TIIK OREOOX STATESMAN': SUNDAY, MAUCTf lO", 101ft GIRL TYPISTS AT WASHINGTON DO GRIND OF WORK Thousands of Pay Checks Made Out to Soldier's Rel- atives by Clerks EACH CHECK PERSONAL 2300, or Five Acres of Typ ists, Work Three Eight Hour Shifts WAIINGTON', March' S. Th last of the February pay check"., carrying mony allotments by soldiers. end sailors and govern ment allow ances to their dependents at home, went Into the mall. today. Moro than 500,000 checks have been writ ten and an extraordinary effort ha been made to have the dependents get their allowances early in tho nonth. -y The average allotment I afcoufc $25, and the total monthlv disburse ment runs above . 1 12.00" 000. ' I T -nally the allotment from the sol dier's pay 1 about $15, and the gov ernment family allowance about $10 tho exact amount being fixed by the pumber of dependents. Three shift of clerks have ben at work. Acres of typists 2300 of .them 24 hours of every nj av clattered away on batteries of type writers in several of the largest floor spaces In Washington a comrnani eercd dance hall above the munici pal" market, an abandoned hospital, and a factory building reently rc modeledi Knelt Check I'erwaiial. Kegardlers of tho wholer-aw quan tity of documents, each letter and each, check Is regarded as a distinct human document, on instructions of tho director of the bnreau, William t'. Uelaney. Every woman typi.it and-man sorting clerk has been Im pressed with the Idea that the wel fare of a soldier's family., may de pend' on the speed, accuracy and per sonal interest shown by the bureau's worker. So i is the task and the spirit of orn if the government's greatest bureau ., the treasury department's bureau of war risk insurance. Con-j gres-sional criticism of delays Jn thji distribution of allotments and al- lowances have been met with as surances that superlative prompt-, ne.sw, impossible in the past because 4 of the disorder following the sudden J creation of a new system to supplant the old pension plan, will be dis- I p'aved in the future. ! The bureau expects to have the checks for Ma-ch remittanren r-ad . I for mailing on the morning of April i 1 and by that time much of the vast human machine which has been built lor preparing the pay checks will be scrapped. Machines will do the work letter, it is expected, than men and women. fJirl Typists Ianee. In the meanwhile, this is the way the human machine works: Experts In office management de viled special sohem s of office rou tine. More than two thousand youn rr en and girls cannot be managed efficiently by haphazard methods. Itegnlar recreation periods in the- middle of the morning and afternoon j are provided. There is a piano and a giaphaphone and the girls may fiance during the short recess. The managers say that they do 30 per cent better work as a result. There Ib a lunch room, operated at costi The bureau has a supervising matron who advises the girl employes, most FOR United States Senator Farmer, Stoekraiser and Husiiiessinan , ,'!., . C j : "-'--. " .:' .... I . - I I It I ' Viv W i over their lines by way of Jefferson street, Ifirtland, for the shipment of cement in carloads from Oswego to points on the Oregon Electric, and also asking the commission to re quire the roads to put In effect a schedule of joint rates. The Ortgon Short Line, the O.-W. R. R. & N. company and the Spokane, Portland & Seat I j company are also made defendants in the action. It is al leged that no joint rates are in ef fect applicable to carload shipment of cement from Oswego to points on the Oregon Electric and the S.. P. & S.. and I at charges are based on a combination of. intermediate rates to East Portland, which is the local rate of the Southern Pacific to East Portland from Osweeo, plus local rates of the Oregon Electric and S., P. & S. from East Po.-tland. R. N. Stanfield. A man who iloes tltinps. Who has accomplished MHiietliitifr. Who knows how to work and jrjt Who knows Oregon k needs,, re PEK1N NEW RUSSIAN SEAT IN FAR EAST (Continues from page 1) war time employment grounds. She helps lodging rooms and in NEW TODAY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED TO BUY" FOR CASH A good team and harness. Phono 1425-J or 529. recently for on patriotic, them obtain other ways. Speedy typists are carefully choi en from the throng, and arranged at the long dsks In the renter of a group of slower workers. This str langement promotes group speed, and better office morale, the effi ctency men declare. lUonde girls ar assigned to places between brun ettes, for the bureau management believes blondes are more nervous of temperament, and the brunettes provide a steadying Influence. Each cheek Is typed individually, and a government law provides that checks must be signed -individually, rather than stamped mechanically. The signing is a big task. Signa ture duplicating machines are uesd, ten checks being signed by each or iginal signature of a pay clerk, hliort Name liteii. Even the choice of pav clerks