The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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    . JLAIll II I
The Oregon
. ' Issued Daily Except Monday by
21S S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the tie for republication
Of all news dispatches) credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper
and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks .TT777 . .7 Manager
Stephen A. Stone . .Managing Editor
Ralph Glorer . Cashier
W. C. Squier.... Advertising Manager
Prank Jaskbskl I Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a
week, 60 cants a month. .
DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, $6 a year; S3 for six months; 50 cents a
month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $5 a year.
SUNDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for
three months. i .
WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays and
Fridays, $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months.
TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23,
J Circulation Department, 683.
Job Department, 583.
EnteredlirttPcolflceln SalemTOregonTas second class matter.
Otis E Gli&den, general manager of the company which owns
Jiffy-Jell, has jbst written a letter to H. S. Oile, president of tho
Pheasant Northwest Products Co., in which he says, in part:
"I recall with pleasure my visit to Salem last July and the
courteous attention shown me while there, by yourself and associates.
"You will remember that I visited you for the purpose of leatn-
ling,, first hand, just how the loganberry is grown and handled.
1 ; "As a result of my investigations I became firmly convinced of
ithe soundness of the industry and the possibilities for greater de
velopment and popularity of the juice as a flavoring agent.
- "There is no hesitancy in saying to you frankly that you tje-
' serve great eredit for your persistency and faith in the loganberry.
... . No one who has not been "through the mill" can realize in
the slightest degree what a tremendous undertaking it is to even
introduce to' the distributing trade
: line.
r.; -"When I say to you that we are now spending about $50,000
5 monthly in advertising Jiffy-Jell, and that our new series of ads
"just started feature loganberry flavor more thah any of the others,
I believe you will be convinced of my sincerity so far as confidence
in the loeanberry is concerned.
" You will note, as ourt spring
that in many of our ads .we mention the fact that the wonderful
loganberry grows only in Oregon.
inform the trade that all the vineyards are located in the vicinity of
-Salem. From time to time we shall mention Salem, Oregon, in our
.general publicity work, all of which will be of great value to your
gommumty in general. ,
v After reading the above, from one of the greatest of the national
advertisers, can any one in Salem or thtf Willamette valley doubt
the importance of the loganberry industry I
And its importance especially to thia valley?
And more especially to this eityf ! '
i But ..there 'must be more aeres of loganberries, arid more logan
berries to the acre; here in the
- - - - J a ai - ji - - r ,i
The industry is assured; and
there can be more and more of the
, And where is there another
bearing acres, increase the annual
dollars a year T
The Bolsheviki now call them
selves the Commune. They' Cannot
be worse under the new name.
Loganberry Juice is putting the
name of Salem on the map as noth
ing else could. :j .
The largest balloon station and
atiwnautlcal school In the world will
be established at Arcadia on the
Baldwin raika, ' near Los Angeles.
' Congress is now eo nsidering a bill
which provides for Equipping pris
ts with machinery tl0 be operated
byv convicts
in manufacturing war
Holland is between? the devil and
the deep blue sea; but she is not as
much afraid of th4 devil as he
thought his other rame being Billy
Airplane maljf service between
New York. Philadelphia and Wash
ington will Me inaugurated about
May IB. Th1s will be experimental.
But we will likely have more and
moreof ft.
Te Bolsheviki movement in Rus
sia! is disintegrating and a new Rus
klaj will yet arise to search out and
pifnish the treachery that sold out
hf r name and honor. 'Exchange,
perhaps; in the fullness of tlms.
fBut the new Russia will have plenty
of work in reforming that populous
-najLion, without taking up the task
of vindictive punishment. "
Former President Taft is lending
himself to every activity that has
'for its 'object the furtherance of a
vigorous prosecution of the war.
When the time comes for the peace
conference, he should sit as one of
the delegates from the United States.
He is one of the greatest men in th
' - '
' March 17. '11 and 1. Uymen a Mi-
lonary convention. F1m.
, March 82, Friday. Merlin of bank.
Ingr representatives of Ma-ion county t.
tlVi .nd ns for waging
next Liberty loan drive.
?lV2LJTiAy Ore-An Hoprow.
