SSSSff., ".j) llStld DAILY EDITION , Liti KVTIl YKAIt tt i ' - " 1 1 " r- . . fp - ' ' j - HUMBLING OF NEUTRALS IS GERMAN AIM U-Boats Begin Ruthless Cam paign to Starve Northern . Nations to Dependence on . Teutonic War Lords SINKING OF SWISS SHIP IS DELIBERATE Energy Is Directed to Destroy - Vessels for Use in After War Trade WASHINGTON. March 14. Ger many's latest campaign o? rutbless ness against neutral shipping is at tributed by the war trade board in a statement tonight to a deliberate plan for cutting; off the north Euro pean nations from American and al lied food supplies and thereby re ducing them through starvation to a political and economic dependence upon the Teutonic war lords. ' While' the board makes no refer ence to the determination of ! the United States and Great Britain to take over Dutch ships in American , and allied ports nnless The Nether lands government accepts a pending economic agreement, its statement throws interesting light npon the sit uation which led to this decision. The hope is expressed that the neu trals will contrast the respect ve at titudes of the United States and Ger man v 1 1 ward the problem of feed ing; them. Following is the statement: . Humble Neutral. German Aim. v "Germany's war leaders are using the submarine war weapon to pre vent fulfillment of American agree- : ments to feed and relieve European neutrals. A mass of cumulative evi dence and indications in the posses sion of the war trade board show that Germany is employing the sub marine menace to prevent, neighbor - neutrals receiving any food or favors at the hands of the United States and Its associates in the war and to eo- - erce these neutrals f through starva tion 1 1 to political and economic de penrrpe upon -Germany quite as much as to strike at the communl catrons of its opponents Germany's (Continued on Page 2.) Do You Realize That You Have Only 1 6 . Days in Which to Prepare for Easter Siradlay . which will be 1 oh March 31st this year. Of course youH want a dress for the occasion which will be in accord with present fashions. You should examine duf new Spring , ... SIIiKSr 1 We are showing a complete Una of weaves for yon to choose from in all the popular colorings. TAFFETA SILKS IN NOVELTY PLAIDS TAFFETA SILKS IN NEW BROAD STRIPES in a great r ariety of color combinations r " TAFFETA SILKS IN GINGHAM PATTERNS PLAIN TAFFETAS IN A FULL COLOR RANGE SILK SERGED IN STRIPES AND PLAIDS NEW FOULARD SILKS in the most approved patterns NEW TUB SILKS ALL DESIRABLE WEIGHTS OF SHANTUNG PONGEE SILKS HEAVY SILK CREPES FOR COATINGS CREPE DE CHINE in several grades. We can match' almost any shade in our high grade GEORGETTE CREPE now ; used so extensively in com blnation with other, fabrics. The quality df our merchan dise is better for the price because our profits are figured on the spot cash basis and our economical plan of business.' Our store closes at 5:30 every evening except Saturday at 8 o'clock. ' ' .' ' WILSON ONLY STATESMANTO GREET RUSSIA Robert Cecil's. Statement De- dared Unfortunate at Delicate Time GERMAN MENACE TOLD Mr. Balfdur Points Out Dan ger Allied Cause Faces in Far East LONDON. March 14. Speaking in the house of commons today on the situation In the east Foreign Secretary Balfour expressed perfect confidence in Japan's absolute loyal ty in carrying out any devlsion that might be reached and declared that in this ouestion he had drawn no distinction between Japan and other! allies. i H. B. Lees-Smith, Liberal, for Northampton.: who several days ago, notified the house of his intention, asked Mr. Balfour whether he could give the house any information r.v garding the rumors as to the inten tions of Japan in Asiatic Russia and what was the attitude of Great Britain on this subject. Cecil Statement DUHked. Lord Robert Cecil, he said, had made a statement on the Question which was of a startling character and most unfortunate at the present time. There was not the slightest evidence, he declared, in support of the statement that a large number of German prisoners in Siberia had been armed and that a German gen eral was on the way to organise them. There was no evidence that Germany was going to play into tbf allies hands and dissipate her force by a mad expedition into Siberia. If the allies occupied Russia's eastern province, they could not at the peace conference be able to . raiso kthelr voice on behalf of the worll for Lithuanian or Rumania. . WUnoii'h I Only Sfesaago. ; He dwelt upon the fact that Presi dent Wilson was the only allied statesmen to send a message to th Moscow - conference, - and declared, that the avowed policy and language of Prelsdent Wilson were quite at variance. with those of Lord Robert Cecil, whlth contemplated a policy which would