TTTTC ORKCOV STATESMAN J FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1918 The Oregon Issued Daily Except Monday by THE STATESMAN I'UHMHIIIXG COMPANY ?15 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. " MEIBEOP THK "ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited; in this paper and also the local news published herei . . . It. J. Hendricks. . 777.77.7. .777 777777777 .. .Manager Stephen A. Stone - Managing Editor Ralph Glover. -Cashier W. C. Squier .Advertising Manager Frank Jaskoskl - Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a week, 60 cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, $C a year; $3 for six months; BO cents a month. For three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of $5 a year. 8UNDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year; 50 cefks for sir months; 25 cents for three months. j a WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays ana Fridays, a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department, 683. Job Department. 583. Entered Tat ThPostolf ice" in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. SALEM AND THE LOGANBERRY- INDUSTRY The loganberry industry is already contributing a great deal to the commercial life of Salem. Take for item number one, the annual payroll of the general offices of the Pheasant Northwest Products Co., putting up "Phez," "Loju," etc. That amounts to about $33,000. Take for item number two, the payrolls of the factories of this company. That amounts to several times $35,000, and is bound to grow. Take for item number three the wages paid to pickers, and ex pended in Salem. That amounts to a much larger siim than is paid to the factory employees. The items could be extended through a long list, including auto truck drivers, box manufacturers- etc., etc. And all these payrolls are capable of being increased many fold the- largest proportionate increase, of course, to be on account of the farmers and farm help and pickers, as the yards increase in number and size andlproductiveness. The "overhead" charges will increase the least rapidly in proportion. And then there are the concerns that dry and ship loganHerries, and the ones that pack and ship them fresh to distant markets. Altogether, the loganberry industry is already one of the big gest things in Salem and it is, bound to become the biggest of rail,, with the right kind of team work on the part of all our people. i No other crop grown may depend less on man labor. Women and children can do the picking. Women make the best hands in the yards training the vines. They are doing this right now, in all .directions, and are making good; more than good, as compared with 'the average transient man labor. So it is good business and loyalty to their home city, for every Salem booster to get .behind the slogan of more acres of loganberries and more loganberries to the acre, on a thousand farms near Salem, and in every available vacant piece of city property. And now; right now ; in the next twenty-five days. Remember too, that the building up of a great industry like this in Salem will bring glass factories and other enterprises that will fit into the commercial and industrial life of the city. There in scarcely a limit to the indirect henefitx. Boost the loganberry industry. Victory and peace are at the end of the Rainbow divisions. Indications point more and more to the likelihood of the great war being decided in the air. The world must be made safe for democracy. And democracy must be made safe for the world. None of It must be of the Bolshevik! brand. The ouija boards have declared that the war will close on St. Pat rick's Day. Probably some other St. Patrick's Day. The one for 1918 will come on Sunday. It Is now claimed that Queen Isa bella did not finance the expedition of Columbus when he discovered America, but that the money was furnished by a Jew. Are none of the impressions of our youth to re main sacred? Why not take the airplanes across the Aalantic on their own power and deliver them to the American troops in France. Exchange. The writer of the above is welcome to be the pioneer In this enterprise. Let him go to it and show the way. Who says there Is no magic in a name? Great Britain has been no carried away by the magic of a name that she has retired a perfectly good head of the General Staff of the name of Robertson to make room for General Wilson. It begins to look a though the firm of Wilson & Wil son will be German's most powerful