of fice. STRICTLY MODERN NEW C ROOM bungalow and garage, must be sold, easy terms, owner leaving. Call H57-R. . LOTS FREE TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS in South Salem given to party buy ing new house for less than cost. Judson, Hoyt and Winter streets. A GOOD 5 ACRE TRACT, WELL IM proved in exchange for a neat small town house, easy terms on balauce. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State street. FOR SALE 11 ACRES. 5 ACRES cherries, 2 acres prunes, 2 acres Wil son strawberries, best crop, this year, trees 3 to 7 years old. A bat gain for cash. Phone 73F21. WILL TRADE MY 7 ROOM MODERN home, full basement, 28x40 feet, two large lots on corner, for farm, will pay some difference. Owner - 795 North 17th street, Salem. A GOOD BUY 25x80 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street, Salem, together with perpetual right of way over the 14x50fc feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Scott Rozorth. 701-2 Spaulding Blig., Portland, Oregon. . FINE HOME AND J18 STOCK RANCH for sale on Yuquina Bay, near New port. Also 140 acre cut over timber land tract, good soil. Right on rail road. Phone 677 or address A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple. IF YOU DESIRE TO SELL YOUR property, come., in at nce. I have several customers for farm and city property at a reasonable price. Have dry wood, seed wheat, artichokes, and a 3-tnch StudebaKer wagon for sale. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard building. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. ONE half acre three and one-half blocks from State street car line, two and one-half blocks from Richmond school. Two .houses on place, fruit, apples, pears, cherries, walnuts and berries. Terms to suit- Address. John Ricsabeck. 495 South 23rd street, 8a lam, Oregon. SO ACRES IRRIGATED, A LI, CULT I vated, 60 acrea alfalfa. Joining town, 3200 per acre. 175 acres, all culti vated, improved. 6 miles to town, 850 per acre. 12 lrts In thriving town, fleOO. 5 room house, 4 lots. In town of 2000. price $3000, this will soon be business property. No in cumbrances, will trade one or a'l for property east or north of Salem. Might consider acreage, might as sume. Socolofsky,. Sll State street. FOR SALE 12 ACRES OF LAND. $123 per acre. 7 acrea under cultvation. z acres in cnerries. Also two pieces of land each con taining 6 acres. Each piece has 8 U cleared acres and 1 acre of cherries on each piece. Also 4 acres for sale at $125 per acre. This land Is all one-fourth mile from Claxtar. All of this land is for a small payment down to suit purchas er, balance at t per cent Interest. Phone 87F4. , SALE TO HIGHEST BIDDER ON THE grounds at 1720 Chemeketa street at 2:00 p. m. Saturday the 23rd, I will seel to the highest bidder the residence there a 7 worn modern house. Cash for 25 to 30 per cent of the bidder will be required, terms . can be had on the balance, approv i able title, with abstract and wir u ranty deed. Dont disturb tenants see me at 111 State street. Some shrubbery and fruit on the place, a corner, paved on both street. Will - lam Fleming. 35 ACRES. 7 MILES OUT WITH 10 acrea of bearing prunes and 10 acrea of young prunes, balance in cultiva tion, but 3 acres, of timber $1,350. $1500 will handle this, should bring $700 or $800 for this years crop. A good 8 room house within six blocks of Electric depot, with full basement, $3000. $1500 cash, bal ance liberal terms with 5 per cent interest. Five room house on Cottage street close in $2200. One-half cash, bal ance on good terms. 