The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    Mhfc (Mi)He (Mm MitJtifimrM ll :,v
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Bain; moderate-. southwesterly
Fltty iin,t'v'r" vi'i vii - - " r J
Versailles Body to Determine
Time and Place of Major
Offensives to Be Conducted
by Allied Armies
Silent Arrangements Com
pleted to Pool Efforts
; This Year
WASHINGTON , Ma rch 1 9. The
kcjr to the 1918 riddle of the west
ern battle front Is In the hand of
tle lupreroe war council at Ver
aailles. Decision en to the time and place
of major offensives by the allies
rests with that body. It directly
controls, officials here believe, a new
weapon forged during the winter
with which to make effective its
plans of grand strategy.' That weap
on Is believed to lie in a pooling of
the, army reserves of all the allies'
armies, permitting overwhelming
concentrations at selected points of
attack.--., -
Initiative Rests With Allies.
American observers now are con
vinced that the German high com
mand plans a defensive campaign
and that the long talked of drive on
Paris or the channel ports has been
abandoned. The initiative, accord
ing io this view, rests with the al
lied and American forces. Com
muniques are being closely scanned
for tire first indication of any offen
sive operations mapped out at Ver
The supreme council was created
nnder the urgent Insistence of Pres
ident Wilson for aggressive action
this year, based on co-ordinated
plans and under the direction of sin
gle agency. The exact scope of the
(Continued on Page 3.)
Many Merchants Seem to
Think That Misrepresen
tation of Valuer in Adver-
g is
and will be excused by the buying public because it has
become such a common practice that nobody believes the
exaggerated statements anyway. !
STANDARD OF HONESTY and that a merchant who will
try to deceive in his advertising will try to deceive in his
store. -
TIONS fill the advertising columns nowadays. During our
entire business career, we have depended upon QUALITY
OF MERCHANDISE and prices made possible by our spot
cash plan of business to attract trade. CAREFUL BUYING,
desire to sell on the closest possible margin of profit, ex
plains why we undersell other stores. We never buy an ar
ticle until we are convinced that it will prove satisfactory
to the wearer. v.':.-
You will find a wonderful range of styles and qualities
to select from In every department.
Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Shirts,
Hosiery, Underwear, Dress
: Goods, Silks, Corsets
Large shipments of Spring Merchandise arriving daily.
Unequivocal Acceptance of
Original Agreement De
manded by! U. S.
Firm Stand Is Taken to Re
fuse Conditions Wanted
by Germany
WASHINGTON. March 19.- rians
for taking over Dutch shipping in
American waters at noon today were
changed at the last moment. In the
absence of a reply from Holland to
the. British-American demand for
transfer of the ships, according to
the-agreement which Germany block
ed, it vas decided to wait at least
another day to avoid seeming dis
courtesy to the little kingdom which
has had one of the most difficult
roles among the neutrals in, the
world war.
Tonight the United States still
awaited final word from London
where negotiations were conducted.
An urgent message was sent to Lon
don late in the day asking for a re
port". It is believed that some trouble
with incoming cables is responsible
for the delay in transmitting the
Dutch reply.
Unequivocal acceptance of the
original agreement for the transfer
of ship is wanted by the. United
States, which will accept no less and
is prepared to go ahead with the
requisitioning of the tonnage unless
a favoiable reply is received. Press
dispatches Indicating that Holland
had asked that the ships be prohibit
ed from carrying troops or munitions
were taken to indicate that she was
making a last effort to placate Ger
many, in the face of submarine
threats and economic pressure. Such
conditions are regarded as being not
those of Holland but of Germany and
accordingly will be refused. It was
said on high authority there was no
possibility of the United States and
Continued on Page 3.)
Confidence in German Meth
ods Shaken by Peace Forc
ed Upon Nation; Dr. David
Heard in Reichstag
Main Object Broken Is Con
tention; Hertling Shifts
Blame to Allies
COPENHAGEN. March 18. Chan
cellor vtn Hertling, on the itrst read
ing in the reichHtag of th peace
treaty with Russia today, declared
that be did not wish to discuss the.
opinions of Germany's enemies re
garding the treaty.
"Hypocrisy," the chancellor added,
"has become second natui-c to the
enemy whose untruthfulness is made
worse by its brutality. Every fat
tempt at calm explanation and every
real deliberation must fail when th?
enemy, at the very moment iliey are
laying a heavy hand on a neutral
country, dare to speak of a policy
guided by complete unselfishness.
