The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Retail Figure for Domestic
Use Is Cut by Fuel 1
Statement Required of Cus
tomer Giving Fuel Needs
for Period
WASHINGTON, .March 8. An av
erage reduction of 30 cents a ton in
the retail price of all anthracite coi-1
nold for domestic use .between next
April -4 and September 1 was an
nounced tonight by the fuel admin
istration, tojjetber with regulations
governing the retail distribution of
all coal for the year beKinninj? the
first of next month. The rule are
designed particularly to prevent
hoarding and Insure the filling of all
domestic needs for next winter dur
ing the summer months
Although no reduction In the re
tail price of bituminous coal to con-..-
j i ....... i
Burners was maue, me iu-i aunux
istration today began announcement
of revised prices for such coal at the
mines, the first made public showing
sharp reductions Jn Colorado. Utah,
Wyoming ana Montana, rnce im
Iowa are almost ' completed an l
those for other state will be an
nounced a soon as determined. Th j
Idea for a general revision before
the beginning of tho coal year on
April 1.
In explaining the reduction in the
price of anthracite, the administra
tion said the.bnlk of this coal is used
for domestic consumption. The 30
cents reduction was determined up
on, the statement said, In lieu f
the reductions heretofore voluntar
ily offered by dealers to encourage
early buying folr the following win
ter's needs, and which ranged fron
50 cents In April to 10 cents Id
"It is felt," the statement saya,
"that this reduction will be fairer to
the public. Inasmuch as coal Is ex
pected to be ordered -In April in
such quantities that it will prova
impossible to make all dellverle
during that month or for some tlms
to come.
"Under a sliding scale of reduc
tions it would be difficult. If not Im
possible, to treat all consumer
equally, even though their ord4r
had been filed upon the same dap,
while with ,an average reduction ? i
tending over the entire period, B 11
consumers are treated alike."
While recommending: and eneour-
to be
Sure you do if you are
running for office. Start
your campaign right by
having us furnish your
Cards, Announcements
Posters, Folders, Etc.
We are particularly well
equipped to handle any
or all your printing needs
Statesman Pub. Co.
Job Dept. : Phones 23 and 583
Many Women Patrons
WE are IinriiHinn the business, household ami personal
bank accounts of a gmit tunny women in Salem and
from parts far remove!. Attentive courtesy is one of
the feature here at the KnitcU States National Hank
which appeal to llie and our convenient facilities
is another. Our Private Ladies' Itoom permits their
handling of papers and money in privaey and thus
promotes a more confidential relationship Is-tween'
bank and patron.
Mrs. Ous Griffith, of
Everton, Mo., writes: "I
suifered for three years
with various female
troubles. My life was a
misery. 1 was net able
to do anything . . . bear
ing down pains in my
bade and limbs, and head
ache . . . weak and nerv
ous. Dr. recom
mended Cardui to cie."
mn The Woman's Tonic
liSJ "When I was on the
sixth bottle", she contin
ues, "1 began feeling like
a new woman . . .1 am
now a well woman . . .
I know my cure is per
manent for it has been
three years since I took
CarduC" Thousands of,
women, now strong and
healthy, who once suf
fered from women's ail
ments, give CaNSfu-i the
credit lor their good
health. Try it, for your
troubles. !
All Druggists
aging the purchase and storage of
domestic coal as early as possible
in order id Insure delivery and as
sist the railroads by effecting deliv
ery as much as possible before next
winter, the administration says it is
determined to prevent any undue
boarding. To that end the retail
distribution plan includes a system
of reports on deliveries by retailers,
who will be prohibited from deliver
ing in excess of the normal require
ments of the customer.
As a further safeguard at the dis
cretion of the local fuel administrat
ors, each customer ordering coal
may be required to submit a certi
fied statement giving details of his
requirements, his supply on hand
and the amount he has ordered fro.n
various dealers. Certification of a
false statement would be made sub
ject to prosecution under the Ievr
act, i which imposes a fine of&000
or two years' Imprisonment.
Patent Infringment
Lost Millions It Claim
i guments by Undley M. Garrison, for
mer secretary of war, and prominent
New York and Chicago attorneys fea
tured the hearing In the United
States circuit court of appeals here
today of the appeal by the Hutte
and Superior Mining company of
Butte. Mont., against a patent In-
Cincinnati man tells how to
lift off any corn without
hurting one bit
You reckless men and women who
are pestered ifrith corns and who bate
at 'least once a week Invited an aw
ful death fiom lockjaw or blood
Doison are now told by a Cincinnati
'authority to use a drug called free-
zone, which the moment a few drops
are applied to any corn, the soreness
Is relieved and soon the entire corn,
root and all, lifts out with the fing
ers. It Is a sticky substance which dries
the moment it is applied and is said
to simply shrivel the corn without in
flaming or even instating the sur
rounding tissue or skin. It Is claim
ed that a quarter of an ounce of
freezone will cost very little at any
of the drug stores, but is sufficient
to rid one's feet of every bard or
soft corn or callus.
