SLAVSURGED NOT TO DEAL VITHGERMANY American Association of For- eign Language Newspapers !" t Send? Cable ' DEFEAT H&D SHAMEFUL Do Not Accept Peace That Will Destroy Country" Is Admonition f NEW YORK. March IS. A cable dispatch rtO the all-Rusran congress of workmen's and soldiers' deputies', urging that body not to deal with Germany and pledging the support of the "American people was sent to Moscow today lay the American Asso ciation of Foreign Language News papers. The messnge was First submitted to President Wilson atfd Secretary of State Landing authorized the asso ciation to forward it- The soviet was assured in tbe message that "seven hundred and .thirty-four American newspapers published in thirty-three different foreign languages stand as one behind the message the presi dent of the united States has sent to your body.", . . , The newspapers, the dispatch con tinues, have "combined circulation of 10,000,000 readers ' "who beseech yon net to deal with 'autocratic, gov' ernmnts whose sole' ptrrpose Is to destroy civilization as we know it." " "The readers of onr papers," the messkge addj'hdlr these 'principles of liberty their' greatest bless ing and to secure them have come to the United States from the different nations now devastated by these au tocrats for selfish motives of Toyalty and to urhold the brutal god of mil itarism. Many of these readers eorae from various parts of Russia. Thev-love their mother country and pray to you a"nd through you to their kinsmen not to put the shame of de feat rn themselves and their people. ""We pray for -your success and assure you ofr our aid in bringing ' about a glorious victory at arms. At your? back the entire American na tion stands as a stone wall. With the termination of an honorable and Iatinr peace we pledge you our as sistance in bulldlngvnp again your happy nation. t;Do not make the mis take of accepting a peace that will destroy your country, your homes and your "people." - The cablegram was signed by Louis N. Hammerllng- and Frank D. Gardner,, president and secretary of me association, -and ; a committee representing the publishers of for eign i language newspapers ' in all parts of the country. , THINGS THAT. NEVER ! HAPPEN E GSNir BYRNES Af CHECKS OM THE FiDvr .r" the month tf&nnoor FAIL! IS NICKNAME OF AIR RAID SIREN NEW YORK March 1 S.--The Ca-.l ban sutur croD will be smaller this! year than usual, according to E. A. j Potter Jr.. president of the Finance and Trading corporation, who Just leturned from Cuba. Mr. Pottervii ited the island as one of a committee appointed to investigate conditions in connection with the financing of the season's crop. District Freight Manager Is In Red Cross Service Negro Dentist Is Up Charged With Marder Whole Town of Calais In France Lacks Glass Due to Hun Visits CHARLEY LOW SEEING SIGHTS Son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Low Is in Aeroplane Service Charles E. Low, son of Mr srd Mrs. Walter L"w of this rv. wro to his mother from New Yvk eifv. ndM- date of Mirh 10. lie in fn the aroTi?an s-rvfc Following n-o excerpt? from the letter: We have beep at Mlneo'a. Lor? Island, New York. Just a wk to day.' We first Dirt in Camn No 1. and we stayed there until Fridav, when we were moved to Camn No s. At Camn No. 2 they were nutting rt1-T,A t-rtier fo p-et TMiv to f?" this sprinr. and I rot fr hc?n FOSTER WILL ADDRESS CLUB i 1 ; - Methods of Non-Partisan League to Be Told in Ad dress Wednesday Night YAKIMA, Wash. March IS. C. F. Vandc water, distrul freight and passenger agent here for tke Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navi gation company, has enlisted in the transportation division of the lied Cross service, and experts to be a. lgd to',nty'ln a short time. CROWD LARGE AT CONVENTION Laymen's Missionary Assem bly in Salem Is Given Good Start ONE RAID LASTS LONG WATERLOO. ILL-. March 18. I The trial of. Dr."Leroy N. Dundy, ne-j gro dentist of East St. Louis, indicted ; on a charge or murder growing out out of the East St. Louis race riots, was continued In the circuit court here today until the first Monday in September. Continuance was granted because of the illness of Dr. Dundy and be cause of absence of an Important witness. Hundred Bombs Dropped in One Night; Officer Writes of Hotel Of national fame as an orator, of long experience as a wealthy and in fluential farmer and Ifader in poli tics of the state of North JJaVota, Is Arthur Foster, who will address the membership meeting of the Salera Commercial club Wednesdav night. The topic to be tinder discussion by Mr. Foster will be that of "The Non-Partisan League. Its Past. Pres ent, and What It May Develop to He In the Future in the United States." ; As Mr. Foster Ji.