.era aaaocUtlon meeta for dlaaoltitio.
at;r,.m9ttrVnTv,ear.iT;FrMhmn sle
loaWrlve l?;' "et
ntrVi-.,',Iin w- Marten County
M-v 5-R-dea,lor ventlon. Baleni.
ovVntlS. --St.t Gr.n,e
ln?.TscU8!rMa,r- rnmary nominate
ijuw. a inousiiiiu more i arm era snouiu, in me nexi twenty uays, sex
out one to three or four aeres or more, each ; and every aval allte piece
of vacant city property ought to be planted to loganberries.
anything in the toou or urinK
and summer campaign progresses,
Our salesmen are instructed to
valley; as near Salem -as possible;
-li r . i - . a
its greatness is certain, if only
berries grown.
crop that will, for each new 1000
business of its industry a million
world. In international knowledge
and all-embracing sympathies.
'i ne . postornce department an
nounces that live chicks, properly
prepared for mailing, may now be
sent by parcel post if consigned to
destinations not more than seventy-
two hours' mailing distance. How
ever, the birds may not be sent C.
O. D., neither will the government
insure them to land right side up.
Fowls desiring to journey in this
way will do so at their own risk.
. A neighboring prargrapber say:
"They'll probably have, a tough time
traveling by mail especially if they
are not male fowls."' (Police!)
The average daily sale of Wai
Savrng Stamps in the United States
has passed the $2,000,000 mark.
The receipts for four weeks totalei
JMO.000,000, exceeding by $3,000,
000 those from a like source in
Great Britain during the same peri
od. It is expected that the total in
this country will reach $100,000,
000 within the next few weeks. Mil
lions are giving and doing their bits,
and two bits.
So many women are Interested in
increasing the crop output of the
counthy the' coming season that
there will be many "farmerettes" at
work with sleeves rolled up, etc.
Maud 'Mullers will be a common
eight along the road, and we sup
pose the Judge will e in evidence
as usuaL
in many
The world I "do not move'
Chees is all right, of course, and
it would probably be a good idea for
all of us to eat more of it instead
of so much meat. Thousands of peo
ple have come to respect cheese since
learning that it cured John D. Rock
efeller's stomach trouble. However,
It may be well remembered that a
very little of even the best cheese
goes a long way and that It should
be partaken of sparingly. Also It
is good to bear in mind the old say
ing the "cheese Is gold In the morn
ing, silver at noon and lead at
night'.' There are all sorts of cheese
In the world Swiss cheese, cottae
cheese. Roquefort, rabbit, pineapple
Lis cheese, little theeaes, gte'.n
cheeses and a dosen . other kind;
1 ut It would not be fair to class
them all under the one definition
gl"en by little Tommy, who, whn
asked to define the word cheese, re
plied. "Cheese Is petrified milk that
smells bad to a feller's nose when he
eats it" meaning, no doubt, tlw
cheese and not the nose. That defi
nition applies only to such brands
as schlosskase and limburger.
This is not time to talk peace. '
This is the time to talk war, to
talk fight, the time when the nation,
like the individual community, must
determine to suppress the criminal
rather than yield to his crimes.
This is the time when the nation
on bended knees may well ask Al
mighty God to strengthen its power
to fight in order that it may do the
vork to which He has called us as
clearly as He ever called any man
or any nation to any great task since
the beginning of time.
Our stipreme duty is to fight.
The supreme business of this na
tion is to win the war, and never
count that it has been won until
there is a complete, unconditional
surrender by Germany, and until
Germany's murderers from the high
est on the throne have paid the full
penalty of tbeir'crimes.- Richard H.
Edmonds, editor Manufacturer?'
Sure enough spring.
Think of this, will you:
m k S
Jiffy-Jell people spending $50,000
a month advertising.
And in this $50,000 a month cam
paign they are pushing the logan
berry flavor above all others.
And they are saying things about.
Salem and its vicinity in this con
nection; the home of the great lo
ganberry. i
m V
The loganberry industry is put
ting Salem on the map in capital
letters. Salem and surrounding
country cannot get behind the logan
berry industry strongly enough, un
til at least 20,000 acres are In logan
berries, making it a J20.000.000 a
year industry. And there will be
plenty of chance for growth beyond
S t
; Hihdenburg being backward about
going forward with his great offen
sive, the" British and French are
about to land on him with theirs,
i i S I
t f The Belgian army has taken over
the sector of the western front next
to the coast. This brave little army
if on its own soil; a stretch of sanJ
dunes; the only part of Belgium
that Is not In the hands of the Ger
mans. And will not be, as long as
a Belgian is left alive.
i The Americans are keening the
Germans out of NO Man's Land by
Indian tactics, whatever that !s
Making, it so hot, perhaps, that no
German dares to get into that for
bidden strip.