mean that Japan would have V make war en the soviet gov ernment of Russia, because if she (Continued on Pas: 2.1 ; SAI.KM, AMERICA TO SEIZE MANY DUTCHSfflPS Million Tons of Ships to Be Used by Allies if Holland Does Not Agree Before March 18 ULTIMATUM DELIVERED BY UNITED STATES German Pressure Blamed; Agreement Reached With Great Britain WASHINGTON. .March 14, After months of .delay and unsuccessful negotiations with The Netherlands, the United States and Great Britain have decided to take over on March 18 for allied use all Dutch ships in allied portsunIess. The Netherlands government accepts agreement to that purpose before. that time. This will bring practically a mil lion tons of ships to the aid of. the allies at a time when they are sorely needed. MiniMter Make Appeal. The Netherlands inister, Augustus Phillips, had an engagement with President Wilson today and it' was expected he would present from his governent a final appeal that the action be delayed or at least modi fied. There are no indications, however, that the allied governments will re cede from their decision. In fact, a final communication is understood already to have been presented at The Hague by the British and jAmeri can diplomatics representatives. In addition to being recompensed for the loss of any of the ships, the Dutch are to reeeiv? liberal compen sations in breadstuffs, which they need badly. German fretuiure Blamed. German pressure Is expected to deter The Netherlands government from accepting the agreement the allies propose and the taking over of the ships under international law is looked upon as a logical solution and not entirely an unfortunate one for Holland. J Officials and diplomats here have no fears that the taking over of the Dutch ships will force Holland into the war, as has been predicted In some quarters. They ate certain that Holland will continue her policy of neutrality. ; The taklhg over of all the Jutc!i fleets is the great eft move of Its kind since the beginning of the war. Kngland To Act, Too. LONDON, March 14.--Because of the long delays in the negotiations with Holland over Dutch ships In allied ports and the slowness of the Dutch government to act In this re spect, Great Britain and the United States have reached an agreement to end the negotiations and take over all such ships next week for the use of the allies. j The amount of tonnage , made available to the allies through the Dutch arrangements is 1,000.000 tons, of which 70 per cent is in the United States. 15 per cent in Brit ish ports and 15 per cent in other allied ports. fcvery precaution will be taken to safeguard the rights of the owners. The ships will be' insured and armed and any ships sunk will be replaced at the earliest possible time after the war. 1 - ' , - Dutch Not Informed. THE HAGUE, March 14. The Netherlands government; according to high authority here1, was not in formed that unless the Dutch ships In allied ports were unreservedly de livered to the allies bv March 18 they would be taken over. But the British minister at The Hague in formed the government that unless a satisfactory answer Was forthcom ing by March 18 regarding naviga tion of the danger zone by Dutch ships, other measures would have to be taken ,tto get these chips moving. Castle Rock People Go Out of Doors and Solute Flag CASTLE ROCK, Wash.. March 14. Every inhabitant of Castle Rock who was physically fit (o get out of doors saluted the American flag to day, -i -- The demonstration was arranged y a committee of citizens, follow ing reports that some residents of the town were disloyal. The inay:r inssued a pcoclamation calling upon all residents to appear on the streets at 1 p. m, and give evidence of their patriotism. The stores were closed. The schools were dismissed and the pupils joined In the demonstration, i The mayor led the parade, fol lowed by a bajnd playing patriotic music. Nobody declin to salute the flag, and members of the com mittee on arrangements who had checked upt thosfe present, announced afterwards that all able-bodied resi dents of Castle Rock, big and, little, had been present and attested their allegiance. Castle Rock Is a town of about 1500 population. 