1 "" " it" THE OREGON STATESMAN: Fill DAY, MARCH 8, 1018 r ta Eyeglass To know where to Have yowreyes examined eliminate hiir vnnr trouble. lou cannot make a mistake- by eo,ng to us We' are fully pr"Pa' ;'. ' ivo you the best it. Optical Service. Consult our " Oi'tiH;'-' 1 1 : u HARTMAN BROS. CO. .JEWELERS AM) OPTICIAN'S State and Liberty Street, pr. Ihmhtte Optometrist Wo duplicate' and broken I i . CITY NEWS i SSI vl' OREGON State street near 0. E. depot. Home of Artcraft and Para m on n t pictures. J "A Man's a Man" v. iih .1. War- yen Kerrigan. LIBERTY 1. i o e r t y near State. High class thotop:ays and special features. "On Trial,' a Cohan 6c Harris sue-, cess. BUG II State between Lib- erty and High. Mutual and "Molly Go GifEni," with Mar arita Fischer. , J Car Shortage Eeporb-d The Southern Pacific company j yesterday reported to th public j nervlca commission a car -shortage of j 191 on Its Oregon lines. Tbe short age vas 140 closed and 41 open; ears. Tn latest report from the j Spokane, Portland & Seattle-' corn-1 psny Is ft shot-tape of 211. V' Give Away Price Ob used pianos and organs at E. L. SUff k Son. Oregon t'ertif Irate Accepted State Iahor Cuiimisloner iiolf ecelted a letter yesterday from Grace Abbott, director of the child hlnp mi BUG It HOTEL, mK Hotrn Away fnm Hom.' ttrictlr ModernJ."0 Per ray 100 Rmmi f Onlld C umfiirl Only Hotel IrIlusinesa Diatrlct JlOTOIt CARS Salem Velle Co., phone 1 1 Used Furniture Vanted IIigWt Mali vrlrra ald fr rd tnnttnrr. E. L. STIFF Si SON, ' v Phone 041 or 503 HOUSEHOLD GOODS '- We pmy thr rry hluUrt prle far ha-hoia onl and tvuln ot vry klnti. People's Second Hand Storo 17t S. fmmrrrlmt SI, 1'boitc 73 SACKS WANTED IliRhest price paid all klnU of Junk CAPITAL JI NK CO. 271 Qjemeketa St. Phon0 Si)S 8 WE MOVE- Pack and Store Everything 8pscial rates on eastern shipments. fjaaomoTlng an'1 country trips a Pedalty. Prompt service. Work guaranteed. FARMER TRANSFER CO. '- 15 8. LIRERTV STREET Office Phono 1MO Home I'tione 1HI If O A I, a I) W O 1 Wanted Sacks and Iron Iflhest ibices pid. Al lm) all kind of junk. WESTERN .flK to. Ihone 7n Cor. Center and 'oni men ial St. HAIdIM, ORE;o 4 0 Doctor White Diseases of Women and Nervous Diseases 60C United St ales National Punk f lJuiidhig, Salem, Oregon, 1 1 J w,'i)"&VA Service labor division of the department of labor, that Oregon has again been M'surnated a a .state whose cert if l Khali be accepted for the psi liosert the federal child labor act. new designation extend M;ht)i 1. 1119. tu C harles It. Harrison Will act as tonstmaster at the State Oratorical duh banquet at the Mvthodist church Friday evening. The Oreem Fruit Company Will pay cash for beans, lai large or email lots. Phone 9 43 Ibuniti in ll.uler We are closing lilUIllH-l-S out our line e! at $.", the regu in and :;ee.thein. 6 Litre car buiipers !ar $1 ft kind. Corn' Vie!: Ili-others. Nomina tin,? Petitions Printed to comply with all de mand for ftate and countv offices, at Statesman Publishing Company ( upstair:!.) Retgite Subject irosen The Pacific university-Willamette university debate will be held Friday nieht, Mauh 15. Those taking part from the university will be Mis Myrtle Mason and Otto PauliiH on th nffirmative and Arii. Walker and Harold JMmick on th ne.yttive. T!m ftthjeet to he discussed H "lle fihffl, that tb 1'nited Statrs shoiiIJ tbtitute the