The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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    Byuopnta of lb. Annual Rlatm ef "
( The Central Manufacturers'
Mutual Insurance Company
f Van Wert, in the Slate ef Ohiu, on the
31at dr of December. 1M17. road to the In
aarattra CtnmiuiuUM of the btaie uf OfcKua.
parauaat ta Ui:
Net premiaasa reeeteed aaribjr I
the year . S 774.71
Intereit, dividenda and renta re-
reived during- Ibe year 35,947.31
Total income . $
HlU.btiS .30
Net loe paid tluriii tbr fir.$ 4iiti,'fU S3
CoaiBiaaioua aud aalaries paid
during- the year
Taaea. . lirenaea and frea paid
during i he year
Amount ut all other expenditure
13.9')4 o
lift. - Ol
Total expenditures .$ 77. HI". 75.
' Asaeta.
Vain, of real eatate owned
ra'rk.- aiu 4O.lMMl.00
Value of Mcrk and twud
owned '(market ralm-i 571.74U.OO
Loan on niori '' collat
eral, etc - 14 .ooo nt
rh ill iunk and on hand,.. iti.3tf4.13
Premium in eure of eollee
tion written nince Heptember
SO. 1V17 141.0417
Jntereat and renta due and arc-rued
- fl.7M9.4
Total MWU 1.0l.ttS5 82 aUmittfd in llregnii l.OM,9U0.3Z
' , Liabilitiea.
Groat claim for ioimea unpaid. $ ol, 419.94
.Amount of unearned pruiuma
on all outstanding- rik .... 435,177.13
line for commianion and liroker-
aKe . -k- . 26.631.32
All other li'aiil'itiea 10.OOO.00
Total liabilitiea ,
Total premiuma In force l ecr ra
ber 31. 1917 .... , Sfifl.798.4j
Buainc In Oregoajfer tna Year.
1 oiai mauranre w 1 1 iim
the year . . . -...!...$
Groaa pretnluma received "during
the year I- -
Premium returned during the
jraar -! -
Iiaaea paid daring the Tear. . .
Ise incurred during the year
Total amount of inauraneW out-
atandias In Oregon. December
Ml. ii
By C. A. L. Pormort, Seorelary.
Statutory reaident reneraV ageiit and attorney
for aerriea: It M. Ortnt. Portland. Or.
Hrnopaia of the Annual Statement of the
American Druggist Fire
Insurance Company
of Cincinnati in the fitato of Ohio, on the
31at day of Pecember. 19 17-, made to the In
aurance Commiaaioner of the Stato of Oregon,
purauanf to law :
Amount of capital paid op. . , . .$
Net premluma received during
the year , . . :
Intereat. dirldend and renta r
celed durinr the year
lacime from other aoureea re
ceived during the year.
Total inepme
!e loaae paid daring the ear.$
Dividenda paid on capital atock
during tho year ..
Commtaaiona nd aalartea paid
during the year .. -
Ta. lieenaea and feea paid
during the year
Amount of all other eipenditurea
Total expenditurea ...... ...
Value of atneka and bonda
owned marke value) ...... I
Re-Insurance due from Mer
chant' Firo Aaauranca Corp.
for loasaa paid .............
Caih in banka and e hand..
Premium is conrae of eollee
rloa written aince September
80. 117
Intereat and rent due, and ac
crued i .
9,1 A.I
1,651. 5
fl, 163.59
Total . . .... - - It
Total aet admitted in Oreeon.f 514.200.24
Liabilities. !
. 514.200.24
Orona claim for loasea unpaid. t
Abiohv of unearned nremiuma
on alt outatandinu rlaka ....
All other liabilitiea
Total liabiliti-a. evelnwye of '
capital atock of $20O0C0. . HO.6.8.11
Hl ST-iaiV 0re8 1 82.663.97
- Bualiaaa ia. Oregon for the Tear.
hi VVaV'T. -t.'.. 'B 14.050.00
Grea premlumaeVived during 910.89
Preminmt retnrne'd dnring the , fij
year .. . . . w
Total amouot of Inaurnnco ont-
rrft'A lB Oregoa Deeb- lg0 S50 (M
CO By Frank H. Frederick. Secretary.
