The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair: mo!?r:ro' &uthfi esterly
Eric Geddes, First Lord of
Admiralty, Tells Exact
Losses During War; Low
Point Reached in 1916
World Losses May Be Replac
ed With Supply of Men .
. -and Materials
LONDON. 'March 20. One of the
most Important statements made t?
the country recently wai the speech
delivered - in the house of commons
today by Sir Eric Campbell Geddes.
first ;lord of the admiralty. He ap
peased t the demand which h,is be
come general recently that the coun
try should be told the exact amount
of the shipping losses and he also
ononnred the apopintment of lireat
Britain's foremost builder. Lord
PIrrie, as controller general of mer
chant shipbuilding.
Lord PIrrie will not he a member
of the board of admiralty, but .he
will nave direct access to the pre
mier and the war cabinet. His ap
pointment, it is indicated, will be re
ceived with the greatest satisfaction.
Sir Eric's speech was a simple
statement of facts with no oratorical
sentences bnt be was listened to
more attentively than the most elo
quent orators in the government.
. The total allied and neutral ton
nage Is now 42,000,000, Sir Eric
stated, the fact that it is at this
figure being largely due to the new
construction by the United States
and the seizure of German .ships
The output of new tonnage, con
tinued the first lord, was very low
In 1915 and reached its lowest njint
in 1916. ,ThIs decline had been co
Incident with the Increased output
of monitions and before the Intensi
fied submarine warfare began Great
Britain was 1,300.000 tons to the
bad. During the last .Quarter of
1917, said Sir Eric, the allies were
aveaging within 100.000 tons
monthly of making their losses good
and were then replacing 7o per cent
of pbclr lost tonnage.
-rt Shipbuilding Is Gaining.
At the present time, the first lo-d
went on, forty-seven shipyards with
209 berths were engaged on ocean
going merchant vessels.. The ship
yard work was completely disorgan
ized durlnsr the first two years of
the war from various causes, he ex
plained, but nevertheless there had
been an enormous accomplishment
by the shipbuilding industry.
The output for the last quarter of
117. was 420,000 tons as against
213.060 tons for the last quarter of
Ulfi. while during the last quarter
of 1915 it had been only 42.000 ton.
When the contrqltw of construc
tion took over the shipyards. there
ere fifty large merchant ships In
various stages of construction upon
which iWoVk rytd been sfopped for
lack of sufficient material or of la
bor, said he first lord. -and in many
cases they were congesting the ship
yards,. Monthly TiOH 200.000 Ton.
It was well within the capacity of
be allied : vards and even of the
British yards. Sir Eric declared, to
make good the world's losses if glv
en an adequate supply of men and
material, in the fourth quarter of
1917 the foreign construction was
512.000 tons, be stated, giving a
total output .of 932,000 tons, while
the losses in Ihe same period were
1,200.000 tons, which were the low
"t since the intensive submarine
war be ran. -
; Creat RHtain had lost on the av
erage of 260,000 tons monthlv dur
ing the st quarter of 1917 and
nd built 140,000 tons monthly.' th
rt lord announced. British ship
ping had suffered the most, he point
ed ont. but the British had contrib
uted the greatest naval effort of iW
IHes and had sustained the g-eatest
attack and should not bemoan their
Eaggeratim Im 113 Per CVnr.
Sir Eric declared that the German
utement of ihe allied shipping
for January was an exaggera
tion of 113 pfr C(,nt Since he had
nowB np these grossly false returns
"i" previous months, he added. the
"nan statement had not leen Is
l!'l and was overdue.
The first lord's figures on th
jond's tonnage were reached after
"Inetlng lake craft and a consider
'"amount of small craft. His fig
reg on the tonnage sunk Included
"sels damael and ultimately
oandoned. The fieures on losses
winded those due both to enemy a
ll0 and marine risks.
