THE OREGON STATESMAN: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY M, 191 5 assiif Bed D) 1 it e ct r y g e Wsints and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted der Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them . I ' 1 i 1 nor Sell and Exchange all Kinds u l..rTT ii aim rnnnii MES'8 CLOTHING, HIIOllS, IIICY CLES, TOOLS, ETC. CAPITAL EXCHANGE Pton. 4tl Court 8C fTJIE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. IL IlarghMdt, Jr., rustdent Agent State St. Money to Loan OW IMPROVED FAHH AND CITY PROPERTY AT LOWEIT IUTBJ THOS. K. FORD vZbftS& Sonet to loan-i havb made riicmnu for. loaning eastern CLASSIFIED ADTEKTIIKIHyTl first Insertion .............. .! Subsequent Insertions ....... One week (sis Insertions) ... to Ono month to Six months' contract per ma, a II menthe' contract, par mo... 7e No account opened for less than $$ A naat card El ran fro with an advertisement to tbo oxtont of 80c innouocing "Por BaJ. "Tor Kent," Boomi" or .Board." NEW TODAY Each new classified edvertlse ment will be run under "New Today" for flrat Inaertion, uoleaa therwlao ordered by the adver tiser. ' Subsequent Inaertion of tbo ad will appear under Ita proper elaae- f Icatlon. No sdvertteraent will bo ran under "New Today" for mora tbaa ae laaue under any clrcumatancee NEW TODAY WANTED AT ONCE. TWO TEAM' tera. mono ax aner money; wiu ' .w laterest on highly Improved farms. Homtr H. Smith, Room 8. MoCormack BMr7 Salem. Or. Phono 08. ;T -,... i r FOR RENT FORTY-FOUR ACRE HOP yard, witn nuiiamgs , nop baskets, etc. furnished, also machin ery. Inquire W. H. Egan, Uervais, Orsgon. I'bone 8F11. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED Wo man cook at Willamette Sanatorium. Apply 754 Ferry street. GOOD POLICY IT IS GOOD ' BUS! ness to insure all your property and - dun It nattrrt all th tltn.. The Oregon Fire Relief Association of lcMinnvllle Issues a gooa policy ana we would like an opportunity to ca ptain our plan of Insurance, terms, etc. The cost n fire-insurance Is much less than m st people suppose. H. A. Johnson A Co.. Asrent Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, phone 247. A FINE 10 ACRE TRACT AT END OF car line about n cherries, balance In cultivation. No buildings, this one of the choicest auburban tracts round Salem. Want a modern resi dence up to 92500, balance some cash and terms, price $400 per acre. t 540 acres of raw grazing land In Malheur, county. Oregon, this land ' is well located nouth of Vale will exchange for anr rood Income prop erty in the valley and will take a gooa auto as part payment, price or land 10: per ocre. See Perrlne 4k Marsters, 402 Hubbard Bldg;.. phone 107. the ttpr. Hinv ttv BATTMrArrmji i will be found at Ingrey'a. A clean barber shop with barbers who know how. Ingrey'a. Barber Shop, 111 state street. FOR SALE TWO ELECTBJC PETA luma incubatora in cood condition Inquire at the Hoosier Restaurant, 242 State. . ELECTRIC-HYDUOPATHIC IN8TI tute. 327-29 Pittock block, Portland. Nurse - attendants. Electric cabinet and mineral baths. . Scientific mas sage. Open f to 7, Sunday 10 to 4 FOR SALE FORD TOURINO CAR IN first class condition. 1100 worth of extra eoulpment. a bargain. 1'none Dr. Byrd.etate hospital. EQUITT IN $60..100 SALEM INCOME for clear property, anywhere, not over 948.090. ..... IS acres close to Salem, for rqnch not over $4,000. Equity n 40 acre Idaho Irrigated farm for grocery stock anywhere, not over 12.500. 1 acre, lota of fruit, 6 room house, on car line. 22.000 easr terms. 1 f 15 acres. I acres bearing prunes. k loKinoernei, siriciiy moucrn new 4 room bungalow, .want grain ranch, might assume, price f 4,000. 12 acre peace orchard, close In to exchange for Seattle or Portland In , come, equity $9,500. , 30. 20. or 140 acres saw timber, with transportation facilities, to exchange. Income or residence, 7 acres with living water on the car line, close to Ralem... 12200. ,. 3283 contract at 7 per cent on Salem residence, by reliable party. ' J- monthly payments, for sale. ' . . acres with improvements. 