OUR EYEGLASSES' Are noted for the clearness th?y rv',, ta vm-r In wearing an,! the beauty of thePr lSti wJ L ' Kr.eatcr .s0 to duthi-4 work. Take advantage of o fr m hf Ve a 8Plast getthe.lM-.it. -""af. or our optical department and HARTMAN BROS. CO. JKWKI.KIW AX oiTlt'IANs Sla,e ad Liberty Street. Ir I'.nrtlcl I," ( luf i t..w. .k iv ..... - ' ' " " CITY Mfflw?-: "!'T!in"iiini!iiif!ffi MM v OREGON State street near O. E. depot: Home of Artcraft and Paramount pictures. Dorothy Dal ton in "Flare-Up-SaL" LIBERTY L Ibcrty near State. High class photoplays and special 'features. J BLIGH State between Llb ertyl and High.. Mutual and Bluebird films. Special films, "Baby Mine." i Officers Mected ! The Young Women's Christian as j Bociation of Willamette university held a business meeting for the pur- j rose or electing orncers of the en tueing year. ' The fell lowing- ffirls were elected for the coming quarter; Mist Gladys Nichols, president; MKj Mary Parounagian. vi'e president; ELECTEIO WORK AND SUPPLIES Kstiiiiatt-g (liven Work Promptly Done. Welch Klectric Co. 220 N Com. Phon ft 53. nlrm Veil CIDER lur9 apple elder wnoi-aio and ra tal! cjHIvertd ! unv 11 11 1 n t I t r. UtA from c1n, rnnm upplo-n. COMHKHCUL CIIIKIt WORKS lilt N. Comrarclnt t . Halvm, Oregor Thone 2194 Used Furniture Wanted Hlgaeat rank prirfu paid for ol fanlture. E. L. STIFF & SON, Phone 941 or 608 HOUSEHOLD GOODS . W MT the rr hlsh-t prlf ehl4 goods and tool f People' Second Hand Store 271 Ctufrttil St.. I'hon 7 SACKS; WANTED Highest priro fuiil for old Junk CAPITAL-J.UXK CO. 271 Chcsneketa St. I'hone 3 --aagaEB ; in vss WE MOVE. Pack and Store Everything PciaI rates on eastern shipments. ao moTlnj? and country trlp a Plalty. Prompt service. Work f guaranteed. FARMER TRANSFER CO. 1 B. UlIEim' STREET i Office Phone fl:iO n v . Home Phono' 1H! - A ' a x i w o a i Wanted Sacks and Iron "telle prices paid. ls, buy A kinds f junk. . WESTKUN JI NK O. riione 7xi Cor. Center ami ( ouinierc ial St. , SALEM, OUKtiOX' Doctor White Diseases Women and Nervous Diseases 50S, United States N.iti'oiial Dank Building. Salem, Orepon I'lionc -II. 1U Uur Mn Inscriptions. NEWS Miss Mabel Garrett, secretary ani Miss Vera Wise, treasurer. Nominating 'etlrionx Printed to comply with all de mands for state and countv orfie.s. at Statesman. Publishing company tutairs.) ThiiifMlay Ilin "At Home" Many people have their regular visiting days, as well as "at home days," and County Fruit Inspector S. II. Van Trump has established Thursdays as his "at home" days each week. On that day, instead of riding out in the country to inspect orchards that may be infected with disease, he can alwavs bo found in his office in the conuty court house. New Ixit 41 Of plain white dishes Just re ceived 10, 15 and 20c each. Ham ilton's Furniture Store. Capitalization $f4H.MHl The Inman Mines companv, capi talized' at' $100,000. filed articles of incorporation with State Corporation Commissioner'. Schulderman yester day. The Incorporators are C. C. In man. Stephen Gallier and E. M. Galller. The Oregon offices are at Handon. Kastern offices arc main tained at Pawtucket. R. I. Colombia Hlver Smelt- Vive pounds for 25 cents Order ofJVVard K. Richardson Phone 49 4. Willi Our Complete Equipment- Refined services and latest meth od of embalming, 'twill be a "runer al i beautiful." Webb & Clouga Co. 3Ilsmary The missionary department of the Wrnian'g union of the First Congre gational church will meet on Satur day afternoon at 2:30, at the home of i Mr. G. . Hrown. Summer and rion, streets. Airs. Ida Vose Wood bury, a woman of national reputa tion JnJicr line of work, will address the meeting. Mrs. Woodbury In to occupy tho pulpit of the First Con gregational church on Sunday morn ing. She is referred to as one of the leading platform orators of America. A I 'lino Ilargal We have one beautiful brand ne Finger piano, regular price $750. As this piano is hot the make we usuauy carry; in stock we will sacrifice it for $5!2. Act quickly if you want to pick up this snap. E. L. Stiff & Son. 44 6 Court street. Miss Ragnhild Johansson i Manrapn and Medicnl Oymimetle Graduate of Sweden Trained Nurn ' Phono 1317-455 N. .Summer St. Hours by appointment at j your homi Bob White Soap The nnlv white laundry toap at Sc Jtcyai t'lub Coffe-, ( result r prlc ", now i 'j'iS l. A. Wt-I Out Coffee at ....;'. 