The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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j . "" . . ' ' THE OnEGOV STATESMAN: TT KM.. ai.mmni ""a
Be Many Men Many Places
This very day you can be in tWenty-six
thousand cities, towns and hamlets taking
orders, arranging deliveries, collecting hills,
straightening out misunderstandings, quoting
prices, etc. ' . 4
Fifty thousand Western Union employees
are forever at your service, yet the cost is
within reach-of everyone.
Telegrams Day Letters Night Letters
Cablegrams THoney Transferred by Wire
Idaho Adjutant General
Starts Round-up in North
ern Sections
Organized Leaders to Be
Caught and Tried Under
State Laws
Father and Daughter Run This Brooklyn Car
I T IT r TOT -imiMl WfriHfi" . . . .
iK -ft M '
ST. MAIUKS. 'Idaho. Maith IS.
As the first step in what Adjutant
(ieneral Charles S. Mnody announced
today would be a general roud-Ui
of I. V W. in Northern Idaho. some
iifiv H.iTrKtM'il members of the or
ganization were taken into custody J"
-f Kernwoou. t lunuter town ne:ir;
here, today and examined by Cap
tain HeiiminH. Tavlor of the state
giis-rd" and Sheriff K. n. Noland.
Of these ten were held for further
inntiiry. and the others were icleas-
The Finished Mystery" Is
Stopped; Patriotism Call
t ed Delusion
WASHINGTON', aMrth is.-I'..-cause
"The .Finished Mystery," a
liihle study textbook, described pa
triotism as "a certain delusion." and
"a narrow-minded hatred of other
I eoples," and wjr as "a work of
putan distribution of the hook was
forbidden today- by the department
of justice, acting under the espiort
age aet.
ThoiiHands of ropies of the book
havtr been seized In many fstateg' but
It waa not ftntil today that th de
partment decided to prohibit Uh dis
tribution. The book purport to be tlie pot
hnmous work of the Jate Pastor
Charles Taze Hnsnel wand as pub
lished In Hrooklyh by the People!
PiiIdII association.
It was compiled by Clayton J.
Woodworth of Serawton, Pa., -who
has has been arrested on a charge
of seditious writings." He Is alleg!
to hare prepared the book since tlv?
war started.
tlon against the book If It had had
been written before the war, or If I m.on sinintr the-oath of aJlei;-
a.11 the material had really bet-n that j fS,n-e to tin- government. In addi
f Passtor KiisKell, who died in l!lrf. tion an eiaal nnmb-r were held her
' : ,r sevtral --xamined by the aiithori-
. . . 1 1 ... . . l.i nr.
lies looay, munini; anum iwiji fti.
; K. It. Whitehurst. It. K. I). 1. Nor
folk, Va., writes: "I had been suf
fering for mort- llian a year, lut
fcinte taking Kcrjey Kidney Pills I
feel almost a young man attain."
They strengthen and heal weakened
or dlsorilred 4i,dneys, stop ideep
jliHturbin:; bladdejr ailments, banish
backache, rheumatic pains, stiffness,
soreness. J. C. Perrv.
Committee Appointments
Soon to Be Made by Nile
' Edward C. Miles, president of th
National AsKWlatlort of Kailroad and
I'tiHties commissions, hag Informed
Chairman Miller of the Oregon pub
lic service commission that further
committee appointments are to be
made soon, and wants to know what
phase of work each of the Oregon
Commissioners Is most Interested In
so that je may be ?ovei-nek accord-
ingly In making the appointments.
The valuations, legislative, war and
executive committees were appointed
immediately after the 1917 convention.
i William and Mary college, the
oldest educational institution in
has been opened to women
by action of the Virginia
cd that It won M not have, taken a. legislature. ,
i America.
Tae department o. explain- ; students
'-'A A
1. ylit 4 t
. - II
t t ;
Ladies' New Coats
kept in custody at thi:t point for ad
dilional investigation.
'We are rounding up ail the I.
W. W, of iSenewah county ns a stari
or'for a g-neral round im in the
northern part of the. state," sa d a
statement issued by the adj'itant
i;n.-ra! today. "We will investigate
nil of them and theopanizrs and
leader will be charged with vio
lations of Jhe state laws."
