The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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Bain; moderate southv.eierl
ly winds.
: v :.. ; II Jl
SIXTV-SKVKXTII YEAH XO. .iiM) ! ' ' 1 ' "
Senate Approves Legislation
to Uproot German Commer
cial Influence; Hoboken
a Docks to Change
Treaty of 1799 With Prussia
Not Regarded Mere
Scrap of Paper
WASHINGTON March 11. Leg
islation authorizing the sale, of all
enemy property In this country, re
quested by tho alien property cus
tpdian to permanently uproot Ger
man ronmercia influence, was ap
proved today by the senate and add
ed to the urgency deficiency appro
priation "bill. An amendment em
powering the president to ' acquire
title to the German steamship com
panies dorks and wharves at Ho
boken, N. J., also was accepted.
The vote on the provision for sale
of enemy property was unanimous.
4 to 0, and came after several
hours scathing denunciation of Ger
man koltur and intrigues for world
Enemy property within the mean
ing of the law is property owned In
an enemy'country, and official assur
ances have been given that there is
o intention to interfere with the
property or: money of Germans or
Asttrlans living In thir. country.
The purpose Is to break the hdid of
Certnans in Germany upon vast com
mercial and industrial enterprises in
the United States, which nave been
closely connected with the kaiser's
government and prevent their serv
ing as outposts of the Teutonic
movement for world domination.
Ownership to Be Provided.
- Under the trading with the enemy
Pt the alien property custodian
takes possession of and administers
the properties, but its without au
thority to dispose finally of them.
The new legislation will empoerJ
him to place them in American
hands. 1
Virtually the only questions raised
in today's debate were the: possibility
of violating the treaty of, 1799 be
tween Prussia and the United States
and of too hasty action by congress.
Expected opposition to the provision
for purchase of the Hamburg-American
and North German Lloyd docks
at Hoboken failed to materialize.
Prompt approval of both provi
sions by the house Is expected as
soon as the senate finally disposes
of the $2,000,000,000 urgent defi
ciency appropriation bill, to which
they are added.
Before the senate iacted Ttemo
cratic Leader Martin, presented a
memorandum from the state depart
ment's legal bureau declaring that
the 1793 treaty was not regarded as
applicable." ----
Kaiser Ifiti Property Here.
What is to be done with the pro
ceeds of the sale of German inter
ests which some senators today sug
gested are owned in part by Kmperor
William himself is a policy to be de
termined later.
Senator Martin said;
"Speaking for myself, and. I think
the American people. If the German
people ever get any compensation, it
will he after they have compensated
the American people for the millions
I would even say billions -of dol
lars' worth of properly they have
wthlesgTy destroyed."
Quoting from statements of A,,
Mitchell palmer, the alien pioperty
custodian, when he appeared before
the senate appropriations eonmlttee
in urging the legislation. Senator
Martin said many of the German
owners had returned to Germany
"tad now arc waging war on this,
country. -w
"It Is Inconceivable," he added,
"if we sre to make any accounting
that it shall be made without an ac
counting from Germany for the de
struction made of property of Arucr
citizen. God forbid that J
honld protect Interests of the Ger-,
man reoofe any more than I am
compelled to." i
Treaty Held Xt Applicable.
That Germany regards the 1799
treaty as a."mer scrap tf paper" was
asserted by Senator Underwood of
Alabama, who said the treaty does
lot Interfere with the sale of Ger
man property proponed.
"Let the junker know that. Amer
ica is flghtin in earnest," said Mr.
tnderwod. "It is certainly proli
ne that the German emperor him
elf. holding In the names of other
Persons, owns a large part of the
Property involved."
Senator Stone of Missouri, chair
man of the foreign relations com
mittee, said that examination of the
treaty of i:s? and various authori
ties on international law convinced
jlm that the amendment authoriz-
the sale-of enet! y property w-as
Proper. He said his purpose in ask
ing that consideration of the amend
nt when called up last Saturday
Postponed was to permit hint to
.( Continued on Page 3.).
