ii! i i r.r r . V J ' 4 ftttfc Mri aS rtd Uit pectin, mml t'Vi raW, I r mtmym lath cmtm of tkrltrmlGrqf (If WA SUfc GERftlANY AFTER BALTIC STATES iiailary Plan for "Protector- ate" of Poland Mets With Opposition f- WASHINGTON, - March 1 tf. -Fu t ihdr litat wan thrown on- the (ter ms scheme to extend permanent control of the Russian Baltic pro vince by an official dispatch today from France. The dispatch says: "Via Kuehlmanu, (German ' for tig minister), elaborated the grand diplomatic scheme which without.dl rect, annexations reserved to Ger many the protectorate ofCourland tnd Lithuania and abandoning that f Russian Poland to Austria. Th opposition of Ludendorff caused, as far Austria and Poland are con wraed, the .failure of this plan, but fae military administration very sei--lously-tried to put it into execution is the territories attached to , the xene of German influence. "In September, 1917. the IiaRI? yroTinces were placed under the; aiw Lmml 5. . ; . . . I . -. . .::.-- I ? 4. , JL :; ( , f ; . :- - , ..m . Surely you will do a you can you will save and sacri- r fice-that the lives of those crossing .the: Atlantic, may be guarded and protected frpm the. perpetrators of sub marine outrage. 7- ; - Buy AVar Saying St amps to rjelp 'Tit is so iittie to ask you to invest your quarters, dimes and nickels that the government may buy food, clotning and: equipment for pur armies, -when so many have teen 5 ; asked to give their lives if needs be i4 r "7 War Saving' Stamps are a sound, patriotic, investment. c You are not asked to give merely to Uv 'Vncl$ Sam needs your money now or he wouldndt ask f?r it. Me ! will take care of your savings. fyr fiye years heill pay you back $5.00 for every$4.14 you lend hua foday in this hour or peril. , 3 v '''-s-.- -Oct your Thrift card today start " saving lend Uncle 2am a hand. Buy your stamns here or, from any other authorized agency of the U. S: Treasury Department. Portland, 'MmiiM , 237 N. LIBEETY' Who is Going to Send Him another pouch b I Real GRAVELY Chewing Ping ''W t a '" " ' ! - i Real Gravely Plug is the tobacco to send the Boynot ordinary plug loaded up with sweetening, but condensed quality with the good Gravely taste that satisfies and comforts1 and laata a long while. r naa a chaw of Ram Cravalr Plow, and ha wi3 . 0-?mJ "'" eooamy. U CMU laa pr wak ta efcaw Kaal Grvrahr, bacauaa a hmQ chaw of it UaU loaf - If 9om lotta a aina. 44 a littla to roar (molds usprova yow amok a. SEND YOUR FRIEND IN THE U. 8. SERVICE i . ' A POUCH OF GRAVELY Doolora all araaad bar carry it io. 10c poockoa. A Sc. W will pot it iato bia band in any Traiaiac Caasp or Sea. part of tho U. S. A. g ra ttt thnra" 1c ataaap will I all a - Yoor aoalor will supply aarclopo and girS roq official olfactions bow to aodraaa iC P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., Daavtlfe. V, Thm PatmHt Pomck 4.M it Frmmh gUm L-J it im mot tool Crooajr mithmmt this Protntian it ml , EatablUbed 1S31 thorlty of the grand hoad'piarters f the armlet in tho fast. Without delay they were organize! Septem bir 19. The Courland diet, which existed underHhe Ilussian rle but which had only been convoked irreg ularly, tn many years was elected by the landowner. The barong are all of the (Jernianls race. September '. it was decided to add res to tha Kpneral commander in chief under the nume-of provincial council a representative- assembly of air classes of the nation, and not simply the landowners.-. "The body vas organized in this way. Six delegate from large land ed "proprietors; six from average owners; . four from the towns; one from, the country three from the clergy, and it guaranteed to the Ger man minority of the population the majority of the seats. For greater safety the twenty members of the eouncjj were not elected by those interested, but wete chonen by thd diet itself. They could only be do cile in the hands of Germany;. "It is this provincial council which met onMarch ft under the presidency of' the German adminis tration and took the resolution up on the initiative of six barons to propone to the Jlerlin government a series ot military, excise, customs, -j judicial and university conventions Remember This There arc no "Ifs" or -Sutsjto the Ctosset 5s Oevers iaarantee. It moabs JtistAvhat it says: -Golden West Cof fee must be Just Riaihtand give you complete satisfac tion or your money back -fi4 Ctosset Devers , 1- PORTLAND . SCATTUC ' y I i . . . 