You are further warned that cut
tlnr at a corn is a suicidal habit.
ivy I
frfngement Judgment secured by the
Mineral Separation rompan p. Limit
ed. The appeal an taken under
submission at the close of the hearing
The separation company claimed to
have lost un indefinite sum, running
into the millions, through the alleg
ed j.atent Infringement. The patent
is known as the "oil notation process
for extracting metals from ore." The
mining company contended that there
was no patent infringement, because
certain phases of the patent had been
attacked in a supreme court decision.
Mr. Garrison arxued for the sep
aration company. Others who argu
ed for that company were Henry l
Williams and William Howston Ken
von of New York. Counsel argulns
for the mining company were Thom
as K. Sheridan of Chicago: Frederick
11. Fish of New York, and J. Edgar
Bull of New York.
The German answer to President
Wilson', speech was: "It will be
answered by the sword, and that a
hard blow would come sooner than
To the people of the United State3.
this can have but one meaning and
that is thiit our country will be in
vaded by the enemy, not as invasion
has been defined In the past, but in
the German way.
This invasion does not mean that
a hostile fleet will attak our shore,
nor that an army will invade the oun
try, as they Invaded Frane and Uel
gium, but It does mean that the Ger
mans and pro-Germans In our own
ountry, masking under the guise of
loyal Ameiicans, will make a oncert
ed attack upon our industries, food
supply, crops; railroads, water way r,
and shipping. It means that unlets
there is organization of all our re-j
sources and that every on realizes
the serious situation and pledges
himself to the protection of his coun
try against the enemy we will m
subjection to the same tieatnient as
the Iielgians.
The enemy has disregarded all
rules of humane warfare and have
proven themselves to be the most
treacherous race In the world. Thev
will stop at nothing to gain their end.
and, as the past four years have
shown us, they stoop to undeard-of
horrors, destroy foodstuffs, burn
manufacturing plants, tavage our
fields, destroy our shipping facilities,
wreck our trains, plant bombs under
bridges and anything else they can
think of. They would even go fur
ther, as they have done in the In
vaded territory of Europe, and com
mit the lowest of crimes, even to vio
lating the chastity of our homes.
Germans are taught from child
hood to cultivate hate, as shown by
former Ambassador Gerad, in his
book, "My Four Years in Germany."
Our Duty To Be IreiareI.
There are hundreds of thousands
of G . .erman.i In this country viho
mingle with us every day. Many rf
them have realized the advantage of
living In a free country where they
are not held down under an Iron
hand and have become citizens of the
United States. A large majority of
these men have proven themselves
good citizens and many are now
fighting with our forces against the
German oppression, but there are
many more who have not forsworn
their allegiance to the land that gave
them birth and nothing else, and
feel that they are bound to uphold
the Fatherland evec at the sacrifice
of their own lives. These are the ones
we must look out for and keep pas
sive. It is the duty of every American
citizen . to exhause every resource in
defending his home and country, and
while we cannot all Join the army,
every man can show his patritlsm In
one way or another.
We must provide sufficient protec
tion against mobs, riots and invasion
by these enemy aliens who are still
at liberty, and the plan of the Na
tional Association of hotgun Owners
will do more to solve this question
than any so far P'ibmitted.
In the United States it Is estimat
ed there are 10.000.000 shotguns.
The shotgun is recognized as the
most powerful weapon in case of
mobs or riots an4 has been adopted
In most municipalities as riot guns.
Even today enthusiastic shooter
have a feeling that, were our sold
iers: in the first line trenches sup
plied with modem pump guns loaded
with good old American buckshot,
there would be a great many Bodies
less In the world and less ammunition
wasted. (
Protect Kvery City and Tnwn.i
The object of the National Associa
tion of Shotgun Owners Is to organ
ize as many of these shotgun owners
as possible Into a National Home De
fense Association, with local ecjm
anles in each and every city and
town in the country, lly doing this
we provide a home guar for each
localty, composed of their own citi
zens, who have their own Interest
and homes to protect. In short, we
are furnishing a State Guard for
each State without expanse to them,
as our members are already armed
and will furnish their own ammuni
tion, f
There will be no expense for move
ment of troop, tor each local town
and county will hare their own com
pany, which wil take care of their
own locality. These local companies,
which are bHng organized, will el.ct
their own officers from their mem
ber. The officers will keep in touch
with th local authorities, and , In
case of trouble, will mobollze the
members on short notice for first
aid in the protection of their lives,
hemes and property.