Reports of Military Mission to
Battle Zone Closely
Direction in Which U. S. Is
to Exert Energy to Be
WASHINGTON. March ' 1 1. Safe
arrival in Kranee of Secretary Baker
and hi party having been formally
announced today by the navy de
partment, press "reports about his
movements on the other side are
being watched closely here. Many
officials think It possible that the
etory of his activities. If permitted
to pass the censor, will throw inter
esting light upon the object of his
mission to the theater of war.
Kmphasis laid by the war depart
ment upon the fact that Mr. Raker's
trjp was purely a military pilgrimage
without diplomatic significance has
directed attention to the known de
sire of President Wilson to sec an
energetic campaign waged by. the
allies. With American troop3 hold
ing a constantly Increasing sector
of the battle lines, the wishes of the
Washington government will have
even greater weight than heretofore
with the allied chieftains.
It is assumed here tbat the secre
tary is gathering first hand info--matlon
on conditions at the, front
for the president, and h l!l be able
to give as well as to receive impo--tant
. The great question of the direc
tion in which the United States is
to exert its greatest effort in the
rar may be decided on the result of
these conferences abroad, There
have been a constant conflict: not
only as to the use of ship tonnage
as between the shipment of troop
and the shipment of supplies for the
allies, but also as "TV the priority
rights of various armysuppliea and
equ ipments.
Expansion of Marine
Corps and Navy Planned
WASHINGTON, March 11. The
house naval committee today began
consideration of the annual naval
appropriation bill, as framed by the
navy department and a naval sub
committee. The bill parried approx
imately $1,300,000,610 for the navy
for i the next fiscatTyear, but tb-3
amount would be made Immediately
available so the navy can' meet
promptly any emergencies that may
arise. The measure provides for an
increase of the enlisted force of the
navy from 150.000 to 187.000 men
and an increase in the marine corpi
from 30.000 to 50,000 officers gad
Some members favor Increasing
the marines to 60.000 officers and
men with a view to putting a full
division In France,
The bill does not change the thre-v
year building program adopted by
congress three years ago. Increas
es in the number of destroyers, pa
trol boats adn other special types
of craft, made necessary by the war.
have been taken care of in special
appropriation bills.
Bill Wayward Falls
K- in Portland Hotel
, l'0RTi,ANr. March 11. William
Hayward, athletic coach of the uni
versity of Oregon for the past fif
teen yearscollapsed in the lobby of
a hotel bere today and was removed
to a hospital for observation. Hav
ward has been indisposed for som
tune, and had come to Portland to
ccnsult a specialist.
Senator Lodge Advocates
Policy of Truth in War
BOSTON, March 11. United
States Senator Henry Oabot I.odge
advocated a policy of dealing with
the American people according to
the standards of truth that charac
terized George Washington, at ft Pa
triotic mmass meetlnsr here tonight
in Tionor of the Most Uev. Cosmi
Gordon Lang, archbishop of York.
"We have had enough of telling
what we are going to do." he said,
"what we want to'know is what we
have done. Let the people know th
truth and if the truth Is bitter and
disheartening, they'll set their teeth
as they did in the civil war and win.
The road to victory is the road. to
truth." ;--
National Wrestling Meet
' j Will Be Held on April 12
CTHICACO. March ll.The Na
tional wrestling championship con
tests will be held on April 12 and 1
at! the Chicago Athletic ossociation
t'pder the auspices of the A. A.
it was announced today. The events
will bo divided into nlao classes,
Ship Alleged Put in Danger of
Attack; From Submarine
Through Tampering With
"Zig-Zag" Clock
Details of Perilous Voyage
Show Actual Clash With
In connection with the case of Kd
ward Otte, the 23-year-old native of
Riga. Russia, formerly quartermas
ter of a I'nited Stated transport, who
is charged with espionasre and is be
ing held under $23,000 bail, have
become known the details of the
perilous voyage overseas of the
transport, which, riddled with Hun
shrapnel, bears silent testimony,, of
an actual clash with a German ub-ma'-'ne.
Otis, it Isilleeed. tampered with
the iiiechanMm which controls the
transport's course in the submarine
zone. It Is charged also that he ran
the American flag up side down and
that he reported a false reading of
the carrier's lop.
Chwk Shifts fourw.