.0oo,0oo Tons lAt in Year,
ihi , DON'- March 20. Figures on
"isplng output and tonnage losses of
weat Britain will be published reg
f h I nerafter, It was announced in
" house of common today by Sir
'-"e Geddes, first lord of thoadmlr
,T, during a debate on the navy
(Continued on page 6.)
a "
Mission Requested to Furnish
Officers to Train Volun
teer Fighters
Entente Changes Attitude To
ward Soviet; Regular
Quarters Taken
MOSCOW, March 19. Leon Tiot
rky's reply to the entente allies' In
quiries concerning reports that the
Ilolshevikl had 'armed thousands of
German and Austrian war prisoners
In Siberia, who now threatened the
trans-Siberian railway was: "-gene!
trained, officers and investigate. I
will give you a train."
The offer was accepted 8nd to
night Captain William It. Webster,
of the American lied- Cross, and
Captain W. L. Hicks of the British
military mission, left for Irkutsk,
Tchita and other .points where the
Germans are reported to be provided
with rifles, field pieces and. ammu
nition, t;
, The Bolshevik! papers charge that
the reports of th1 menaoe of armed
German and Austrian prisoners in
Siberia is part or the German prop
aganda to discredit the soviet govern
ment and encourage Japanese inter
vention. M. Trotzky also has asked the
American military mission for ten
American officers to assist him as
inspectors In organizing and training
a. new volunteer army and has re
quested the eervice of American rail
way engineers and transportation
experts to assist in the reorganiza
tion of the railways. He also has
aked for American railway equip
ment fn the way of locomotives and
There has been a marked change
in attitude of the entente toward ihe
soviet. The entente missions are no
longer rushing away from Russia.
The English. French, Americans,
Italians and Serbians now bare, mili
tary missions in Moscow and they
are taking quarters as they expect
to remain. There are many ?ign3
of lenewed cooperation between Rn
sia and the allies. .
Seventeen British Ships
Are Sank Daring Week
IONDOX. March 20. The admi
ralty reports the loss by mine or
submarine of seventeen British mer
chantmen last week. Df these eleven
were 1600 tons or over, and six un
der that tonnage.
Two fishing vessels were lost.
Eleven merchantmen were unsuc
cessfully attacked.
The losses of British merchantmen
in; the last week are slightly under
the losses of the three preceding
weeks, when during each of these
periods eighteen vessels wer sunk
by mine or submarine.
Lenroot Has Lead in
Contest in Wisconsin
More or less complete returns frpm
every county In the state this evening
sustained the lead of Congressmen
Irvine L. Lenroot, the Loyalty Repub
lican candidate for senator, in yes
terdays primaries.
Belated returns today gave him
2326 more than James Thompson,
the La Follette candidate.
(Thompson did not concede the de
feat pending complete returns. Jo
seph K. Davies, Democratic candidate,
had 54.173 votes compared, with 13,
202 for Dr. Charles C. McCarthy. The
same advices made the Victor Derger
(Socialist) vote 36,645.
Tar and Feathers Threatened
for Seditious Utterances
in Lane
E1.TGKNE, Or., March 20. Over
fifty determined citizen or Eugene,
riding motorcycles, late tonight es
corted Jake Spores of this city to'the
Itenton county I'ne near Junction
City and admonished him, on pain of
severe punishment, not to return.
Materials for a coat of tar and
feathers were taken along, but up
on promise that he would not return
to the city, were not used.
Spores.. 36 years of age and appar
ently of god physical condition, has
held down a street colder here for
the past five or six years. His
means of support are said to be a
small income from property. left by
his parents. He Is alleged to have
made seditious remarks,, refused to
work, enlist- In any branch of the
country's service, subscribe to any
war work, buy liberty bonds or thrift
stamps. ;
Quietude Reigns in Enemy Re
gions After Four Sectors in
Vicinity of Toul Are Shell
ed With Violence
Petrograd Is Menaced by Ad
vance of Germans; Baker
Takes Chance
, &(lt) The AuMicUtUtl I'
All along the western front the
activity of the fighting forces still
has been beld down to small Infan
try attacks and artillery duels which
on some sectors have' been quite vio
lent. To the French at;ain has fall
en the task of facing the fiercest
infantry flghtiifg. In Iwirraine the
Hermans delivered numerous attacks
but alt of them were put down with
psngninary losses to the attackers.
