The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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"Her American
With a Notable Cast Including
Lavishly Staged
Duplicates The Success of
(Continued from page 1)
hotel, and then returned to Now
York, They were hee a w4ek,
then, one week igo, departed for
Cuba, but were taken off the- boat
at Key West and brought back.
a "Since then they have been 'guests'
of the government at an uptown
hotel where they, occupied apart
ments continually under guard.
'Among their associates were Mad
ame Nix and Count de Clairmont.
Madame Nix is a German alien, 41
years of age, and was born in Berlin.
Her maiden name was Herrmann.
Income Xt Explained.
'Count de Clairmont claims to
have been born in Sumatra, Danish
East Indies, and says he came to the
United States in 1905. 1912, he
went to Europe, and in 1913 entered
Germany, remaining a short time,
then preceeding with Madame Nix to
France, and Genoa, Italy. In De
cember, 1913, they arrived in the
United States, traveling as Mr. and
Mrs. Roberts. Since then they have
gone about the country consider
ably, the count posing as the wo
man's cousin.
'Madame Nix's . explanations of
her means of income are quite as
unsatisfactory as are those of Mad
ame Storch. She admits having re
ceived $3000 from Count von Berh
storff, formerly the German ambas
sador shortly before his departure
from the the country. This, sha
says, was a 'loan.'
"The French embassy gives no en
dorsement to. any of these persons,
but Regards them with suspicion.
Their many activities, mildly, stated,
givqs abundant reason to believe!
they'have served the Interests of
IN )
"The Flame
PRICES 5c, 10c, 15c
"Every Lota
' 'r,hlHii ,n5il m TH itiTl i
HOW'S that for Salem's war son n during the next
.few weeks! It will mean more Hum simply ii'lpinr
to solve Jour on fooil problem. Naturally it menu
releasing: of jiit so much more foodstuffs for our
hoys "over tin-re "ami flu world 'generally. (Jet
out llio spades, hand and horse ?lows. Let's see 11m
dirt fly. . ;
In anticipating' the coming of the 3rd
LIBERTY LOAN don't forget to add
to your WSS collection.
HtfaiM rj si! i nn n i it n ir
KZ I -mar mrt E3B.Vj!r-i
y y '.y.-
American Property Threaten
ed But Balance Is in
Favor of U. 5.
LONDON, March IS. The Span
ish and Swis ambassadors at Berlin
have been directed by the German
foreign office to notify the Ameri'
can government that- Germany wi'J
proceed with measures against Am
erican property in Germany in the
tame proportion that action is tak
en against German property in the
United States, Reuter's Amsterdam
correspondent reports.
WASHINGTON. March 18 Prin
cipal American holdings in Germany
at present are said to be properties
of the International Harvester com
pany; . the . National Cash ' Register
company and the American Radiator
company. The best information
available here Is that holdings of the
standard Oil company have gradual
ly been reduced until they are not sr
extensive now as they were before
the war.
There are large investments of
American life insurance companies
in Germany, but as these are merely
tor the security of German paliey
holders in these companies, it is not
thought they will be molested.
The takingfof American property
In tiermany as pointed out nere, can
have little practical effect because
the balance is so overwhelmingly in
favor of the United States. Conser
vative estlmaters say 'there ii on;;
hundred times as much German prou
erty in the United States as there is
American property in Germany.
Columbia Highway Work
; Is in Emergency Class
A. D. Kern, superintendent of con
struction work on the Columbia
Wghway in Hood River county, has
been directed by the highway com
mission to establish the 10-hour
working day and to allow the labor
ers double time for the extra two
hours.' The reason for the order
is that the Improvement has been
classed as emergency work. The com
mission Is anxious to complete the
work this year, and the fact that
men are continually quitting work
makes it necessary to put the proj
eets in the emergency Glass. The
projects . affected are m Cascade
locks. Viento and Ruthton hill
With the pay allowed at duble-tlme
rate the average daily wage will be
about ?4.50. . "
Miss Mary K. Browne of Los An
geles, ; the champion woman tenn.s
player, has given up the game to a.
cetp a position as teller of a bank at
Venice. Cat.
