t 3k FIRST SECTION 8 Pages mm TWO SECTIONS 12 PAGES ALKI, OfimoS, .SUMAV MOHMNf;, MAIU'll 17, li18 MUCK F1VK CKATJ RUSSIA TO HAVE ARMY OF DEFENSE . i. i BAKER SEES TASKS THAT FACE NATION Judge Percy R. Kelly Who is Candidate For i Supreme Court Bench FRANK TOD CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR S IX LEADERS of Laymen 'g Missionary convention who will appear in sessions in Salem begin ningr tonight and extending through Monday and Tuesday. All are men of wide reputation in the . the work in which they are engaged. The men's convention will be held at the First Methodisf church, and a iarftliel convention for women vuil te held at the Tirst Congregational church. AU of the leaders will speak in Salem churches this morning. i i v.. 1 ..' ' 4 - - -r " r i ... i.i ..in. . i m i iimhiiii .ii n. . hi .ii niiii ln i in i kiiiiii ii imumwi .1 n i i. f National Army of Both Sexes Is Ordered by Bolshevifci, Indicating Condition of . Peace May Change WILSON MAY ADDRESS CONGRESS OfJ RUSSIA . - i President Is Carefully Study ing Situation With View i to Acting MOSCOW, .March lfi. The all- Knasian congress of Soviets has rati ' fied the peace agreement with Ger- many by a large majority. A Bolshevlkl resolution approving: -the acts of the government ofth-s workmen's and soldiers' delegate i and of the peace delegation and call ? ing for organization of the defence of the country by the creation of a - liationat array of both sexes was pass ' ed after Lenine's restoration tf - peace among the warring factions acd his statement that this action , . was the only way out, intimating that the treaty "might be broken un- .. .. Act changed circumstances. " ' ' t Socialists Oppose Ratification. ; : The opposition, notably the Social Revolutionists of the Left, made a valiant but futile effort to prevent the acceptance of the treaty, which ; was characxerized by the minister of justice as being "anti-revolution and t anti-socialistic." AH- stated that th j Social Revolutionary party repudi ated the responsibility for the acceptance-of the treaty, would resign from the government and devote all its power and influence to the or ganisation, to armed resistance to German imperialism. WASIfJ.VGTOX, Mtfrch 16. First intimations from official source? (Contlnned"on page 2.) Think That Many Merchants tation of Values in Adver-, tising is and will be excused by the buying public because it has become such a comnlon practice that nobody believes the exaggerated statements anyway, WE BELIEVE THAT THE PUBLIC IS INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO REALIZE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE STANDARD OF HONESTY and thafi merchant who will try to deceive-in his advertising will try - to deceive in his store. ' . - ' " 1 " 1 FICTITIOUS VALUES and IMAGINARY REDUC TIONS fill the advertising- columns nowadays. During our entire business career, we havef 'depended npon QUALITY OF MERCHANDISE and prices made possible by our spot cash plan of business to attract trade. CAREFUL BUYING, . ECONOMICAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT and an earnest desire to sell on the closest possible margin of profit, ex plains why we undersell other stores. We never buy an ar ticle until we are convinced that it will prove satisfactory to the wearer. , You will find a wonderful range of styles and qualities to select from in every department.; Clothing, iShoes, Hats, Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Dress Goods, Silks, Corsets AND NOTIONS OF EVERY KIND Large shipments of Spring Merchandise arriving daily. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WANTED MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS BOTH DRYGOODS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS PREFERRED 1 ' t W ' Oil t h - . " t ' , ' s ' ' - ,K . Jndge rercy R. Kelley is hearing motions and demurrers in Depart ment No. 1 of the circuit court, pr.v liminary to the regular March term, nhlch: will' convene on Monday, March 18. Judge Kelley's friends in the legal profession have peti tioned him to become a candidate in Jho Maj primaries for nomination or supreme judge and he has con sented. In the seven years he has been on the circuit bench, he has given universal satisfaction. Mar ion and Linn counties will part with Judge Kelley with regret, his nomi nation being practically assured for there seems to be no opposition. Wh:ft is the district's loss, however, is the state's gain,, for he will bring to i the office experience at the bar and on the benchj a trainedmind and a capacity to work. British Casualties lor Week Number but 3 6$ LONDON. Thursday. March 14.