1KK;. HCIIV MOKMN.j, MARCH 1 11K AMERICANS RUIN BIG GAS ATTACK FROM GERMANS Four Groups of Gas Projec tors Are Blown to Pieces by Artillery NO YANKEES ARE KILLED Listeners Driven Off Near Toul; Germans Are Busy Behind Lines WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, Tuesday. March 12. Four groups of German gas projec tors, in addition to the 200 projec tors already reiorted destroyed have been discovered and likewise blown to pieces by the American artillery. Probable German plans for gas at tacks on a comparatively large scale against the American positions north west of Toul have thus been upei. The 'American artillery nn this front has been more active than ever in the past fifteen hours and its shells also found lodgement in a number of ammunition dump which were blown up. Americans In Raid. Details of the recent raid have Just developed and show that while numbers of Germans were killed by nhell fire when the box barrage wa in effect and others later by th creeping barrage, there were also a few of the enemy shot here and there during the time our men werrj in the trenches. There were many Americans among the raiding party of four officers and seventy men who did not see a single German soldier. All the men In the raid seemed par ticularly impressed with the way the American barrage worked. "It worked like a clock. said one soldier whose home is in Texas. "It made you feel yon could go right on to Berlin behind it. The onlv trouble at this show was we didn't see enough of Fritx. He must bav beat It like a rabbi tt, because I did not see a single one all the way back to the second line, although some of the other fellows did." Xo - Caxaaltie Snf fered. The men went in 150 yards on a JO yard front. None of the Ameri cans was killed and none is missing. It la certain that five Germans wera killed In the fighting. Artillery fire of quite a lively char acter also is continuing in the eec tor est of Luneville. So far as is known the Germans have not re occupied their first and second lines there. t- Both the Lunetllle sector and that of Toul have been much occupied with snipers today, as well as last night. In the former sector one sniper was detected In a tree after a period in which he had done fairly effective work. One of the American sharpshoot ers crawled cautiously forward to a vantage point in No Man's Land and opened up on him. The second shot hit the German, whose body dropped to the enemy wire where it buAV for the rest of the day. German LMener Driven Off. Northwest of Toul rifle fire and grenades dislodged a German former sniper's post in a shell hole and also (Continued on Page 2.) EIGHTEEN KILLED IN TRAIN WRECK Pennsylvania Crash Is Caused by Landslide; Many Are Injured HARRISBl'RG, Pa., March 15. Pennsylvania railroad train No. 19, the Cincinnati. Indianapolis and Chi cago express westbound from "Phil adelphia was wrecked east f KUza bthtown near here today. It Is re ported to have been buried under a landslide. A relief train with nurses and physicians will fdart from Harris t.urg for the scene as soon as it can be made up. According to reports at division headquarters many - per son were injured and" probably sev eral kiied. PHILADELPHIA. March 1". Re ports received at the general offices of the Pennsylvania railroad her were that a huge boulder rolling down the mountain side had strncg train No. 1. wrecking three or four sleepers. The Masonic home at Llizabethlown has been thrown open for the care of the injured whese number has not yet been ascertain-d Neither is it known whether any one was killed. Traffic on all four tracks was blocked by the wreck. LANCASTER. Pa.. March 13. Reports received here state that eighteen perrons were killed and about forty injured in the wreck of train No. 19 on the Pnnsylvanla railroad near Ellzabethtown. T'n? train is believed to have run into a landslide in' the west cut abore the station on the westbound track. CONGRESS TO BE INFORMED OF PROGRESS Administration Embarks on Policy of Keeping Legisla- tors Daily Posted on Fight ing Front in Europe INQUIRIES WILL BE MADE UNNECESSARY Army Men Fully Answer Questions; Improvement in Shipping Noted WASHINGTON". March 14. The administration formally embarked today on a policy of taking congress completely into its confidence as to ihe progress of war preparations and .developments on the fighting front in Europe. At the invitation of Acting Secretary Crowell, members of the senate military committee were In session at the war depart ment for nearly two hours with the full membership of the war council, and beginning next week will meet with that body .every Saturday morning. Mem lie r s of the-house committee will meet with the council tomorrow and a similar arrangement for weekly .meetings will be made with that committee. Probably a large rom will be obtained later so that the committees of both bouses may be received In Joint session. Quick In forma; Ion In Aim. Thus the war department meets the inslsteni demand of congress for a greater share In the conduct of the war and removes the real cause which led the senate committee's prolonged investigation of the army with its attendant bitter criticism. It wai pointed out today that mem bers of congress now would know first hand about current develop ments. Instead .of getting informa tion months late through the exami nation of witnesses, and could make their" criticisms at a time when they would count. 