The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 06, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Economy and thrift
suggest the use of ShinoiA
for your shoes. It gives the
quick dressy shine.
Your Conwen
ience J
(Continued from page. 1)
artillery dnles of considerable vio
lence have taken place.
WiHI Kiy Thickly in Tout.
JN'-FKAXCK, Monday. March 4.
Shells have been falling -thick and
fast wlthLt the American llne nd
upon the enemy positions on the
Tom I sector today. Aside from a An
barrage which the enemy placed oi
the American positions at d'y light
In this neighborhood, 20()0 projec
tiles have been droptied In the vicin
ity of the terrain occupied by the
Americans, many of them upon
towns. The American casualties.
MI-O-NA Stops All
Stomach Distress
Why suffer with that uri com for table
feeling of fulness, headache, dizziness,
sour. Kansy, ups't stomach, or heart
burn? Oct relief at once delays are
'ri.inrtrouii. Uuy today now a box of
Ml-o-na Ttablets. There is no more ef
fective stomach remedy. For sale by
Daniel , J. Fry.
however, have been extremely l.'ght.
Sunday nlaht the Am-ricans con
tinued to nhell the -nemy and l-Ut
down two barrages on his position.'.
The infantry activity was confined
xolely to patrol parties. The Ameri
cans searched No Man's Land in the
snow for the bodies of enemy killed
in th raiding.
None was found but the body of
one. American was discovered in the
American wire in front o' a listen
ing post. The man had on his gas
mark. A bullet had passed through
his head. Only two cartridges re
mained In his rifle, which was found
under hi. body and tiiere were other
Indication that he died fighting.
The heavy snow is continuing.
Government Regulation to Be
Enforced to Letter in
(Continuecr from page 1)
The federation was actually or
ganized InNew- Vork a week ago
at a private meeting of more than
thirty of the chief national prohibi
tion societies, but announcement of
'Its formation was withheld until Mr.
Prjan accepted the presidency. Dr.
Charles Scanlon of Pittsburg, who
was appointed by Presidents Ttaft
and Wilson to represent the United
States international congresses
against alcoholism, wes elected act
ing president at the New York meet
ing, but now becomes general secretary.
Extensive Campaign of Edu
cation Is to Be Launched
at Once
As long as th coun'.ry It Involve I
in war government regulations gov
erning the sale and iiw of explosives
of all kinds will be en'orced to th
letter and an exact acrount will he
kept of the amount cf explosives
handled in any manner. This polit y,
as state ! yesterday by il;rvey Wells,
t'tate Insurance commissioner an 1
state fire marshal, was adopted ai
the first meeting of the advisory
committee for the regulation of ex
plosives In Oregon. The meeting
was held recently In Portland.
The meeting was called by Wil
liam N. Campbell of Mcdford. .ha;i -umn
of the committee and wio is
I'nited States explosive Inspector for
Oregon. Those attending were des
ignated by the director of the I'nited
States bureau of mines at "AVashin
ton. p. C. They were: Harvey Well,
representing the state council of na
tional defense; W. K. Ralph. Port
land, representing the national safe
ty council; Paul O. Bates. Portland,
representing the casualty Insurance
organization ; James N. MeCun.
Portland, representing the national
board of fire underwriters; X. J.
Lynch, representing the Oregon us
ers of explosives; George K. Wlllman
representing Oregon dealers in ex
plosives, and N. F. Johnson, chief of
police of Portland.
Public to lie Kdueated.
Mr. Wells announces that the com
n.ittee has determined , to launch an
extensive campaign of education and
"' GO'.
"The Song of Songs"
loflil 'Hollies lor four Boy
Stockings-Shoes-Shir ts,Etc.
You will always find our clothing o the very best wearing quality good
material good workmanship appropriate styles. They will stand the
hard knocks that any real alive boy will give them.
It's Your Duty to Dress
Your Boy Well
Good clothes will cause him to be neat and clean they will give him the
pride that is necessary to make him a leader among: his boy associates
and the boy-leader is sure to become the man-leader.
Let us show you these goods
New shipment boys' Army Shoes arrived yesterday.
Woolen Mills
if -4,. -gtv'iiTvtt !
caution for the benefit of all person t j
ruin rinru unit ior wie puuur in Kfi-
irul. Complete authority has been
delegated to the advisory committed
to enforce the regulation in Oregon
and each member Is designated "as
sistant Inspector, bureau of mine,
explosive regulation" and ha pow
er to enter any premises to enforce
the regulations. Inspection work
will be started at once and will be
followed by the campaign of educa
tion. In tho meantime the fo'.low
Ir.g five requirements are set out-by
I he committee for dealer?, users of
explosives and the general public:
First They .nuat cooperrte with
the government to prevent explo
sives from Tailing Into the possession
Of disloyal people.