New Zealand syKtem fi r labor dinnutea." Wanted. To work at The Spa. P.l I l scon tit On Heater At E. L. Stiff & Sou's. ; Grant SIimI , tire i j The Grsnt school has been very Miecrsfifnl In raising funds for. the j Junior Red Cross, having collected j to date $lir..2V Of this amount i $2." has been turned over to thc ; general fund of Willamette chapter j and $.'0 has been snent for yarn wnicn is Deing Knit into socks y the stndents of th? Junior hlF,h school. Quilts, wash cloths, fr'in wines, and pin balls are aroon-g the articles made by the pupils of the lower crndes. With Our Complete Ko;tiJrment Refined services and latest meth ods of embalming, 'twill be a "funer. al beautiful." Webb & CJough Co. Ibr"c Every Two Week at Mncleny Next dance on Saturday. March 10 Dr. l iter. RentM Is. attending special dental clinics given In Portland under the ttet; pico of tbe Oretron State Dental Art notation, March 7th. Mh and 9th. Order Ver Chickens From t'herty Cltv Fag and Poul try company. Phone 7C."., ."5 1'erry street. WeUh Stwlety I'ntettained Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hughes Wed nesday . evening at their home at Chemeketa and Eighteenth street, entertained the Welsh soeletv. At tendance was large and the feature or thf evening was the singing .f the good old Welsh melodies. A bnnouet was served later in thu even ing of all th' delieacle.s the season afforded. Evangelistic Meetings T,eslie Methodist church. 7:30 every evening excepting Monday and Saturday. Come. - For JUSTICE of the PEACE FRANK DAVEY T am asking the Republican nom ination for justice of the peace of the Salem district because I believe myself tborom-'bly equipped to give (he be?t possible .service in that im portant position. I came to Salem In 1K7. over thirty years ago, and in everv movement since for tbe bet terment of the city and all its enter prise:'. Tor the development "and set tlement of the state, for tjhe safety nnl sii'nort of the nutbw.'T have taken a somewhat prominent part wflh band and tongue and pen. My life iy known to all who .ave lived here a ilT'Ti vears or more, and 1 trust to their verdbt. I ai a lawyer by education and have been in. close touch for thirtv-eight j-ars with eiu rtf t ion. office even to the lushest jutisui. I know the work or a justice thoroughly.' 1 have not a: enemy in the wot Id to punish ami i unv of no friend who would ask reward ' at the expense of Justice. Respect for law and Its enforcement without iua"ce. revenue or oppres sion is inherent In me and has been intensified by -my extensive experi ence In making laws, hence the pub lic knows what to expect, from me. I owe th p-opJe of Sab-tn and vicinity for many friendships. I expect to lepay them by honest, faithful serv i ali timc-a. Frank Davey. (Paid Adv.) MISS RAtJ.MIIIJI JOHANSSON" Massage and Medical Gymnastic i ;r'litni f Swft-n Trwlnerl Sr p...f... 1 1 1 7 - 5 V StimmTPt. JU.urs by t i"-'iin'ctit at your hotnt . To Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Macy North Thirteenth street. 3 Thursday,. March 7. 191S. a daughter, weight seven and one half pounds. The little girl was born at the Salem hospital. She has taken the name of Margaret Dunsmore. DIED ASPINWALL At the home of the parent. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Aspin wall, of Mission Bottom, near Sa- f lf Til II t-Kil n t- l ffU 7 1419 - ......... .. , , I'olin Aspinwall. an infant Hon. The baby was I months and 7 days obi. The funeral will be held this art e: noon nt 2 o'clock from the United Evangelical church. Rev. (J. L I.ov ell will have charge of the service- and burial will oe in City View r em. lery under the auspices of Webb & Clnugh. Tefiinonv '4iiJuikiI The taking of testimony in the cae of Kannie Kav P.ishop aaainst Thomax Kav wa. concluded in tho circuit emirt yesterday afternoon. Mrs. l!iihop being on the witness xtanda a large Hhare n' the tinK-. .Iudg pen y Kelly presided, while Judo (etrge G. Cinuliam appeared as a witness for Mrs. ' Hishop, he having acted as her attorney in the past. The arguments of counsel will be beard nt Mondav morning be fore Judge Kelly. Wnttt-d. rt Man To work at The Spa. 'w)k in Aviation 'orii O. E. Cook, who formeiiy was a yardmasder for the Southern Pacific company in Salem, has -enlisted in the avi.itidn corns. and passed through here yesterday on bis way to San Antonio, Texa. where he will go into training preparatory to work in France. Mr. Cook'-, home is in Salem.. He in a son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cook, who live at IS.', South Winter street. He has ten living in Fortland recently. Mr. Cook's parents and other relatives and friends greeted him nt the depot as he passed through Silent. The Hoys nnd CJIrlN Of the C. S. b;vnk Pig Club, who 'desire pigs meet me at the Kink Saturday at 2 o'clock. G. W. Eyre. Several Fine Ued Organ E. L. Stiff & Son, 404-448 Court. Ril. Crf Ilenef it Coming A country fair on a large spalc nnd which bids fair to outshine evei the recent "Carnival of Nations" will he given Friday and Saturday, Mareb 22 and 23. at the armory. R will be a Red Cross benefit for Willam ette chapter. Mrs. John Carson will have charge of the amusement and entertainment features and Mr.-. Thomas Hurrows will direct the "eats." Dinner and supper will b? served cafeteria style on Friday and a dinner on Saturday. Free Dance at Moose hall Saturday night, :?.0 Hunt's orchestra. I'ree admission. Nominal ln;f I'etlllon Printed to comply with all de mands for state and county offices, at. Statesman Publishing company ( upstairs. ) X DIm-iimI Priin Tree S. 11. Van Trump savs lie has fn- pet ted the prune orchards in th Mt. Angel dlstrb-t and dlseoveFed.no evden'-es of scale or other disease " the tr-es pf those orchaids. and that from present prospects there will be h very latg-e crop of prunes this season. Nominal iiiK IVt Ition Printed to comply with all de mands for Mate and countv offices, at Statesman Publishing company ("upstairs.) Geer Crossing l' The public service commission yesterday conducted a hearing in th controversy between the city of S.i b'tn and. the Southern Pacific com pany relative to the Geer crossing in the southeast part or the city. Ah order fn the rase is expected soon. Trade In Your Obi Fnrnltiire On new at E. L. Stiff & Son's. Marriage Licenses IssihmI County' Clek Rover yesterday issu ed a' marriage license to William E. Spinney, 'J.. of oPrtland. and Hat tie Jay. 29. of Salem: and Thomas Er nest Hampton. 