8 "Cfveraam. for rent. 1-3 grain rent. 100 acre farm for rent. Want to 'secure 3700 at 7 rer cent on large prune and loganberry crop. 25 acres, '15 bearing prunes. 3 bear ing cherries, $6000 worth of modern Improvement. 1 mile from station. Catholic community, must sell, Mar lon count, Oregon. $12,500. Soco- WVr, J41 State street EMPLOYMENT FEMALE wanted lady to do general housework. Phone 1227. "WANTED MAID AT 375 NORTH Capitol. Only two In family, i Good alary. Wanted a woman to cook for J or eight people. Inquire of W. H. f'iF'n' - Oervals, Or., route No. $. vnuoe sr l. Wanted middle aged or el- f'y lady to do light house keep ,n5: Good home for the right party. 41 "H 49" Statesman or call Wanted refined indian girl i' .Private family. $5 per week. Jj&r.-tr""' Box J7' Oakland. SIALlf TEN Uni)t rtrsn .fc.r fi vTPri Be J. A. Mills. 320 State street. wanted kxpekienced graft- Ht Phone 100F21. Fruitland Nur- V VrIE?BRlaHT YOUNO MAN Br?n 17 .to M yw old to learn T Srlti'"r tr- y work. Apply SUtesman Job DepL. upsUlra. MALB $100 WILL HE OIVEN TO EACH OK sevt-ral schiolbys who will deliver copies of the Curtis publlcationa to customers. Only school boys -len, gentlemanly and ambitious need ap ply. $1.00 Is In addition to liberal cash profits and many other advant- 371 State street, Salem. Oregon. WANTED 100 MEN AT ONCE TO i 'earn the automobile and gas tractor business as we cannot get enough men to supply the positions is our rree employment department. Enroll now In a special six weeks' course 4t tV'nf V Hemphill's Trade i hPJ"' 10 Hawthorne ave., Port land, Oregon. PATRIOTIC W O It K E 1 tSA TT ENT I O N! HTItlKE CONTINUES BtiTyAlL. i y,HR- ALL DKPARTMTSJPAiyR VVL'1' MILLS OP Ef t ATIjl FULL. THREE SHIFTS "eKJHT lilMLJS.P.PAY WOR KERB NINE HOURS. $3.10 LOWEST WAOE CHANCES ADVANCEMENT GOOD. ROARD AND RED OREGON CITY TRIC CAR IORTLAND TO OREGON CITy HALF HOURLY 20c FARE. AP PLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE WEST iil2! .KiL-A R ;EPoD CEMEV-THE ) LITTI y.KtwjARBTIUK. i KHH- VAY KO ATTENTION TO i THEM. " " FOR SALE LIVESTOCK HORSE FOR SALE. PHONE 101F4. RIDING PONEY TOR SALE. 2310 W. i iobhlll street. , FRESH COW AND CALF, FOUR : years old, for sale. David Dunn. ; Fairvlew avenue. FOR SALE A THOROUGHI1RED MALE i Jersey hog not registered, one year f old. Phone IF11. 1. FOR SALE 1 POLAND CHINA BOAR,'. niMHrco, jiumson yt mue Mono County Farm. Phon e 41 fF4. MlaCELLAKEOUM liELGIAN HARES FOR SALE OR trade at' 190 South 24th. Phone 413 SMALL POTATOES SUITABLE FOR feed fifty cents per .sack at ware- house. Phono 717 or $51. Maogls i Bros. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send lOo to the Pacific ! Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a trial ; subsrip'Jon. Mention this ad. FOR SALE SEED WHEAT. A HEAVY team, harness ana wagon, a three Inch, wagon with double bed. and dry old lir wood. John H. Scott, dry ou 404 Hu bbi rd building. FOR SALE PAIR OF SIX YEAR OLD geldings, weight 2700. gentle and i true to pull either single or double. Also cne team gray horses and i harness. Price $0. Must be sold at once, owner going away. Call for the uowney team, zza center street Phone 927. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN OIRLS : This trt o story of western Imml mtlnn h is been carefully revised. making a handsome little book. It tells in srapmo terms or toe mas sacre of ''.he Oatman family, of the eecaoe of Lor en to. and the caotlvltr ef Mary and Olive. Mary died of saarvatien ana uiive was purcnasea from th Indiana five years later. The prlci is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Ortgon Teachers Monthly. Sa POOVTRT F(Jit SALE SINGLE COMU RHODE Island Red cockerels $2 to $5. Mrs; J. II. Wright, route 1 box St, Salem. IV YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper published, aend 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention tnis aq. FOR RENT A PA RTftf BCieTSv NICELY FURNISHED FOUR