-fi had much to do t country'. '.with the Non-Partisan league in the Th" second The Laymen's Missionary conven tion opened its sessions Sunday night at the First Methodist church and the parallel convention for wo men at the First Congregational church together wifh two additional meetings, one at the Leslie Metlfo dist church, another at the Ja3on Lee chinch with capacity crowds in attendance at all meetings. The meeting at Leslie church was addressed by the RUht Reverend W. T. Sumner of the Episcopal diocese vi un-Kon. Bishop Sumner spoke particularly on the relationship of me crpseni worirt rr six a rwl (ha r-- eign missions of the churches. At Jason Lee church the speakers were Miss Elizabeth M. McDowell and Frank O. Jackson. T Ai O'Farrell was the first speak er on the program at the First Meth cdist church and had as h's subject "Around the World with a Mission ary camera." Mr. O'Farrell showod many interesting pictures of ths vrerk of the boards for foreign, mi-'.-tsions of the various denominations and pictured very vividly the fi;? customs and habits of 'the tribe's cf Africa and the wav In which (h mfssfon boards vere assisting Jn ed ucating the heathen peoples of tha' Friend of John Brown Is Dead at Age of $8 NEW YORK, March 18. Nelson J. Itoscoe, surveyor and civil engin eers and once intimate friend of John Drown of. Civil war fame, died here today. He was 98 years old. Mr. Koseoe aided in ftbe surveys for the Union Pacific and the Mis souri, Kansas and Texas railroads. wfeftlrer on the pro "rr of tbern together. Th plane t past, pnd is conceded to be well in-I rram 3t the 'Methodist church SALEM SHIPPERS GET FLAT RATE Edward M. Cousin Also Inves tigating Telephone Rates While Here Edward M. Cousin, traffic attorn - ey,iof Portland is in Salem and says the long expected and hoped for flat comodity terminal ! rates for Salem and . other Willamette valley points vttvvb av a i ma; , uuuc i Instruction from the Interstate com merce commissions, as the result of many hearings in Portland. Chicago, and Washington, D- C, . - 1 ' inn means ior one tnmg, as rar as Salem is concerned, that the rate now on empty glass bottles, of which hundreds of carloads are used an ually, a rate of 90 cetts a 100 pounds, as against the 'farmer rate of $1.15 or more will prevail. "Its not eo much tb saving of a fesr rpnts per 100 pounds," said Mr. .Cousin, In discussing the matter last night, "but, it means that from now on every manufacturing plant in Sa lem; as welj as other manufacturing centers In the Willamette valley as far south as Eugene, can compete with "all the large manufacturing' plants' in Portland.- or other manu- imciunng centers, wnicu nave hal the flat terminal rate for years, on all the principal commodities used by them or . manufactured by them for export. Ml -have been working personally on this flat terminal rate question Tor Willamette valley points for up wards of -eight years. And very glad that my efforts have been so success ful, for I did not expect the decision would be the flat rate, but did ex pect the rate would be on that basis T will be In the city for several days as I have not finished my in vestigation of the question of long distance telephone rates, that it Is proposea to put into effect at once. between Portland and .Willamette valley! towns. ' v ."If the proposed increase is made. It - will mean an increase In pbon? Taies paia oy Portland or about 2 -000. -a month, and for Salem at least $300 a month. I have been employ- A 41.1. .. - ia luim t5e uy me city or Port land,, but have not yet completed my Investigations of the questfon. "I hope to" complete my Investlga stlon by the middle of the week, but of. course, cannot tell just when I can reach any conclusion.' were mostly tramfnsr nlnnc thev j had a rup! of PreiCh 'pTsnti tT?rt sr ;of" ott th And (they are srri pl?re!. V.'