L ' " T1IE PRECOX STATESMAN; TrKSDAY. MARCH IP, ipfrf ' . -' 7 OSSllB(B'(dl H fl' tDs (C u" fT ft- VL The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted 11 U VQ VLp- It Op) 11 y Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them v Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS Jrs cLOTinxo. shoes, bicy. .CLES, TOOLS. ETC. . CAPITAL EXCHANGE " Court gH SORWICH UNION rmE INSUIUN t E SOCIETY w. H- Burghardt, Jr., Agent fc Money to Loan firm O TED FABM A5D CITY rtOPEBTr AT LOWEST HATES THOSORD y,t:a?'j?. SoTlET TO LOAN I HAVE MADE 0nMBinU for loaning eastern will make Tery low rate of YVL't on highly Improved farma. a.i.m Or. Phone 93. 1, CLAJSDXIED ADVERTISEMENTS XVr4 pirst Insertion .. lc Subseauent insertions ....... He SnVweek (six Insertions) ... 3c One month J nonths contract per mo. 8c ti msntbs eontmct, per mo... 7c So account opened for leaa than 2 Be Aoeat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of 60c ...fuscing "For Sale" "For Basr," "Rooms" or "Board." IEW TOOAT ... !.. anrHu. meat will be run under "New Todays lOr Iirsi nunuon, uuiv tbarwUe ordered by the adyer- tiser ' BuSseouent Insertion of the ad will uppear under tta proper class ification. No sdvertisment will be ' run BDOer ww w. ae issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY WANTED TO RENT. MODEU.l, "- well furnished, 5 or t room house. ? pnone 579-W, fOB RENT FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW paved street, large lot 110. Alt. modern house in Kingwood l'a-h basement and furnaqe $7. F. L. Wooa, Bayne lUdg. ! yOR SALE IX ACRES. 6 ACRES cberriea. 2 acres prunes, 2 acre Wll ' son strawberries, best crop, tiii4 year, trees 3 to 7 years old. A bar gain for cash. Phone 73F21. ron SALE 8HOATS 40 TO f.0 LBS. Skyline Orchards. Phone 36F11. IT PARTT WHO PICKED UP PURSS containing- Jewelry and bill in Buslck tore 456 State street, Friday arte. noon will return same to 1720 Che meketa street between six and seven p fn. evenings no quertton will le asked as party la known. Kewaro. WANTED PASTURE FOB 250 HEAD of sheep. F. II. Ueeker, emvenoii Oregon. FOR SALE HOUSE AND DELIVERY wagon also 20 foot restaurant coun ter and revolving stools. See H. Damon. 853 North Commercial street. FOR RENT RIVER BOTTOM FA 1 1 :t iiesr Haiem witn stoci.- in man and ion to do the work. .Call at wl Salem lian of Commerce 151d. IOST A BAR PIN FMALL DIA monds, set In platinum, fauitable re- waro. Phone iwi. "VOUNO WOMAN AVILL CARE FOR children afternoona or frninn wWle parents are out. Phong 1463-v. WANTED WORK IN AFTERNOOx. 1 to 6, by younjr man. haa good ea tteation. Address "11 42" caro 8tatc- ; Btan. WASTED AT ONCE MEN BETWEEN It and 45 years of aire to quaiiry tor both conductors and " motormen. -Wages: 38 cents per hour, first yeari is ta onnrl vtr. and 45 cents thereafter. Eight hour day, time andy half. for all work over eigm nour and thirty minute in any 24-hour period. Apply Room 310 Klectiws building. Portland. Oregon. Portland ; Railway. Light. & Power company. FOR 8ALE OOOD DRIVING HORSE, 'heap. Also light delivery wagon. Phone 1688-W or call 1631 Market street. . FOR SALE TWO A NO. ONE JERSEY nw, havy milkers. Center Street Feed Barn. FOR - SALE OR TRADE KOR:WORK .stock, pair or full blood Percheron rnaren, blacks. well matched. At Sklpton'a stable. 448 Ferry street. FOR RENT $15. NINE ROOM HOl'S at 8!ft ISroadwav. Good repair throughout, electrict lights and bati. Enquire 898 Broadway cr phone 112 North Commercial, phone 975. SOME LOGANBERRY PLANTS FOR Very reasonable. Box 6oi Dallas, Oregon. -IRE INSURANCE IF YOUR ARE i Interested in "Gilt Kdge" protection at a reasonable cost, on your home r other, preferred rink property. In -yniwate th standing and record of : Oregon Firo Relief Asu'n. of Mc ivllle. For full particulars as to r plan of insurance, coit, etc. Sew i?" Phone us to iav. H. A. .Iihnoorf Agent. Bush Bank Bldg., Salcni. Phone 347. EMPLOYMENT FKMAI.K. WASTKDTGl HI. KOR Phono 1307. GENERAL aousework. ANTED LADY TO no GENERAL JtisewoTk. 