At . Otis' trial here last Saturday
It was brought out that the alleged
tampering with what is known as
the "7.i-zag" clock of the transport
had shifted the zig-zagging course of
the vessel to a material decree and
that the ship was placed thereby In
grave danger of submarine attack.
The transport, safe it her berth,
brings with it a crew, the members
of which tell of the ' brush" with
the unc'lrsea vessel and of the cour
ageous conduct under fire of those
who manned the American guns,
fighting against great odds, had won
the day. A!l stand readv to brave
the submarines again and tfie
morale of the unit is unimpaired.
The transport made but one trip
overseas. After clearing from an
Atlantic port she joined her convoy
and beran the trip across the At
lantic without social incident until
she neared the hostile zone. Then
things began to happen. First her
engine "went wrong" and she was
compelled to drop behind the! con
voy, believing the. trouble could be
corrected in a short time. Put this
was not the case and when the re
pairs were made the transport was
stranded, but ; not alone, for pro
ceeding along her course the lookout
sighted a submarine dead astern,
less than a mile away.
Shrapnel Dropped on Transport.
The gun crew of, the transport was
thrown into action and the stern
gun was opened up at the enemy
craft. At this time the undersea
boat showed fight and. remaining on
top of the water, began to drop
shrapnel shells on the transport.
Closing her shrapnel guns, the
submarine crew let loose one of her
torpedoes, but the transport maneuv
ered lis time to let it pass, starllingly
to her stern. Iettlne loose
with shrapnel, the German
worked effectively, several
flndinr their mark. The crew
of th transport was having trouble
with the range. To add to tne
transport's predicament, the chief
gunner had his clothing nearly
stripped from his body in a hall of
small shell. Ho was wounded In
the leg.
1 ".Year-Old Volunteers.
As usual, there was an Amer an
present wh Jumped Into the breach,
took the place of the wounded chief
guier and proved himself equal to
the occasion. The volunteer was a
17-year-old routh.
In the meantime the enemy craft
had pulled tip to within 900 yards
and jnt up the signal "surrender
we are overhauling you."' The gun
crew on the transport answered with
their first hit.
Again came the signal "surrender,
we are overhauling you." from 1hs
than 800 vards, but the transport
replied with another hit. and the
men swore they would die fUhtlng
rather than give a satisfactory an
swer to the Hun challenge.
The shot that closed hostilities
was a direct hit, which landed fairly
on the periscope deck of the sub
marine, and with its bursting the
undersea craft was ccrn Vn dive or
sink. The crew, exhausted but en
thusiastic, dlt not linger to Investi
gate the fate 6f the enemy ship.
Vanconi;er Longshoremen
-i Have Returned to Work
VANCOUVER. B. C March 11.
Longshoreuttn. who quit work Sat
urday nlht because one of their
number was arrested as a suspecK ft
draft evader, returned to work to
dav. The men voted to return to
wo'rk at a meeting held yesterday.
The longshoreman arrested proved
he was abovo draft age and was re
leased, ,
German-Amerian Organiza
tion in 1915 Urged Con
gress to Act
American Money Sent to Ger
many for Relief Work
Before War
WASHINGTON. March 11. Polit
ical activity of the German-American
alliance and its subsidiary organiza
tions was described In the senate In
vestigating comittee today by E.
Lowry Humes. United States district
attorney at Pittsburg and Joseph Kel
ler of Indianapolis, vice-president t f
the National Alliance. The ccninut
tee is holding a hearing on a bill to
revoke the charter of the alliance on
the ground that it is unpatriotic.
Mr. Humes, who came Into pos-
i session oCJbe records of the alli
ance organization in Allegheny coun
ty, Pennsylvania, through a grar.d
Jury investigation c,f the activities
of German organizations opposing
prohibition, .testified that the Alle
gheny County alliance urged it3
members to support C. K. Hughca
in the last presidential election. Hi?
defeat was attributed by the alli
ance's executive committee as due to
the support "by that sabre-rattling
Hoosevelt." acording to the witness.