!,!;- at camn No. 2 we had a good barTi racks hot . and cold water, shower baths and everything, and they f d ! n on rood staks and ham 8nd egr". ' Camp No. 3 Is in the fair rronrd'. snd we are staving In a hors bnm with! a nw' floor . In ' and It .ha citjr!e of crfI, rfrives. tint 'nrr ' enard to keen the fir goinr. Tint I hsve slept fn there onlvthreo hotirs, j as Friday night I got a pas. to "New York, and didnjt get back'4ill 3 in th morning, and Saturday afternoon we all got passes to come, and we are off until 6 o'clock Monday morning. So we are taking in the sights. I sure did sleep some this morn ing, fllad an honest bed ito sleer-in and did not have to get up at 6 o'clock for roll call. "Later We went out and got our breakfast and " then took a car and went; to see the ,Woolworth building. It Is the highest In th world and you ran se some In all direct fori a. as the buildings look sniall from the ft formed on the subject of its organ--K- Doughty, the leader of !he v.- w.-.! izar-ion. aims and ohjects. and as an ; nrT convention nr. Doughty' 'Jr.". effort is even being made in Oregon, "bict wrs "The CTrireh in ft World ! to organize the league, the address nf war.' xu iiungs, vsaia Mr. Donghty doubtless will draw a good hearing. PORTLAND FLIER KILLED IN TEXAS Cadet Ellis B. Watt Meets In- , stant Death in Plunge , to Ground FORT WORTH. Texas. March 18. adet Flyer Ellis B. Watts. 379th aero squadron, was instantlv killed; and Captain U V. Drake. R. F. C. vas fnjiirefl today when their air planes fell 300 feet In a spinning "o dive. Cndet Watts hnmo was it .Portland. Or Captain Drake was Picked tm nn- tower and the people Jn the streets Trprirm arid it i? jp id!, his Injuries looKjiige ants, i sent you a hook rrctablv. will tvrove fatnl. Captain OP INTEREST TO WOMEX. vWomen artists of New York city have formed an auxiliary of th American Red Cross, under the naro.i of the "Art War Rellet and placed an arrow where we were It was trying to snow when we were up. and the wind was blowing so hard yon had to hang onto the railing. "We are back at a national service canteen for. soldiers and sailors now. It is on (Seventh avenue and West Thirty-ninth street. Just off Rroad wayJ There are a bunch of thee canteens, where you can get cat", free reading and writing room. All you need ii a uniform. Iast nlebt we were up here to a dance and had a good time. Tbe people are more alive nd treat us fine here. They will gf-t u anything we want. Think we will take in a couple of shows before we go bcV tonight. , Don't have to be in till 6 tomorrow morning. "The reason I haven't written morp Is that they censor our mail out at the camn. We are not able fo tell when or where we will go. But the fact Is we don't know. But think this is the last move before we go over, and think that will be soon, as these camps are; only for emb?rV ing. ! So maybe the next letter you get from me will be from across the water. "I am feeling fine and have tio complaint coming at all. Have been made a permanent corporal now. And hope to get something else soon anyhow will try my best. Hope this will i find you both in the best of health. Would like to eee you be fore I go; but it is a long way back. n-iKe came to Fverman field after extended dutv in the British air service on the western Enropean front. . He had figured prominently in allied air attacks on German fities.. His home Is in London, Eng-alar-d. The captain "took off with Cadet Watts at about 6:5 o'clock this evening. Thev rose to about 300 fct and headed north, flying easily. Tps than a mile from the camp the plane appeared to hesitate, apparent ly c inr t"' engine ' trouble. Sud denly the machine turned nose down ward ;nd plunged spinning to the grouna. Cadet Watts body is held pending rid rice from his mother. Mrs. Xellie Watts. 