30c J. O. lisikinif I'r wdpr, larKe fin., i n-KUlar price 25c, .now . ...v..l"e Htove polish, fhoe Mackinff and - l.in hIkw polish, wanning arn I monia cacii at 10c I PURE FOOD GROCERY 31.1 1'nlen . I'bone 209 S. I. TI-k- Offle In the Store NEW SPRING HATS I We have an entire new stock lof ladies hats trimmed and untrimmed some, very at I tractive models. Price ranges from ! $2.50 TO $375 I Make your selections while the stock is complete. BUCKRAM FRAMES AND TRIMMINGS j We have a very nice assort- ment of ; these goods ISAIflPSON & MIDDENS 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c Store 141 No. Commercial St Hie 11 Uanre Moone hall every Saturday night. V alt full of pep. Hunt'ri Jazz prrhtra with the latest of every thing. Implement I itMncrt Inn Ve-k The week of March 4 has been desinalei a,, National Implement Inspection and Uepair week. This movement was Mailed bv represent atives or th National Federation of implement and Vehicle Denlers as Hflal49f and the National implex nnt and Vehicle Association and hal th endorsement of thq secre tary of agriculture, the food' admin istration and various state councils of defense. The farmers, of every community in the United States are beinjr strongly urred to a thorough observance of Inmplement Inspoc-i tion wtek. IiriiiK i Your old wool mattresses and trade them for new si'k floss ma' tresses. Hamilton Furniture Store. A 11 lino Tia rcin We have one beautiful brand neVr j Sinrer piano, regular price $750. As j this piano is not the make we usually carry in Ftock we will facrifice it for I $562. Act quickly if you want to ! pick up this snap. E. L.. Stiff & Son, 4 4G kurt street. fiow to Washington State Rev. John Oval! will leave today for a missionary trip to the state of Washington. He will preach in th First Methodist Episcopal church in Vancouver next Sunday. He will be home and occupy the pulpit in the Scandinavian church here Sunday, March 10t and in Pratum Methodist church the same day in the morning-. The. Oregon Fruit Company Will pay cash for beans, large or small lots. Phone. 943. Indian InKrnm Planned The Philodosian program at Wil lamette university- will consist of a clever Indian program, which, will lake up the disurtission of Indian arts and legends. The program is as follows: "Indian Arts." Anna Pack ingham; vocal solo, "From the Lands of the Sky lUue Waters," by Miss n race Sherwood; "Indian Re ligion,' Miss Faye Peringer; "nolo, "Py the Waters of the Minnetoika." Miss' Louise Benson. Paul Wapato will give several interesting legends of his own race. , Give Away Irlce On used pianos and organs at E. L. Stiff & Son. Yott Slum Id See The Duplex Alcazar range which burns both wood and gas. We wIM take your old range In exchange. Hamilton Furniture Store. Several Fine Used Orpan E. L. Stiff & Son, 404-448 Court. Oml of Thanks We wish to express our s'neere thanks for th kind expressions oT tympathy. and for the beautiful flo-. ral tributes in our recent bereave ment. Mrs. John Darby Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Needham Mrs. W. II . 11. Darby and Family. Funeral In Turner Services over the late Pert White head, a soldier who died at Camp Green. N. C. will be held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock in Turner, Or., at the First Methodist church, rtev. J. J. Mickey will conduct the funeral. IJrunHwk-k Talking Machines Play all records. Let us show you one today that will suit your requirements. Sold on easy terms. Hamilton's, 340 Court street. Don't Rent A Piano Buy one on easy terms at E. Stiff & Son's. L. Oregon Patents Granted February 5. 