0 ; Movements "for the creation of a joint congressional committee on the conduct of t?".e war have been sup pressed by President Wilson's unal terable opposition to interference with the powers and duties entrust ed to the executive by the constitu tion. Through" the conferences now inaugurated, however It Is suggested that the Teriilar committees acting in full harrftony with the executive officials will 1e able to accomollfh all and nrobably mere toward keep-l in conrfess In touch with what Is going on that would have been pos sible under the special committee plan. Question Fully Answered. Senator Hitchcock of Nebrasks.o who has led !n much of the senate criticism of the war department, was ranking Democratic member present today in the ' absence of Senator Chamberlain of Oreron. the 'Chair man. "The session today was very satis factory. Senator Hfteheoek said. "The department has reduced every thing to diagrams, showing the pres ent status in each branch and prog ress beoine made." Senator Hitchcock added that all questions asked by the senators had been answered fully by the men who are In direct charge of the work, frankly disclosing every element of the war work in which the depart ment Was behind schtUule and the steps being taken to remedy the dif ficulty. Shipping Is fmproved. Tn some respects, the senator said, notably In the aviation program, there has been great delay and the war council has initiated an inves tigation to determine the cause. An other member of the committee said (Continued on Tage 2.) NEW SALEM BRIDGE WILL BE IN USE BY JULY 4, NUNN "BELIEVES AH But Three Carloads of Steel Have Arrived and Struc ture Will Be Finished Ahead of Contract Time Con tractors Are at Work, on Piers, Two of .Which Are Fin ishedInspector Comes From Portland. . Tlie new Marion-Polk county steel bridge at Outer Rt reef will Le finished alie.ul of contract tint- declares Herbert Nunn, Ktatc high way cnghicer, ami probably will be okmi for traffic by .luly 4. All but three carloads of the GM) tons of steel to be used in the con struction have arrived nnd the three cars are on the road. Twenty three cars-w-re required to briut? the steeL The contractors arc now working on the foundation. Two of .the six piers have hwn completed, one is nearly complete, and tlie base is finished for one other. The concrete approach on the east end ha been finished and also the wood aproach on the west end with the exception of the railing, T T. Ituell arrived yesterday from Portland to take up the in spection part of thejob to take the place of J. J. Brooks. Jiuell is in the employ of the state highway department. JAPAN EXPECTED TO ACT AFTER SOVIETS MEET Faint Hope Held Russian Fac tions Will Unite to right Germany SPIRIT BADLY CRIPPLED Trotzky's "Iron Discipline" Is Believed to Have Come Too Late WASHINGTON. March 14. Ja pan's avowal of ; her intention to in tervene in Siberia and the announce ment of the courses to be taken by the United States and other govern ments aligned against the central powers, are expected to follow clog- ly upon the adjournment of the Rus sian congress of Soviets, called to meet tomorrow at Mowov, Official Washington nnd diplomats here still retain faint hone that the warring factions of Russia may yet reject the German peace terras signed at Hrest-Litovsk, but almost all inTor mation that has reached here Indl rates tilt the fighting spirit of the disorganized people is too wounded to resist. The state department tonight was still without official knowledge tha the president's message of sympathy and promise of aid addres'd to the Russian people through the congress had reached Moscow, but that it had been taken for granted. Word that the Soviets actually had convened also was tacking. . Some little encouragement was found In the altered attitude of Trotzky. former liolshevik foreign minister, as reported by Ambassador Francis. The ambassador said Trotzky had been quoted as saying that he favored putting the army under "Iron discipline" and oontin ulng the fight against Germany. His change of mind, however is believed to have come too late. Failure of the soviet to endeavor to muster the strength of Russia against Germany probably will bring to an Immediate conclusion the ne gotiatioans concerning Japanese In tervention. I Prince lAoli, Former Russian Premier, Arrested PETROG RAD, March 14. The Russian Telegraph, agency announces that the former Russian' premier. Prince Lvoff, has been arrested by the commander of the northern front. It was reported from Irkutsk March ? that Prince Lvoff had set up a new Russian government In the far east and was awaiting the land ing of Japanese troops at Vladlvo stock In order Ao' enter Siberian' ter ritory with them. Aviator Loses Lower Half of Face in Fall SAN ANTONIO. Texas, March 14. When an airplane be was attempt ing to start at Kelly field No. 2 this morning suddenly lurched forward. Corporal Cyril J. Favreau. 