The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 09, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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w i:tiikk
Clearing; moderate westerly
' . MLKM. OKIrX.OX, ATll(lA .MMCMN( M ll( ll 1), lt)l PRICE FIVE CKVT
Intense Feeling of Hostility
- Created Throughout Invad
; ed Country to Have Influ-
. ence, thinks ttonar Law
Russian Collapse Affects All
Theaters of War Except
Hun Colonies
LONDON. March 8. In his ad
dress before the rommons yesterday,
Andrew Bonar Law, chancellor of
the exchequer, said tbdt the break
down of Russia deeply af.eeted every
theater of war except the German
colonies, out of which the Germans
tad been -driven.
Referring to the Mesopotamia and
Palestine "-operations the chancellor
Mid he doubted whether it ever had
been possible to carry out the Brit
ish opertalons there by means of
troops transferred by pea. "When
we had tonnage to move troops by
-.tea,! he said, "we did not have suf
V ficient trained troops. Now the ton
Bage situation has made It impossi-y-
We to move a very large "force thnt
Exploitation Held Unlikely.
Turning to the west, Mr. Bonar
Law said that but for the Russian
collapse It might have been expected
that the war would have been over
a year ago. As for Russia herself,
the chancellor thought that there
was Justification in' thinking that
Germany would not be able to ex
ploit her. The German treatment of
Russia, he said, would certainly
create an intense feeling of hostility
s throughout Russia, wklle ultimate
German victory wiuld mean loss xf
hope for a free Russia.
"It Is obvious that the Germans,
having captured so vnany guns,
have a great superiority in guns;
hut the power of their artillery has
teen limited to a great extent by the
supply of ammunition, and I believe
It is needless to fear danger of su
periority in guns any more than in
mea. ois the western front. More
orer'our overwhelming air superlor-
. tty will go far to neutralize the su
periority in guns."
Son Killed as Flier.
X. In referring to the air service. Mr.
p Eortar Law momentarily broke down,
rememl rlnsj that his own son had
been killed in the flying service.
The house cheered in sympathy with
the chancellor. Quickly recovering
himself. M"-. Honar Law resumed.
He spoke of the splendid organiza
tion of the entente allied forces op
the western front. lie profesfod
: wme skepticism concerning th?
much advertised German offensive
and declared t'at a member of the
government who had been with the
trooos !n France had told hiin that
while headquarters expected an of
fensive, when he got lower down th
line and talked with bririfdiers and
hattalon commanders, who were Ir
daily .contact with the enemy, he
found that these men did not be
lieve the Germans would attack and
that the British officers ver confi
dent of their own superiority.
America Xlggest Factor.
So far I have considered the posi-
tkn without taking "America into
account. naid the chancellor, "nut
America Is the last factor that ought
J? he left out of the account. Th?
Inlted States is a nation of a hnn
dred million people and with th
Urgent resources In . the world. Iye
Talue denends tinon the success of
. ynf operations at sea. which will en-
f.! 4t.. . m - V
luiiHfl rpsnn rAS t r np iirrmi cii l
t wine use of the allies.
We have been disanpointed with
e results of shipbuilding this
jnonth. There is nothing more vital
n tbgtr thnn what. Is don In tw
oirectionsthe building of ships tni
" destroying of s lbmarines. It
d been anticipated by the admiral
l thai there would 1 at Jiie end of
tae second quarter of hls year nev
- cnutrnctlon that would . more thai
i"!'8 losses. There Is a fear that
" Is not now noxsible so soon, u
" not doubted, I thnk, that it is
Allie, f0 Improve Grarinally.
r. Fiona r Law aid that, from
? viewpoint of Maying power In
l:t?r- onp'' the equilibrium was
UblUhed, evpt-y wek meant lm
m men ,n favor rtf the entente
Jri nd ,nr,af'I their abiiltyjto
v American resources to play an
U. Dorian .... ... i t.
j.'P ,Rt he said he believed to lie
Sfttk" In ,u situation he had no
,n7ntever that ir the allien held
h! .r tfc'K -would be able to s"-
, "iir-ii ivp vtir npgan. in
jur IW?ac,! ad ecuritv for the f
Il ,Cr-',of.taincd and the German
hen the' vnr began. Un-
'Pie were taiisbt that war did n"T1
'"'Peace, he said, would be defeat
r me ulties.