Rtatutorr reaident general arent and
8 for trvt": Carl A. Plath, Klamath Fall
Syaopaia of the Annual Statement of
The Metropolitan Casualty
Insurance Co. of N. Y
V.w York, irt the Stt of Xew York, on
?h.Vutdav of December. 1917. made to the
XMurlnee CommUaioner of the Sute of Or.
gon, pnranant to u 5,luL .
i.,u.t .f capital rt5 P - - 20O.000.O0
; Income.
Sti premium! reteived during
the year ...r . - S35.Si."
Interaat, dividenda and renta re-
ceived duringt the year 40,5s.
Income from other ooteB re-
. evv
Total Income ... ... ....... - f 876.213 "
Lcaae paid during tho year. In-
eludinf .djuatment .pen.e g0 ,7
T. He.-... P"f ,,396 10
Total .penditure. 859.509.32
Premium in eoumo of colleetiijn
! written aince Sept. SO. 1917. 178.782 0?
I Jntereat and renta duo and ac- 0 g
i cmed '
Total a.aeta ........... L . 952.054.5?
Lea apeeiol depoaite any M
atato ....
Total aaaeta admitted ia Ore -
OB Wmitiei.'
Gro claim for loaaea unpaid. $
Amount of unearned premium
on all ou tat ending rka. . ..
Dn for eommiaaion and broker
age ...
All ether liabihttea ..........
' Total liabilitiea . , ..... .V- .f 550.771.1S
Total P3'"i; S ,or.f.!T!:m;$ 823.936.91
' Xnalneaa In Oregon fo the Year.
Groaa premium receiver ri
the year
Pretniumt retarn"d during the
year . . . .
Txea tid durinK the "r-
1,638 84
342 4P
ANCK CtJ. OF 7i. T.
Hy S. Wm. Burton, Secretary.
BKtutorv reidr. reneral agent and attorney
for aerire: T. E. Manner. Portland, Or.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years,
Always bears
Signatur of
If German Pluck Had Been
Alert, Rich Harvest Would
Have Resulted
Submarine Came As Surprise
to British Who Began
Gradual Fight
HULL. England. Feb. 9. (Cor
respondence of the Associated Piss.)
How seriously the German sub
marine might have crippled the Brit
ish navy in the early days of the war,
when there was not a single British
naval harbor protected from sub
marine attack, was told this week by
Lord Jellieoe, formerly Fifst Sea
Lord of the Admiralty, in a speech at
the annual meeting of the Hull Sail
ors Orphange here.
"The work of the fleet was a good
deal more arduous in the early daj'3
of the war than it has been since,"
said Lord Jellieoe, "In those days
there were no bases protected from
submarine attack and the flee was
hunted from pillar to post to find
security to carry out the necessary
operations of coaling. Some of the
coaling operations . .were performed
under very exciting: conditions, the
base begin open to any submarine
that cared to come in. ,
German Pluclc Lacking,
"ir the. Germans knew it, they
never had the pluck to try it. If
they had done so, they might have
reaped a rich harvest. But we al
ways bad to be thinking of the pos
sibility of such attack, and whenever
I was inside a base I spent many
- Syaopai of the Annual Statement of the
Massachusetts Fire & Marine
Insurance Company
or Boston, n the State of Maaaachusetta, on
the Slat day or December, 1917, made to the
Inauranre Commiaaioner of the State of Ore
gon puraoaai te law: .
CapMaL .
Amouot of capital paid up...$ 500,000.00
Net premium received during
the year 81,380,427.47
Interest, dividenda and renta re
ceived during the year 60,764.72
Income from other aoureea re
ceived during the year. 1,095.52
Total income $1,442,287.7!