21, of Taeoma, and I.innie Fluke, r Sidney, Oregon Itlggest Stork f lsel Funiture at E. R. Stiff & Son's. Suit to Quiet Title (i. in plaint in equity was yester day filed in the circuit court bv Thomas Winn Sr. against F. P. Ter- hune. wife, et al. to quiet the tHe If certain -real property in dispute let-ween the parties. Don't Rent A Ibin Ruy one on easy terms at E. E. Stiff & Son's. I'liink Snell Escapes Frank Snell, a pntiont at I Iff slate hospital for the insane, escaped fro n the hospital farm yesterday, Th" farm is Jocaled six miles from th l.r.Kpital. Snell is :'.T years o'd. lb was eomm'itted from Portland in I;e, eernber. -1 91 fi. Hear Simpson At Moose ball Saturday ni-hf. Some dance. Free adntisdon. AHin' N'- Hrken ' VII. in at ttte miditintr leti:i nient of the state accident commis sion suffered a severe fracture of the pose while encaged lii a biffball game st the V; MfC. A. Wednesday night, lie was unable to be at his dok yesterday, A IMami lUirgnln We have on beautiful brand new Singer piano. Tegular price $7-ef. As this piano is not the make we usually tarry in stock we will sacrifice It for M.ACV Auction Sale WOODRY'S AUCTION MARKET Corner Ferry & Liberty Saturday, March 9, '18 10:30 a. m. ' One jfixw! itKulster tiutomo bile, o'u top buggy, wif itenrly new half Imrnes-s, complete; one Mt diltin: harness; hors's, wagons, tools, etc. 1:30 p. m. HftUM-hobl furniture of nil U kinds, tunned fruit. Oliver No. 11 i , . . ..It . I .... . 4 . . I. stove, nigs. nr','IS stair -sir. Mts, Imi-s bats, laiucoat ami many other niiicle. , F. N. W00DRY, Tlie Au-tioneer. Phones ."10 and 51 1. $".r.2. Act quickly If you want to pick up this snap. E. E. Stiff & Son, 1 l( Court street. Don't Miss It Fancy dancing and jitney jaz. at. the armory Saturday night. Will .see you. In l'ro'-tite "urt Fpon the petition of P. p. Crab tree, stating that W. W. Crabtreo was laboring under strange delu sr)s, .and possessed property in Ok lahoma valued at $300, the former was appointed puardian under $600 bond?. In the estate of Nellie Stra hoker. Celia Strahoker and Eeona I'phoff. formerly Lilly Strahoker. but since the adopted daughter of Fred and Katherine I'phoff. Frt d Fpl.off was appointed guardian un der bonds of $300. In the estates of J. P. Frir.ell. deceased, order was entered directing Lawrence McNaiy, administrator of the estate, to pay to the widow, Alice R, Frizzell, a monthly allowance of $oo for br.r support, and to set a$ble the prem ises and retrain personal property of the estate as a homestead, exenvit from taxation. The will of the !ae L. S. Thomas, deceased, was ad mitted to probate, the estate being valued at about $10,000. and Minn!. D. Shronk and Junta-A. IMniick, ht order of the court, were appointed as joint exe'eu trices of the etsate. while J. L. Calvf rt. George J. WolTe and C. M. Cilttenden were appointed appraisers. Inventory was filed in the estate of Raymond Engerman et al. minors, showing property of the value of $851. G. W. Hubbs. J. W. Hyatt and Reber Allen being the appralseis. A Piano Rargaln We have one beautiful brand ne Singer piano, regular prlco $750. As this piano is not the make, we usual'' carry in stock we will sacrifice P. for $562. Act quickly if you want to pick up this snap. , E. L, Stiff St Son, 44C Court street. ! BUSICK'S Friday and Saturday 299 N. Commercial St. Phone 198 Corner State and Com mercial Sts. New Store Fancy mied Cookies, b...!7e 'i pkgs. N. R. C. O-aekers tr rookies . .; " Rest Ci-eamery Rntler ".V 1 Cans Peas 'Z Cans Coi n . , .J2-" Jt Cans Mimetl Rntler Clams IS-"'- J. Cans Scb j imp 2 Cans .Milk H Rars C. W. Sl IK (i Roxes Matt lies U7e lirge pkg. Citrus Witshing . Powder "e ;5 Ciraiii Oil So .ic Cream of Ibll ley, :kg. ....2-tc SmI.i 4 ijM-k-rs in bulk, b..l.'c lHge hieauij Ut'isp . . . .SI.l.V lrge is i .... ...... 