29, of Indian Orchard, Masf., was caught in the whirling propeller blades and the lower half of his face torn away. At the base hospital. For Sam Hous ton,; it was said tonight Favreau will live. Bolf Pasha's Appeal Is Denied by France PARIS. Wednesday. March 13. The appeal of Bolo Pasha from the sentence of death Imposed by court martial for treason, was rejected today by the court of revision, which confirmed the original judgment. I'KR i: FIVK C'JttfTtt RESUMPTION OF WAR PLAN I0F TROTZKY Ex-Foreign Minister Advo cates Reorganization of Army for'Defense; Ratifi cation Is Opposed GERMAN NEWSPAPERS SEE GRAVE MISTAKE Russian Policy Has Played Brilliant Game for Allies Is View (By The Aimnciatod Preaaf The former Dolshevlk fordn min ifter, Trotzky. ha asiwrted that he will oppose the ratification of th peace .treaty with Germany and ad vocate the reorganization of the ar my for the defense of Russia. Mean while Influential newapapcra In Ger many already are beginning to the loft of Germany's prestige tn the far eat becnuse of her machi nations In Russia and to point out that Germany' Russian policy "played the game brilliantly" for Great Urltaln, the United State and Japan. Turks 1 inn-a Armenians. Meager advices from Constantino Vie indicate that with the evacuation bv the Russians of sections of Turk ish Armenia the Turks are again narrating tho Armenians, but that the Armenians are offering resis tance. Krzerum the principal city in Armenia, already has been reoc Kupied by the Turks. Another case of "frlghtfnlnes" by German submarine commander-i is chronicled in a icport of an at tempt to send the Urltlsh hospital fhip Guilford Castle, with 450 sUk or wounded r-oldlers on board, to the bottom. Notwithstanding tho plain markings of the hospital ship, two torpedoes were launched against it. One of the mlssil?3 struck the, vessel's bow, badly dam aging it. but she was able to make port with difficulty. On the major battle fronts ' tho operations continue, as for weeks past, mainly of artillery duels, trench raids and intensive aerial activity by all the opposing forces. In the operations on land the American troops continue to locate and blow to pieces with their artillery gas pro jectors In the Toul region, which the Germans recently have been at tempting to set up in large numbers in preparation, it is believed, for a gas attack dp a huge scale. American aerial observers have been doing splendid work spotting out the gas tubes and reporting their whereabouts to the artillery. Cierman Ilatterfen Silenced. Not alone are the gas throwing Implements coming in for attention by the American gunners, but Ger man batteries, trenches, wire entan glements and points of military con centration and monition dumps ala-", are being given pra&ical demonstra tions of the accuracy of aim of the men behind the American guns. Additional batteries have been si lenced by them, trenches and wire entanglements have been torn to pbc es and ammunition dumps blown up. "With the return of good weather many airmen daily are to be seen over the battle lines dropping bom'n or In aerial combat. The British, rrench and German air services ail are claiming numerous victories fy their aviators in fights In the air. Durlnjf the first ten days of March nritish airmen are credited with ao counuting for 79 German plane, while the German war office asserts that on Wednesday 17 enemy ma chines and three captive balloon? were destroyed by German airmen along: the Franco-Belgian front. The situation In Russia and Si Iwria apparently is still far from being-settled. Although the Ger mans and Anstro-Hongarions still control territory from Finland to Odessa on the Black ea. it Is not certain'-that-the Russians will not again take up arms against them. Kieckhefer Scores But Cannel ax Still in Led CHICAGO. March 14. Aug'e Kiechkhefer or Chicago, scored r4 points while Robert Cannefax of St. Louis, wa making GO In tonight's block of their match for the world's three-cushion billiard championship, but Cannefax still leads, 100 to 96. because of the eight-point lead he gained last night. Woman Is on Trial for Murder of Orchardist VMAL1$. Cal..:March 14 The defense In the ca.e of Mrs. Orleaa V lloKr, on trial here for the! niurde. of Will IT. Brooks, wealthy orchard ist in a Portervlllc hotel last No vember, was virtually complcfl when curt adjourned late ioday. Only one witnea remained to be called. i a