At several other points the Germans
also have endeavored to penetrate
French, positions, hut everywhere
have been beaten off.
The jAmerIcan troops on the Tonl
yectorhave been giving the fiermans,
and effectively, a dos- of their own
favorite weapon asphyxiating gas.
Four different sectors of the fier
mans were gas-shelled and the qui
escent attitude -of; the enemy . upon
all of them arterward indicated that
the gases had had the desired effect.
On their ipart the Germans have
adopted another new plan of warfare
which the' "American troops on the
sector attacked described as "dirty
work." This was the dropping from
an airplanje of large rubber balls
filled wltff mustard gas. None of
the American troops was Injured In
the attack.
Secretary of War Baker has had
a narrow escape on the American
front. A German shell burst within
forty yards of' his automobile bat
did no damage.
In Russia the Germans and Aus
trlans are still advancing. Petro
grad Is being menaced ry a force of
Germans which is operating 1T0
miles south of tho former capital,
while in the south Kharkov Is being
approached bv combined forces of
the enemy. Kven Mascow Is report
ed to be indanger and there is talk
of again moving the capital.
Farmers of German Descent
Dragged From Bed and
Made to Kiss Flag
ALTUS, Okla., March 20. Two
farmers of German descent, alleged
to have made pro-German .remarks,
arly today were dragged from their
beds by bands of "KnighTs of Lil
erty," forced to kiss the American
flag, flogged with blarksnakes whip,
tarred and feathered and driven from
their homes with orders not to re
turn. Today every road . intersection in
Jackson county is posted with notices
to "pro-Germans and slackers," to
leave the county or suffer treatment
similar to that dealt to the farmers.
At the same hour another band
of masked men entered the home of
Henry Huffman, 10 miles south of
Altus and gave him the same kind of
treatment Westbrook received. Huff
man was taken to the county lino
and headed into Texa3.
Reports from southwest Okla
homa are that the "Knights of Lib
erty" are organized to a strngth of
more than 5Q members and that
more tarring and feathering activi
ties are expected.
South Dakota House
Ratifies Prohibition
PIERRE. S. I).. March 20. The
lower house, of the South Dakota
legislature tonight ratified the fed
eral prohibition 'constitutional
amendment, making South Dakota
the' tenth state to accent the amend
ment. The senate' unanimously rati
fied the measure yesterday.
Government Exonerates
Captain of Steamer
Government inspectors this morning
exonerated Captain C.-A. Glasscock
of the steamship Admiral Evans, of
blame for the vessel's wreck ten days
ago at Hawk Inlet, near here. The
Inspectors held that the wreck was
an accident caused by an uncharted
rock. Work of raising the ship is
expected to begin within a lew days.
After Receipts Are Figured,
$4,000,000,000 Will Be
Interest Rate and Amount of
Liberty Loan Still Are
WASHINGTON'. March 20.- Im
mineme of Secretary McAdoo's an
nouncement of the size and interest
rate of the third liberty loan to
open April 6. gave special impor
tance today to a treasury announce
ment of .government receipts and ex
penditures, from which might be cal
culated with fair accuracy the sum
the government would need before
the end of the fiscal year, June 30.
Outstanding features of these fig
ures, as unofficially analyzed, were
that war costs not increasing
from month to month, as has been
expected, and that ordinary expenses
and loans ito the allies in the next
three and one-third months probably
will not be murh over $4,000,000,
000. To this must be added the
necessary outlay of about $3,15.".,
000,000 to redeem certificates of in
debtedness now outstanding and ma
turing before Jane 30; $r00,000.000
for a railroad administration revolv
ing fund; $."00,000,000 for the gov
ernment's capital In the war finance
corporation whose- creation Is ex
pected soon, and $500,000,000 to
provide a current Work balance at
thej end of the year. These would
make a total of $8,655,000,000
needed between now and June 30.