9 1 ." Medium frli !l.tM Rojnl Raking Pmvdcr, lb.. . t"c Ritlk. i Immolate, lb U-"c Post iitu, size !." Nstim . ; size i!t(C Post tun Cereal, sle ..Sffc Post Totisjie. pkg lOtr KrllVKli:' Corn l'lake .... Hk- Ral-oii Rcan, pkg 15e li rue kg. Mother's Oat..:Wc l4irg pkg. tuaker Oals ..'Ait: Ijirge pkg Allwrs Oats. .. .:ic Cream Rolled Oats in hulk Ma MiiihN . . . '" Roman Men!, pkg iZTtt: Pepiwr, Vy. Tins, U for , .M!tarl. ! o. Tins, (t ftr. .itV 2AU Cofrel, SatiKtlay only, lb ' 2n Towns of County Making Records at Stamp Sales That the schooi children of Marl one county are ifiore than doing their bit in selling war saving stamp", is evidenced by the report made out yesterday by County School Super intendent W. M. Smith which gives in detail the present standing of the ptlifferent towns in Marion county, In cluding Salem. The report follows:; Salem, 127.499. 68; Aurora. $1, 582.87; Monitor, I38G.96; Wod burn, K,308.84; Stayton. $1,373.99; Aumsville, $279.86; Cervaisr $7, 690.55; Macleay, $911.24; Sublimity. $228.58; Hubbaid. $4,047.42; Jef ferson, $630.47; Turner, $217.47; Silvetton. $2,228.23; St. Paul. $48 t. 76; ' Mehama. $124.82; Mill City, $2. 048.93ft -tit. Angel, 411.72; Wa eomla, $44.26. J i - New Troop of Scouts Id Organized at Englewood A new troon of Roy Scouts was j organized Tuesday night at Engle wood with Dewey Probst as scout master. The charter members aie: Mark Wadlespel, Evert Givens, Iler beit Raker, Eugene Chase, Sydney Darker, James Whitflngton, Walter Munt, Russell Martin. Edwin Kubin. Albert Darker, Virgil Whlttington, Joe Rodfters. Dr. J. E. Anderson Files Candidacy for Governor Dr. J. E. Anderson of The Dalles yesterday filed with Secretary of State Olcott his declaration of Inten tion to be a candide for the Repub lican nomination for governor at the .May primary elections. He Is the first of five candidates for governor to file with the secretary of state. Dr. Apderson's slogan Is "Rone Dry; Win the War; Develop Oregon." ' No platfplrm accompanies the declaration He id rathe- of the Oregon "bone dry" 'prohibition law. The other can didates have until April 12 to tile. Highway Project in Union County Approved Yesterday The public servile commission was informed yesterday that the govern ment has approve! federal aid pro ject No. 5. which is the Elgin-Minam road in Union county. The plans call for 0.3 miles of grading at an estimated cost of $36,094. The work will be under the Dean-Barrett bond act in co-operation with the govern ment, t Railroads Relieved of Application of Statute Ry an order of the public service commission yesterday Oregon rail roads are relieved of application of the statute requiring that chacgo In existing schedules, including schel ules of join rates, shall be posted con Mpicotisly my the companies In every uously by the companies In every dpot where an agent is maintained. fhe statute gives tho commission ower to suspend or modify tho ap plication 1- of the law. Governor's Son Is Still in Dangerous Condition A letter received by Governor iVithyeobibe yesterday from hlr daughter. Ml Mabel Wlthycombe, Indicates i, that the governor's son. Earl