The Allegheny organization adopt
ed a resolution in 1915 urging a
special session of congress to pas a
law prohibiting the shipment of mu
nitions to the allies, Mr. Hume said.
k The district attorney testitied that
the records of the organization that
it bad collected $16,000 for German
war relief before the United Statea
entered the war and had sent to the
German and Austrian embassies. It
was brought out at the hearing larl
Saturday that a sceat part of moro
than $800,000 collected in this coun
try by the National alliance was
turned over by Count von Perna
torff, former German ambassador, to
Dr. Bernard Dernberg, who was hetd
of the German propaganda system in
i in this country for some time.
Mr. Keller who recently complet
ed a four-year term as a member of
the Indianapolis school board,' and
has two sons in the army, admitted to
the committee that the alliance activ
ely supported measures and candi
dates opposed to prohibition in Iowa,
Texas, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and
Lieutenant Killed in
Airplane Collision
SAN ANTONIO. Texas. March 11.
Lieutenant Ioron L. Mitchell. En
dora. Miss., was instantly killed;
Cadet Joseph C. Wakefield seriously
Injured and Cadet Pemberton sligh
lv injured in an airplane collision
at Kelley field No. 2 tonight.
It was the most spectacular acci
dent since establishment of the fly
ing fields here. It Was witnessed
by several hundred cadet flyers.
Mitchell and Wakefield were re
turning from a cross-country flight
r t;d Pemberton.'f lying alone, appear
ed from another direction. Thre-
hundred feet from the ground the
two machines collided, locked and
fell In a twisting spiral..
Lieutenant Mitchell 'wa dad
when the cadets reached the scene
of the crash. Wakefield suffered
both thighs fractured and serious
cuts about the body.
Pemberton received only brulres.
Pigeon With Mrs. Wilsons
Message, Does Not Arrive
NKW YORK. March 11. The
homing pigeon released in Washing
ton today with a message from Mrs.
Woodrow Wilson expressing regret
that she could nc attend the mili
tary and naval show to be held here
next week, had not arrived at its J
home tonieht. The owner of 11e
feathered messenger said the pigeon
undoubtedly had .been blown off its
course by the strong head winds
and that there was everv reason to
believe it would reach its home in
good shape some time Tuesday.
Government Inspector
of Textiles in Salem)
' i
J. W. Thorburn. I'nited States In- i
spector of textiles, is in the city and
will remain here for a month or
It Is his duty to inspect all wool
ens for use of the war department,
and he can reject or pass any and
all cloths offered under contract o
the government.
Tho Thomas Kay Woolen mill;
are now and have been for souietim
past turning out monthly a larg
quantity of goods for manufacture in
to uniforms of soldiers in the arm,
and Mr. Thorburn, who is also in
spector of woolens made in Califor
nia and Washington, said last nigh,
that he had seen none better than
the goods niado here in Salem.
Second Line of Enemy Trench
es Reached in Lorraine Sec
tor; Gas Shells Used With
Good Effect
Trotzky's Resignation Said to
Be Due to Quarrel With
(fly The AsfHriated Pre
American initiative has asserted
itself on the Lorraine front in
France. Three savage raids on the
German line have been made by the
American, who succeeded in reach
ing the second line of enemy
trenches before being ordered, to re
turn. During their stay In German
held territory tbey destroyed" care
fully built defenses and picked up
much war materials.
The American artillery ably assist
ed the infantry In the operatipri. A
heavy barrage fire was laid down in
front of the advancing Americans
and the Germans had fled before the
wave o infantry reached the hostile
positions. After the Americans had
been In the German trenches for a
few minutes the German barrage fire
was loosed on them but the Ameri
can guns answered shot for shot and
silenced a number of batteries. The
American artillerymen used 5 gas
shells with good effect. Near Toul
the American heavy guns have been
In action.
Te"ton Driven Hack.
Three raids on the British lines
have been attempted by the Ger
mans In the Armentleres sector but
the British, In spit of a heavy fire
from the enemy's gunr. repulsed th
Teutons. The fighting ha spread
along the Flanders front, the Ypres
and Passchendaele sectors- figuring
in the official reports. The activities
of the contending armies have spread
farther south, encounters 'near St.
Quentin belrfg mentioned for the
first time in recent weekav-
Information received from German
prisoners are responsible for the dis
location of German plans for heavy
attackson the British southeast of
Houtholst wood. '
I-V. Aft AO A V.nli C
w r,,.5 iw eVVffie
?i m W.tme rilt wifnl ?
cestui Voegreeh L T British
on Saturday succeeded In re-estab-1
lishlng their lines.