Second There la no restrict'on in
purchasing explosives, if a license
Is secured, 'rom a licensed dealer
and. further, a record be k pt
of the persons that said exposlv-'J
are turned over to;
Third Every person 'authorized
under this act to manufacture or
More explosives or Jt heir ingredients
shall clearly mar.t and designate the
premises on whlc.i his plant cr mag
aiine may be. ad shall conspicu
ously display therxn signs bearing
the words: "Explosives Keep off
fnnrth: Itenort wt'hout delav Any
condition of carelessness or disre
gard of proper regulations of ex
plosives. Laxfty in Oregon may re
sult In loss of. life and property here
oi elsewhere.
Filfth Ignorance of the law will
not excuse any person -and the penal
ty is a fine of not more than ?"000
or Imprisonment for not more than
one year.
Home I r convenience ,lro1able.
Chairman Campbell Is quoted as
"lxe new rgnlatlons for the han
dling of explosives will doubtless
cause some Intonvenleoce to thoso
who are loyal aid engaged in legit
imate builneaai :Vhlch inconv enience
will be flight ana temporary, but If
all will cooperate In enforcing thes
regulations, the disloyal pewns wm
suffer and Tlgoroug prosecution vill
be made."
: We must ieallJ that all our ene
mies are not ti Europe." said Paui
C. Batea, secrexary of the advisiry
committee. "These enemies do not
wear uniforms ncr do they fight us
in the open, but they are here plot
ting in every way possible. There
fore, it has lecome essential th?t
drastic action ie taten In handl'n?
explosives of ay klid. This dis
not, however, prevent a person from
purchasing explosives as the sale in
not prohibited but all persons hand
ling it in anv form must be licensed ''
Public Must Help.
"As a rule the county clerk, Jus
tice of peace or some responsible
person Is authorized to i?sue licensed
and the person who secures a license
is held responsible for the use. stor
age and dlposltlon of all explosives.
The government desires to know
Vhat becomes of the powder after
It Is sold and each person will be
held responsible for failure to keep
a record of same."
"If any citizen knows where ex
plosives are stored without the proo-
8aya we will both look and feel
clean, aweet and fresh
and avoid nines.
Sanitary science has of l&e made
rapid strides with results thai are cf
untold blessing to humanity. The lat
est application of Its untiring re
search 13 the recommendation that it
is as necessr- ry to attend to intern.!
sanitation of the diainage system of
the human body as it is to the drains
cf the house.
Those of us who are acc.-isi.omed to
feel dull and heavy when we ar'sj.
splitting headache, stuTfy from a
cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid
stomach, can, instead, feel as freth
as a daisy by opening the sluices
of ihe system each morning and
flushing out the whole of the inter
nal poisonous stagnant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, each morning before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate In It to wash fitni
the stomach, liver and bowels th
previous day's . indigestible waste,
sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and purifying
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
The millions of people who are
bothered with constipation, bilious
spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic
stiffness; others who have sallow
skins, blood disorders and sickly com
plexions are urged to get a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate from
the drug store. This will cost very
little, but is sufficient to make any
one a pronounced crank on the sub
ject of internal sanitation.
Kaiser Gets Power to Govern
Provinces and Commerce
Will Resumi
Two Weeks Given for Ratifi
cation; Prisoners to Be
AMSTERDAM, Mordy. March A.--Russia
and the central powers. In
the peace treaty reached at Biest
Litovsk. agreed that the war be
tween them should be at an end.
Berlin dispatches say. The third
clause of the treaty provides that
the regions west of a line agtsed
uopn and which Is to be delineated
later, formerly belonging to Russia,
shall have no further obligation to
ward Russia and Germany and Aue
tria will determine their fate in agr
ment with their population. Article
four provides for the evacuation of
the Anatolian provinces and the sur
render of Ervan. Karsandbatown. tp
Turkey. The treaty eontlnues:
"Article 5 Russia will without
delay carry out the complete demob
ilization of the army. Including the
forces newly formed by the. present
government. Russia will further
transfer her warships to Russian har
bors and leave them there uttll a
general peace or imn diately t'isirm.
Warships of state continuing in,, a
state of war with the quadruple al
liance will be treated as Russian war
ships Insofar as they are within 1U3
slan control.
Shipping To Reroute.
The barred rone in th. Arctic con
tinues in force until the conclusion
of peace. An immediate beginning
will be made of the removal of mines
in the Baltic and insofar. as Russian
power extends in the Black sea.
Commercial shipping Is free In theae
water and will be resumed immed
iately. A mixed commission will be
appointed to fix further regulations,
especially for announcement of rout
es of mercban t shlpr. Shipping
routes are to be kept permanently
free from floating mines.