1 hone 1227. WASTED COM f'KTENT HOI RK "fcper. Two irwf-imily. Good wagcx Phone 88KU, t. ,.ulc 3. box 162. ii?TEI)AX KXt'KUIFNOED W'O Ki- jPook at WIhimtte Sanitarium teay Position. Apply 751 Ferry St. .WANTRrl -FULL TIME. SAL Z.J'4 "filing auaranteed hosiery to :EIr'0c ,,our Pre time. Bir "ier businr-Kfl. 1 :x p-r lence unnec twyp tJuaranlc'l MilJs. Norria- ANTErwiAI)r TO WAIT ON in Fta tiiiimn A I L . .. . AOlrfM lir Sl.n 1J1W lLitn WTDK""ST " CLAKJ " M CII1N In B-J -wrk In.- con.liti.n. Apply ":rZ7r. ! V MALB WANTED AIAN TO TA KEiNTItACT lurner. Oregon. rfi2mB?TVKI?.,iT YOUNG MAN printing trade. day wurk. Apply Statesnuin Job Dept.. upstalra. " "MEN! MEN! MEN! BRING THIS AD FROM THE OREGON STATESMAN WITH YOU AND IF YOU WORK A WEEK IN CROWN WILLAMETTE MILLS; is WORTH YOUR FARE ONCE FROM SALEM TO OREGON CITY. GET RECEIPT FOR FARE FROM RAILROAD AGENT. WAGES INCREASE ON MARCH 16TH. 3c PER HOUR. MAKING LOWEST PAID $3.36 FOR EIGHT HOURS SHIFT WORK AND MEN ON, PULP GRINDERS 3.t8. FOR EIGHT HOURS. COME TOPAY. STRIKE ON. BOARTJ AND BED BECK'S HOTELS. 5TH AND MAIIs AND 9TH STREETS. $7 WEEK OR $5.25 FOR BED AND TWO MEALS DAY. AND BUY LUNCH AT MILL." FOR SALE LIVESTOCK PIGS FOR SALE A. G. DALRYMPLE. Macleay station. FOR SALE THREE FRESH COWs! 645 Ferry street. Phone 1806-W. FOR SALE JERSEY COW NOW GIV ing over gallon to milking $55 Phono 986-J. FOR SALE 1 POLAND CHINA POA II. registered. Ruilfson hi mile North County Farm. Phone 4F4. FOR SALE THJEtEE GOOD JERSEY cows, good milkers, and one to freshen oon,H. G. Cox, Salem, run to 4. Hot 1 Hn. .Ifffemnn rind M I CEL L A . KO l WILL SELL STUM PAGE FOR 1000 cords of wood for $500. Easy to get out. Box 333 Salem. FOR SALE A WAGON AND GOOD horse and harness. J. A. Swanson. 1591 Broadway. FOR KALE AUTOMATIC EXERCISER and feoder, two brooders, one hand cultivator. Phono 986-J. FOR SALE SECOND HAND STONE corn mill' and small rock crusher. Both eqtupped for power. See J. Baumgartner, Salem Hardware Co. FOR SALE 7 YEAR OLD HORSE, Studebaker wagon, fruit wagon, bug gy. 1 set of double harness, 2 single harness, 24 thoroughbred Playmouth Rock chickens. Phone 11F12. IF YOU- WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial suburipMon. Mention this ad roit SALE SECOND HAND COUNT er scales. platform -scales. Hand trucks. 5-ln. and 6-ln. belting can vas, rubber and leather. Salem Hard ware Co. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This trt e story of western Immi gration h ts been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells In fraphio terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, f the escape of Loremo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from th Indiana five year later. The prlc ia 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Or-a-on Teachers Monthly, 8a- POCIiTRT" IF YOU WANT TO GET THE hWl poultry paper published, send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. FOR RENT HOCIEl FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED HOUSES call at 807 Mill street.' HOUSES FURNISHED AND UNFURN ished. Niemeyer Realty Co., 644 - State street. NICELY FURNISHED 5 ROOM HOUSE for rent. 1710 Mission street. G. W. Johnson, phone 4 or 47. FOR RENT $12.50 SIX ROOM MOD ern house on paved street at 1920 South High street. E. A. ithoten. i 1141-J, any time week days. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: $6 partly modern five-roonj cot tage 1052 Saginaw. In good order. Foremerly rented for $10 a month. Call at 1042 Saginaw or Statesman business office. Phone 23. I $13 Neat modern bungalow 6 rooms at 960 North 20th at- Call at Statesman business office or pnone 23 $20 Modern 10 room house on Cottage stret t, clone I n. Call at Statesman business office, or phone 23. T noon-, FOR , RENT FURNISHED HOUSE kdeping ronms. 330 South 14th street. FOJi RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath. In modern home, padres A. B. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern con venlencea. also In slrio rooms. . Close to State House. 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1280. MISCELLANEOUS K V I X E O P PO ItTUN I TI ES till I PBUi LDi NOlcOM PAN Y NOW OR gnnizing. Wwts few more parties with money. Abundant lumber avail able not in jconfllct with present source of supply to yards, hence pref erence in securing contracts. Partic ulars. 702 SpauMing Bldg., Portland Orrnn. 