Xet loaaea paid during the year.f 640.S15.25
Miviuenua paid on-capital atock
during the year- 30,000.00
ConiinHitiona and aalariea paid
during the year 442,703.46
TaxeaV litenae and fees paid .
during the year . 22,388.41
Amount of kit other expenditurea 64,277.55
Total expenditurea $1,199,824.67
Value of atocka and . bonda
owned (market value) $1,373,662.00
Caah in banka and on hand... 203,142.31
Premium in courne of CollectioB
written aince Sept. 30, 1917. 244,050.78
Reinsurance recoverable on paid
- loaaea . . 1,759.58
interest and renta due and se
emed .. 10,014.37
' Total aaaet 91.833,229.22
Total aaaets admitted in Oregon.81, 833,229 J2
Groaa claims for loaaea unpaid. $ 295,489.65
Vrni ant of unearned premiuma
on all ootatanding rink .... 832,430.79
An other liabilities 27,065.02
Total liabilities, exclusive of
capital atock of $5OO,0J0. .$1,154,985.46
Total promiuma ia force Decern
ber 31. 1817 $1,590,271.75
Bnataesa in Oregon for the Tear.
Iotal insurance written during ------
the year $ 624,789.00
Qroa premiums received during
the year 5,444.98
Loasea paid during the year. . . 63.76
Lease incurred during the year 55.70
Total amount of insurance out
standing in Oregon December
B1,L017 48.998.00
By, 'Walter Ad cord. Secretary.
Statutory reaident general agent and attorney
for service: Gilbert II. Durham. 284 Oak
? St, Portland.. Oregon, i
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
Northwestern Mutual Fire
A Seattle, in the State of Waahiagtoa. on
the Slat day of December. 1917, made to
the Insurance Commiaaioner of .the State of
Oregon, pursuant, to law: (
Xet premium received during
the year ...$ 860,453.71
Interest, dividends and rents re
ceived daring the year
Income from ether aoureea re
ceived during the year
: Total income $
.Vet losses psid during the year.$
Dividends paid policyholders
during the year .
Commitaions and salaries paid
during the year
Taxea. lieenaea and feea paid
during th year
laaount ed all other expenditures
10.943 01
' Total expenditures'
. $ 689,509.60
Value of real estate owned
(market value) . . $ 22,568.18
Value of atocka and bonda
ewned ( market value) 823,200.95
Loses on mortgagee and collat
eral, etc. 35.r-00.Ort
Caah in banks and on band... 140,365.57
Premiums in course of collection
written aince Sept 30. 1917. 109.705.20
Other admitted asseta S4.113.o9
I nteresi and rents due and ac
crued i 4.857.88
Total assets , $ 670.310.87
Total assets admitted in Oregn.$ 67t-.310.87
Gross rlsims for loaaea unpaid. $ 26,829.07
Amount of unearned premiums
on nil outstanding risks.... 374,073.65
Dne for commission and broker
age .. 7,584 25
All other liabilitiea 12.979.30
Tot at liabilities . . $ 421.466.27
Total premiums in force Decem
ber 31, 1917 f 734.003.84
Baslaes la Oregon for the Tear.
Total insurance written during
the year $114,843,131.00
tiros s premiuma received during
the year
. 1.S11.S87J0
Premiums returned daring the
year . .
Losses psid during the year . . .
Losses mesrred daring the year
Total staoont of insurants out
standing ia Oregon December
81. 1917
Br Vf. D. I. RHODES w..n'
Statutory reaident general agent aad attorney
for service; F. L Flalry, Portlaad, Orr.on.
Stirring Up and Stimulating n
-Its sluggiah lack of vigor 1 a large
factor in ctuaini'r the dullness. le
preduiun aaid weaJcneaa .that haiix tn
to you like l-al In your showi from
morning till nigrt.