Working Receipts Shown.
On the other side of the books
might be placed the $853,000,000
working balance on hand today; . $2,
816,000,000 estimated receipts from
incfjm and excess profits taxes and
other Internal revenue sources;
$75,000,000 estimated miscellaneous
receipts; $4 3,000,000 estimated cus
toms receipts; approximately $200,
000.000 revenue expected from sale
of war savlnes stamps and thrift
stamps, and $500,000,000 to be re
ceived in the next three days from
a current Issue of eerflf icates. These
would make a total of nearly $4.
500.000,000 which might be expect
ed to flow Into the treasury between
now and June 30. from other sources
than the liberty loan. -Sum
Less Than Estlmnterl.
On this basts of calculation, the
difference to be provided for would
be between $4,000,000,000 and $5,
000,000.000. This sum is much less
than had been calculated in the past
as necessary on the basis of estimat
ed expenditures of government de
partments and loans to allies.
These figures do not necessarily
disclose the size of the third liberty
loan, for other elements of financial
mechanics. Judgment of the money
market and appraisal of popular
feeling enter Into the actual deter
mination. The figures are essential
ly the same, however, as those which
Secretary McAdoo and his advisers
have before them in deciding-bow
many billions are to be raised in the
big campaign.
It Is believed the amount already
has been determined by the secre
tary and that as soon as he decides
whether the Interest rate shall be
4 per cent as on the second loan, or
higher, to. accord with the upward
tendency of interest rates in the last
few months, he will make known his
recommendations. These will go to
congress, probably late this week or
early next week, in the form of a re
quest for authorization to float more
bonds than the $3,666,000,000 re-
Mmainder authorized last September.
"but tinlssued..
Legislation May He Needed.
If the Interest rate Is to be above
four per cent, legislation also will
bo required for that. It is consider
ed probable that the secretary will
also ask for authority to issue a
much greater amount than actually
will be floated In the third loan and
that the balance fill be issued in the
next fiscal year.
More than $1,000,000,000 In cer
tificates of Indebtedness remain to
be Issued in the next few weeks be
fore the end of the liberty loan cam
paign" and will be redeemed from
proceeds of loan. They provide a
means of distributing receipts and
disbursements over a longf period
and avod sharp disturbances of thn
money market.
The treasury announced today
that government departmental ex-
upenses. mosi or wnun rpwni
war bills and loans to allies in
eiht and two-thirds months. of th3
current : fiscal year, have been $7
S34.OO0.00O. Recently these expen
ditures have been running at th-s
rate of about $1,000,000,000 a
Alleged Pro-Hans Forced
to Kiss American Flag
ALTUS. Okla., March 20. Two al
leged pro-Germans weie eompelled
to kiss the "American flag, lashed
iwith a blacksnake whip and tarred
and feathered here today, i
il : ! ! " m a n . jus n
nounces platform on which he will seek- re-election,
and who calls people to do their full duty to help win
the war. Governor Withycombe pledges hi support to the
president in his efforts to make the power of the United State
effective in the world conflict. -y. '
i - '
1 i '
7 ........ .'"4,.
Governor Submits Platform on Which He Stands as Candi
date for Re-election Will Ask State to Do. Maximum
Duty Toward Winning War, and Industries With Govern
ment Contracts Must Be Encouraged
In announcing today the platform
on which he will stand as a candi
date for re-election. Governor Withy
combe submits to the electorate of
.Oregon a policy which he bilievei
will cause the state to do its maxi
mum duty toward the winning of the
war. The war spirit prevails In the
governor's announcement "No sac
rifice is too great." he says, "If I
looks to the triumph of the foree.i
battling for international r'ghtcfous
ness." , r
The governor pledges himself ' to
do all In hl3 powr to assist the
president In making the nation's
power effective In the war and re
minds the public that h-? has devoted
his efforts "to maintain at whiti
heat the devotion of th? people to
the great cause of libeftv and de
mocracy for which the country is
fighting." He declares that he w-II
exercise every power he possesses by
virtue of the office of governor to
promote a maximum efficiency of in
dustries that are related to the war.