5 per cent In terest. See Perrine St Masters, 42 Hubbard, building. BARGAIN. 50 ACRES 40 CLEAR, good set of buildings mostly bot tom land, creek' and spring watei. bearing . orchard with stock and im plements. $1000. 9 acres six miles out on fine road good set of buildings, some river bottom land, all level well fencea. $9000. 10 acres all in prunes close In only $1600. Exchange 80 acres In limber near the Sound in Washington for acre age. 5 room bungalow on pavea street for sale $1350. or for rent. F. L. Wood, Bayne Bldg. . MODERN NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, paved street, large lot. 81500, must be sold, owner leaving town. Five room bungalow, new. strlctlv modern, macadamized street, close in, owner leaving. $2,100. Vi cash. Six room new bungalow, absolutely modern, paved street, beautiful loca tion, east front $2206. $1000 caah, bal ance terms. Fifty-eight acres. 25 acres beaver- . dam, iO acres bottom. 12 acres past ure.' fsmily orchard, fair house, good barn. Joining town. $6200. 100 acres. 90 in cultivation. 10 acrea pasture, splendid improvements, well fenced. Waldo Hills, on very easy terms. 10 acres, modern Improvements. Sa lem. Heights, exchange for larger ranch not over $4,500. 20 acres to exchange for house or small acreage HAcolofsky, 341 State street, phoue i 978. FOR . SA IJtZ STRICTLY MODERN 8 "room house. large lot, east front, garage, hearing. fruit, paved street, price $3250. Modern 5 room bungalow- with funiture, paved street, sightly Iocs. ' tion. price $2600. Modern six room house, close in. paved street, price $2650. Six room house and two fine lots, 17 bearing fruit trees, price $1100. $300 down, balance to sutt at 6 per cent. 80 '" acres grain and stock ranch, good buildings, fine location, price $65 per acre. 100 acre farm, all cultivated, old house, and two large barns, mill consider part trade, price $100 per acre. 110 acre farm. 40 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pas ture, running water. Old house and barn, good soil, some fine bottom land, price $60 peri acre, - Improved 10 acre tract, new 5 room plastered cottage, barn, chickenhouse. garage, drilled well. Macadam road, bearing fruit, price $2850. If youwsnt t buy, trade or sell, see us. W. H. Grabenhorst V Co., 275 Stats street. Srnoptin of ths Annaal Rtatetneat ef The Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia, in the Stat of Pennaylvanis, n the 31st day of December. 1917, made t the Insurance Commissioner of the Htate ef Oregon, pursuant to law: Incorae. Total premium income ....... .$5,212, 2M. 12 Intr-t. dividend and rents re- reiTed daring the year -. 1.769,818.38 Income from olh-r aovrrea re reived daring the year. ..... BS.9oO.09 Total income ..$7,080,866.56 Disbursements. Psid for losses, endowments, an nuities and surrender values. $2,836,458.80 Dividend a paid to policyholders during the year 611.621.76 Commiaalona and salaries and scenry ezpensea paid daring the yar 870.370.64 Tavea. licenses and fees paid I during the year Amount of alt other expenditures 383.S19.76r Total expenditures ....... .$4,801,439.79 Assets. Msrtet value of real estate -owned .. ..$1,580,686.40 Market value of stork a and amortised value of bonds owned 9.08S.146.99 Loan on mortgagea and collat eral, etc ..1S.019.542.69 Premium notes and policy loans 7.355.430.81 Caah in banks and on hand... 595.469.67 Net uncollected sad deferred premiums .. 455.S.S9.4A Other asaets (net) . 858.167.71 Total assets Lea special deposits state . . .