Withyeombe, Is still dangerously III in a hospital 'in Washington, D. C He has been confined to his bed for several weeks as a result of Ill ness contracted while: In an arniv cantonment In Virginia. Jack Elliott Has Thrill While Flying in Aeroplane Jack Elliott, who is In the avla Con service, tells a thrilling ex perience n a letter to his father. State Forester F. A. Elliott . With an observer, Elliott was flying at a high distance from the ground, when his engine went wrong. Fearing a fire he made a "nose dive" for the ground and landed safely by man euvering his machine skilfully. The plane was not damaged. Elliott loosed 4tls belt so that he would be able to jump if necessary and told the observer to do the same, but the predicament had caused the observ er to faint. Young Elliott writes his further that he has qualified in machine gun nery. 1 PERSONALS T . ; r II. T. Rarnhagcr. F. J.-Winter, W. M. flark. W. C. Got.ke and E. W. Schmeer of Portland are registered at the Marion hotel. G. O. - Ryder and R. It. Schneider of l,os Ancf-lns are at the Marion. G. K. Stern, Harry Snyder, K. C. Mark, M. C. Thayer of Sun Francisco are guests of the Hotel plnrion. It. W. Strand of Chicago is at the Marion hotel. C. R. Eisle of New Yoik Is a guest of the Marion. .1. D. Ilibbs of Independence la nt the Marion. M. P. Stoute of Portland is at the Argo. Ray Mojres of Astoria Is at the JUigh hotel J. A. Wells. Metle Hussong. Nor man Skyles. Allen Moorer, Otto Her man and Ed. L Ed'son of the As toria bask'' ',all team are registered at the liHgh. A. M. iSchubert f Sllverton Is a guest of he RllEh hotel. W. .1. Lvlequest of McMlnnvlIle Is at the Plfch hotel. Clyde Ecker and J. F Crowe of Independence are at the Rtieh, .1. K, II irt, Ceorze Taylor. E. V. Shaddock. V. II. Allen. S. L. Wa ters and -Charles White of Portland are registered at the Rllgh hotel, C. ;M. Hlsbop ! here from Pen dleton. Mrs. W. H. MtDanlel of Rlckrll Is spending the week at th home of her sister. Mrs. W. II. Drunk, ANOTHER LIST IS ANNOUNCED Second Rainbow Regiment Already Has Two Hun dred Enrolled J. A. Churchill, state superinten dent of public instruct loa, yester day announced the names of the sec ond one hundred Oregon school chil dren who will compose the second Junior Rainbow regiment. Curry, Raker, Morrow, Sherman, Renton. Marlon and Wasco counties are rep resented in the list given out yes terday.' The names announced yesterday follow: Christince Hire. J. T. Rorlck. The Dalles; Donald Stryker, Naomi Ful lerton, Nancy Krerners, Portland; Mandle Wilson, Holbrook; Ford Llv ermore, Jane Frledlander, Sus'e Woody, ( Royella Johnson. Trank Johnson, Roland Cutting, Ray Ryd er, Rey Stryker. aMrgaret Hender son, Theodore Hornscuch, Tee Seheuerman. Clarence Hunter, Eth.-d Kelly, Viva Wells, Frances Miller. Portland: Grace Lvnch, Harold T.ynch. Althea Elston, Alt a Dahl na miner, George Dahlhammer, Al fred Zenger. Greshaf; Edith Wh'tc loek. jCleo Rink. Mildred Nichols. La ve rn a lloag. Donald Hadley, Djroth Flnley, Nina Peterson. Gurgen Oga bury. Ernest Ogsbur.v Agnes Roe mer. Raymond Page. Cyril Vorpahl. Edyth Driver, Margaret H. I.evinson Edwin Lyman. Portland; Karl Oxi des, Perry; Juanita Nutting, tioli Peach; Rex Rnzan. Roe Ruzan, Mil waukee; Walter Lafferty. John Pink erton; Nan Densham. Ruth Densham. Harry Yundt, Norman Beard, Har old Goldman, Arden