A law passed by the f,late lealsla
ture a year ago. defining the preach
ins; and practice of siOotage ajid
fther resistance to coH,tituted au
thority as criminal syndicalism, war
fined p rctiviti" sjich as If is
charged the 1. W. W. are carrying
D In this section of the state. Th
aMljiilnr.t jsenera lraiI lie wrtild re
pinln here In charge of the situa
tion until matters become iii-t
One of th'? prisoners taken, here
today gave bis name as Tom Scot' j
and said he was an American citi
zen. Is beinr held for the federal t f,,a, (lebafe on tie war finance cor-
zzzxriti as &tr
nlleaiano to the I. 7. V.'. ahead of arce needed nf.utri-s during th,
fealty to the lnited States and mn" j wnr will end 12:01 p. m. tomorro'V
other unpatriotic utterances. j uqder agreement adopted today by
The situation -was ouiet here to- j the houae.
- . mm v
H : - ' i .
Miss Grace Roth is Cue conductor oi this trolley car in Brooklyn, which
is known as the city of churches and trolley dodgers.. Her father,
Ceorge Itoth. is the tnotorman. The officials of theine say that Motor
man Uoth meekly takes bis orders from Conductor ftoth.
CornQtiilun Dili May Reach
VotcTobi&hi; Opposing v
WASIIIN'OTO.V, March IS. C.en-
Washington, March 18. Forty
names appear on today's casualty
list issued by the war department.
Including that of Captain James K.
Miller, either killed In action or tak
en prisoner.
Klght men were killed In action.
kIx died of wounds, 12 died from dJv
ease, one died from accident, five
The best and Smartest As
sortment , of Ladies' Coati
and uits are now here. New
express shipments direct
'from from the fashion cen
tera of New York and Phila
delphia are arriving, Wedo
not depend on any one or two
house in this line bnt are to
day buying- Coats from twen
ty different New York finrj j
which give us the best assort
ment possible.
Our buying direct saves yon
all the middlemen's profit
COATS, $6.90 to $27 50
SUITS, $9.90 fo $25X3
Formerly Chicago Store ' '
day. Officers anil soldiers continue
to meet incoming train and prevent
suspicious persons from leaving with
out written permission. . ,.
There can't be gold mines and
oil wells on every farm, but
will show you where some
dollars are hiding on your
farm that you never
dreamed were there. Does
that sound like a pretty big
statement? Well, after
you've started reading The
Country Gentleman you'll
agree with me and thank
me for telling you about
it. Every issue is brimful
of money-making, labor
saving ideas and sugges
tions. Every member of
your family will look for
ward to its arrival "every
week. Every department
is up to date, interes'ting
and entertaining.
And for only il The
Country Gentleman will
come to you for a whole
year fifty-two issues-to
make your farm more prof
itable and your home life
more enjoyable.
I'd like to tell you more
about it and show you
some copies. No mstfter
how many farm papers you
get no w or what they are,
you are missing something
BIG every week by not
reading The Country
Gentleman. Drop me a
postcard today and I'll
prove to you that I'm right.
Care of Statesman Publishing Company
Phone 23
Authorized subscription representative of
The Ladies Home Journal The Saturday Evening Post
j The Country Gentleman
Majority leader Kithin la hoie-
fiil of a final vote ty tomorrow
i;lKht. but -other luembera look for
determined fishts over amendment
and predict that the bill will not t
passed before' laJe in the week.
.The first Rperh in direet opposi
tion to the bill -was made today by
Representative HcFadden of F'enn
svlvania. Ilepuhlirnn, who declared
that advocates of the measure "pro
pose to camouflage the public ut
a Germany has been doinje-." Thi?
nasure and the railroad bill,
aeded. give ' romplete domination
over finance and industries
Near Beer Beverages
' Barred From Camp Lewis
18. Near beer beverages are barred
from Camp Lewis canteens,; e
cnacges anl officers messes br an
order issued this afternoo)i -by Major
Oeneral if. ,A. Oreene.; No explana
tion could be Jad by inquiry at divi
sion headquarters office. Pop and
grape juice are still on saJe.
