fciit . - : "" WEATIIEI, Fair except rain In the north west portion; fresh southeast erly wind. DAILY EDITION Is, mm TiXTl-KVK.NTH YKAIt XO. 2Q3 WEI HMD ' i . .. Germany Deliver! Ultimatum to Bolshevik Government as Teutons Sweep On; Aus- , trian Troops Move Forward - lk ITlJ.-' r 10,000 SLAVS DISARM; AMMUNITION GIVEN UP Eridges Blown Up to Stop Fee; Attack on Petrograd flcnentarily Expected; Scne Resistance Met VOLOGDA, EUSSIA- March 1. -Th interior of Eussia, follow f ir? the, example of Moscow, de v dared strongly against a separate yazt with Germany. Workmen's t-i soldiers' eonncils in many provincial centers are issuing mob ilintion orders proclaiming a tzlX to the finish in behalf of tls revolution. , . VIENNA via London; March 1. Ten thousand Russians already havo hid down their arms and consider ate quantities of ammunition. Cart3 and other rolling stock have been taken by the Au ex riant, says an of ficial Austrian communication an nouncing the commencement of an advance In Russia. ' (By Tk Ataocigtcd Prcta) An ultimata m. has been handed to the Russian Bolshevik government . fcy the German commander in the eastern front, who has given the Russians three da m .which to !ga the peact treaty demanded by , the Teutons. Coincident with this ? flemandY tbe -German adTance Into Russia' has been tcsumed. There are t apparently three columns of Ger ' mans advancing Into Russia. One is - rear Laga. midway between Pckov and Petrograd; one n said to be at Polotsk, midway between Plnsk and Vltensk, and the other Is at Sebezh. eighty miles east of Dvlnsk. An of ficial report says that the Germans have reached the right bank of the Dnelpcr river north of Kiev. I'. S. .lm!iUi(W IjeavM. That the stiuat'on In Petrograd ns become critical Is reflected in the report that the American and Japanese ambassadors have rearhel Vologda, far to the east of Petro fraa. The BrIUh and French em fcasslf have also left the Russian "Pjtal, but nothing known as to their destination. , y Reports forwarded by way of Lor, oon say that the Russian troops are cestrowin" railroad property and trnlng stores as they retire". At bo point is there serious fighting re Ported, but the advance of the Teu tons is said to be continuous. . Austrian in Ukraine. ...'J w annonnce.V In a dispatch nat Austrian troops have begun to ,3vance into Ukraine. This mov rant, ft Is staled. Is in response to appeal from Ukraine, .probably "oft to the operations of the BolKhe i there. t German trenchers Idlng ooeratlons .5Je ben rePl'!,d by the French in uer1 fXnr "f he line. At Cha non, wher the? American troops ere taken wrlsoner, the fighting Ja very severe. An attack br t:w .uJ1 DMr B,t dii Mlsnll re .C? ,n ,he capture of a French J""" Jn, but an immediate counter- tv k ''M the Germans. Th British troops carried out a "nrrf,,, raJ(, Dorffj of thft Yppe Htaoeii ralln.ad and captured -a few Prisoners. . . Among the terms of pear torn mnn cated to King Ferdinand of tt'J ?'ani by the central powers was a cmand that Ferdinand abdicate n avor of his brother. Prince Wililar.i Hohenzollern. Prince William 'nouBCwd a cVllm to the throne p? lh accession f his uncle. Prince paries, in 1X8C. He was in com mand of . T,art ot the Teutonic ar 7 which invaded tutnanla In De wmber.1918. and at that time iss"- Proclamation declaring himself w rightful heir to the throne. Itrldaes Bloun up. Ji Nnox. March 1. According to Irn ? 1 h rorlvPd here from a seml- HSIaL11',w,,i:1nRr'n''y t Petrogral, caied Thursday, the German offen .Zf na ben stopped by serious re '.s'ance which has brn offered by lae revolntionaiy troops. J1 djf,patch y that the Bol rf!1 forces are destroying all railways and roads by whloli (Continued on Tage 2.) ARMY DOCTORS FACE TRIAL BY ! COURTMARTIAL Chamberlain's Exposition of ' Camp Conditions Leads to Action BAKER DEMANDS REPORT Lieutenant Failed to Notify that Private Had Spinal itis a WASHINGTON, March l.mves- ugaiion of the treatment of Private Albert HestWQOd Of Liberal Kan . who died Of spinal meningitis at v.anip uoniphan, Okla., has resulted in Secretary Raker ordering the trial by oourtmartlal of Major 1'hllllp U. Connelly, medical corps, u. 8. A., of New York City, and First Lien tenant Walter !l. Kirkpatrlck, medi cal; corps, nationtfl buard, of Haven, Kan. It was announced tonight that Major Connelly who was In charge pf the base hospital while Heatwood was a patient had been held respon sible by the investigating officer for conditions at the hospital