191 S, reported weekly bv Ueale &. Park, r.olieitors of pat ents. Washington., D. C. Albert A. Pcechl, La Grande, cutter-guard. Henry C. Ames. Stanfield. drafi rlggliig. Patent granted to James A. Norton of Iowa, who assigned same to Golden West Pump Company. Sioux Falls. S. D., for an Irrigating machine might be of interest to On?: gon fruit growers. Itenl Cro IUnefit Dance Liberty, Saturday night. Kmno Funeral Held The runeral of the late Mrs. Cath erine Krono was held yesterday' aft ernoon at 3 o'clock from St. Joseph's Catholic church. Hurial was in City View cemetery. lilff Discount On Heaters At E. L. Stiff & Son's. Ilejtr All the Latest Sonifs Waltzes, steps and fox trots played pt armory Saturday night by Wood iv's fi-piece orchestra. Free admls rion, S o'clock sharp. Nominating Petitions Printed to comply with nil de mands for state and c-ountv office., at Statesman Publi?Jiin Company (upstairs.) f .r..r uitfl tho CrOW To dance' nt armorv Sftijrdav riKht. bst yet. S o'clock. Free ad mission. Germond F"iMrsil Ttxlay Funeral services over Mrs. Plentie La ' Frances Germond will be held today at 1 o'clock from the Terwilll er home, 770 Chemeketa street. Iter. It. S. Gill will be in charue and burial will take place in Odd Fel lows cemetery. Trade In Your Old Fumltui On new at E. L. Stiff & Son's. A XKV VKItSHV. Mary had a little lamb, ..You've heard that fact before; Hut have you hoard she passed her plate - And had a little more? Itiekct Funeral Monday The funeral of the late Clark KJcket, who died Tuesday, Feb. 26, at bis home near Salem, at the age of 72 ears, will be held in Salem. MonVlgy, March 4. The services will be at-'tjie Webb & C'louph chapel and burial will be In City View cemetery. Hesldes his widow, Mr. Hicket leaves the following sons and daughters: Mrs. K J. Clark. Mrs. Joe Hobsin. Mrs. Will Iawrence and Mrs. Fanni Miller, who all reside in the mlddlo west. iiil Wanted At Halem Fruit Union at once. Tm- Cherry City Keg and foul try Company will continue to buy and sell hens during March an1 April, under special permit from the United States food administrator. 2 53 Ferry street. Phone 765. t Itijice t Stock of Used Funiture at E. L. Stiff & Son's. Nominating Petitions Printed to comply with all de mands for state and county offices, at Statesman Publishing company ("upstairs.) PERSONALS , r : Dt W. C. Sehaefer of Dallas was a business visitor In Salem Thursday Cleorge Gohrge of Dallas was tn Salem on business Thursday. Mr. Gohrke was formerly affiliated with the Gohrke-Will Meat company of Dallas. C. M. Weider of, Albany is at the Busick New Store'J CORNER STATE AND , COMMERCIAL STREETS OPEN SATURDAY rwc t-an Oysters ;tOc 5 Crystal White Soap 'ZXc inns )ld Dutch Cleanser l."c largc ikg. Aller Oat . . .:;Oe " i Cream of Dailey ale 2 cani Shrimp 'Z ean Ic-as . ; . . 2."c U c'miih t 'rn Crc-amery Hotter, best grade I IIh. Kan Srup . - ,oc H lbs. Karc hyrui . . . .Sl.OO Icrge Kream Krip . . . .9l.f. Iirgf Wesson's U . . . .$1.40 3Iediuin Wesson4 OH 75e Small WessniV Oil .IV" C Itoxes Matches 2Sc ii lit. Dest Cream Itolled Oats MXc IVwer Coffc-e 23c 5 llitr.s ivory Soap 27c 25c K. V. I taking powder, ,20c 1 lb., can ;hirardellus CliWolate 27c 2Uc IJulk 4'orfec 22c 21c Hulk offe Xc il lbs. Jtojal Club Coffee.. 75c Citrus Wa-bing Powder. . .25c Our Xcw Store will be cieratc-d on the K!m dan as our other Cash Stores. BIG DANCE ARMORY Saturday Night r Woodry's Orchestra 6 Pieces 6 FREE ADMISSION 8 O'CIock Sharp F. N. W00DRY, Mgr; Nuff Sed in 4 Champoeg Building to Start First ot Week Judge P, H. D'Arcy, Architect George M. Post and Contractors P. Ai Krixon and Italph Jones motored out to Champoeg yesterday and stak ed out the ground plans of the Cham T-oeg Pioneer "Memorial building for which appropriation was made by tthe last legislature. Mr.' Post says the building will be completed by ,pr!l 25. Actual construction work will begin the first of next week. The cost or the building will be $5000. Areo ftotel. j Pete Pappard and Tom Lille of Dallas are quartered at the Argo. J Frank p. Cole of Uoslon Is at the Marion. 