contenders. The kaiser is the only ruler who ever adopted a revolution. The 190 OOa.OOO 'people of Russia are so much steeped in revolution that they cannot get over it in a half-century, If they ever do. They are the larg est number of 'poverty-stricken hu man beings ever shifted from on brand of chaos to another. Los An geles Times. Lenine has issued a ukase warn ing the Russian people not to say un kind things about the German treaty because the one that Napoleon Im posed on the Prussians was ten times heavier. But he failed to explain that as long as Germany has pos session of the goods she cares noth ing about the contract. It takes more than a scrap of paper to satisfy Cerman greed. Statesman WX1ALIMTS TO OBSERVE MARX CENTENARY. If plans now afoot In many lands are carried to fulfilment, the com ins May Day will witness the greatest demonstrations by Socialists that tha world has ever seen. The demonstra tions are being organized to cele brate the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, the found er of modern "scientific" Socialism under whose banner ten million vot ers are enrolled. ! John Spar go, In his biography of Marx, published several years ago, declares: "'Socialism and 'Marxism' have become Interchangeable as practic ally synonomous terms. In the great European countries where Socialism Is a power politically, the movement Is lamost wholly dominated and In spired by the thought and deed ot Marx." i Karl Marx was born in the old German town of Trier, May 5, 1818. After graduating from the gymnasi um of his native place he entered the University of Bonn and after spending a rather unprofitable year went to Berlin in the fall of 1836. He studied only a little more success fully at Berlin than he had previous ly done at Bonn. Independent study outside of the university and his love affair and secret engagement with Jenny von Westphalen, his future wife, distracted him from what should have been his main interest. Marx soon saw that the academic career that he had planned for him self was clearly out of the question and an impossibility. 'lie then turned to journalism for a living and became a contributor to several political newspapers. Ab solutism was In the saddle, however, and he German authorities woul.1 not tolerate the opinions set forth by the young radical. Paris became his home, and there for some years he continued to live in- exile with his bride. In 1844 began the relatloi between Marx and Fredrich EngeU. which terminated only with the death of the former. The Prussian government caused the removal of Marx from Paris be cause of his articles concerning th tyranny of the German princes, and be went to Brussels, whence he was expelled, returning to Paris after the revolution of 1848. After a short stay In Paris he removed to Cologne and began to publish a radi cal paper, but after having been twice before the 'courts of law be was expelled from the country. Re turning to Paris again he was oblig ed to move on and went to London in 1849, where he remained for the tost of his life. In conjunction with his friend. En gels, Marx, in 1847, drew up the Communist Manifesto." vhich id the earliest public declaration of In ternational democratic Socialism. It was addressed to the laboring class es of all nations. In 18C4. at a meeting of English and foreign working-class delegates in London, in support of the polish insurrection. the "International," an association of workingmen, was founded. The "International" aimed at a re construction of society on the bas:s of labor and brotherhood. Throe proposals were discussed. Baku nine, the Nihilist, had published the opinion that every social condition must be destroyed before a new bo ciety could be built up. The Italian patriot, MazzinI, considered that re form could be achieved only by mor al means by educating the people and enforcing the principle that jus tice was a religious duty equally binding on all classes. According to Marx, a change for the better could only be brought about by an economic revolution. His theory of Socialism was based on a material istic and to a large extent scientifi conception of society. Of the threi ilval views, that of Marx was select ed, and still forms the backbone of modern Socialism. The task that Marx set before him self was to give a scientific basis to Socialism, and to arouse the work ers to what he regarded as their his toric mission the inauguration of the Socialist commonwealth. H!j great book, "Das Kapital," is re