- The British casu5ltles reported 'for the week, ending today numbered 3562. They are divided as follows: Killed or died of won nds": ' Offi cers 53, men 822. Wounded or missing: Officers M8, men 2339. In the first week of March, the casualties .numbered 3343, the-low-est of any week for several months. Seem to Misrepresen- Permissible i i War Secretary in France Viewsmmensity of Enter prise m Opening New Ports; Long Day Spent in Survey many questions are fired at Engineers Long Range Guns, Skillfully Used by Americans, Are r Inspected March 13. Secretary Maker's firnt work after his conferences with the French statesmen and American, gen erals at the capital has been to be gin the study of what the AniericaDs are doing and ought to do in France Iy a survey of a great port depart ment. "I am still absorbing.", he said at the end of a-fourteen-hour day. "I must say frankiykhat I did not.know the immensity of the enterprise which we have undertaken in open ing new ports, and when I See what we .hive accomplished here I am satisfied." The American war secretary at th3 port in question was attended by General , Pershing, i Malor Gener il William XI. Black, Brigadier Gen eral M, M; Atterbtiry and the offi cers of the engineers who have been creating a vast new equipment for dofklng and unloading ships. Secretary Views Dock Front. . The secretary walked for thre miles along the American water dack front, already constructed or in th3 process of construction, as an ex tension to the berths for a number of ships placed at the disposition of the Americans by the French govern ment. Two miles of this new sea frontage consisted of marshes on 0 cober 1, last. The ground has heen filled in from dredgings in deepen ing the waterfronts and ships are already alongside some of these new berths. ' On other part of .the front age concreted warehouses are going up and a great system of switche.i has been laid or'is in the course of being laid. Many Steamer Unload. "i like to come out here once a week,", said a colonel of the engi neers to the correspondent, "and see "how different things look froM what they did the week before. I almost lose nry way." This new dockage, with two other new frontages that are being devel oped in connection with it, will al low forty" large, or s'xty medium sized steamers to be unloaded simul taneously. Mr. BakPl's question were fre quent, penetrating, and often tech nical when the engineers were ex plaining the railway plexus connect ing the various ports with the bas-.'s in the interior. He asked partic ularly about grades, so as to esti mate the requirements in engine I-oer and the heaviness of loads. He rather astonished the engineer by th detailed character of his ques tionings, which I touched the very Problems that bother them most. Ilbjf Guns Seen. At a heavy artillery training camp Secretary Baker saw a battery of lang range caliber guns put in to po sition. iThey were swung over by automobile tractors and shallow re coil trenches were quickly dug, but with unerring methods. Mr. Baker took a stand close to one of the great pieces and followed the ex planations of the major in command. It was one of the" new guns from a French workshop and of a type which the American artilerists are already making a reputation at the Trent. The secretary has been told by French officers of the skill of the American gunners in handling this weapon in the management of which the French artillerists heretofore had considered themselves unexcel led. Mr. Baker became so interest ed that he mounted the chief gun ner's stand and looked through the r.-.aste sight and watched the ad justment of the piece to the range markings. Troop Heview Held. The secretary's train arrived r. en important town near the port at S o'clock in the morning. The pre fect of the department, the French general commanding the district and numerous American officers Ve-t were there to welcome him. His re ception was simple. The band, as Secretary Baker and General Persh ing issued from the station, sounded the salute to the colors, and a bat talion of American soldiers stood ft salute. That was the only cere mony of the day except a small re view of the troops at the artillery ramp. Official lunches and dinners ar. l,y the secretary's request, omitted from his program. WKATHKII. Rhowers. moderate southeasterly grinds. m W "V A it m - , t J v-- ; ' . 