528 Fast Forty-eighth street. Portland, Or. musi win tne rar; second, we mjist win tno&e-wiio ard wlnnlns the war.' ine first he said can be aceom plished ty the destruction of Prus sian militarism Through an ade ouate armv properly eo'ifnped. Th second can be accomplished by an adequate mifrionary program which will Insure the winning of the men who are winnfg the war through th eaurcn or Jfu Christ. ".Never until thtn," he said, "will democracy be safe and never till then wiil the world be safe for de mocracy." . At the First Congregational church Dr. William . Marquis was the lirct speaker and had as his subject "Wc men and World Servrt-e. Dr. V A. Agar followed with anyuldrts3 -ine taaiiunge; of the Hour PORTLAND. March J R Cadet Flwr Ellis M. Watts, killed by a'fall nt Fort Worth aviation field, was a R"n of Mr.,! and Mns. Orville w Watts or -Poland. With his broth er. Paul M, Watts, he enlisted In the aviation sertvice last November DUTCH SHIPS TO BE i TAKEN OVER TODAY f (Continued, from' page 1) American Attache to Visit Macedonian Front SOME, Thursday, March 14--Brigadier General George J. Scriven who ia aft attache of the An.orin embassy here, in leavine as the of the Italian government for a visit io me woie Albanian and' Macedo nian ironts. Guard Beaten Senseless by Soldier Prisoner FORT WORTH, TEXAS. March 18 An unnamed guard who had start ed to the camp prison with Jack Sav age, soldier in the 133rd field artil lery, late today was found bound to a railroad track near the camp after having been beaten into insensibility ry blows on the head with a pistol. Tonight posses of peace officers and soldiers are searching for Savage un- u-r oruprs to. "take nim d-ad or alive. Savage is charged with trafficking in stolen automobiles. At the Camp Bowin hospital the .mi us conumon was saiu lo be ser ious, i POPE TRIES TO STOP AIR RAIDS Both Belligerents Find Limi tation to Zone of Battle Hard Task SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE, Feb. 28. (Correspondence of The Asso ciated Press) "Mournful Mary" is the Boldier's nickname for the 'mu nicipal firen which warns the popula tion of Calais that enemy aircraft are approaching. The persistent at tention which the Germans pay to this port is testified by the fact that over a large area the town entirely lacks glass, while almost every In use bas its specially strengthened rnd sand bagged dugout. At present a small army of workmen is digiug in dustriously in several of the squares and small parks of -the town, con structing public shelters which are absolutely essential if the town 13 to continue in existence at all. The Germans can raid the town comfortably between dinner and sur? per and if they .choose, can go Lack and fetch another load of bombs and try again In the evenine. As fori night bombing, the town is so easily found that not en a moon is neces sary any reasonably fine night will do. On one night last week it was raided for five hours continuously, on the following night it received 100 bombs. An officer who pent twenty four Iiqujs there en reute to England, wrote to a friend: i'The hotel where I intended to stay lost its last window last night, so I put up at another hotel which still boasts a few nane of rlana . I arrived in town a little before noon hunger, she also restricted economic and at noon precisely Mournful Mar intercourse by our neutral neigh- beiran her rfav'a lurrntm.niui r bors with us. naturally looked uo toward the . hav- sequestration and forced Hq ens, and sure enough, there were nine "'Wlon, bv abrogation of treaties; enemy airnlanes advancing i rnr-. i renhery of our paten's, t-y d"stru mation as if on parade. They drop-! 'frn of our settV-mentv -quanlerins-ped their bombs around the town- f,f ft -f and by everr and were then driven awav hv Brit, ,i:,r1f, t chlonery and oprresslen, ish machines. .j Great Britain sought everywhere to "Things were auiet until towards destroy our economic interests. the end of the nfternoon who "If final peace fails to return to us wuai uur trneroies nare uxen ana INDEMNITIES ARE GERMAN DEPMND - Dr. Belfferich Sets Forth De- struction Wrought by England in War AMSituuAM, March 18. In the course of a speech before the Im portTrades association Dr. Karl Helfferich, formerly secretary of the imperial treasury, accusing Great I. ritain of waging, war for the eco nomic overthrow of German world competition, according to advices from BeiHin. asserted that things had turned out differently than Great Britain had expected. 