"L ' X't Weakening.
iO Jtie rll thl iiictlciiloii tnltr
(Contiuued on I'age. 2.)
Pershing to Get Supplies for
Troops and French Credit
- Is Arranged
Expansion of Spanish Rail
way System of Big Im
portance to America
WASHINGTON'. March S Under
the i commercial agreement between
the United States and Spain, tho
formal signing of which in Madrid
was announced today at the state de
partment, not only will General Per
shing get the supplies from Spain
which he desires for his troops, but
a French credit in Spain is arranged
and the Spanish government permits
free export to the allies of pyrites,
minerals and manufactured wool.
These and other deails of tho
agreement, which becomes effective
immediately, were niadt public by
the, war trade board. Spain also will
permit the export of other commodi
ties to the extent that home re
quirements will permit. This is io
addition to the specific licencing uf
the supplies, required by General
Pershinr. which are understood to
include 20O,Oo blankets and a large
number of mules.
; French Get Hpanih Credit.
While conducting the negotiations
for this country, the American rep
resentatives, the board's statement
said, were able "to materially assist
the French government In securing
a larger credit In Spain to fipancc
payments for the supplies which the
republic draws from Spanish
In return for supplies granted
this country and the allies, the
statement continued, "the Unite I
States assures to Spain Its necessary
supplies, of cotton and petroleum,
the amount of the monthly export
of these commodities being fixed In
the agreement at a figure which will
cover the crennine '.'nanish reqnire
ments, but bar the possibility of 0er
man agents In Srain secretly buy.'ng
np stocks of cotton."
Concessions An Allowed,
"Spain is granted rther supplies,"
said the board, "to the extent that
they can be spared after satisfying
requirements in the United Statts
and providing for the needs of th
United States associates in the
war." Special concessions have
been made In regard to locomotives
and railway material, which are re
quired "to increase the carrying ca
pacity of the Spanish railway sys
tem, a measure of decided impor
tance to America and Its associates
whjflch are drawing airpplics from
SpanisJi territory.
Whether the agreement covers the
broad .question of Spanish shipping
was not disclosed. Before issuing
licenses for fuel coal for Spanifh
ships the board has been requiring
an agreement by the owners or char
ter parties to return the vessels to
the United States for cargoes. This
was done recently In the cases of
three ships at a culf port which
were loaded with supplies for tha
allies. The Spanish consul refused !
to let tho ships sail because he want-j
ed them to o to Spain after dis
charging, but his orders were with
drawn today after announcement or
the signing of the agreement with
Five Mexican Bandits
- Are Killed by Posses
CORPUS CHIHSTr. Texas, March
S, Five of 30 Mexican bandits who
raided the Torn East ranch, south of
Hebroliville '.laf -night, have been
kllled-iby posses headed bv Texas
rangers and 13 others of the band
have been located and will be "ac
counted before daylight," according
to a message received here late to
noght from Hebronyille. None of
the-possemen was injured.
Reorganization of War
Council Is Announced
1 WASHINGTON', March S. Reor
ganization of the war council was
announced today by the war depart
ment .with Major General March,
acting chief of stiff. In the p1a?e
formerly filled by General Bliss, and
with Major General Goethals actlne
quartermaster general, and Edward
15, Stettlnius. ftirvcyor of purchas
er, added to the personnel.
A. M. Southwich Is Oat
for Justice of the Peace
Al. M. Sonthwlrk ye.tcrday filsd
hU notice with County Clerk Hoyer
hi Vw ri!i nlr the f-uffiaec of the
voters of Marion county at the pn-
mry election in May next for the
office of Justice of the peace, on in
Republican ticket, pledging hlmsolf
for th betterment of the public
good in the maintenance of law and
order to the bctt or bis ability.
- " - '" " " ' " linn I . I
University of Oregon Student
Takes First Place in State
Intercollegiate Speaking
Hundreds of Students Assem
ble Banquet Follows
Abraham Rosenberg of the Univer
sity of Oregon won first, plate in the
annual contest of the Oregoi Inter
collegiate Oratorical ar.sociati.m un
der the auspices of Willamette uni
versity at the First Mett chuicn
last night. His eubject was "Your
Name Honored Yestert'ay; ToJay
Loathed; What Will it be Tomor
row?" Another honor fell to the slate
university in the election of Dwighi
Wilson to the presidency of the aj
soclatlon. Marion Woolfolk of Pa
cific university was elected vi.'e pres
ident. Ifaivld Ennell of Willamette
university secretary and W. B. Main
waring of Oregon Agricultural col
lege treasurer.