ROOM apartment .1047 South Commercial Mra. O. Ireton. IfocfiKi" ' Strictly modern ' room houue witn gooa sleeping porcn. t-rice rea sonable to permanent renter. Inquire 315 Chemeketa or phone 1947-M. rOR RENT THE FOLIOWINO . $10 Five-room modern cottage at 1$57 South Church street. $12.50 Six-room modern bouse on paved street at 1920 South High St. Call at Statesman bualnesa office or phono 533. paved street with garage. $12.60 per montn. m. a. nnoien, ypw FOR RENT MODERN BUNGALOW ono block from paved street. In South Salem. $10 per month. S3. A. Rhoten $4$ Rural Avenue. Phone 1141-J. FOR RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE electric lights, two lots, one garoon land, barn, clhcken park. Corner North Commercial and Gaines. $10 per month. Phone 2270-W. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: $6 partly modern five-room cot tage 1052 Saginaw. In good order. Foremerly rented for $10 a month. Call at 1042 Saginaw or Statesman business office. Phone 23. $12 Neat modern bungalow 6 rooms at 9S0 North 20th at. Call at Statesman business office or pnone 33. $17.50 Modern apartment. 74 Marlon street. Call at Statesman business office or phone 23. ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE KEEP Ing suite, 3 rooms at 633 Ferry street. FORi RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath. In modern home. Address A. B. care Statesman. FOR RENT WELL FURNISHED AND attractive housekeeping rooms, close in 641 Mill street. Mrs. Eugene Pres- cott. ; GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern conveniences, also In side rooms. Close to State House. 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1180. LOSJaid FOUND LOST LOST BUNCH OF KEYS. PHONE 21F1J. LOST A BUNCH OF KEYS. WITH haln. yesterday. Finder leave at Statesman office. ' "found FOUND GOLD BRACELET ON CENT er street last Monday. Inquire States man office. MISCELLANEOUS HI SINKS' OITUItTt .MTIKB UHIPHUIIJHNO COMPANY NOW OR ganlzlng. Wants few more partlea with money. Abundant lumber avail able not in conflict with present source of supply to yards, hence pref erence In securing contracts. Partic ulars. 702 Spauldlng Hldg;, Portland. Oregon. KXCIf AUh 5 PASSENGER CHALMERS CAR TO exchange for cows or young stotk. Phone 2009. MONET TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN: 1NXaRGEaN: small amounts over first class reel estate security. W. A. Listen. FARMERS IN LINN BENTON, LIN coin. Polk, Marion. Yamhill and Clackamas counties, Oregon, who are not accessible to other National Farm Loan Associations, may secure government farm loans through the two associations of which I am sec retary. A C. liohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple. Slm. Oregon. WANTED tflftCKLLANF.OfO WANTED TO BUY HOGS, FROM 60 to 75 pounds. Phone 37$. WANTED INCUBATOR, GOOD CON dition, Eugene I'. iTescott. WANTED A GOOD SIZED PARROT Cage. Phone 1513. WANTED A JERSEY OR GUENSERY bull, registered. Phone 63F4. WANTED TO BUY A RE RHODE Island Red hens or pullets. Phone 1141-J. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom. States man. ' , J- WANTED TO RENT 40 OR 00 ACRT-3 Improved ranch with tools, stock and half crop, experienced farmer, and Irrigator, address F. E. Pierce, Cheney, Wn. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SHTPPS AUTO SflRVlCE-CiTt AND country trips. Phone - Day. 933; night. 8B. "Tl RE"!it K tSl RTE D V UfTcXW I ZI NT" GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station 177. South Commercial BU. phone 423. QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanizing. 219 North Commercial street. Phone $$. HILEMAN MACHINERY AND TIRE Co. 611 verton Cord and Savage Tires. Vulcanizing and auto supplies. 391 North Commercial. Phone 787. BRACKETT it GRAY TUBES VUL canfsed, 25c. Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phono 1400. 279 North Commercial. WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes 36e up. Service car. Phone 348. 