To cover the expense of this or
ganization, a membership fee of 5ft
cenis is enarrel. Should there be a
surplus over and above the necessary
expenses this money will be used for
the purchafe or magazines and
other things that will Interest the
soldiers in the cantonments and In
the trenche.
Patriotism and home defense is
the keynote of the association, and
we will have done a great good for
the country when we cover this broad
land with loea organizations of shot
gun owners who have the courage to
use their shotgun. If need be, against
the enemies of our country.
There is no plausible reason why
every shotgun owner should not be
a member of this association, for the
only qualifications lire that you own
GATHER $3000
Plan for Replenishing Treas
ury of Willamette Chapter
Judge Curtis, Kuckestein and
Others Make Stirring
At the S. O. S. call of Chairman
lluckestein or the committee of one
hundred. the mfost enthusiastic
meeting of Red C'fess boosters was
held last night in the auditorium of
the commercial club that has yet
taken place in Salem.
The venerable Judge Curtis made
the address of the evening, fol'owed
by Chairman Ihickesteln. who in the
course of his . remarks made the
statement,, based on government
figures just re-elved. that for every
dollar that Jias beH or postlbly will
be spent by the United Stat ;s, Eng
land has expended !?. and France
between and $6. The work of
the Ked Cross Is the largest factor In
the Sucre f u! termination of the
war against Prusslanlsm, he said,
and Germany has already paid more
than four dollars to one Tor tne
United States in arms, ammunition
and food.
Walter Denton, chairman of the
committee in charge for the Red
Cross In Its efforts to raise 43000
monthly for Willamette chapter,
during the continuance , of the war,
has divided the city Into districts,
with a certain at the head of each
district, who !s US appoint one per
son to each block within the city
Each captain will carrv a large
card, .while the solicitors In each
block ! will carry small cards, on
which to take the monthly . pledges
of e-ch Individual. Th collections
when made will be credited to each
Individual card, the amounts trans
ferred with the DmM on each cap
tain's card, and In this manner, the
entire city can be easily and quickly
It''s simply a matter of patriotism
on the part of the people, no one be
ing exnected to give beyond his abil
ity, although all are expected to
give up some luxury, or make some
Colonel John Leader, military In
structor of the Unlverlsty of Ore
ron, will be here from Eurene Mon
day night. March 11, and will hold a
grand public rally In the armory.
Himself a fighter with a record, n a
will have a message for every man,
woman and child In Salem.
a rhotgun and are a loyal American
The national officers of the assoc
iation are located at No. 17 East
Eleventh street. New York, and the
national secretary, R. U. Hurst, will
be pleased to answer intormatlon up
on request. Each member Is furn
ished with an official 'pin or button
to indicate his membership in this
great movement for home defense.
"The Comeups boast about the
number of limousines which drive up
to their door, i
"Humph! We had a fuel cart
drive up to ours." -Baltimore Ameri
can. BIO
Big Success
Coming "Empty Pockets"
-5 i
'I J
Department of Labor Handles
807 Controversies in
Eleven Months
WASHINGTON, March 8. Darin
the first eleven months of the war
ending March 6 the department of
labor has handled 807 industrial
controversies affecting directly
1,200.000 workers, the department
announced today. Of these 539 were
adjusted by the department alone,
while 109 were settled by sta'e and
local boards of mediation with the
assistance of the department. Ef
forts failed only In 71 cases, involv
ing mostly small concerns. The de
partment is now handling 74 dis
putes, only 17 of which involve man
actually on strike. Strikes have not
been as numerous since the war
started as In normal times, the de
partment's records show.
llequlreri for Health and Iloauty
It is surprising that it is neces
sary to repeat again and again that
the health and beauty of the skin re
quire that the blood shall be pure.
If the arteries of the skin receive
Impure blood, pimples and blotches
appear, and the individual suffers
from humors. Powders and other
external applications are sometimes
used for these affections, but will
never have the desired effect whila
the causes of Impure blood remain.
The Indications are very clear
that Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most
successful medicine for purifying
blood, removing pimples and blotches
and giving health and beauty to the
skin. It gives tone to all the organs
and builds up the whole system. In
sist on having Hood's Sarsaparilla
when you ask for It. Don't take
anything else.
Former Petrograd Practition
er Enters War Y. M. C
A. Service
Another man to join the ranks of
army Y. M. C. A. Is Dr. W. 1. Ca
lisle, who for some short time past
has been living at the Court apart
ments. Dr. Carlisle was a former resident
of Salem and a former dental prac
titioner of Portland. Approximately
fifteen years ago he left Portland
for Petrograd, Russia, where he and
Mrs. Carlisle lived until the third
year of the European war when con
ditions became so serious that they
removed to Salem. Dr. Carlisle prac
ticed dentistry in Petrograd until thS
time f his departure. ..