1 : vL,,, t ' -- -V 't -m,' " "' '' .... s " '' ' '-;' it : - '11 ' : - - i ' J 'X V: ii n f i ,.. ll n" ll ...ur.iina ll-' V;. rt T,-T7rill.'l.'M.a;lli h II ll"" I" Tin It 'l .1 H, i i C. R. 3tarh W. K.'lKoghty ' ' i 1 THOUSAND DELEGATES EXPECTED IN SALE! FOR BIG CONVENTION Program of Three Day Ses- sion Opens Tonight Men's Meetings to Be Held in First Methodist Church and Wo men in First Congregational Visiting Students Enter tained in Salem Homes C hurchei Generous in Enter tainment Committee Goes to Portland to Arouse In terest and Metropolis Will Send Big Delegation AH preliminary arrangements for the Laymen's Missionary convention which will be held in Salem com mencing today have been completed fcnd those who are in charge antici pate an approximate attendance ft 1000 delegates most of whom will come from Marion county. However, numerous lecristrat ions have been re ceived by the executive secretary from points outside of Marion county throughout Willamette alley. All college and hJp- school stu dents attending the convention will be provided with -ntertainiv.nt in Salem homes according to the Harv ard plan room and breakfast f 'r each day of the convention. Tho entertainment committee of the wo men's convention has arranged to entertain any women attending thjp convention provided they are piven notice not later than Sunday even ing. Notwithstanding the fact that the central committee has adopted tho plan of a self-enteitaining con vention many o f the S.ilem churclnjjr have offered to furnish entertain ment to persons of their communion attending the convention. Committee To Portland. """A" booster com mi ttf-e 'representing the local Laymen's Mipsiorary ci:l ventton committee composed of Dr. B. L Stceves, H. S. Gile( F. T. Porttj; and Oscar B. Gingiich went to Pou land Friday to attend a union meet ing of the Potland chuches and-Missionary societies for the purposing vi boosting the Salem convention. ' The laymen's convention team was in duced to stop Over for a few hours for the purpose of getting aequair.l ed and urging a large delegation ft the Portland churches to attend thj Salem convention. Sh-rt addre.rea were made by CVFartell. Agar and Doughty. Each of the local men spoke briefly concerning the conven tion and distributed programs aiid registration blanks to tr audience, lenders Are Sketcfteil. Following is a sketch of eah of the leaders! ft the men's convention: ; Kv rfiuzbty of Ne- York, the convent ion leader, in charge of all the field activities ot the Laymen's Missionary movement, author of "The Call of the World" and "Efficiency-Points," had led many of the r r - - - - . ' r !" i ? 5 i r 1 4 i W. K.Iarv:JiH F. 4. Clark great men's conventions in recent years. William S. Marquis of Chicago, . for year's a successful pastor of Jarge j churches, has visited the great mis sion fields and has greatly increased, the missionary output of his denom ination. He is western secretary of the assembly's committee for the every-member plan of the Presby terian church. Frederick A. Agar of New York was formerly missionary to Afric.i and home missionary superintendent 5n Montana. He is author of widely rend books, and is new methods sec retary of the Northern Daptist convention-. He '-has revolutionized thr spiritual and financial life of thous ands of churches. Thomas A.' O'Ferfell is a Metho ('ist missionary from Africa with a great story of triumphs in that great continent, a lecturer with a wonder ful arrfey of lantern slides of world wide scene?. , F. J. Clark of New York is a for mer lawyer and Yi M: C A. secre tary an I now one of tTie secretaries J of the Domestic and Foreign Mission r.ry society of tne Kpiscnpal church. He has dirpction of special mission cry work for men. C. R. Marsh was for a quarter of a century a missionary of the Amer ican p.aptist Telugu mission in South India. He is an Oregon ian and lainis ps his home Kngene, comin to that city from Pennsylvania. Ife lc ft Kugene in 1K92 for th? foreign j field representing the American Pap- t'st . Foreign Mission Society. Sjwak at tlmr he TIay. All of thm will occupy pipits of the Se.lem churches at the morning enires today and the assignments for both men and women have been made as follows: First Methodist, W. . 8. Marquis: (First Presbyterian. W. K. IHughty; rrM ivapiiKi, r. iv. aiiir, rum ' - gregational. H. H. Kelley; First t hristfan. C. Marsh: St. Paul's Kpi copL F. J. Clark: Knglewood t'ni d Brethren. F. C. Jacksson; leslie Methodist, Thomas A. O'Farrrll; Ja hon Iac Methodist, Mrs. Paul. Ray mond; South Salem Friend, Mrs. W. C. Kantner; Court Street Cbri- (Continued on page 2) A 1 i u', t ' hi . - V . ! 's ' t 'n t, T. A. O'Farrell FTlerick A. Agar NEWHUNMMi .CREATED UNDER VON GALLWI1Z General Prominent in Rusisan Campaign Is Now on Western Front BRITISH SHELL TOWNS Berlin Admits Casualties; Artillery Is Active in Ver dun Sector (By The Associated Prctsf The military situation on the Franco-Belgian front has shown no marked change in the last twenty rour hours. The most notable de velopment was the increasing activ ity by the British on the old Arras front, from Arras itself as far south as St. Quentin, reported by Berlin. Apparently the British long range guns-were doing effective work some distance behind the German lines In Flanders as well, for the German statement complains of casualties among the population of Menin and IlalluinV jyiore than five miles in ad vance of the British