"Article 6 Russia undertakes Im
mediately to conclude petce with the
Ukraine people's republic and to rec
ognize the peace treaty between this
state and the powers of the quad
ruple alliance. Ukrainian territory
will be immediately evacuated by the
Russian troops und the Russian rod
guard. Russia will cease ali agita
tion or propaganda against the gov
ernment of the public institutions of
the Ukrainian people's republic.
"Esthonla and Livonia will likwie
be evacuated without delay by the
Russian troops and the Russian led
' Russia Must E acuat.
"The eastern frontier of 1'sthonla
follows in general the line of the
Narova river. The. eastern frontier
of Livonia runs in general th.-ough
Peipus lake and - Pskov lake to the
southwesterly corner of the latter;
ihen over Lubahner iLuban) lake in
the direction of Livenehof, on the
"Esthonla and Livot la will be o.'
cuped by a German pol.'ce force until
security is guaranteed oy their own
national institutions and order in the
state is restored. Russia will forth
with relese all ariested or deporttd
inhabitants of Esthonla and Livonia
and guarantee the sife return o. de
ported Esthonians and Livonian.
"Finland and the Aland islands
will also forthwith be evacuated ty
the Russian troops and the red guard
and Finnish ports by the Russian
fleet and Russian naval forces."
"So long as the Ice excluded the
bringing of Russian warship to Rus
sian ports only small deachments
will remain behind on the warships.
Russia is to cease all agitation or
propaganda against the government'
or the public institutions in Finland.
JL FortifJcAtinn ' To Go.
'"The fortifications erected on the
Aland islands are to be removed
er care and guards, he should Imme
diately communicate with " William
N". Campbell, who is the government
Inspector for this state. Either write
or telegraph him at Medford. or you
may get in touch with any member
of the advisory committee who will
Immediately take It up with Mr.
Campbell, or In case of his absence,
they will communicate direct with
the department of Interior."
with all possible dispatch. A special
agreement Is to be made between
Germany, Russia, Finland and Swed
en regarding the permanent non
fortification of these Islands as well
as regarding thejr treatment in mil
itary, shipping and technical respects.
It is agreed that at Germany's desire
the other states bordering on the
Baltic are also to be given a voice
in the matter."
"Article 7 Starling from the fact
that Persia and Afghanistan are fr?e
and independent steles, the contract
ing parties undertake to respect the'r
political and econoMic independence
and territorial integrity.
"Article 8 Prltoners of war f
both sides will be snt home.
"Article 9 Th contracting part
ies mutually renounce indemnifica
tion of their war costs, that is to say,
state expenditure for carrying on the
war, as well as Indemnification for
war damages, that Is to say, lhoe
damages which have arisen for them
and their subject Ir the war regions
through military measures. Inclusive
or all requisitions undertaken In ILo
eaemy country.
' Diplomacy To II- Restored.
"Article 10 Diplomatic and consu
lar relations between tSe contracting
parties will be resumed Immediate!
after ratification of the peace treaty.
Special agreements are reserved rel
ative to the admittance of the respec
tive consuls.
'"Article 11 The prescriptions
contained In appendices two and five
shall govern the economic relations
between the powers jL the Vjuadru pie
alliance and Russia, namely, appen
dix three for Austria-Hungarian-Russian;
appendix four for Bulgaria
Russian and appendix five for Turkish-Russian
"Article 12 The Restoration cf
public and private relations, the ex
change of prisoners or war, interned
civilians, the amnesty question as
well as the treatment of merchant
ships which are In enemy hands will
be regulated by separate treaties
with Russia, which shall form ao
essential part of the present peace
treaty and as far as is feasible shall
enter Into force at the same time.
"Article 13 For the interpretation
of this treaty the German and Rus
sian text is authoritative for the rela
tion between Germany and Russia;
for the relation between Austria
Hungary and Ylussia, the ' German,
Hungarian and Russian text; for the
relations between Bulgaria and Rus
sia, the Bulgarian-Russian text; foi
the relations between Turkey and
Russia, the Turklrh and Russian text.
Ratification I t Two Weeks.
"Article 14. The present peace
treaty will be ratified. Instrument
of ratification must be exchanged as
soon as possible In Berlin. The Rus
sian government undertakes at ths
desire ol one of the quadruple al
liance powers to exchange tatifica
tions within two weeks. Tht, peace
treaty enters Into force on its ratifi
cation insofar as its articles, appendi
ces or supplementary treaties do not
proscribe otherwise."
The signatures of tSe-plenipotentiaries
arc attached. T.He treaty wa
drawn up ri quintuple form at Brent
Litovsk. Mafch 3.
the semiofficial Wolf bureau of
Berlin fays thrt the trade cod po
litical questions to which article II
refers are to be regulated according
to the demands of the German ulti
matum and analogously to the Uk
ranian treaty. The legal and po
litical agreements correspond sub
stantially to tffe proposals which
were submitted at the first sitting
by Germany on the basis of its ultimatum.