"The treaty with Russia contains
no conditions disgraceful to Russia,
if the provinces breaking away from
Russia say it is in accordance with
their own wish and the wish Is ac
cepted by Russia.
Blame Shifted To Allies.
"If the teicbstag adopts the peace
treaty, peace on the whole eastern
front will be restored, as I an
nounced February 24, but among the
entente powers there is not the least
inclination to finish this terrible war.
The responsibility for bloodshed will
be upon the heads of those who wish
continuation of the bloodshed."
r Deputy Fehrenbacb, of the Centrict
party, expressed regret that help
bad not been given Finland by
Sweden, as German action apparent
ly failed to meet with complete ap
proval In Sweden.
Germany, he said, only alms at
clearing Finland of Bolshevik bands
and when tbis is accomplished the
German forces undoubtedly will be
withdrawn from Finland.
Deputy Fehrenbach argued that
the Poles should unequivocally rev
oganlze the integrity of the German
empire while the Germans for their
part would renounce all plans of an
nexation. He added:
"We regard " the right of peoples
to self-determination as a point of
honor and as a criterion for the
honest policy of Germany before the
Peace Forced, Kays Socialist.
Dr. Edourd-David. majority Soc
alist, denounced the Urest-Lfctovsk
peace as not a peace by understand
ing, but an unvarnished peace by
force, adding; . "
"Not only did the Dolshevlki capi
late, but one diplomatist captulated
to the militarist ideas of might.
General Hoffmann cast the victor's
sword into the scale.
"This peace has evoked dissatis
faction among the widest circles In
the German nation and has shaken
the confidence in the honesty of the
German policy. Reference to Drest
Litovsk represses all peace feeling
in Fiance and Great Britain. The
entente already is at work again
welding together the broken ring, in
the east. i .
"Our main object internal dis
solution of the enemy coalition has
not been attained, but has been made
rupre difficult."
Government's Word Doubted
Referring to the 1 chancellor's re
peated declarations in favor of seif
determlnation. Dr. David said. j"Wo
must have guarantees that the gov
ernment's acts correspond with its
words. The military party wanks to
bottle up Hie Poles in the east and
to carry! out big annexations in the
west under the watchword of mili
tary security."
After criticising In detal all the
arrangements with the border prov
inces. Dr. David declared: "We risk
getting into the sharpest antagonism
with public feeling all along the line.
The entire eastern region will then
be converted Into one smouldering
furnace. These eastern border rer
iohs can only be won by a peace of
The reichstag then adjourned until
Spanish Cabinet Has
Resigned Is Report
LONDON', March 19. The Span
ish cabinet has resigned, according
to a Reuter's Limited dispatch from
The Spanish premier, Marquis de
Alhucemas. presented the resigna
tion of his cabinet March 9, but the
following day yielded to the request
of King Alfsonso and agreed to con
tinue in office. It was announced
at that time that no changes would
be made in the cabinet.
Division of Supplies Between
Baking Shops to Be Put
: Into Effect
Program Provides Schedule to
Feed Allies and Country
Until Harvest
WASHINGTON. March 19. The
food administration tonight an
rounced the first of a series of step.
planned to stretch flour supplies suf
ficiently to feed ' the rountry an 1
maintain shipments to the allies un
til next harvest.
Beginning with the baking trade,
which uses 4 0 per cent of the wheat
flour consumed in this country, th
administration has approved jflans
for a division of flour supplies b-
m mites ana for a nauon-wuie edu
cational campaign to eliminate waste
which will be worked out at'a meet
ing in Chicago next Friday.
Further restrictions on the con
sumption of . wheat which were an
nounced last week as under consid
eration, will be put Into effect next.
Aside from the shortage of wheat
in the United States, another serious
problem is confronted by the food
administration in making good Jt
promises to the allies. Not a single
week's- shipment of grain and cer
eals abroad has equalled the an
nounced" program since January 1.
so that there remains a deficit of
si 2,000 tons to be made up in addi
tion to the regular supplies.