Mr. Rosenberg was awarded a gold
medical as first prize m the orator
ical contest. The others who placed
out of the eight contestants were:
Martin Bernards, Pacific unlversit-,
"The Soul of Belgium"; Irl McSber
ry, McMInnville college, third. "De
mocracy vs. Autocracy; J. I. Stuart,
Oregon Agricultural college, third,
"The Stake."
Other institutions represented were
Willamette university. Eugene Bibl"
university. Pacific college and Ore
gon Normal school. Hundteds of
students from the several colleges
represented in the association c'.insf
to Salem for the annual event. A
special train from Mouroouth brought
150 students from the Oregon Norir.d
school. It is estimated that S5i
persons gathered at the church to
hear the orations and every seat was
The annual business meetini: was
held at 4 o'clock yesterday after
noon, and following the oratorical
contest and the accompanying musi
cal program Willartette university
was host to the visito-s at a banquet
in the dining room of the church.
The judges of the contest were:
Composition S. N. Padelford, Uni
versity of Washington; W. R. Davis.
Whitman college; E. M. Miller, Uni
versity of Idaho. Delivery Hopkins
Jenkins, Portland; Justice Henry L.
Benson, Salem; It, II. Herbsmarj,
Meeting This Afternoon
Is to Talk Farm Labor
RoVert C. Paulus, manager of the
Salem Fruit union, announces there
will be a mass nieetins of growers
and farmers in the rooms of the
un,ion this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
All are asked to be present who may
be in need of farm laborers, or who
have laborers to spare to others.
'J. H. Brewer, federal farm labor
agent, will make an address, and
will no doubt be able to fill the
place of a county agent in the
Women, as well as men. bovs and
girls, are invited to le present, as
it has now come down to the point
where school children will be glad
to offer their services In the berry
ffeldsjjor orchard, just the same aa
the yqiing girls and boys in England
are dbina today, and have been for
two or three years past. -
St. Patrick's Day Will
J Be Observed in Salem
There is amovement on foot In
the city to celebrate St. Patricks' day
In- regulation, good old wartime
style; and any one not seen on the
streets on the 17th, with coat tils
flying, and lapels adorned with gen
uine shamrock leaves, transported
from the "Auld nod," will be 'ar
rested" and "thrown in jail," or g'v
en over to the snakes long ago driven
out of the Emerald Isle.
Of coui-se, there will be .speech
making, and other pat'iotic doinrs,
but announcement of details will be
made latter In tre month.
J. W. Brewer, Jr., Will
Enter U. S. Naval Academy
J. W. Brewcjr repitscntatives cf
the department of agriculture who
is in Sab-ia dericting the compilation
of figures resulting from the recf-m
farm crop, and laIo survey, has re
ceived word that hi on, J. W.
Brewer, Jr., has successfully passr-d
entrance examinations for the naval
academy at Annapolis. He was ap
pointed by Representative Sinhott
and for some time has been in a
coaching school in the at prepara
tory for the Annapolis ! a ml nations.
1143 flow at bin booic at The Dalits.
Sleighs, Carts, Trains Aid in
Evacuation of City for
M. Alexieff Says Pact Signed
Under Force Will Be
PETROGRAD. Wednesday. March
f.. Petrograd is calmly awaiting
news of Its fate during the quiet of
fered by the temporary armistice,
pending consideration . of the peace
treaty by the soldiers' and work
men's congress at Moscow. Evi
dence is seen everywhere that tho
city is beins evacuated. The minis
try of marine Is sending its archives
to Nijni-Novgorod. The ministry ol
the interior is moving to Moscow.
M. Dibenko. commissioner of ma
tines, has been missing for several
Crowds are trying to leave the
tJty, but the regular trains have
been suspended and permission to
secure special trains is difficult to
obtain. Fabulous prices are being
paid for sleighs while thousands of
persons are walking out along the
highways and railroads. The the
aters, onr-ra and ballet are open a3
usual, the public being Indifferent,
as the result of the long strain to
which it has been subjected.