front southeast of Ypres caused by British shell fire and airplane bombs. Both German and French reports show that heavy artillery fire has been In progress in the Verdun re gion, and that there has been brisk work by tho batteries near Itheims, on the Lorraine 4 ront and in Alsace. No change in the situation in the American sectors in Lorraine has been indicated, although Paris re ports a German raid in the vicinity of Flirey. nar the American sector northwest of Toul, which was re pulsed ' New German Army Created. Interesting possibilities are sug gested by the revelation in Satur day's German official statement that a new German army group has been created on the front in northern France. It is under command of General Von Gallwitz, an officer previously prominent in the Russian and Serbian campaign, and appar ently . transv?rrea to ino wester front late-last year and put in com- rrfand of the Verdun sector, included within the front occupied by the German crown prince's army gronp The German statement. Is so word ed that th boundaries of the' dis trict under General Von Gallwltz's command cannot be determined even approximately. That part of the front running east and southeast to the Swiss lorder from about the vicinity of Laon.Con tho Aisne front, had previously been divided between the German crown prince and Grad (Continued on Page 2.) i ri Heeds Pleas of Friends to Run and Declares His Candi dacy HighestO ffice in City PLATFORM IS STRONG Will work for a Speedy Set tlement of Reassessment Question Frank S. Ward, alderman from the third ward,' announces that ho will be a candidate for nomination tor majror of Salem at the primary election May 17. lie is the first to announce his candidacy. Several other men are being urged by friends to go in for the position, but most of them are reluctant, and a possi bility exists that -Mr. Ward will be without opposition. Mr. Ward has not yet had time to formulate' a complete platform, but three planks in it will be strict en forcement of the prohibition law. a speedy settlement of tho reassess ment question and an administra tion economically conducted, though his policy will not be one of allow ing the weeds to grow. Mr. Ward believes a safe financial policy ts to follow out the plan of Mayor Keyes who has made a good-sized reduction in the city budget. The reassessment question is to go into the courts and Mr. Ward says he will do all possible to hurry it to a conclusion, but that If the re assessment policy of the present council Is upheld he will not be in favor of foreclosing on the property of any person who is making an hon- est effort to pay. Mr. Ward has lived In Ealem. fif teen years and is owner of a drug store on State street. He wag born end raised at Albany and Is a grad uate of the department of "pharmacy at Oregon Agricultural college. He is secretary of the state board of pharmacy. i ; Deckebach Calls Meeting of- Committee March 22 Chairman F. G. Deckebach has called a meeting of the Marion coun ty committee in charge of the third issue of liberty- loan bonds for Fri day, March 22 at 2 o'clock at tho commercial club. . - ' The tampaign, which will be a I house-to-house drive will begin 1 bright and early on the morning off April 6 and it is to be so thorough a visitation by the workers of each ! subedmmittee, that not a single home in the, entire county will b overlooked. . When it is considered that? upwards of 2400 farmers in Marion will be visited especially, in view of the recent appeal of the president. It will be seen the task is a large one Captain Keller Is Back With Parole Violators Captain Joe Keller, Oregon parole officer, returned last night from San Rafael, Cal., where he was bound over to the grand; Jury on a charge of 'abduction brought by Charles B. Smith, whom Keller ar rested and attempted to bring back to Oregon when Smith was released from the penitentiary at Sah Quen tin. Keller brought with him Ar thur G. Graham and Paul Duroejv two parole violators. SALEM WOMAN 1 D. A. R. OFFICER Mrs. W. L Pearson Is Treas urer; Mrs. F. M. Wilkins, Eugene, Chosen Regent PORTLAND, March IS. The Ore gon chapter. Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, closed Its annual convention here today by election of the following officers: Regent, Mrs. F. Wilklns. of Kugene; vice regent, Mrs. Walter F. Burrell. Portland: recording secre tary. Mrs. Pearl Gregory Cartlidge. Oregon City: corresponding secre tary. Miss Bertha Cummlngs, Ku gene; treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Pearson, Salem; historian. Mrs. J. Thorburn Ross. Portland: auditor, Mrs. Charles Worell, Coos Bay; chaplain. Mrs. Levi Tracey, Albany: consult ing registrar, Ms. John P. Gibson. Among resolntions adopted by the convention was one favoring th? elimination of German from the school curriculum of Oregon.