ADOtner order makes nost ex-
were severely wounded and 11 yere I change checks good in Greene park
Lliirhtly wounded. j establishments, and the park 'is de
clared within military hounds and
soldiers are to be permitted to re
main there after tattoo.
Officers and men at Camp Lewis
who are unfit (for axjtfve routine
duties two weeks before their or-
ganizations depart for France will
have to stay behind, according to an
order Issued' today. The only excep
tion provides that non-commissioned
officers who are sick when their ;
units leave may later join their units
if they pass an examination. A
The Hat follows
Killed In action Sergeant Paul
II. Lonx. Privates I,. Can sen, Wil
liam H. Ilammet. Morril II. Marri
f on. Ira J. Rogers. William T. Smith,
iririe t Smirks, Rav C. Walden.
(Privates Clausen. Morrison, Hog
ers, Smith and Walden have ben
pievw.nsly reported wounded).
Died from wounds Corpora's
criarles II. Burke, Robert D. West,
Trlvates Crawford Z. Abies, Moffard
K., Frank A. Cojie. Herman
D. Gentry.
Died of Disease Sergeant Rlch
."d II. r:ills. meningitis; Corporal
Charles Adam?, pneumonia: Coo
Lloyd T. Freeman, pneumonia: PrlJ
v&tcs KIek J. Iterg, pneumonia:
Grant H. Cutler, pneumonia: .Anton
Ilillman, diptheria: Klmer Jactfson,
rneumonia: Daniel F. Kelley, intes
tinal obstrtiction; Ceoree iSchwa.
Several members of th ways ar.d f hauer. pneumonia; John Sieson SIl-
means committee pf)ke in ravor 01
the meagure. Representative Tread
wav of Mnpsaehitsetts. Repuhl'can.
said that when the original draft of
the bill was received from the treas
uiy department, the committee di.l
not favor such legislation. After
tearing Secretary M"Adoo explain
the necessity for the legislation, ho-v
ever, every member favored it. he
Investigation of Ships Order
ed for Devices Against
ler. pneuuionia; Robert Williams.
diphtheria; Johnnie Wright, pneu
monia. Died of accident Lieutenant
John G. Kelly.
Woimded severely Lieutenant
Kdmnnd P. Grover, Corporal Oliver
X. Ginther. Mechanic William M,
Maxwell, Privates Scott Wharding,
John K. McCahe. .
Wounded slightly Lieutenants
John R. Graham, George H. Pfndte
tnn. Corporals Howard A. trch,
Dott A. Warren. Anthony Dicello,
Graham R. Negus, Donald It. Sweyt
ston. Privates Harry O. Jolly, John
II. McGlown. George Herrancourt,
Paul K. Weichel. i
board of two pbyrlcians Is provlj '
Hereafter 20 per cent of flour i."
stitutes must be used by all t.
organizations in preparipg mt-E.
for Monday. Wednesday and Fridat
This order was issued today to t-f
plement an order embracing pra';.
cally all of the Hoover food rules.
Mooney had dashed Into a dr.;
shop there to look upon an addr'
In a directory. He waited as j:
tiently aa he conld for a time. L.;
the pretty matron seemed no nearer
tie object of her search, and. ai 1.
time was finished, he finally vt
tured to suggest:
"If you are In no 'great hurrj,
madam, would, you be so kind as tt
allow me to glance In that book U
just a moment?
"Oh, certainly." she replied subt
ly, as she relinquished it. "I m
Just looking It over to find a pr-'. ;
name for baby." Ttoston Kecorit.
WASHIXGTOV. March ts 1m-
; mediate in ic' t Irat ion of nil shins
' I . . : 1 .1 : I f r 1 ..i ! with ny of th devices
! submitted to make them unsinfcahle
1 -ir f'Tf-do nrrnf, va" frdred today
i by Chairman llurb v of the hiopna:
bianl fter receiving 'n confidential
report from the vvy flfi;irtn-nt
uc-f-? that is llf'mt; achieved in the
protection ft war v:s'H.
Tlie sey)re of thf naval .board,
headed bv Rear Admiral iWnterhal
ter, orifflUy created to studf the
tra.ctlcabiMty of the devices designed
to make the steamer Lucia unsinka
ble. ha ben gr!tly' enlnrred. "The
bmrd ha: been instructed to study
f-uHv all- other theories of non-sink? i
abl construction.