1 1 r tiif nilitrif MOSKt TO LOAil. MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECUR iv G E. t'flrtih. phone 815. WANTED MISCy'LLASEOCS HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom, States- WANTED TO RENT A FOUR OH five room house or bungalow with garag- by a good steady tenant. Two in family. Phone 461-11. WANTED WHEELED CHAIR. MUST : b in good condition and reasonable. ! Phf.ne 1081-J, nquire 203 South i. Winter street " Get Wise-Try a Classified Ad AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY Aim behvick hHlPPS ALTO SERVICE CITY AND couptry trips. Phone Day. 868; night. s,9. TlltE!t ItKPAl I1KI Vt LCA.IZJX GAT ES HALF-SO K;TTnE SERVlCll Station 177. South Commercial St.. phone 42$. OUACKENBUSH AUTO BUPPLY AND Vulcanizing. 21 North Commercial street. Phone 66. HILEMAN MACHINERY AND TIRE Co. Silverton Cord and Savage Tires. Vulcanizing and auto supplies. 291 North Commercial. Phone 787. BRACKET! & GRAY TUBES VUL canlzed. 25c Retreading- our special ty. Free service car. Phone 1400. 2 29 North Commercial. WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes 25o up. Service car. Phone 363. 126 South Commercial street. PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. F. L. UTTER. DENTIST, ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 606. MTJSIC TEACHERS R. HARR. TEACHER Phone 138S. OF PI NO. Pltl MCIA.s Oil. L. G. ALTMAN, HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office- and residence 2?6 North Liberty. Salem, phone 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OJ- OEM AN MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN ing in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at 8 o'clock. All visiting memberv wel come. Horace Sykes, Fcreman, W. 1L Prunk, Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 624 6, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V. C; J. A. Wrtiht. elrek BUSINESS CARDS AITO IIEUVERr BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER ed any place, city or country. Phone 64 or 2081 -R W. W Fial er. BAIIBKIt MliOI EVENTHE CHILDREN HAVE LEARN ed t point out our shop for hair cutting bair bobbing', etc. Ingrey'a iJarbir Shop, 311 State street. CHI.-.OA'HACT-lf CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS RE store normal function. If you want results consult Dr. May, 30l-6-7 Hubbard Bldg. phone 627. DR. O. 1 SCOTT. D. C. GRADUATE Ot P. S. C. Cbironractics fountain bead, Davtnport, Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8, U. 8. N. Bank Building. Phnn 87. Ftldcnw 82S.R. CIli.ESKHICIAN. DU. L. M. HUM CURKS ANY KNOWN dlc. 1S3 8. Ilirh St. Ihone 283 'OfiXrm AM) KAPHRSS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Pbone 933. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage aa we have three warehouses in connection with business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Wffice 161 South Commer cial street. glilirKAX I S AN DPn"ES 8 lST JAPANES ETBf:sS INaHRTORSF. S. Watanabe, Prop., 431 N. Colfiratr' cial St. Ladles' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed, $1.25 snd $1.75. Work called for and delivered fre. Telephone Main 552. JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square- Deal" House Capitsl Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa Street. Phone $98. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND hand goods. Highest market prices for Junk and hides. The People's Junk and Secondhand Store, $71 No. Commercial I'hone 7J4. ICI.ECTItO.il VDKOI'ATIIfC ELECTRIC-HYDROPATHIC I NST 1 -tute. 327-29 Pittock Mock. Portland. Nurse attendants. Electric cabinet and mineral baths. Scientific mas naee Open 9 to 7, Sunday 10 to 4. HAIR REMOVED -CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied bere or sold for home use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, ? Mnbhard Rldg LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRr QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash 5c per pound. 