Yundt. Fred Kelloway. Norrls Coleman. Corval lis; Cathleen Ronebrake, Rosebnrg; Margaret Poorman, Raymond Kra mer, W'oodburn; Frances Olin. Mill City; Helen Savage, Salem; Celesta Myers, The Dalles: Harold Palmer. Lawrence Moody, Ivan Mlsner, Har old Cundiff, Frances Notz Raker: Richard Rennett, Glenna DelHnger, Karl Harbin, Kent; Paul Turner. K'l na Simpson, Daniel Wheelock, llael Macomber, Cllne Schmidt, Thos. De well, Emma Hollenberg'A Maurice Kerr. Mary Reck. Ruth Taylor. Ei ther Taylor, Percy Miner, Elsie Goos, Mabel Ash. Stewart Klbbe, Mart'n Smith. Clifton Kurtz.i Dorothy Cha riey, Rachael Storer,1 Ruth Axtell, Elmer Gentry, Eola Newton. Lol Chiropractic So long aa. people live they will ?et filck. Health agencies are essn- tlal to health conservation. No ono cult knows It all- It U not safe, to risk so Important a matter to tho ap plication of but one type of Ihous&t In. the treatment of diversified human disorders. Chiropractors fit well In an existing condition of human Inef flclency'duo to disease. Their work provides those of weak bodily resist ance with .-the maximum of nerve forco an element of human metab olism that cannot be neglected in handling dlrease. . Chiropractic Is necessary to tho preservation cf health. DR. 0. L. SCOTT, D. G. - CHIROPRACTIC 8PI.NOIXX.TST P. S. C. Graduate V. S. Nat'l Rank RldC. Rooms 40- 7-, Salem, Oregon Office Phone 87. Res. Phone 82 8-It Did you Necessary Going, to Paint ? Falls City Salem lumber co. At 349 S. 12th Street has the largest and best as sortment of Paints, Oils and -Varnishes in Salem. Price more reasonable than anywhere else in City. Prompt delivery. Come and see us. ) , - "EVERYTHING IN BUILDING MATERIAL' Phone 813 Jackson and Hagood Have Another Initiative Dill A bill Initiated by C. S. Jack? n and R. W. Hagood. of Portland, by which It Is proposed to fix and limit the publication of public and legal notices, providing for the publica tion, amending section 2903, and re pealing section 2911 of Lord's Ore gon Laws, and repealing chaptor 3085, General Laws of 1917. waa filed with Secretary Olcott yesterday. The bill was referred to the at torney general for a ballot title. A bill filed by the same persons sev eral weeks ago proposes to abolish publication of delinquent tax notices. Ralston, John Nwton. Win, 1 .a w . Win, Rarfoot, Grace Phelps. Corval lis; Lucille Morton, Portland; El vin Ely. Morgan. New Models COATS, StTTS, DRESSES .- arriving daily -If. ii. SHIPLEY CO. , Liberty street LAUNDRY QUEEN WASHING MACHINE Ruy One At- Welch Electric Co," 220 N. Com, Phone 953. PHONE 77 I'or TAXI ra(;agh EXPRESS Quirk Servico. OREtiON TAXI COM I 'ANY 371 State. ' Log Cabin Syrup 25c1grade, now 22c or 2 for . 43c New-Orleans Molasses at 12c. Breakfast foods at reduced prices Garden seeds Flower Reeds. PURE FOOD GROCERY 3U Vales St.- Vmome 209 . r. Tlfket Office In tb Mtr All Styles, Colors and Prices $2.25 TO $3.75 'r - Best Ginghams, per yard 22c Apron Gingham, yard 12c Beit Columbia Prints. , . . lCc Standard 30-inch Indian Head, per yard .... .23c 42 in. Half. Wool Shepherd Check, per yard. . . . . . . ,75c Best White Outing Flannel,, per yard. . . . . f ..... , . . . .20c R. B. 0. Corsets. ... . . .$1.00 - SPECIAL Today and Saturday 36 in. Black Silk Taffeta, per yard ...$1.19 SAMPSON & GIDDENS Sc, 10c, 15c, 20c; 25c Store 141 No. Commercial St know the Spring Hats