The Bolshevik delegation returned
today from Brest-Litovsk. M. Alex
ieff, a member o? the delegation,
sand the delegates were forced to
Rien under nressure of arms. He
stated the terms oflthe treaty diffeiH
Trorn the terms offered February 21
only in the surrender of the Cauca
sian districts of Battoum. Kara and
Karaband. under conditions which
make it impossible for Russia to re
gain the districts from Turkey. He
stated that it wasthe Russian un
derstanding that the army was to re
turn to the pre-war basis.
M. Alexieff said that a peace ac-g
cepted so unwillingly by Russia must
inevitably be short-livedf.
German military movements In the
northern districts of Russia have ap
parently stopped, but the enemy Is so
close that it Is difficult to retain the
government in Petrograd. Its re
moval to Moscow is generally expect
ed before the congress opens on
March 12.
Jamieson Loses Arm When
Powder Charge Explodes
While blasting stumps on the farm
of Frank Harold near Quinaby Wed
nesday, Alfred Jamieson was 'the
victim of an explosion that tore off
his left hapd and so shattered the
arm! that it was necessary to ampu
tate above the elbow. His right eye
war quite seriously 'injured but his
physician believes the siht will be
saved. . He" suffered some other
bruises. The accluent was causea
bv a fuse that was too short, tho
charge exnlodins before Jamieson
could get far enough away from the
stump to avoid Injury. He is at the
Salem hospital.
Lenine Compares Peace
With That of Napoleon
PETROGRAD. March 7. Nicola!
Lenine, the Bolshevik premier, in an
article against the Bolshevik! wIj-j
refuse to ratify the peace treaty
negotiated at Brest-Litovsk. declares
that the terms Napoleon imposed
upon Russia and Germany were ten
fold heavier than Germany is im
posing on Russia.
. "We have concluded another Til
sit peace," he says. "We shall yH
arise to victory even as German v,
after Tilsit, attained deiiveranoe
from Napoieon."
Jefferson Commissioners
May Have to Draw Lots
That County Commissioners Uok
coe Gard and P. Chitwotd of J f ferd
son county will have to decide iy
drawing lots who shall complete h.U
term or ofiice this year is the advl
offered in an opinion by Attorn"
General Brown. Neither man vautJ
to retire.
When the county was organizml
in lfH the two commissioners wir
elected, the law providing that they
hold in such a cno until the ne;.t
general election. 1916 one was elect
ed for a long term fA four years and
the other to a short term of two
years, fo that In the future only oik
commissioner w ould be to "elect at
each voting year. But which of the
two men was elected to the long term
was not 'designated. No method is
provided by law to nettle the cont:
versy, but precedent has been estab
lished for the drawing of lots, and
Attorney General h'own'n opin'on
says he Is confident th.H the result of
the drawing would receive Ic&al recognition.
Haig's Forces Fall Back on
Ypres-Dixmude Sector But
Enemy Is Later Driven Be
yond Former Positions
Sussex Troops Carry Out
Raid With Small Loss and
Take Prisoners
LONDON. March 8. Serious fight
ing has 'taken place on the Yprer.
Dlxmude sector of the British front,
according to the British official
statement issued by the British war
office tonight. A German attack en
a front of more than a mile com
pelled some of the British advance
posts to fall back, but later a counter
attack rp?-established the British Una.
The text of the official statement
"Shortly before dawn today after
heavy artillery preparation, the
enemy delivered a strong attack on
a front of over a mile south of
Houtholst forest. On a greater part
of this front bis attack broke down
under the fire of our troops. At
one point, however, on the left our
line, where the attack was pressed
with great determination and sup
ported by troops carrying flame
throwers, some of the soldiers hold
ing our advance posts were compelled
to fall back a short distance on a
front of about 500 yards.
"Arter severe fighting later p the
morning a counter-attack was launch
ed by Yorkshire light infantry with
the result that the enemy's troops
were driven back a distance of 300
yards beyond their former front line
and heavy losses were inflicted upon
them. Our position are complete
ly re-established. Our casualties in
the enemy's original attack and. in
the.subseqeuent fighting were light.
"Sussex troops carried out a suc
cessful raid this morning east f
Laventie and with little loss to
themselves captured a few prisoners.
Hostile artillery showed considerable
activity today In the neighborhood of
Flesquieres jn the GIvenchy, Neuve
Chapelle and Armentieres sections
and east of Ypres."
Folish Brigade of 8000
Men Reported in Mutiny
AMSTERDAM, f March S. Vienna
dispatches to the Frankfurter Zei?
tung say that it wars alleged durinst a
debate in the ' lower house of th?