136 South Lib erty Be Phone 26. HOME WET WASH LAUNDHT REO ular washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only sixty-five cents wo will collect, wash and de liver your washing within twenty- fntir Ihiiim Phf 2471 OSTOPATIll' ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Graduate American School Osteopa thy. Kirksville, Mo. Sixtt-en years experience. Residence office &.t4 South Commercial ntr-et I-ost Gaii iuto work, Is Angeles College. Drs. If. I. Bowers t- Alice C. Bowers. DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE Anierican School Osteopathy, Kirks ville, Mo.; tredts acute and chronic dlxtase. Offt.e 401-105 U. 8. Na tional Bank BlfJr. I'hone PI 9. Reni dence 419 North Summer. I'hone 614. DRS. WHITE ft WALTON, OSTEO Pthlc pii.vfiicans ftTrtl surseons. Graduate-of the American Schools t.( Ostoointhy-. KirkvlIle. Mn. I'oHt graduate and specinlized in nervous lisea.es at I.o Angelea ullege. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Offices . 505 7-8. U. ' S. National Hank Bld. I'hone R-mleiic.-. 1620 Court street. I'hone 2215. Dr. White, re i'lenc phone 4fi. vrunsF.niEs. KUITITLAND NURSERY 'SALES YARD at High and Keiry. iCall and. see utock and get pri'-e before purchas ing -elsewhere. Everbearing straw-hpt-rv plnnlt r n 1 lor-anh,rne 3T"T?f a'st""' EXPERT TtTNINO, cleaning, repairing and regulating. All work - guaranteed. Ifc45 Hail street or care of Sherman Cly 4c Co.. Court street, phono T153-J. Classified Ada Work for You It ETA I It ailOI'ft THE FIXIT SHOP. 261 COURT street. We do all kinds of light filing, grinding and brazing. Bicycle work a specialty. Stoves and furn (! repaired. Phone 1022. B ECO Sl HA JtU MOU WE BUlf AND SELL SECOND -HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars. collai pada, tools, chains. Fred Bchladler. 266 Center Street. THANSFEft HACLIHO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND r-i of hauling. Household CJMLjmi moving Jobs done prompt Ti ly. Try me once. Tim me. 476 State St Phone 96S. Residence phone 1122-J. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH C. B. WEBB, aTIl Clough. funeral directora. Latest modern methods known to the pro fesslon. 497 Court street. WALL PAPER, PAIJIT ! GLEN N L. ADAMS FOR HOU8 DEC- coratlng. painting, tinting, paper banging, etc Work done by contract or day; good workman. Location 1020 Center 8L Phone 681-W. TEN CENTS A. DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial 8C SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 466 Court Bt Phone 486. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 301 8. Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions In bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from premises. Hereafter water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers unlng water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under schedule of rates. Apply at office for copy. WOVENWIlfE FENCING Depot Katlenal Jt Asaerleasi Feaee, all siaea, 28 la. tm Bt ia. alga. Palata, oils a ad Vanish. Stevea Heballt as4 He pal red Lsssafcerry mmd )( Meeka. nalaa Keaee k Steve Wrfca. 2S Cssrt St. PstM 1S4 R. . FEMINO. WOOD SAWS FOR ZANDES3 WOOD SAW. 10f0-R. PHONE WHEY For Feeding Hogs Can be had at the Marion Creamery Call or Telephone 2488 SALEM MARKETS BUYING PRICE Eggs and Poultry. Eggs. 21c. Old roosters, 13 14c. Stags. 16 C 18c. Pork, Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot, ISO 16c. Ewes, 6c. Veal, dressed, 16c to 18c Spring lamb, 14c. Beef steers 7 9c; cows48c. Bulls, 4 6c. Ilajr. Cheat, per ton, $20. Clover, per ton, $18. Vetch, per ton, $20. CJraln. Wheat, $1.8501.87. Honey (Idaho) $4.50. I U-tail Prices. Creamery buttei, 60c. Eggs, 35c. Flour,, hard wheat $2.80 0 3. Flour, valley,$2.50 0 2.60. Sugar, cane and beet. 111b. $1. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.50. Oats, 96c. Beans, 12 l-2c. Mill Feeds, Retail. Bran, per ton, $36.00. Shorts, per ton, $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Country butter, 45c. Creamery prints, 53c. Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 54c. Fif.Il. Steelheads, 25c. Smelt. 5c per lb. Salmon, Chinook. 30c. Vegetable. Lettuce, crate. $2.25. Celery, 00c. Nebr. rice corn, 11c. Tomatoes. California, $2.75. Broccoli. $1,40 0-1.60. Onions, $2. Cabbage, 4C String garlic, 8c. Potatoes, $1.25. Nuts. Almonds, 23c. Walnuts (No. 1) 24c. Peanuts, raw, 17c. Cocoanuts, dozen, $1.50. Fruits, (jrapefruit, $.".50. Oranges, $4.50 0 6. Bananas, 6c. Apples. $1.25 01.75. Lemons, $6.50 to $7.50. Dromedary dates, $4.7 5. PORTLAND MARKETS PORTLAND, March 18. Butter: Prints, extras, 52r54c; cubes, ex tras, 4 9' c; prime firsts. 