Garden Plot"
Salertij Oreoa
Massing of Enemy Forces Has
Reached Limit for Flexible
Weekly Review of War De
partment Shows First Un
assisted Assault
WASHINGTON. March 18. Am
erican military observers have reaeb
ed the conclusion that Germany's
constant massing of men on the wes
tern front is for defense and that the
lone heralded Teutonic offensive
i never will materialize unless It dej.
j velops as a defensive measure
; against the growing pressure of the
. allied and American lines.
This view, held for weeks by some
I officers, is expressed officially in the
war department's weekly review oi
operations at the battle fronts.
Fresh German divisions are re
ported arriving in the west, the re
view says, and the density of the
enemy forces has nearly reached the
point where congestion of lines t
communication may interfere witn
the flexibility of maneuver.
The review records the first un
assisted American assault upon th
Germans, the trench raid at dawn of
March 11, when the enemy was driv
en out and his position penetrated
for a distance of three hundred
yards. The Americans now are in
the trenches along the allied line at
five different points.
Referring to Secretary Maker's ar
rival in France, the reviewer says he
has had interviews with the prin
ciple French authorities and is about
to undertake a careful inspection or
American schools, training areas
rest camps and sectprs at the front.
Sailors from Interned German
Steamer Evade Marine
i.. Control '
submarine belonging to the Dutch
navy was captured at Hatavia by
nailers from the interned German
steamer Graf von Luttwitz, who sue-.
ceeded in evading the marine patrol
and putting to sea with their prize
last January, according to Fritz vo-i
Ebelson. an employe of the Dutch
East Indian government In Sumatra
who is in San Francisco oh his way
to Holland. n '
As the news regarding the capture
cr the undersea boat was ilgorous'y
censored by the Dutch officials it
was never discovered by the colon
ists whether or not the submarine
was retaken.
"This submarine wrs sent out by
the royal government for patrol du
ty in East Indian waters." said Ebel
shon. "One night during the ab
sence of the crew at a reception ten
dered them by colonists, when only
i.n anchor watch was left aboard
the submarine, sailors from the in
terned German merchant steamer
Graf von Luttwitz rowed alongside
loarded the submarine and aftef a
fight in which a Dutch guard Wa?
killed, took possession of the vessel.
"When the loss of the submarine
was learned two Dutch cruisers, as
well as several allied vessels started
In pursuit, but whether or not th?
submarine was recaptured we never
Whether Power Shall be
SQurce of Revenue Ques
tion at Hearing
WASHINGTON. March 18. 'Shaip
differences of opinion a to wether
the government should make water
power development a source of rev
enue deveiopea louay at me nri
hearing on water power legislation
befoie the new special water power
committee of the house.
O. C. Merrill of the forestry bu
reau, speaking for secreiariea naK r.
Houston and Lhtm who drew the
draft of the bill the committee
considering, said it was hotter to
count on reduction of rates to the
consumer than on obtaining rcvcnii"
for the government, but Uepiewnta-
tive Sims of Tennessee, the commit
tee chairman, was insistent that the
legislation should be revenue pro
ducing. He said the people no
are heavily taxed for Ihe war. tin
additional money is needed and that
the uovernnient should not shut it
self off from such a qrofitabl rev
enue source.
Under the bill the lessees of the
water power would pay nominal rent
als to the government with penalties
in the form of higher rentals pio-
vlded in the event ofc. overcharge to
lhe consuniers. Kates to be paid by
users of the power would be fixed
by a commission to be composed of
the secretaries of war, agriculture
and interior.
Champion Lightweight
Wrestler Breaks Leg
is. George Bothner, 51. of New
York, champion lightweight wrestler
of the world, broke his leg here to
night in a bout with Frank HIce of
Hoston. In gripping Kite in a fly
ing body scissors his toe caught be
neath Rice: body and his left leg
snapped above the ankle.