Austrian reichsrat on Tuesday that
a Croatian infatitry regiment was
ordered to march, against a Polish
brigade of S000 nicn, which it is re
ported mutinied! February 13. A
pitched battle eflsud, artillery and
machine guns bfeing used by both,
sides. There were heavy casualties
and the Poles were finally overpow
ered and made prisoners.
Montana Community Wants
Leper Take From County
MISSOULA, Mor& March 8.
Fearing that the advent of warm
weather will make the presence of
O. J Willett. quarantined as a lep
er, dangerous to their community,
residents of Albertson have "appeal
ed to th commissioners of Mineral
county 50 r his removal.
The commissioners have decided
to place Mr. Willett on a farm about
three milles from Alberton, but thb?
will not) be ready until late in tho
Vatican Circles Aroused
Over Peace With Russia
an circle are aroused over the ar
ticle In the Brest-Litovi'k peace trea
ty, which implies the return to Tur
1 e-y of Armenian territory held by
Russia, according to an official d!3s
patch from Rome todavandhe pa
pal secretary of state is reported to'
have driected the apostolic delegate
at Constantinople to take steps to
otNain formal assurances regarding
tWe fate of the Christian population.
MT. ANf'Kf,, OKK.f Mnreh
itv council it a recent meet in ir
of a ntilroiul tlnouKh the city.
money yK-tit on the survey of tlm project which has lor its object,
connection with the Willamette Valley Southern Railway at Mt. Augcl
exteniliriir from thin int through Sublimity, Stayton. Niagara ami
JWimI. Th option covering the right of way call for completion
July lit, VJVJ, ami January 1st, l'JLU
Pershing If olds Addresses
Disclose Identity of Units
in Trenches
-. )
Nearest Relatives of Soldiers
to Be Noticed by War
WASHINGTON. March 8. Issu
ance of daily lists of casualties among
the expeditionary forces abroad Mas
discontinued today by the public in
formation committee as the result of
an order of the war department un
der which the names of the next of
kin and emergency addresses of
soldiers whose names appear ori the
lists hereafter will be withheld. The
official explanation is that the pur
pose of the order is to keep infor
mation of value from the enemy.
On being informed of the order the
committee took the position that
long lists of men k'lled or wounded
would be worthless fo the newspaper
correspondents withe ut the address
es, and a notice was issued advising
the press that in futuie all informa
tion regarding casualties must be ob
tained from the war department. At
the adjutant general's office it was
stated that the lists without address
es would continue to be sent to the
committee and would be available
' 'rder to Be Permanent.
While the disagreement between
the committee and the department
probably will be straightened out
soori so that the "expurgated" lists
may be made available to all who de
sire' them, the purpose of the de
partment to withhold the addresses
apparently Is unalterable. Acting
Secretary Crowell SAid the order was
issued at the urgent recommenda
tion of General Persh'ng and that It
would be permanent. Both Mr. Crow
ell and Major General March, acting
chi-tfjOf staff, declared that the pur
pose Was to close up a channel
through which the enemy might ob
tain valuable information and both
disclaimed any Intention of seeking
to conceal heavy casualties reportp
from General Pershing.
"You may say for me," said Gen
eral March, "that the war depait
ment has not and will not hold up a
single name for an instant longer
than it takes to get it out."
Perwhlnfc Favors Plan.
The nearest relative of every sold
ier who may be killed or wounded
will be notified by the department as
heretofore. Lists containing simply
the names of the soldiers under the
heading "killed in action" or "died
rof disease" will be sent' each day to
;the committee on publican formation.
To give" but the lists in this shape,
according to officials of the commit
tee, would bring each day a flood of
requests by telephone, telegraph and
mall for specific ld4ntificatlon of
each man named in the list of the
previous day.
Unofficially it was said at the war
department that General Pershing
held that the publication of address
es with the casualty lists tends to
disclose the identity of units in the
trenches. Information which the en
emy is so desirous of obtaining that
many lives are risked in sending raid
ing parties to bring out a prisoner orJ
two to be examined ana quesnonea.
To the press the order means that
each newspaper must depend upon
the messages to relatives to get the
news of men-from its own community
who are killed or wounded.
Testimony Against Oscar
Main Has Been Completed
CHEHALIS. Wssh.. March 8.