48c; dairy, 34r. Butterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream, 55c. Potatoes. Potatoes: Buying, price Loral?, nonsinal; welling price, 'jo, $1.15. 4rnin. Grain. March 18. Grain, SO day options: (Bids) Oats, No. 2, $Gl; barley, teed. ?74; brewing, 2. Eastrn oats and. corn in bulK: ( Bids" Oats, No. 3, white, $63.50; 38-noun.d clpped. white. $64.50; !corn. No.' 2. yellow. $63;' No. 3. nilx- ed, $67.50; oats, No. J, tJ.u; cilp- ped, $54.50; corn, yellow, $68.50; mixed $67. CTar Receipt. Today's car receipts: Wheat. 3; barley, 3; flour, 4; oats, 12; hay, 13. Cattle. Cattle, steady to stronger; rt cepits, 1471. Medium to cbo'cc steers. $10.50 0 11.70; good to med ium steers, $9.50 0 10.50; com non to good steers. $9 010; choice cows and heifeia, $8.55010; common to good cows and heifers, $8.50 0 9.50; canners, $4.2506.25; bulls, $509; calves, $7.50 012; stocer and feed er steers!, $6.50 0 9.50. Hogs. f Hogs, steady; receplts, 1 1630. Prime light. $16.85 017; prime heavy, $16.60016.85; pigs, $140 15.25; bulk of sales, $16.50 016.95. heep, steady; receipts, 270. West ern lambs, $15 015.50; valley lanus, $14.50 015; yearlings, $13 013.50; Wethers, $12.50 013; ewes, $9 012. Shorn sheep 24c to 3c under quotations. DUTCH RUMOR HELPS SELLING Stock Market Takes on Ac tivity at Report of Nether lands Protest NEW YORK. March 18. A new and more complicated phase of the international situation was injectel Into today's heavy stock market. Rumors of a protest by Holland at the proposed commandeering . of Dutch ships by this government formed the basis of heavy selling. Important rails and Industrials re acted one to three points and some specialties considerably more, the selling assuming wide dimensions in the final hour. Dealings in the early part, of the session were nominal to the point of insignificance. Many stocks or dinarily classed among the leaders were scarcely quoted until well to ward the close. Canadian Pacific was heavy to weak throughout, ex tending last week's severe reversal by three points. Other trans-continentals also grain carriers snd coal ers, were down one to two and a half points with shares of eastern roads. Among specialties, American Su matra Tobacco which may be ad versely affected by the Dutch situa tion, broke four and a quarter points Sugars and oils were swept into th receding tide of the last hour, yield ing two to six points. United States Steel was immune from the setback most of the time, but finally succumbed to pressure, scoring an extreme loss of one and a quarter points. Other steel and kindred equipments relinquished mid-day gains of one to two and a half points, closing at variable nel losses. Sales amounted to 485,000 shares. Bonds, both rails and Industrials, were sympathetically depressed and liberty issues also reacted. Total sales, par valne. $2,775,000. ITnited States bonds. ;.old issuer, were unchanged on call. Corn Price U Firm; Oats Price Strong, Too CHICAGO. March 18.-Fresh ef forts to curb speculation led to gen eral evening up of trades today in grain, especially on the part of s.horts. After a number of lively price changes, corn closed firm 4c to lic net higher, with Marcn $1.27 and May $1.25. Oats gained (2 He to 3 He. The out m provisions varied from 2 Vt 3 5 de cline to raise of 12c. Temporarily a ruling by the ex change directors that no one inter est could at any given time be long or short more than 200,000 bushels of fature deliveries led to a good deal of flurried trading in the ccrn pit. At first, sellers were greatly in the majority, owing to big receipts, but quick covering which shorts be gan brought about a sudden decided upwatd swing. All of the gam? were afterward lost only to be re placed by new advances higher, than before. Gossip that exporters were buying oats at the best premium on the crop was largely responsible for the strength of oats. Heavy receipts of hogs made pro visions average lower. HARK FKi: OF SFAMAXSHIP In its brief report the Navy De partment speaks In the highest praise of the French crew of one of the American-built submarine chas ers wno were thought to have per ished at sea many weeks