Pinky Gardner uf Sheneetadv.
N. Y.. in a second bout, was probably
fatally injured when Mike Yokel of
Salt 'Lake City, threw him over the
ropes. Gardner landed on his head
and sustained concussion of the
brain. Yokel, who is the nitddle
weieht champion, and Georpe Kisher
of New York, the referee, were tak
en into custody by Police-Chief Mill
er to ijwait the outcome of Gardner's
Oregon Sheep May Undergo
Annual Dipping This Year
At a .meet ins of the Oregon Live-
i stock Sanitarv board to be held at
the Imperial hotel in Portland March
28. it is probable that the members
will decide to conduct a general dip
ping ofsheep in the state this year.
The prevalence of the tick evil
threatens to make a dipping neces
sary. If the dip is held it will be
the first annual dipping since 1907.
A law requires that a dipping be
held each year, but this may be sus
pended by proclamation if no dis
eases .to which dipping is applied
are prevalent. The meeting of the
board -was scheduled for Corvallis,
March 22. but was postponed to be
held at Portland so that eastern
Oregon members of the board, could
Washington Junior High
Is Lightweight Champion
Washington junior high school de
feated Grant junior high Saturday
night in basketball by a -score of 8
to 2. the victory giving Washington
the lightweight championship of the
citv. Lineup and score:
Washington. ; Grant.
Rarhyte (2) F ... C. Tucker ( 2 )
Porter (41 V ..... . C. Tucker
Steiner (2) .....C- Socolofsky
Grant G Nickelson
Adolph G. Persons
G White
Officers Believe Program Now
Is "Going Over Hump
In Production
the aircraft board holds its week'v
session tomorrow the special Inves
tigating committee, headed by II.
Snowden Marshall of New York, re
cently appointed by the war depart
ment, may be present to receive fur
their information about the industry
directed by. the board.
It is understood also that the
board will discuss charges that there
has been profiteering by airplane
manufacturers made some time ago
by Gutzon Borglum. It Is known now
that Rorglum's statements to Presi
dent Wilson were not responsible
for the appointment of the investi
gating committee, but the board
members want to inquire Into them.
As the result of a careful survey
of progress at the plants working on
battle planes members of the air-
craft board and signal corps officer.
nre convinced that the production
program is now "going over the
bump." meaning that the period of
quantity production is about to pet
in with accumulating force.
"Refor'e July." one official said
today, "all this agitation will have
been forgoffjen. The flow of -fighting
planes to France will tax avail
able shipping to carry it. That H
worrying us more that the investi
gations or delays We have encounter
ed." Flying Cadet Killed
Emerging From Dive
SAN DIEGO. Cal.. March 18.
Flying Cadet Ralph T. Simpsohn, 27
years old. of Pasadena, was instant
ly killed hfs afternoon, when
emergging from a long nose e in
his airplane, he emerged from the
dive upside down and fell to the
water near North island, a sheer 100
feet. The machine landed on the
cadet as he struck the water and
was totally wrecked by the crash.
Simpson's body was soon recovered
Rub lumbago, pain, soreness,
stiffness right out with
"St. Jacob's Liniment"
When your back Is sore and lame
or lumbago, sriatica neuritis has
you stiffened up. dn't suffer! Get a
small trial iwjttle of old. honest "St.
Ja'-olj I.fhlment" at any drug stnr'.
pour a 4'tHe in your hand and rub
It right into the pain or ache, and
by the time you count fifty, the
soreness and lameness is gone.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing,
penetrating liniment takes the ache
and pain right out and ends the mis.
err. It Is magical, yet absolutely
harmless and doesn't burn or dis
color the skin.
Nothing else stops lumbago, sci
atica' andlame back misery so
promptly and surely. It never disappoints.
Vigorous Protest Made at
Three-Mile Skip in Pacific
Highway Plan
Impracticability of Beginning
at South End of Stretch
Is Shown
Letters and resolutions of protest
are reaching the office of the state
highway commission against the
plan to skip three miles of the Pa
cific highway, beginning at the north
city limts of Salem, in the pavement
this year of the Marlon county
stretch as far as Aurora.