'i .lLra Rm.l i.M I is. , f tobacco. It will lira avar and to offer jfhe ducal crown to Em peror Willlahi. "Th pan-uenr.an prees naturally applauds entifeuslotically while oth er papers manifest a certain surpise. The emperor however, seems inclin ed to accept the crown if not for him self then for one of his sons.'' Ot CASI CI UK THAT HA( K(tlli; I'nin loni th ft'ick, rtizzinD, head ache and p ncral HnKuor. iU-l a park-aut- of Mother iry's AIIOMATII-I.KU-, thu pleasant Medicinal Tea. Ln It at flrnt aitrn of a fold. When yca f-el fill run flown, tja--l, v.0iU. and without -nerfW' uf a&la rrmrkil'e combination of nsture'M herha Ht.U roctn. A a tonic laxative it h no equal. Mother llraj'd A romaf ie-l,eaf I rli by DruKviatu or xint by mull f"r fiO crenfrw. Samplo Knt KUKIi. drei''. Mother tSray Co.. 1- Hoy, Jf. V. ST. PATRICK'S IS CELEBRATED Company I, Camp Lewis. Gives Dinner to Officers A of Regiment CAMP LEWIS, TACOMA. Wash.. March 18. Company I. S61st in- 'antrv tho Ta frtni a pnmr.anv nf th regiment, tonlrht save a St. Pat-1 rlol: dinner to" the officers of the regiment in the company's mess hall. Mn-e thfln 200 officers, guests and unlisted men' were present. Th dinner was a celebration Of the purchase of a pool table, com plete set of baebjill equipment and sets of boxing gloves from the com pany's dividends from the post ex change. Captain F. X. A. Eble of Company I presided as VastmasteT and called on several of the officers nnd First Sergeant Guthrie for speeches. Mrs. Eble sang. Three per sons were ordered dis charged from the army today on recommendation of the exempti board of the 91st division. - They are Alexander Hauer. ma chine gn company. 3f..1rd infantry; .Tosenh Ponchetta, Company H. 3 4Stb machine cun battalion: Robert R. Hogg. Company B. 316th supply traif. Private Fred H. Malazia of Company M. 364th Infantry, was ordered discharged on the grounds that he is a citizen of Switzerland. Company M, 3G3rd Infantry, has been released from quarantine for ce Mro-?plnal meningitis. t'nder a ruling from the adjutant general's office, posted at division headquarters today, officers attach ed to any organizations where the number of officers have been In creased sinc August last year, may be appointed to fill anv vacancies. All soldiers of the Jewish faith have ben granted passes from camp from March 2? at noon until April 1 in order fo observe the feast of the Pa stover j Under a ruling from division head quarters today Greene park, the CampJLewis amusement center. Is considered within the limits of the cantonment ' so that soldiers may visit the place at any time they ar free If they ehrfose. It also was or dered that post exchange checks be accepted a all park concessions at face value. St. Patrick's choir of Tacoma gave an entertainment tonight at Knights -f Columbus building No. 1. Cap tain Edwin R. Perry of Raymond. Wash., of. the medical department, gave readings. ? American Ambassador Is on Way to Japan TOKIO. March IS. The Ameri- enn ambassador lo Russia. David R. Francis, the Japanese ambassador and the diplomatic representatives of Great Britain and France were ex pected to arrive at Seoul today, ac cording to advices from the Korean capital. They are on the way ti Japan. The American ambassador and th.- diplomatie TepresentatKes of the en tente powers left Petrograd late in February, going to Vologda. The sle arrival there of Mr. Franc: was reported February 2. About tow weeVs ago a renort wss nrrer. that Ambassador Francis and thj Tananese ambassador weie beinc held at Vologda but this report was not credited at Washington. WASHINGTON'. March 1 R When Ihe state department received 13 istest disnatch from Ambassador Francis about ten days ago he was eptb.!lbed " at - Vologda ann app"- enllv intended to ramin there in definitely". It in assumed here the rnort that he was due at Poul todar on his way to Japan was due to some misunderstanding at the FREDERICK AND WASHINGTON ARE WAGING BATTLE Senator Borah Explains Strug gle Republican Govern ment Faces NATIONS ARE SOBBING Article Is Read From German ; 'Paper Denouncing Men roe Doctrine WASHINGTON, March 18. Speaking in the senate today on the j American war aims. Senator itorah j of Idaho. Republican member of I the foreign relations -committee, em- i pbasized the point that the United j States la not engagea merely in a war between "nations but that the conflict has at stake the principles of a republican form of government. "The policies of Frederick the Great and the policies of Washington are contending for supremacy on the battle fronts of Knroe today," he; said. "To fall to settle it finally and conclusively now is to fall to settle the sublimest duty that has fallen on our country. If we fail the. world will ibecome a military camp.' s Senator Horah said he h;ul been led to make the observations because of a prevailing belief'that the war i being fought along European and Jerritorial l'nes. "There Is much reason for that,' he continued, "beeaupe in the begin ning these questions were upper most not only in the minds of the people of Europe, but of this coun try. This view was greatly accentu ated In the minds of the people throughout the civilized. world when the secret treaties were