ago. but succeeded finally in making port in face of the gravest difficulties. It was an exploit of which the barest narration must cause a thrill of ad miration for the handful of sailors who managed to escape death by their courage and skill. When the engines of the small craft were disabled during a Jan uary gale and it became separated from its escort, the crew never Tor a minute abandoned hope. They were thrown absolutely on their pre carious resources, far from any help. The chances of surviving were all against them. But they rigged up a sail with their bed-coverings and loanaged to make two or three kno's an hour under the moat favoraDte conditions. They had no navigating instruments but a compass by which to lay their course in mid-ocean. O food they had only a scanty supply. It was truly a "remarkable feat of (navigation" by which the hardy I Frenchmen savl themselves and their little boat. N. The war has calftd forth maty deeds of daring at sea by brave men Ti the pursuit of there- duties, but these unnamed heroes of the French navy have won a special place for . themselves. New York World. REAL ESTATE STRICTLY MODERN ROOM BUNG alow, paved street, east front, owner leaving, must sell. Call 970. WANTED TO BUY, FO.1 CASH. FIVE room modern bungalow, not ovr SU0U. Box 21S. SEVERAL GOOD TOWN RESIDENCES clear of liens for farma. - See Wn. Fleming, 341 State street. FOR SALE LOT AND BUILDING 24 x3S cn car line $350. Enquire at 1795 Fairground road. WANTED SMALL ACREAGE TO trade for choice Canadian quarter section. Niemeyer. 54 4 State street. EXCHANGE 120 ACRES MORROW County. Oregon for houses- or acre age. Box67. 200 ACRE FARM NEAR SALEM FOR rent or for sale. Pbone owner 1403-J. STRICTLY MODERN NEW C ROOM bungalow and garage, must be sold, easy terms, owner leaving. Call 1157-R. LOTS FREE TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS In South Halem given to party buy ing new house for less than coat. Judson. Hoyt and Winter streets. A GOOD; 5 ACRE TRACT. WELL IM proved in exchange, for a neat email town house, easy terms on balance. See Wm. Fleming, 341 Slate street.. WILL TRADE MY 7 ROOM MODERN home, full basement. 28x40 feet, two large lots on corner, for farm, will pay some difference. Owner 735 North 17th street, Salem. A GOOD BUY ?5xS0 FEET ON EAST side ' Commercial street, on door north of State street, Salem, togeth er with perpetual right of way over the 14x50Vs feet tract extendingfrom this property to State street. Terms Apply Scott Bosorth, 701-3 Spauldiog Blag, Portland. Oregon. FINE HOME AND 215 STOCK RANCH for sale on Yuqulna Bay, near New port. Also 140 acre cut over timber land trscjt. good soiL Right on rail road. Phone 677 or eddress A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple. " JF YOU DESIRE TO SELL YOUR property, come., in at once. I have several customers for farm and city property at a reasonable price. Have dry wood, seed wheat, artichokes, and a 3-Inch Studebaaer wagon for sale. John IL Scott, 404 Hubbard building. WE LIST PROPERTY EVERYWHERE and charge no commission for put ting buyers and sellers together. Our representative will be st the Hotel Marlon from Wednesday March 20 until the following Monday. Call and investigate our method. Oregon Realty exchange Inc., Eugene, Or FOR SALE AT A BAROAIN. ONE half acre three and one-half blocks from State street car line, two and one-half blocks front Richmond ' school. Two bouses $r place, fruit, apples, pears, cherries, walnuts -and berries. Terms to suit.-. Address. John Riessbeek. 405 South 23rd street, 8a lam, Oregon. SNAPS 4 ROOM HOUSE $450. 7 ROOM house, plastered, gocd plumbing $710. 10 acres river bottom land, bearing fruit trees, house ana Darn nne gara en land $2800. 10 acres four year old, prunes. $1400. 40 seres fine buildings, good location 27 acres or chard beginning to bear, $150 per acre. 70 acrea for rent. Money to loan. 1915 Ford for sale. jr. u. Wood, Rayne- Bldg. , , SO ACRES IRRIGATED. ALL CXJLTt vated. 50 acres alfalfa, joining town 9200 per acre. 175 acres, all culti vated. Improved, i miles to town, 50 per acre. 12 lots In thriving town, 11500. 