Shipments reached a low point in
the week of February 1 to -7 as th3
culmination of weeks of bad weath
er which demoralized both railroad
and overseas transportation. Only
84.658 tons went abroad in that
week. Improvement has been shown
rinre, but even with clearing weatb
er7 it has been Impossible to trans
part the 270,000; tons promised
every seven days. In the week from
Mirch I to 8. the shipments were
2125,1 AT tons but dropped in the sec
ond week to 201,938 tons and tho
expected surplus over requirements
has not eone forward. Since Jan
uary 1 shipments have totalled 1,
416,917 tons, i
Oakland Woman Acquitted
of Charge of Murdering
VISALIA. Cal., March 19. Mrs.
Orlean Howe of Oakland ajs acquit
ted by a jury tonight of the murder
of Will H. Hrooks, an orange grow
er, whom she shot and killed In a
Porterville hotel November 19. Mrs.
Howe immediately addressed the
Jury, the foreman of which was W.
J. O. Lambert, saying:
"I want to thank you In the name
of a woman who was fighting for her
honor, not for her life."
Deadly Spinning Dice
Claims Two Victims
FORT WOKTII. Texas. March 19.
The deadly spinning nose dive
claimed two more victims near Fort
Worth this afternoon. Lieutenant R.
J. Hurley. H7 Cyden street, Toronto.
Ont., and W. Miles, mechanic, Un
don. England, were killed when the
plane piloted by the lieutenant was
thrown 3nto the spinning nose dive
300 feet up.
Anthem for Third Liberty Loan
NEW YORK, March 19.
The "'liberty loan anthem" ded
icated to the success of the
third appeal to the nation for
funds to carry on the war, was
formally approved today by the
loan committee of the New
York federal reserve district.
It Is designed for use through
out the country.
The music was written by
Mrs. George Barton French.
The words by Charles W.
Gordon.' follow:
"Heaven sent liberty, our na
tion's pride.
"Our fathers fought for thee,
fought, bled and died.
"Then was our flag unfurled,
emblem sublime.
"A light unto the world
through endless time.
"Our watchword still shall be.
In God We Trust.:
"Striving that all may see our
cause is just.
"We fight for liberty and
shall not cease.
"Till freedom's victory brings
lasting peace.
"Now in our allies land,
breasting war's tide
"Our sons march hand in
hand, God is their guide.
"Once more we hear the call
'keep the world free.'
"Rise! Rise! and give your
all. ior liberty."'
More Equitable Method , of
Contributing to Red Cross
and Other War Causes
Urged by Petition
Advocates Believe Interest
Can Be Maintained to
Greater Degree
To provide for all fntnre contri
butions to Red fro. Army Y. M. C.
A. and all similar war work through
a community war chest, maintained
by regular and equitable contribu
tions by all. Is the purpose of a
signed proposal that will be given
public consideration tonight at the
Salem Commercial club.
The regular membership meeting
of the club takes place tonieht and
to this meeting the public is invited
for consideration of the proposal
which reads as follows:
"Ve. the undersigned, respectful
ly represent that the time Is at hand
when we, the people, should awaken
to the responsibilites created by our
nation's peril.
"Foremost among these responsi
bilities is the raising of funds with
which to respond to the several ap
peals as they shall come to us from
time to time.
"Past experience has demonstrat
ed the inadequacy of the methods so
far employed although the same
have ben comparatively successful.
Some have given willingly and more
than they should by any fair com
parison. It is a fine spirit that
causes them to do so, but a decent
sense of fairness should not permit
it. Others have not done their part,
and while their example is some
times a proper cause for censure,
it is often based on the foreknowl
edge that Justice is not being done
and may, therefore, be taken as a
demand for a more equitable
"Now, therefore. In order that our
energies may be turned to other
problems that will certainly arise,
we propose, as a final solution of
this one, a method tentatively as
"1. A common fund for war con
tributions, said fund to be created
by regular monthly installment pay
ments. Any remainder in the fund
when the need is past to be pro
rated back to the contributors.
"2. Contributions to the fund to
be hased on equitable participation
by all. If any rail, let the deficiency
so caused be the basis of appeal for
more effective action.
"3. Representative committee to
fix percentile of contribution on
basis of resources less necessary ex
penses. . '
"4. Contributions to be listed in
public book or card system setting
out amount of Individual install
ments, with, record of payments and
other necessary detail. In? rase of
apparent inequity of apportionment,
the committee shall disclose facts
and figures upon which same Is
based and shall use its best endeav
ors to see that Justice is done.