S m
I The naval authorities are testing
the unsinkable ships. The next
thing on the programme will be the
fool-proof airplane.
If the WUson administration had
nobody to fight but the Germans it
would be much easier, But there
are so many whispering knockers.
John Bull has been loaned another
$200,000,000. John would certainly
go to the financial skids if it was not
for the United States of America.
Cuba has torched Secretary Me
Adoo for a mesrsly $15,000,000. In
tnese days of Immense amounts If
Money this loan sounds like an oid
faehloned thirty cents.
A Boston astrologer predicts that
Gen. Pershing will brin? victory in
the present war. American muscle
and brawn and brains and, equip
ment will also have something to do
with the glorious result.
! ;
v Democracy is growing even in
.Germany. Some of the subjects of
the kaiser are talkinr about him as
If he were running for office.
, S
It Is now nroposed to eat whale
hash. But tell it not in Gath. preach
it not in the streets of Askelon. for
"nr landlady Is likely to hear it.
Make ThU ftewnty IVrtion Cheaply
for Your F" ck. Arms
and Hands.
At the cost of "a small Jar of ordi
'rr cold crenn ran prepare a
fnii nnarter pW of the most won
derful lemon skin softener and com-
'.,. nf two frfh lemons into a
ott1 ctainin three ounces of or
chard white. Care should be taen
tmln th 1u!ce throueh a fine
-'nth ono lemfn rulp get In. then
'Ms lotrn will keen fresh for
o- i Foorv woman knows that
lemon Juice is used to bleach and re-
Tve sireh "blemishes as freckles.
1'owne and tn and U the Ideal
'n softener, whltene? and beau
tlf'er. f
Just trv it! Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grocer and
make up a quarter pint of this sweet
ly frarrant lemon lotion and mas
sage it daily Into the face. neck,
arm and hands. It is marvelous to
smoothen rough, red hands.
) .Vv
By rureae Elisabeth Nickels
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parks ate
expected to return to Salem Wednes
day night from a California sojourn.
They have been in the south for
two months, passing the greater part
of their visit in Los Angeles.
Thirty-five couple have been bid
den to a St. Patrick's dance which
will be given tomorrow night at Cot
tillion hall. The committee in char&u
is composed oX Mrs. Ralph White,
Mrs. Harley O. White. Mrs. Clyde
Johnson, Mrs. F. Loose. Mrs. C. IJ.
Purvine, Mrs. C. M. Inman, Mrs.
Roma Hunter and Mrs. Harry Hill.
.Mrs. E. O. Siecke and her son
Paul, expect to leave soon for Texus
where Mr. Austin has received the
appointment as state forester. They
will probably live in Austin. The
Sieckea are popular with a large
circle of friends and their home on
the Portland road has been the scene
of many a merry affair. They will
be keenly missed.
Green carnations . intermingled
with ferns lent appropriate decora
tions at a St. Patrick's dinner party
which was given recently with Mis
Ada Miller at her home. Novelty
place cards marked the plates of
twelve guests. The evening was
passed with knitting and music
Those bidden, who are the members
of the knitting club, were the Misses
Genevieve Avlson. Laura and Lida
Bell, Louise Benson. Gertrude Eakin,
Laura Miles, Dorothy and Helen
Pearce, Eva Scott and Inez Goltra
The 'Misses Hazel Todhnntcr and
Hilda Amsler were additional guests,
Miss Irene Howard has left for
Butte, Mont., after a three months'
fctay io Salem as the guest of her
mother. Mrs. Blanche Howard. Miss
Howard specialize in x-ray work at
the Murray hospital in Butte.
For the pleasure of Miss Vesta
Smith, who left for San Francisco
FTiday night, the girls of the Y. W.
O. A. planned a dinner party in her
honor on Thursday. An attractive
table was arranged and spring flow
ers were chosen for the center "piece.
Covers were laid for sixteen of Miss
Smiths' friends, who regiet her leav
Ingothe Salem Y. "W. C. A. Mlsn
Smith will enter St. Franc'.s hospital
April first and will visit friends in
and around the bay before that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Florian Von Escben
and Miss Helen Ehmer were week
end guests in Portland.