Hoods 1'ilU re the best liver
Htlinulant and family .-ithartic. beat
1. . ... . . .. V . 1 t f,a.ia ! if VaVlt flvfltl
IUW WSWJ -a ! WW vm n -
do not lepl-te the blood like purgative
I . . . . . ..-I. I K ..flait !..'., ft
trail a:tt nai i .-j, vix.m .-. .- .
woful train, of catarrhal discharges
I that arw ur.naliirul and weakening.
I Then you may rt the splendid
1 liloud -enriching iuaiitiej of Hood"
Harsiaparuia an.1 tne iroii-uuuuiug n
fects of lvptiroa Into the combination,
and the three medicines working to
gether give the grandest health-uplift
it is pOMnlUl to have from medicine.
Any one of the- three medicines will
do you good -the; uho of all three will
accoinnllsh wonderful result for, you.
Try thin treatment thl Sprins.
anxious moments and some very
amusing moments amusing ta look
back upon, I mean, but not amusing
at the time. There were constant
scares of submarines, and we kenw
that If a submarine pot inside It
might sink a battleship with each of
the ten or twelve torpedoes it car
ried. Put yourself in such a poni-
4ion and you may be alle to appreci
ate a little of the .anxiety that was
felt whenever a signal was given that
a submarine had been sighted near
by. .
"As usual in times of anxiety, wi
called upon the merchant marine, and
an arrangement was made that if a
submarine got inside a base, merrh
ant ships should place themselves
alongside until the warship could get
under way.
Then if the torpedoes were fireo.
the merchant ships would receive
them instead of the battleships.
'That was the arrangement. The
merchant, marine as usual, did ex
actly what they were asked. Scores
of small craft dashed about the har
bor at full Bpeed to keep the sub
marine under water and if they saw
it, to endeavor to ram it. It was
extraordinary, having regard to thJe
conditions of the sea ard .weather,
that many collisions did not occur.
The k!ll with which the whole pro
gram was carried, out. time after
time, was a great testimony to the
seamanship of those in charge of the
trawlers and bigger ship. .
Trawlers Were in Need.
"T.he British Grand Fleet could not
exist without trawlers. One of the
omissions in our pre-war naval prep
arations was that we left the navy
absolutely unprovided with vessels of
the trawler type. When war came,
the Admiralty .had to depend upon
the generosity, of the trawler owners
to keep the fleets, protected. So it is
not too much to say that we owe the
' Synopaia of the Annual Statement of the
Indiana Lumbermen's Mutual
Insurance Company
of Indianapolis, in the State of Indiana, or.
tho Slat day of Uecember. 1917. mads te the
Insurance Commissioner of tho Stale of Ore
gon, pursuant to law :
Amount of Ledger Axuets, Dee.
? 311916 ; . .$ 693,537.50
Xet premium received during
' the year . $ 577,022.34
Interest, dividend and rents re
ceived during the yesr 39,766.03
TotaU income . . $ 6lS788.37
Xet losses paid during the year.$ 179,130.74
Commissions and aalariea paid
during the year . - 61,770.24
Taxes, lieenaea ,and feea paid
Curing tne year 12.24S.3C
Amount of all other expenditures 221,197.39
Total expenditure $ 474.346.76
Value of real estate owned
(market value) $ 36.500.00
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value) 393,651.00
Loans on mortgages and collat
eral, etc 353,350.00
Cash in banks and on hand 27,126.00
Premiums in course of collection .
written ainee Sept. 30. 1917. 24.923.11
Interest and renta due and ac
crued ... . , 10,008.59
Total aaaets $ 847,558.70
Total aaeeta admitted in Oregon. $ 847,558.70
Gross claims for loaae unpaid. $ 20,574.00
Amount of unearned premiums
on all outstanding risks 28.960.06
Due for commission and broker
age 3.783.30
All ether liabilities 14.062.07
Total liabilities $321,379.43
Total premiums ia force Decem
ber 81. 1917 $ 563.920.13
Basiaesa In Oregon for the Tsar.
Total insurance written during
the year $ 204,125,00
uroaa premiuma received during
the year . .
Premiuma returned during the
year . .