is a lesson in efficiency. Not person ality, not training, but length of pa tronymic names is the determining factor, j Men with short names work at the signing machines, for more short names can be signed daily than If ng names. This Is the reason th- jebs are held by E. Hlbbs, D. Mills. no under 41111 t eiliclits ii li I I'l'xniiri'i'u or wnom nae come to WashinKtou Who has Ihe experience, ki Jcdtre and hiisiness standing. Who, hh ii slate Legislator for six years, has already done much - lor Oregon. w. i i- nose rejMirineaiilsiii is iimpics iioiKMl and whose ability has been proven. (Paid Advertisement hy Stanfieh Coiiimiltee. Stanfield, Ore.) am Many New Woolens I hare an, excellent assortment nf hlgli grade woolen.4 from which will take yu order for a suit AT THE OLD 1'IIICKH. John Sundin, Tailor .'1 17 State Street Salem, Oregcn ' - - uerz, (. a. Hall, and M. Cox ret witn nil the efficiency meth oh of this big office, It fust short iy r.o into the discard before th automatic check writing machine, iow oeing perfected by M. E. Ilall- ey, chief disbursing clerk. Thes rnachUies, by a single operation will stamp the check with the name of the payee, the amount, the address the name of the soldier, his organi zation sign and the serial numb of the check. In addition to this disbursement work, the bureau's life insurance Inslness Includes the receipt anl classification of 40,000 applications aany rrom men In camps, for an aggregate of J300.000.000 of Insur a nee. The total number of appllca t!ons received up ot the present Is about 1,200.000 and the total value or policies sought is more than $10, 000,000.000. Joint Rates Are Asked by Portland ement Firm The Portland Traffic and Trans portation association and the Oregon Portland Cement company yesterday instituted action before the public service commission In an effort, to compel the Southern Pacific com pany and the Oregon Klectrie com pany to- establish a through route SALE OF AMPL E BED We have just unloaded a carload of Steel, Iron and Brass Beds, most of them brand new pat terns and we have decided to close out all our samples at second-hand prices. Some of them are slightly marred but are wonderful bargains. At' Almost, Give A A vway ir rices About 50 patterns, colors and styles See Our East Window L. Stiff & Soo Petrograd date printed in the ller- lin Tageblatt of January 30. Th. dispatch, translated from a copy of the Tageblatt recelveO, reads: "The English, American and Jap anese warships which .-.rrived in the harbor of Vladivostok have landel troops which have occupied not only the harbor 1ut the entire ciy. The Russian authorities were presented a note which bad been signed by tha Japanese consul general at Vladi vostok on behalf of the powers which occupied the city. The contents of the note was telegraphed to Petro grad." (rami Duke f"reel. PETItOORAD, March 9 It is Mated in the newspapers that the jfoishevlk! governm complete freedom t Michael Alexandrovir been under arrest at peror .Nicnoias. on al ignated hlni as regenl hs grantei Tfand Dukn h. who has is home. Km- dicating. des- SHIPBUILDING ON UPWARD TREND Launching! More Than Keep Pace With Deliveries, It Is Reported WASHINGTON'. March 9. Prog ress of the stel shipbuilding cam paign was mad public tonight br the shipping boa-d in figures of de liveries and launching which nhoweo a steady upward t-end since the first of the year. In Ft bruary, seventeen vessels of 120,700 tons were com pleted and put Into service. The total was nearly twice that of Jan uary, admittedly a bid month, when onlv nine vessels with a tonnage of 79,341, were delivered. March de liveries at the present rate are ex pected to reach 23 ves els of 188,273 tons. Launchings have more than kot pace with deliveries, sixteen shins of 112.500 tons having been put overboarrtln January and fifteen of 77,900 tons were launched In Febru ary. During March, it Is txpecteci that thirtv-five vessels with a ton nage of 220,391 will be ent down the ways. Of the vessels completed In Feb ruary., fifteen were cargo carriers. one was a tanker and one a co'Ilen me Man n schedule calls for the de livery of fourteen cargo vessels, s-?v- en lanxers and two rc lifers. county agent or county school super intendent should take the lead. Mrs. McCombrwlll have a great deal of valuable printed materials (or the women KJilch every one is clamoring for for a long time. I hope that you can get 150 women at least out to hear her." Michael AlexamlrovltfJi, a youn; r brother or Nicholas Komanoff, was named as regent whn the foi mer emperor abdicated on March 1." last. Early last September the grand duke'and his wife were arrested. It being alleged that they had ben concerned In a monarchist plot, fiince that time he has been in cus tody. . B0LSHEVIKI DOWNFALL IS NEW RUSSIAN PLAN (Continued from page 1) enemy were killed and a few prison ers taken. "The hostile! artillery has shown increased ' activity t a number ot points north of La Basseee canal. "Portugese