S'cr'arv l)'nie'i conferred todav
with Admiral Wlnterhlter. who sild
a renort on tho Lucia construction
pr'Tlnles w!' being r.repared.
Naval orficIla generally are
frankly doubtful that any menn
will be found to prevent destrnctn
of carrro craft wheh would flot also
rennfre much rd'ition'! t'rte for
construction. Secretary Daniels do5
sot' nmrnm. he tafd. to overlook
anr advantage th-re mlKht be in the
onnosite thcorr. ft h? been indi
cated that the bo"rd found the L'icia
bnoyan-y box itv-tem 'inavHllable.
J Every Swiss adult i? liable to mil
i ltarry service. In the event of a man
(bring physically unfit to fcrre with
s the colors he is compelled to pay a
s-nialj sum annually to exempt -him
from service, but in time of war he
amy be called upon to serve in such
capacities as he ay be able to fill.
Harriet Prescott Rpolford, one of
the oldest of American women au
thors of prominence, will enter upon
her 84th year next month.
Iook, Mo!ier! If tongue U coated
Clean Little Liver and
In parts of the Tyrol the bride'ji
mother gives er daughter what Is
known as the "tearkerchief' woven
In fine linen, with which she sop
rosed to drt he" fvnn at the cere
mony. Afterwards she puts tls away,
and it Is not nrcd again until It I?
laid over er face -when she is dead.
I Is propoed to send 60 no sheep
to France. Wall street onght to be
abl to for&Lsli that many.
If your little one's tongue is coat
ed. It is a sure sign the "stomach,
liver and bowels need a gentle.
thorough cleansing at once. When
your child is cross, peevish, listless,
pale, doesn't sleep, eat or act nat
u rally; if breath Is bad. stoniarh
sour, system full of told. throat
sore, or If feverish, give a teaspoon
rul of "California Syrup of FlgB,"
and in a few hours all the clogged-up
.'rnatipHted waste, sour bile and un
digested food will gently move out of
the bowel and yon have a well,
playful child again.
Sick children needn't he coaxed
to take this harmless "fruit laxa
tive." Millions of mothers keep it
handy because they know its action
on the stomach, liver and bowels is
prompt and sure. They also know a
little given to-day savea a sick child
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs." whica
contains directions for babied, child
ren of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly on the bottle. Beware of
counterfeits Bold here. Get the gen
uine made by California Flg!Syrup
Company," !
Did any of the tooth-tappers of your acquaintance ever look
into your month without charging you for the privilege?
Did any of 'em ever tell you what was wrong with your molars
and instruct you about your dental apparatus without slap
ping a generous charge on the bill
. ,
Did any of them do anything so unbusinesslike as to make out
first a carefully itemised estimate for you, showing just
wHat work had to be done on each tooth and showing the
cost of material and laborjrequired on -each?
Did any of the professional practitioners in your experienct
ever act as if he was a business man, selling dentistry, or
did he go at you as if you were an easy mark, to be kept in
ignorance and then charged any old thing, just because
yen didn't know better?
Bid any dental office, visited by you, select a specialist to do
the particular work you required, or did te same man try
to give you an equally good job wether it was plate work
or crown work by filling r r any of the six or seven branch
es of dentistry?- i
Did any of the tnsk-trimmers give you work that was 'guaran
teed and repeatedly proved both painless and harmless?
Did you always succeed in petting the! best materials in the
market at the Lowest possible price to you, or did you just
. pay whatever the wise-looking dento-brigand told you to
pay as he shoved his professional pistol up under your
Did any of the cuspid-cutters bother to see whether you kept
your teeth in good condition and make you drop aroundr
once every six months to have your jaws given the once;
over free of charge? .
i Hours 8 to 6. Closed Sundays.
Nineteen offices located as follows:
Ean Francisco, (2), Oakland, Stock
ton, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Los An
geles, Fresno, Bakersfield, Sacramen
to and San Jose, Calif. ; Portland,
Salem1 and Eugene, . Ore.; Tacoma
and Bellingham, Wash.; Brooklyn,
(2), New York City, N. Y,
- - i " .