12C South Commercial street. PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. F. L. UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 404. Hvi oKach Ens" R HARR, TEACHER OF PL NO Phone 118$. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OK YOEMAN MEETS EVEKr WEDNESDAY EVE? lag in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at S o'clock. All visiting members wel come. Horace Sykes, Foreman, W. H. Prunk. Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODM EN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. (244, meets - every Thursday evening at 3 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V. C; J. A. Wright, clrek. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELITEIir BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER I ed any place, city or country. Phone 14 nr 0t-R W. W CMIHOk'KACTIo :hiropractic .ADJUSTMENTS re atore normal function. If you want results consult Dr. May, 305-0-7 Hubbard Bldg. pbone 527. DR. O. L. SCOTT, D. C GRADUATE OF P. 8. C. Chiropractica fountain bead, Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of dlseaae. Office ' 404-7-8, U. S. N. Bank Building. Phone 87. Residence H2-R fTNlSIiTPHYsIcifr DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWW disease.' IBS h. man t. t-none zsz, DftAYS'ANDEXPREsS SapTt aITcit y transfer company Phone 933. Salem's largeat and beat equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight ratea on eastern shipments., Also for storage aa we have three warehouses In connection with business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and atorlng our specialty. Office 181 South Commer cial street. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe. Prop., 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. 81 and 81-50. Work called for and delivered Cre Tel. Main . . JUNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let ut make yon a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co., 371 Chemeketa Street. Phone $98. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND band gooda. Highest market prices for Junk and aidea. Tbo . People's Junk and Secondhand Store 371 No ' Commercial. Phone 734. HAIR REWOTED CLEAN WHITE" HABPROVEN SUC : cesafuL Applied here or sold for bome use. Sanitary Beauty Par lore IIS Hnhhsrd Plda. nCXUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRl QUICK aelivery ana careiur worau urj wash 5c per pound. 188 South Lib erty St Pbone 26. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular waahing dene at a rate every bodv can afford. For only eixty-flvc cents we will collect wash and de liver your waahing within twenty tnnr fcmtra Pon 9471 Get Wise-Try a Classified Ad TOPATHY Dlt W. L. - MERCER, GRADUATE American School osteopathy, Klrks ville. Mo.; treata acute-and chronic disease. Office 404-40$ U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone Ml. Resi dence 419 North Summer. Pbone $14. ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. Graduate American School Osteopa thy, Klrksville. Mo. Sixteen yeara experience. Residence office 4b 4 South Commercial atreet. Post Grad uate work, Los Angeles College. Dre. H. D. Bowers A Alice C. Bowers. DRS. WHITE A WALTON, OSTEO pathlo physicians and surgeons. Graduatee of the American Schools of Osteopathy, Klrksville. Mo. Post- Jraduate and specialised in nervous Iseaaee at Los Angelee College. Treat acute and chronic dleeaaes. Offices 604-8-7-8. U. B. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 869. Residence, 1830 Court St Phone 2216. WrtSERlK: NORTHWESTERN NURSkRY AT State and 24th atreets choice rpses. ornamental and flowering shrubs, shade trees, budded holly, grafted Pranquette walnuts and ail kinds of fruit trees. Howard Jones, Pnoue 413. FRUITLAND NURSERY BALES YARD at Hign and Ferry. Call and aee stock and get prices before purchas ing elswhere. Everbearing atraw berry plants. - PIANO TUNING G. E. MAST, EXPERT TUNING, cleaning, repairing and regulating. All work guaranteed.. 