4 - : , 1 y means or tne L-Doat war. ne said, "we laid tht xe Xa the rKt of Great Britain's strength with incomparably Rreater effectiveness than did Napoleon with his conti nental interdiction. -But we must not overlook how systematically and successfully Great Britain has ex ecu ted htr economic program. By breaking all laws j-e.'atlve to contra oh n a una oiocKaae. sne, severed our oversea trffic with the outer world Uy the institution of her btackP3 by Intimidation and violence, by hr triplication of the thumbscrew of ACCIDENTS DO NOT DISCOURAG TEXAS AVIATOn Men in Hospitals From Ind ies Anxious to Get Back Info Air " - "NERVE" IS NEVER LOST uespue numerous ueatns Do Not Prefer JEarth fcr " Fighting .t ' to te eventimllv replaced by others immediately after the war. The government cannot and may not go further. As soon as the re ply of the joint governments reaches u. we will communicate it to the" The chamber resolved to discuss the declaration of the minister to morrow. - "MEX! MEX! MEN!" 6EE CLubSIi:'im) AI South Carolina may vote at the next election on a proposed constitu tional amendment making omon , eligible, to serve as trustees ' of Draft Quotas on Basis of Volunteers Suggested WASHINGTON'. March 18 Rep resentative Shallenbergcr of N'ehraa ka. Demfccratic member of the hon??e military committee, woght to inter. en President Wilson tonight In a plan for basing future armv draft quotas on total registration and for granting credit on quotas for vol unteers He Paid afterward he hop ed at a conference tomorrow to in duce the war department to acqui esce In credits for volunteer dnt c'id not appear encouraged nr. , SSS5: ch"M' iafi 'piZTS S ROME, Saturday. March 1C Ex planation was given today at the of fice of the papal, secretary of state of the renort that pone Benedict was attempting to induce the belligerents to cease the air raids upon open cities. Monsignor Cerretti, assistant nanal secretary of state, paid: "The holy father has frequently condemned such acts by whomso ever committed, kavine at various times paved the way to a joint agree ment on this sublect. but both be! lieerents apparently have so far been unable to discover means foj- limit ing bombardments to war zones, tin one nana the Austro-Ccrmang have claimed that air raids were of direct military value in that they lowered the morale in cities which were at tacked. On the other hand.' the al lies insist on reprisals, also attacking military factories nnd warehouses near onen cities.. Mont-isnor Cerretti stated that the holy father is da'ily engaged 'in it tidy ing means, f not of ending the war. of at leant limiting its horrors, but so far has not found arguments powerful enough to influence the belligerents to ceas air raiding. Mournful Mary suddenly Interrupted our dinner. The man I was with took me to his house, which he shar ed with a Belgian colonel and his family. We grouped our way down two flights of cellar stairs into a small and airless chamber, strongly xanaoaggea - ana protected with beams. We sat there In the dark for an hour, when suddenly the electric lights wet on, indicating that the danger, was over. As I went back to my hotel, distant firing was plain ly audible. "I had just got to my room when Mournful Mary again broke forth. I decided to stay where I was this time. Outside my window I could olainlv hear that ominous and penetrating hum of aircraft propellers, and nres- ently there came a 'crash-crash.' The windows rattled and the walls shook. Then there were. six more similar ex plosions, but not so near. Then (Si lence, and presently the lights went on again. . j "I began to undress and was lust ready to jump into bed when there came ten appalling crashes, mingled with the smashing of glass. This time Mournful Mary had been outwit ted, but she made no for lost time by a series of blasts Immediately af ter the explosions were overj There was silence again; the lights went n; I got into bed. The trashes again; very loud humming;" then lights 00 