State Highway Engineer Nunn
explains that the project plans In
clude the three miles, but that
money is available for only eighteen
of the total of twenty-one miles and
I that to begin the work at the Salem
, end would be entirely Impracticable.
"Resides." said Mr. Nunn." , the
government has aprpoved the work
as now determined upon and the
commission couldn't change it if It
wanted , to. Ry protesting, the farm
ers and other who live along the
road will only delay progress in the
Other Counties Open Fire.
To" one of the Protestants the
state highways engineer yesterday
sent the following letter:
"The project north of Salem is a
post road project and the work has
been commenced at Aurora on ac
count of government requirements
as well as for economy of construc
tion, and you may rest assured that
the state highway department has
given the matter much study and has
1 1 . i . .
"The state highway commission
s under fire in all other counties
for having authorized so much work j
north of Salem this year and we hope ,
that the citizens who are directly
hffnefitod will BOA Ihn InlnclM n i
- - -- ---- - . . a?. t - lUJUOll. VI
placing the commission in an embar
rassing rosition.
"This department Is always glad
to have the advice and assistance of
hose living along the highway, but
in this . particular case Is unable to
comply with your requests, as no po
litical puy or prestige would affect
the matter in the least on account of
the fact that little or none of the
cost of this work will come out of
the pockets of the people adjacent to
it and the road, is considered purely
as a trunkl!ne. j
Farmm' Club Protests -The
Hayesville Farmers' club
which Is protesting vigorously at the
commission's action, has passed the
following resolutions, signed by R.
J. Teei and G, E. McAfee as a com
mittee on resolutions:
"Whereas, it is currently reported
that the paving which Is to be done
on the Pacific hishway in Marion
county this year is to begin at the
north line of Marion county and ex
tend south to a point some three
miles north of the north end of the
nresent paved road running north of
"Therefore, be it resolved, by the
Hayesville Farmers' tclub In road dis
trict 39, that we respectfully wish
to call the attention of nPnn
tate hlehwav ijommllon h
"First That the road district
which is thus being apparently oroit-
ea rrom the paving project for this
vear has- consistently worked for
-od Improvement when many of the
other road districts were doing
nothing, having voted taxes and
macadamized the present roadway
through the length of the district,
beginning at the north limits of the
eJtv of Salem, runnlnKnorth to the
tabish ditch- the north limit of ie
"Second That this macadam,
though cut into bad holes during
the past winter by the heavy traffic,
will still furnish a valuable bed for
the raving material. 1
"Third The Pacific hiehway ex
tending from Brooks to Salem has
by far the heaviets traffic of any
nnrt of the road between Portland
and Salem.
Want Training School Served. "
"Fourth That if this stretch of
oad is paved it will benefit the peo
ple from Silv-erton. the Chemawa In
dian training school and the large
copulation on all the side roads,
while all the traffic from The north
will receive Just as much service
from the navlng as if R were placed
in nnv other location on the road.
"FifthThe T'nite-d States gov
ernment Is expending- part of the
amount to be invested in this paving
id If the paving is completed to the
north end of (he present paving.the
Pnlted States Indian training school
will be served while if thia three
"ile stretch of -oad is left un paved
he school will receive no benefit.
"In view of the -bove and other
eonslderatlons which we might spec
if v. we respectfully requevf the eom
iiisslon. ifnofotlble. to start the pav
ing of the Pacific hlchwav 50 as In
ronect with the present paved road
1 h i n o- mWth from. Salem on the
racifir highway."
"Respectfully yours,
"P. .T. Teel.
"G. K. McAfee,
"Committee on Resolutions."
Play on Words ."You at on the
water wafjon?" 1
"Yes." ,','''
"Nothing could induce you to "ft
"Nothing could, but something
might. If you happen In have It."