garded as "the Bible of the social democrats." The first volume of this work was published In 1867. The second and third .volumes were edited by Engels in 1885 and 1894. j HTOP TALKING PEACH By PORTER EMERSON of the Vigilantes. It is time that the United State. stopped playing Germany's game. Germany, sure of her ability to keep her own peoples solid fqr war. talks peace. We, stopping our own efforts to listen and to answer, crip ple and confuse- ourselves and our allies. It is the old game, of the two burglars in the jewelry shop. One engages the proprietor In conversa tion while the other robs the safe. While Hertling gives vent to as choice a lot of mendacious bot-a'r, denburg tramples upon prostrate as the world has. ever heard, Hln- Kussla and adds another corpse to his rapidly accumulating collection. And we, soft-hearted, sofe-head- ed, ; klndly-souled, peace-loving, peace-inured people that we arc, gabble on while murder is commit ted before our very eyes. We had better begin to realize that this thing we have embarked in Is not a joint debate but a war. Every day that we spend In conver sation and that Germany spends In war la a two days' loss to us and a two days' gain for them. Time is the essence of victory for Germany as well as for ourselves. We have not now enough ships both to supply our troops In Prance and to handle other necessary shipping as well Every day that we delay in bringing every effort that we as a nation possess to the successful prosecution of the war, means a day gained for Germany's submarines, a day gained for the development of the new resources that she has cap tured by force of- arms. How much longer do we Intend to stand In the front door talking to the well-dressed confidence man while his beetle-browed pal commits murder In the back room? We have already bought a good half dozen German gold bricks. How many more must we purchase be foie we think we've got enough? j THE INHUMAN-NATURE j PRIMER. By THEOD03IA GARRISON of the Vigilantes. The Sloth. Of animals, I am not loath To say I do not love the sloth. It does not strive to serve or please And is unpleasantly obese. So when I note a person who Takes daily naps from one to two. Who says she cannot learn to knit. Or make a bandage or a kit, And moans, while taking tea at four. Of deprivations caused by war. Yet never lifts a voice or hand To aid re Army and her Land I mention, as I said above. An animal I do not love. The wasp, the hornet give me both For household pets, before the sloth. FrTCRK DATES March. 15. Friday. Military tourna ment by Company A. high - school carets, at armory. March 17, Punday. St. Patrick's day. March 1". II and 19. Laymen s MU Innarr ennvntlnn, Salem. March 22. Friday Me-ting- of bank. In representatives of Marlon county nt devise way and means for waging nut Libt-rty loan drive. March 2, Friday Oreav.n ITopa-row-era association meet for dissolution. Msrrh 30. Saturday. Freshman elee at Willamette university. April , Saturday. Third Liberty loan drive bearlns. April . Ha turday. Third Liberty loan drive opens. April, fourth week. Marlon County Christian Endeavor convention, Salem. May. dates not set State Grange convention. Salem. May 17. Friday.- -frlmary nominat ing election. PORTLAND CLOAK & SUIT CO. Have rented our ready to wear department while we are CLOSING OUT OUR STOCK on the MAIN FLOOR AND THE BASEMENT. , They have an EXTREMELY HANDSOME, and a VERY LARGE SHOWING OF I Suits, Coats, Dresses, Dress Skirts, THE most careful and fastidious dresser or the economical buyer will be pleased in this LARGE choice and varied ASSORTMENT of 1918 - Spring Garments There is a very comprehensive and dainty line of r Lingerie, Crepe de Chine, and Georgette Crepe Waists ALL THE LATEST MUCH WANTED fabrics and styles in DRESS SKIRTS, PETTICOATS that please the eye. Well made and reasonably priced. ATTRACTIVE. SMART DRESSES with the latest fashion ideas beautifully expressed. HANDSOME COAT and SUIT MODELED by America's foremost designers. All together one of the most alluring and attractive display of the Ready-To-Wear ever shown in Salem. We have moved every garment of the Stockton Co. Ready-to-Wear onto our main floors. You will find an entirely NEW STOCK in our former Ready-to-Wear department I IN A SOCIAL WAY I 1 Br Kleremea El Ua bath Klehels Each day preparations are height ened 'for the "County Fair," which will be given as a charity benefit, March 22 and 23. at the armory. It will be held for the benefit of Will amette chapter of the American Red Cross but will not be under the aus pices of the Red Cross. The entire proceeds, however, will be given to the Red Cross. Mrs. John Carson and Mrs. Thomas Durrows are in charge. Among the interesting dis plays which will be offered will be a nart "spring opening" of millinery. Mr. and Mrs, W. Connell Dyer entertained as their guests yesterday for the day. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Williams of Portland. Mrs. George Pratt returned to her home In Newport yesterday after a several days' visit with her father, E. P. Cochran. 1757 Chemeketa street. Mrs. Pratt is well remem WOMEN OF 7 MIDDLE AGE Need Help to Pass the Crisis Safe lyProof that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Can be Relied Upon. Urbana, III "During; Change of Life, in addition to its annoying' symptoms, I .sg-. nui an arrsir r grippe which lasted all winter and left me in a weakened condition. 1 felt at times that I would j never be well again, j I read of Lydia E. SPinkham's Vege table Compound and what it did for women passing through tiie Change of Life, so I told my doctor I would try it. I aoon began to gain in strength and the annoying svmDtoms dis appeared and your Vegetable Compound ha made me well, strong woman so I do all ray own housework. I cannot recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'sege table Compound too highly to women passing through the Change of Life." Mrs. Frank Henson, 1316 S. Orchade St, Urbana, 111. Women who suffer from nervousness, "heat flashes," backache, headaches and the blues" should try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink- j ham's Vegetable Compound. Petticoats bered in Salem as Miss Lucia Coch ran. Her husband. Rev. Mr. Pratt, Is the pastor of a Presbyterian church e.t Newport. Mrs. A. N. Moores has left for a visit in Astoria with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Kinney (Althea Moores.) ' Mrs. Muzzetta Esch has been en tertaining as her guest, Mrs. Emma Fewer of Chicago. 111. Both hostess and guests were week-end visitors with Mrs. Edward Rlstlne. In observance of St. Patrick's day an entertainment will be given to morrow night at the Unitarian church. The invitations asks that "Ivery man wear a trifle of grane to extinguish himsilf from the ithers." On the program will be "Irish Lvrlcs" by the Congregational choir; address, "Ireland, Past and Pres ent,", by Edgar M. Rurke; solo, "The Little Vl"h Girl," Mrs. T. H. Gallo way; violin solo. "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms," Miss Mary Schoettle; reading. "Fin ning and Klannigan." Mrs. Blanch Howard, and Lange's "Irish Love Song." by Miss Ada Miller. Mrs. W. II. Prunk (Verna Cooder) Is in Concomly for a few days' visit with her parents. She left yester day. J BITS FOR BREAKFAST Feels like spring. Good news; new bridge to be ready by July A. m Congres Is being taken into the confidence of the war game. That is good news. m Aviation Is 74 per cent behind schedule. It should be brought up to the 100 per cent mark, quickly, if every resource at, the command of the government has to be assembled and speeded to the last notch. Avia tion will be.the greatest aid in win ping the war, and the United States has the raw material for the stu pendous task. "Is Influential newspapers in Ger many, according to the Associate 1 Tress dispatches of last night, ar beginning to see the loss of Ger many's prestige In the Far Eat. They assert that Germany's Ruaslan ollrv has "nlaved the game bril liantly" for Great llrltain. the Unit ed States and Janan. It was scarce ly to be expected that, so soon, the Inot-maVl military autocracy of tha country would begin to be reminded of the lemon they have gathered in the garden of greed; and by their own people. Trntikv Is now talking of hav'ng he Russians fieht. nut he Is late n wokinr un out of hl pipe-dreams. He should have thought of th's M n number of months ago. If th Russians do flgh. they rhould fWt tinder a safer and saner banner than the one that represents the Imprac tical and visionary Ideas and Ideals and w aists of Trotzky and his kind. The Ru3 soans ought, to fight for the safety of demacraey, but they should fight tinder the banners of a democracy that represents safetly tot the Rus sian people; ensigns that represent llbrty, not license. Dandruffy Heads Become Hairless If you want plenty of thick, beau tiful, glossy silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for It