Loaaea paid during tho year...
Losses incurred during the yesr
Total amount of insurance out
standing in Oregon December
81. 1917
ANCE CX) by T. B. Fowler, Secretary.
Statutory resident general agent and attorney
for service : F. I. Finlev. Portland. Oregon.
trawler owners and men a very large
debt. - It would be impossible to re
ward them inadequately, because if
one attempted to bestow decoration'
add medals, I don't suppose any
body in the trawler service would go
"There have been several out
standing deeds of gallantry, one or
two particularly, which I would like
to tell about, but I shall not tell,
because they were performed against
submarines, and if the particulars
reached Germany. the Germans
would if irn something of our meth
ods. Moreover. If they ever got hold
of anv man or officer who Had
achieved some great success against
the submarine, they would not treat
him anv too well."
In an address at the Hull Ex
change, Iord Jellieoe said In part:
"You who belong to a community
connected with the sea know better
than those who live fmlher inland
the difficulties with whh the navy
has had to deal during the war.
These difficulties are due simply and
solely to one source, and that is thv
submarine. '
Submarine Tame as Surprise.
"The submarine was rrunk upon
the British navy, at any rate the
new methods and morals of the sub
marine, as a surprise. I remember
that Lord .Fisher wrote a memoran
dum in 1911 in which he expressed
the . oulnlon that i the Germans
were to go to war with Great Britain
they would use submarines against
merchant ships. That memorandum
went to the board of admiralty after
I had joined it as second sea lord,
and there was nobody in a responsi
ble position who agreed that ihe
German navy would really do-such a
thing as Lord Fisher predicted.
Well. Lord Fisher was right, as
In many cases, and" the navy was un
prepared to deal with the submarine
in that particular direction. Hut
even if the words of Lord Fisher had
been believed, there was no time to
introduce measures which i would
have effectually stopped the subma
rine ironi getting out. and that Is
the only way to deal with them.
There is no roval road to the saving
of your merchant f hips from the
submarine once trie latter has got
out of its harbor. The only royal
road is to block him in, and that 13
an impossible operation.
' "But the British navy was faced
with its task, and it did its best. It
ia a superhuman task, because the
subm.r-ie '3 ax craft which can go
inCer water for twenty-four hours
ml lie ti -tier walrr for, forty-eight (
hours, a J yzu don't know where:
:tr.l V.'r-.frr foully.
'!.,!; !:ave el nie recently
win M:r lor-vs !n Ihe IrUh Sea are
-i heavy. Tha roawn is this: There
'-. i;'teh shoal water in the Irish Sea,
no that the submarine. can find
plenty o; places where they can drop
right to the bottom end sit theiV
without a sound. In deep Vater
they can't do that, because a sub
marine can't safely go deeper than
150 or 200. feet, and can't lie still
until she ia on the bottom. T keep
submerged in deep water sh must
keep her engines going.
"Well, in the Irish sea a subma
rine sinks ja shin and gets a craft
after her. Our shift hunts her out.
but as soon as thinrs get too hot
for the Urboat, she dives and sit
quietly at the bottom until her trou
bles are over. a ship must after -a
time go back to port for fuel. Then
up comes the U-boat again and con
tinues her nefarious career. That is
the difficulty in that particular lo
cality. She can sit at the bottom for
forty-eight hours if she likes, an-1
then come up in some other part of
the sea.
"Similarly, the difficulty of keep
ing them to teir own ports is accen
tuated by the fact that the water in
and around the Heligoland bight for
a radius of 150 miles is of a depth
in which the submarine cn sit at
the bottom. Assuming that we had
a sufficient number of craft thor
oughly to patrol that area, which
stretches something like 300 ni'les
from Denmark to the Dutch islands,
we should still have to meet this
difficulty. -
"Immediately you tackle a subma
rine, it dives to the bottom and w.iits
until night, when it can come up and
continue Its course without being
seen. At night, even on the surface,
a submarine can only he seen for a
distance of about 200 yards.