1446 Hall street or care I of Sherman Clay 4k Co.. Court street, phone 1163-J. TiKiAm"siioi'f THE Fl-XlT SHOP. 21 COURT street We do all kinds of light filing, grindljkg and brazing. Bicycle work a specialty. Stoves and furn- nrrm repaired. Phone 1022. TEC4NDHnATfDSdDf WE BUY AND BELL SECOND HAND goods of alL kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collai peda, tools, chains. Fred Behiadler. 36 Center Street TRANSFER HATJLINO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND of hauling. uoueeno4 moving Joba done prompt ly. Try me once. Tim me. 476 State St Phono 98$, Reeldenoe phone 11H-J. UNDERTAKERS WEBB A CLOUGH C. B.W EBB, A. M. Clough, funeral' directors. Latest modern methods known to tbo pro fession. -47 Court street . Depot Natlosuil A Asserlena Fence, 11 alaee. SO la. te Xg isu aish. Palate, Oils and Varmlaaw Stoves neballt and Repaired Legs afcerry a ad Hop Hooka. Haiesa Feneo 4 Stove Worse. 354) Ceart St Paeno 1S4 It It. FEMIVfl, wall pAyfcsv paint GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC corating. painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc Work done by contract or day; good workman. Location 1020 Center St Phono 686-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at tiurtni r urn i lure Biore ss wn' , merclal Sti SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper ana Picture training, uooa workmen. 466 Court St Phono 436. "WATER" iiTLEiarWATER CO. OFFICE. 801 S. Commercial street For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions In bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from premises. Hereafter water for irrigation will only be furniahed to regular customers using water for domestic purposes, con tractors for eldewalks. brick work. or nlaatertna. will nlease read fo? building purposes" under schedule of rates. Apply st wrrice ror copy. WHEY For Feeding Hogs Can be had at the Marion Creamery Call or Telephone 2488 SALEM MARKETS BUYING PRICE Eggs suid Poultry. Eggs, 36c. Old roosters, 1314. Stags, 16 Q 18c. Pork, Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot, 14 15 He. Ewes, 5 9c. Veal, dressed. 1417UC Spring lamb, 13c. Beef steers, 79c; cows48c. Bulls, 4 6c. Hay. Cheat, per ton, $20. Clover, per ton, $18. Vetch, per ton, $20. Grain. Wheat. $1.85 01.87. Oats, 96c. Beans, 89c. Mill Feeds, RetaiL Bran, per ton, $36.00. Shorts, per ton. 838. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Country butter, 46c. Creamery prints, 53c. Butterfat, f. . b. Salem, 64c. Flsu. Steelheads. 25c. Salmon, Chinook. 30c. Vegetablea. Lettuce, crate, 82.50. Celery, 75c 90c. j Nebr. rice corn, 11c Tomatoes, California. 82.75. BroccolU $1.751b$1.85. Onions, $2 02.50. Cabbage, 2c String garlic, 8c. Potatoes, 81-25. Turnips, sack, 81. N nta Almonds, 23c. Walnuts (No. 1) 24c. Walnuts (No. 2) 20c Peanuts, raw, 17c Cocoanuta, dozen 81.20. Fruits. Grapefruit; 86. Pears, 11.50. REAL ESTATE FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED AT once. Nlemeyer Realty, 644 State street. I'hone 1000. HALF SECTION IN MANITOBA TO exchange for good house In city. Nlemeyer, Really. 644 State street FOR SALE THE A. J. PURVIS' ?lace In Spring valley. Enquire, Mrs. X T; Prescott. 641 Mill or Mrs. J. A. Remington, phone 1481-J. FOR SALE 13 ACRE FRUIT ranch. 7 room Bouse, barns, 3 hen houses. Would consider trade for smaller place In Salem or near Salem. Phone 41F11 or aee owner, T. E. Nunncmaker, route 2, box 68. I have a 6 acre place close In with good Improvements. Old people want a small house' and lot in part pay time on balance at 83000. See iW ill lam Fleming. 341 State atreet ! MAKE YOUR FORTUNE WITH .wheat at 82.50 in Sunny Alberta. Railroad land one tenth down bal ance over 30 years. 83000 loans for stock and Improvements. Free liter ature. Nlemeyer Realty, 644 State atreet A OOOD BUY 26x88 FEET ON EAST aide Commercial atreet. one door north of State atreet Salem, togeth er with perpetual right of way. over the 14x50 ft feet tract exteodingfrom this property to State street Terms Apply Scott Boxorth. 