troops who effected a successful raid near Neuve Chapelle, reported this morning that they pen etrated the enemy's second line trenches and drove out 4 he garrliun with heavy losses. They bombed a number of occupied dugouts and in aaoition seveiai prisoners and two machine guns were brought back." SOLDIER HELD TO BE SUICIDE Camp Lewis Man Discharged as Misfit Found With Throat Cut CHURCHILL TO GIVE ADDRESS Interesting Points to Be Brought Out at Food Con servation Meeting CAMP LEWIS. Tacoma. Wasn.. March 9. Fewer cases or contagious disease are noted in the weekly health report made public today bv Lieutenant Colonel P. C. Field, di vision surgeon of the 91st division. "There have been no new cases of cerebro-spinal meningitis during the past week; one death occurring In a case previously reported," the state ment says. "Measles, mumps and scarlet fever are somewhat fewer in number than during the preceding week. In each instance of appear ance of a case of measles or scalct fever, the men of the organization Involved are held in isolation during the incubation period of the disease in order to prevent exposure of oth ers. "The six deaths reported during the week were due to cerebo-spinl meningitis, measles and broncho pneumonia. (three cases), lobar lobar pneumonia and one pericardifs, with one suicide. "Latest report from the surgeon general's office shows that Camp Lewis is below7 the average of all camps for incidence of disease and the percentage non-efrective." The suicide referred to in the re port was Carl J. Sandahl of Maiden, Moni., wnose oody was found near the base hospital a few days ago with his thioat slashed, shortly after he had been discharged from the army as physically unfit for military service. Information regarding his case was suppressed until today. chapTIrhas BIG SHIPMENT Seven Boxes of Red Cross Supplies Are Sent to Se attle Yesterday Seven boxes of Red Cross supplies were shipped to the supplies depart ment at Seattle by Willamette chap ter yesterday, making a total of 1 0f boxes to have b-cn shipped to date and the total number of articles 13.1 f-Si. Yesterday's shipment aggre Sated 9,200 articles and comprised the following: Triangular bandages. 1200; suita of pajamas, 80; abdominal bandages 1215; knitted sox. 690 pairs; sweat ers. 63; wristlets, 8 pairs; scarfs. 1: handkerchiefs.- 4090; handaged foot sox, 160; hot water bag covers, 510:; wash cloths, 630; 'napkin 160; bed sox. 470 pairs. The surgi cal dressing boxes, shipped by the chaptcn are not included in this number. Arthur M. Churchill, chairman of the educational committee of the Oregon food administration, will be one of the speakers at the conven tion of food conservation workers In Salem Wednesday of this week. He will speak on the seriousness of the world food situation, and he declares there are many startling facta that the public knows nothing about. He will tell them. Mr. Churchill also will have some thing to say about the military sit uation and the question of any pos sible proposals for peace. The con vention Is to continue practically throughout the day Wednesday, opening with a meeting of house wives at 10:30 o'clock at the com mercial club. Mr. Churchill has sent the following letter to the local com mittee: Peple Xot Enlightened. "I am going to talk personally at the general session whether you have fixed that In the afternoon or In the morning, on the extreme gravity of the world food situation. There are many startling facts which the people In general do not realize at all. At every meeting I have held down through these counties the people have come up afterwards and said that every person In the county should have heard these facts. The difficulty is that most people feel that they know all about food con servation. As a matter of fact, few know much of anything about it. The world situation Is unprecedent ed. I think that every one who can be gotten out to hear these facts will go back with a much keener sense of the war as a whole. "I shall take up some very In teresting facts with reference to the military situation ahd the matter of any possible proposals for peace, and the danger of some of these. Make this clear because there are some of these things which are quite as important as the food conservation program. s Mr. McComb n Charge. "Mrs. Jessie McCbmb ojr the ex tension department of the Oregon Agricultural college will take charge of the several sessions for the wom en. During the time that these are In session, I want to spend the time with the men who are present dis cussing food regulations j problems, get their nuestions nad difficulties, including thosse of the farmers, and try to plan In connection with county chairman a full county-wide pro gram ror the duration of the war. "We will discuss the gardening situation among ourselves. If some one should not be present from Cor vallls to take up that especially. I am hoping that Professor penter of the head of the extension depart ment will be able