To the same end he takes a ttinl
for nigid economy, though not -to
the extremity of forestalling stjtte
InduMfieV Aro Commended.
Governor Withycombe commits
himself to strict law enforcement
and support of prohibition and equal
suffrage. lie promises close atten
tion to the problems of factories and
the livestock and agricultural Indus
tries, and to h . modern method of
conducting the state institutions.
Touching upon the labor question he
calls attention to the grow.'ng ten
dency of-employers and employes to
adjust differences by fair discussion
and says he will endeavor to promote
this snirtt. "
The governor's statement folows:
"If the people of Oregon are of
the opinion that T have served them
faithfully, I should bo pleased "to re
ceiver vote of confidence; at their
hands. I
"The governor of the state has te
ear of the people. It Is therefore In
his power to asrsisf in creating and
maintaining . healthy public senti
ment on tte many subjects which
rnak" for community welfare. I
have been mindful of this fact, have
mingled with the people and have
done all in my power to promote
the development of the state, to
bring about the construction of good
roads, to emphasize the importance
of eductaion and especially to main
tain at white heat the devotion of
the people to the great cause of lil
erty and democracy for which the
country-Is -fighting. If re-elected 1
shall continue to do everything i can
to accomplish these ends.
Patriotic Note Hounded.
"Oregon has given twenty thou
sand of her sons to the great world
War. These men are the flower of
our young manhood and we have n't
clearer duty than that of loyally
supporting them, providing for their
health end comfort and safeguard
ing their morah. I shall continue to
render them every service in my
"I'nder onr form of government
the conduct of a foreign war de
volves on the president of the I'nited
States, who is the commander-in-
chief of the army and navy. I shall
do everything In my power to assist
the president in making the power
of this country effective In the great
world conflict. I shall particularly
exercise every power and authority
which I possess to promote a maxi
mum of efficiency In onr local In
dustries which are related ito the
war activities. No other duty Is so
pressing or at this time so impor
tant as that of winning the war. No
sacrifice Is too great if it looks to
the triumph 'of the forces battling
for international righteousness.
"I shall stand in the future, as in
the past, for rigid law enforcement
and for a cleaner and greater
"Oregon is firmly committed to
the principles of prohibition and
equal suffrage, and. while they are
no longer issues in this state, I shall
continue to give these causes my full
M'ar Demands Kconomy.
"Every legitimate phase of state
development should bo supported.
but at this time when our country
Is engaced in the most terrible war
In the World's history the most rigid
economy In state expenditure should
be observed.
"We have state problems of great
magnitude to be worked out for the
increase, of desirable population? for
the encouragement of manufacturing
enterprises: for the enlargement of
flocks and herds of the best breeds;
for the eradication of frnit pests and
other obstructive agencies In orchard
and farm; for the general encour
agement of productiveness in all
lines of endeavor; for the careful,
intelligent handling of the several
state institutions and their wards,
observing as far as possible the best
lines of modern treatment while at
the same time securing for these and
for very department of state husl
nessthe closest possible economy.
"Domestic tranquility and husl
ness confidence are intimately relat
ed to the public welfare. I shall do
nil In my power to promote them.
I note with pleasure the growing
disposition of employers and em
ployes to consider each other's rights
and toVadjust differences by discus
sion !n a spirit of fairness and
M ill IUtireent Whole people.
"The routine duties of the office
will riot be neglected by me, but
every effort will- he put forth to
bring each branch of the state serv
ice to a condition of maximum use
fulness. The efficiency of the serv
ice must never be sacrificed for the
sake of political advantage. K
"I shall be mindful of the Jfact
that I am the representative of the
whole people and shall welcome sug
gestions from any citizen to the end
that the collective wisdom may be
brought .to bear on all problems.