A short time ago when the Salem
Y. M. C. A. trio Elvln. Watson and
Halvorsen left for "France Dr. Car-i
lisle became Interested in association:'
work and through the efforts of l
C. Dishop a very close frlenJ of !ie
Carllsles and ardent worker for IW
army Y. M. C. A. was Induced to
make apnKcatlon for the army Y.
C. A. work.
Dr. Carlisle was summoned to ap
pear before the personnel board of
the army Y M. C. A. for the. north
west at Portland and after thorough
examination oy tte board received
the best of recommendations to the
war work council of the Y. M. C. A.
He soon received word that he had
i r
Sing Hi
Sing Hey
Let Masic Reign
On This Easter Day.
Vocal and Instrumental Music of the Church and of the
Battlefield. Music of Broadway Hits and Hits of years
gone by. J -
) - ; --y V
r No matter what your requirements, whether for
Piano, Phonograph, Voice or
Stringed Instruments
We guarantee all we selL
The Pioneer Music Dealer of Salem-
been favorably passed upon and tliat
be was immediately to apply for pass
ports, etc., and hasten to New York
for further Instructions before sail
ing for France. Dr. Carlisle called
upon his many friends, bid them fare
well and informed them very quietly
that he would leave for France Wed
nesday at 4:00 p. ni. Dr. Carlisie
carried with him the best wlsehs of
his friends for bon voyage.
(Continued from page 1)
about what Von Hertllng (the Ger
man chancellor) means. Is pimply
ridiculous' said Mr. Dona Law.
"We must Judre the German Inten
tions not by what is being jsatd. but
by what Germany Is doing. I What is
the use In talklne about Von Hert-i
ling accetping President Wilson's
principles, when . at the same mo
ment the Germans have taken Li
vonia. Esthonla and Courland and.
are making conditions of peace by
which Rumania Is giving up Do
brudja and other parts of Rumania.
"It was said to be my an ally re
cently that he had been told the
spirit of England is weakening, but
I do not believe It."
Higher Percentages Are Main
ly Due to Activity in
The total number of fatal acci
dents reported to the state Indust
rial accident commission for January,
this year, shows an increase of 160
per cent over the same month last
year, and the total nnmber of non
fatal cases an increase of 130 per
cent, according to a statement made
byCommlssioner W. A. Marshall yes
terday. The Increased number of ac
cident Is due to an Increase of 133
per cent In the number ot work days
for January, this year, over January
last year. The shipbuilding industry
is mainly repsonslble for the In
creases. The weekly accident report yester
day shows six fatalities out of a
total of 497 accidents reported for
the week ending March 7. The men
fatallv InlurcH wore- f Ph.n.l i t at
Johns, sawmill; A. Jeanneret, Austin.'
sawmill; Walter Olln. Pottland. ship
Sensational Comedy Musical
Black and Tan
Comedy Singing and
' -4
building; W. Eskola, Astoria, lod
ging; II. L. Ellott, Portland, trans
portation; George Merchant, Sheri
dan, sawmill. The Elliott case wai
a drowning accident.
Of the total number of accidents
4 44 were subject to the provisions
of the compensation act.
Former Oregon Farmer
Is Enroute to Missovn
A. J. Gunt, formerly of IJentoa
county, passed trough Salem yes
terday afternoon on his way to St.
IxmiIs, Marlon county, where he hat
a son in business. Ills farm Is near
Glenwood, Wash,, where he owci
275 acres of land, 200 acres being
under cultivation. It la Irrigated
land.' and be says always produce
large crops. He is specializing in
wheat and oats, and cattle and hogt.
He Is milking only eight cows thii
spring, and his farm is only fourteen
miles from Mt. Adams, whose shov
covered peaks are risible en clear
days In Portland.
If Cross, Feverish, Sick. RiiU us, Cite
Fruit Laxative at
Every mother realizes, after giv
ing her children "California Syrup
of Figs. that this is their ideal lax
ative, becauss they love Its pleasant
taste and it thoroughly cleasees the
tender little stomach, liver and bow
els without griping.
When cross, irritable, feerlsh or
breath !s bad. stomach sour, lock at
the ton sue. Mother! If coated, glv
a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit
laxatlvej" and in a few hour all tbe
foul, constipated waste, sour bite and
undigested food passes out of the
bowels, and you have a well, playful
child again. When Its little syste.n
is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache,
diarrhoea, indigestion, col
ic remember, a good "inald cleans
ing" should always be the first
treatment given.
Millions of mothe-a ksep "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs" hunay; they know
a teaspoonful today saves a tic
child, tomorrow. Ask your droggurt
for a bottle of "California Syrup of
Figs." which has directions for.
babies, children of all ages and
gt own ups printed on the bottle. Be
ware of counterfeits sold here,
don't be fooled. Oet the genuine,
made by "California Fig Syrup Com
pany." - ' -
Comedy Singing- and