6 loom house, 4 lots, in town of 2000. price $3000. this will ' soon be business property. No in cumbrances, will trade one r a'l for property east or north of Salem. : Might consider acreage, might as sume. Socolofsky. 311 State street. FOR SALE 12 ACRES OF LAND, $125 per acre. 7 acres under cultvation, 2 acres In cherries. Also two pieces of land each con taining C acres. Each piece has 3 , cleared acres and 1 acre of cherries ; on ee.ch piece. Also 4 acrea for sale at $125 per acre.- This land Is all one-fourth mile from ; Claxtar. All of this land is. for a small payment down to suit purchas . er, balance at. C per cent Interest. ; rhone 37F4. MODERN NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, paved street, large lot. $1500, must be sold, owner leaving town. Five room bungalow, new. sttictlr modern, macadamized street, close in. owner leaving, $2,100. Vt cash. Six room new bungalow, absolutely modern, paved street, beautiful loca tion, east front $2200, $1000 cash, bal ance terms. Fifty-eight acres. 23 acres beaver dam. 20 acres bottom. 12 acrea past ure, family orchard, fair, house, good barn. Joining town, $6200, 100 acres. 90 in cultivation. 10 acres pasture, splendid improvements, well , fenced. Waldo Hills, on very easy terms. 10 acres; modern Improvements, Sa lem Heights, exchange for ' larger ranch not over $4,500. '.20 acrea to exchange for bouse or amall acreage Socolofsky. 311 State street, phone 970. J60 ACRES ALL LEVEL AND IN cultivation. 4 room house and small barn all fenced. This land is locat ed at Fort Rock. Lake county. Ore., will trade for acreage or city prop-, eriy. ITIce $7000. All clear. -1K0 acres Manitoba. Canada. locat ed in one of the oldest settled parts of. Canada, this is fine land and with in 2-s miles of railroad station and 10 miles ' from county seat. Will trade for acreage or city property and would pay a cash difference if property 'suited. ITice $000. 'r 10 acres 2Vx miles frm Dallas, all fenced with woven wire. liar nice little barn and good: well, but no house, land Is not cleared.: but good land, want Salem house or va cant lots and will add some cash if property would suit. See Perrine A Marsters. 402 Hubbard bulding. phone 807. FOR SALE STRICTLY j MODERN S room house, large lot. east fsont, garage, hearing fruit, paved street, price $3250. i Modern 5 room bungalow with funiture. paved street, sightly loca tion, price $2600. Modern six room-bouse, close in. uaved street, price $2650. Six room Wiuse and two fine lots, 17 bearing fruit trees, price $1100. $300 down. balance to suit at C per cent. St0 acres grain and stock ranch, gxd huilil nirs. fine location. ric- '- acre. 100 acre farm, all cultivated. old house, and two larice barns. t- consider part trade, price $100 per nr.. a j, - . -T " - - - cultivation, balance timber snd pas ture, running water. Old house. and barn, good soil, some fine bottom land, price $80' per acre. Improved 10 acre tract, new 5 room plastcr.-il cottage, barn, chlckenhouse. garage, , drilled wll.- yrAnm road, bearing fruit, prlc. $2S50. If you want to buy, trade or sell, see us. W. If. Grabeohorst & Co., 275 State street. SALE TO HIGHEST BIDDER ON THE grounds at 1720 Chemeketa street at 2:00 P- ni. esaturday the 23rd, I will seel to the highest bidder the residence there- a 7 room modern house. Cash for 23 to 30 per cent of the bidder will be required, terms can be had on the balance, approv abie title, with abstract and war ranty deed. l)ont disturb tenants see me at 341 State Mreet. Soiiw shrubbery and fruit on the place, a corner, paved on both street. Will iam Fleming. ' : I WANT TO GO TO? CANADA AND so will sell my well" Improved farm rf acres on the RlWr road for $4700 cash which will-include several head of cattle and horses, all , nit' chlnery and Implements on acre family orchard. 10 acres $ year prunes, balance In wheat, oats- and vetch, excepting 3 1 acres of nice - timber. 25 cords, of good cut wood, water tank, windmill, gas .engine, fine large barn, several outbuilding, fully modern "-room house With bntti ana not and cold water.. TNte house is newly plastered throughout. This is a real home place. Box. 21, care Statesman. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acres of choice Polk eoun- ty land: about 30 acres clear; about $ J acres in stump pasture; balance In choice , piling timber and oak grubs. Timber alone worth $7500. New four room house, new. dairy barn, providing ' for 20 cows and four Horses: new nig pen and new milk house. Wstar piped from fine spring to all buildings. Will sen tne wnoie at a great bargain. Very easy terms. per cent Interest Address L. owner, care Th Sta teaman. JERASULEMIS AUil0SO0Rr,lAL Prices Have Lowered and 1 Speculation by Turkish i Officers Is Ended LONDON. Feb. 10. (Correspond ence of The. Associated Press) "Je- rusalem Is smiling and contented," says a letter from an officer in the British forces there. "Food sup plies are no abundant, but they are JsufflcrentJ ' lAlTluent people never were in want, but during the war prices went up so iigh and the pi per money was at 'such a, discount that the poor suffered greatly, and there -f artuaiiv many deaths from slow starvation. "Conditions have now undergone a remarkeble change. We are giv ing employment to all the men in road-making at ample rates of pay. riven the young boys assl t at the light work an at meal times wholo families join the menfolk at f.helr meals by the roadside. "One of the reasons for the high prices of foodstuffs was that the . Turkish officers were all speculating They; bought wheat and flour f ron -their military depots, the cost be ing debited against their pay, which was paid In paper. Then they sold the supnlles for gold, which was worth five times more than paper. When Turkish evacuation seemed imminent, these officers all had to unload, and prices fell considerably." "Johnny, when I tell your father what a naughty boy you've "been to dav he will punish you, severely." v "Have you got to tell Jilm, ma?" ' "Yes, and I shall tell him Imme dlatel; after dinner." "Well, ma. give him a better din ner than usual, woa't you? You might do that much for me." Lon don Opinion. j TIME TABLES lorjniEHfr pacific co. Nertaaesisiel IS Oregon Express . .... : No. NO. Vo. Vo. Vo. Vo. No. No. So. So. No. Vo. No. So. No. Vo. Vo. 01 a.m. 54 oregonisn . ... ..... 23 Willamette Limited.. 9: IS Portland Passenger.. 1: 24 Coos Bay ........... 3: 12 Shasta Limited ..... 7: 14 Portland Express ... . S: 22$ lxcal Way Freight.. S: 223 Portland Fast Freight 11 Slibaa f3 Oregonlan t: S3 Coos Bay 10: 15 California Express ..10: II a.m. 20 a.m. 35 p.m. 4$ p.m. 00 p.m. 10 p.m. 00 a.m :3S pm :29 a.m. 01 am. :6S a.m. 20 p.m. 41 p.m. 1 A n m. 17 Roseburg Passenger. "4 11 Shasta Limited ..... S 27 Wtllsmette Limited.. 13 San Francisco Pass... 10. 37 p.m 01 an. 01 a.m 221 San Fran. Fast FrC.12 227 Local Way Freight.. 12: DAteN-CRRn LINB 73 Arrive at Salem..... 9:11 a.m. 74 Leave Salem 3:06 p.m Vo. Vo. 4I.RM, FALLS CITY Jk WESTER 11 Leaves. Halem. motor .... 7:05a.m. if Ibarra Stnlem. mctor.... 9:25a.m. 165 Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:49 p.m. Through car to Monmouth snd Arlle I 7 Leaves Salem, motor .... 3:41 p.m l lf. Salem, motor 5:57 p.m. 3! Way Freight leavea Salem 8:08 a.m. 'f.i )-rlves at Salem 3:30 a.m. 11 .-'.rrives at Salem .11 :00 a.m. If Arrives at Salem .. 3:00 p.m. r Arrives st Salem 5:35 p.m. 170 Arrive at Salem 7:20 p.m ?40 Way Freight Ar. Salem.., 3:30pm. OREGON ELECTRIC Sewtklvea Train Arrive Arrive Eugene 1 0:R5 am 12:25 pm t :$5 pm 3:60 pm Salem only Salem only S - KA m m Portland Salora 3:36 am 10:11 am 12:55 pm 4:15 pm a:49 pm 3:10 pm 11:20 pm t l:inim Ltd. . .3:30 am 10:46 am . . . ...2:05 pm Ltd . . . 4:0 pm . . . . . .6:05 pm 9:20 pm . .11 :tr pm 1:55 am North Bank Station (leave Jeffer- n Street 15 and 20 minutes later.) wertfc Tave Eugene Train Arrive Salem 4:35 am 7:15 am 9:46 am 11:20 am , 1 :.R0 pm Arrive Portland 2 ... .12:05 am 3:69 am 9: :25 am :3S am :35 pm :00 pm Ltd. ..7:45 am '.'.'.'.'.U: am Ltd... 1:55 pm 4:10 pm 11: 1 : 4: 4 :00 pm S: :45 pm is-3p pm 7: :40 pm :7S pm Tr.hi pm i5 I 10 OA pm North Bank Station t Arrive Jeffer son Street 15 minutes earlier). Leave Corvallls. co it v a m.i rnxr.cno Wertbbeaad Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem 3:25am. 9:45m 12:12 pm .- I 1:60 am 2:41pm. I 4:00 pm 4:10 pm 5:10 pm 3:13 pm i 7:65 pm Leave Salem Arrive Corvallls 9:57 am 3:35 am 10:15am ll:lrS pm 4:15pm 1:44 m 11 It am 2:20 pm 6:3 pm S OS pnv i iron Work. Aatoria,Orcson. s ;