will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. i It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. .The only sure way to get. rid of dandruff is to dis solve It. then you destroy It entirely. To do this, ret about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the. scalp and rub it in gen tly with the finger tips. Ry: morning, most If not all. of your dandruff will (be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely -destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. Tou can get liquod arvon at any drug store. It Is inexpensive and four ounces is all 'you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never falls. AW OREGOX SUBSET. "Tit springtime, when the winding shore Skirts many a hillside green; My bark is out. 1 still the oar. And view the sunset scene. From swaying limb and fronded fern Day's requiem now is sung. Where the ivied oak takes ninnoui turn L.ike Kiant harpa o'eratr.ung. In bird and buah and glistening back. And towering hill tops high Is nature's handiwork displayed Ucfore the wondering eye. The lone owl peeps from the murmur ing pine. Ilia day dreams so to end. And what Joya to come, as with day's decline. May not those dreams portend. Like a silvery flash from its moun tain fine. For leaps the white Cascade, Light as the foot of the bounding roe, That haunta the neighboring glade. The herds that dot the distant hit. Where earliest flowers may teem. Hreathe of their passing sweets at wilt. Or laah the glittering stream. Faint as from many a journeyed mile. The perfumed winds blow free. With whisperings sweet of sunnest Isle, Far o'er the western seas. Fused with the sunbeams as they fall. Thrice merrily do they sing, Like troubadour, whose timorous call Wring praises from his king. Born: as of beauty, so erolden browed, Barth's vapory orbs take rise. And fairy field found never a cloud Than,; the blue of our matchless skies. Whether hersld of the coming night. Or meaaenirer of dawn. Nymphs of ethereal regions bright. Their fslry sails sweep on. A frisnr and the ravishing forms have! fled. ' ' --.! 7 ' 7 ' ' CORNER COURT AND COM'L STREET, SALEM . Whither no mortal knows; Halo, perhaps, for his hosry heard, They, greet the "prince f snows." with life and loveliness sstlr, And varying tints untold. Now e-randJy looms the towering fir. All tinseled o'er with gold. Proud of his own prodigious1 form. With strength and grsndeur bUnt He hurls defiance to the storm, -With vigor well unspent. From fiery bolt and wintry blast. His native steep to shield; He views as veteran of the past Might view, the long ought field. That fire and flood has he withstood And wind's tempestuous sweep. His fallen comrades of the wood Make answer as they sleep. Around him, in the long- ae-o, For home and native mead. The rathering tribesmen charged Us foe From many a sweltering steed. i t As we of time's intuitive right Lafe's earlier friend love beat; Bo day's last pinnacle of light Stands shimmering from his crest Night shades with coloring not 3 couth. Where sank the evenlne- sun. Like mourners to the err-ve of youtt Com gathering one by one. Last courtier to departing dsy, Flushed with Its lingering glow. The lark repeats his evening lay In silvery notes and low Day, thai from sunshine, flower w' song. ftems wesrying of delight Needless her pleasures to prolong, Waila now the hurrying; nlg-ht. And be It here. In years sfar. From memory's heights sublime; To light as by a silver stsr. Life's shadowy slopes of time. S. A. Trainor, Shaw, Oregon. Lemons Beautify! Make Quarter Pint of Lotion, Che? Here Is told how to prepare Inexpensive lemon 'lotion which ( be used to brtng back to any W the sweet freshnesssoftness, wbiU' ness and beauty. The Juice of two fresh lemon.' strained into a bottle contain!-? three ounces of orchard white m a whole quarter pint of the mot T markable lemon skin beaut rfler about the cost one must pay tor email, Jar of the ordinary cold creaT Care should be taken to strain t lemon Juice through a fine cloth P no lemon pulp gets in, then tt: lotion will keep fresh "for month Kyery woman knows that lenv8 Juice Is used to -bleach and rented such blemishes as freckles, sallo' ness and tan, and is the idealf"-5 softener, smoothener and beautify Just try It! Get three oupcel orchard white at any pharmacy D two, lemons from the grocer J make upa quarter pint of this sweet ly fragrant lemon lotion and mM sage it dally Into the face. n arms' and hands, and e for yowrst.' KKK rTHttlPII:i'itIf "MEN! ME.! M EN!"