character ized as "nothing short of deplorable.".;- Lieutenant Kirkpatrlck was ihe first medical officer to examine Ilest wood and is charged with havin? rent the soldier to the hospital with cut making known the fact that h suspected spinal meningitis. Major General W. MV Wrlaht, com manding. at Camp Doniphan, and Hrlgattler General L. G. Perry, who commanded at the camp while Gen eral Wright was on an observation tour in France, have been called on by Secretary Baker for reports at to how such conditions as were founS in the. camp hospitals came to exist. Conditions at the Cunp Doniphan hospital first came Into public ndtlce through a letter read by Senator Chahmberlain, chairman of the sen ate military committee, , during a speech In the .senate. The letter waa written by Private Hestwood's father to a friend. The report of the Investigating of ficer said that with-respect to the father's statement tbat the body was sent home in a sheet, the facts dls closed that the body was sent in a metal lined " casket and that "thia being a communicable disease, the body was wrapped in sheets and cot, ton to conform to shipping laws.' All the other facts set out in the father's letter were fqund to e sub stantially correct according to tha investigating officer, who said the wards In the hospital and especially the one in which Private Hestwood died were in an unclean condition: there was an insufficient supply of bed linen; there was a lack of suf ficient attendants on duty and pa tients wet for long periods without a bath or without even having their hands and faces bathed. H00DWVERMAN AGAIN ARRESTED Philip Solon, Draft Evader, i Charged With Attempt to Wreck Train HOOD RIVISU. Or March 1. PJi Hip. Solon, who recently complet ed a ninety-day Jail sentence In Port land for failure to register under the f elective draft art. and Ktmer Mis ner. a 16-year-old boy, were bein? held In jail here tonight charged near here today. A wreck was pre bount Oregon-Washington limited r, oar here today. A wrecq wa pre vented through the discovery by L. F Stevens, a lineman, of large Iro.i bolts and spikes laid on the rails. The passenger train followed closely behind the lineman. Bolon and M to ner were arrested near the scene. SALEM TEAM IS . OREGON CHAMP State Title Taken by High I School in Game at Port land Last Night school won the, championship or Or egon last night when it defeated th"i Washington - high school team in Portland by a score of 29 to 17. I I Prior to tho Portland game the Salem team hat? defeated the bst teams outside cf that city, The Washington hisb school team, by a brilliant series of victories, has prov en its superiority over all other tfams in Prtlind. and for Ijhat reason the championship is conceded to tho Salem team. The game last night was warmly contested. The Washington team Made most of its scores on fouls. WAR FORCED BY GERMANY UPON FRANCE Historic Documents, Read by French 1 Minister; Show Kaiser Went to War Claim ing Desire for Peace ALSACE-LORRAINE IS FIFTY-YEAR DREAM Verdun and Toul Wanted From France While War Is Staged oh Russia PARIS. March I. Two' historic documents, one showing the German government's determination to force war upon France and the other set ting forth tho reasons which induc ed Germany to take Alsace-Lorraine, were made public today by Stephen Plchon, the French foreign minister. The , minister , was 1 speaking at the Korbonne upon the anniversary of the protest made by representatives of the national assembly of Alsace Lorraine against annexation to Ger many, ; . "I will establish by documents," Nsald. M. Pichon, "that the day the Germans deliberately rendered Inev itable the most frightful of war they tried to dishonor us by the most cowardly complicity In the ambush into which they drew! Europe. I will establish it in the revelation of a document that the German chan cellor after having drawn up pre served carefully, and i-ou will see why, in the most profound mystery of the most secret archives. x5 "We have known only recently of its authenticity and it defies any sort of attempt to disprove it. It bears the signature o Bethmann Hollweg (German imperial chancel lor at the ontbreak of the war), and the date July 31. 