701-3 Spauldlng bldg.. Portland. Oregon. FOR! SALE MY HOME FARM 105 acres on garden road two miles east of Salem, black loam, soil well tiled, two large frame barna fair dwelling, wind mill and tower; other build ings and all In crop. Wilt sell and give Immediate possession or will retain crop and aell for $2000 leos. Price $22,500. Geo. Swegle, Salem. BARGAINS-? IX ROOM HOUSE $450. Bungalow on paved street $1250. S aeries on car line $1250. 10 acre bottom land $1200. 40 acres bottom land improved $.2750. CO acres bot tom land $3500. Acreage 40 acre fruit ranch well Improved $150 per acre. 40 acres for rent 6 room bung alow for rent Money to loan. Ford fori sale. F. L Wood, Bayne, Bldg. WILL TRADE 3; GOOD LOTS. VALUE $1300 for $4000 modern house, close In and pay cash difference. Have fine Canada half section to trade for modern house. Canada lands to trade for Oregon acreage. Good city property wanted to trade for' acreage. $5000 wanted on good security. Nlemeyer Realty Co., 644 State atreet phone 1000. I CAN GET YOU A LOAN ON ANY kind of security. Have $ per cent money on good sound security. I! have some splendid bargains to offer In city property, also a choice IS acre tract well Improved for aale. fori 33000 on terms. Have SO acre farm for sale for 875 per acre. Will take aome city property for first payment If price la right John IL Scott. 404 Hubbard building. A BtO BARGAIN, A GOOD 5 ROOM house and two lota In Highland, for 81100, modern, and basement plaster ed house well finished. Some fruit Sold for nearly double 4 yeara ago, terms no trade. -- y to acrea near Flnier station, beau tiful place, all In frnlt except $ acres fine pasture and wood, price $3500, good bouse and barn, and waters easy payments, and might take a lit'le trade. Come and aee me on -this. William Fleming. $41 State street 160 I ACRE FARM. HOUSE. BARN, orchard. 80 acres plow land, balance timber and pasture, running water, price $6000. 1 $20 acres farm, 100 acres cultivat ed, balance timber and pasture, spring, house, barn, orchard, price $40 per acre, i - Improved 35 acre farm, all cultivat ed, good house, barn, orchard, rock road, price $6000. 148 acres of land. 110 acres culti vated. balance pasture. running water, thla la first class land, price $15 per acre. Improved 6 room house, barn, well, rock road, price $1000. If you want to buy trade or aell. see us. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co., 27$ State street - LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acres of choice Polk coun ty land; about 80 acres clear; about 80 acree In atump pasture; balance la choice t piling timber and oak grubs. Timber alone worth $7600. New four room house, new dairy barn, providing for 30 cows and four horses; new pig pen and new milk bouse. Water piped from: fine eprlng to all eulldmgs. Will sell the whole at a great bargain Very easy terms, $ par cent Intereet Address L., owner, care Th Statesman. Oranges. $4.6006. Bananas, (He, Apples. $1.25 01.75. Dromedary dates, 84.75. Honey (Idaho) 84.60. Lemons, $6.50 07.60. ! Retail Prices. Creamery butter, 60c. Eggs, 45c. Flour, bard wheat 82.80 3. Flour, valley. $2. 50 02.60. Sugar, cane and beet, 111b. $1. Potatoes, sack lots, 81-50. PORTLAND MARKETS I : r i PORTLAND. Feb. 27. Butter: Prints, extras. 5253c; cubes, tr trad 48 He; prime firtts, 48c; dairy. 32034. Butterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream, 55c Potatoes. N Potatoes: Buying price Locals 85c0$l; selling price, $1.05 01.25. j iraln. Grain, 30-day options (Bids) Oats, No. 2.. 869.50; barley, feed. 869; brewing. 872. .Western oats and corn in bulk: (Bids) Oats, No. 3 white. 865; 38 pound clipped, 866; corn, No. 3 yellow, 869; No. 3 mixed, 868; ats No. 3. 865; clipped; 866; corn, yel low, 869; mixed, 868; March, kiln dry, 870.50. Car Iteplcta Today's car receipts: Barley, 1; flour, 8; oats, 6; hay, 14. Cattle. I Cattle, steady; receipts 365. Med ium to choice steers, 810.35011; good to medium steers, 89.35 010.36 common to good stears, 880S-.4O; choice cows and heifers, 88 010; common to good cows and heifer. 