"5. Contributor tohave privilege
of designating the various activities
to which his or her contribution shall
be applied. ' j
"ft. Committee to pass on merits
of each and every appeal for funds
and fix the amount to be appropriat
ed In response thereto.
"7. This system to apply only to
funds used for contribution and not
for Investment purposes, but Invest
ments in liberty bonds, thrift stamps,
etc., may be taken Into consideration
by the committee in fixing appor
tionments." The 'signer? are:
W. H. Morse.
Robert S. Gill.
John W. Tbdd. V
R. A. Harris.
C. M. Roberts.
K. N. Gillingham,
John H. McNary.
W. H. Hvrd.
Mrs. F. A. Elliott,
J. E, Allison.
W. P. Ellis.
Wifford J. Allen,
Chester A. Moores,
15. W. Macy,
Hoy F. Shields.
Alice S. Fisher,
Paul V. Johnson,
Frank J. Miller.
E. M. Burke,
-William McGilchrlst, Jr.
Arthur S. Benson.
Arthur W. Iawrence,
F. W. Steusloff. t
Mrs. H. O. Schucking, '
'Blanch E. Howard,
Fred G. Ruchtel.
William Esch.
Ed. Wrifht.
-t-Harvey Heck with.
Charles V. Galloway, ,
C. D. Butler,
F. A. Elliott.
Rollin K. Pase.
LkjuIs Laohmund.
(Continued on Page 3.)
Alliance Claims Patriotism
But Once Justified Bel
gian Invasion
"We're Pure American." AI-
though Propaganda Before
War Not Denied
WASHINGTON. March 19..' A
general defense of the patriotic
character of the National German
American Alliance against charges
of disloyalty was made today before
a senate judiciary sub-eonimitte' by
the Rev. C G. Yon Boss or Wil
mington. Del., president, who assert
ed .the alliance has no connection
with the German government .nor
the German people and that Its in
fluence has always been directed to
ward keeping alive German ideals
and to fostering loyalty to this
country. . :
The committee has under consid
eration a bill by Senator King of
Utah, which would revoke the fed
eral charter of the organization be
cause of Its alleged disloyal utter
ances and activities.
Disloyalty Is Denial.
"The alliance has never entertain
ed even the remotest official con
nection with the German government
or the German people," Mr. Von
Hosse said.. "It is a simon-pure
American organization, existing only
for those living in this country, hav
ing American patriotism. American
loyalty and American love for liberty
written upon its banners."
He was Interrupted several times
by . committee members for cross
examination. "What have yon said In condemn
ation of the sinking of the Lusi
tanla?' Senator King asked.
"The Lusitania was sunk before
the United States went. to war with
Germany," the witness replied.
"Didn't you Justify It?"
"I Justified certain legal phases
of it." he replied.
"I took the view before the United
States went to war that Americans
should not go on belligerent vessels
carrying munitions." -1
Itelslan Invasion Justified. .
Letters written by Mr. Von Bosse
to a Wilmington, newspaper after
the European vrar broke out. Justify
ing Germany's invasion of Belgium,
were read. The witness admitted
having written the letters, saying he
did not believe at that time that lJel
giuni was neutral.
Senator Wolcott ,-of Delaware
wanted to know about some articles
Mr. Von Hosse wrote, referring to
the work of "these grand, busy old
Uerthas" in Germany,"
"Those grand busy old Rerthas
which dropped bombs on hospitals
and cathedrals and defenseless-communities."
suggested Senator King.
Mr. Von Hosse defended his arti
cles, saying they were written be
fore the United States entered the
war. He did not Jiesitate In admit
ting that before the United States
went tq war he carried on propa
ganda work and that the alliance
and himself personally opposed the
United States becoming a bellig
erent. '
"Our efforts to keep the United
States out of the war." he said, "was
a call of the blood, because we be
lieved Germany to be waging a war
of defense.
Mr. Von Hosse- defended the ac
tions of C. J. Hexamer of Philadel
phia, the first president of the alli
ance. . : ,
"His father served gallantly In our
Civil war," he said, "and the son.
born in America, Is a truer and bet
ter American than thousands whose
lip patriotism noisily jars the
clouds." '
The witness declared the alliance
has incurred the hatred of anti-saloon
league officials because of its
stand against prohibition, ar.i he at
tributed some of the charges against
it to that source..