"If honored by a re-election I
shall continue to give the bet that
is In me to every branch of the
public service."
Strikes Lasts Two Hoars
and Men Retarn to Work
MISSOULA, MONT., March 20.
After a strike lasting two hours. 15
union linemens employed by the Pos
tat Telegraph company between Mis
soula and the Pacific roast, returned
to work today, their demand for In
creased pay having been granted.
The men are to receive $4.75 a day
instead of 14.50, it is declared.
American Ultimatum (or
Transfer of Tonnage Is Re
jected by Holland; Presi
dent Wilson Orders Seizure
in Proclamation
Peculiar Position of Little
Country Realized and Ac
tion Is Taken Only After
Final Word Arrives
WASHINGTON. March 20-All
Dutch shipping In American waters
was ordered seized tonight In a proc
lamation by President Wilson.
The proclamation waa issued after
the war trade board received word
from Lopdon that Holland had refus
ed the American ultimatum for a
transfer of the ships according to the
original agreement which Germany
blocked. All Dutch shipping in Brit
ish waters la being requisitioned sim
ultaneously. Approximately 77 vessela with a
tonnage estimated as high as 00,000
will be added to the American mer
chant marine. The ships In British,
waters will add another 300,000 or
400.000 to the allied tonnage.
Holland Ilejecta Demand.
President Wilson's proclamation
taking over the ships was issued only
after word finally came from London
that Holland's delayed reply was a
rejection of the British-American de
mand. The government had waited
more than forty-eight hours beyond
the time when Holland had been re
quested to make a decision as to
whether she would carry out the
original pact or submit to requlsl-'
tloning. Every effort was made to
avoid drastic action as transfer i by
agreement was sought, rather than by
seizure, although the latter is an ex
ercise of sovereign rights Justified in
international law and practiced by
all nations. -
As late as six o'clock tonight It
was disclosed that President Wilson
daring the day hadWheen informed
of the delay In the Dutch reply, with
the request that he Indicate whether
or not the requisitioning should pro
ceed. He decided to await the for
mal reply, which proved nnaccept
able, although under other condi
tions It might have served as a basis
for further negotiations.
President Order Hclzure
The nresldent's nroelamatlon was
Issued immediately, authorizing the
navy to take over the vessels, which
will be equipped and operated by the
navy department ana the snipping
board, the Dutch crews being uo-
nlemented br American civilian sail
ors and naval reservists. Compensa
tion will be m,ade to the owners as
required by law.
Althoueh the shins have been talc-
en over without any formal agree
ment, the United States proposes to
. 1 1 4
carry uui ncrupuiuumj inun i
the original pact, so that Holland
shall receive ample foodstuffs and
will be protected In Jief colonial
traae oj naviug suiutaeiit iuuus"
to maintain her commerce
President wuson antnorixea to
night the following statement:
"For some months the, United
States and the entente J pave been
conducting negotiations . with the
Dutch crovernment with the object
of concluding a general commercial
Agreement Kdrly Konght.
"A verr clear statement of the
character of these negotiations was
made on March 12 to tne uuicn
parliament by his excellency. Aha
minister f foreign affairs of Hol
land. As appears from the state
ments the discussion proceeded - up
on the basis of two fundamental
propositions, namely, that the United
States and the allies should facili
tate the importation Into Holland of
foodstuffs and other commodities re
quired to maintain their economic
life and that Holland ehould restore
her merchant marine to. a normal
condition" of activity.
"It was the task of the negotiators
to develop a specific application of
these propositions which would be '
acceptable to the governments con
cerned. "Early In January. 1918, the ne
gotitaors came t an understanding
which ws embodied in a tentative
agreement, which was submitted to
the governments concerned In order
that, If acceptable, it mjjtht be ratf-
( Continued on rg .)