- .
The prayer service scheduled for
today at the Y. W. C. A. will be
omitted on account of the meeting of
the Laymens Missionary convention
at 2:30 o'colck at the Congregation
al church. 'r i :. ' .
The Chautauqua Reading clrcue
gave thefollowing program recent
ly: Current events, response by
each member; lalk, "The Origin of
the Arabian Nights?' Mrs. Era
Hicks; talk, "Sheherazade," Mrs.
Anna Walker; "The Story of Alad
din and His Lamp," Mrs S. B. Frost;
"Story of Sinbad," Mrs. E. E. Fish
er; "Story of All Baba and the Forty
Thieves." Mrs.. R. B. Goodin; "A
Comparison of the Women of th
Aladdin,' and the 'All Baba' Tales."
Mrs. L. C. Zimmerman; -talk, "Bag
dad, Its Past and Present," Mrs. W.
W. Rosebraugh; talk "The Function
of Imagination in Literature' Mrs
E. C. Minton; general review and
discussion of chapter.
Germ of , IHseaoe should be
promptly expelled from the blood.
This is a time wrhen the system is
especially susceptible to them. Get
rid or all impurities in the blood by
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. and
thus fortify your whole body and
prevent illness.
(The Statesman Is pleased to print
communications upon topics of general
interest At any time. There is scarcely
any limit to the topics of 'general in
terest." It la aked only that corre
spondents refrain from personalities
and use care that nothing be writtvii
of a libelous nature. Letters must have
writer's name and address, though not
necessarily for publication. Ed.)
Air Is at Stake.
In the Sunday issue is an article
urging kindness to pro-Germans.
signed by "A Red Cross Booster." I
hope you will grant me space to
We are now at war with Germany,
and any expression of sympathy with
our enemy is treason. This is a time
of war, grim and deadly, when tbe
truth must be snoken without minc
tl words, and with scant heed of
rtersonal feelings. We say bluntly,
then," "that those, that are not with
us heart and soul, for tbe prosecu
tion of this wariagalnst the 'hun
nishness of the Hun." which means
murder, lies rape, mutilation of
women and children, death, horror
upon horrors in fact, every beastly
thing in the category of fiendish
ness are against s. and that there
Is no place in this country for them."
How can any one sav "German
friend, " when many of the German
born are trying In every way to de
feat this conntrv In its efforts to
win the war? God ave the mark,
"German Friend." No prefix for a
friend. Our bovs are at the front
fighting for ' this country, our
homes, our women and children.
Let the woman who cried, come
out and say, "I love this country:
I came here and bettered my condi-
BUCK, IM an.l
Per Yard Vc
$6.00 Embroidery, yd.. . $2.00
$5.00 Embrodery, yd.. .$1.77
$3.50 Embroidery, yd.. .
85c and 50c Embroidery,
yd. .. $ .39
tlon: M is niy country." and not by
weeping about something said, wbicjx
is virtually acknowledged sympathy
with "hunnlshness." How ean a pa
triot of this country address such
people as friends?
Let people of German sympathy
get square, talk and act square with
God and our country, and they will
not have any treasonable sentiments
or cause of complaints of their treat
ment. ! ,
Can a pacifist carry on a war suc
cessfully? Our all Is staked upon
winning the war. We have had the
opportunity to kneel to the Hun and
cry out "friend." but our choice, was
to fight.
We are . a self-respecting nation,
and the people are no part of a
craven, and will not address a pro
German as "friend." For one. I
scorn any one who would be guilty
of such infamy. Say "friend" when
the hellish Han endeawrs to destroy
the universe? N-everJ-
-I A Real Red Cross Booster.
Salem, Or., March 18, 1918. ;'
Careless Use of Soap
Spoils the Hair
Soap should be used very care
fully, if you want to keep your hair
looking its best. Most soaps and
prepared shampoos contain too much
alkali. This dries the scalp, makes
the hair brittle, and ruins it.
The best thing for steady use is
just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil
(which is pure and greaseless), and
is better than the most expensive
soap or anything else you can use.