again. I decided there was little chance of gettlne a night's sleep in this town, so I got. out a book and tried to read in bed. Rut I no more than, got interest ed in my book that ot went the lights and there was another visita tion, an exact repetition of the Dre- 10us one. inis time Mournful Mary aim ine noraus coincided exactly mere were two more visits before daybreak, besides two false alarms oy aiourniui Mary." It is this town that a famous eroim 01 raiuary Furnas as a record of the heroism of the city's burghers in the fourteenth century. Reside this group of statuary there now stands the wrecK or a captured Gotha. downed by anti-aircraft fire while bom hi the city. After the war the citizens i-iou . r-ir-y i a rpuca oi u in mar ble, dedicated to those who have gone inrough the ordeals of the past iew inonins. Hayward to Undergo Another Operation PORTLAND. Match IS. WilHanv ni.wara. veteran athletic director ana coach of the Untveristy of Ore gon, win undergo an operation for ulcer of the stomach here tomorrow, his surgeons announced today. His condition was pronounced serious but not dangerous. Canada Puts Ban on Print Paper Export ' OTTAWA. Ont.. March 18. -Offi cial notice appears n the Canada Gazette of an order in council pro hibiting the export of news print paper and wood pulp from Canada except under license. Licenses are to be issuedi by the minister of cusV toms at the Request of the war tradfc board, , destroyed; If It fails to restore n1 freedom In our work and our spirit of enterprise in the world, then the German people . are crippled for 8r Immeasurable period. When Mr Ronar Law In a recent speech pro claimed for the bundrpth time that the one unalterable war 'aim of the allies was the destruction of Ger man militarism, I replied, to him: 'Long live the German people's army.'," After referring to what he called Lloyd George's blasphemies in the name of freedom at the City Temple and his "daring at the moment of the opperssion of Holland to hail the freedom of all peoples at a war aim well pleasing to God, Dr. Helfferich concluded': "The peace which we need above all is. an economic peace. We have, however, first to win. If It must be. then the German people will endure this final extreme test. We all are confident of the Issue. W demand restoration for all violation of law and all acts of destruction. We de mand Indemnification for all damage done, and we meet the plan of dlf feretiation with a demand for the most favored nation treatment- and equal rights; the plan of exclusion with a demand for the, open door and free seas, and the threat of bltTck ade on taw materials with a demand for the delivery of raw materials." $750,000 Made in Seven Years at Checking Hats NEW YORK. March 18. Joseph A. Susskind and his brother. Harry J. Susskind. collected $750,000 gross in tips tor checking hats and coats in Xew.Yoek restaurants and hotels in seven years, according to state ments made in the supreme court in Rrooklyn today byWoseph, who asked for a dissolution or the hat checking partnership and the, appointment of a receiver. Joseph estimated the net profits for the seven years at $125. 000 each for his brother and himself. DALLAS, Texas, March 17 t. old adage that a "burnt child dm '3 fire" apparently doesn't apply to r young aviators In Texas traaii camps. - 0 Inspite of the number of men kill ed or Injured in Texas aviation train' ing fields, the seve.-al thousand eta- oem aviators m Texas have nertr lost their "nerve" nor has a sint'o one indicated that he would rather desert the aerial war game and fight on terra firma. i In fact several who have tumbled from dizzy heights while; flying anl suffered Injuries varying from a broken neck to the loss of adotea teeth, are counting the dayswhea they will be discharged from ba3e hospitalsand be permitted to Re sume flying. Several weeks ago Frank Forte of New York tumbled 450 feet while steering: one of the big flyers at the American avjatlon camp near, Fcrt Worth. When they dug him out of the wreckage he was more dead thaa alive. He was hurried to the hor- pital and surgeons said that his neck had been broken he might live and he might not: Rut Forbes diMrrwit with the surgeon. 