to join us for the session In your city. In his absence Outfielder Speas Will Manage Tacoma Club TACOMA, WASH., March .Out fielder Billy Speas has been signed to manage the Tacoma club of the Pacific Coast International league, announced President Russ Hall of the Tigers today. Speas la a veteran of the Pacific Coast league and last year was with the Muskegon. Mich team of the Central league. Hall has also announced the signing of the following players: Pitchers. Her man Pillett and Oscar Harstad. vet erans, and Pitchers Ed. Pillett, Helns M en th. George Schindler and Outfielders Frank , Wilson and T. P. MeOmber. Dallas Making Arrangements for Organizing Home Guard DALLAS, Or., March 9. (Special to The Statesman.) Final arrange ments for the organization of a noma guard company are being made this week in the ofrice of Sberirf John W. Orr. The plan Is being made In accordance with those perfected by the adjutant geneial'a office and the association of Oregon sheriffs. The state has agreed vo furnish Jfles and equipment for forty nien In each company but in this ity the number will probably be inert ased from fif teen to twenty more as there are a number of rifles sent here by the war department for the use of th LaCreole Rifle club that may be used In an organization of this kind. Ai soon as more definite Informat'on arrives rrom the adjutant general's office the men that have already signed up will be listed and svorn in as special deputy sheriffs. Drill ing will be conducted at least on-? night each week under the Instruc tion of former officer of Company L. The organization will be used for defense of property Inside the county only and will net e om- pelled to go outside thc!r district unless they so desire. MEN AT NAVAL STATION LEARN TO FIGHT U-BOAT First American Station in Ire i land Reminds Yanks of Hudson SAILORS ARE IN GRANARY Despite Raw, Damp Climate, Health of Men Declared Excellent BASE OF AMERICAN FLOTIL LA IS: BRITISH WATERS, Jan. 25. -(Correspondence of the Associated Tress.) About as far up the river as Yonkers is from New York Is the . first United States naval training station in Ireland. It is built along the banks under cliffs and reminds the Americans of the Palisades ot the Hudson. Here naval recruits from all over, the United ' States are being trained for the' American de stroyers, the most recent arrivals being 200 boy from Pensacola, Fit. This naval barracks which some of the older men call Cob Dock, aft er a part of the Brooklyn navy yarl, was formally commissioned with the arrival the other day from the Unit ed States of its commanding officer, a commander who came to the navy from Louisiana. He has a staff of a lieutenant, two ensigns, a paymas ter and severe surgeons who can take care of several thousand men. They are instructing men still grern to things of the sea in methods of fighting the submarines. Ktatlnn Covers Five-Acre.' To the. station which covers fire j acres, come tho recruits from traln I ing stations in the United State. Successor to Premier Brewster Chosen Soon There are regular, reserves, and etate militia but their identity as .such is lost here and they are all , alike while the war lasts. Most of them were in civilian life a few months ago. Here and there is a colloge man; a few were secretaries ro railroad presidents, the paymaster himself being the son' of a railway magnate who owns a 160-mile line of railroad In North Carolina; These war-time sailors are hous ed In a big old granary which was the home of a famous Uriah regi ment. When the Americans came along the soldiers cheerfully moved one. for the submarine still is re garded as the most rangerous ene my over rher and men who come to fight It are welcomed. The granary to Work on U. S. Farnu-rv y ge bll"'lln" ,n1 Which mslrea th liarracka annoa YAKIMA. WAbH.. Aiarcn V. mat not niik some America- President j Wilson close the breweries The walls are three feet thick and of the United, States in order that there are four floors. The Ameri- iu uic u uuw euifiucu ill uiaitiug beer may work on the farms was VICTORIA. B. C. March 9. An nouncement was made today that the government is considering holding an election to flu the vacancy in Vic toria's legislative delegation caused by the death of H. C. Brewster, pre mier of British Columbia. Officials said It was likely an ear ly endeavor would be made soon to test nubile opinion on the selection of John Oliver as premier. amvaaaaBMBaBBBaaaaaaHM Brewery Employes Wanted passed-In a resolution adopted at meeting of farmers, business men and others this' afternoon for discussion of food production. There was no opposition to the resolution. Brown Advises Slate to r . . . i Tf '.. . "... wmcn is nara to neat novo- KejeCt itlirteen COTS days In this particular part of the cans have whitewashed the walls and made a wonderful transformation in the place. Discipline Quickly Learned. The men sleep In hammocks swung: from the rafters In the cell ing. They eat at long mess tables