Uirruinghani Age-Herald. - -
Spraying IHPEISI
Spray materials are high, time is money, labor is
Reduce Your Rp raying
Expense by. Using the
Why worry and work for nothing?. Get the sprayer
that saves time by being on the job all the time one
that saves money by its low operating cost The
HARDIE Sprayer costs less by the year.
Further reduce your spraying expense by using the
HARDIE ORCHARD GUN. Thus save a man. It is
practical. You have positive control of the volume
and distance sprayed. Price $12. Fits any sprayer.
Salem Fruit Union
Trade and High Sts., Salem.
Immigration Officer Refuses
to Arrest Crew; No Au
thority, He Said
WASHINGTON", March 18.
It. Morton. Immigration Inspector jat
Norfolk, has neen suspended pend
ing, investigation of charges pre
ferred by Collector of Customs Ham
ilton In connection with the Inspect
or's han'dling of the mutinous crew
of the Russian steamer Omsk. J. J.
Hurley, assistant inspector at Bos
ton, was ordered to Norfolk today to
take over Morton's office.
Final disposition of the charges
against Morton will await a report
to be made by Hurley after an in
vestigation on the ground.
When Captain Janovskl of the
Omsk asked last week that his crew
be taken charge of by federall'au -
thorttles. Collector Hamilton thad
them arrested and all except! the
tnree auegea ringleaders were pa
roled in custody of Inspector
Most of, the men returned to the
ship ami armed themselves. It .was
charged, and Collector Hamilton
again ordered their arresL He said
he asked Morton to assist In the ar
rest and that the immigration offi
cer refused on the ground that be
had no authority.
Hurley was sent to Norfolk be
cause he happened to be In Wash
ington when Secretary Wilson de
cided to act.
Four Given Sentences
-For Seditious Conspiracy
SKATTL.K. March IK. Hubt M.
Wells, former employe at tlfe Seattle
postofflce; Sam Sidler and Joe and
Morris Pass, convicted a month aj?o
in 1'nited Spates district court of
seditions conspiracy, todav were'
each sentenced by Federal Judge"1
nMer,I )n U.S. Pat OOo
.-lit. J.Tg r 'Ti-.J,-
Stops Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn,
Gases, Sourness and Stomach Distress
Hat 'Tape's Diapepsin" like Candy
.Makes Upset Stomachs feci fine
Isirzt 50 cent eau. Jry drug store. JiilUfin fx minuUit
wages high.
Phone 380
Wisconsin to Choose Succes
sor for Late Senator
Paul Hasting
MILWAUKEE. Wis.. March 18.
A last appeal was made tonight by
candidates of all parties seeking
nominations for United States sena
tor at toomrrow's! primary election.
The successful ones will go before
the people of Wisconsin on April 2,
when a successor will be chosen to
fill the -unexpired term of the late
Senator Paul O. Husting. Interest
centers chiefly in tomorrow's con
test for the nomination on the Dem
ocratic and Republican tickets. In
wh'ch there Is opposition.
Socialist candidate. Victor L. P.erg-,
er, eft whom rests a federal ndict
tnentt charglne him with obstruct-
i ing tlie draft: has no opposing.
Joseph E. Davies. former federal
I trade commissioner, and Dr. Charles
McCarthy, state legislative librarian,
are seeking the nomination on the
Democratic ticket on strong loyalty
nlatforms, while Congressman Irvine
j. Lenroot. of Superior, also with a
loyalty slogan, is Opposed by James
Thompson of La Crosse, looked upon
4 Ihf Ia Follette candidate, and
whom the latter has endorsed, will
Strive for "the Republican nomina
tion. Jo rem I th Ncterer to serve two years
In the federal priosn at McNeil's t-sl-end.
The Pass brothers, who were
likewise convicted on a charge of
being slackers, were given one year
in priann on this i harge.tbrjt It was
directed that the latter sentence
should nn concurrently with the
sentence for seditious conspiracy.
Well.i and Sadler for years have
been active in local Socialist circles.
Would yon rather have green eyc-s
f I'oovef'p?
Lit.. , 14 A a Ik
1"imt lit