1914. On that day; Von Seboen (German ambassa dor'to France), was charged by n telerram from his chancellor to noti fy ns of a state, of danger of war with Russia and to ask us to remain reutral. giving us eighteen hours in which to reply. . - . Toul mimI Veiflnn Wanted. "What was unknown until rodsy was that the telegram of the Ger man chancellor containing these in structions terminated with these words: "..'If the French government de clares. It will remain neutral your excellency will be good enough to declare that we must, as a guarantee of Its neutrality, require the hand ing s over of the fortresses of Toul and Verdun: that we will occupy them and will restore tbem after the end of the war with Russia. A A reply to; this last question must reach here before SatnfJay afternoon it 4 o'clock. That," Bald M. Plchon. "Is how Germany wanted peace at the mo ment when she declared war. That is how sincere she was in pretend ing that we obliged her to take up Jrme for hes defense. That Is the rice she intended to make us pay for our baseness If we had had the Infamy to repudiate our signature as Prussia repudiated bers Jjy tear ing up the treaty that guaranteed the neutrality of Belgium. "Our mortal enemy Jin the war of 1871. Von Moltke. declared on the morrow of the treaty of Frankfort.' added M. Plchon on taking up the riuestion of Alsace-Lorraine, "that It would require, no less than fifty years, to rean the heart of her lost provinces from France." " M. Plchon contrasted the German acceptance then that the provlnWs were in reality French, with the re iterated pretensions of German statesmen since, especially the as sertions of former Chancellor Bth-mann-Hollweg, and the present chan cellor. Count von Hertllng, that moM of tho provinces were always Ger man. (iermany ITepre fr Accretion. The foreign minister made public for the first time the full text of a letter written by William 1, grand father of the present German em peror, to Km press Kiuenle. The let ter is dated Versailles, October 2d, 170. "After tho immense sacrifices for her defense," read M. Pichon. "Ger-, many desires to be assured that the next war will find her better pre pared to repell the aggression on which she can count a soon as Trance shall have repaired, her forc es and gained allies. This is the melancholy consideration alone and not a desire. to augment" my country whose territory Is sufficiently great, that obliges me to Insist upon th-j cession of territories that has no other object than to throw back to the starting poin the French armle3 that, in the future, wilt come to at tack us." After reading this passage, M. Pichon asked: 'Can one; better destroy the leg end VonHertling tries , to establish that the annexation of Alsace-Lor-laine had for its origin in the minds of Its authors the wish to return to Germany provinces of which she had (Continued on page 2) HALILM, OKKUOX, SATURDAY lOICM.Nti. .UAISCIl 2, Jl TWEVE MEXICAN BANDITS KILLED BY U.S. CAVALRY Parley Follows Raiding of Ranch on Mexican Bank of Rio Grande FLANK ATTACK FAILURE Captain Thomas Orders Fire, and Mexican Dead and Wounded Fall MAR FA, Texas, March l. Twelvo Mexicans wer killed and several were wounuea iaie toaay when a band of SO Mexicans fired on an American cavalry detachment in command of Captain Kramer Thomas The Mexicans opened fire while a parley between the leader of the bandits and. Captain Thomas Was in progress on the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande near lerra Alto, south of Sierra Blanca. Private Mallack was cust on the face by fragments of stono thrown by Mexican bandits but no other American was wounded. The bandits had crossed the river, raided A. P. Neighbors' ranch and killed three cows. Captain Thomas went to investigate, taking a detach ment of cavalry. iThe parley follow ed, during which toe bandits maneuv ered for a flank attack on the cav- Captain Thomas ordered his men tf ire. iweive Mexicans ieii aeaa. toe remaining members of the band carrying off their1 wounded to the bills. The fight was repotted to Colonel George T. Langhorne, who rushed reinforcement to the scene and prepared for another clash at some point along the border. EL PASO, Texas; March 1. Mex ican snipers . fired across the river at Lieutenant H. E. Waldon, Lieu tenant J. J. Neyland and Texas Rank er Joe Mullans tonight as they were walking near the International bridge The fire was returned by the soldiers and the ranger an more than 100 shots fired. As fir as could be as certained no one was hit. An American coming from Juarez saw 25 federal soldiers marching double time to the Mexican end of the bridge. American partol troops were deployed along, the river front and a few shots were exchanged, then the firing