'I m good for a lot more flvirir he told his nurse after the doctor left him.l For eight hours everv n!o-V,f . twenty-pound weight is used to keep his spina!! column drawn 11 n ward a nurse adjusts the weight at mldnlgtt and it Is removed at 8 o'clock ter.t mom ine. Durlntr lha eav EVKr.. walks about the ward and - imni'v ment room, to all outward appear ances a very robust young man. Now it is stated will be entire!) recovered In a few weeks and ex- win his commission as a flayer. Eric .Diddle; of Philadephia tried to join the American flyers but was rejected on account of his eyes. Then he tried the Royal Flying Corps and was accepted by th Canadian offi cers. When the Canadian training camp wa moved from Toronto to Evenman field at Fort Worth, he came along. lie sjffered several minor fals near Toronto but hi in juries were slight.- Several week aga he tried a nose spin while about 00 feet up. He failed to straighten his plane in time to turn the ma chine and when the ambulance at tendants reached him he had a broken ankle, broken nose and prac tical all of his frnt teeth were Tnttalnr o - - When they finished dressing tit wound he aald "Ob, this Is sothinz. I had all my teeth knocked out be- for in a fall. The first time it was my "solo" In Canada. I certainly At want to fir srain and I'm rnlnr in The spinning nose dive Is not to dangerous- if you start it well above the ground. It takes only a moment to right the machine. But when you are driving downward there is a great pull on the lever and you ha78 to use al your strength to' get it back." Diddle comes of the famous Dlddl family of bankers and millionaires. There, are five sons In the service. Young Peyton March who was killed at Forth Worth a couple of weeks ago and Diddle were close frlenda and March's death shocked Diddle it did not lessen his become a flyer. - British Navy Shown to Be Democratic I LONDON. Feb. 28.-TThe DritiSh army is the most democratic of any of the great European armies, de clared ord Derby, Secretary of State for War, in replying recently to a criticism of the difficulty of efficient men rising to the hteber positions under the war office. v He went on to give illustrations: "A cook bas become a most ifficicnt staff officer, i A regular battalion during the somme battle was con: manded by a lawyer-brleadier- ren eral. A former private In the caval ry now commands a Drltlsh Infantrv Drigaae, and a man who was a mess sergeant at J.Ions Is now colonel of an infantry battalion." These things go to Drove, conclud ed ord Darby, that there Ts no "ring" and that merit comes to the front. The best illustration of the rise of a common soldier to a commanding po sition is the former Chief of the Im perial Staff, Sir William Robertson, who egao life as a private of a dra goon .regiment. Classified Ads Work for Yoo GRANGE URGES PUREBALLOT Marion Co"nty Organization , Would Prosecute for Cor cupt Pactice Dy a .unaimous. vote Tomon grange, of Marion county, Saturday passed resolutions condemning ex penditures of money by Candidates involiation of the corrupt practiced act, and calling upon the proper lar officers to collect evjdence of all vio lations, and prosecute jotfenders. r More than 300 granges were present at the meeting. The resolution reads: - - -- "Whereas, Large sums of money are being expended by candidates for office in printing, advertising and in many other ways, which would serv a more" patriotic and much needed purpos-lf invested in Liberty bonds." Thrift Stamps or donations to tbe Red Cross, and the same appears to be in direct violation of the piovl aions of the "corrupt practices act which was designed to 1 protect the purity of tho ballot and honesty of election. "Resolved. That In the judgment of the members of the Salem grange No. 17, Patrons of Husbandry, that no candidate for office violating the corrupt practices' act by the expend iture of large sums of money to ad vanc his candidacy, I worthy of public trust of confidence, and Jt i the duty of the proper officers of tbo law to collect the evidence of such violation and se that the provision. of such act are strictly enforced." Get Wise-Try a Cbssified Ad