Taking of .testimony In the case
against Oscar Main, charged with
the murder of Fred Swayne at Nap
avlne on January 6. which was com
pleted this afternoon. Tomorrow will
be taken up with arguments and in
structions to' the Jury and it is ex
pected that the case will KO to the
jury tomorrow night.
The state in rebuttal today put oa
the stand a number of witnesses who
testified that they had stood at th
spot where Witness Hodge said ht
had seen Main enter the store and,
could plainly discern the . feature
of a man under similar condition.
0 fSrHeial to The Statesman) Hie
uninttMl j franchise for the huihlititf
Apparently thre lian been linieHJ
Verdun Is Center of Heavy
Artillery Actions; German
Airmen Closely Examining '
American Lines
British Further Advance in
Palestine; London Air
Raid Kills 11
(Bp Tht Ataociated Pre)
Clear skies have returned to' the
battle front In France, and every
where along the American. British
and French sectors there has been
an increase Ip activity by the forces
which it is believed must soon close
in combat.
Official reports indicate that Ver
dun Is once jnore the scene of heavy
artillery actions, but this may be
only a preliminary to an attack on
another sector.
The American lines near Totil ara
just to the southeast of Verdun and
the continued activity along this
front ehowshat the Germans con
template seriooperatlons there.
Raids In force, sijcKas were met by
the Americans with thesatmost forti
tude and, completely repulsed, have
not been repeated, but German avia
tors are continually over the Ameri
can rllnes, spying out ammunition
dumps, location of guns and the dis
position, of the American forces.
Russians Resist Germans.
It Is revealed In late reports that
the retirement of the Germans from
Narva, west of Petrograd.-was a Te
fcult of resistance by Russians at
Jamburg, 68 miles southwest of the
Russian Capital. This resistance may
be only a local instance of the dis
position of the Bolshevik govern
ment to fight against! further In
vasion -'of Great Russia, jbut It points
to the fact that the Russians are
still capable of conducting a defense
which is effective. I
The last details relflve to the
peace ntgned with Finland show
that from the Arctic ocean to tho
Black sea the German power is com
plete. It Is, reported . that Finland
"asked" Einperor William to place
his son Oscar on the Finnish throne.
This deprives Russia of both shores
of the Gulf j Of Finland and makes
Tetrograd I Virtually an Inland city,
so far as foreign commerce is con
cerned, i 1 ,
Fighting In Italy Spirited.
Spiritedly fighting is going on In
Italy. On the Asiago plateau thej
allies -have resumed their
attacks on the Jtallan lines, while
alt along the Plave artillery engage
ments of considerable violence aro
developing, ,
The Macedonian war theater; too,
has become more active than usual.
In four sectors along this front
heavy artillery fighting is reported.
Another air raid was .made on
London by the Germans Thursday
night. Aided by the aurora borealbv
which brilliantly illuminated tho
heavens, seven or eight German air
planes crossed the east of England.
The anti-aircraft fire was heavy and
Hie machines were at first driven
back, but others, attacking from tha
south, managed to penetrate as far
as. the metropolis and dropped
No objects ofmilitary Importance
were damaged but eleven persons
were killed and 46 Injured.
British Advance rn Palestine.
The British forces in Palestine
have once more taken the offensive
and have advanced over a front 13
miles long to a depth of three miles.
The British are slowly moving north
ward along the valley of the Jordan
from Jericho and are advancing their
lines to. the west.
Japan Is not only Teady to tav
vigorous steps In Siberia, but ba
intimated that she would welcome
the assistance of the Chinese in op
erations which will have for their
objective the safeguarding of en
tente allied Interests In the far east.
China has discovered that Germanv
planned to arm her soldiers hell
prisoner in Siberia and to send them
against the Chinese northern fron
tiers, i
A new credit of 600.0QO,000 has
been voted bv the Brlti?h parlUt
inent- This brings the itotal wa,
credits since August. 10 1.4, to if
M2.u0O.OfiO, or approximately i
Former Ambassador Mt
Is III at Bostoome
. .noun -. ytcer and
L. Meyer, former cabinof j" a h
ambassador, who 'has ti week
residence here for wtr nu'
.was tonigni repon
. a M i . ' " '
i"rrior .-f
Ing. His Illness, dora
'''J dim
the liver, took an
idurlng the1 day
chance oi
said that there
bis recovery