from enameled dishes and get the same food as those on the American snips which is hard to beat novo- In reply to a letter from State Highway Engineer jjNunn, Attorney General Brown yesteraay advised the engineer that the thirteen dump cars not heretofore paid for and round unsatisfactory should be re jected. world. At first there Isn't much: dis cipline in these new arrivals bat after a few dirs ther know how to salute an officer and how to sneak to him. if - Reveille is sounded at 5:20 o'clock while outsider ft is still dark and cold But these newt war-time sailors rise SALEM MAN CURED OF CANCER To the People of Salem: I suffered from cancer on the end of my nose for three, years and was told it was in curable. I went to Dr. S.. C. Stone for treatment. He applied a paste for four days and then a simple oint ment. In a few days the can cer fell out and the place healed over and is now sound and well. :John McDonald, South Church Street. Salem. Or.. Nov. 3, 1917. S. C STONE, M. D., Stone's Drug Store. ail North Vmmerrlal Street, Salem, Or. Phone 33. Consultation and Advice Free. I without a murmur, dress, nack their udiiiiuocKs oui or me way and marcn to breakfast below as if they had been born ot It. All the cookinar is done outside the -barracks where tns Americana have set -un a few field kitchens. They also nse trench- stoves for cooking bean-sou n and stews. The adantabllitr of these men is what first imnresses the vis itor. Many have given up lives of comparative luxury and ease to sub mit to naval discipline which prob ably is less comfortable here than In the United States. The station Is shut In bv a h!h wall noon which armed sentries are T rA.mM DT--. rostOfl. No liberty Is permitted for . icf I visits In the village wl fact made to me by Entfneer Nunn," said the attorney general, "the high way department could rescind the entire contract. However, as to the action. to be taken on the six cars already paid for, I am awaiting fur ther Information from Mr. Nunn' Thedump cars" were bought at $ 1 000 i-each from J. H. Lamore of Portland, but were appraised by an Interstate commerce commission in spector at 330 each, after they were received by the state. Spokane Professor Thought Proressor T. C. Neece, a Spokane university music teacher and bride- groom or one day. who wa arrested at Spokane Friday on the tharge of carrying a concealed weapon, is he believed by the officials at the Ore gon penitentiary to have served time here for altering brand on a colt In Wasco county. The prisoner was registered as T. Clak Neece and his age corresponds with that of the sDOKane '- man. He served from March 2, 1911, to January 2. 1912. and was 57 years old when commit ted. The age of the Spokane pro- "Mur is Of. Longshoremen Quit When One Is Held for Draft j VA.H.UUVKK, n. C., March 9r several nundred longshoremen were reported to have tjuit work on the Vancouver waterfont tonight when Peter Sinclair, one of their number. was arrested by the n w police force organized to enforce the military iwrvice aci in liritish Columbia. Sin clair, according to the police, proved that he was above draft age, and wa released. Headquarters of the International wiuSuurrinrn s association was notified of Sinclair's arrest, and un ion officials, it U stated, immedi ately issued an order for all their members to quit work pending an investigtaion. A meeting will be held tomorrow morning by the onion men, it was announced. village which boasti firteen saloons' and a shipyard. Tbe" only time the Americans are seen In the village -streets Is when a com pany passes through from a cross country hike, a part of their dally tontine, and on. Sundays when ,tho ho desire can attend services In th Protestant and aCtholic churches. But the men are always nndcr guard on these occasions. ' ii Some Liborty Oranted. I The only liberty granted the re cruits Is to the more preteOous village a fw miles down thef ivsr vb'eh Is the base of the American destroyer flotilla. A sa-going ''tug boat makes one round trip a day with the liberty party. At the base villare the recruits are free to visit the United States naval clubhouse. the British Y. M. C A. hut or the two village movie shows. The lib erty men leave the barracks escn afternoon at five: the.curfew rinV for them at 11 at night when they board the tug for the return voyage. For those not on liberty taps are sounded at the tisual hour of nlna. The state of health of the men cin- tinnes excellent, despite v the raw. damp climate peculiar to this part of Ireland -and the sick-bay does small business. The drudgery the daily routine of training and swabbing down the decks of the bar racks overw the men retire to their dormitories for quiet reading or re hearsal of -some of the latest Broaa way melodies. Once a week the brass band from the flotilla flas"- ship comes un to entertain the re cruits and on Sundays and ( Thurs days the senior chaplain of the bas GetWixe-TiyaaafriedAdlw,:rfrihe mcn a talk otl pir.ltaa,