The British forces operating In
Palestine have once more advanced
north and northwest of Jericho.
The resignation of Leon Trotzky,
the Bolshevik! foreign minister. Is
explained by a report that he acted
after a quarrel with Nikolai Lenlne,
the premier, who Insisted that the
Russia t people agree to the disas
trous peace at Brest-LItovsk. while
Totzky protested against submit
ting without a straggle. The only
fighting reported in Russia is in the
neighborhood of Kiev, Rasdjelnaia.
and along the Shmerlnga-Odessa
railway, where the Germans claim to
have scattered bands of Russians.
AuMrinn Attempt Fails.
There has been fighting on quite a
large scale on the Italian front. In
the mountain sectors of the line,
enemy attempts to advance have
been checked, while along the Piam
river, the Austrian were' defeated
(Continued on Page 3.)
Local Chairman's Authority From Federal Administration
Every Sale of Flour, Necessitates Buying Equal Amount
of Substitutes Inconvenience Is Admitted, But Time
Has Arrived When People Must Do Full Part
Uv an or.ler. of tlie food nlminUtrtion piven the people of tlnn
loealitV ilirotiRlt F. W. Stcusloff. foo.l almiimt ration for Marion
county, no sale of flour can be minle by any lealer in the county tin
less an equal quantity of substitutes goes with the order. Ttiis is ef
fective bejrinnii! this morning.:
The authorities admit that the order is drastic and that it will
cause inconvenience to consumers in many; cases, but absolute neces
sity is back of the order. ;P !' .
The order whs received by Mr. Stcusloff in the, following tele
gram received yesterday froinV. IJ. Ayer of -Portland; federal food
administrator for Oregon, who' in turn received .the. order from
Washington :
"Owing to the absolute' necessity' that" this country furnish wheat
for shipment to our army abroad and to tlfc people of France, I
have positive instructions that no sale of flour can-be male without
an equal .quantity of substitutes, and I am putting the order into
effect today. This will Undoubtedly cause inconvenience to many of
our eople, lnit they must, thoroughly understand that it is au alwo
lute necessity, and the time has arrived wheu we are called upon
to come through, aud U our full part." .....
Sixty Airplanes Cross French
Lines ; Several Buildings
Artillery Barrage Keeps Many
N; Machines From Gaining
LONDON, March 12. German air
planes raided Paris Monday night.
The first alarm was given at 9:10
o'clock when seven squadrons of
German airplanes were reported on
their war to Paris. Bombs were
dropped at 10:13 o'cJock.
LONDON, March 12. A Reuter
dispatch from Paris says that cas
ualtie and propertr damage result
ed from last night's air raid, but
details are unavailable.
One of the German raiders over
Paris last ni-nt was brought down
in flames and the crew was taken
prisoner, a Havas dispatch from
Paris states.
The French official statement on
the raid says that warning was given
at 9:10 o'clock and that "all clear"
was sounded at midnight. About
sixty airplanes crossed the French
lines. Thanks to the artillery bar
rage, which was maintained through
ant the entire raid, with great in
tensity, a certain number or ma
chines were unable to reach their
Nevertheless, the statement adds,
numerous bombs were thrown on
Paris and the suburbs. Several
buildings were demolished onset on
fire. The number of victims1 is not
yet known.
U. S. Would Loan Cuba
Money to Fight Germany
HAVaNa." March 11. The Amer
ican government, it is announced,
has offered to lend the Cuban gov
ernment $15,000,000 to be used in
carrying on the war against Ger
many. The loan will draw 5 per
rent interest and will be guaranteed
by the $30,000,000 Cuban bond
Last September the republic of
Cuba -authorized the announcement
! that half of the Cuban government's
$30,000,000 war bond Issue, decided
shortly !f,ore that t,ra ad
t ""' by Unltef SUteS
Thomas Hitchcoh, Jr.
Is Reported Captured
AIKEN. S C., March 11. Thomas
Hitchcock, Jr., of Aiken and .West
bury'. I. L, who enlisted .In the
French aviation service last June,
has been cat 11 red by a German air
man, according to unconfirmed In
formation received here by the
young man's father. Major Thomas
Hitchcock. Major Hitchcock did not
reveal the source of his Information.