6 George Steele. William Warner, William T. Panck. A. F. Drown. E. D. Thompson and T. M. Davis of Portland are registered at tho Hotel Marion. C. W. Evans of Springfield. Ohio, is a euest of the Marion hotel. Marie Smyth of Olympia, Wash., is a guest of the Hotel Mario 3. W. K. Purdy of Eugene is at the Marion hotel. A. W. Northend of Detroit, Mich., is registered a the Marlon. A. E. Stewart of Silverton Is at the Dlieh. ! H. P. Botts of Tillamook is stop ping at the Bligh. Ear) W. Gee and wife ar4 guests of the Hotel Bligh from Dallas. It. S. Haven is here frotn Falls City, stopping at the Bligh. S. M. McKenzIe and wife abd Con rad Yost of Atrlie are at th Bligh. C. B. Jlessinger Is here from Forest Grove, a guest -of thfe Bligh. ' S. L. Waters, C. Edelsori. A. E. Crafts and G. B. Kerth of Portland are at the Bligh hotel. It. E. Mason or Albany is at th Bllrh. Van B. Sears of Sheridan la regis tered at the Bligh hotel. Ernie Roddant of Siletz is stop ping at the Bligh. i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gee of Dallas spent Wednesday In Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson re turned to Portland Thursday morn ing after having spent several days, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.: James Spence. . .It. E. Mason of Albany was a busi ness visitor in Salem on Wednesday. Charles Plessinger of Monmouth was a business visitor in Salem on Thursday. A. E. Stewart of Sllverton spent Thursday in Salem transacting busi ness. . W. E. Purdy was a business visitor in Salem from Eugene on Wed nesday.; EVANS LECTURE IS PATRIOTIC America Is Cleverly Defined by Dr. A. W. Evans in Address Here "When that American boy comes back from the trenches, he will be a bigged man than his dad. He will have an international sense," declar ed Dr. A. W. Evans, nephew of David Llyod George of England, and a lect urer of the Salem, lyceum course, who held a large audience ear-bound to him last night during his keen pa triotic address at the armory. With fine contrasts and scintillat ing humcrisms. Dr. Evans, who is a native of the "heather hills of Wales" brought home strong international point in praising the United States for one great characteristic. He mentioned that he has wantlered fn fifteen countries and has lived in six. The traveler-lecturer said in a month he would receive bis final papers as a citizen of the United States. Then he asked, his audience to define "America" for. him. There were many answers and the ieeturer brought out the words of "liberty" and "home" which were given as definitions. But be showed a difference. He said, "I remember when a small boy. I used to stand heroic the Union Jack, in saluting it we said: " Oh, Lord, arise, ' . Scatter our enemies, Make them fall, God save us all.' He added. "I used to think that it you were not a Britisher, you weren't much. Further to show up the hat red which was bred into little Euro pean chifdren for some races other than their own he told a reminiscence, of his sixth birthday. His father gave him a box of soldiers. He hailed another small boy to come and play with him. But the other boy said as he looked at the toys, 'They're no good, it says set right on tbem.' And there were the words. 'Made In Ger many.' Disgusted the youngsters mobilized their toy German arrny and bombarded them until they broke. " Yet "Heinle" and "Tommy" stand side by side in America, the lectuter said. The tragedy of the nineteenth century was the misunderstanding between nations, he declared. But he said, "America represents the great triumph of national cooperations." And he defined tho word "America" ns "Fraternity" with its synonym, "Brotherhood." But In lecturing In over 250 cities In the last year. Dr. F.vans said that he has found a tremendous spirit o' disloyalty In the states. He warned his listeners that this evidence of sedition was a gteat peril In the United States. He said the man who bought liberty bond , war savin? stamps and, subscribed to the Y. M. C, A. and Bed Cross was the patriot. But he said there are some dema gogue who "can shoot bff their mouths better than any artillery on earth." The sense of a braggadocio wis also amide at In a clever way. "If we had bragged a little less in Eng land, the war would have been over long since." said the lecturer. "Bat we are getting rid of It In America To The Soldier Ib , In