ceased. H.C. BREWSTER, PREMIER, DEAD Parliamentary Party Arrives To Late to See Premier Still Alive CALGARY, Alta.. March V Con scious to the last. Premier H. C. Brewster of British Columbia, died at 10:13 tonight at the Holy Cross hospital. His death was caused by an attack of double pneumonia, which he contracted while attend ing the conference of provincial pre miers at Ottawa last week. At his bedside at the time of hi t'eath was his brother. Captain G. W. Brewster, who arrived from th coast this' afternoon, and 'his private secretary, W. W. P.aer. Hon. J. D. McLean, provincial secretary, and theSther members of the parliamen tary party did not arrive in time to see the premier while still alive. During the afternoon he suffered a relapse and although h rallied t-Hghtly about fi o'clock, his tempera ture rose again and the congestion l-eeame more acute during tho reit ot the evening. Funeral arrangements have not yet bfen made. Premier Browster was the son of Gilbert and Amelia Brewster. His father was for many years collector of customs at Harvey. N. B., and was likewise a shipbuilder and shipown er. His mother wns a member of the weels family, one of her broth ers being the late Professor James K. Wells of McMaster University, Toronto, Ont. One son and three daughters sur vive: Corporal Raymond Brewste-, who lert here last year with the fif teenth battery for overseas; Kdna. 18; Marjorie, 15. and Annie, 4, the latter being born Just prior to the death of Mrs. Brewster. Premier Brewster is llkewle nrvived by two brothers, J. H. Brewster. Asso ciated Press telegrapher at Seattle, and Captain G. W. Brewster, marin er Inj British Columbia waters. Fred Rosenberg Promoted and Has Sailed for France Information has been; received here that Fred Rosenberg, a Salem man who ha ben stationed at a cantonment In the south, has been promoted from captain to major and that he has recently sailed fT France. LIBERTY LOAN DRIVE COMES ON APRIL 6 Active Campaign of Four Weeks Jo Follow First An niversary of United States' Entry in World War. ISSUE LIKELY TO BE OVER $3,600,000,000 Interest Rate and Conditions Are Restinjg on Further Legislation -WASHINGTON, March l.On April 6, the first anniversary of the United States, entry Into the war, the third liberty loan will open. There will be a campaign of three or four weeks. In announcing the date tonight. Secretary McAdpo said the amount of the Joan, the interest rate and other features, such as convertibility of bonds of previous issues, maturity and terms of payment, are to be de termined, and that new legislation will be necessary before plans can be completed. ' The fart that the amount of the loan is dependent on further legisla tion indicates that it will be for more than $3,600,000,000. the re mainder of authorized but unissued bonds and the fact that certificate of Indebtedness now being sold in anticipation of the loan bear 4 per cent, affords some indication of the Interest rate. How large the loan shall be depends largely, however, on the fate of the pending war fi nance bill carry! rig an appropria tion , of a. half lllllon dollars, and action on the rai.'road bill. wUh its appropriation of a similar amount. - Although Mr. McAdoo made no specific announcement, It Is now taken for granted Li official circles that there will be bu one more loan before June 30, the end of the fiscal year. The statement concerning the date of the campaign was made at thte time. Secretary McAdoo explained, to give every community time to prepare for the big bond sale and be strongly advocated popular demon strations of patriotism on the open ing of the loan and the second year of war. After stating .he date of the cam Dainlng opening, the secretary con tinued: : . A : "The amount, terms and condi tions of the loan have not yet been decided because these features are dependent upon further legislation. I expect to ask the congress at an early date to grant the necessary additional authority. Of course, the opening date of the campaign l. somewhat dependent upon the new legislation, but it is hoied and be lieved that the matter can be con- ( Continued on Page 2.) THE END OF A CIVILIZATION IS SEEN- IN LABOR PARTY PROGRAM i I Professor JosCuh K. Hart of the department of education of Reed college, Portland, will ad dress the people of Salem, un der the auspices of the local branch of the American Alli ance for Labor and Democracy, at Willamette university chapel. Wednesday evening, March 6, on "The Platform of the Brit ish Labor Party." as published in the New Republic of Febru ar 1C, last. It was after hearing Dr. Hart at Portland library recently on the same subject, that the ap pended article wai written. By R. A. HARRIS. Apparently It remained, for the British La bor party, following close ly the lead, tbe vision and the spirit of our own President Wilson, for mally to announce the definite pro gram of the new democracy. Of course the spirit, of the pro gram had "been growing In all direc tions, and with the inevitable de pendence of jrfvillzation npon the world's industrial forces so clearly foeussed In the present war. It waa perfectly logical that labor's Ulls cerning representatives should come forward and assume the responsibil ity so obviously submitted to them. Long and anxiously, since the be ginning of thfs war, has the think ing world waited for some sign of labor's discernment of Its great re sponsibility and opportunity. . Littl" by little, during the nightmare of confusing and conflicting passions, movements and drives, the ranks of labor have gathered to the world standard and In increasing ratio since It became more and more ap parent that the howls and growls of "the beast" were sincerely for the JAPANESE WELL TAKE STEPS IN SIBERIA ALONE Entente to Confide Task of Taking Necessary Action in Far East - RUSS VIEW IS UNKNOWN Single Efficient Power Acting Independently Is Most in Favor LONDON, March Z, According to the Daily Mail, it is nnderstaad that the allies have decided to ask tie Japanese to take any steps necessary for the protection of the allies In tha far east. Stress is laid on the fact that the British and Japanese governments hold that Japan's Intervention in the Russian affairs is ret to be constru ed as an act of hostility to Russia cr the Russian gov-rnment. Its purpose is to sqfe-g.iard menaced allied interests and to protect store? and munitions at Vladivostok and to assist Russia to lighten and even tually lift the burden of the Ger man yoke. Japan to Act Alone. WASHINGTON, March 1. Indi cations now point to an ''agreement between the entente powers and Am erica to confide to Japan alone the task of taking such measures as may be necessary to combat German ag gression and Influence in Siberia and to protect the military stores at Vladivostok. No final conclusion has been reached, however .and It was said In high official quarters tonight that conditions were chang ing so rapidly and so many new fac tors were entering Into the problem that it would be unsafe to predict overnight wat the Issue might be. 5 Exchanges are proceeding rapidly between the entente governments and Washington and the matter was considered ,at today's cabinet meet ing. It is understood that the state department Is being slowly bat steadily Influenced to accept the view which seems to obtain In Great Britain and France, and possibly In Italy. That iu that a single power, with an efficient army and navy within easy reach of Siberia and not otherwise employed, and acting In conformity with a general egreemen. might be better able to deal with the situation that any international force. BolKhcvikl Attutude Unknown. The attitude of the Bolshevik gov ernment toward the proposed action by Japan in Siberia remains to be developed.! The Russian contingent in Washlnjgton "Is strongly opposed to the step but as the embassy here is out of touch with the Petrograd government It fs pot in position to reflect its attitude. It Is gathered here that the Japa nese government holds that it does not require any warrant from the (Continued on pace 2) preservation of common grqund which; it was willing to share in or der to save its own precious skin rather than for the perpetration of a long-expected program of chastise ment and crucifixion of labor the j better to intrench Itself In barbar ous authority, y- j But the clarion note of emanci pation for the world's Industrial slaves has at last been sounded loud and clear. It comes not from mo mentary agitators who merely ex plode and disappear, but from what must now be frankly acknowledged as the remost functioning point of the new Industrial philosophy which has resulted from the experiences of the moving forces of civilization dur ing the last century. The results j clearly Justify the conclusion. i Th program enunciated by the British I.a,bor party Is printed by the New Republic of February 16 last. It is bound as a separate sec tion of the edition or that date. It