Plans Discussed for Organiza
tion Under New Railroad
1 Control
WASHINGTON. March H. Plans
for future organization of, tho gov
ernment administration uftder the
railroad control bill, finally passed
by congress today, were discussed
tonight at a conference between
President Wilson and Director Gen
eral McAdoo.
One of the first tasks will be
making contracts with each railroad
company for government compensa
tion on the basis provided in the
bill. Under the direction of John
Hart on Payne, chief counsel, Joh.i
Skelton Williams, finance dlrecto',
and C. A. Prouty, chief of the di
vision or accounts, the negotiations
of these contracts will be undertak
en immediately.
With a fund at his disposal with
which to administer the railroad af
fairs, Mr. McAdoo now will fix the
salaries of his assistants, most of
whom have severed connections with
railroads. Heretofore the expenses
of the railroad administration have
been borne from an allotment froirt
the president's emergercy fund.
The treasury has sufficient funds
to eare for minor drafts., particular
ly since a clearing house for railway
earnings and expenses is to be es
tablished and payments to roads will
be on the basis of the difference be
tween the actual earnings and the
guaranteed rate.
i see rrAKKiFiKi An
.."'MEN: MEN! MEN!"
With the
Already our showing of the smarteslattire is marvelbusly interesting. Each ef
the new modes is seemingly more charming than the other.: Your approval ii
eagerly anticipated. j J
LADIES' COATS $6.90 TO $27.50 SUITS. . $10.00 TO $25.CD
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial an J Court
'".V ,1 . , ; ' j
Bolsheiki Activities on Rus
sian Steamer to Undergo
NORFOLK; Va., March 14. Un
der instruction from Washington tf
investigate with a view to prosecu
tions if the facts farrant it. federal
officials here today conducted a
thorough, search of the big Russian
steamer Omsk, whose crew of 47
men is in jail on charges of mutiny.
The officers uncovered a' collec
tion of weapons of various kinds.
J i i I
re - r
; a a j
It Saves the Clothes"
Call 1200 and we will
be glad to bring a ma
chine and do your
washing right in your
home without any ob
ligation on your part
Masonic Temple.
awE & C0
Very Newest Feminine Apparel
Phone 1072
and combustibles. It Is the belief
cf the investigators that members
of the crew- intended to take pos
session of the ship as soon as she
left port and divert her to a Russian
port to be turned over to Bolshevik!
. The Omsk put In here several days
ago on a trip from Galveston to Liv
erpool with a cargo of cotton. The
crew rebelled, demanded soviet rule
aboard and drove off the American
port guard on the ship.
The ship's cook, th steamer's of
ficers say, has been the ringleader.
Shortly before he became a member
of the crew, they said today the
cook began to preach Bolshevik doc
trines to the men, urging- them to
refuse to obey the commands and
tc demand higher wages. The dis
pute over the kages. the officers said
brought the situation to head.
The ease presents the first of it
Nothing to catch the cloth
. ing. v '
No oiling necessary.
Motor can't burn out.
Safety device on wringer.
Clothes last 6 times as long.
Easy to move, double casters
Rust -Proof trouble proof.
- -
Formerly Chicago Stcre
kind of any consequence in sal
erican port since the war bepia
Russian freighter reached a Ta
port last year with a rebellious r
but investigation showed that r
uprising-was not serious 'and i
the ship's officers partly acqnio?
In the Bolshevik principles ad :
by the crew.
Plant Falls 4000 Feef
and Cadet h IZ
SAN ANTONIO. Texas. March
Hoard Iloladay, Denver, Colo., a '
ing cadet at Kelly field, was k
Wednesday afternoon when hisH
plane Jell 4000 feet. He wa
graduate of the University of 1J
where his brother, Charles A. 11
day, is 'a professor of chemistry-
Holaday's mother, Ms. Howard
Iloladay, resides in Denver, Colo
It will do the washing
Terms to suit
It will last a life time.
we co.
Phone 1200