Clark Ricket was born neajr .Ash
land. Ohio, on November 25V1S45,
and was married November 25; 1867,
to Mary E. Allisen-Borden near
Prairie Du Chien. Wis. He was con
verted in .Excelsior, Wis., and united
with the United Brethren church,
and has lived consistently and sup
ported the church cheerfully. He
work at various employments until
a year ago he came to Oregon nd
retired from active labor. V
He Is survived by his widow and
three children, one of whom, Frank
Ricket. lives on Gardon road.
He died suddenly of heart failure
February 26, 1918. Interment took
place in City V.'ew cemetery.
in hard battle
. i
Police Squad Is Called to
Twelfth and D Streets .
to Curb Fight
When 'the SOS vlgnal came Into
police headquarteis horn a Mr. Hint
who lives at Twelfth and D streets,
it did not take O.'ficer Marlels and
a squad long to reach the battle
grounds, where they found two ar
mles, ranging from 12 to 14 jean
engaged In a! fight tc the finish, uv
Ing stick, clubs and stones.
United States troops were com
posed of the following boys;
Ben Kantelberg. captain; jFrancis
Baker, Ruth Baker, Grant LI vork
aof Phillip Gosser. ?: ,
The Huns outnumbered the Ameri
cans, but went down to defeat, their
names were: Walter Munt, captain;
Hubert. Barker, Senye Batker, Al
bert Barker, Julius Wilson, Dick
LMcked and Mark Waldespel.
Astbe battle raged the Huns wer
driven to cover, and took refuge In
Mr. Munt's-barn. The Yanks, en
trenched behind the Southcn Pacific
tracks, fired sticks and stone
against the barn and bouse of Mr.
Munt who then phoned to the police
for help.
These boys hae had several bit
tles of this kind, and like an old fash
loned Kentucky feud, the war revr
ends until one of the leaders is killed
But in this Instance .they were
scattered by the officers, who sent
them home, and warned them that If
the offense was repeated, it would
be all off with both Huns and Ameri
cana. A
Love of county iiVBt have sotrs
of the attributes of v. watch, deg
that barks whea thisf are cot Jun
Why I Believe
in Nuxated Ircn
As a Tonic, Ktrenglh and Blood
My E. Bauer, M. D.
Probably no remedy hits ever mt
with such phenomenal success as bit
Nuxated Iron. It la conservatively
tlmated that over three mllMon peol
annually art ttkinic It in thia counirr
alun. It haa been hlxhly endorsed
and lined by Krmer United - fcitaUs'
Senators and Members of Congrei:
t'nyaiciana who Lave been connected
with well-known ronpltala ,bave pre
scribed and recommended It; Mone!tc
neur Nannlnl, prominent Clerg-ymait,
recommends It to all. Former Health
Commissioner Wm. It. Kerr, of Chicago,
says it ought to be uaed in every hos
pital and prescribed by every physician.
Dr. A. J, Newman, late Police Bur
geon of the City of Chicago, .and former
House fcSuregon Jefferson I'a'rk Hos
pital. Chicago, says Nuxated Jron has
proven through his own testa of it to
excel any preparation he has ever used
for creating- red blood, building- up the
nerves, strengthening the muscles and
correcting- digestive disorders.
Dr. Jamea Francis Hulllvan. form
erly physician of Ilellevue Hospital
Outdoor dep't.) New York, and tha
Westchester County Hopltal says thr .
are thousands of men and women whir
need a strength and bbtod builder but
do not know what to take. In his
opinion there la nothtn.r. better thaa
ora-anlc iron Nuxated Iron for en-,
rlehlng the blooi ind helping to In
crease the strength and endurance of
men and women whe burn up too rap
Idly their nervous energy In tha stren
uous strain of the grtat business com
petition of the dae.
If you are not tronr or well, yon
owe It to ynurselS to imke the following-
teat: Hee how tong you can work
or how far you can wall: without be- .
coming tired. Next take two five
realn tablets of Nu.'ated Iron tbres
tlmea per day after met la for two
weeks. Then test your strength again
and see how mu?h yu have gained.
NOTE Nuxated Iron, which has been
used by former mmbera of the United ,
States Senate and H-use of Represent
atives, and other prominent people with
such surprising results and which Is
prescribed and recommended above by
physicians is not a secret remedy but
one which it well known to druggists
everywhere. Uil'ke th.i older Inorsan
Ic iron products. It Is easily assimilat
ed, does not Injure Ihe teeth. mk
them black noJ upset t h i stomach. Tha
manufacturers guarantee successful
and entirely7! satisfactory renult
to every purchaaer or they will refund
vouf monev; It ,'s dispensed ty Daniel
J. Fry. Perry's Drug Store and U
good -druggiatfl. I