86.7508.15; canners, 24.25 06.2 5; bulls. 85 0 8; calves. 87.50012; stockers and feeder steers, 86 0 9.50. Hogs, steady: receipts, 472. Prime light, 816.85017; prime heavy. 816.- 60016.85; pigs, $14015; bulk or sales, 816.50. Sheep, steady; receipts, 625. West- THINGS THAT YJILL VOU SA6H NAME. TO! THIS LIST WP WAfiT TO PlW- HANDSOME LOVIN6 rjOK 1HE UMPIRE ami 2 Copyright. ern lambs. 815.15.60; valley lambs, 814.50015; yearlings. 813 013.50; wethers. 812.50 013; ewes, 91J. Shorn sheep 2 He to 3c under quotations. ; - , Grain Values Harden j as Peace Talk Stops A. . -.j CHICAGO, Feb. 27. Hardening of grain values today accompanied cessation of peace gossip. Corn closed steady at a net advance of a shade, with March 81.27 3-4 and May 31.26 7-8 to $1.27. Oats gained 3-8 to l-2e. Provisions finished 20 to 27e. down. Values were strengthened by no tice from tbe directors of tbe ex change that further trading in the February delivery Aad been prohib ited and that settlement would have to be made at tbe maximum price al lowed for futures, 81.28 a busheL Likelihood of a falling off in re ceipts tended to stimulate demand for oats. It was said producers and railroads were both' giving prefer ence to the handling of corn. ; Sharp breaks in the price of bogs weakened provisions.. Much selling was alio caused by a report that tbe government allotment of March eon tracts had been ot less volume than expected. SPECIAL STOCK ISSUES ACTIVE Utilities Move Faster Than Usual; Iron and Steel Industry Gains New- York, Feb. 27. Aided by several increased dividends and stimulated by pools and related pro fessional interests, today's stock markets augment recent advances in a number of special issues. Continental Can directors Increas ed the common dividend from 5 to 6 per cent annually and Chandler Motors was advanced from 8 to 12 per cent basis. Intimations that other industrial companies are con templating similar action were cred ited because of recent large returns. Additional factors of favorable im portance Included the Improved state of the Iron and steel Industry, as In dicated by the marked increase of capacity reported by the United States Steel corporation and advices from Mexico which gave Impetus to the oil division. Transcontinentals and coalers were the . foremost ; features of the railway division at gains of one to two points, minor issues, such as Missouri Pacific preferred, Wa bashes and Erles also responding to a moderate inquiry. Utilities were more active than usual, interest centering In People's Gas, Consolidated Gas and Ameri can Telephone. Motors and To baccos were heavy at "all times, the latter yielding two to five points in connection with proposed stock issues." United States Steel's sharp reac tion with coppers brought some ir regularity in the last hour, leaders forfeiting one to two points Steels closed at a net loss of 1 1-4 polnta. Total sales amounted to. 725,000 shares. i Bonds were irregular,, speculative rails shoiwng heaviness. Liberty is sues also eased. Total sales, par value, aggregated 34,050,000. Old United States 3's declined 1-4 per cent on call, but the several Pan ama issues 1-4 to 1 per cent. TESTING IT. An old lady from the country went recently to a State street store and began examining a piece of calico. She pulled It this way and that, held it up to the light in different posi tions, wetted a corner and rubbed it between her fingers, trying if the colors were good. ' 'Then she paused a while, seemingly hot entirely sat isfied. At, last 'she cut off a piece with a pair of scissors she bad dan gling at her f.Ide. and handing ft to a tall, gawky looking girl of 16. standing beside her. said: , "Here, Liny Jane, you take an chew that, an' see if it fades." Chicago Herald. . 