Aerial Photography School
Opens With 560 Students
ROCH ESTER. N. Y.. March 11.
The United States army school of
aerial ph&tography opened here to
day with an enrollment of 560 stu
dents. More than 700 students are
expected to be enrolled this week.
Heart and Soul of America Is
With People, Wilson Tells
Congress of Soviets About
to Convene
Trouble for Germany in East
Hoped Until Allies Yin
WASHINGTON. March 12. On
the eve tf the gathering at Moscow
of the, Russian congress of eovlets,
which Is to pass judgment upon- the
German-made peace accepted by.the
Bolshevlkl at Brest-LItovsk, lc;
dent Wilson hag gent a message of
sympathy to tha t Russian - people
people through the congress, with a
pledge that the United' States will
avail itself of every opportunity to;
aid them in driving out autocracy
and restoring Russia to her place In
the world -with complete sovereign
ty anl independence. ' I
The United States now recognizes
no government In Russia, but tb
president cabled his message loathe
American consul xat Moscow for; da
livery to the congress, which Is made
up of soldiers' and workmen's repre
sentatives and speaks tor at least a
considerable part of the Russian peo
ple. The message made public to
night by the state department, was
as follows:
Sympathy Is Expressed. .
"May I not take advantage of the
meeting of the congress of- the Sov
iets to express the sincere sympathy
which the people of the United States
feel for the Russian people at this
moment when the German power has
been thrust in to Interrupt and turn
back the whole struggle for (freedom
and substitute the wishes of Ger
many for the purpose of the people
of Russia. Although the government
of the United States. Is unhappily,
not In a position to render the di
rect and effective aid It would wish
to render, I beg to assurci the people
of Russia through the, congress tbat1
it will avail itself of every opportun
ity to secure for Russia once ore com
plete sovereignty and independence
in her own affairs and full restora
tion to her great role in the life of
Europe and the modern world. Th-3
whole heart of the people of . the
United States la with the people of
Russia in the attempt to free them
selves forever from autocratic govern
ment and become the masters of
their own life. 1 .
(Signed) "Woodrow WHson."
Thus in his first formal word to
Russia since that revolution-torn
country under the leadership of the
Rolshevikf deserted the allied caue,
the president Indicates the purpose
of the United States to disregard the
hard terms upon which the German
and Austrian war loardi have prom
ised peace to the Russians and to
demand an accounting upon a v?y
different basis when victory at last
shall be achieved by America and tbe
Rejection Sot Vtged. ?
The president does cot urge the
Soviets to reject the peace treaty,
though the delivery of his messag
at this time may be interpreted as
suggesting such a couise. In facf,
it is conceded In official circles tht
there Is scant ground for hope tbat
the congress and what remains of a."
government in Russia will refuse to
give approval to the German terms.
Trotzky, the Dolihevlki foreign rain,
later, has resigned, and from Lenlne,
the premier, who apparently controls
tbe regime, nothing is expected..
Iiut there seem to be still a strong
belief here tbat difficulty for Ger
many in the east, by no means Is
ended; that as tbe humiliating naturo
of the Teutonic terms begins to b
realized by the great mass of Rus
sians and the tyranny of the war
lords in occupied territory shows It
self, a new uprising will make itself
felt. Whether or not anything re
sembling a strong central govern
ment capable of making organized re
sistance on a large scale is developed.
The hope here Is that the determina
tion of the great numbers of the Itus
sians to fight oppression will llnd ex
pression in some way that will give
the Germans much to do In the cast
until the ultimate victory In the west,
about which no doubt Is entertained,
purs the United States and the allic
In the position to give that direct and
effective aid of which President "Wit
son speaks.
The president's message may erv
to lessen misgivings In Russian over
the proposed intervention by Japan
in Siberia. The understanding heie
is that there is no difference of
opinion among the allies tbat any
operations undertaken by Japan to
check German machinations In the
east and protect the war stores ct
Vladivostok will not in any degree
threaten permanent Russia" territor
ial lnjcsrity. . ....