One or two teaspoonfuls will
cleanse the hair and scalp thorough
ly. Simply moisten the hair with
water and rub it In. It makes an
abundance of rich. , creamy lather,
which rinses1 out easily, removing
evej-y particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and eacessive oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and it leaves the
scalp soft, and the hair fine and
silky, "bright, lustrous, fluffy and
easy to manage. '
You can get mulsified cocoanut
oil at any pharmacy. It's very cheap,
and a Jew ounces will supply every
member of the family for months.
Carload of Prunes Will
Be Given Right of Way
Secretary and Manager W. T.
'nks of the Willamette Valley
Prune association had the satisfac
tion Saturday of' billing out for ex
port use of the government a (car
load of prunes, a portion of the Con
tract recently closed, with the quar
termaster general's department. I for
war food for the soldiers and sailors.
The car was tagged on the side
ith a white card striped with red.
whkh signifies priority in trans
portation, and will be dispatched by
fast freight ahead of all other
classes of f relent to the port of
shipment on the Atlantic coast, ox.
wherever ordered by . the quarter
Absence of Mail From
Front Is Explained
Many heartaches have been caused
by lack of mail from the front bu
the absence of the letters and an
swers which are looked for from the
soldier bovs does not aie-nifv that
they are not well qr that they do
uui wnie.
An Official bulletin of Satitrriar
March 9 in New York city, gave the
information tnat zo.ovo letters ar.d
a small quantity of parcel post ma'l.
19 c
cLosma out
coming from the soldiers, were lost
on the steamship Andania, wnicn
was sunk off the Irish coast, the fat
ter part of January. These letters
were written by the soldiers between
January 15 and 20. A letter fforo
New York to a Salem -woman ay 5
"Please tell Miss MeNary that tho
Official Bulletin of Saturday March
9th gives the information 30,000
letters and a small quantity of parcel
post mall coming from the soldiers
were lost on the steamship Andania,
which was sunk off the Irish coast
the latter part of January. These
letters were written by tbe soldiers
between tbe 15th and 20th of Jan
uary. Perhaps the letter from , her
Private Smith Ballard was among
them." , :, ' , .. . . mi
Annual Spring Festival
to Be Held in April
. iff -
Who will win; ' f.
Between now and April 27 will pel
held "Tbe Spring Festival and Rural
School Day," as planned by the
school supervisors for the north end
of the county.
Large score cards have been dis
tributed, which show the date, daily
attendance, industrial club, stand
ardization and professional certifl-
Scoring is on the following basis:
Attendance based on teacher's
monthly Report. - 88 or abo've. 20
points: 95 to 98, 15 points; 90 to
95. 10 points; 85 to 90 points, 5
Industrial club score based on per
cent of club members who complete
work jihd make reports on time.
No credit will be allowed In this con
test for club starting arter March 15.
Standardization is determined by
the per cent of points on state card
won. 4
Professional certificates cannot be
awarded until the teacher has taught
eight months this year.
The place where the festival will
be held haw not been decided.
lc YD, 2 YDS. FOR
5c- 4c YD. VALUES
TO 10c NOW 5c YD.
r -,
Lea to Prepare Figures
for Entire New Coliseum
A. C. , Marsters, chairman of the
building committee of the state fair
board, has asked Secretary A. H.
Lea to prepare figures cohering be
cost of construction this year of the
entire proposed new .coliseum at the
fair grounds. L. T. Thompson, the
architect, is already drawing the
plans, .
The board! has let a contract for
the first unit of the building only,
and excavation for the foundation of
the unit Is now in progress.. Sines
letting the contract, however, tbs
board has seriously considered con
struction of the entire building with
the exception of some interior fin
ishing. '
Man Who Sold Liquor
Believes Court Erred
. i
Attorney General Brown has re
ceived from, the clerk-of the United
States supreme court a transcript of
record of the case of Julius Wilbur,
plaintiff in error, against the state
of Oregon. Wlbur was convicted to
Clackamas county on a charge cf
selling intoxication liquor In viola
tion of the prohibtion act and the
state supreme court affirmed the
lower court. Wilbur sets up the
claim that the state supreme court
erred in deciding that Section S3,
Chapter 14 Laws of 1915, known ai
the prohibition act, is not repugnant
to! the constitutions of the United
States. That section provides that
an indictment for violation of tbe
prohibition act need not state lie
name of the person by 'whom the
liquor is alleged to have been sold
nor the name of the person to whom
it it alleged to have been sold.
What is the name of that senator
from Wisconsin who was opposing
the war a short while ago?