Is prefaced by an editorial fore ward fro.u which I quote in part as fol lows: "The following document , is earn estly recommended to the readers of the New Republic as worthy of a pa tient and painstaking, examination. It is the pioposed reconstruction pro gram of tbe British Labor party. The New Republic Is republishing It In the belief that It Is worthy of con sideration in this country no less general and serious than that which it will receive In Great Britain. "Tentative as the document Is In its existing form. It Is probably the most mature and carefully formulat ed program ever put forth by a, re- sponaible political paty. Its several sections do not consist of war cries or of baits for rotes as in tbe caae of ordinary political parties. Neither do they consist of pious aspirations and' happy thoughts about political (Continued on page 2) 1'IUCK I IVK CUMtft SS SU Bf SaM ll Ground in Front of American Trenches Is Strewn With German Dead After Fierce Attack Near Toul ; Ameri cans Suffer Casualties YANKS READY WHEN HUNS LET LOOSE GAS deadly Ban age Fire Poured Into Enemy Lines; FisLt ing Is Hacd-to-Hand; Yc:t Point Cap-Ufa Killed WITH THE AMEItlCAN ARMY IN FRANCE, March 1. American troops repulsed a strong German at tack this . morning in the salient north of TouL There Wvre many American casualties, one of the kill ed being, a captain who was gradu ated from West Point In 1917. The raid was a complete failure, three German prisoners remaining in AmeritfairNiands. The ground in tronftho American trenches was strewn with German dead. ' A drlvlngwet snow was falling this morning when the- Germans op ened fire on the American salient with every weapon at tlelr com mand. Seventy-seven's. hea,'y shells and gas shells fell In a perfect whirl wind on the American trenches for half , an hour. At the same time othere enemy sheUs in great num bers were dropping on the American battery positions. ., - . Huns Let' Out Gar. , The Germans, evidently thlnkln.? that the Americans in this 'section, having hadi one" taste of gas a, few days ago, would fear it now, let loose great quantities of poisonous gas, tut the men put on their masks and only a few were affected by It. So Intense was the fire that the woods ' back of the salient were shot to pieces. At 6 o'clock the barrage fire lifted on tbe trenches to the right of the . falient and Germans numbering 2 40 came sweeping forward nnder the protection of their fire. They ad vanced apparently Intending to make a big haul aid jump Into what waa left of the trencher, but tbe.-e, in stead of the easy time anticipated, found the Americans all ready for battle. Fierce hand-to-hand flghtlni; began. ' One American captain rallied mei with rifles and machine guns and went through ihe American wire en tanglements into No Man's Land and there waited for the enemy, whom he expect4-taj)i driven out by his comrades In the trenches, Wt Point Captain KllleL , He was right, for soon groups of the enemy started back through thi wire entanglements. The Americans poured in a deadly fire, but unfor--, tunately the captain was killed in the" fighting. He Is the first mem ber of the 1917 class at West Point to be' killed. While the Americans were In front of the wire entanglements .and in shell holes, still fighting desperate ly, the American barrage fire pirn sweeping No Man's Land, tatcbln many running Prussians who had enough of American methods. Tho barrage swept back and forth, making- sure of doing all possible damag? to the foe. -German Dead FonrKl. When tbe enemy had been driven back out of the positions, the bod lei of ten German soldiers were found in tho A mrica n trenches. Two Ger man officers were entangled In tbs wire and many bodies were in sight. Eight were visible through the snov storm at one polrit. i The ground was littered with eno- my hand grenades, hoses of exido rlres for destroihg dugouts and In cendiary bombs wbic h they had no opportunity to use. They managed; however, to drop incendiary bombs In two dugouts which were destroyed by fire, but not Americans Were In them, -if the: Germans captured any prison ers, which' 1 doubtful, there we.-o nob more tban two or three posslWy from a listening 'post. Of the inbw lng, 1 many- probably were burin!. Digging for thvm now Is ivroceJInjr and -others may be accounted for. s ( Two' German prisoner - wr wounded and tb? other taken was unhurt except for a welt on one c.-r bis hands where jtc was slruck by a, (Continued on Pape 2.)