4LiJS'ysjeer"' NEVER HAPPEN OU7n) SURE. I VJtLL lVLW A UMDlQr risir CUP RUULAp; fCUCR vi v1 ZeUT3i U.S. WILL USE SPANISH ROAD System to Be Rehabilitated to Carry Supplies of General ! Pershing WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Reha bilitation of . the Spanish railroad system is planned by the United States - to make possible the ship ment of large quantities of supplies from Spain to General : Pershing's forces in France . An offer "of American railway ma terials has been made as part of tbo negotiations the United States Is con ducting to induce; Spain to lift her fmbsjrgo against the shipment of goods in France, placed, according to the Spanish government, because of the broken down condition of ber roads. - -A final arrangement has not been signed, but Spain has been notified that all Spanish ships held in Amer ican ports may sail ar soon as they -discharge the parts f the cargoes., for which licenses have been with held.. There are now in American; ports six Spanish stealers and half as many sailing ships. The -' American government has asked for the use of considerable Spanish tonnage on terms similar to those accepted by northern European neutrals. This tonnage would be paid for at a high rate and for the ' most part would be used in tbe non bazardous trades. - Tbe war trade board's plan for re' duclng Imports calls for a consider able cut in the Importation of Span ish products and tbe United States exports to Spain also will be limited. This, officials think, would release a number of Spanish ships. . Gi ViiswTrrV CUstifiVJ Ad Tlll$ T ABIES dSOUTHKRW PACiriO CO. " i Nerthe-eeag So. 18 Oregon Express ..... 6:0$ am. No.' 44 Oregon Ian , 8:18 a.m. , No. 28 Willamette Limited.. 8:10a.m. No. i 18 Portland Passenger.. 1:15pm, No. : J4 Coos Bar ........... 8:44 p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited 7:00 p.m. No, 14 Portland Express .... 8:10pm. No. $18 Local Way Freight.. 8:00 a.m. No. 828 Portland est Prelgbt 11:88 pro. , entbae4l No. 88 Oregon tan .......... 1:1 am. No. 18 Cooe Bay ........... .10:01 a.m. No. 18 California Express ..10:88 a.m. No. 17 Roseburr Passenger. 4:20 p.m. No. 11 Phasta Limited ..... 8:41 p. m, No 27 Willamette Limited.. 8:10p.m. No. 11 Ran Francisco Pass.. .10.87 p.m. No. 281 Ban Fran. Ysst FrU.. .18:01 a.n. No. 227 Local Way freight. ,11:01 a.m. At.EIf-GP.Kn LXNB . : - J No, 7$ Arrive at Salem..... 8:18a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem......... 8:08p.m. SALEM. PALLS "ciTY A WESTEHN ; 141 Leaves. Halem, motor .... 7:04a.m. 142 Leaves Kalero. motor,.., 8:14a.m. 188 Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:4 8 p.m. Through ear to Monmouth and Arlle 147 Leaves Salem, motor .... 8:48p.m. 148 Ieaves Salem, motor..... 8:87p.m. 239 Way Freight leaves Salem 8:04 a.m. 142 Arrives at Salem ........ 8:20a.m. IC4 Arrlvea at Salem ........11:00a.m. lf Arrives at Salem ........ 8:00 p.m. 148 Arrlvea net Salem ........ 4:14 p.m. 170 Arrives a Salem ........ 7:20p.m. 240 -Way Freijght Ar. Salem.. 8:80 p.m. OHK0O1V KLECTItlC f-gontaaend . Train Learo Arrive Arrive No. Portland Salem' Eugene 1 ..... 8:20am 8:28 am 10:4 am 8 Ltd. ..8:30 am 10:11am 12:28 pm 7... .10:44 am 14:B4 pm ......2:05 pm 4:11pm 8:88 pm 13 Ltd. .. 4:40 pm. 8:40 pm 8:60 pm 17 ......8:05 pra 8:10 pm Salem only 18 ......8:20 pro 11:20 pm Balem only 21 .... .11:44 pro 1:44 am 4: SO am North Bank Station leave Jeffer son Street 18 and 20 mlnutea later.) Nertkkeand Train . Leave Arrive Arrive "Portland 8:40 am . 1:11am 11:36 am 1:15 pra 4:00 pm 6:48 pm 74A tm No. Eugene 2 v .12:0$ am 10 Ltd.'.. 7:4 8 am 12 ..... 14 .....11:15am 18 Ltd... 1:88 pm 20 ....4:18 pm Salem 4:26 am 7:16 am 9:46 am 11:20 am 1:50 pm 4:00 pm 8:30 pm 12 ......:zpm 10:00 pm ..... ..wwf... w w son' Street 16 mlnutea earlier). Leave Corvallia. 'COR TALI. IS CONNECTIONS Nertaaennd, Leave Corvallia Arrive! Salem: 8:25 am 9:45 am s 12:12 pm 1:60 am .1:41 pra 4:00 pra " 4:10 pra 8:80 pro 6:18 pm 7:68 pm Sentkkenad - Leave Salem Arrive Corvallia 8:35 am . 8:57 am 10:16 am ,' 11:82 am 12:86 pra i 2:20 pm lUnm S:14 nm :40 pm s:ss pm i .1 n..1 j'lKt'.ii i i r 4f i ... y