-f .
Twenty Employes Locked up
in Office and $5000 Is
Three bandits, masked and armed,
held up the Yokohama Specie bank,
limited, here late today and escaped
with approximately ZO0(i atter lock
ing up more than twenty of the
bank's employes Ij an office room
The men drove to a side entrance
of the bank in an automobile. Tbey
adjusted their masks'as they entered
the building, forcing the employes,
both men and women, to enter the
office room at the points of pistols.
After securing approximately
$5000 in coin and currency the men
fled, leaving their automobile behind
Trench Works Destroyed and
160 Prisoners Captured in
Raids in Verdun and Chep
py Wood Regions
Large Reserves Hurried Up
Too Late to Check Sue- ,
cessful Advance
FRANCE, March Tlie center of
military interest during the last tew
dsys has passed from the Cham
pagne to the vicinity of Verdun,
where both the French and the Ger
mans have broken into marked ac
tivity. :
In the Verdun region the corres
ptndent watched the execution 4f
Xwo trench raids on a large scatfj
carried, out by. the French on Sat
urday evening and at dawn on Sun
day, the results of which exceeded
ajl expectations. Within twelve
hours tbe'French had penetrated the
remarkably strong systems of Ger
man trenches in both Cheppy -wood
and Malanconrt wood to a depth at
some points of more than a quarter
of a mile. They destroyed all the
enemy works, his blockhouses and
shelters, which had taken the Ger
mans three years to construct, and
brought back two groups of prison
ers, each comprising eighty men.
while the French themselves suf
fered only the slightest losses.
Germans Khow Nervousness.
General von Gallwltz's army, act
ing under the direct orders of the
German crown prince, displayed evi
dent nervousness under this pres
sure, as was shown by the hurried
arrival of large-reserves In motor
lorries. They were too late, how
ever) to hinder the French.
The ground was very unfavorable
to the French attack owing to the
clay soil, in which Immense shell
boles from former battles had be
come filled with water to a depth
of some six feet. Among these the
raiders were forced to pick their way
under, the constant: peril of slipping
In and drowning. The artillery pre
paration, - however, was so over
whelming that the! French met with
only slight opposition to their; prog
ress. French Infantry Penetrates.
The Cheppy wood operation wai
the easier of the two, owing to the
fact that it was daylight within fivo
minutes atter the assault groups had
left the parapets, groups of prison
ers could be seen running toward
the French lines. Everything was
carried out on a time schedule, and
when the French returned to their
own lines,, they had secured about
ftO prisoners. The second raid, that
pflpon Malancourt wood, was wonder
fully impressive spectacle, la the
darkness Just before dawn. The
correspondent passed the night on a
knoll opposite the objective, from
which nothing but the occasional
rattle of a machine gun could be
heard and only a flash of light seen
cow and then until a half hour be
fore the Hme It had been'arranged
for the attack to begin. Then, tb9
German gunners, evidently suspect
ing that something was up, lt fly
salvos all along the line, after which
quiet reigned again until, with a
thunderous crash, all the French bat
teries opend fire; simultaneously, tho
signals flashed and the infantry
went over. '
F.i Klity Irionem Drought Back
Colored lights showed that the
troops reached 'their objectives at
various times, previously arranged.
Then groups of prisoners began com
ing back and eventually the French
men, after completing their work of
destruction, returned to their own
lines, bringing squads of captlve3,
the total reaching eighty.
Meanwhile the German artillery,
which la very strong here, had open
ed up a heavy barrage and counter
battery fire, but without effect.
Soon after daylight the front was
again calm.
On the other side of the Meuse
the Germans took the initiative In
the course of the day Sunday at Sam
ogneux, Hezonvaux and Cauriere?
wood, executing raids which cost
them-dearly In casualties and achiev
ed only small results.
A number of American. Infantry
officers, attached for Instruction to
to French nnits, were In the raids
ttpon Cheppv and Malancourt wood,
f Bv The Associated Pre)
ICotwithstanding-the fact that th
Germans for some time past have ad
vertised largely their intention to be
r.In a general offensive on the allied
fronts at no distant date, nothing
beyond Intensified : bombardment
and here and there infantry attacks
on various sectors have been forth
coming. The Teutons, probably realizing
that their efforts to hearten the peo
ple at home are beginning to require
(Continued on Page 3.)