uniform, admission and danc ing free at the Big B dance, Moose hall every Saturday night..; Attachment Issued Attachment was Issued and served yesterday in the suit Charles S. Wel ler et al against W. E. Ross and May E. Ross, on a judgment for $C6.46. return of the writ showing property la Smith's Fruit farms sold to the plaintiff for th amount of judgment. In lrobat Court r Order was yesterday entered con firming the sale ot certain property authorized to be sold ot the estate of Willard H. Wooddeo, deceased, by Robert McAudley, administrator. De cree of final settlement was entered in the estate of Marie Leisi, deceased, releasing the bonds of Helen Lelsi, administratrix. The bond of Olive L. Sttge in the sum of $127.75 was filed is administratrix of the estate of Fi M. Howe deceased. A. Mc Cullot:h4 F. J. Smith and Archie Smith were appointed appraisers of the estate of Mannasseh Bergey, de ceased. The sale of certain property of the estate of Mabel L. Campbell, deceased, by Willard L. Campbell, and O. L. Martin, administrators was yesterday approved by the court, the sale price being $500 cash. AUCTION SALE SAT., MARCH 2, '18 WOODRY'S AUCTION MARKET Corner Ferry & Liberty 10:30 a. iru 2 Hogs, Horses, Harness, Tools, Etc 1 :30 p. m. Household Furniture of All Kinds. F. N. WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER PHONES 510 AND 511 actic Competency The history of the Science 0 Chir opractic, which shows this mode of pVactleo with eight or ten thousand practitioners, - innumerable - benefited patients and thousands of ailing mortals daily taking adjustments .i possibly the best assurance that chiropractors are competent to deal with the sick. Chiropractors are not cure-alls. They do not claim or pretend that a spinal adjustment will set a broken leg, cure toothache, etc., but they do claim there - are many Instances where the doctor of medicine or sur geon is helpless and the only method of helping the patient is Chiro practic. If you are suffering from any ail ment, come to me and ;I will diag nose your case without asking you a question. I will be honest in telling you whether Chiropractic adjust ments will cure you. DR. 0. L. SCOTT, D. G. CHIItOPKACT IC SPIXOLOGI.ST P. S. C. Graduate U. S. Nat'l Bank Wdff. Rooms 40-7-8, Salem, Oregon Office Thone 87. Res. Phone 828 - Lhiropr R.jj Two Days of ROTH'S SPECIAL ; THE BEST ,30 CENT QUALITY ON SALE Friday and Saturday 24c per lb., 3 lbs. for 70c We are giving our patrons Higher Grades, Better Blends and absolutely Fresher Roasted Coffee than is possible for you to purchase elsewhere. DO NOT HESITATE. AVe ask you to purchase your Coffee requirements during this Sale, believing that we are 'rendering you a distinct service by asking you to do so. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US. THIS IS THE STORE - WITH WHICH YOU H0ULD BE IDENTIFIED Roth Grocery Go. PHONE 1885-188G USED CARS TERMS GIVEN You can save money If you will buy your car now. Later prices w ill be much higher and the choice of good car,s w ill be very limited. Now : is' the i time' to choose your car. - pay a small deposit and take delivery later. 'You will secure it at a present price. ; v ' ". . . . v We List Some of Our Cars - j Onirlinrl 5-Passenger, Elec uaKianu trjc ughts and starter: one man top, good tires. A classy car; all for $J73 uverianu tric Btarter and lights; first-class condition, . . . , ... .. .". . . ... ..... . , $350 Dpn 5-Passenger, 1915, Elec IVCU trie lights and starter. A bargain. . ... . $373 Studebaker, -5-Passenger first-class condi tion a bargain fat J . . . . . 9S30 SHirlerialcM Chassis.. 1915 OlUaeoaKei Modelf Electric lights and starter,' extra' long wheel base, good tires. A snap ....V. ...... .... ..... $250' I Oregon) Motor Car Co. I!Ktributor or Studebaker Cars and !enby Trucks Ferry and High Hts. Phone 121 ! WUKS IS SAL.KM, UIIKUON , DLIG11 HOTTX "A Horn Away from Horn." , Btrictlr Modern fl.oo pr Oar ilOO )(mmi mt SII4 OMfr Only Hotel In Buainess District , with every sujt ordIr ' SCOTCH VOOLEII MILLS STORE 426 STATE STREET Fast Selling BLEND COFFEE 132-136 N. LIBERTY now."