$34,450,803.23 aay - 81.000.00 Total ssaets admitted in Ore gon , . .634.419.303 23 uabiuues. Net reserve for reinsurance. Total policv claims unpaid.. All other liabilities ........ Burplus .. ............... .$20,728,648.73 ... 178.061.08 . . S.OSO.102.71 . . 1.51S.29Q.71 Total lisHlitie .$34,450,803.28 Total Insurance ia feres Decent' ber 81. 1917 $1,420,225.69 Business la Oregon for tae Year. Total insursnre written during the year 81) 172.766.00 Gross premiums received during the year Total amount of insurance out 85,409.90 standing in Oregon December SI. 1917 fSSS) I.IOO SOl.OO THE FIOFLITY MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. By Walter LeMsr Talbot. President. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for art-vice: T. J. Mendenhell. Svnopsis of ths Annual Statement of the Merchants Life Insurance Company of Des Moines, ia the Stste of lows, on the 81t day of December, 1917. msde to the Insurance Commissioner ef the Stste of Ore gon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock psid dp i 400,000.00 Income. Total premium ineomo ....... f 1.081.688.78 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived daring the year 97.517.80 Income from ether sources r . reived daring ths ytsr .... . 56Q.661.66 Total income J. . . ,.$1,689,908.83 Disbursements. ; ' Psid for losses, endowments, sn- Bttities and surrender values. f 477,445.18 Dividends psid te policyholders daring the year 4,479.88 Commissions and salaries paid . . .during the year ......1.... 170,474.14 Tsxe. licenses sad fees paid . during the yesr 30,002. 81 Amount ef sll pther expenditures 273.837.75 Total expenditure Assets. ....8 946,239.81 1 Msrket vslue of stocks and bonds owned II 1.108.75 Loans en mortgage and rollat- eral, etc 5,191.918.93 Premium note and policy loana 75.S94.71 Caah ia banks and on hand... 190.873.03 Net uncollected and deferred - premiums . . ..' 82,658.29 Other ssaets (act) .......... 69,778.08 Total assete ........ ..82.722.226.66 Tots! sasets admitted in Oregon.82,722.226.66 Liabilities. Net reserve $1,403,698.00 Tots! policv claims unpaid.... 37.500.00 All other liabilities i01.970.O$ Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of $400,000. $2,243,168.05 Total Inaraneo In force De cember 31, 1917 $56,521,232.13 Business la Oregon for the Year. 1 Gross premiums received during the yesr .....J 8.645.21 tosses paid during the yesr... ' 2.000.00 Losses incurred during the yesr 2.OO0.0O Total amount of insurance out standing In Oregon December 81. 1917 ?22.oOOOO MERCHANTS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY By R. L. : Wilson, Secretary. Statutory resident general agent sod sttornev for service : Henry A. Orth, 531 Everett 8t, Portland, Oregon. I Synopsis of the ' Annnsl Statement ef The Equitable Life Insurance 1 Company of Iowa of Dea Moinea in the Stste of lows, on ths 31t dsy of December, 1917. msde to ths Insurance Commissioner ef the State of Ore gon, pursusnt te Isw: CapttaL Amount of capital atock paid up.$ 3OO.OO0.OO Income. Total premium income ..-.....$ 1.436,983.76 Interest, dividends and rent a re reived during the year 1,105,348.53 Inrome from other sources re ceived during the yesr. ..... 79,736.85 Totsl income ...$5,622,068.64 Disbursements. Paid for losses, endowments, sn- nuitiea snd surrender vsloes . $.1,121, 581.89 825.10 Dividends paid to poiieynoldera during the year 667, Dividend psid on'rspital stock during the yesr ......... 21, Cnmmiaatons snd aalaries . psid 000.00 during the resr . 