rade known to the public by the Ifc.hevists ' f Russ'a. "It was discovered that under neath the conflict there were going on the same secret understandings and combination with reference to the territories of Europe. There is no necesity now for; discussing that oroposltion. but I want to say that notwithstanding the ' personal ambi tion of the authorities representing the rcpective countries of Kurope in ;hiFe treaties, we must not pow be misled Into the 4 supposition that .bose treaties or ' thie- aiubitions and nurpoes which thev disclosed are in inv -sense controlling factors and principles of th?a war. We all believe 'tin the ultimate triumph of Iree institutions, but the broken sobs of .nations, stnkgeling to be independent and free, thetory of Rnsia, just now being writ In in contention and blood, admonish us that th republican road to security ind sts ility is bVet by a thousand trials and encompassed by all kinds of perils." Senator Itorah read from an arti cle published In a newspaper In uermany recently In which It was set forth that the central powers would no longer agree to abide by the Mon roe doctrine. The United States cannot stop In the War now, he aided, any more than Washington could have stopped at Valley Forge. SPRING IS XHTr!. Ut'T I,ack of fresh vegetable food and interrupted, changing habits make these trying weeks for anyone in clined to eonstipation. Foley Ca thartic Tablets are just the thing for Indigestion, biliousness, gas on stom ach, furred tongue, headache, or other condition Indicating cloptd bowels. Cause no bad after effects. I. C. Perry. Astoria Fishermen Turn t a Down Packers' Prices ASTORIA. Or.. Maih 1 S By unanimous vote the Astoria bran-h of the Alaska Fishermen union to day rej cited the prices offered by packers to be paid during the eom-t ing season in Alaska waters. Tele grams were received, by Secretary I-torntzen of the union from the San Francisco and 'Seattle branches say ing similar action bad been taken by them. It was said negotiations would likely be resumed. The differ ence mainly te'on the priee to be paid for silversides, the packers of fering 61 cents anil the union de manding s -ents. Railroad Men These men know from experience tTi-at Sloan's Liniment will take tho stance oat cf joint and the corc r.era oct cf nu;c!e3 And it'a v co-:vnier.tl No rebbinf required. I quickly penetrates arxJ brings re lief Easy to apply and clearer than mussy piaster a or cinUrieats. Always havx; a bittls In thcKoe for rheumatic rc!i s. lie) bacL. apraina anct straios. Cencroua alzed boitVj -1 til druj- mm Wit ?wt.(gaKVgi. !' Hea"t Iareaae4 Zit'BOe fl The entire n'..le libit Ii iiM-aiuren 14 Int hew. and it'a unuhually Io7T(, Kkiiig r'Ht ht met ion: Rlve it tl ,'Sub iiiHrine" title. let'.nre . U iKT t'HKIt thin t C. S. HAMILTON, HOME FURNISHER 340 Court Street Salem, Ore. CHAPTER ASKED f FOR CLOTHING Willamette . Organization to Help Division Extend Aid to Stricken Willamette chapter, Rbd Cross, has been called upon to do Its share in collecting for the Belgian relief commission a certain amount of used and surplus clothing for the relief wark of the commission in occupied territory of France and Belgium. The . order to the American Red Cross comes from Herbert Hoover rnd has been transmitted to the chapters In the northwest through northwest division headquarters at Seattle. Willamette chapter will furnish about four and one-half tons. The branches of the chapter have been ashed to supply ,1500 pounds. The campaign will cause little in terruption in the regular work ot the Red Cross as the mechanical de tails have, been reduced to a mini mum and the expense involved , s small. Chapters will collect such ar ticles as are desired, inspect only to the extent necessary to elim'naf worthless articles and those which cannot be used, pack in any way which will insure safety in transit end ship f. o. b. -.ears to the desit nated warehouses of the conimls Ha. , .Finish at Krly Itafv It Is the intention that ine -wor't fhall be completed by Mtrh 2" . " that the work may not continue ln? enoueh to be considrd n regular activity of the Red Cro". '"' a precedent for a continued collect i'n of worn garments i .The Northwest diviUn is asked for 200 tons. .Most r f thif "iount will come from the r'Ue. ft Is sug gested that WlUameMe , --per gath er from Salem b- ' - - 'ount'-'i under its jurisd'etinn ;p rox'mately four and one-half tons. Chairman Meyers r-r Willamette chapter addressed the following let ter some of the auxiliaries: "We have gone over thl matt-'r very carefull and apportioned the amounts as nearly euual as possihl? and will ask your auxiliary to supply (amount designated! pounds. j "Our time U so limited that w re not writing all of the auxUiarie but only the towns within the Juris diction of the chapter, so will nsV you to canvass your surro-undlni? country. "We hope to have our hadnuar tr established the first of the week and will notify you of the address r same, so you, bay know where to de liver your collection." "Ilendqnarter Openel. Headquarters for the collection of clothing have been opened on Court street, first door west of Steusloffs market. The clothing wants is of four classes, men's, women's, chil dren's and infants, and also a lnrtrp amount of bedding can be used. The city has been apportioned in to districts and thl3 morning forty women will begin the work of solic iting for the clothing. Herbert Gordon Files Candidacy Declaration Herbert Gordon of Poitland. one of the aspirants for speaker of the bouse at the next session of the leg. Islature. filed declaration inf his candidacy for the Republican nomi nation at the office of Secretary;, .nf fate Olcott yesterday. His slocan Is: MKN! ME,.! MEN!" SKK CfalKSIFlEI AD The New and VACUUM The new "Submarine" type Apex Cleaner embodies three especially conspicuous features the first two of which are evolutionary and absolutely new to vacuum cleaner making. Automatic Adjustment Feature The "Submarine" is mounted on a three-wheel carriage, leaving the body free to operate its remark able self-and-automatic adjustment, which permits the cleaner to run easily from the bare floor to the thickest nap (or pile) rug or carpet, conveying the maximum cleaning power through automatic control of the required suction force over all the exposed cleaning opening, regardless of the surface over which it may be operating. This adjustment is sim ple : and inyolves no "easy-to-get-out-of-order" possibilities. V Let Us Demonstrate "Our country first; progressive economy and a square deat for all." His platform reads: "I will faithfully perform the duties of such office. I pledge my most earnest, hearty and patriotic support to the government in its war program. I am in favor of progressive business legislation that will tend to bring: Oregon into its own. I an in favor' of giving both labor and capital a squaie deal, and I am opposed to the Bolshevik! I. W. W. agitator and the kind of I legislation such organizations rep resent." ? ? ? ? ! bseMMMDD resent." ft Hoff's Suggestion Has Approval of pepkrtment A suggestion made Sy Laipor Com mlssioner Hoff to the Ufal-d States department of labor Jthat ja super visor should be placet! on each ship under construction fjr fni govern-! ment for the purposcT f j keeIis working conditions suJhfas to luicl mize the number of acldents, has met with the approvalof the de partment, according to ":fe'-letler re ceived by Commissioner f teff yester day. The department, hovtiver, has referred the Utter to ChJirhian Hur- c Children Cry -The Hind Yon Have Always Bought, anU" which has been In use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his per- t&-rpz sonal supervision since it3 Infancy. X UC4ZiZ Allow no one to deceive you fa this. All - Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of . Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. WhaUsCASTORIA Castoria is a harnHess substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine rror other narcotic substance. Ita rge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it hes been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panicea The Mother's Friend.' genuine CASTORIA! always i Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 a vi I -BLUE BONNETS" Jtfiew Fahric with Nt Fcaiurt. SB ssk art I - ajar mm draaasa. apMt coan m Ml ; i etc. a i, mi i.i nr Much Improved CLEANER ley ' at .the United . Stales shipping board with the. comment that if Mr. Huff's tusgestion were followed It would do much to facilitate the woilt of the United States employment service. - I TAKK CHIMUtRX OUT OF JJANtJKK If jou saw a child on a railroad track you would endeavor to remove the little one from danger. When a child is "snuffling" ' or coughing. Isn't It your duty to get him' out of danger at severe consequences? Foley's Honey and Tar gives relief from coughs, cold, croup and whoop ing cou; 1.. Contains no opiates. J. C. Perry. i The honor system , for voluntary rationing. In co-operation with the Federal Food Administration, is ono of the practical movements recentJy undertaken by many prominent wo men of New York city. IS'ot content with having her bro ther and husband in war service and herself taking active part in Red Cross work, Mrs. Josephine ITickey of Cleveland has offered herself to her country as a telephone operator with the army In France. f or FIctiphcr'o 1 Signature of aad ma, rtiAAvaa ana a. cea-n.a. . UaaraaaxJ dra tart aad jdutaUa. V xia ml Uln j It roar Wl rmrry "ttwm m-mi w &m atj wall aaoM U dnier aad w Jl mm! haa aaawae aad aaai, Kn at poar wtHm. 1 1X3 HER WHITMAN at CO. Ia S8 1 BaaaaWa t. Waw Yarfc H Korean capital. ,