858. 447.00 143.67 193.31 Taxes, licenaea and fees paid durisg the yesr 94. Amount of sll other expenditures 574, Total expenditures $3,137,190.97 Assets. Msrket vslue of resl eatste owned . . .8 467.OOO.00 Market value ef atock snd bond owned 593.435.64 Loan on mortgages snd collat eral, etc. .... ,...18.357.925 6. Premium notes end policy losns 2.067.S87.22 Cah in banks sad on hand... 115,149.50 Xet uncollected and deferred premiums .. 352. 83 J. 76 Other ssaets tnet) fiOS.371.81 Totsl assets .... $22,560,402.58 Totsl sssets sdmitfed in Oregoa.$22,56O,402.56 Liabilities. Xct rearrve $ 19.00S..V.8 03 Total policy claims unpaid. .... 42.381.66 All other liabilities .......... 1.732.146.71 Totsl liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of fSOO.OOO . $20.871,O.40 Totsl l nnr,nr, in force Ic- ber 81. 1917 .$1 40.08S.425.66 Business la Oregon far the Year. Total inaursnce written during the yesr $ 362.609.O0 Gross premiums received during the year 17.181.02 Total amount of inaursnce out- atanding in Oregon December 31, 1917 87.41 l.OO By J. C. CUMMINS. President. Statutory resident general agent a"d attornev for eervice: Conrad OIon, Chamber of Commerce Bldg . Portland. Oregon CUItlOHlTY.' Little Mary (seeing a cow:) Moth er, Is that the cow I saved a part of last -meatless Tuesday. Chicago "News. Synopsis of the Annual Statement Xii ths Oregon Life Insurance Company of Portland, in the Stats of Oregon, rt the Slat day of December, 1911, made to Ilia Insurance Commisainner of the State of 1?" gon. pursuant to Isw: " Capital. -Amount of capital stock paid up $ lOO.OO't.'iO Income.' Total premium income .......$ 39U.2O.0f! Interest, dividend and rents re ceived during the yesr : 63.500.54 Inrome from ether sources re ceived during the yesr. ..... 9,533.24 Total Income . $ DUbursemsnts. Paid for loaaeSj endowments, sa i nnities and surrender valnea.$ Dividrnda paid te. policyholders during the year ............ Dividend paid on capital atock 472,870.70 66.278.00 19,123.78 7,000.00 84.642.49 8.371.29 65.948.42 during the year 99.6AS.SOvLCommiaaions and salaries paid psid during the year Taxe. !irnea and feea during the year ....... Amount of all other expenditures Total expenditures ..$ 246,563.98 Assets. Market vslue of resl eatste owned .. ..$ Msrket vslue of - stocks snd bonds owned ............. Loans on mortgages and collat eral, etc. Premium notes and policy loana Caah In bank and on hand... Net . uncollected snd deferred premiums Other sssets (net) 3.500.00 547.043.45 "642.376 60 161.266.82 10.398.25 84.726.88 5,472.81 Totsl assets admitted ia Ore- son .. ...$1,404,788.31 usDiuues. , Net reserve s . All other liabilities .$1,131, 108.42 13,332.00 Total liabilities, exclusive of cspitsl stock of SI $1,144,440.42 Totsl insurance In force De cember 81. 1917 -V- - - . - .812.64O.92J.0O Business la Oregon for the Year. Totsl insurance written doting the yesr . . $1,522,087.00 Gross premium received daring the yesr 399.20.96 Loaacs M id dnring the vesr... . 6'S.2II.OO Losses incurred daring ths yesr 62,211.00 Totsl smount of Inaursnce out , standing in Oregon December 81. 1917 . . .. . ia.S40.tr11.0O- OREGON LIFE- INSURANCE COMPANY. Be A I. Mill. e--e. Shipbuilding Company Formed at Bay City The Dar City Shlpbtilfdlnff com pany. capitalized at $lfi0,(J00. filed articles of Incorporation at the of fice of Corporation Commissioner Schulderman yesterday. The Incor porators are H. E. Hartltne, Scott Dozorth and K. A. Dakar. The main of rices are to be at Bay City.- Tho HJeltenaet Motorship' com nany, capitalized st $00,000, and having Its main offices at Portland, filed articles. The company wilt pur chase the capital stock of the motor ship HJeltenaes. now being con-' slrucled st the yards of the Grays Harbor Shipbuilding company at Ab erdeen. -.-.-. - . - - - - Articles were filed yesterdar! by the OTefy?n Crome company of Port land. The company Is capitalized at $100,000 and the Incorporators am L. M. Crocker, F. A. Olmsted and F.. A. Baker. ' nttiTi6.rl Arii Vnrlt fii- Ynn LOOK AT THIS A jREAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acres of choice Polk coun ty land about 80 acres clear; about 60 acres in stump pasture; Balance In choice piling timber and oak grubs. Timber alone worth $7500. New four room house, new dairy, barn, providing for 20 cows and four horses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water piped from fine spring to all buildings. Will sell the whole at a great bargain. Very easy terms. 6 pee f-rtt Interest. Address L.. owner, care The Statesmsn. TIME TABLES SOCTHF.Rjr PACIFIC CO. Nerttabeamsl No. 16 Oregon Express .... f:0la.n. No. $4 Oregonlan .... ..... 6:16 a.m. No. 28 Willamette Limited.. 9:20a.m. No. 18 Portland Paasenger.. 1:16 p.m. No. 24 Coos Bay 3:46 p.m. No. IS Shasta Limited ..... 7:60 p.m. No. 14 Portland Express ... 8:10p.m. No. 228 Local Way Freight. . 8:00 Ko. 222 Portland Past Freight 11:86 pra Svatlibvfaaal No. 62 Oregonlan J:20a.m. So. 21 Coos Bay 18:01a.m. No. 15 California Express ..10:68 a.m. No. 17 Roeeburg Passenger. 4:20p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited 6:41p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited.. 6:10p.m. So. 13 Ban Francisco Pass.. .10.37 p.m. No. 221 San Fran. Fast Frt,, .12:01 a.f. No. 227 Local Way Freight. .18:01 a-tn HALEN-GFKR LIKTB No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:18 a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem......... 3:06p.m. SALEM. rALLS CITY A WESTER 161 Leavea. Salem, motor .... 7:05a.m. If fxavea Salem, motor.... 9:36a.m. 165 Leavea Salem, motor.... 1:40p.m. Through car to Monmouth and Arlie 1C7 Leavea Salem, motor .... 3:48p.m. 169 Leavea Salem, motor.:... 6:67p.m. 139 Way Freight leaves Salem 6:00 a.m. I6i l-rivea at Salem 8:30a.m. IM Arrives at Salem ........11:00a.m. !f6 Arrives at Salem 3 00 p.m. 168 Arrives at Salem , 8:36 p.m. 170 Arrives at Salem ........ 7:20 p. m 240 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 2:10 p ro. OREGOV ELECTRIC Beetle bead Train. Leave . Arrive Arrive S'o. 'Portland Salem Eugene 1 ...... 6:30am 8:35am 10:66am 5 Ltd.. .8:30 am 10:11 am 12:26 pm 7 .....10:45am 12:55pm 9 ......2:06pm 4:15pm 6:35pm 13 Ltd. .-4:46 pm 6:40 pm 8:69 pm 17 ......6:05pm 8:19pm Rslemoniy 19 .....,9:20pm 11:20pm Salemonly 21 .....11:46pm 1:56am 6:60am. 'North Bank Station (leave Jeffer son Street 16 and 26 mlnutea later. werttafseaad Leave Arrive Train Arrive Portland 6:50 am 9:26 am 11:16 am 1:35 pm 4:00 pm 6:45 pm 7:40 pm 16:80 em No. Eugene 2 .....12:06 am Salem 4:35am 7:1$ am 9:46 am 11:20 am 1:60 pm 4:60 pm 6:29 pm 10 Ltd. ..7:4$ am . .. ..11:16 am Ltd.. .1:55 pm ......4:10 pm 4:26 cm 7:88 pm xNorth Rank Station (Arrl ve Jeffer- son Street L6 minutes earlier ). "Leave Corvallla. COnVALI.IS f-OF.C"I0JIS Kerthbeead Leave Corvallla Arrive Salens 8:25 am 9:45 am 12:12 pm 1 :0 am 2:41 pm 4:00 pm 4:10 pm . 6:20 pm 6:11 pm 7:61 pm Leave p-'em 1.16 am Arrive Corvallla l:iTim 11:33 am :30 pm 6:36 pm 8:00 pn 10:1H am 13:66 pm 4:15 pm 6:40 pm t